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BY TROY CHRISTENSEN DEVIL'S DOMAIN TROY CHRISTENSEN: WRITER, DAVE GIFFORD: ILLUSTRATOR (PENCILS) JEFF DEE: EDITOR, INKER, MAPS, LETTERING, GADELY ABOUT TOWN, COUNTERS CONTENTS INTRODUCTION... . PART ONE: DEMON INVASION | $1 GM Introdvetion 12 The Aventure 13 GM Interlude © 4 Supersonic Jet Map ae 6 At Stonehenge. «= : 8 Zombie Static ‘| us ‘Stonehenge Tower Deck Deiriptions 8 Stonehenge Tower Map. ‘ ia Aftermath = aa 8 PART TWO: LOST TOMS OF COR. 2 aster Ilana Sete) cee ante stand Map > eae Iii hie ‘Tomb of Cor Descriptions - 10 Tomb of Cor Map.» « " PART THREE: THE DEVIL'S DOMAIT Background . . . : a : 2 ‘Mop Descriptions 2 Devil's Domain Map.» Demon Crestures of the Do 3.1 Anat on the Devi. PIs Energy Pyiont. ws ss cee eee eAe Energy Pylon Map ses cesses 6 The Seat Ov, Tay Level Dap TT ae: Level 2 Map: cee tee oer Level 3 Mop i Deseawaia tees ag) 3.2 Major NPCL fh rin eee Tle ‘The Dew : ace lie ‘The Ovoreer 7 0 PART FOUR: THE DEMON HORDE AND NPCS ‘The Demon Horde st eae ao: Al ae at Experience Pointe, so 7 2B Potent NPC Allg |<. ssc ssccscoeerrls lll ge Note that this adventure pack comes with cutepart counters in the contar of this book. Payers may wish to mount these counters on & heavier cardstock before cutting them apart. US. COPYRIGHT NOTICE ‘Copyright 1964 Troy Christensen. All rights to this book are reserva, No part of this book may be ‘used of reproduced ia eny manner whatsoever without permistion, ‘except in the cave of brit quotations embodied in critical articles ‘or reviews. ‘Cover art, back cover and interior iustrations are copyright 1984 by Dave Giford. ‘Counter ati copyright 1984 by Jett Dee. All charactors. depicted herein are fictional and any resemblance ‘to persons ving, dead, oF undead Is purely coincidental AUTHOR'S INTRODUCTION: ‘This book contra en adventure for the Vain & Vigilantes super- hero role-paying game. Throughout this adventure | have used varlous ‘ames for plate, poopie and ergenizations which you may feel free €o Change if they eight interare with thinge already eetabliched in your ampaign. Ihave aio included @ bit of fittious history to support the fvents which occur hers, but once agai these things may be modified to your campaign's individual needs This adventure i a platform from \ahich the GM should launch his own campaign, not @ mold into which Fis campsign must be forced to fit. ‘This adventure has been designed for six players of at Jest seventh level experiance. If more than six players are involved, oF thelr com. bined levels of expérience exceed forty, then the lees of the demons In Part One should be Increased by one foreach four extra total player levels. If Teas thon sx Players are invlved, omit one demon from those ‘neauntered in Part One for each player under six. The GM con drop \hichever demons he desires, but we suagert that demons with powers ‘most similar to those pososed bythe players be the first 2 90. Thank you, “Troy Christensen EDITORIAL INTRODUCTION Hallo, and welcome to the most cosmic VAV adventure yet. response’ to your calls for tougher opponents, Troy Christensen ‘cooked up some heavy-duty efeetres from another dimension, and ‘you gat to ‘ace them on thelr home tut I's @ win oF be doomed {ituation, 40. ba warned. This opa'r not for the wimpy at heart, Its the Kind of ackenture that your characters will til thaiegrancehit it back, thats. Have © Good One, EFF VEE Part One Demon Invasion 11 GM'S INTRODUCTION Unis the players live under @ rack with 0 sommunication with the outside world, they'll be amore of the incredible events ofthe past five cays. Ill Began with what at trt appmared to bea tropical storm forming of ihe east coast of Florida, But meteorologists were puzaied by the seced at which it was growin, and it soon became clear that vos a entiely new phenomena and not an atmosoherie disturbance at lL Acratts mere spatehed to Investigate, and that's when the fi works began, ‘Tho Vortex, as it had been dubbed by the media, let loose with 3 cconcesive shock wave of gargantuen proportions, Many of the ob Sseration planes wore Los i the ea, and none got close encush to the Vortex to shod any new light on it origin. Manahile, the shock wave lereaked havoe with normal ocean and wather concions as faraway tha coast of Nonny. Now it become apparent that superpowered aesistence would be rnecrssary in contending With the Vortex. CHESS, contacted 3 to {of heroes out of Mim and persuaded them to reout out the source of the citurbanee, Imperial, Mopanaut and Telecomm oid their petriotic ‘duty, managing to wansmit beck thet the Vortex nas centered around Some sort of bizare framework construction, hovering over tne ocean floor ana apparently sucking in everything around it ike» tynthe ‘lack note. Theit report included some video ofthe toner ite, body distorted due to interlerance ot the rouce, yt sopurently showing ‘creatures cf sore sort at work on machines on the tower. ut near the fend of their report the neroes were cut off sn ic-sentanc, and they hve not een esrd fom since, ‘As neva of thest developements begen to reach the public, panic spread. AS cid rumors of the Vortex’ origin, which included every ‘orsibility from the Bermuda Triangle to the Second Coming Amid {his soeculetion retearcher relessed ther scientific ealeulations which ‘were no oss tightening. In Fourteen months, they projected, the Vor {a will Rave devoured one-eight of the Earth's total mats — quite enough to destroy most life on Out planet, And within two Years, ‘he Earth would be utterly coosumed, This sobering news brave im: mediate action from the United Nations, anc thus mative nuclear warhead was launched Inte the Vortex. Whether or not it actual otonated is unceer, but there wor abroulutely no detactabie affect. Most likely the Vorcex simply sucked in the muclar bast eet ‘At this point the Soviet Union took matters into itt own hands, sending their own superhara Gravitron to the site af the phenomena, He used his Gravity Gontrl powers to create an oppcsing black hole, land the resulting Bist mas only slightly less intenee than she Intl shockwave, The Vortox disppeared, apaarenty atthe cort af Gravit Fons life = winning fro Moscow a propagands Victory whieh, for once, they actually seem to deserve. ‘Aa the area returned t0 normal,» ishing trawler was found edit, with only half is crew stil alive, These survivors tld! of their night Iarish experiences; of slithering, cozing ereaturer viho tlaw and at thelr crewmates. It began with @ teri storm {undoubtedly the Vor ‘ex effect Ise!) during which they sighted lenge structure Inthe mid- de of the ocean. Hoping It might be a port of sfery they made tele \way toward i, But by the tine Wey realized it weet an el rig or any thing ele ofthis Earth, toribie eeatutes ware pouring down onto ther sel and eating both men end ship. The few who remein were saved ‘only by a great explosion, which sucked the beast lato it rather than ‘knocking them avy. The sallor swesr atthe ereatures they saw were ‘Somons, and that within tho ayo of the Vortex they could se theDevwi! himsit, 1.2 THE ADVENTURE “The destruction of the Vortox sant a grt sigh of rll throughout ‘the world No trace remains ofthe tower that stood et the center ofthe ‘Dhenomera, nor any other evidence a5 to whet eaused It oF why, Most [people reuse to dwell on this mystery, cantent inthe Knowledge that Inhat aver it was its gone now ard fife can get Back to normal. CHESS. however hos taken alos optimist view. They have sort ‘ed ever supermero in thei files to stand ready, ana ask those with men- {Bl powers or supernatural expertive to direct thelr powers. toward finding an explanation for this neiaant, CM.ESS, 18 postive that we've ot seen the ast of the toner nor is wierd inhabitants, GM: AL wie point in the edventure, each of your players with rmantal or magical powers will be approached ineivigualy by agents of GiH.ES.S. and asked to watch out for anything unusual. The othor Players will be aware of the general ert, but won't be specifically Eighteen hours after the destruction of the Bermuda Vortex the following mesrage will be delivered to the players by 2 CHESS, essence entemen: "A report hae just been received trom our contact in Britsin that tecand mysterious tower is now under construction atthe site of the ruins of Stonehenge. With the Royel Guard, Britain's primary {upernero tear, currently unavallable we've bsen asked by the Prime Minister to snd a18 If wo ean. Your group eame immediately {0 mind ~ and understand, time is ezental. We must move quickly {0 precent 2 sacand Vortex from forming. If you are available t2 Undertake this vita! mision, pleese accompany the bearer of this ‘message to our focal heasquartrs for # ful retin Thank You, Homer Grimsby Kingof CHESS 1 the players secompany the messenger they'll be brought to the nearest CHESS. basa to be filled In by higvlevel agents. Thus, even the matory of your ove carmpaign makes It impossible for your players tobe forlir with recent events they will now receive te ful ory and be leetuted on the axtame Importance of preventing the Creation ofa second Vortex I the players turn cown the request, C.H.ESS. will be forced 10 atk for hip fom some lesser superharo team, If no wimpy group al feady exists in your campaign then toll the players that CHESS, nls ‘the Crusaders, trom the V&V adventure Crisis at Crusader ‘Giada. Five hours later it will be announced that the Crusaders ware 1.3 GM'S INTERLUDE Every 666 years the cimention of the Devi's Domain comes into close proximity mth the plane of Earth. Thie arrangement fete for ‘ony a short time, Dut during these periods small passoprayé Open Be: ‘trees tho two planes, The mater ofthe Deus Domai, who gost by ‘mony ramet tatmodous, Cevagort and Xfervall tO name Duta fae} ot ‘Been unable to seeape is ron sinen ho was banished there sone 390, Hi eraune seam tothe ret ofthe multvern so that he may recapture It'and” Tule {alla he onee tid Tong ago. For purposes of thi sven {Ure we shal eal him simply the Devi, hough he may OF may not act aly be the fet behind that nary ‘Over the millenia he har come clos to his goal, but has slvaye faite to actually sat foot beyend the Devils Domain, Many of hs fmisaries and heralds Rave come through to prepate Mis way, But Llnays the gatoweys have closed long before he could. muster enough ower to make the journey homielt, He hs not wasted these past 3 Rnarea yers, awevor and he hes st ast founda way! he can reat 2 Thing Unk feom his universe through 9 portal Lesding to another unk ‘erse” than he could oreapa hit Domain, Ths Iiving ink mur. be forged ‘om milions of demons, and a great dal of energy is needed for those Semone created, "Tree siant matter vacuums would be crested on the far ends of thes dimensional tunrals, and the harvest af those matter vacuums ‘would be sed to feed the demon horde, The fst vacuum ae fet UP Inthe Xorlan universe, on the home planet ofthe Xareont, The socond ‘nas constructed on the planet Targo, horse of the race fo creatures led Gorgs, At we have seen the final vacuum wos paced inthe Bor muda Triangle on our home planet earth. The Bermuda Tilange ws hosen for ite weak clmensional fabri, and wan the tower shee was ‘Senrayed Stonehenge wes chorer ty the Devi asthe next Ges eteated and captured by the “Demons at Stonehenge... and then ‘the second Vortex i tentfired for five seconds, annihilating several square miles of British countryside (but leaving. Stonehonge itzl? UUntauched at the eve ofthe Vertex). How soon the Vartex will bacome “ally operational is anyone's ques, but a¢ GM you should know that ‘he players wil naw have ony five hours aftr ther arrival in Britain to ‘efeat te demons, anc not ten. Homer Grimsby wil personaly contact ‘he players and plead for thelr help, seving the whole word i Courting ‘on thom ane 30 forth, And, az a mattr of fet tis CHESS, wil loan the players 2 supersonic jot if they do not have thei own transportation to’ England, and urge the team to fly dectly 10 Stonehenge at to speed. SUPERSONIC JET: Wight; 32,600 Ibe, (Cargo Capscity: 4,000 tbs Hit Points; Te bible: 160 To Demolish: 680 ‘eaponry: mit Goet'$8:9 milion Armor” Stee hull, Stuewl Rating 9 ve. eae hit SUPERSONIC JET MAP KEY ‘A. Cockpit: This small cramped space has seats forthe pilot co pilot, ana fight engineer. Tha et is equipped with the best in modern {echinology. Even if ao one on board knows Row to fy @pare the on- board cornouter can ran the Jet elf im respons to imple voice com ‘monos. The radar system has a radius of 120 mies Ga long a there ire no’ major ebstructons). The computer monitors al funchans and an warn the crew of any emergencies The contr! consoles have suc {ural ratings of five, But of courme 40 tong sr the complster ie opera: ‘ional and the jet fs strutualy sound even foal destruction ofthe con. ‘els cannot bring the Jet down. 'B Passenger” Lounge: Hare there are sx snivel chairs arranged clr- culariy in groune of thea around four bolted down tapes, Bur Ito tach of the tables ae terminals of the J's central computer. Next ‘the cockpit door stands ¢ wellstecked bar, nd along the side wale ae {ows of windows with tripe panes of gles to help prevent explosive ‘deeompeesion. On the floor neor the rar ie hatehmay down t0 the fargo hold, normally Kept Sealed and locked. The two passenger bets lare ror in the lounge, the smaller of which is an emergency ext saith fn alarm to prevent is acciental use, while the larger Gooraay Is for ‘oral use ana i suppllee with sown eollapesbiestairay 'G. Corgo Hols: Tae old i eatifed to carry up to 4000 ib. of cargo hough in emergence up to tien that amount could be carried. The fnold nat 8 Sra erane which ean support up t0 2000 Toe. and which an extn out through the cergo hateh to ald in foading and unloscing argo, The crane controls are the cargo hold walls, ereugh the crane fan aiso_be operated fram the cockait or lounge using te mln come puter and closed-ireult TV monitors on the gem ofthe rane, Passenger: 909 Speed! 3,680 mph. (mach 5) “The desurction of the Stonehenge tower is essential, fr if another Vortex forms only anther here as powerful as Gravitron wall be able to clove the Vortax. To thu the Devil the characters must overcoms the cemone and thei minions who sre constructing the tower. Once these cresture have Deon neutralized the machines On the tower cen tusly be dismantled. The characters heve only ten hows of pare time befote the tower becomes operational, once they ave a Stonehenge Evan the player's trip to Stonehenge will be freught with perili The Overseer, Crvegorts demented left-hand man, wil attempt 10 destroy ‘ort least frignten off, anyone trying to stop the construction of he ‘Blonehange matter veeuurn. "Soon after the charoctrs s8t Out for Britsin an image of the Dew will sppest in the sky before ther, Ne wil Speak, commanding them to {rn back or face dertructon. The image ir marely 3 hologram, wich ‘ull vanieh after delivering te mosrage ‘Actuming tho players concious, they will then be subjected to 2 wove of mystic turbulonee sent by the Overseer, Neither the plane rot ny devies carried by the players vl be repairably damaged, thought ‘he autopilot wil sertcn £0 rome backup system to eap the I borne The GM whould impress upon the players the fact that another ‘uch shock could be dsarerous. "The Overseer having hoped to destroy th players in the intial bast and unaware of the damene he cause, wil fal back on Mis second flan, He will send an Abomination with the additonal pomers of Fight {150 mph) and Armor (ADR 65], and’ four slimes. Thelt mission stop the players trom geting to. Stonehenge, using whetever moans ‘necestary These demons cannot speak any Earthy tanguage, so ques. tioning them i poinuss. Iv the demons are defeated thay explode In 2,geud of poious broun ame, Se below fr move inaratin on thie gr and'ts effects on normal Ge, non auper) humans, The demons ray ‘olay the players! aria, but cesuming thoy waste no time in (iting there once this battle is over they wil sl ave 10 hours to sop the Stonchenge Vortex. At the point the Overseer wil treo the care, ausuming the crow 8 Stonehenge can deal with the soneneckere) layers, Arriving at Stonehenge the Players will ee the tall isek structure rising 300 fect above the ancient ruins Standing On four metal ls, 1 ostoet each in diameter, It realy door 00k remarkably ike a0 8 fig. The tomer seanes teely over Stonehenge and tram a distance the players can cimly seo protesque figures erswing about on tach of Ne ‘our eke ‘loser inspection wil rea that each dec hold various hel-asem. ZOMBIE STATISTICS Number: Laval: Hits: Power; Agility: Move: 7 1 2 30 S 2 2 8 483 "bP 3 1 8 %& wo 39 4 ISH eeer teal m 30 5 2 68 @ “4 3 6 34 4 7 1 2 46 7 Or a 2 8 3B 6 37" ° 1 7 ea Br 10 re, bled machines, and that the lower three iavels ate inhabited ony by hhumaeitke beings, (GM These are sombies, transformed humans sen from our plane by the Devi during his vious attempts to break fee of his Domin. ieee saspection wl reveal that the zombies are costed in tated rerinant of costumes from vagus Maral prods The Uppermost level holes 8 voiety of mare exctiecteotues. ‘Sonaitve detection devios will anngunce the players arival to the damans an soon they step within 400 fost of the tower The demons ‘nll imeneistsy summon the sombies to confront the players at tat ‘ima, ane mey also fom the battle they themasves are chcety Theat ned. many ease the demons’ top friarity well be the defense of the ‘echanieme on the tow, and thay wll eoredar tharaseive snd thet Somes 0 be expendaal “The zombies wll begin by toting erates of machine ports, weighting '800\paunde ach, doxen upon tho unfortunate players. Alternard they wil fallback upon their ou incvisual weapons Damage: Accuracy: HTH: Weaponry: 7 2 tat hammer - = jak serene = = 06 Rammer 7 168 sledachammer a 16 wench n = tae haramer 4“ 212 am 7 °2 tad sladgehammar a 41146 Insanity Prod 4 db Insert Prod NEW WEAPONS: ‘hammer HTH: +1 toni, +106 damee ot HTH: #1 tom #108 damage ‘wrench HTH: 42 to hit, +148 damage Sledgehammer HTH: #2 tot, +108 damepe PROD OF INSANITY: racks 9 big club (HTH +210 hit, +1d6 damagel, with the fok toning edaiional efect: vets must seve ws. Charme on 1620 when ‘itor 0 Insane for Ta ful tums, automaticaly atacklog tei fends Instesd'af thelr Opponents, When Insane characters must Sl Fgh to ‘the best of heir ability, 2, no Tit punching when Your eneray Dest ‘would be more atective, DECK DESCRIPTIONS teh deck of the toner Is 100 fest high. The fst floor Is at ground love al the fourth isthe roo! ofthe structure, Large support Ie 1un Up each of the four corners of the bulling, ach having a sexta tating of 20, and wach being feet thick. Tha, leg would have to take 100 points of Internal domage Before crumbling. For each leg ead ‘ere fea 30% cumulative chance thatthe entire toner wil sar 0 oo BBpse. I this occurs, characters will ave Td turns to evacuate. A rote cconcering the invulnerability fleas en the tower once they have beat breached they overioad and cease to function, “ne fare ofthe tower are made of thin sheets of the same adamar sium alloy at the les, le, Structural Rating of ?, though the players ‘should realize that it 8 aationel monument ond should take step to protect from demage. BECK ONE: 115: Zombies, These are the locations of the zombles 8 work on this evel Se tomble description. "A: Computer Modulator, There are hundreds of switches, knobs, and video screens scattered across al sides of this gigantic devee, All the instrumentation wll appear totally alien at fist lance, bute closet Inapection wll reveal an ineecipheratie Modgenodge of charactor rom Both histerial and as yot undiscovered civizetons. The Computer oduletor i the contra brain of the other computers onthe toner, and i ciabled davies D ane € wil immedistely cease to function, This Js ‘ica taker 100 domage points before tis destroyed, but 25 poines wil ‘Siablest Trangpatial Receiver. This machine looks quite similiar to the ‘computer Modulator, butt emis a Tew whisting sound onetantly an {t protected by an invnble fold. The Tranepatat Recsivr coorcinatet the tration of matter Betwaen dimensions, ang if Ie is sable the ‘aver vacuum vill ot function, The inviibie fed art as Invulners [lity witha strength of 20, 100 points of camage wil destroy this de- Wee, na 28 wll dace inoperative Machine. This incomprehensible device isnot corm pletely finshed, aod is not vital tothe activation of the matter vacuury, 5 points of cmage wil teduce I 40 teatted wreckage, But 20 points Weill consinee the players that the mihine won't Be completed fot ‘avs. ‘DUE: Logistic Computers. Similar to the Computer Modulator but ‘mare spocialzed In funetion, these machines are vial tothe ection Gf the matter vacuum. 38 damage pons will dsable each Logistic ‘Computer and 120 pols wall destroy thom, "FRG: Power Generators, These large round pulkating behemoths ‘generate power for the entire tower. The Outer turtacer glow tee-hot, ‘using a Tod burn if touened Coch taker 25 points before becoming ‘abled, and are demolished with 100 points, I esabied, @ Power ‘Gererater will bown to. overioad, glowing even hotter and emitting ‘Ominous rumbling sounds, It wil be obvious to everyone around that ‘he generator is going fo explogel In Your turns, Unies the generator ie completaly cest/oved, It wll explode with tve fore of all nuclear Domb ‘see VBV rules. 25), Each generator weighs 3000 Toe, and It rot securely fastened 16 the floor, so the players could respond by ‘roving the tamoged penerstor where twill do'mo harm, I elher pen: frator is disable al tre Invulnacaility shialds on the tower wil ease 10 {unetion, and bath generators are val to the operation of the matter Deck Two: ‘68: Zombies ‘A. Power Generator. Same os F and G above but much more power ful."The heat of fr surfoce does 112 damage, aod It takes twice st Imuen damage to citable or demalizh (60 potets 30 200 points rempect Inly). Te also overioagr If esabied, exploding aa fargp nuclear bow "Thi generator woighe 6000 pounds, OF course, i a0 Val Yo the peration ofthe matier vacuum ‘Gravity Ganerator. Its this device which produces the awesome sraitational foreer hich form the. Vortex. The generator takes 30 Boints to sable and 120 deralish. However, Hs protected by @ 30 pint Invulnersbilty shld. Note, I the generator has been demalined [vat at explade witen the Grouty Monitor Station taken out (eee below! C: Gravity Monitor Station. This machine contrls power input 20 the Gravity Generator I te Gravity Monitor Station ssc, the Gravity Generator wil begin to overload, exploding ith the force of 3 Targenuctear bomb in four turns. However, tis wll not Reppen ‘he Poner Generators an the tower are aieady disabled or if the Gray fay Generator isa has been destroyed. Luckily,» 50 point Invsiners- tity field protects this station from possibte har, 'D: Invulnerablty Control Station. Written In the same jumble of languages, the feacouts on this acting Indicate which devices on the {ower are protected by Invlnerabilty ilds, and how much protection frch one has, Cheracers can attempt to Detect Hidden in oFder to Ge- ipher the mesning of the maps that they see cispieyed Here, Disabling {hus machine eauves al the Invelerablity feos onthe tower to deect= Ivater It takes 28 points to sable and 100 to destroy this station, ond aio has ts ow 20 paint invulnerability she DECK THREE: ‘9-10: Zombies ‘A: Overseer Modula, This isthe mechanism which atlows the Over= seer 10 entend his Power Into our dimension, It looks like large Black ‘cube writhing with tubes end wires, On one side of the cube is» blue ‘misty portal faintly showing. Its through tis one-way portal thet the Overseer projects his evil energies. When any creature approaches with in 70 feet of the cube, an alrm oll eutematically alert the Overseer, tard he wil-zod an iision of Herall to hover above the cube ard su Sey the situation. If he peesives forces haste tothe Devl, te lusion ‘all speak to them commanding them to depart oF face his wrath, Tt Fis foes donot immediatly leave, he will use Ne Teleportation paws ‘Sgeinat ther (te dato on the Overseer), He will not physically conront ‘hem, however. Dissbling the cube [25 points) will smut aft she Over: {eor's acces 19 thi dimension. The Overseer Module has 2 10 point Invulnerabiliy sreon, and takes 100 points to demolish, ‘B: Auniliary Overseer Module, This 2 supiteate ofthe dbove, but though it seems inact Tt fe not yet fectiondl in any way, ipeluding tt Tnvulerebiiey dotonse ‘CED: Inoparative Machines, Neithor of there devices are currontly ‘parationa nor do they look I, They are also tal to the operation of ‘he maton tao, DECK FOUR: “A: Giant Maw. This isthe aperture through which our entire planet wall be sucked Ifthe matter acum goes into Speration, 1 hes te ap becrance ef a sphere with a cavernous ‘oothy” mouth, mounted 96 pedestal. 20 points of damage will dale it, ond 160 points ve needed {e completely destroy. thi device. It any player fe aaventuresome ‘ough to pake Ns head inal, he will se @ eed-end tunnel going [Salght down only about 18 feet, "17: Demons. Sime. ‘Aneter Slime, ‘A’Beogen. ‘an Abomination, ‘Arscond Abomination, A Cramer ‘These camons ar the zombies” supervisors, but they won't hesitate 10 stack intruders tharseelve it to tntrader get past the zombxet. In ‘ac, they wil flgt tothe death to protect the tower. If defeated, each demon ‘will explode in a splatier of brown stinking 900. Moments fate, the oop wil evaporate into a thiee brown smoke, Unies the players act t0\dertoy oF contain this demon fehor, itil Bread Out 4nd begin to effect the minas of normal Ue. nonsiper) humans. The iehor le nt hard to destroy, one shot with any anergy attack should be {ulficlent, Execty how the gas will fect the minds of pedestrians Seualled below, g GROUND FLOOR DECK FOUR 1o DECK TWO DECK THREE AFTERMATH Hi an hour after the players defest the demons and zombies at the tomer, and assuring they tick around {9 examine ft fonmspeopte Bifestea by the demon Inchor sil begin to converge on the Stonehenge free Ths ges aects the mincs of normal humans by eausing them £0 Stee a killing renay, soaking out the nearest unetfected belras 95 l- mts of their Rost ‘CRAZED PEDESTRIANS Name: Level: Hits: Power: ality: Gunny ot TT Kid 1 4 oe Maa 1 5 4 0 cop 2 10 6 613 Farmer 181 Women 1 #1 ‘Now Weapons: chon 41 ton, +148 damage Shovel Feta Ha6 damage reek ine bonus font, #1 paint damage 1H the plavare don't stick around tong enough to enesunter he crazed foals, they wl tl recenved roports of wanton violence balng octated by the townspeople around Stonahenge. The GM may low the payers to move to assist i controling the populace, ana it fo-tse the sats above to esa any combst Within hours te wolence ‘nil die own to nothing, athe effects of the demon lehor fad avy. If toe players fel to deteat the demons, the GM has two alters: ties. He may alow them t0 elfeat snd regroup, adding ane ROW Te the time they have before the Vortex is astivated for each piece Of Part Two People affected by the damon ichor behave ae if entranced, with ony eyes and a thambling gt. Toy mill not speck or expand *o onverstion and canot be reszoned with, The players shoul either ‘ice or subdue these poor unfortunate, for they aro meray ill and mot ‘esponsine for thei actions Damage: ACC: HTH: Weapon: ™ 2 12 plex HH 13 nite Beer eae ea A 16 itte HH 168 hovel HH 1 tock relevant machinery they cisablec atthe tower and subtracting any time ‘hay used in proparing for and executing tele nil attack: By meray ‘watching actly at the tower and players will be able to giuge Now much me they have. OF course, the Overser will use thi time (o Teplace the zombies or demons that the players have already anomes {o drlest. The second option, ot recommended Unless the players come out of thelr initial bee In such oor shape that they cannot only hope to overcome the demons in'9 second attack, is to have the players foke another group of heroes ta the tower. Lost Tomb of Cor ‘Having saved the wore from the second matter vacuum, the players, willbe praised worldwge for ther avery and brent mith wach i Sorations, ond renords trom various sources. G.H-E-S.S, will ot let thom bridle, however, contacting them immediatly and asking them to pursue the investigation. CHESS. bellows that the only way finaly stop is “Dew” annoying antics ie to confront hry facut fave, Of couse, they will asuame that ve players ae rey and wiling to siay on the eave, CHESS, will present tha players with 9 wal OF ‘demon ichor for having it analyeed 241 EASTER ISLAND Easter Inland it 9 small cerort and in tho South Pacific, about 2000 miles weet of Chile. It hat small population distributed among {nveral small villages slong Itt shores, and famed for giant stone heads scattered rose vt surface, Any citizen, the players approach for dvections wal be able to aiect them to Glenn loeco’s Uy Rat, but theyll refute to apareach it hemeelves If questioned abou tit {he'll comment on Jaceo's infamous reputation and repulsive appear Sree. If_qumtioned further theyll admnt thot Glenn hat been very ‘ule since his recent release from prison, but they still fol that it IPestnot to take any ebsnees From the dunes aneiraling loceo's ne=room how, abou 100 yard nay the players wil ewe tat the hack encircled By four OF the land's great Htonoheads, except that these have evar that smoulder Ae 'the players approach, Jozeo wal come out wearing his tatters 1d" Otvtuary cortume and begin sereaming threats that he wll cll ‘own the Devi's mrath upon ther if they continue to tempat. AMY ttempt to question hin wil yaid only oad yawns and mre treats Tr they continue to lowe, oF if they persis In thelr attempts at conver. fasion, Obstary will sneer ike'a madman and white, Suddenly Your ‘demos. wil spring from the hat, forming up one tech between the four state surrounding the Rove, standing ready for bat, “Te four demons ae a Follows: 11 Changeling: All the regular Powers (ee below), pls the following Body Power: PRt per attack, 10" range, shoots Gut lang tcky testicles attacking ay HTH end Going fd8 damape, plus binding fr tipping characters on special a taeKs Netra! Wespoary. 43 to hit, 46 damage, vuabe In conjunetion sath body Power. “The demon ichor will turn out to bs_an alien organic compound, with the abiiny to affect human brain chemisty in te gaeous form. FRovorde wil show that ft har been encountared only once before in ecorded hittory, in the hande of terrost Glenn acca (alia “Obit {ry during is reign of teror fifty years ago, A native of Esser Ilo, Glenn escaped from Chileon police forces efiar wreaking havor on the Islnd, coming out of hiding two yeors later and nearly dominating {he world with his vm demon iehor Unt he wae stoBpeé, 2) Horror: All he normal powers plus: ‘Non-Corpereainet: Not permanent, PRS@ per hou, through the irs ground speed, et 3) Crawlers ie the ‘Uwusl powers except no Invulnerability, pl "Sze Change. Larger: At will, PRe2 to grow, none 10 shrink Bock, taker moverert to change, Grove four times normal (enh, simply swrteh to the folowing stats toate Hit Pointe:230 Power: 40 Aecuraey: 3 HT sai0 'Sonie Abilities: 82” range, PR=3, doa 4410 demage (only when Iara: at nora size use normal Somes). Has the norma bits plus the following ‘Wesknest Drcrection: Taser one action within 1” ofthe sarge {elds +10 to it and koowedge of one special weakness if any) Social Weapon: Soul Syekle 22 to it +1010 damage HTH. On {hit the wet must save v. lon 1320 to reir having his soul Sucked trom his body and into the syeKle, It ursucoastul the ‘charactor wil have time Tor one horioie scram, atrcting the ‘use of his teammates, a is soul evisbly dram into the blade. ic body will fall to the ground dead, but the soul wil ie on ‘entrapped im the weapon. It the spit ig slain or the weapon is {faker trom him the other players wil be able to converse with ‘ele comrade mentally by holding the syeAle’s Randle. By xa ining the weapon (roll Detect Hick) will be discovered that ‘he hendlo twrsts off # the handle removed, the trapped soul is olessed like » genie from a bottle, immediatly returaing to Re boar Aility:5 Move: 230" 416i SS sagan ss Ww i Nether Obituary or his demon cohorts will surrender. Any demons which ate defeated will explode ang seater fer, affecting the land's Fonulation within one hour nless the players contaln or destroy 38 {hey should have leemed tod by now. Toside Glenn's haute eon be ound e bed, dreser,lerge chost, and coven in the areser, hidden under fithy old uniforms, ise dary, The last entry 12 doys of. It reods a follow Tey are back! The Devirs Domain is at hand! His tumone tempt me once again ~ 1 prey that {can reat thom, can't ive trough tht again. ‘have soon the truth, doar Gad give me sirength? eis don 1 secep the Devi’s commands, He will give me dominion over the world? The chest is locked and cannot be moved by any smount of strength. The fook is structural rating 7 rusted iron, 2 Key for which ‘cin ba found on Glenn's boay. ‘Opening the chest wil reveal a dank hole though the floor fom which an overpowering stench ond etanic Screams emate. A slippery Stairway winds down from here to room 1 in th Tomb of Cor IF Glenn is Tnterrogsted he will babble incoherently and reveal no User information. Even this mn is ead, he sso Insane tat nothing ‘canbe made of Identity: Glann Joceo Side: Evi Sox: Male age: 85 Level: “raining: None Powers 1, Heightened Ineligenee: #20 2. Death Touch: See VAV rule pa. 14 53. adaption: PR=T per hour on peruse asa defense. 4, Natural Weaponry: Clawed hands, HTH 42 0 hit, +4. demape. 5 Special Requirement: Must sloop near dead bodies to ratan powers. Weight: 130 Basie Hits: 3 Strength: 17 Endurance: 11 Ahiny 12 Inveligence: 34 ‘Charisma: 12 Hit Points: 9 Reactions trom Good: 1 Evil +1 Damage Mo. 95 ealing Rate: 75 ‘Accuracy: +1 Powers 71 Carrying Copsity: 250 Movement Rate: 37° ground Det Hidden: 24% venting Points: 8.5 Inventing: 102% Origin & Background: Pacific Islander, erime and mysticism skis Lega Staus: Record, not curently Wented. Basie HTH Oomage: 146 Det. Danger: 28% Cath: unknown Origin & Background: Asa young boy Glenn Jocco loved to explore tunnels snd eaves. In hit 16th year he cacovered e tomb belonging to fan ancient Earte: Island king famed Cor. In exploring the tom, he ‘oldentally tapped himself in s room full of decayed and murmmited orpaes, When # rezcue party found him twelve days later, he wos 8 Gferent person. He'd leerned t0 enjoy sleeping in ravevards and cok Iectig deed things. The authorities onthe island tried to commit Glenn to 8 nuthouse, but when they came fer him, ne slew ive policemen and ‘maimed three others with his claa-ike, deformed mands, A stcond attempt was never mode, and Glenn csappesred into his boloved buat ‘ounces, His tesination withthe mecabre ultimately led to his making 2 pact with other-dimensional demons, which nearly made him ruler fof the world, In te end, Glenn wet sentenced to life (inter roduced to fifty yore. The last thee years of his life have been spent quietly and in solitude buck on Eester island ‘Combat Tactics: AS. Obituary, Glenn fights primarily with his, clans. He will only employ Death Touch to taka out extremely power ful opponsnts or to fight his way out of @ corner. Also, during batle he will curse and taunt his opponents in order to confuse and belittle them. MAP KEY TO THE TOMB OF COR (1) CHAOS ROOM: Powerful arcane forces wil scan the subeon sciousness of each character entering his room. Any character found £0 be truly on the side of Evil may passthrough without hindrance. All ‘other characters mutt save on 1420 ve, hit Intalligencs in order to di balieve the illusion which the room wil send against him. ve cheracter abelieves his ilusion, he will be fr4e to proceed or to attempt 0 10 convince the others that what they foce isnot ral (per action spent, ‘the character ean ty to convince one other thet tse ral ~ allowing ‘one asitional 1420 save vs, 10 per atm) ‘So long ata illusion He believed, ite sa eas follows: Hit Ponts 300, Power: 100, Level: victim's loval +146, Agility: victim's Agity+ 1410, Move: 100", +1 10 ni 241044 damage, attacks a HTH. [As soon a @ character defeats or dselieves hs illusion, i efect- ivmiy daopnars, Al damage taken remains, however, Apart trom the lions, this room is emt 12) HALL OF AGES: This corridor is inad with aneiontheiroay hice, The walls, ealing and. floor ore all ently coveced, Any ‘Shaacter may spond an Inventing Point {0 puzzle Out the story con tained in theae writings. The runes tll the story of Cor end how he tet his fate, A condensed version of the tale runs a follows Tea thousand years ago a race of men journeyed here trom a faraway ‘planet The tip took many generations There was 2 colony here on arter Island, but when the travelers atived they found tha Jt hed ‘bean destroyed by Earthly cresures The rew people erected the great stone heads in honor of the previous coniony, and they built their ‘own magnificent eity around them. For hundreds of years they pros ppered, and grew proficient in the occult arte Their king in those ‘days wos named Cor, and he begged the witards to stop their dealings With the demons from beyond But they did not, nd finaly they caled {orth a great deman which consumed their whole ety. Then Xng Cor fought the demon and slew it, saving @ handful of his subjects He himaaif did not sursve the battle A secret tomb was but for him, (guarded by undeed wits and cursed by the vengeful demons. {Each character who suoceed n deciohering the runes mil be cursed, 25 the last few Reiroglyphics wil indicate. A cursed invicual wil have 4 minus 4 modifier on all 420 saving throws, ard minut 20% on sll {4100 saves. The curse lst: for 1d100 Gays, or can be purged from the tins payene witha telepathic Min Probe (@) WELL OF THE DEAD: This toom it plied igh and degp with smurnmified corpas. Atop tha pile rst three important looking’ Bose ecked out in jewelry of gret value, Piercing he chest of the contsl Important corpse is @ great bronco key. The key is inscribed in ancient Bebylonien {10 save on 14100 to recognize the language, and another 1100 fave to be able to tesa itl. The inscription roses "Koy to the Worlds Beyond’. If looted, the room yields $100,000 in treasures (treat this money as merchandizing. se rules, pp. 39}. Meanwhile, {or every minute each cheracterrernalns in this room a 2D save xs. 10 is required to resist developing 9 Phobia/Psyehosis about ead Doses. The GM may docige how this weakness wil affect the player's ‘future behavior, Psychoanalysis will remove te weakness. (4) STATUE: This stetue & in the shape of on octopus-honded warrior with tusks and eight spidery eves. He stands with his arms {oles sero his ches, blocking the doorway behind him. H the door is Ssturved in any way the statue wil traneform Into areal ive Horror! ‘The Horror wil attack the players ané not stop until defeated, at which point i turns to dust. Thi Horror hes the following uniave character Irie: double normal Power s2ore, natural ADA 80 armor, and Height: ‘ned Speed 4240", +11 initiate. 15) DOME OF’ KNOWLEDGE: This room is hemispherical, carved ‘out of living rock. The dome is encrusted with hundreds of small jones ‘etivate video diplays dating from Uhe reign of Cor. Ita Meat source live finger, laser Bear, ete) is applied £0 a Jew, one ofthe following ‘recordings will ba played 1. Avscientific stdy on the effects of crossbreeding Cor's people ‘with 'native hominids. The audio nervation is uninteligible, but from the pictures one can see that the genes of the offspring mutate in une ‘predictable ways, causing @ far more frequent occurence of superhuman ables. 2, The Devi, whom players will recounize from their fight to Eng: land, is shown melting and consuming a beauitl city. He is gigantic! '3.'A panoramic view of a land of shallow glowing streams and strangp forent, In the eneter of the land floats 9 slant tea ball, held ‘alate by the force of a pulsating Blue energy bear. Show the players ‘the map of the Devi's Domain, Shown inhabiting thi strange fond {re Noraae of emone of all forte and armiet of skeletal warriors, Any ‘charzetor who deciphered the hieroglyphs in the Hall of Ages ean rad those which accompany this piewre: they read “THE DEVIL'S DO- wal 4. Nothing happens. Then, unless the players go back 10 wewing one ‘of the otter displays, a blue beam is projected from one gom snd re bounds around the room in a spectacular fashion, finally outlining © hidden doorway in the south of the room. Without thi betm n'y 8 succesful Detect Hicdea roll wil reveal the door, Ifthe players ty to pry goms from the cling, the video projection ‘bilities ofthe room will be destroyed. The gens themsclves are synthe tic and almost worthless, A 5 3 i is 5 —— iH 2 2 A oa alslat] é 7 y the way, at each point merked “AY stand» statue, The statues Fesembie squat beetlemen armed with long wicked pikes. At soon aa the players are in the room, or a 300n as any stragglers enter the room 5, meee statues become animate Horror and stack: These perculor Horrors have ADR 160 armor but no natural weaponry, Instead fighting ‘with their pikes (1 to hi, +1d8 demoge). They are experts with t kes, Raving 410 it with then (6) GATE OF THE DIMENSIONS: This coom appears to be cer: perted in 8 deep brown shag... but closer inspection wil reves that the ‘eacpot is infact a layer of tiny squirming lfve maggots. Gn the south rn all is peinted a preure of Iarge wooden door. But the Keyhole to {this door is rel: The key from room 2 wil tthe lock, and the door ‘nent reveal glowing energy field, Az the door opens voice wil senk in wach players mind, asking ‘What doest thou seek:?” The portal will show @ ploture of eny person, place or thing mentioned by the player. As each new thing 's mentioned, the view will change. If any ‘character steps through the portl, he will find himself transported to the place shown, His fiends wil still see him, unless they ask for another view, The portal, once tuned 10 leation, wil stay open ony ‘8 long at one character remains in the room to hold the door open ‘Once the last character stops through the portal closgs eurometically leaving no route home. Trying to wedga the door open will have no affect” — soy. inanimate abject Blocking the door will dsinegrate, 7) Con's Tow is leaing to thi room Is choked wath ‘human skeletons. Hierogyphiee warn teypassars to turn back or be for fever curse. The frst who actually enters the room will be cursed for Iie, losing helt his healing rate and losing half his Charisma to the effects of an incurable skin disease. The tom coatsine only empty chests having been looted years ago by Glenn Jocco, Part Three The Devil's Domain ‘The characters will enter the Comin though either of two entra ces. They an enter the Devils Domain trough the Eater tears Dimension Gate oF BY their own medrs, which may Include Dimon: onal Travel of some other means. The characters in any event, will find thernelves arriving on the western border of the map founa below. “This section outlines the fino conflict with the Devil himlf, The Devi's Domain i situated in another dimension, and hes sihtly differ tnt characteristic and natura fame than the Earth. These ae danested talon. ATMOSPHERE: “The alien chemistry af the Domain’s ir has the folloming effects on humane, The affects may be diferent On alien and otner nonhumans {Gis option!. Esch aevion token costs 2 power over and above itt ‘oral cost, But normal healing takes pace avery hour instead of once per day, Adaptation will negate both the postive and nepetive effects ‘of tir tmorohers Gravity. “The Devi's Domsin has agravity of 1.89 Gs (ue. 1.88 times Earth's ravty), Multiply eseh character's weight by 1.89, and subtract each ‘extra pounde of weight from his Carrying Capacity. Ifthe characters (Carrying Capscity is reduced 10 a negative value he wll be unable to ‘move under his own power, Recslevste HTH camage basod on th ‘remaining Carrying Capicity, and mods Agility if necessary (ee tab one. 5 THE DEVIL'S GEOLOGY ‘The soll and rocks in the Devi's Domain are composed of ciamond hard crystals, and the native flor share Siete charactritics, Struct Rating equals 10. Any character emsahing into or falling on this 5S “Rance takes +110 aamege KEY TO THE DEVIL'S DOMAIN: ‘THE FIELDS OF GLASS: Most of the terrain in the Devi's Domain i of tis type. The Felt ‘of Glee look like endless pine littered with shards of Broken crystals Small stropes and cute are Inevitable wherever one tree to wale serest ‘thee field; for each five miles traversed on foot every character auto- ‘eticelly takes damage ppints equal to his Bosie Hits. invulnerability fang Armor ete. provice normal protection. Players wil wines crystal ‘ine gromthe up t0 five hundred feat fall, ‘fas mace of green and ure gers, and swarms of horrid ite demon bugs. GLASS PLAIN ENCOUNTERS: ‘Roll 106 for every five mile travelled, On a oll of 1, 3h encounter has eccurred. Roll 134 on the following table 10 determine which type the characters meet: aa: Name: Number: 1 Goxeks a8 2 xe} 184 3 Devens 1420 a ego 106 DOMAIN Woensver an encounter occurs, check also tose if the encounter location cups any of tho various side effects which result from the Domsin’s bisrre natural lows. 1d9 is rolled, with a se effect being present on a all of 1. Roll 1dB below to 408 which tercin efect it 1) Energy Crystale: Energy stttekt red in this ores ore amplified, ‘doing wile derage. Howewr, the crystals glow ro brightly that the same rules used for fighting in Darkness are empvoyed 2) Asbestos Dust: All ‘lame attacks are -3 to hit, doing Ye damage. Faring cheracters move half at fart in Might, and can carry only nat much 2) Prismatic Terrain: Any lightbased attack which mises is target tnd strikes a crystal wil bo slit into 104 beams, each reflected in a Fandom direction. Any character hit By one of thee rllections takes {ull ermal damage from the attack. 4) Purple Mist: The entice ore it enveloped in @ chemicel cloud, very character therein har all his Power Potts replenished, but ot 3 cost of 1a8 Hit Points. Any” defense employed against thie Hit Point Toss wil also Keap the harseter from regaining Pomer '5) Crystalquake: Each between turns, ll cheracters must save ve, ‘Agility on 1420 to avoid falling. Any character who falls takes the Sanderd 1610 erystal damoos. 16) Phantom Bubbler: Betwean-turns, for 1410 turns, large owing ‘spheres will ite rom the surrounding crystals and immediatly deter ‘a, The shock wave will throw every character within 10 inch range, {010 inches (minus their Basic Hits). Am Agility save on 1020 ale (ose for the character to land upright. 7) Emotional Chor: Esch Cherocter must attempt to revst an Emotion Control attack. The attack effectively riginete. from a 20th level characte. The emotion Is chosen randomiy by rolling TA6 1 Anger 2. Fear 3. Sadness 4. Hopeessness 5: Bravery 8. Happiness 8) Mis of Confusion: The entire are is shrouded in pestoup fog, stecting all characters ax Darkness. Within the fog can be heard spect 9} sounds and voices, souncing vequely familiar. Charscters wil hear thelr loved ones cry out, ther enemies taunt, and hattremembered s0undswcho in the distance. An 10 save on 1020 ie required every turn to remain in touch with the rst of the group ~ those who fi will wan Ger off alone until the bette i resolved ‘THE CORAL FOREST: ‘The forest a single gignatic santiontbraincora, comprited of bil: lions of tiny minds, The depth of the coral reaches 400 fest in paces. ‘Structual Rating varies batweon 12 and 25, depending upon the age of {he coral, and it eso sharp thatthe mere touch ofthis stuf on exposed Sesh infliets 144 damage points. Falling onto or slamming into the ora infits an adaitionl 1620 points. The twisting pathways through ‘the forest permit only a maximum groundspeed of 40 names per turn, ‘or # lite over ten mph. Characters exceeding this speed Wimit must sve 6 Agility On 1420 per milo traversed to evd colliding with coral “The Coral Forest's massive intellect wl not pecmit sir trafic over= heads any atborne objects above It wll be down Tolekanetically, with 3 force ef up t0 100,000 pounds, Thit recults in a soft landing on the ‘2 of the forert rom which dey entered. For each mile traveled within the Coral Fores, rll 16. (f the result isa 1, an encounter ha occured, Roll 18 on the table below 18: Narn. Number: 1 Ghoul 38 2 xe ta 3 Daven 120 ‘ Devlope 1a 6 ‘Stem 166 6 Creooz 168 7 Yeo tes 8 subiabl tat2 “Use the demon eubtabie in section 4, Wienever an encounter occurs, check also to $08 ifthe encounter location splays any of the abnormal physical lawt inharant in the e's Domain. There is a one in four chance ofthis, andi indicted bby die roll than roll agin Below (roll 106) to ee exactly fat takes 13 place. 1) AIRPLANE GRAVEYARD: In clssring the ployer stumble across eight vintage WWII and Korean War fighter planes. The planes ie in perfect concition — inside one cackpt, for example, @ il burning eigaeste will be found, No crewman ara present, but the got ‘anis oe stil haf full an sevoral ofthe planes cerry live ammunition. (On boar flight plans show that all the planes were lying ver the Ber- mudd Triengl. Exactly what use the players (or Demans!| can make of ‘hese planer upto the GM, 2) SOMNIFEROUS FOREST: Each character here is subjected to 8 level 20 Paralysis attack. Those who fal fall nto deep sep, under the seme rules used for Paralysis, Each attack made upon a sleeping chacactr allows a fee roll 0 awaken '3) BRAIN CORE: Ac the charecters entar ths large chamber, formed of sparkling bive Groin Coral, they will immediately sense the pretence of @ great intellect in danger, The Demons In ths encounter til be sean physislly assulting the coral growne hee, It the players leave without fighting the Demons, they all ern two Charema lott falls. I they stay and dofeat ther, the Coral Forest wil sak to the Telepsthically and payicaly heal helt of tir lost Hit points. wil thank them for er assistance, and explain thet periodically the Devil sands his minions to smash his vital centers in order to prevent him trom gaining enough power to challenge the Devil, It oaked to Allow them to fly overhaed, the Coca wil reply, ean no more do that ‘than you could grant safe passage through your body to's microbe’ ‘41 DEMON TURNCOAT: Out of the Demons encountered, one will ‘be 9 traitor to Xtertall and willing to aid the players. GM's option a ‘0 what information this Deron will Posies, Its personality, et 5) GRAVITY WELL: Alorgsige the encounter location stands & {ow circular wall, theee fast high, ton feet lameter. Within the moll s 1 bottomless pit. Dangling dovn the pit, rom 8 superalioy cable (SR= infinite). The Demons wil ry to heave the players down this pit during the bettie. Any character falling down the wall ean save vz. Aglity on 1220 every action to ery to grap the cable, During toi iret turn of fll characters can gre the eable without taking damage, Each turn there ‘after their falling speed increases by 100 inches to's maximum of 1000 Inches per turn. At these falling speect the character takes falling Gamage when he succesfully gre the cable, OF course, there mey be other ways thatthe character of his trends could get sraund this tra, {8} DEVILOPE BURIAL GROUND: The encounter tkes pace with ‘dozens of Deviipes lay partially decomposed. ‘stench more foul than any the charactors may hove previously experienced ‘THE PLASMA RIVERS: ‘There are threo riers of lquified energy tlowing through the Devi's Domain. Each river originates from one of the Energy Pylors. The rivers channel liquid plssma into Breeder Leke. The pisuma flons at speed of 400" per turn, or about 91 mph. Its temperature ie over 4000 F, hor enough to cause 2c damage per phase to any character touching |t, Adaptation or fll boayily Flame Powers oe, will protect trom this tffect. The river tram Pyion One originates fram Earth, an ill be dry it the players succeeded in preventing the activation of the Stonehenge ‘Matter Vacuum. The river from Pylon Two Is crawn from the Xora Universe, and the last river lee with plasma soles trom the Torgon Brescer Lake i a glent cauldron of slowing, bubbling energy trom which the Devi's demon nordes erginete The lake ul frst be vse {& somber red glow on the Rerizon, encircles by thunderstorms. At loser range an accie ozone smell wil bocome notable, No chorecter ‘an approach within 10 miles without some form of protection or lft support without passing cut fom the heat and stench The 13ke is surrounded on all sides by ative mile dep rng bre from the lake, The ‘demons will pot attack untes players preach within 500’ and a lest 4 third of the domons can fly. Needless to ey, there s'no wav’ the payors can defeat such an arm. ‘Use the encounter t2bies of the surrounding ters fr all encount 1 on the plasma rivers One z DEMON CREATURES OF THE DOMAIN Hits Power Agility Move Damage ACC-«-HTH_— Weight 38 18 345 oon a A - 7 xo 38 2 eH ts 200 Daven 1 4 8 maa Devils 1 4B 30 pn 8 3s10 10000 Gok 47 BOOS stssse ne nn 22165 300 Greer 8B #105 136200 Yue 55 88D 8. ther mevthe and noes, ad they ‘te covered wih art isty ter inteniganca, and therefore ean be ressoned with: “4 on all reation ral DAVEN: Thee fiying creatures ara also known ¢¢ Devil Revers. A deven looks exactly ike @roven exeopt that they have glowing red eves and teeth, and davans are able to speek. They exploit this ability to fis fullest, auatieg ther opponents in battle, Thay fight sith thet besks andi claws INatural Weaponry, +7 to hit and +2 damage) and ‘Sto butte their enemies with their 12 wingers CR'OOOZ: A Cr'nc0r it 9 gant furry snake with Maicy sider log 0008 have nine bulging eyes in various parts of this body. Their bites are venoarous, with a carrer Venom requiring = 1020 save ve, Endurance 0 av0 paralysis. Cr cor a Y'TEGO: These demons sexemblo tumblewoeds, but they mow under their own power. Only the fact tha a Y'tego moves and turns Independant of wine direction enables them to be distinguished from ‘the eal item. They generate telepathic blasts with @ 20 inch recs of fetfect centerad around themselves, PRl=t per use. The blast attacks at [Mind Gontrol, and al targets fexcopt other Y"eagos) within the radius fara attacked simultensousiy. 1810 damoge is inflicted. Y'eg0 are Srinteligent 3.1 ASSAULT ON THE DEVIL The players will have one hundred hours 10 thwart the Devil's plan once they reach his domain. This & the amount of time he neecs to Uiher up all the demons necessary for the living bridge. But even i thay destroy his two aetiva towers, another tover will be constructed in Egypt back on Earth, and the lst amount of eneray needed £0 com Dlete this hideous venture wil be drawn from that tower. It the players fail to stop the Devil from completing hit plan, the Devi can tke the bridge and lave the Domain. Players wil be stranded in this dimansion unless they have ¢ checacter with Dimensional Travel or they search the Scarlet Orb and find the maples! item in the Demat tassuce vault which wil enable them to excape, ‘There are three possibliias open tothe players, They may arrive in ‘the Domain end instantly attack the Searlet Orb, they may attack any of the Eneray Pyions, oF they may mess around and perform raiding ‘missions ogoint small tant of cemons. It ls in the GM's intrast (0 sure thatthe players are directed toward the Scarlet Orb. The orbit ‘the final bot, and ifthe layers love this one they millet the Devi Icoxe upon some universe ~ pessiby ours! It the players attack the Energy Pylons they wal ceive a telepathic message from the Devil proclaiming thet he i tired of their aish antes and demanding thet they come to the Seaviet Orb t9 face it lath. If players do net heed his demancs, the Devil wil eave the ieent one move tim. I again the layers do not listen, the Devil will part the Domain at the end of the one hundred hours, going to fone of the three dimensions t0 whieh his Matter Vacuum are con ested, TH the players attack the Orb directly, they will aventually face he ‘evi: this will be the ultimate snowdown. It the paiyers sin end tay oF inezpacitate the Devil, the ghost of Cor wl come forth end txplain quickly thatthe players must use the demon bridge to escape 1a plane be forever trapped. Ifthe olayers ask about the Devi the 6 GOXEK: Goxeks 100k like 2 big black monkeys with 100 mony arms, leg, ayes, mouths, and noses, They also have 9 taste for human flesh, sna laugh and taunt in bette much as do the davens. Goxeks senerlly ottek from ambush, end have Natural Weaponry, #2 %0 Nit and-~4 dornage HTH, SL'SSSK: These burrowing creature live In subtecranian wwabe ane attack any ereature which parses over one oftheir tunnele They thrust hele squidsike heads through the Bin topsell to atack, and atempt to. eae their vietins underground to wor at leisure. Vase cesembie ‘Gant sand erabs with tubular necks and eight long tonite, They have 4rmer with an ADA of 65, and her bite inflicts a earvier Venim attack lneh automaticly does 1148 damage zo long os the initial bite inlets Teast hit point of damage. In ther underground wae Sek have an faavantage, for If they move any from thelr victin they ean ute the ‘maze to sneak around behind and come up from behine I is poribe to use ranged attseks ato SIsssk by firing down through the grou This toate eeduces both chances of histing end damage inflicted by 4 host replies tat he will Kes the devil ia this domain lang encugh so {hat the Dew wil be unable to vee the demon bridge for anct {666,000 yoors. The playors will not have to destroy any ofthe Eneray Pylcns if they attack and win atthe Sarit Orb. If players run from the (Oth, they must return to face the Devil before time une out 0” have ‘te Devil exeape this plans, leaving them stranded in the Domain for It the players cory out smal skirmishs with demon groupe they wil eventually un out of time and the Devil will opart, leaving the players stuck in the Domsin. The eatisstoscape from the Domain is to climb the demon bridge — There is one other escape made But that ls very risky ee Devi's Treasure Trove, Room 9 inthe Scarlet Orb). ENERGY PYLONS: “There are thee Energy Pylons in the Devi's Domain. Each pyion tring forth the lquigplatma from one of the thee univaras which are boeing drained of matter to feed the demon horde. Each plyon i ident ical to tha next, being two hundeed feat high and shaped Tike sant water spigot, Gushing tram the top of each pylan ate milion of ga Tons of liquid plasma, Thi plasma eventually flows into the Piasms Fiver. Each pylon also has a small building located next to it. From © istence there Building eppes to be lores black obelishs. Emanating trom each pylon is 4 low electival humming sound whieh changes pitch over & pariod of time. Guarding each pyionare three Horrors, fo Ghouls, rd one slime, These demons and demoneic creatures tare resented in section 3:0 onc 4.0, On closer examination, the players Wil finda mal iisike door on the suthern face of each pylon. 1. Inner Recess: The iris door opens into this large chamber, The players wll immediatly recoil tron the intense heat and sels oles {ey sport some type of ilfesuppore syst. Within the room players Will see two Horrors (efer to section 4.0) which wil sna and guard 16 6B the rooms contents with their tives. Along the walls players will see kate and snatches, however all netments are writen ina language toatlly unrocognizebe by the cheracters. It the players enter the room, the demons will leh ther attack with fury, ond wil try to push the Chacacters from the room and unconsciousness, The curved setion of the northern wall an lution, which the PCs may pase thr rely 20 ‘enter the room 2. '2. Funnal loom: This chamber is the main control center forthe flow of energy pouring out the spigot at the ip of ths pylon, This room is twice a¢ Rot asthe outer chambsr and wil inflict upon all char eter without Life Support, Flame Power, of some other pratacion To points of damoge per round thet they say in the toom, The only ‘object in the room is a device protruding from the center of te floor, ‘with large black crystal mountod on the top. Thi eryetal somly 70: {ates and ete 2 small conic beop avery third rotation. It the erytal is takan or ifthe machine i destroyed, the energy flowing through the ‘valve will overflow and sep into this room, Immeditely the next tue. All eharacters in the room wil take 110 points of damge per phase ‘nerefter that they are in this chamber, unless they Rave some appro: priate type of deforas. The tronepatial receiver will also be dettroyed In tis flood of pleas, ‘3 Transpatial Reciver: This long black obalisk is actualy 2 intri- cate machine that convols the warp tunnels between this dimension c ‘end the damantion from which the plazms ie being stolen. The wale ‘of the obelisk ate made out of organic metal and are warm 10 the ‘ouch, At both ends of the obelisk thin membrane Is stretched cross ‘wnat appears to be a doornay. Players pushing their way through this Tayer of ‘skin’ wll hear fal soream, and feel the presence of great ‘el, Inside the obolsk character will find thousonds of terodk pics ‘end other weird symbols. This writing sso alien that oly if character ‘pends an Inventing Point will he be able to decipher the fanguage. The ‘sturetura is getually a living machine that monitors the plasms's pro- {43s from one dimansion to another. If itis destoyed or ifthe symbols fare trarsated and the players destivate the machine, then the plasma. Grain will halt Structural rating for the walls = 8, 50 pts. disable I. ‘Note: If she players assault any pylon there ise chance that they will also confront one of the other two races which are trying to stop the Devi's plan. At pyion number ane characters will meat up with 2 bind of five Gorge. The gorge wll ty to speak 10 the plsyers and ‘entity themselves as frionely creatures, after the same Ung ee they ra. IF the players figure out thei alien language and manage not Sstiock the Gorgs, than the sllens wil tell the players that they must ‘eek out the Searlet Orb and dafeat the Devi in combat. They wil lo Inform the players thet thee is only one escape trom the Domain, and that's to climb the demon bridge I osked to accompany the players, the Gores will kindly deny the request taling them that their religion pronibite them from aveling with non-trog creature, Hf the cha ctor go t0 pylon three they wil encounter for Karions attacking the ‘demons outside that Energy Pylon. Ifthe players make friends with ‘these creatures, the Xarions will ure down any request to accompany ‘the players and will not gle a reason winy. (The Xarlons sense tat the Players eat vegetable matter, and this wil disgust trem. They Go not ‘wien fo aetoeate with beings who kill andeat plants, THE THREAT ‘Alter the players destroy any of the towers the Dev will project ‘2 nolograpnic image in the air above them. The Image will be of the Dab, anc he will seok fo them Rarahly tie of you childish mortals ‘Your silly antrum ave all in vain ~ rething you do to my machines

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