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By Dr. Edgardo Musi

What is tachyon?

A tachyon (from the Greek takhys, which means "fast") is any hypothetical particle that
travels at superluminal speed. The first description of the tachyons is attributed to the
German physicist Arnold Sommerfeld, but it was George Sudarshan in the 1960s who
advanced a theoretical framework for his study. The tachyons have been referred to in
different contexts, such as "string theory."

Tachyons are subatomic particles that travel faster than light. They are particles that
transmit to physical matter, the "spiritual light." The energy of the tachyon harmonizes
and animates the energy matrix that shapes all the matter and, therefore, also our
mental, emotional, etheric and physical bodies. All this greatly affects our physical
health and well-being. They also harmonize all electromagnetic emissions, and are an
excellent protection against all forms of electromagnetic pollution.
Stimulation of physical matter with tachyon energy permanently changes the quantum
properties of the atomic nuclei that make up that matter. Although the chemical
composition is not altered, the change occurs at a subatomic level. Because the entropy
(disorder) of physical matter decreases, it can slow the aging process and strengthen the
immune system.

The scientific theory of tachyon

Tachyon is a scientific theory that was first proposed by Einstein. Tachyon remains a
theory because it cannot be seen or measured, but it can be felt. In the scientific world,
Tachyon refers to massive imaginary fields and has come to play an important role in
modern physics. Tachyon is a particle that moves faster than the speed of light, which is
why it is so difficult to measure tachyon. Today's scientists do not have tools advanced
enough to measure a particle like Tachyon. Measuring the Higgs Boson particle costs $
13.25 billion, and the Tachyon is much harder to measure due to its speed. Many
believe that the pyramids in Egypt and other parts of the world were built to take
advantage of the Tachyon. The Tachyon is not man-made, it has always existed, and we
have created a name for it and ways to harness its energy. Like Quantum Physics,
Tachyon will remain a theory until Western science can reach these particles faster than

What is Zero Point energy?

According to quantum physics, the material universe is nothing but a very dense form of
energy. Everything that exists in this universe, from the most subtle and refined realms
of energy structures, to the densest realms of matter, is aligned in "a continuum of
energy." Energy flows constantly from these highly refined subtle realms, starting from
the causal or super causal world as mentioned in the teachings of Yoga and advancing
through the astral, etheric, electromagnetic levels and finally to the material realm of

Everything that exists on Earth exists within its own Energy Continuous, our bodies are
a perfect example. In addition to the material, physical body that we perceive with our
senses, we have several other layers of energy bodies. Through all these layers of
energy, an Energy Continuous flows from the highest and most refined subtle bodies to
the material body. The energy that flows through the Energy Continuous comes from a
source. In India, it is called "the Divine Mother." Christianity calls it "the Holy Spirit,"
and in many modern spiritual teachings of the New Age it is called "Cosmic Energy."
Modern physics calls it "Zero Point Energy", Free Energy.

At this point, it is important to understand that Zero Point Energy should not be
confused with a particular form of energy, such as etheric or astral energy. Zero Point
Energy has no form. It is the source of everything. All the realms of subtle energies are
only parts of the Energy Continuous.

Formless, faster than the speed of light and ubiquitous, Zero Point Energy is infinitely
intelligent and contains everything needed to create a perfect shape. It has no spin,
frequency or oscillation. It has no heaviness pull

Albert Einstein says: "Everything is energy and that is all. Combine the frequency of
reality that you want, and you cannot avoid obtaining that reality."

Nikola Tesla says:

"If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and

Taquión energy is the first energy structure that arises from Zero Point Energy without
structure and without form. Like Zero Point energy, the Tachyon is not limited to a
certain frequency. The tachyon cannot be measured in the Hertz frequency spectrum. It
is not a certain type of energy. Rather, it includes all the energy potential within itself.
Its qualities are very similar to Zero Point Energy, varying only in that it is a structured

In itself, the Tachyon has stored all the potential necessary to create a perfect Energy
Continuum in each individual form we know.

The condensation of the Zero Point Field in Tachyon begins in a continuous flow of
energy called "Continuous Energy." Without form or vibration and moving beyond the
speed of light, this flow of energy contracts in the tachyons when it moves down in a
vertical current toward the speed of light. At the point of the speed of light, the Energy
Continuous interacts with the Subtle Organizing Energy Fields (SOEF) and begins to
create the energy matrix from which all physical forms are structured. Because its
source is Zero Point Energy, the Energy Continuous contains all the potential and
intelligence. Simply put, the Energy Continuous flows from infinite expansion without
form to finite contraction of form.

SOEF converts tachyons into the frequency required to maintain the balance of the
system or subsystems that the SOEF holds together. SOEFs are harmonizing or
decaying their substructure at all times. Everything has a SOEF. A SOEF is a little
conscience. This creates the balance of the material universe.

From the beginning, life as we know it revolves within the SOEF. The sperm and the
ovule have their own SOEF. When these two SOEFs combine in an evolution of a new
SOEF, something magical happens. This new SOEF knows everything about the way
He is creating: height, eye color, constitution, sex, everything. And so the process of
creating a new human form is established. SOEFs are the key to our world of form.

SOEFs convert Tachyon into the frequency of the form or subform of the SOEF.
Energize the SOEF and healing or balance will manifest. The SOEF is an intelligent
consciousness, and knows what vibrational frequency the body needs.

Once the Energy Continuous is understood, we can understand the effects of blockages
within the flow of energy through the continuum. With this understanding, we have the
ability to realign ourselves with our natural state of harmony and health. Opening
ourselves to the flow of the Energy Continuous as it travels from Zero Point Field
through the Taquion to the Subtle Organizing Energy Fields (SOEF), our being is
energized and restructured so that we can create a “negative entropy” (order) or anti-
The disease occurs when a blockage is generated within our individual energy
continuum. It makes sense, then, that we must eliminate the blockages to restore the
vertical alignment of our Energy Continuum. In essence, a blockage is defined as a
disorder or chaos in the Energy Continuum that causes an energy deficiency. These
blockages in the continuum are in the form of particular frequencies that ultimately
create disorder (positive entropy) or disease in the physical body The Tachyon, because
it is the energy source particle that organizes and energizes the Subtle Organizing
Energy Fields (SOEF), offers the potential to restore harmonious healing frequencies.
By creating a negative entropy effect (order), the Tachyon organizes the disorganized.
Realign and restore the Subtle Organizing Energy Fields (SOEF) to their natural state of
order and balance, thus creating a state of health.

For example, if someone has experienced emotional stress and continues to go through
life without any release or balance, there will be a blockage of energy in the emotional
body of that human being. This blockage in the natural flow of energy (Continuous
Energy) in turn will cause a deficiency of energy between the emotional body and a
part of the physical body.
Let's say the blockage is causing a deficiency in the lower lumbar area of the back. This
person may begin to experience lower back pain. If the stress continues, the situation
can develop into severe back pain, disc rupture problems or even degenerative disc

Each time part of the Energy Continuum is blocked, the organ or system that remains in
a deficient energy state will eventually succumb to one of the many degenerative
diseases of this world.
When focusing on the specific deficient area, the Tachon reorganizes and energizes the
interrupted Subtle Organizing Energy Fields (SOEF), thus allowing blockages to
dissipate. The body is able to reconnect to its energy continuum when the blockage is
Connecting to the Energy Continuous means increasing the flow of energy from the
source of life - Zero Point Energy. As co-creators in our state of health, once we
increase the flow of Tachyon energy, we can free ourselves from emotional stress.

In itself, tachyon is not a frequency; However, it contains the potential of all

frequencies. It is important to understand this due to the confusion surrounding the
various frequency and energy therapies that some holistic healers use. Once it is
understood that the Tachyon, which is the first zero-point energy particle without form,
is the source of all frequencies, it is easy to place the Tachyon in the energy spectrum.
All frequencies, such as photon, orgone or light waves, can become coherent and
balanced when Tachyon is used to energize Subtle Organizing Energy Fields (SOEF).
Through the Energy Continuum, the Taquión interacts with the Subtle Organizing
Energy Fields (SOEF), which absorb the potential to energize them and strengthen their
frequencies. The Energy Continuous applies to everything we know in our existence.

The Subtle Organizing Energy Fields (SOEF).

This term, coined by Dr. Gabriel Cousens MD, in his book 'Spiritual Nutrition and the
Rainbow Diet', describes an energy theory of nutrition that states that our physical
bodies are based on organized energy fields (SOEF ). When balanced, organized and
functioning to the fullest, the body is in a state known as negative entropy or "health-
harmony-order." When he is disorganized, he slips into a state of chaos known as
positive entropy; The most radical example is the production of cancer cells. If a SOEF
is blocked or depleted, the flow of life force energy through the Energy Continuous
becomes deficient. But SOEF can be energized. Our body naturally does this through
the etheric body (chakras), oxygen, sunlight, water and food. However, when those
sources run out of Tachyon energy, this can
have a negative impact on our lives and may appear as symptoms such as pain, fatigue
and illness.
The basic principles of Tachyon Healing are:
1- The energy of the Tachyon is the source of all frequencies.
2- The energy of the Tachyon is not a frequency.
3- Taquión energy directly energizes the Subtle Organizing Energy Field
(SOEF), while frequencies do not.
4- Taquión contains the full potential of our energy continuum.
5- This integrity causes the effects of energy healing treatment.

Tachyon be universal. Tachyon energy can only create order in the system, as it
reorganizes and restructures SOEFs.
Since Tachyon energy is not a frequency, we do not need to be careful when we apply
it, since it cannot unbalance our body. The body takes what is needed at any particular
time to heal and restore balance to the body. When enabled by tachyon, the body
produces its own healing effects. Tachyon energy is simply the natural catalyst of this
self-healing process.
Tachionized materials are "permanent antennas", which can concentrate and radiate
Tachyon energy. With this energy, the entire complex of subtle and physical levels of
the energy continuum can receive access to all the potential needed for self-healing. For
each energy obstruction, lack of harmony, energy deficiency or lack of order in our
main body complex, we can find the right solution through the energy Tachyon. Since
the main body complex itself decides what kind of effects it allows, the results of the
application of the Tachyon energy are always positive. It is possible to apply the
Tachyon energy to the energy system of the human being, and that in the first stage of
the process of rearranging these internal energy fields, a mild detoxification state
occurs. We must remember that Tachyon energy creates order from disorder, therefore,
harmful effects are not possible.
Tachyon energy has the potential to provide all people with the state of balance they
require for optimal health and greater longevity. In clinical trials, when people, animals
and plants use Tachyon energy, regenerative changes are constantly observed.
The last source of unlimited energy is now available to everyone, to increase energy and
vitality, reduce stress naturally without side effects and return the body, mind and spirit
to a state of natural balance.

The Tachyon Chamber is a place where the energy of Tachyon is concentrated in such a
way that it produces an energy field of the highest vibratory level. The tachyons are
faster than the particles of light, and have a profound effect on the physical body, on the
field of vital energy, on emotions, as well as on the mental and spiritual structure of a
person. The tachyon works directly at the DNA level repairing the body structure.
Our Tachyon Chamber is unique worldwide due to the high amounts of tachyonic
energy concentrated inside the chamber, and also by the use of different elements that
enhance this energy, such as the use of Sacred geometry, chromotherapy (use of light in
its different vibratory frequencies), and music therapy. A healing session within the
Chamber of Tachyon takes 20 minutes and has irreversible positive effects on all
aspects of our being.
The Tachyon Chamber is custom made according to its specifications and can be used
as the most advanced technology for Spas and Medical Centers.

A TACHYON CHAMBER neutralizes and harmonizes the negative effects of harmful

electromagnetic fields in and around our bodies.
Advantages of being inside a TACHYON CHAMBER
Below are some of the benefits of being inside a tachyonic chamber.
• Reduces pain and tiredness symptoms.
• Stimulates natural healing of the body, the process occurs much more
• Restores energy in muscle, circulatory, nervous, lymphatic tissues,
respiratory, endocrine, digestive, urinary, reproductive, and other organs.
Several sessions may be necessary for more serious imbalances.
• Increases memory and mental concentration.
• Produces a gentle detoxification of the body.
• All energy channels of the patient's vital body are unlocked,
restoring the free flow of light on a physical, emotional and mental level.
• Deep relaxation is generated.
• Dissolves discordant energy patterns (emotional-mental blocks).
• Charges the body with negative ions, energy that stimulates harmony and
Physical Health.
Can the tachyon chamber produce adverse effects?
Occasionally, there may be a slight detoxification within the physical and / or emotional
body. These side effects pass quickly whenever you drink enough water and rest.
Tachyon Energy has different effects on each person. The answer is very individual.
Some find that Tachyon energy gives them a deeper sleep. Another person may find that
the tachyon invigorates his mind and may find it harder to fall asleep (insomnia). This is
just a sign that toxins are rapidly leaving your body.
Since each person is so different, the Tachyon works completely individually to achieve
the best state of harmony.
For most people, there are no side effects that are not a wonderful feeling of well-being.
However, for those who may be more sensitive to energy and the deepest detoxification
needs, we suggest drinking fresh water after each session in the Tachyon Chamber. This
will help the body eliminate any toxins that are released.
We find that those who are ultra sensitive, or those who are perhaps in a state of chronic
disease, may experience some mild detoxifying effects a little more than those in good
health. If you find it a bit uncomfortable, simply start slowly with your exposure to high
energy fields. Remember, that Tachyon energy is harmonizing physical emotional and
mental imbalances, everything is being readjusted in a positive harmonic field. You will
soon discover that your body will adjust quickly and begin to "want" the tachyon. You
may want to bring some Taquión energy products to your home after the session to
continue your recovery process.
Being in a tachyonic chamber gives your body a full recharge of the incredible energy
from head to toe. You will feel the powerful energy flowing through every cell of your
body. You will experience deep relaxation and perceive how this incredible conscious
energy works with you in the balance of all body systems. You will experience the
energy of tachyons like never before.


We have had many questions about the tachyonic chamber. Below are some of the
answers to help you understand more about the Tachyon energy process.

What is the tachyonic chamber?

The Tachyon Chamber is a special device, which concentrates cosmic tachyonic energy,
generating an energy field that helps humanity restore its state of inner harmony, and
raise consciousness to higher dimensions of manifestation. Stimulates healing, health,
general well-being and spiritual development of the human being.
The Tachyonic field also extends down into the earth, thereby flooding the earth's
structure with Tachyons, aiding in the Ascension of this Planet.

What are the benefits associated with using and being in the tachyonic chamber?
The benefits of using and being in the tachyonic chamber are extensive. We have listed
only some of them here:
1. Restores the energy of the chakras and the etheric plot of the body, restoring the
perfect balance.
2. Accelerates the body's ability to heal from illness or discomfort.
3. It helps to clear the emotional, mental and spiritual fields of the present and future
4. Quickly accelerates spiritual development and can open spiritual channels (activates
brain cells at the level of the pineal gland - Third eye).
5. Increase spiritual and psychic awareness.
6. The tachyonic energy accesses all the blockages, or conscious or unconscious mental
and / or emotional inhibitions, to release them gently.
8. Help the body in the detoxification process.
9. The tachyonic chamber helps raise physical vibration to a much higher state.
10. Eliminates all energy that produces resistance to healing, manifesting itself in the
patient's acceptance and desire to restore health.
11. Activates the DNA at the cellular level, stimulating the general restoration of the
12. Improves brain function. Mental clarity Concentration. Creativity. 13. Improves
14. Increase the absorption of vitamins and minerals.
15. Increases endurance and physical energy.
16. Spiritually it favors the connection with the inner Divine essence.

Why are tachyon energy products a good choice among general wellness products?
Taquión products are among the most effective means to improve our quality of life,
eliminating the physical causes of many diseases and imbalances in our bodies.
Tachyon products cannot be misused, and they go well with other wellness products.
Since tachyons also influence our physical body and our higher energy bodies, they
improve our well-being and dramatically accelerate our spiritual growth.
What is the "tachyonization process"?
The tachyonization restructures certain natural materials at the submolecular level,
creating a “permanent tachyons antenna” that can attract and radiate the energy of the
The products to be tachyonic are placed in a special device for a certain period of time
(usually 14 days). After that time, the internal structure of the material is modified, and
the information can be transferred permanently to the product. The change in structure
and the information printed on it cause each product to be tachyonized and act as an
antenna for the "Free Energy".
Once a material has been tachyonized, the rich flow of energy from the tachyon through
the material will maintain the molecular alignment of the material permanently. The
material will still look like the original material, but now it is a permanent tachyon
energy antenna. Tachionized materials should never be sent for rechecking. Once the
fourteen day process is completed, tachyonic materials are permanent antennas that will
serve many generations.

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