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a) Capital letters
Capital letters or are letters that are special size and shape (larger than regular
letters),usually used as the first letter of the firs word in a sentence, firdt letter of self-name
and so on, the use of capital letters must be in accordance with the general guidelines for
Indonesian spelling wich is enhanced.
Use of Capital Letters and Example:
1. A Capital letter is used as the first letter of the word at the begimming of a sentence.
- He cries
- What is he doing
2. Capital letters are used as the first letters of direct oassage.
For example:
- They younger vrother asked, “When are we going on a trip.”
- The day after tomorrow, “ said Mother, “uncle is leaving.
3. Capital letters are used as the first letter in expressions related to the name God and
scripture, including the pronoun gor God.
- Allah of Islam
- Almighty
- Qur’an
- God will show His servants the right way
4. Capital letters are used as the first letters of names of honorific, descent, and religious
titles followed by people’s names.
- Sultan Hasanuddin
- Nabi Ibrahim
- Haji Samsul
Capital letters are used as the first letter of names of honorofic, descent, and
religious titles thet are not followed by people’s names.
For example:
- This year my father will go on the piligrimage.
5. Capital letters are used as the first letter of the element name of position an rank,
followed by the name of the person or wich is used as a substitute for name of a certain
person, the name of the institution, or the name of the place.
For example:
- President Seokarno
- Governor of Aceh
- Prime Minister of Iran
Capital letters are not used as the firs letter of the name of the position and rank,
wich are not followed by the name of the person or the name of the place
- What is the name of the newly appointed governor?
6. Capital letters are used as the first letter of elements of people’s names.
- Amir Nasution
- Anisa Subandono
Capital letters are not used as the first letter of the person’s name wich is used as
the name of the type or unit of measure.
For example:
- 3 Amperes
- 10 Volt
7. Capital letters are used as the first letters of the name of nation, tribe nation and
- Indonesian nation Indonesian
- the Sundanese people of the Indonesian state
Capital letters are not used as the first letters of the names of nations, tribes and
languages which are used as the basic from of derived words.
For example
- Indonesianize freign languages
- Englis
8. Capital letters are used as the first letters of the names of years, months, days, holidays
and masjor events
- August
- Eid al Fitri
- World War II har
Capital letters are not used as the first letters of historical events that are not
used names.
- The arms race carries the risk of world war
9. Capital letters are used as the first letters of geographic names.
For example:
- Southeast Asia
- Baliem Valley
Capital letters are not used as the first letter of geographic terms that are not an
element of personal names.
For example:
- Sail to the bay
- Shower at times
Capital letters are not used as the first letter of geographic names that are used
as species names.
- English salt Javanese sugar
- guava Bangkok Ambon
10. Capital letters are used as the first letter of elements of the names of the state,
government and state administration institutions, and names of official documents
except for the words.
For example:
- Republic Indonesia
People’s Consultative Assembly Capital leters are not used as the first letter of words
that are not the official names of the state, government and state administration
institutions, bodies, and names of official documents.
For example:
- Serveral legal entities according to applicablr laws
11. A capital letter is used as the first letter of every perfectly reformatted element found in
the names of agencies, government and state administrarion institutions, and official
- United Nations Constitutions 45 The Civil Service Bill
12. Capital letters are used as the first letter of all words (including all elements of the
perpect rephrase) in the names of books, magazines, newspapers and essay titles,
except for words in, to , from, and, which and for those not in the starting position
For example:
- Soni borrows the book From Ave
- Maria to Another Way to Rome
- Anisa bought the Kompas newspaper
13. Capital letters are used as the first letters of the abbreviated elements of the name title,
rank, and addres
For example:
- Dr. Doctor
- M.A.Master of Arts
- S.H.Master of Arts
- Mr. Sibling
14. Capital letters are used as the first letters of words indicating kinship relations such as
father, mother, brother,sister and uncle which are used in addressing and referencing.
For example:
- “When will you leave?” asked Anisa
- I have received your latter
- Tomorrow Uncle will come
Capital letters are not used as the first letter of words indicating kinship that are
not used in reference to or addressing.
For example:
- We must respect our fathers and mothers
- All of my brothers and sisters are married
15. Capital letters are not used as the first letter of your pronouns
For example:
- Did you know?
- Your letter has been received

b) a hyphen
A hyphen is a sign that functions to connect or string, whether it’s letters or words.
The hyphen has a shorter from than the dash, wich is only one das (-) or the length of
the letter’n’.
 Hyphenation Function
Hyphens serve to connect or string letters or words. It says letters because the
hyphen is used for spelling the letters of the word wich is done one by one with (-) ,
as a liaison between letters. It is said to be a word liaison because there are several
conditions that require a word to be linked with another word in one sentence.
 Usage and Examples of Hyphens in Sentence
1. For sentence that have repeated word elements
The use of a hyphen is also commonly used for repeating elements. Rephrahase
is a type of word that experinces reduplication or repetition of words. Reproduktive
words consist of five types, namely:
a. Dwilingga repeated
A dwilingga or more commonly called a complete rebuttal is a word, both a
root and an affix, wich experiences a word reprtition. To connect these words, a
hyphen (-) Is used in the middle of the words.
- The dust in this house is scattered in every corner of the house
- Ahmad’s days at school are so fun
- Hopefully last year’s hopes will come true in the year to come
b. Repeat Dwilingga Copy Voice
Redword dwilingga copy sound or commonly called sound-changing repetition is
the repetition of a word in wich one of them experiences a sound change
whether it is one phoneme or more. Just jike a dwilingga repharase, a hyphen
must also be used to emphasize the repetition of the word
- Dimas is still looking for work
- The brilliant game of the Indonesian national team made the opposing team in
- All this time, Budi was pacing back and forth on the bathroom
c. Affixed Rephrase
The use of hyphens must also be done in repeating affixes. In this rephrase, the
word affixed only applies to one word, whether it’s the first word or the word
- The protracted case resolution made the police suspend the case
d. Pseudo Rehrase
A pseudo-rephrase is a word that was originally a root word, but must be
hyphenated because the word is written repeatedly.
- Andri is a shy guy
- He was rushed to the hospital after being stung by a jellyfish
- Ongol-ongol is one of the traditional snacks typical of West Java

2. To Connect Severed Syllables When Changing Lines

When writing, usually thre is one word that must be cut off because it is not
enough to write it completely on one line, the initial syllable of a word must end
with a hyphen (-)
- From afar, I see your face-so rung
- Duh, today I am-once!
3. To connect Affixed Words That Are Cut Off When Changing Lines
The use of this hyphen is more or less the same as number 2. It’s just that, when
the line breaks, is a word with an affix, whether its is affixed with be beginning, the
end, or both.
4. As a connector for affixes to words beginning witch capital letter
Word starting witch a capital letter that must be connected witch the affix se-are
names of cities, regions, or countries
5. Used For the prefix to-and-s when combined witch numbers
In a sentence, there is usually a written number witch a pre-affix to or an affix
ending. In order for numbers and affixes to be connectes, a hyphen is used to
connect the two
6. Linking Pronouns witch words from Foreign language
Even though some foreign terms have been translated into Indonesian, there
are still many two write words from salty languages. In order to qualify for the EYD,
foreign words must be tited and hyphenated when they are affixed.

c) Underlining and italics

 Underlining
Is a character that originally existed in a typewriter and aims to provide a line under
the written text. Usually in Microsoft Word the letter U with a line under it . Underlined
text idcates that the text has an important meaning from other normal text.
Examples of using underscores are:
- Ir. Seokarno is the firt president of the Republic of Indonesia
- Below what is not a punctuation mark is
- What is not included in the literary works below are
 Italics
are letter that are italicized in typographic termonollogy called italics. this italics letter is
usully used to emphasize a word.besides that these letters are also used to indicate
terms or words that come from foreign languages.
How to write italic and Examples
1. Italics in print are used to write the names of books, magazines and newspapers
quotes in the writing.
For example:
I have never read the book nagarakertagama
2. Italic in print are used to emphasize or specialize letters, parts of words, words, or
group of words
For example:
He wasn’t cheating, he was being cheated
3. Italic in print are used to write words or expressions that are not Indonesian
For example:
The scientific name of the mangosteen fruit is Carcinia mangosta
4. The letter italics is used in a sentence
For example:
The letter a is the first letter in the alphabet
5. Italic are used in the bibliography of scientific papers
For example:
Jalena Mirkovic, Janice Martin and Peter Reihar,”A Taxonomy of Dos Attacks and
Dos Defense Mechanisms”. Univerity of California, Los Angeles
6. Italics is used to write Latin names in scientific works
For example:
Antigonon is the scientific name for the bridal tear follower

7. italics is used to signify a sentence

For Example:
The term economy comes from the greek word oikos which means household or
family and nomoswhich means rule or law
8. italics is used for a film
For Example:
Warkop DKI Reborn : Boss Crickets! duced by Falcon Pictures, the director of Anggy
Ambara, one of Indonesia’s Part 1 was pro best-selling films.

9. italics are used to express foreign names

For Example:
Due to being a suspect in drug users and illegal drugs, the soap opera player was
eventually dropped out by management.
10. italics used for one the website
For Example:
Now is not the time to read manual books anymore, now theres are free books
online http//

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