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Submitted as a Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for S-1 Degree in

English Education




“Process won’t make you forget, it will make you understand things”

( Researcher)

Pendidikan memiliki akar yang pahit, tapi buahnya Manis

( Aristoteles)


Praise and thanks are rewarded to Allah SWT who always bless and giving

strength to the researcher and can complete this skripsi entitled “Correlation

Between Students’ Learning Styles and Their Reading Comprehension Skill at

Eleventh Grade of MAN Bintan”. This skripsi will be submitted to the Faculty of

Teacher Training and Education of Universitas Maritim Raja Ali Haji as partial

fulfillment of the requirement for an S-1 degree.

This skripsi will never be existence without any support, encouragement,

and guidance from several dedicated people. The researcher would like to express

her gratitude to many people who have their suggestions and help her in writing

this skripsi. She conveys the gratitude and respect to all parties who help her in

this research. The gratitudes go to:

1. Prof. Dr. Agung Dhamar Syakti, S.Pi, DEA. as a Rector of Universitas

Maritim Raja Ali Haji.

2. Assoc. Prof. Dr.H. Abdul Malik, M, Pd. as the dean of Faculty of Teacher

Training and Education of Universitas Maritim Raja Ali Haji

3. Mrs. Dewi Nopita, M.Pd as the head of the English Education Study

Program of Universitas Maritim Raja Ali Haji.

4. Mr. Gatot Subroto, S.S, M.Pd as her advisor who guided her to finish this

skripsi and always gave solutions to revise the skripsi.

5. Mrs. Nana Raihana Askurny, S.Pd, S.H, M.Hum her Co-advisor who

guided her to finish this skripsi and always gave solutions to revise the


6. Mrs. Dra Hj. Murdifa, as the headmaster and of MAN Bintan who give the

researcher permission to do the research. Also Mrs. Astini, S.Pd as the

English teacher who helped the researcher do this research in the


7. To all her lecturers in the English Education Study Program, who always

give knowledges and guidance during the period of the study.

8. Her beloved parents, Mr. Suhadi and Mrs. Herlina who always gave

support, advice, and motivation to finish this research.

9. Her purple house squad Siti Nurdiyanti, Serly Novita Sari, and Putri Ayu

Sari who always gives the motivation, spirit, pray, and love. Thank you for

always understand her so well.

10. All of class A who had a sweet moment for 4 years.

Researcher realizes that this skripsi is not perfect, so suggestions and advice

will be welcomed to make every part better in the future.

Tanjungpinang, January 20th 2021

The researcher


INTELECTUAL PROPERTY STATEMENTS ................................................. i

APPROVAL SHEET ............................................................................................ ii
MOTTO ................................................................................................................. v
ACKNOWLEDGMENT...................................................................................... vi
TABLE OF CONTENS ..................................................................................... viii
LIST OF FIGURES ............................................................................................. xi
LIST OF TABLES .............................................................................................. xii
LIST OF APPENDICES..................................................................................... xii
ABSTRAK .......................................................................................................... xiv
ABSTRACT ......................................................................................................... xv
CHAPTER I ........................................................................................................... 1
INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................. 1
1.1 Background of The Problem .................................................................... 1
1.2 Identification of the problem .................................................................... 4
1.3 Limitation of the study ............................................................................. 5
1.4 Research questions ................................................................................... 5
1.5 Purpose of the research............................................................................. 5
1.6 Significance of The Research ................................................................... 5
1.7 Definition of The Key Term ..................................................................... 6
CHAPTER II ......................................................................................................... 7
REVIEW OF THE RELATED LITERATURE ................................................ 7
2.1 Learning styles............................................................................................... 7
2.1.1 Definition of learning styles ................................................................... 7
2.1.2 Types of Learning Styles ....................................................................... 8
2.2 Reading Comprehension ............................................................................... 9
2.2.1 Definition of Reading Comprehension ................................................... 9
2.2.2 Reading Comprehension strategies...................................................... 10
2.2.3 Types of Reading .................................................................................. 11
2.2.4 Aspects of Reading ............................................................................... 12

2.3 Descriptive Text .......................................................................................... 13
2.3.1 Definition of Descriptive Text .............................................................. 13
2.3.2 Generic structure of Descriptive Text ................................................... 13
2.3.3 Language Features of Descriptive Text ................................................ 14
2.4 Review of Related findings ........................................................................ 14
2.5 Conceptual Framework ............................................................................... 17
2.6 Hypothesis ................................................................................................... 18
CHAPTER III...................................................................................................... 19
RESEARCH METHOD ..................................................................................... 19
3.1 Place and Time of the research .................................................................... 19
3.2 Research Method & Design......................................................................... 19
3.3 Population and sample............................................................................ 20
3.3.1 Population ............................................................................................. 20
3.3.2 Samples ................................................................................................. 20
3.3.3 Sampling ............................................................................................... 20
3.4 Research Procedure ..................................................................................... 21
3.4.1 Preparation Stage .................................................................................. 21
3.4.2 Implementation Stage ........................................................................... 21
3.4.3 Final Stage ............................................................................................ 22
3.5 Research Instrument .................................................................................... 22
3.6 Technique of data collection .................................................................. 25
3.7 Technique of Data Analysis ........................................................................ 25
3.7.1 Learning styles ...................................................................................... 25
3.7.2 Reading Comprehension test ................................................................ 26
3.7.3 Normality of test ................................................................................... 26
3.7.4 Homogeneity test .................................................................................. 26
3.7.5 Linearity test ......................................................................................... 26
3.7.6 Significant Correlation......................................................................... 27
CHAPTER IV ...................................................................................................... 30
RESEARCH FINDINGS AND DISCUSSION ................................................. 30
4.1 Research Findings ....................................................................................... 30

4.1.1 Data Description ................................................................................... 30
4.2 Data Analysis and Testing Hypothesis ........................................................ 35
4.2.1 Data Analysis ........................................................................................ 35
4.2.2 Testing Hypothesis ............................................................................... 44
4.3 Discussion.................................................................................................... 46
CHAPTER V ....................................................................................................... 48
CONCLUSIONS AND SUGGESTIONS .......................................................... 48
5.1 Conclusion ................................................................................................... 48
5.2 Suggestion ................................................................................................... 48
BIBLIOGRAPHY ............................................................................................... 50
APPENDICES .................................................................................................... 50
AUTOBIOGRAPHY .......................................................................................... 74


2.1 Conceptual Framework ........................................................................... 17

4.1 The Normality test result of data .............................................................. 36
4.4 Homogeneity Test Result of data ............................................................. 37
4.5 Linearity test result of data ....................................................................... 38


Table 3.1 Population of the research .............................................................. 20

Table 3.2 Learning styles questionnaire key number.................................... 23
Table 3.3 The questinnaire item scoring ........................................................ 23
Table 3.4 Scoring rubric for reading comprehension..................................... 24
Table 3.5 Essay test key number .................................................................... 24
Table 3.6 Correlation Coefficient Interpretation ............................................ 28
Table 4.1 Classification of Students’ Learning Styles ................................... 31
Table 4.2 Description statistics of students’ learning styles data.................. 32
Table 4.3 Reading comprehension scores of visual learning style ............... 33
Table 4.4 Reading comprehension scores of auditory learning style............. 34
Table 4.5 Reading comprehension scores of kinesthetic learning style........ 35
Table 4.6 Calculation visual learning styles and reading comprehension .... 40
Table 4.7 Calculation auditory learning styles and reading comprehension . 41
Table 4.8 Calculation kinesthetic learning styles and reading comprehension43


Appendix 1 Questionnaires of Learning Styles ............................................. 53

Appendix 2 Reading Comprehension Test .................................................... 55
Appendix 3 Questionnaire Recapitulation Data ............................................. 57
Appendix 4 The Category of Students’ Learning Styles Data ....................... 58
Appendix 5 Students answer of Questionnaire .............................................. 59
Appendix 6 Reading Comprehension Recapitulation .................................... 60
Appendix 7 Documentation of the Research ................................................ 61
Appendix 8 Students answer of reading comprehension ............................... 63
Appendix 9 Students answer of learning styles ............................................. 72
Appendix 10 Permission letter of research .................................................... 73


Vialisah, 2021. Correlation between Students’ Learning Styles and Their Reading
Comprehension Skill at Eleventh Grade of MAN Bintan. Skripsi.
Tanjungpinang: Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris, Fakultas
Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan, Universitas Maritim Raja Ali Haji.
Pembimbing I: Assist. Prof. Gatot Subroto, S.S., M. Pd. Pembimbing II:
Assist. Prof. Nana Raihana Askurny, S. Pd., S. H., M. Hum.

Kata Kunci: Korelasi, Gaya belajar Siswa dan Pemahaman membaca siswa.

Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui apakah ada hubungan
antara gaya belajar siswa dengan pemahaman membaca siswa. Metode yang
digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode kuantitatif. Populasi dalam
penelitian ini adalah seluruh siswa kelas 11 MAN Bintan tahun ajaran 2020/2021
yang terdiri dari 39 siswa dan sample dari penelitian ini adalah 20 siswa dari kelas
XI IPA dengan menggunakan teknik purposive sampling. Pengumpulan data
dilakukan melalui angket gaya belajar siswa dan essay test. Angket berguna untuk
mengetahui gaya belajar apa yang mereka miliki dan essay test berguna untuk
mengetahui skor pemahaman membaca siswa. Dalam menganalisis data, peneliti
menggunakan rumus Pearson Product Moment untuk menemukan koefisien
korelasi. Signifikan korelasi di hitung dengan menggunakan r- value and r- table.
r-value dibandingkan dengan r-table. Jika r-value besar dari r-table, terdapat
korelasi yang signifikan. Berdasarkan penelitian, di temukan bahwa r- value dari
gaya belajar visual 0. 99, untuk gaya belajar auditori adalah 0.99, Sementara itu r-
value untuk gaya belajar kinestetik juga 0.99. Nilai dari r-table adalah 0.468.
Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, ditemukan bahwa adanya hubungan yang signifikan
antara gaya belajar visual dengan pemahaman membaca. Dan adanya hubungan
yang signifikan antara gaya belajar auditori dengan pemahaman membaca siswa.
Dan juga adanya hubungan yang signifikan antara gaya belajar kinestetik dengan
pemahaman bacaan.


Vialisah, 2021. Correlation between Students’ Learning Styles and Their Reading
Comprehension Skill at Eleventh Grade of MAN Bintan. Skripsi.
Tanjungpinang: English Education Study Program, Faculty of Teacher
Training and Education, Universitas Maritim Raja Ali Haji. First Advisor:
Assist. Prof. Gatot Subroto, S.S., M. Pd. Second Advisor: Assist. Prof. Nana
Raihana Askurny, S. Pd., S. H., M. Hum.

Keyword: Correlation, students’ learning styles and reading comprehension.

The purpose of this research was to know whether there was correlation
between students’ learning styles and reading comprehension. The method used of
this research was quantitaive method. The population in this research were all the
students of class XI of MAN Bintan in the academic year 2020/2021 which
consisted of 39 students and the sample of the research was 20 students from class
XI IPA by using purposive sampling technique. The data collected through
learning style’ questionnaire and essay test. The questionnare was used to know
about what the learning style they have and essay test used to know the score of
students’ reading comprehension. In analyzing the data, the research used Pearson
Product Moment formula to find out correlation coefficient. Significance of the
correlated is used by r-value and r-table. r- value was compared to r-table. If r
value was higher than r- table, there was a significant correlation. Based on the
research, It was found that r value of visual learning was 0.99, for auditory
learning styles also 0.99., while r- value for kinesthetic learning styles was 0.99.
The value of r-table was 0.468. Based on the result of the research, It found that
there was a significant correlation of visual learning styles toward reading
comprehension and there was significant correlation betweeen auditory learning
styles and reading comprehension and also there was significant correlation
between kinesthetic learning styles and reading comprehension.



1.1 Background of The Problem

English is an important subject that should be mastered by students. In

Indonesia, English is taught from junior high school up to University, even now it

also taught to some elementary school as an optimal subject. Learning English

could not be separated from four basic skills. Those skills are reading, speaking,

writing, and listening. All of these skills must be practiced by students and cannot

be separated from one to another if one expects to able to communicate fluently in


One of the English skills in learning English is reading. Reading is an

important activity in the learning process because it gives knowledge. Through

reading, someone can get information, idea, knowledge, and problem solution.

Reading also becomes something important for the students because through

reading they can get information from the text that can increase their knowledge.

Then, by reading, students can get many vocabularies that they need to be applied

in speaking and writing. Additionally, reading skills are used in the final

examination, and students will face with comprehension task. Therefore, the

students must have good reading comprehension if they want to pass the exams.

According to Gilakjani & Sabouri (2016), the main goal of reading is to

gain the correct message from a text that the writer intended for the reader to

receive. The students do not only have to read a text but they also have to


comprehend the content of the text. For many students, comprehend text in

English is not an easy thing if students emphasize understanding the meaning of

the text sometimes they felt difficulty to comprehend the text moreover in longer

text. When students read a text, they will face some obstacles, such as vocabulary

problems, and cannot find the main idea of the text. Therefore, to increase

knowledge in the achievement of reading comprehension, someone must do the

learning process.

In the learning process, every student has a different habit and different

method to make them feel comfortable to learn. Every student has a different way

to learning. Some of student find it easier to receive information by looking, some

students learn by listening, and others learn by touching and move. The way

students learn is often referred to as a learning style. Furthermore, as a teacher, it

also needs to implement an interesting strategy to make students felt not bored in

process of learning in the class because one of the ways students absorb

information in learning is to understand the learning strategy given by the teacher.

To make students easy in the process of learning especially in reading

comprehension, teachers have to consider the appropriate learning strategies. The

appropriate strategies in teaching reading comprehension can be decided based on

understanding students’ learning styles because every student has a different

method and way to enjoy the learn. Furthermore, Chiya (2003) stated that teachers

should consider students’ learning styles and enhance students’ learning strategies

for their successful learning. It means that very important for the teacher to use a

combination of teaching strategies and aware of the students’ learning style. When

teachers are aware of the importance of students’ learning style, they can provide

a good way to teach their students because every student has a different way to

receive the lessons.

In writing this skripsi, previously researcher was doing teaching practice at

MAN Bintan and has been done the observation there. Based on the researcher’s

observation when doing teaching practice, she found several problems related to

students’ reading comprehension. Mostly, while reading the longer text students

feel difficulties to comprehend the text, students feel lazy because they feel

difficulties to understand the text due to their lack of vocabulary. Consequently,

students had difficulty to finding the main idea, the settings, characteristics, and

problem of the text which they read. Furthermore, students must be translated

word by word. It made students have to read the text overlong to find the answer.

Another problem that occurs in the classroom is most of the learning is

teacher-centered, like reading, write, and memorize. Students tend to learn by

reading notebooks and textbooks, consequently, some students talked with their

friends and other students were sleepy. When conduct group discussions, some

students remained to silent and another students choose only to write the results of

the discussion. It means that the teacher needs to use a combination learning

methods or strategies on students because the way students learn and the easy way

they capture the meaning of learning differs from one individual to another.

If the students are not interested with the method is used by the teacher.

They will not learn it. Therefore, the students had less motivation and felt bored

toward the method used by teacher. Therefore, there are some students during

teaching learning process focused on learning and attention to the explanation

given by the teacher. Other students in the rear positions were lazied.

Furthermore, other students like talked with their friends. Students who pay

attention to the teacher may prefer learning visually. And the other students

maybe prefer learning with auditory. This observation shows that there are

different learning styles for these students.

According to those problems above, as the teacher, it is important to help

students to master reading. The teacher needs to know their students’ learning

styles and attention to how to teach in the classroom. Teachers should try to make

changes in their classrooms, such combining learning methods or strategies in the

class. Based on the reasons above, the writer would like to know whether

students’ learning styles correlate with reading comprehension skills. Besides, the

researcher intends to conduct the research entitled “Correlation Between Students’

Learning Style and Their Reading Comprehension Skill at Eleventh Grade of

MAN Bintan”.

1.2 Identification of the problem

Based on the background of the study, the researcher fommulated the

identification of the problem as follows:

1. Students had difficulty in comprehending the longer text.

2. Students more dominant learn by reading, writing and memorizing or

teacher centered.

3. Teachers has not combination learning methods or strategies in the


4. The student has less motivation and feels bored with the method is used by


1.3 Limitation of the study

Based on the problems identified above, the researcher focuses on students’

difficulty in comprehending the longer text. The researcher would choose the

eleventh grade students of MAN Bintan.

1.4 Research questions

Based on the limitation of the problem above, the researcher formulates the

research question as follows: Is there any significant correlation between students’

learning styles and their reading comprehension skill at eleventh grade of MAN


1.5 Purpose of the research

The purpose of this research is to find out whether or not there is a

significant correlation between students’ learning style and their reading

comprehension skill text at the eleventh grade of MAN Bintan.

1.6 Significance of The Research

The results of this research can provide useful information for:

1. Theoretically

This study is expected to contribute to supporting the theory about

reading comprehension and learning styles.


2. Practically

1. The students

The researcher hopes that the result of this study can be

used as a starting point to develop a students understanding of

learning styles and reading comrehension.

2. The English teacher

The result of this research hopefully can be used by teacher

as a starting point to improve reading comprehension.

3. The future researchers

The result of this research is expect to be useful for future

researchers who are interested in the reading comprehension and

learning style it could be used as a reference and source


1.7 Definition of The Key Term

To give a clear view of this study, the definition of key terms is provided as


1. Learning styles is the easiest way or the most comfortable way for students

to receive information or lessons delivered.

2. Reading comprehension is the ability to understand the text, meaning or

information, and answer questions according to the text.

3. Descriptive text is a kind of text which is aimed to describes about people,

animal, place and thing.



2.1 Learning styles

2.1.1 Definition of learning styles

There are some definitions of learning styles by some experts. According to

Wang (2007), learning style as an individual’s preferred or habitual way of

processing knowledge and transforming the knowledge into personal knowledge.

Furthermore, students have a comfortable way to learn, organize how they prefer

to receive and process the knowledge. Some students may prefer learning through

pictures or presentations, other students maybe prefer listen to music while

learning. The way that will become a habit or characteristic of someone in

learning. Similarly, Pritchard (2009) defines learning style as a particular feature

of learning that is the best preferred way of an individual in thinking, processing,

and demonstrating learning. Every students has a different way of learning. Some

students find it easier to receive information by looking and others students prefer

to learn by touch and move. That’s the easiest way for them to acquiring a new

language or in learning any other subject.

Furthemore, Brown (2000) states that learning styles as the manners in

which individuals perceive and process information in learning situations.

Learning style are processes that are chosen by students to develop learning and

process information in learning situations. Learning style different


one person to another. All learners have individual manners in their learning

processes. Some people may typically visual learners, and others may typically

auditory learners, so that between visual and auditory learners have different ways

of learning. Based on the definition above, it can be concluded that learning styles

are the easiest way or the most comfortable way for students to receive

information or lessons delivered.

2.1.2 Types of Learning Styles

According to Porter and Hernancki (2002), learning styles fall into three

categories include visual learners, auditory learners, and kinesthetic learners.

a. Visual learners

This type of learning with material that can be seen directly (visual),

they inclined to study through what they see. They are easier to remember

what they see. Sometimes the visual type even likes to sit at the front when

studying in class. Their common characteristic such as:

1. Use visual objects such as graphs, charts, pictures.

2. Can read body language well.

3. Able to memorize and recall various information.

4. Tends to remember things that are written down.

b. Auditory learners

Auditory learning is a learning style in which a person learners

through listening. They inclined to study through what they listen to. In the

process, they record what is conveyed by the teacher or hear the material.

Common characteristics of auditory learners are:


1. Retains information through hearing and speaking.

2. Often summarizes the main topic to memorization.

3. Notices aspect in speaking

c. Kinesthetic learners

Types of kinesthetic learners are the way people absorb information

through physical like to move around and like various types of class activities.

They inclined to study through moving, touching, and doing. Common

characteristics of kinesthetic learners usually prefer group work more than


2.2 Reading Comprehension

2.2.1 Definition of Reading Comprehension

There are some definitions of reading comprehension by some experts.

According to Lehr (2013) reading comprehension is the process of simultaneously

extracting and constructing meaning through interaction and involvement with

written language. The reader actively engages with the text to construct meaning.

This means that reading comprehension is an active process, being able to read

many different materials and being able to understand their meaning and

summarize the contents of the reading.

According to Klinger et al. (2007), reading comprehension is a multi

component, highly complex process that involves many interactions between

readers and what they bring to the text (previous knowledge, strategy use) as well

as variables related to the text itself (interest in text, understanding of text types).

Reading is a complex activity that includes several activities such as recognizing


letters and words, understanding their meaning, and drawing conclusions about

the purpose of reading. Therefore, readers are not only required to be able to

express the meanings contained within the text. But also can make conclusions

from the reading.

Furthemore, Moreillon (2009) states that Reading is an active process

needing many practices and involving many other skills. By reading, the readers

can get knowledge, informations, and entertainment. In addition Roe, and Smith

(2012) conceptualized reading comprehension as an act of general and specific

communication which involves literal and higher-order comprehension. literal

understanding is defined as the ability to determine direct ideas expressed in texts

or meanings expressed in readings. Meanwhile, high-level understanding depends

on thinking processes such as making reading conclusions, analyzing readings,

and understanding the implicit meanings in readings. Based on the definition

above, the author concludes that reading comprehension is the ability to

understand the text, meaning or information, and answer questions according to

the text.

2.2.2 Reading Comprehension strategies

According to Ness (2010), reading comprehension strategies also encourage

students to become more responsible for their learning, once the student has

mastered the strategy. Four these general strategies are visualization,

summarization, making inferences, and making connections to one’s own life and


1. Visualization, visualization is a learning process in reading a text where

students learn by making pictures, diagrams, or animations about what

they think related to the material.

2. Summarizing, in this strategy ask students to summarize an important part

of the reading that they have read in their language.

3. Making inferences, in this strategy, students are asked to make conclusions

about what they have read from the text.

4. Making a connection to the text. The teacher reads a text then at a certain

part the teacher asks questions and asks students to connect what they read

with their own lives.

2.2.3 Types of Reading

According to Brown (2003), there are four types of reading, namely

perceptive, selective, interactive, and extensive readings.

a. Perceptive

Perceptive reading is reading that focuses on basic aspects of

reading such as punctuation, capitalized and lowercase letters, and words.

b. Selective

Selective reading that focuses on aspects of formal languages, such

as lexical features, grammatical language.

c. Interactive

Interactive reading is reading that focuses on the meaning of

reading or text.

d. Extensive

This applies to text more than one page or long text for example

articles, essays, technical reports, short stories, and books.

2.2.4 Aspects of Reading

According to Suparman (2012), there are several aspects of reading

comprehension skills that should be mastered by the reader to comprehend the

text including main idea, specific information, references, inference, and

vocabulary. These aspects are explained below:

1. Main idea

Main idea tells the content of the paragraph. In other words, the

main idea is important because it discusses the main problems in a text.

2. Specific Information

In this case, the specific information gives detail information about

the main idea, reason (cause and effect)

3. Reference

References are words or phrases used before or after reading

references. References are used to avoid repetition of unnecessary words.

Sometimes called a pronoun.

4. Inference

The inference is the reader's guess or prediction about something

unknown after reading the text. Although the information is not conveyed


5. Vocabulary

Vocabulary is the stock of words. Vocabulary is fundamental for

everyone who wants to speak or to produce utterance from reading.

Based on the descriptions above, it could be stated that aspects of reading

are background knowledge that should the reader has known before reading the

text that and should be mastered by the reader to comprehend the text and it could

support the reader in to comprehending the text.

2.3 Descriptive Text

2.3.1 Definition of Descriptive Text

Descriptive text is a text that describes the feature of someone, something,

or place. According to Zumarkhin (2005), descriptive text is to describe

something, such as people, thing and animal. Descriptive text is useful for us or

students want to describe about something.

Meanwhile, Springer (2006) stated that descriptive text is description about

a particular person, place, or thing. Descriptive text stretch out many information

about certain people, things, and place clearly and detail. Furthermore, Puguh

(2011) stated that descriptive text is a text which says what a person or a thing is

like. Its purpose is to describe and reveal a particular person, place, or thing.

Based on the explanations above the writer concludes that descriptive text is a

kind of text which is aimed to describes everything.

2.3.2 Generic structure of Descriptive Text

Gerot and Wignel (1995) state that the generic structure of the descriptive

text are:

1. Identification which identifies phenomenon that will be describe. It

introduces or identifies the phenomenom to be describe. It tell about the

name, the adress, or the location of the object.

2. Description which describe parts, qualities, or characteristics of something

or someone in detail. It tell about what the phenomenom, introduced in the


2.3.3 Language Features of Descriptive Text

According to Djuhari (2007), language features of descriptive text are:

a. Focus on specific nouns.

b. Use kinds of adjective.

c. Use of relational process, examples: my car has four doors: my

father is really handsome; etc.

d. Use of figurative language, examples: my throat is as dry as desert;

her skin is white as cloud and smooth as water; etc.

e. Use of simple present tense, examples: I have a toy, it is ball.

2.4 Review of Related findings

There are some results of relevant studies on the use of learning styles. The

researcher put some articles related to this study. The first related finding entitled

“The correlation between students’ learning style and students’ speaking

achievement” (The case of the twelfth graders of SMA Negeri 1 Tumpang in the

academic year of 2014/2015). Researched by Muhammad Faris Fahrudin. This

study aimed at finding out whether there is a significant correlation between

student’s learning styles and students’ speaking achievement of the twelfth


graders of SMA Negeri 1 Tumpang in the academic year of 2014/2015. 34

students were involved as the participants of this correlational research. The

researcher uses a quantitative method was employed by using field notes,

questionnaire, and students’ speaking scores as the instruments. it was found that

the auditory learning style was the most preferred, followed by kinesthetic

learning style and visual learning style. However, the ANOVA analysis showed

that there is no significant correlation between learning styles and speaking

achievement of XII IA 3 students of SMA Negeri 1 Tumpang since the p.value

(0.259) obtained is higher than the significance value (0.05).

The secondly, related finding entitled “A correlation of learning styles and

vocabulary achievement” (The resaerch was conducted to eleventh students of

Madrasah Aliyah Khulafaur Rasyidin in academic year 2016/2017). Researched

by Mutriza Oksattridywi. The purpose of research to know wheher significant or

not coreelation of visual, auditory, and kinesthetic learning styles to vocabulary

achievement. . The data were collected through a questionnaire about learning

style and a test of vocabulary. The significance of the correlated variable is

computed using t-test. The findings are t-value of visual learning styles was 0.51.

The value of t-table was 2.101 at a significant level of 5% and df 18. Based on the

results, it was found there was a significant correlation of visual learning styles to

vocabulary achievement. There was a significant correlation also for auditory

learning styles and vocabulary achievement. There was no significant correlation

between kinesthetic learning styles and vocabulary achievement


Third related findings entitled “Correlation between students’ learning

styles and their learning achievement” (The research was conducted to students of

the English language education program, the Teacher Training and Education

Faculty, Khairun Ternate University). Researched by Roswita M. Aboe. This

study aims to determine the most dominant student learning styles and their

correlation with their academic achievement. Student learning style analysis using

a questionnaire. While student academic achievement is obtained from the results

of the current semester study. Data analysis shows that the most dominant

learning style is Kinesthetic. While from the results of the pearson correlation

coefficien analysis there is a positive relationship between visual and auditory

learning styles on students academic achievement.

Based on previous research, there are two variables, this research has the

same independent variable. The difference is found in the dependent variable. The

previous researcher uses students’ speaking achievement, vocabulary

achievement, and learning achievement. While the researcher uses reading


2.5 Conceptual Framework

Students’ difficulty in comprehend longer


Students’ learning Reading comprehension


Types of Learning
Aspect of reading
1. Main idea
1. Visual learners
2. Specific Information
2. Auditory learners
3. Reference
3. Kinesthetic learners
4. Inference
5. Vocabulary

Questionnaire Essay test

There was a significant correlation between students’

learning style and 2.1
Figure students’ reading
Conceptual comprehension skill
at tenth grade of MAN Bintan

In this research, the researcher was to know the correlation between students

learning styles and their ability in reading comprehension descriptive text.


The students’ learning style will be measured through a questionnaire and

students’ reading comprehension ability will be measured by conducting an essay

test. To make easier in understanding the conceptual framework of this research,

the research makes the figure as follows:

2.6 Hypothesis

Hypothesis is a temporary answer to the problem formulation of the

research problem. Where, the formulation of the research problem has been stated

in the form of the question (Sugiyono, 2010: 63). The hypothesi of this research as


1. Alternative hypothesis (Ha): There is a significant correlation between

learning style and student’s reading comprehension skill at eleventh grade of

MAN Bintan.

2. Null hypothesis (HO): There is no significant correlation between learning

style and student’s reading comprehension skill at eleveth grade of MAN



3.1 Place and Time of the research

This research conducted at the eleventh grade students of MAN Bintan, it is

located at Jalan Korindo, Kampung Jawa, Bintan, Riau Archipelago, and the

researcher conducted this research in Oktober 2020.

3.2 Research Method & Design

In this research, the researcher uses quantitative research methods. It says

quantitative research because quantitative research methods emphasize objective

measurement and analysis of statistical, mathematical, or numerical data. It means that

the research used statistical calculation to analyze the data. While the design of this

research was correlation study. Correlation is a study to see the realtionship between

variables, independent variables, and dependent variable. The researcher uses it

because she wants to know the correlation between students’ learning style as the

independent variable and their reading comprehension skill as the dependent variable.

According to Gay (2012), correlational research involves collecting data to determine

whether, and to what degree, a relationship exists between two or more quantifiable

variables. There are two variables in this research: independent and dependent

variables. The independent variable is students’ learning style, and dependent variable

is students’ reading comprehension skill.


3.3 Population, Sample and Sampling

3.3.1 Population

According to Sugiyono (2010: 80), population is a group consisting of objects or

subjects having certain qualities and characteristics set by researchers to study and

then draw a conclusion. Creswell (2012) states that population is a group of

individuals who have the same characteristics. The population in this research was the

eleventh grade students of MAN Bintan in the academic year 2020/2021 the total

number of the population consists of 39 students divided into two classes. One class

for social and one class for science. Each class consists of 19 students for social and

20 students for science. The quantity of students in each class of the population is as


Table 3.1 Population of the Research

Class Number of students



Total 39

3.3.2 Samples

The sample is part of the population which will be analyzed. Selecting the

sample is very important step in conducting research. According to Creswel (2012), a

samples is a subgroup of the target population that the researcher plans to study for

generalizing about the target population. XI IPA class will be the sample which consist

of 20 students.

3.3.3 Sampling

In determining the sample, the researcher use purposive sampling. According to

Gay (2012), Purposive sampling, also referred to as judgment sampling, is the process

of selecting a sample that is believed to be representative of a given population. In

other words, the researcher selects the sample using his experience and knowledge of

the group to be sampled. The reason for using the purposive sampling technique

because researchers only use one class from two classes of eleventh grade of MAN


3.4 Research Procedure

3.4.1 Preparation Stage

a. Create a research permit to Universitas Maritim Raja Ali Haji


b. Give the research permit to MAN Bintan.

c. Create research instruments (test and questionnaire) with the advisor.

d. Correct the research instruments.

3.4.2 Implementation Stage

a. Give the learning styles questionnaire to class.

b. Give the test to class.

c. Comparing the result of questionnaire and test to know the correlation

between them.

3.4.3 Final Stage

a. Analyzing the data.

b. Concluding the results of data analysis.

3.5 Research Instrument

An instrument of the research as a tool for collecting the data. An instrument is a

tool used to measure natural and social phenomena is observed (Sugiyono, 2010: 102).

An instrument is a tool used by the researcher is collecting the data so that he or she

works easier, the result is better, accurate, complete, and systematic so that the data are

easy to be processed. In this study, the researcher uses two instruments. first, to know

students’ learning styles the research uses questionnaires. Second, to know students’

ability to comprehend the text the research asks the students to answer the essay test of

explanation text uses a written essay test.

1. Questionnaire

In this research, the items of the questionnaire are taken from previous

researcher Dede Nurul Faridah (2014). The questionnaire is adapted from perceptual

learning style preference survey by Joy Reid. The questionnaire assesses preferred

learning styles of students based upon how students learn best using their perceptions.

The questionnaire is based on the characteristics of each learning style (visual,

auditory, and kinesthetic learning styles). The questionnaire consists of 15 items, The

items were diveded into two forms, positive and negative items. There are 5 items for

each kind of learning styles. Here are the Indicators of learning style’s questionnaire,

as shown on the table below:


Table 3.2 Learning styles questionnaire item number

No Indicators Item number Total

Positive Negative
1 Visual learning style 1, 3, 5. 2, 4. 5

2 Auditory learning 6,7,8 9,10 5

3 Kinesthetic learning 11, 13, 15 5
style 12,14
Total Items 9 6 15

The questionnaire item scoring in this research uses Liker Scale Form, Five

points of scale ranging are uses, they are: strongly agree, agree, neutral, disagree, and

strongly disagree. Here are the indicators of learning styles’ questionnaire, as shown

on the table below:

Table 3.3 The Questionnaire Item Scoring

Scale Score
Positive Negative
Strongly Agree 5 1
Agree 4 2
Neutral 3 3
Disagree 2 4
Strongly Disagree 1 5

2. Written essay test

Table 3.4 Scoring Rubric for reading comprehension

Criteria 0 Pts 5 Pts 10 Pts

Main idea Cannot identify Identifies only a Identifies the
the main idea minimal number most main idea
of the main idea
Specific Cannot identify Identifies only a Identifies most
Information specific minimal number specific
information of specific information
Reference Cannot identify Identifies only Identifies most
reference minimal references.
Inference Cannot identify Identifies only a Identifies most
inference minimal inference inference

Vocabulary Cannot identify Identify meaning Identify

the purpose of the vocabulary vocabulary as
vocabulary well as the ability
to understand the
meaning of

The test questions consist of 10 items. The questions are taken from the

students’ textbook for SMA/MA/SMK class X. The items on the test are the students’

comprehend of descriptive text which focuses on main idea, specific information,

reference, inference, and vocabulary.

Table 3.5 Essay test key number

No Indicators Key Number

1 Specific Information 1,2

2 Reference 3,4

3 Inference 5,6

4 Main Idea 7,8

5 Vocabulary 9,10.

3.6 Technique of data collection

According to Sugiyono (2010: 224), the technique of data collection is the most

strategic step in the research, because the main purpose of the research is to get the

data. In collecting the data, the researcher uses learning styles questionnaire and essay

test. The first step distribute learning styles questionnaire which consists of items that

represent the three kinds of learning styles; visual, auditory, and kinesthetic learning

styles. The items on the questionnaire are select based on the indicators of students’

learning styles made by the writer. In answer to the questionnaire, the students ask to

choose one option by giving a checklist (√). The data of the students’ reading

comprehension skills collect by the essay test. The questions are taken from the

students’ textbook for SMA/MAN class XI.

3.7 Technique of Data Analysis

After collecting the answered of questionnaire and reading comprehension test

from the respondents, the researcher begins to analyze the data. To analyze the data

that had been collected for this research, the researcher used the analysis as follows:

3.7.1 Learning styles

To know the students’ learning style type, the research input the score of

questionnaire use Minitab- 17 and then starting to calculate or sum the score of each

student. From the result, it can be determined what learning styles that students have.

3.7.2 Reading Comprehension test

In this essay test is use to find out the result of students in reading. The formula

as follows:

Final score = x 100

3.7.3 Normality of test

Normality test is a test that uses to determine whether the data is distributed

normal or not. In this research, the researcher will use statistical computation by using

Minitab 17 for windows to analyzed the data. The data would be said normally

distributed if the significance probability value is higher than 0.05.

3.7.4 Homogeneity test

Homogeneity test was intended to test whether the data was from the same

variance or not. In this research, the researcher used statistical computation by using

Minitab-17 for windows to analyzed the data. The data said homogeneous or same

variance if the p-value was higher than α = 0.05.

3.7.5 Linearity test

Linearity test is used to know the relation between dependent and independent

variable. In this reserch, the researcher conducted statistical computation by using

SPSS 25 for windows to analyze the data. The data would be said linear if the p-value

(sig) is higher than α = 0.05.


3.7.6 Significant Correlation

To know the research questions, that was to know whether or not the correlation

of learning styles and reading comprehension significant statistically. The researcher

used the formula of product moment correlation to know the correlation coefficient. It

is computed with the following formula:

Pearson Product Moment formula (Ary, Jacobs, & Sorensen, 2010)

∑ ∑

∑ ∑
√(∑ ) (∑ )


= value

∑ = sum of score of students’ learning style

∑ = sum of score of reading comprehension

∑ = sum of the squared score of students’ learning style

∑ = sum of the squared score of reading comprehension

∑ = sum of the products of paired students’ learning styles and reading


= number of students

After calculate the Pearson product moment formula then get cooefisient next

step the research use table of correlation interpretations below in order to seek the

interpretation of the correlation


Table 3.6 Correlation coefficient

Coefficient Interval Qualification

00-0.199 Very weak

0.20 – 0.399 Weak

0.40 – 0.599 Moderate

0.80 – 1. 00 Strong

0.80 – 1.00 Very strong

(Sugiyono, 2011)

3.8 Research Schedule

The research schedule that was carried out by research is as follows:

Activities Month
No Apr May June July August Sep Okt Nov Des Jan Feb

the tittle

Made the




Data analysis




4.1 Research Findings

The researcher conducted the research at the elevent grade students of MAN

Bintan. There were two research instruments used in this research, the first was

questionnaire and the second was reading comprehension test.

4.1.1 Data Description Students’ Learning Styles Data

The results of students’ learning styles of eleventh grade students of MAN

Bintan was determined by calculating the students’ answer of the questionnaire. After

that, the next step is input the score of questionnaire of each students to Ms. Excel

2010 and calculate or sum the score of each students by using Minitab-17. From the

result, it can be determined what learning styles that students have. One of the highest

score among three kinds of learning styles indicates the major learning styles that

students have. The students’ learning styles score can be seen on the tables below


Table 4.1 Students’ Learning Styles classification

Participants Total score of learning styles Learning styles

Visual Auditoty Kinesthetic

Student 1 20 13 15 Visual

Student 2 19 14 18 Visual

Student 3 15 19 16 Auditory

Student 4 18 15 16 Visual

Student 5 15 17 11 Auditory

Student 6 20 16 16 Visual

Student 7 18 16 17 Visual

Student 8 14 12 17 Kinesthetic

Student 9 15 17 16 Auditory

Student 10 19 17 17 Visual

Student 11 21 16 20 Visual

Student 12 19 18 14 Visual

Student 13 18 17 19 Kinesthetic

Student 14 17 11 18 Kinesthetic

Student 15 16 10 17 Kinesthetic

Student 16 19 16 17 Visual

Student 17 15 12 16 Kinesthetic

Student 18 15 17 18 Kinesthetic

Student 19 22 18 17 Visual


Student 20 16 17 15 Auditory

To find the type of students’ learning styles, the researcher determine the

mean, median, mininum, maximum, and Sum of each students’ learning styles

Tabel 4.2 Description Statistics of students’ learning styles data

Learning Total of Mean Median Minimum Maximum Sum

Style participants

Visual 10 52. 1 51.5 48 57 521

Auditory 4 47. 25 48 43 50 189

Kinesthetic 6 46.50 44.50 43 54 279

From the table 4.2 above the result of each student learning styles was to know.

The data showed that 10 students were visual, 4 students were auditory and 6 students

were kinesthetic. The total score of the students with visual learning styke was 521,

the total score of the students with auditory was 189. and the total score of the students

with kinesthetic was 279. It can be concluded that the most dominant students’

learning styles was visual learning styles. Students’ Reading Comprehension Data

The reading comprehension score data was obtained from the reading

comprehension test. The reading comprehension test contain 10 questions in the from

of essay writing test. The following tables are presented the score of reading

comprehension of three learning styles groups.


Tabel 4.3 Reading comprehension scores of visual learning style

Reading Comprehension Scores of Visual Learning Style

No Students Reading Comprehension Score

1 1 65

2 2 75

3 4 80

4 6 70

5 7 85

6 10 80

7 11 65

8 12 75

9 16 85

10. 19 85

Total 765

Mean 76.5

Minimum 65

Maximum 85

The data in table 4.3 above show that the score of visual learners. It shows that

the total readng comprehension score was 765. Then, the mean of the score was 76.5.

Highest score was 85 and lowest score was 65.


Tabel 4.4 Reading comprehension scores of auditory learning styles

Reading Comprehension Scores of Auditory

No Students Reading Comprehension Score

1 3 75

2 5 70

3 9 80

4 20 70

Total 295

Mean 73.75

Minimum 70

Maximum 80

The data in table 4.4 above show that the score of auditory learners. It shows

that the total of reading comprehension score was 295. Then, the mean of the score

was 73.75.The highest score was 80 and the lowest score was 70.

Tabel 4.5 Reading comprehension scores of kinesthetic learning styles

Reading Comprehension Scores of kinesthetic

No Students Reading Comprehension Score

1 8 75

2 13 80

3 14 80

4 15 75

5 17 75

6 18 70

Total 455

Mean 75.83

Minimum 70

Maximum 80

The data in table 4.5 above show that the score of kinesthetic learners. It shows

that the total reading score was 455. The mean of the score was 75.83. The highest

reading score of kinesthetic learners was 80 and the lowest reading comprehension

score was 70.

As the result, from three tables of learning styles’ group and reading

comprehension above, the highest score of reading comprehension was 85 and it was

obtained by visual learner group. For the lowest score was 65, it comes from visual

learners. For the mean of the score, the highest reading comprehension mean was 76.5

it was obtained by visual learner group and the lowest score of mean was 73.75

obtained by auditory learners.

4.2 Data Analysis and Testing Hypothesis

4.2.1 Data Analysis

Before the data was analyzed, the linearity, homogeneity, normality distribution

of the data sets the two variables (students’ learning style and their comprehension

skill) were firstly tested.

36 Normality Test

Normality test was used to know that whether the data in variables were

normally distributed or not with the significant level 5%. The researcher used Minitab

17 to test the variables in this research.

Figure 4.1 The Normality test result of data


The criteria of the normality test was if the value of (probability value) was

higher than or equal to the level of significance alpha. From the figure 4.1 above

shows that the data of students’ learning styles was normally distributed because the p-

value of significance is > 0.150 and it is bigger than alpha (0.05). it means that 0.150 >

0.05 (The data of learning styles test had normal distribution). The data of students’

reading comprehension was normally distributed because the p-value of significance is

> 0.150 and it is higher than alpha (0.05). Homogeneity test

Homogeneity test intended to test whether the data came from the same variance

or not. In this research, the researcher conducted statistical computation by using

minitab 17 for windows to analyze the data. The data would be said homogenous or

same variance if p-value is higher than α=0.05.

After entering the data into the Mintab-17 program, it is known the result the

homogeneity test. The measurement as follows:

Figure 4.2 Homogeneity Test Result of data


Based on the figure above, it can be said that the data of learning styles and

reading comprehension are homogeneous because the p-value is higher than

significance alpha by seeing L Sevene’s result. It means that 0.191 > 0.05 is

homogeneous or the same variance. Linearity Test

Linearity test is used to know the relation between dependent and independent

variable. In this reserch, the researcher conducted statistical computation by using

SPSS 25 for windows to analyze the data. The data would be said linear if the p-value

(sig) is higher than α = 0.05

Figure 4.3 Test linearity of learning styles test and reading comprehension test

From figure 4.3 above, It shows that the data of students’ learning styles in the

form of questionnaire data and students’ reading comprehension in the form of essay

test both of them are linear, because the p-value 0.826 and it is bigger than the value of

5%. It means that 0.826 > 0.05 (The learning styles variable and reading

comprehension variable had a linear distribution).

39 Significant testing

Significant testing is aimed to know whether between two variables involved in

a research. The researcher used the formula of product moment correlation to know

the correlation coefficient. It is computed with the following formula:

Pearson Product Moment formula (Ary, Jacobs, & Sorensen, 2010)

∑ ∑

∑ ∑
√(∑ ) (∑ )


= value

∑ = 521

∑ = 765

∑ = 27119

∑ = 59075

∑ = 39875

= 20

Table 4.6 Calculation of visual learning styles and reading comprehension

No Students X1 Y X Y

1 1 48 65 2304 4225 3120

2 2 51 75 2601 5625 3825

3 4 49 80 2401 6400 3920

4 6 52 70 2600 4900 3640

5 7 51 85 2601 7225 4335

6 10 53 80 2809 6400 4240

7 11 57 65 3249 4225 3705

8 12 51 75 2601 5625 3825

9 16 52 85 2704 7225 4420

10 19 57 85 3249 7225 4845

∑ 521 765 27119 59075 39875

After get the results of computation, it was obtained the result below. To make

easier the calculation of correlation coeeficient and it was gotten = 0.99


∑ ∑

∑ ∑
√(∑ ) (∑ )

√( )( )

= 0.99

From the result of correlation coefficient of visual learning styles and reading

comprehension, it was obtained 0.99 and it can be interpreted as very strong


Next the research calculated the correlation coefficient of the score auditory

learning styles and reading comprehension. The score were in the table below

Table 4.7 Calculation of auditory learning styles and reading comprehension

No Students X2 Y X Y

1 3 50 75 2500 5625 3750

2 5 43 70 1849 4900 3010

3 9 48 80 2304 6400 3840

4 20 48 70 2304 4900 3360


∑ 189 295 8957 21825 13960


∑ ∑

∑ ∑
√(∑ ) (∑ )

√( )( )

= 0.99

After calculated the score of auditory learning style and reading comprehension,

the results were inputed to formula of correlation coeeficient. = 0.99. For the value

of correlation coefficient of auditory learning styles and reading comprehension, it was

obtained 1.00 and can be categorized as very strong correlation. Next the research

calculated the correlation coefficient of the score auditory learning styles and reading

comprehension. The score were in the table below:


Table 4.8 Calculation of kinesthetic learning styles and reading comprehension

No Students X3 Y X Y

1 8 43 75 1849 5625 3225

2 13 54 80 2916 6400 4320

3 14 46 80 2116 6400 3680

4 15 43 75 1849 5625 3225

5 17 43 75 1849 5625 3225

6 18 50 70 2500 4900 3500

∑ 279 455 13079 34575 21175

After know the result, it was obtained the result below to make easier the

calculation of correlation coeeficient and it was gotten = 0.99


∑ ∑

∑ ∑
√(∑ ) (∑ )

√( )( )


= 0.99

From the result of correlation coefficient of visual learning styles and reading

comprehension, it was obtained 0.99 and it can be interpreted as very strong


4.2.2 Testing Hypothesis

In testing hypothesis, the researcher uses r- value and r-table.

Ha = there is significant correlation between two variables

H0:= there is no significant correlation between two variables

The formulation of the test:

1. if r value > r tabel = Ha acceptable, Ho rejected, which means that there is a

significant correlation between students’ learning styles and their reading

comprehension skill at eleventh grade of MAN Bintan.

2. If r value < r tabel = Ho acceptable, Ha rejected, which means that there is no

significant correlation between students’ learning styles and their reading

comprehension skill at eleventh grade of MAN Bintan.

= 18

Table 4.9 Distribution r table (product moment)

N (df) r tabel

3 0.997

4 0.950

5 0.878

6 0.8110

7 0.754

8 0.707

9 0.666

10 0.6320

11 0.602

12 0.5760

13 0.553

14 0.532

15 0.514

16 0.497

17 0.482

18 0.468

19 0.456

20 0.444

In testing hypothesis of visual learning styles and reading comprehension, the

researcher was compare of r-value and r-table. The researcher was obtained r-value =

0.99 and r-table = 0.468 It concluded that r-value is higher than r-table (0.99> 0.468),

so the Null Hypothesis is rejected or correlation coefficient of visual learning style and

reading comprehension was significant.

For testing hypothesis of auditory learning styles and reading comprehension

show that r-value = 0.99 and r-table = 0.468. r-value is higher than r-table (0.99>

0.468), so the Null Hypothesis is rejected or correlation coefficient of auditory

learning style and reading comprehension was significant.

Next , testing hypothesis of kineshetic learning stylea and reading

comprehension. r-value = 0.99 and r-table = 0.468 r-value is higher than r-table

(0.99> 0.468), it means that the Null Hypothesis is rejected or correlation coefficient

of visual learning style and reading comprehension was significant.

4.2 Discussion

The Purpose of the data analysis in this research to find out whether or not

there was significant correlation between students’ learning styles and students’

reading comprehension skill at MAN Bintan. In this discussion, the researcher would

describe more about the correlation between students’ learning styles and reading

comprehension descriptive text at the eleventh grade of MAN Bintan. The researcher

had done the research by taking 20 students (samples) in the elevent grade students of

MAN Bintan. Based on the discussion in previous chapter, the researcher concluded

that the visual learning styles was the most dominant students’ learming styles. For the

highest score of reading comprehension was 85 and it was gain by visual learner

group. Meanwhile, the lowest score was 65 from visual learners. The result of this

research is consistent with the previous research which conducted Gilakanji (2012),

learning style plays important in learning to increase the students’ achievement. This

researh has the same result with the previous study that students preferred visual

learning styles to get the achievement in reading comprehension. Similarly, Rizky’s

(2013) finding on her research that there was significant difference in the students’

english achievement based on their learning styles. It means that if the student have

awareness about what the type of learning style they have, they will be more easily to

study especially in understanding the material, and be more sucessful in learning. By

using learning styles, the students would be more enthusiatic and more motivated for

improving their reading skill and helping them to raise their confidence to face the

learning problems.

Based on the findings above, there was a significant correlation between visual

learning styles and their reading comprehension.The fact that score of r-value was

bigher than r-table (0.99> 0.468), and can conclude that the Null Hypothesis was

rejected or correlation coefficient of visual learning styles and reading comprehension

was significant. For auditory larning styles and reading comprehension, r-value was

higher than r-table (0.99 > 0.468), so the Null Hypothesis is rejected or correlation

coefficient of auditory learning style and reading comprehension was significant. For

kinesthetic learning styles and reading comprehension, r-value is higher than r-table

(0.99> 0.468), so the Null Hypothesis is rejected or correlation coefficient of visual

learning style and reading. In other words, there is a positive and significant

relationship between students’ learning styles and reading comprehension at the

eleventh grade students of MAN Bintan .



5.1 Conclusion

The aimed of this skripsi was to know whether there was a correlation between

two variables, namely students’ learning styles and reading comprehension in

descriptive text. Based on the problem statements in previous chapter and the result of

the study,it could be concluded that there was a positive significant correlation

between students’ learning styles and reading comprehension skill in descriptive text

of the eleventh grade students of MAN Bintan. It means that the students’ learning

styles have influenced to the students’ reading comprehension.

5.2 Suggestion

Based on the findings of the research, the researcher gave some suggestions as


1. For the teacher

By knowing the contribution of learning styles toward reading comprehension,

teacher may help the students to recognize their learning styles because it was useful

to students in the process of learning.

2. For students

Considering the result of the study that learning styles has contribution toward

reading ability, especially in reading comprehension, the students should develop their

reading skill since it is important skill that very useful in many things.


3. For the researcher

The researcher expects that this research could be reference to future research.

So, this study will be continued and there will be a better solution for improving

students’ reading comprehension skill.


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Appendix 1

Appendix 2

Test of Reading comprehension


Appendix 3

Questionnaire recapitulation data

Note :

n = Number of Students

V = Visual

A = Auditory

K = Kinestetic

Appendix 4

The category of students’ learning styles

Note :

n = Number of Students

V = Visual

A = Auditory

K = Kinestetic

Appendix 5

Sudents Answer of questionnaire


Appendix 6

Reading comprehension recapitulation


Appendix 7

Documentation of the research


Appendix 8

Students answer of reading comprehension


Students answer of reading comprehension


Appendix 9 (Students answer of learning styles questionnaire)

Student 3 (Alliyah Septiana Putri)


Student 6(Dimas Prasetya)


Appendix 9

Permission letter of KEMENAG Bintan


Appendix 10

Permission letter of MAN Bintan



Vialisah was born in Lingga on August 5th, 1998. She grow

up in the Moslem family. Her father is Suhadi and Her mother is
Herlina. She is the first daughter in her family. She have one
brother which name is Syahril Hamzah and two daughter which
name is Nova and Lydia. She graduated from SD Negeri 003
Lingga in 2009 and continued her study in SMP Negeri 2 Lingga
and graduated in 2012. After graduated from Junior High school,
She continued her study in SMA Negeri 01 Lingga Utara and graduated in 2015.
After, passed from Senior High School, she continued her study in Universitas
Maritim Raja Ali Haji, Tanungpinang. She went to English Departement in 2016 and
graduated in 2021. She finished the study on February, 02, 2021 with the skripsi
entitled” Correlation between students’ learning styles and their reading
comprehension at eleventh grade students of MAN Bintan”.

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