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- War guilt, Germany had to accept the blame (Clause 231) as it provided justification for
the rest of the terms of treaty.

- Reparations that Germany had to pay for the damages done during war were finalised at
6 billion Great Britain Pounds.

Armed Forces:
- The Armed Forces were limited to 100,000 men and navy with only 6 battleship, no
submarines, no airforce and no armored vehicles . Rhineland to be demilitarised zone on
the western front of Germany, the region bordering Belgium and France.

- Germany lost all its colonies. The Posen region was given to Poland to provide her
access to the sea and dividing East Prussia from the rest of Germany, Danzig the port
city which had a majority of German Population, was declared an international city under
the League of Nations. The Posen region was now declared Polish corridor.
- Northern Schleswig was given to Denmark. Eupen and Malmedy was given to Belgium.
- Alsace and Lorraine was returned to France. Saarland was given to France for 15 years
after which there would be a plebiscite.
- Germany and Austria were forbidden to unite. (No Anschluss)
- Upper Silesia was given to Poland (Urban Region To Germany, Rural Region To
- Memel was given to Lithuania.

Germany and the treaty (UBRAT)

- Germany considered the treaty to be ​U​nfair​. They weren’t a part of negotiations and
were told to sign the treaty and accept it. The Germans called it ‘DIKTAT’ - an imposed
- The Germans hated the treaty but they hated Clause 231 the most which ​B​lamed
Germany for the War. According to them, either Russia was to be blamed, or all nations
were to be equally blamed for the war.
- Germans hated the ​R​eparations​ as they felt Britain and France were trying to starve the
German children to death.They decided not to pay the reparations in 1923 but were
compelled to pay when Belgium and France invaded Ruhr region of Germany.

- The Germans held their ​Ar​ med​. forces as their pride, reducing their arm forces at such
minuscule levels left it vulnerable, to even small nations like Belgium.

- The Germans also hated the loss of ​T​erritory​. The treaty took away a tenth of their land
which they claimed was an attempt to destroy their economy. Other nations were given
the right to self determination but not the Germans, many of whom themselves as
minorities under hostile government. They were also angry that they could not unite with

Civilians Mindset:

- Didn’t want the League of Nations
- Wanted isolationism
- Wanted to bring back the world to normalcy
How far was Woodrow Wilson successful?
- Couldn’t form or even join the League of Nations

- Revengeful
- Very harsh terms
How far was Clemenceau successful?
He was thrown out of the government by the population claiming that he was too lenient with

- Satisfied as they got:
● No navy
● Reparations
● No trade
● Economy crippled
● German army reduced
How far was Lloyd George successful?
He wasn’t content as he did not get control of the seas. Additionally, Britain did not remain a
superpower as many nations got self determination. Lastly, Germany’s economy was
Verdicts Of The Treaty:

​Woodrow Wilson:
- He got League of Nations and self - determination for people of Eastern Europe​ ​but he
was disappointed because:
a) Some of his 14 points did not get into the treaty
b) The US senate refused to join the League of Nations and even refused to sign
the treaty of Versailles.

- He liked the harsh things that were there in the treaty.
1. Reparations: This would help repair the damages that happened in France
2. The tiny German army; This kept France away from German aggression and kept
Germany vulnerable enough to make its breaking up a plausible possibility.
3. Demilitarized zone in Rhineland.
4. France getting Alsace - Lorraine and other German colonies
- But he was disappointed about:
a) Treaty not harsh enough and reparations not high enough
b) Germany was not broken up into small countries

David Lloyd George:

- Many British people wanted to ‘make Germany pay’ and Lloyd George liked that:
1. The fact that Britain got some important German colonies, thus expanding the British
empire further
2. The miniscule German navy helped Britain to continue ‘ to rule the wave’ without any
- But Lloyd George hated the treaty as:
a) He thought the treaty was too harsh and would ruin Germany
b) He strongly believed the treaty would cause another war in 25 years time.


Key Terms:

- Austria was separated from Hungary and was not allowed to reunite.
- The territories of Bohemia and Moravia were given to Czechoslovakia.
- Bosnia and Herzegovina were given to Yugoslavia
- Army was restricted to only 30000 men.
- Had to pay reparations which were canceled due to bankruptcy.


Key Terms:

- Transylvania territory was given to Romania.

- Ruthenia and Slovakia were given to Czechoslovakia.
- Army restricted to only 35,000 men.

TREATY OF neuilly (Bulgaria)

Key Terms:

- Lost land to Greece, Romania and Yugoslavia.

- Lost access to the Mediterranean Sea.
- Had to disarm.


Key Terms:

- Smyrna lost to Greece.

- Syria - mandate to France.
- Iraq, Palestine, Jordan - Britain (Mandate)

*mandate - Given to League of Nations, and then given to look after to some countries. Mostly
France or Britain.
- In name of looking after, the mandate country ruled the country as its own.


Key Terms:
- Smyrna returned to Turkey.
- No military restrictions.
- No reparations.

# The Sultan of Turkey also the Calipha of Sunni Muslims during that era. He was forced not
only to give up his reign, but also his position in the religious community. This caused riots in
India called the Khilafat Movement by Syed Brothers. on the contrary, Turks removed the Sultan
from power.

#After this new government came to power, whose leader was Kamal Pasha. He promised not
to fight, hence a new treaty was formed. ( As above )

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