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A mock documentary is successful when it combines the appearance of historically

accurate elements with the presentation of believable situations through the use of a fictitious

lens to call the audience's view reality into question. A false documentary uses credible

documentary methods to present a convincing story in order to represent a "fictional

documentary." The audience believes that this is the premise of every mock documentary.

The credit either confirms or destroys the illusion of faithfulness.

Figure 1 description

When it comes to the best movies, adventure films are at the top of the list. They are action-

packed, have a compelling storyline, and keep me on the edge of my seat; they are thrilling

and never boring. Comedy films are fantastic. With all the bad things going on in the world

today, everyone needs to laugh occasionally. I will use the new form of media, which

includes the internet and social media, in marketing my mockumentary film. The online

environment is unique regarding consumer focus and content that is "much more

individualized than the 'on-one to-many' structure of traditional mass media."


Genres are types of films that are classified according to their style or subject matter. Some

movies have a single genre, while others have a mix of genres. Knowing the film genre

before watching it will reveal the subject matter and suitability for the intended audience. My

target audience's age range is between 12 and 24 years old. This age range seemed

appropriate for my project, so I chose it. My film is a romantic mockumentary, and the target

audience is primarily female, as is the case with most romantic comedies. Because different

films appeal to different ages, romantic comedies have a large target audience. The age range

can be between 11 and 40 years old. Because the main actors/actresses of this film will be of

similar age to the audience, my project idea is aimed at younger women between the ages of

12 and 15.
Documentary conventions

In mock documentaries, false images were used to give authenticity; in fake scenes, actions

and events that the camera could not capture were taken to enhance their footage's credibility.

While many early documentary films used fakery to enhance the realism that the directors

were attempting to portray, mock documentaries are designed to appear as realistic as

possible in order to both trick the audience and challenge them to question what they accept

as fact.


Mockumentaries, in general, are not given any more credit than parody-centered, escapism

comedy. While mockumentaries most certainly serve as a cultural commentary on how

documented films are made, they usually end up coming in second place, losing out to the

‘serious' issues that their sis genre never fails to present. The rap mockumentaries receive can

be one of the unjust critics, because the film also has undertones of various civil issues, which

appear to be smothered beneath a comedic screenplay.

With films like Borat or Bruno, it is becoming increasingly difficult to recognize that

mockumentaries are more than just crude throwaway films, even though they are referred to

as ‘mock documentaries.' They must, in some way, deal with similar issues that actual

documentaries do, as they use the same filmmaking template. One of the major issues

addressed in these films is documentary integrity.

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