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Date 2021‐06‐21

Words 533

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1.2 Background:
The dawn of considering employ as an important resource has made human resource an important field and a unique
philosophy which is in current time making organization to accept that worker’s contribution is an integral part of
successful organization. Hameed and Waheed ﴾2011﴿, made an argument that employer are now a days raising
commitments with their workers and employees, and consequently increases performance of employ and organizational.
They further argued in this scenario that worker’s performance is now become a matter of great concern. Organization is
now utilizing different tools which includes rewards to increase performance of their employee. At the same time,
employee motivation has also raised as a precursor of performance of an employee. A company success in driving its
strategies and objectives is residing with capacity of workers to drive its max performance.
In the employee’s view, performance is significant because of continuous need for the workers to enhance way of life and
standards. This is very significant for every person to upgrade his living standard and quality. The main reason behind this
is it is connected with the characteristic and quality of life of the employ. Spargaren ﴾2000﴿, said that the way of life ﴾i.e
lifestyle﴿ are mainly linked to attitudes and behavior of a human being, global views, values and quality of life that
eventually will eventually become human’s identity. There are numerous factors that can affect the quality or work and
performance of the employ mainly in relation with employ personal desire and objectives, lifestyle, their needs, health and
balance between work and other life. Every angle can leave a significant effect on employ performance, health, their well‐
being, home environment and working.
Appreciation in work is crucial to the workers because motivation can help in increases the chances to meet the desired
objective and goals of a company.﴾Torrington, 2005﴿ Employer should try to award the desired appreciation and motivation
to workers that could be hypothesized and can be a valuable contributor to get the max productivity from the employees.
We can say that, if the company gives the more motivation and appreciation to employees it can result in increase in
production with better quality. ﴾Brwon, 1999﴿ Along with monthly salary, which is a usual type of reward in Pakistan are
periodic bonus, health insurance, after retirement pension, loans, car, discounted food and few other benefits. ﴾Bateman,
1999﴿ In order to manage an optimum motivation level is very difficult while workers are dealing with various environment
and situations, this is more difficult to employers to ask for max dedication and commitment from workers.
Porter ﴾1968﴿ explained that recognition and rewards as desired and valued positively return or outcome to an employ
which could be intrinsic or extrinsic, while Reif ﴾1976﴿ explained recognition and reward as something that employ take as a
thing which can satisfy his needs, can be split into monetary and non‐monetary reward.
Recognition and reward are considered as to modify worker’s behavior as well as one’s attitude. Employees who usually do
not get recognition despite of their hardworking would eventually start feeling them‐self incompetent. Further, by Deci
﴾1975﴿ cognitive theory of evaluation, recognition can lead to the engagement and increased feelings of competence.

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