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CONTENTS 1. HOW TO USE THIS 800K 3 2\ TEAM HISTORY. 3 3. THE DNAgents : 8 4 THE SUPPORTING CAST. : to 5. ADVENTURE DATA 12 5.1 Mega:Man 2 ‘Mego Mon Schomaties end Diograrns 4 Mage Men: lateior Deck Maps 15 5.2 Buran, South Africa 7 Map of Southern Attica ” The Fortress Grounds 7 Fortress Grounds Map 218 ‘The Stronghotd io 5.2 The Black Box , 2 6. CHARACTER DATA 28 6.1 Alexi Vato 28 6.2 Positron and Electron 2 6.3 Crossfire 20 6.4 Luoer. = i ona 65 The Commande: a S65tieto mo ae 8.7 Ape x. $ 2 68 Scavender . 2 639 Project Youngblood 23 6.10 Lancer oss 3 6.11 Cadaver : 4 6.12 Bune Juniper 4 6.13 Machete Killer... 35 6.14 Gemstone i % 8.16 The Sentry Sgusd sia os a8 6.16 Nishtinsale, 36 7, THE MATRIX CORPORATION . - a7 SubLevel One Map... a ‘Sub Level Two Map, 38 ‘Sub Level Three Mop : 30 @, LEXICON : 39 CONVERSIONS TO CHAMPIONS: a CONVERSIONS TO SUPERWORLD “6 SUBSCRIPTIONS & BACK ISSUES FROM ECLIPSE COMICS | | 47 INTRODUCTION Well, now. Speaking as one who stil finds Candy Land a bit of a challenge, I cennot help but be impressed by what Jack Merman hos ‘done here, Among othor things, he's ved me lot oF thinking, Con octing a new comic baok is no easy task ines, with i, often comes the chore of creating an entire univers. When Will Meugniot and I set bout to do this with DNAgents, we kopt coming acrors matters that needed Neavy pondering. ike how a certain power would work oF hhow a certain facet of the Matrix Company operated. Some we could Solve, some we couldn’. But I think i wae me who #914 to him, though possibly ie was the other way around, ‘Don’t worry, Our readers wil figure out sll the stuff that we can't” And sure enough, they have, At conventions, | am often approached by people who say, "I ust figured ‘ut how ohe of Tank's gimmicks works, [read all the hints you planted Snd now | understand it.” And they then proceed to deliver a brit lant, high-tech explanation while | nod and chuckle, pretending that's what had in mind al along ‘Many fans have commented on how awesomely ‘right’ the whole DNAgemts universe was for one of these here roleplaying gamer and Some hal even assumed that the whole thing was birthed om that basis, Not so. Though I developed the ‘Dungeans and Dragon cartoon show, for TV and am a demon at cartsin video games — | muse ‘Pitfall 1° fn the side — neither Will nor Ihave ever been huge bul of this Art Form... though, after reading what Jack Herman hos put together here, am tome ¢0 tke up a new Nobby Tape you enjoy your stay inthe DNAgents Dynasty (as we in & fit of semiclevorness, have come to call). Whereas much of comic book mythos has Been handleg on a retroactive basis, attempting to tie together characters who were ereated individually the world ‘of the DNAgents has always Been ofa ingle mind from it inception For about two yeers now, I've nad the most wonderful time working ‘out their adventures, spending my days wth these eharactirs Now, you (tthe chance. It should make for some exciting adventures In the meantime, I'm stil working an mastering Chutes 1 Lacters an, once get that down, there'll be no stopping me. From there, Its fn to Cive where, | hear, Colonel tustard ie doing naughty things in ‘he library witha monkey wrench. Enjoy. MARK EVANIER AUTHOR'S PREFACE Welcome 10 the Villains and Vigilantes DNAgents Sourcebook ‘Thay's a rather long tile, so I'l explain i, Some of you may be familar swith another FGU game, the mecival fantasy RPG Chivalry & Sorcery. Well, that game provides. you with rules for fantasy role-playing in’ European Midale Agos sxtng. FGU also publishes several Sourespooks for C&S which enable you to expand your campaign to include the Vikings, the Mongols, fantasy Saurlans, and her interesting things, “That i sort of what this Bock does for Villains and Vigilantes. It ‘expands the world tht is played in and provides a wealthy source of faitional material, But with thie Sourenbook you ein expand your Villains and Viglantes carocign to inelude the popular Eclipse Comics characters the DNAgints, Their creators, Mark Evanier and Will [Meugniot, have alzo created a grat big world of adventures in witch the ONAgints liv and it maker an excellent addition to the world of Villain and Vigilantes. Interestingly, it hes often been commented how closaly the DNAgents comic book resembles the actvtiee of © superhero role playing game. Even keeping thi in mind, | found the translation from Eome book to RPG surprisingly easy. My fist stab at it warn ay article for Differne Worlas magazine. While tha sue received alot of favorabie response, | fle that, among otner things, it wat 100 retrctive space wise to propery simulote what the DNAgents are all about, A Short time after contacting Mark and Wil, we were sscussng plans for ‘te Book you now hols in yaur hands, Thanks, guys! “This book should cover almost everything inthe ONAgEnts Dynasty through about the fest twenty esvee of the ONAgents comic, the fst ten istues of Crossfire and the Surge mini-series, When more characters and adventures accumulote we will be coming out with a new Source ‘book to cover them ot well, That way, @ VAV campaign that incor porates the DNAgente will stay fairly up-todete with the comice, If ‘the response to this Soureaboak it ood, complete adventures based on ‘the events inthe comics oF new adventures involving the DNAgeats Dynasty may be fortheaming as wl The folks at Fantasy amet Uniimite, Je Ove and myself all strongly feat thot the alternative comet are more than worthy of ‘epresentation in roleplaying games. Every effort het been made {0 ‘make this Book a highly accurate simulation of the ONAgent, We are Providing in-depth cowrage of a sat of real, extant and currently published comie book characters the liket of which har never been Seen in the goming industry. If you like what you ee, please let us Ceyata Lake, lino THANKS To: Different Worlds magatig, Tadashi Ehava, Scot Bizar, Eclipse ‘comics, Deon Mullaney, Mark Evanier, Will Meugaiot, Geb ‘Checkmat Buothe, Jef Dee, and the il atthe Harley dealership US. COPYRIGHT NOTICE ‘All characters and their likenesses presented herein are eanysight Mark Evanior and Will Meugniot, The actual translations nto. game terms ae copyright 1986 by Jock Herman, {All rights to this Book oe reserved, No part of this book may be ‘sed or reprodueed in any manner whateoever without permision, ex ‘=pt in the ease of briet quotations embodied inertial articles Orin ‘eviews. For information contaet Fantasy Games Unlimited Ine, P.O, Box 182, Roslyn, New York 11876 USA, ‘Cover art and interior illustations, exept a& noted, are copyright 1986 Will Meugniot Ilustrations of Snafu, Dr. Harden, Megaman, Positron and Election, Machete Kllot, and Gemstone by Wile Bivbers. Lancer illustration by Fick Hoberg. Cadaver ustration by Richard Howell. Diagrams, and maps by Jet Dee. Al rights reserved ‘This DNAgents Sourcebook is designed to be used in conjunction with the Villains and Vigilantes rulebook. Together they function the offical, authorized DNAgents RolePlaying Game, The come. master can run adventures for his players that take place in the world 1 the “DNAgents Dynaty,” the world of the DNAgants, or he ean use ‘the moterialgontained hersin to supploment an already existing Villains ‘and Vigilantes campaign. tn either ease its suggested thatthe GM avai himself of the DNAgents and Crossfire comic books currently being published by Eclipse. They are a constant wellepring of characters, Piotline, and concepts that are Indlapennible as nid in running & DNAgents campaign, asicaly, there ate three ways in whieh the GM and his players ‘can ute this book 1). Tho payers ean play the roles of the DNAgents themselves, First, of course, they should read the chapter on the ONAgents and ‘cide hich ones trey would bast be abe to role play. Optional, the GM can assign ehoracters based upon what personality and set of powers best fit that particule player Te ie recommenced thatthe players atleast havea passing familia ity with the DNAgents comic s0 that the ployars would know any treral informetion sbout the world that their characters would know In this sort of campaign, the GM could begin the game with the crign of the DNAgents and continue to run adventures based on the events of the coms or he could start his campaign where the come leaves off and come up with new adventures al his own. The DNAgents ‘also work very well with eny of the adventures FGU eurentty publisher forthe Villains and Vigilantes roleplaying same system, 2) Possibly the players could create the on brand new characters [DNAgents. Boing the second phase of the Biotype Project, the cha ‘acters might even have been programmed with the personalities and ‘memories of the players Naturally, this would. make roleplaying = Snap 36 wall 3s continuing the V&V tradition of the players plaving ‘themselves with superpowers. This starting setup is rocommendad for 3 group of players who are unfamiliar with the DNAgents comic 3 thew characters acwally begin thelr Wot at the start of the game Hence, players can larn about the new wore around them a litte it "This sort of campaign works best with @ GM who runs new adv tures But it it oooanonolly fon to put the players through one of the adventures from the DNAgents comic book. Aftecwards, tha GM can five the comic book to the players and have them rea it to compare their performance. to that of the rel heroes of the story. Als, the [WAgents themiolves ean meke an occnsionsl appeorance ae nom player charoctors After all, with this eet. up, they are sort ofthe older brothers and estar of th players. '3) The GM can jus run 2 standard Villains and Vigilantes comosion swith the players playing thet own character, Thi is probably the ony Biternative for the gamemaster who is curently running an on-going tarpaign, but itis algo the easiest to ret up, Here the GM is more likely to draw upon the DNAgent’ enemies to put UP appinst hie own playarcharacter suporhoroes and run his own adventures, But, the [DNAgents can be the occasional uoststas asthe allies of the player characters, or possibly. thoir competitors. [Example the President ‘wants the Protectors to recover a missing space shutti, but there they fencounter the DNAgents who have been assigned to recover it or Matix and help Keap an illegal experiment they conducted erat (Get the idea?) While such 0 situation may lead to @ confrontation, the GM should present the DMAgents as basiealy ‘go0d guys’ and possible frends of ‘the player-charecters. A mutual tesmup 10 take on some powerful ‘common menace would alsa make an exeting adventure Im any case, ifthe GMI running a eampaign that i going to toke place in the ONAgents Dynasty, thon he should strive to\maintan the ‘pneral atmosphere ofthe comic Bok. “Tha world of the ONAgent 8 ploce very similar to that of present day reality, with 8 fow distinctive eiffeonces. is 0 world of highly advanced scientific research conducted in secret, hing elosea door. Great strides have Been mad In the fede ‘of electronics and computerization. This has led to the develonment of 1 new era in sophisticated cybernetics, robotics and weapons tech- nology. The general public i almost completely unaware of this as most ff it classified and avilable only to the rich and those with clout Peate litle wars are fought with the hardware of the future in out of the way places by people ve never hear about. This 9 common But perhaps the oteatest advances of ll have been made in he fila ‘of genetic enginering, Feats such st gene-aplicing and cloning have been perfected to 2 level undeesmed of less thar 2 decade 290. Now science has finally taken the next sap past replication ~ the cretion ‘of artifical life. “Through genetic engineering, stifieial humanoid lite can be created ‘thot possssr amazing superpowers, It is there forms that will 9° the maior weapons n any mar to come ‘The world of the DNAgents is tremendously chaotic to say the lose, It 3 world of violent political etrugios and cutthroat indus a texpionage, poised on the brink of World War Thee ~ the Corporate War. The people in charge wheel and desl, constantly scheming, They play dirty and they play for keeps! "Those who find themestver in the middle of all this, Hike the DNAgents, generally develop a neutral” attitude in V&V terme even if ‘hey are "Good" prope at Reet. The reason being that iti often quite ‘ificlt to tall exactly what side everyone ese is on. Many times there 416 no goed guys in a situation, or everyone wears various shader of “Among the DNAgents the traditional hardline superhero lawand order tttude i replaead by 2 familial sort of loyalty to the tam ina fight fo survive and get the ob done, Bring tue to Yourself and your ‘0up ts the major Tequirement for being & "good guy! Many have Sevoloped 8 slteerving dcteperd for others tne took only 10 810 the top and stay at the top. This sa dangerous attitude a6 these sorts of peopie become a possible threat to virtually anyone around them, ‘These are the bad guys’ to overcome orto stay away from. The trouble often i 10 tal exactly where the people around you tana (Other super types ext inthis world besges those who are genetic: ally created. Most of tham rely on a Migh dares of taining and uncany ‘tll development. Many have acesss toa veritable avenel of gimmicks, teieks and devices, The only type of character that does not appear tO be prevalent in the DNAgonts Dynasty are those with powers of supe atural-ocigla. Perhaps itis Because in this highly selentiic world anything considered to be supernatural ca fll nto the scientific rim Of pare-sychology. Just about any supernatural phenomenon ean be rationalized by same teientite explanation. Stil and all people, paces ‘ana things of 4 magical or mytholonie! nature do seem conso\evous AGM who tuns his Villains and Vigilantes campaign in this world ‘ould strive to follow the philosophy set obove. The ONAgents Oy: hasty s an exciting locale fled with adventure as i waite 40 be plored tots length, depth and breadth 2. Team History jon" to rexcus his kidnapped Intorest group. Unbeknownst 10 the toad. in with a super-ape, ‘hile the DN. ilusionary powers. Luger breaks out of prison, and Surge cuns off to find him on a quest for vengeance. Tank = confronted by Viesov! Mego-Man and his hired guns, Positron and Electron, only 19 discover that Krell and Viasov have formed and unholy alliance against he avix Corporation ‘Sham secretly helps Motix create a new lifeform, but Hotchkiss (now the presgant of Mowix) accidentally ssrupts the process The new lfeform is ruined and the experiment serubbed, but it somehon lives on and Starts to wander the. Matrix Building airconditioning ‘Soon, Hotchkiss & ordered by the Board of Directors to get the DNAponts back. Hotchkiss recruits Project: Youngblood, 2 gang of suporpowered ne'erdo-wells 10 retrieve the agints, The ‘wo sroups feneounter each other in Las Vegas, where the agents ae looking for fare mineral, Regeneratum, ro help cute Rainbow, They clath, only to late bacome fiends and join foree to aida oroup of imperil Matrix ‘Afterwards, Rainbows control over her illusions deteriorates even ‘urther 0 the point whore she must Be clandestinaiy aided by a mall 0up of Mowix employees. Amber is sent to Florida on 9 salo-mission Xo abtain a sample of Regenerotum ore, There, she encounters a nerd living eadaver wha fights her forthe sample ae, She wane, bringing the Fogeneravum back with her "The ONAgonis ecelve word that Surge i& now in prison, awaiting ‘wil fox the murder of Luger. Matrix dbeies that 9 recover the rst of the team is imperative. They put 2 mercenary graun whe helped set up the phony Angela Krell kidnapping on the Job, The Reganerstum treatments fai 1 help Rainbow and she is smucdled back to the Matrix lab for some major and drastic treatment, Amber and Sham are re captured bythe mercenaries and Tank follows them in pursuit Un knowingly, he ig carrying with im the thing from the svcondi tioning duct ofthe Matrix Building, ‘As all thir goes on, Krell and Vlasov construct a new model of Mego ‘Mon, with whieh to cestroy Matis “Tank effects the rescue of Amber and Sham, But, MegeMan i killed by an explosive device that Krell gies Amber, which she Une knowingly triggers. The litle creatue trom the Matric srshats turns ‘ut tobe friendly. It becomes Sham's pat and is duboed Snafu, Rar Bows powers are now totally out of control, Amid al this, Krell ‘manages to eguin control of the Marin Garporetion It is iseovered that Rainbows paychie probleme are cured by being rear Crosstre. Shom and Snafy encounter Viasovs ineligent ope fxperiment, who now soor by the name Aps-X. Surge reioins the group having been found “not guiy” on technicality in 0 surprise Tega ‘Surge captures the Cadaver down in Florida and drags him back to rejuvenate Angele. The attempt fails and Cadaver excapes. Hotchkis Seals secrets from the Matrix computore while allthis going on ‘Tho high-tech morconaris are now working for Teehnor, Mavix's rain competitor, and it now hos 8 mysterious new man in charse. He hives Hotehkss at" View President and Hotchkis turns over secret Matrix information about the ONAgents, The first step inthe Teehnor plan i 10 capture Tank 3. The DNAgents It to0k the Matrix Corporation five years to create the DNAgents ‘This is mot counting the twonty years of technically illegal research and ‘borrowing’ of patented formulae Irom other comparies. To create the DNAcents required the expenditure of billions of dollars to finance ‘one ofthe largest scientific development projets in histor. "The process began by making living organisms based upon the cell struetuees of various ‘gpnetic parents’ At the time of conception, advanced bioengineering techniques were wied to make precise. and poetic alterations to their ONA. codes, producing combinations Wirtally impossibie to achieve through natural Breeding. Throvgh these alterations, the organism wore implanted with the potential for pefied powers and abilities. They ware supplied with a fluorocarbon bbesed solution through their circulatory systems. and. provided. on ‘oxygenated and highly energized environment, The orgenioms wore then given repeated rachation teatments using the rare mineral, Rogen fratum. The treatments were designed 19 nourish the calls and tO Tt took several years for them to davelop into the more humanoid stages of their evolution, In the final month of their maturation, ther ‘minds were being programmed by the Matix Corporation. They were ‘ven sen vost amounts of information thet they would Know more ‘bout the world than most of the people already init But, they mare ‘ito encouraged to develop mindsets that would enable the Corporation to better control them in ite given minor eybemetic implants to increase the potential to which they could use their powers and to help them use those abilities more fafely and effectively. At this time they were also curfitied wrth thei commando suits, ‘The DNAgents were bred to become 8 commando squad that would take care of Matex dirty work, Thir could moan anything from low level spying to direct paramilitary intwvention. Each member of the team has been evsisained and programmed to obey Mawix, though they sometimes go inexplicably azanst this indoctrination. An ad Gitional program for ‘cautionary judgement hab lzo been tomewat less efectve on some of the agents, Each agent wat designed and constructed along a genetic biveprint wich grew from 2 goneral concept of what Matrix wanted that agent te be. The entire teom was designed st once and engineered 20 that their abilities would compliment one another, Resultingy, the ON: ‘Agents are more than a match for any conventional human forces, ‘One of the most phenomenal hinge about them is the rapidity swith which they are developing their ow personalities, Severo! Of the Sounts exhibit temendous curiousity sbout the world around ther, ‘They are all stronguilled individuals and like any normal human being, have 2 healthy capacity to question orders. Many observers ot Matrix have communicated the dea that, perhaps, the DNAgents were ‘made “100 human? for Matrix purposes, SPECIAL NOTE. Due to their unique genetic make-up and their related exposure to Regeneratum, the DNAgents do not age and are highly renstant to virtualy all normal diseases. This seme fo be 8 cor ‘mon trait amongst all the artical Hite crested by Matrix SURGE Side: Good Sex: Male Experience: 58,000 Level: 10 ‘Age! 5 lappeaes 18) Training: Combat Accuracy with Lightning Powers: 1 Lightning Control x2: Range = 60", 4d damage, PR = 4 per attack, Usable a8 defence, 2. Heightened Strength Special Requirement: Must wear a ‘Regulator’ which containe and ‘channels the eneray in his body or he will explode in a tremendous burst of energy. Such an eventuality would be the rough equivlent ff 18 Lightning attacks unleashed randomly at practically anthing ‘within @ 60" radius, per turn. If the regulator fs removed or de toyed, is body automatically eletrifes and ha har one action to sethate his back-up regulator. Weight: 170 i. Basie Hit: 4 Strength: 22 Enaurance: 12 ‘Agiity: 16, Agility Mod: — Inteligence: 12 CCharema: 12 Reactions rom Good: #1 ire) Hit Mos. 8.4362 Hie Poins: 18 Damage Mod: +1 Healing ate: 1.2 por day Accuracy: 42 Power: (73) Carrying Capacity: 1008 Ibe. Movement Rate: 60 inches ground. Detect Hisden: 10% venting Points: 2.6 Basie HTH: 1610 Detect Danger: 143 Inventing: 39% ORIGIN & BACKGROUND: The fist of the DNAgents to make it off the drawing board, Surge wos designed around the concept of the ‘Living Dynamo.” Seing the frst denon, Matrix ssintists though they would take 8 vary simple premise and work from there. Seeing as Row the orgonisms were grown in a “highly energized environment” theor tticlly, should have bean rather simple to develop o ieform that ould Eontain this energy end releae tat whim, srt of lke an electric fl After some study, it wat Gcovered that the conscious effort to keep such immense amounts of energy in check would be ovr whoiing, soa regulator was designed to do that jab fr the lifoform ‘Surge’ as the fest ONAgents concept came to be called, Ould be potentially very powerful, vet atthe same time relatively inexpensive ‘and easy %0 produce. This ideo appealed to Matrix president Luci Kell s0 much that he volunteered to become Surges “genetic father Following this was a brie caremony where Ne posi Out eons ‘COMBAT TACTICS: If he appears to be endangered, Surge wil ‘lectrfy hi body. After that, ho ill fel protected and not worry t00 ‘much about any surrounding enteats (perhaps this feling reminds him (OF being in the “energized wombs). n'a fight he will usually ck 10 his dovartating elctrical attacks, If this would make a fight unfair, the wil engage en opponent in simple hend-torand combat. Als, when he loses his temper, he gang more satisfaction by physically hitting things. Surge wil never back down ftom 9 fight and, one in ‘one il aver surender, ‘PERSONALITY/CHARACTER TRAITS: ‘Life is 9 series of con frontations.” — seems to be Sur's personal philosophy ana he seks {0 win them all witha fetes agoressiveness, Surge functions on a highly fermotional, occasionally chiliike level, He often demanctroteds sue ome selconfidanee and egotism, This sltconfidence backfire: on him the moment he fais at anything, When that happens, he Beans to perceive of himealf ata total failure Inlife you are either a "winner (oF a ose,’ by his way of thinking. He often displays the attitude that everything in life is black’ oF ‘wite! "good" oF "evil" — igh’ oF wrong’ — with no in-betweers, Perhaps th keeps ths outlook xo avoid the frustrating relation "Among the ONAgents he hat formed the strongest emotional tie to someone outside the group — hs love for the replicant of Keel!’ ‘doughter, Angra. Since her death, he has but up their relationship in his ming into some great love affair that never relly happened. ft it something he egonises over and that agony is what has driven him toattempt t0 murder the aosin, Luger. should algo be noted that Surge weers special tinted goles to prevent him from being Blinded by his own lightning Hashes TANK Identity: *Tank’ Fisher Side: Good ‘Sox: Mato Experience: $4,000 Level: 10 Age: § (appears 18) Power: 1. Armor 8: AOR (98) 2| “Blaster” Gloves Device: Bult into the armor, the “blasters fire ex plosive projectiles (+4 to hit, 148 damage, range = 11", 3 bast Fadius), Gan held up to 52 rounds, ineluding 2 special armor piercing founds (25 to hit, 2420 damege) 3. Heightoned Expertze:+8't0 niin HTH 4. Bionics: Titanium skeletal supports give Stingth: 420 and En surance: #3 5. Heigntened Senses Device: Helmet contains radio-phone/commun cations gbar and targeting device (#5 to hit with “Blaster” when 6. Body Power: Carrying Capacity is caleulated as Weight x Current Power Seore. (Also se table below for relation to Basie HTH). Physical Handleap: Needs Regulator to alert him when he i testing Training: Stength Weight: 260 ib Basie Hite: 6 Strength: 30 Endurance: 20, Aaiity: 17 Agility Mod ~ Intelligence: 13 (Charsmas 17 Foactions from Good: +2 evi 2 Hit Modifier: 6.808 Damage Modifier: ~ ‘Accuracy: Carrying Cap: 19,240 tbs. max. Movement Rate: 61 inches ground Detect Hissan: 10% Iaventing Points: 26 Hit Points: 36, Healing Fate: 3.5 por day Power! (74) Bosie HTH: 3610 max, see below Detect Danger: 14% Inventing 42% Tank's Strength Chart: carrying Capacity asic HTH ° 4 260-486 186 481-960, 148 961-1920. iio 1921-2840 3912 3841-7680 238, 17681-18,360. 210 18,361-10,200. 3810 Tanke spends more than 26% of his remaining Power Points in fone turn, his regulator will sound, Tt will sound gontinvously fhe raps bolow 18 Power Points. "Tank also carries Hand Grenades (+2 t0 Hit, 1612 damage, 2” blast throwing ‘ange wien on ‘commando style miesions ORIGIN & BACKGROUND: Lucius Krell ome up with the “Human ‘Tanke concept himlt,a¢ he i often proud to admit. Consequertiy, this DNAgent was built for sheer strength. Concurrent with hie devon: ‘ment, Matrix engineers wate working on Tank’s special stmor and Sheaponry. Maximum protection and maximum firepower were the ‘operative phates in their dbign ‘SPECIAL NOTE: An excaiant description and serie of diagrams featuring Tanks armor appear in DNAgants No, 13. ‘Titanium bone sheaths were rurgeally fitted to his arms lege, and spinal column to give his body greater structural durability for lifting, Enrrying, and throwing massively heovy objects. This plus his heavy bulky armor pute 2 great sain on his cardiovascular system, s0 3 ‘equator wes Inetalled within Tank to alert him when he i Bushing Mie COMBAT TACTICS: Tank's main advantage is that he ie highly effective as both a HTH and a ranged fighter. When facing multiple fenemies at further than arm's reach, he will usslly tick to ‘later fttocke, Generally, Tank wil save bie grenader and special armor piercing rounds for use opuinst such things as exeaping vehicles or heavy frtillry. If faced with one main for, Tank has no qualms whatsoever bout going toe-to-toe with that foe, He rarely evades relying on his fsrmor fo protect him. He wil "roll with damage whenever possible, SPECIAL NOTE: If a player wore 10 play ths character, the GM may wish to keop tack of Tank's euront Power score and carrying Ganeliy sare playa pag she playa calf a general dctipon ‘of how tied or how strong Tank fet, and of coure, telling him wien ask in VEY terms, PERSONALITY/CHARACTER TRAITS: Tank finds himself torn berwaen devotion to the ONAgents and a fascination with his human fexiitrind, Casey. Other team members sometimes set the feeling ‘het Tonk doesn’t devote himself the team a much es he snould ane he often feels very guity over this Reluetanty, he s big brother ‘gute for Sham TANK’S MOTORCYCLE: "This is 8 highly eustomized version of the Horley Davidkon FLHTC ‘Tourglde, The windkereen, gos tank and engine covering are reinforced with a apecia lightweight Mettix version of feltineh NATO armor plating. ‘The tres are solid rubber and the whee! spokes have been Feplaced with bulletoroot steel plates. The windshield itself is inch thick bullet proot/shaterproot glass. The front whee! i fitted with tho large automobile shock sbrorbee. “The bike has enough mess and protection to be used as battering ram. In rash teste at the Mote lob, sho BIKE was get into a ead-on ‘rash, while the bike s/though damaged, wes sil in runnin order an the crath dummy ‘riding i wae only slightly shaken Behind the nendlebsry i a celular telephone jack which plugs into communications geo in Tank’ helm, This aso puts him online with Sn adcitional targeting computer that allows him to utilize his blasters hile riding 3 high epeods without the urval negative modifier to hit “The headlight can be switched to infrared mode at night to pick vp heat sources like # car exhaust) and fllow vehicles after dark without 4 headlight giving him sway, The use of this inated system sso ‘doubles his detection percentones “There are two stee-lined cargo carriers mounted over the rear whet and’ both comtsin seven digt combination locks, These sre roomy tnaugh to carey virtually anything From a generous supply of munitions toon additionel set of Tank's armor. Weight 1068 i. Passengers wt (cargo Capacity 250 Speed 115, Hit Points to Disable |... 18 Hit Points t0 Demolish. . 22 ‘The bike has a 1340ce engine and gets 25 miles 102 gallon of ws. It hae an Armor Defense Rating of (50). Anyone attacking the rider will have fo make a special attack to hit when attacking from the front provide AMBER Side: Goos Sex: Female Experionee: 84,000, Level: 10 Age: 5 (appears 16) “Training: Charisma Powers: 1. Bight: Max. spted » 225 mah., PR = 1 per nou of Hight 2. Force Field Maximum ares of effect i 9 square plane that is one inch per sid par curront Power Point, Range = 20" per turn, PR = 2 damage repulsed, Pummaling: 30” range, HTH damage, PR ~ 1 3. Mapnetie Powers: Capacity i 7500 Ibs, of metal. Detanse costs ‘Vaetion/PR of 10 setup plus @ PR of 1 por attack repulsed, Blart Range = 18°, 208 damage, PR = 5 per shot. To manipulate meta requres one actin/rol tit and PR= 6, Lett 14 turns Special: Can control devices, requires save vs, Intelligence on 1420 and PR = 4, plur 9 save vm, Agiity to avoid mishap per use if un Skil in tho use of the particular device being controlled Weight: 100 tos. Bosic its: 2 Strength: 15 Endurance: 15 Agiity: 16 Agility Mod +2 Intelligence: 15 ‘Charisma’ 18 Fesction from Good: +3 Evi 3 Hit Modifier 48308 Hit Points: 10 Damage Moder: #2 Healing Rate: 8 per day Accuracy: #2 Power: Gt Carving Capacity: 244 Ibs. Basic HTH: 166 Movement Rates 46 inches ground, 990 inches ar Detect Hidden’ 12% Detect Danger: 16% Inventing Points: 3 venting: 45% RAINBOW Side: Good ‘Sex: Fomale Experian’ $4,000 Level 10, ‘Age: 8 (apoears 19) “Freining: sity Powers: 1 Telepathy: Range = 180", ean ‘thoughe scan’ up to 18 minds at nce, PR = 1. Thoughttracking hes PR'~ 1 per hour. Mind Probe: Svength up 10 149, PR = 5 2. Willpower B: Permanent: mind-ink with the ONAgEns, cane Tabiinhs link after one turm within one inch, PR = 5, lasts up tO Ye hows 3, Illusions (Type Al: Full sensory range. PR = 5, 3 Hoightenad agility: +10 Special Requirement” Requires regulator built into her hescband, 2 Tiguia quarts crystal that monitors har output of peychic eneray and eine har to ute it more eect ly She mar Gficuty conwolling her powers When separated from thy Endicat (Crest! Weight 115 the Besic Hits: 3 Strength: 14 Endurance: 14 ‘ality: 24 Agility Mod.: +2 Invelgence: 18 hargma: 17 Reactions from Good: +2 Eu Hit Modifier: 8.19 it Pointe: 17 Damage Mod: +4 Healing Rate:.9 por day ‘Accuracy: +4 Power 70 (Carrying Capacity: 238 I, Boe HTH: 104 Movement Rate: 52 inches ground Detect Hidsen: 14% Detect Dangor: 18% Inventing Points: 3.6 Inventing: 84% NOTE: Rainbow hes established » permanent mindlink to Crostre, ORIGIN & BACKGROUND: Amber wos built around the concept fof the ‘electromagnetic agent” Wit hee magnetic powers she would be Sie to menpulete eleotronice snd machinery. The talent to bypass Sispennble to any sort of commando oF espionage team. Adtitionlly, She could alzo move large masias of rotal telekinetically, 2 useful ‘Upon competing the original design work, Matrix scientists had realized tna they had desigied "Agent: Ambe/" better than they Nad ntepated. The reexamined her genetic blueprint and came up with 3 mvety of edditional imaginative and esoteric uses for her abiities 'By nung her ereae folds of magnetic repulsion, she could iteally cepa herself trom the ground ana ly. Setting up a surraunding repulsor fang other prysial object. Matrix Bave the ecentfic team who had come up with these ad ‘with al expenses ea COMBAT TACTICS: Amber prefers to stay airborne during fight and uses fores fields to protect herself, She tends to use her powers fore for frontal erault and physical borage, not quite heving learned tearning every day, though. In combat, she usualy sticks t9 pumme'ing her opponents with magnetic fdr (counts as Magnetic bast attack) or moving objects about (with magnetism or dise-shaped force ie if tied against some non-metalic abject). She is a surprisingly good hand tenand fighter, wen the stuation call fori PERSONALITY/CHARAGTER TRAITS: Amber is very naive bout the world around her, She has an unusualiy sting nature ang fends to. wow thinge as if seen virough "vse colored glass” She very outgoing and likes meeting nen people, making fends easy ‘Carrenty, one of her beter fiends is an Olympic gold medal ORIGIN & BACKGROUND: Ic has long been one of Matix’s esies to hove & ‘Suner Spy" under permanent employment with un Siwering loyalty 40 the Corporation, so when the DNAgents Project Sot under way, they eet out to build themselves one Is wos decided that this sey would be female and she wes genetia!- ly drsigned t0 posses rathar exotic good looks. Utlizing the oreater ‘tural peyene potential of the female, she wat brad for telepathic Silty. For her, there would be no need so plants istening device of Femsin within eyesight when following 9 suspect By using her mind, the could pick up more about the world around her with her eyes Closed than the most observant human being ewer could with thet tyes wide open, Gha would be irresistable in interragation, By focusing hher eile, she eouls probe the mind of another pervon and sort ‘through their thoughts and memories ike @ seeretary would sort ‘through a filing cabinet. From her, no secret wae recur, | logic! extrapolation upon her telepath ie ability is her ability ta projet illusions racy into the minds of others. By reatvanging ‘nother person's pattom of sensory stimulation, she can make them ‘ne, feel and experience ihetever i is that she wants them to, Against her, no ane would really be sure what they were up aginst, Since ‘Fiainbow utilizes s0 much of her brain and employe euch a eat deal (of pyschic anergy. in using her abilities, Mowix scientists designed @ Fegultor for her tower, jst in eat, Lastly, she wae given incredible aglity ond eerobatie ability. This makes her very dificult to catch, aso a prerequisite for 8 good spy Te it for the diversity of her talents and the all-around practicality of thm az wel a+ for her unusual hat coir) that she is given tho code ‘name: Rainbow, COMBAT TACTICS: Rainbow avoids physical _contromation whenever possibie, She almost always uses her ist action to evade. Rainbow raliss upon her illusionary abilities to frighten off or confuse ny sttackers, Her main usefulness in 2 bate eto tlopathiesly take ‘count of the enemy, learn their plans and stratgy, and relay that in fermation to the other DNAgunts. She aso keeps tack of where ‘everyone las isto prevent one of the other team member fom being Seperated especially Sham, who may not always be recognizable and to avoid walking into an ambush. PERSONALITY/CHARACTER TRAITS: Rainbow is undoubtedly the most mature member of the team, While unafraid of the outside tworld, she openly ‘questions the practicality of jumping headlong into it. She 18 the leader of the toam and, hence, everyone let's "big ste’ (aj sometimes incatingushable from baby-sitting). Frinbow hot developed a strong romantic attachment t0 Crosstie and stays in periodic mental contact with him, SHAM Side: Good See: Ma Experience: $4,000, Level: 10, ‘Age: 6 (appears 14) Powers: 4. Transformation (Digqutel: Can assume the shape, appearance, lovee, ete of any person or eresture that is relatively Roman sie {ed shape, Can duplicate any physical trait Wings, Netral Weapon Fy. Body Power, te) but retsine his own weight, mass and ehar ‘cteristie, Cannot duplieate clothing or equipment. He mast nave ten or be able to form a mental image of whoever his simitating, Requires 1 ction to ehange/tranefor, 2, Heightened Sense: Night waion, 23. Body Power: Twice normal Powre Point 44 Heightened Expertise: 4 to hit using auttire weapons ‘Training: intolignnce Weight: 95 bs Basie Hite: 2 Strength: 12 Encurence: 15. Agiity: 18 Agility Mod. +2 Inteligance: 14 Chariemas 14 Hie Modi 4.5148 DDomnoge Moctier: +2 ‘Accuracy: #3 Carrying Capacity: 158 ibs. Movemant Rate: 45 inenes ground Inventing Points: 28 Bane HTH: 148 Detect Danger: 14% eventing: 42% SHAM'S COMBAT TOOLS: 1. Auto-Pistol Range = 108", see autorire rues, V&V, pp. 25.26, 2, Auto Plo: Range ~ 180", soe autofire rules, VAV, pp. 25:26. 3. Hand Grenades" #2 t0 Hit, 1410 damage, 2° blase radius, 17" 4, Microvel Dispenser: Dispenses a thin, plasticcbased, mul {fabric ured to make instant costumes and elsguse. 5, 40-Foot Rope & Spiked GrappieMece: +3 to Hit, HTH + 106 damage if used a¢'2 weapon, ORIGIN & BACKGROUND: Sham was bullt around the concept ‘of “ihe Ultimate Imposter’ Despite the simplicity of the concept, he ‘eae by for the mont aifficult and expensive to produce. Shary nas the most sophisticated genetic code of any living thing ever to exist. For ‘he most part, he contain far more energy than even Surge. This energy is haovly utilized when effecting his transformations. No living thing ould eat enough food to produce the calories necessary to burn to produce the massive energy Sham notds for even the simplest of Ni Changes, Matrix as even used in os an “energize” in an experiment to create enother feform, jy forming 9. picture in his mind, Sham is giving subconscious imental instructions that activate the secretion of complex hormones lahich cause drastic alterations in his own eal structure. These changes follow slong the guidelines of the mental image. Through the uti tzation of his internal energy, these wansformations are practically instantaneous, He ean become young or old, male or female and of Narying size and shape, His body weight and mass do not change. Shams own original form ie stored in 9 sort of internal genetic memory tnd ne can revert back es easly a5 he can slscard the mental image fof the dequite form he currntly employs ‘Sham nae pressed his sblity to the point where he can duplicate ‘things such ae focal cosmetics or simple mask, although it isnot easy fr comfortable for him to do s0 ot the present time, Easily the agent fit the most scientifically advanced design, Sham s the most power {ul ofthe DWAgent in hie ow way. COMBAT TACTICS: Sham is next to weless in standard handto- hhond combat, but more than makes up for it with his proficiency with fiteorms. He almost always carries with hima backpack filled with wicks and weapons, One of Shom's most effective tactis isto im Dereonate one of the enemy in a confrontation and attack them fom fmidst their own ranks, Where he is alo very useful is 9 ntiteation rhe can simply impersonate anyone that his tins would be ordered PERSONALITY/CHARACTER TRAITS: Shams has vry litle sense of self-worth. This is partially due toa disappointing start a8 an active DNagent. Aso, due to the nature of he ability, he is having a very aificult time establishing his own personal sense of identity, He clings Unyieldingly to the team asa surrogate fly and exhibits jealousy and Aisappointment 36 they develop relationships with others. He seeks affection and subtly tnes to coax Dr. Harden into becoming » sort of (tall the DNAgents, Shar ie the only one to actively avoid contact with any outside human being ‘Shams pet, Snafu, is the result of a foiled attempt by Matrix to eave another lifetorm. The experimint ya flushed and wae Believed to nave been destroyed, but somehow it developed independentiy laithout the norms! external biologtal suppor, and at 2 surprising Scenlerated rate, It seems to have an affinity with Sham ans trendy with tha rest of the ONAgents, slthough st postesres litte more than Besse animal ntligenesI'non-sentient im game tr) SNAFU Side: Neutral sexs? Age: Lovet: 4 1. Stretching Powers: Maximum body length possible is 24°, PR = 1 Heightened Senses” A pair of antennae on wich ara mounted an ade ditional pair_of eyes (blue) useble for looking UP over objects, 3. Body Power: A pair of short ack lags good for making fraplike leaps (up to 2" In height or length) from a standing sar. Also a pair of ong skinny arms compete with theeetingered hand with ‘Spnossbie thumbs) 4. Natural Weaponry: Big, sharp, strong teeth, +3 to hit, 6 damage HTH when using teeth, Weight: 30 ts Basic Hits: 1 Strength: 12 Endurance: 12 ‘aaiity: 20 Agility Moa. +8 Intelligence: Non-Sentient (Charama: 9 Reactions fram Good’ ~ eal Hit Modifier 3,192 it Pointe: 4 Damage Medion: +2 Accuracy: +3 Carrying Capacity: 44 Ibs Healing Rate: 3 por day Power: 62 Basie HTH: 12 Movement ate 54 inches ground (66 inehes when using stretching) Detect Danger! 30K Inventing: 0% Detect Hiden: — Inventing Points: 0 hos -\ iy 2 NY Reb as “7 4. The Supporting Cast Included inthe following chapter are the main supporting characters from the DNAgents comic book published by Eclips. They ore vital 10 the gome if the GM wishes to run eompsign where the players are th DDivAgens, for without these supporting charactors, the game wil 12e “Those charactors can also fit into over types of VE comnaion. If the GM should need a scientist NPC in hit game for instance, using Dr, Harden from the DNAgents Projet’ would make the game much more "eaistic’ than a newly made-up eherseter An entire adventure {could revolve around having the players hired by ‘Lucius Krall, Pres ‘dont of Matrix, Inc to recover rome stolen documents, Having at NPG who may aireedy be familar to the players wil make © given ‘The following characters are given without game statics ae they are non-superpowered and, hanes, will naturally shy away from any Superpomered combat 4.1 LUCIUS KRELL LLocias Krell Bult the Matrix Corporation up trom nothing a¢ he Is fond of reminding everyone. In fact, he hat 8 public image a sort, of a freeentersrise cult hero along th lines af a Steve Wozniak, Nolan Bushnell, Lee Iacocca or # Howard Hughes, Krell 9 very infiventiol, ‘man iho courts governors and senators for polities! favors and he Feulariy receives them. He is 8 man who thrives on cutthroat com petition. In his contract with Matix he wae meting 2 cool milion ollars a yeor a the President ofthe Corporation The real Lucivs Krell i 9 shadier varsion of the picture painted above. He is what is known as a ‘whoele-dealer, 9 “higholler” He het ‘tho soul of a'con artist and the mind of a BookKeener. Kells a master player in the chess game of industriel espionage. Always scheming Kell seems to always have his next two mover figured out advance, 1 he cannot do that, he certainly isnot above rearranging the pices Gn the board whan no one se i logking. Most of Ns polities {re ener on he payroll or he has ineriminating evidence aginst them, Sometimes both Tt is quite exty t0 believe that he would sel his own grandmother, provided there was big anough profit margin involed. The pursuit St money and Influenee seem #0 be the ving goa behind hie very Wile his wife was dyin, he was out menipuating sock aves, He wat later quoted a: saying, "Well, my being there woulde’t have faved ner, whereas | could help the price of Matrix Prefered’ Since the uth of his daughter, Angela, and the desth of her repiant ten year later, Keel has no family. He carefully cultivates 9 plavbov Image, but this seems to Be more for appearance’s sar than for any Winie teed from the Matsix Corporation, Kell had bacome an mast Napoleonic tire, caetuly planning Ns glorious return (0 fone and waiting for the sight moment to put hs Ban into aeton Tr there tone trate that is ultimately revealing of Lucius Krel, i his ability to land on his feet. To make the best of bed sitution Dred rebut efter low end come bask bigger an beter than before {Sra In principle and infact. Ths males hie a dangerous Busines Ti ie 9 figure so seminaly corrupted and anigmatic thet he is {excinaing and exhibits & ponerful if insincere Charis, 4.2. TAWNY SHEPHERD AND DOCTOR HARDEN. ‘Shepherd and Harden are the two principle employees involved with the Biotype Project. “Tavny. Shephard ie 2 paychologet and educator with @ minor in medical science, having gredusted from Loyola University in lino. ‘Sho spent several years as @ political sctiist before "going estabish ment” and working 24 side for an influential midwestern Governor. ‘Swept away by Krell into the ranks of Mate, Inc. [along with 2 half billion dollars of the aforementioned Governor’ tax money), ‘Shepherd found hese involved wth the programming and ‘environ: mental initiation’ phaser of the DNAgents development. She ound {he job both stimulating and challenging Shepherd seems to have quite 2 farcination with Krell to the point fof quitting her position at Matrix to follow him when he wae fired [Ax the tame time, she does not accept or condone his sctivites. Shei fone of the few Matrix employees to go out of her way to treat the [BNAgens os human beings. ‘Shepherd ie am attractive black woman who appears tobe inher late Profesior J.D, Harden is 2 noted scientist who, in 1962, detected from the Soviet Union to the United States Originally, he worked slongide Or. Alexi Visoy (aoe section 6.1), but is now the hood Testarcher for the entre Biotype Project. Whereas Viasov was subject to wid flashes of brilliance, Morden is more quist and methodical bur no lest efestive. He has tons of ait on all the voriout lit act. ivitas of Matrix, Ine. and mest of i's key employees. He usos that ‘nformation ta avoid getting pushed aroun s| Harden is stoic, gregarious and sarcastic individual with genuine cor soci pleasantries, Ho far mote intrerted i dat, With his Tong holt, fll beard, stocky ‘tame and soiled lab apron, Harden looks more like an Irish bartender than a scents. His op pearance is made even more incongruous by his habit of constantly Smoking tiny hand-rolled elgaretter in a long, marcow black cigarette hole. 4.3 PHILLIP W. HOTCHKISS Prin Hotenkiss, formerly one of Lucius Krel’s underlings, was made President of Matrix upon Krell’ firing, He # a man, who having feached the top, looked dawn only to discover that he was afraid of hts, He hd no idea oF how to keep his own position oF exactly ‘at to do with that position. Boing a company man, ne ed absolute Tyno imagination and the personality af & walking shareholders report otchiles bagan his eareer at Matrix inthe Aecounting Department and worked his way up by “brownnosing’ and pring the company witch" No one at Matrix ever ikes or trusted Hotchkiss very much she had never been caught Going anything wrong in his twenty Yeors ‘of employement by the Corporation, His favorite tactic isto aet a8 2 "yesman’ for his superiors, write memos 10 the fle relieving himself of rexponsibility Yor all thir erors, nd then let go with some incriminating statements sbout ther, Sent bshenymously, of course. "The trouble with Hotchkiss was, after becoming President of the Motsix Corporation, thet none of his usual tactics would work for him in that lofty postion, You cannot climb on the shoulders of the man ‘orwoman ave you if there ino one ele above you Viotchkiss 8 basically @ coward, » wimp and a wool, He Wied esperately to cultivate some sort of @ hard-nosed corporate rough ‘907 image, but without succes, There wes positively no ne who was raid of him He buckled under the sightest Bit of pressure from the Board of Directors end lived in fear ofthe ghost of Lucius Krall, He thought of the DNAgents as mera corporate holding, But they were constantly Beyond his eanto Hotchkiss wae the “Frank Burne of the Matrix Corporation,’ but he now works for Matrx’s arch competitor, the mysterios Tachnor Corporation, By toadyIng up to and booticking the corporate heads ‘of Technor, he is now one of Tachnor's Vice-President But he brings ‘with him secret knowiedse of Msteix Corporation operations and of the DNagents, With that knowledge, he is a dangerous enemy for trix, ine Valentino's charater, resemblance t0 one another 44 ANGELA KRELL When Crostire raided the Krell residence back in 1973 to recover 1 st of photocopies of iit pay-off checks mada toa corrupt Senator, he wos Surprised by Krels daughter Angela. Althoush not intending 1 Kull her, Crossfire panicked and hit her mith the nearest opportune teapon ~ a cancastick Angela iter died of er injury. “At ths time, Matrix began work on the Biotype Project and wore preparing to ereste @ normal human model, codenomed "Proto. {Ces ‘Kreli, pulling some strings, enebled them to use the genetic code of his deceased daughter. Kell had kept the genetic pattern of his entire family on file at Matrix, Proto-1 was programmed t respond st Anges and to have ll the nowiedge, memories, and emotions that Angela had in fe, The memory of her death wa erased from those memories. She wa, fora practical purposes, just the way Angela hed been, except that she would ever age. She wor kidnopped for en exarcise to test the ONAgont, Sithough she war inno real danger the whole time. She was placed ‘in Beothgrove Unieraty es a student, but remsined under obreration ‘normalmen’ end Hotchkiss bear a strong by Matrix and asigned Surge as her bodyguard. Apparently, someone ‘at Matrix had advance inteligence reports suggesting that the Cor render would attempt to eliminate al artifice hfe rested by Mats ‘ana would prabably bepin with Angela (Proto). ‘Despite this eariy worming, she was terminated by Luger. On her deathbed, she was inewpliably able to recall her earlier death trom her ‘existence’ ar the original Angela Kral. t has since buen deemed imposible that she be brought Beck to life. But, sinee most of the technology and data behind the DNAgent” creation wat lost during the first attack of Mege-Man, the body of “Proto” i the only place Where the exact breakdowns of the original formulae can be obtained, “The secrets of artical fe are locked inside the body of Angele Krell While in the coms it has been fiemly established that she cannot be brought back to life, the GM, if he s0 wishes, can “change histry” for his own V&V comosian, ‘Angela was 2 beautiful young woman, with reddish-brown ‘ir land blue eyes, somonhere in her late teens, She wos a heodetrons, independent person, just like her mother, ‘The following chapter contains information on unusual places and things in the DNAgents Dynasty and also a minradventure, While not all of the following sections are complete adventures, they can be used ‘long with sues of the DNAgents comic Book to recreate the exploits fof the wierts, Als, the GM can use the information in thee reotions to create brand now adventorer, The following chapter is for Garne- ‘masters ony. Players should stop reading at this point, 5.1 MEGA-MAN ORIGIN & BACKGROUND: Mogan was created by the briliant bout twisted Profesor Alexi Viasov (ee eection 6.1) a¢ hie instrument ‘of vengeance against the Matrix Corporation It wa built in secret by Viasou's Munkits, Positron and Electron, in 2 hidden underground labyrinth beneath the campus of Beachgrove University ‘Mego Mon iz a aighntic robotic juggernaut derisned 10 replace \asov's useless body, giving him, at last, 2 body to match Ws bain (as Vlasov sess or perceives it Originally, Mego Man requires the excessive life enersiee of Sham 15 a power soures, but it has since undergone radical design changes ‘that make Sham no longer necesary. The following is an breakdown ‘of ll previous designs, containing all the various features, staristics ‘Megs: Mion weight halt» milion pounds (250 tone) and stance just ‘over ten stores high. It has a carrying capacity of 1,908,000 bs. and {do0s T0410 damage Hand-to-Hand, If one ware to make juit general attocks at i [attacks not made to any specific port ofits body), it {would require 2500 points of damage to disable t and 10,000 points ‘of damage to demolish it For every four points of damage Megs Man takes (rounded up) from an electrical of neray based stack, there 15 chance that thie ‘wil cause an overload in ie circuit breakers. I the otal damage caused isles than 10 points, then it wll cause Mago-Man to be paralyzed for ‘14d turns. IF he final demage from such sources i grener than ten points and thi damage succesfully overloads its eireut breakers, then ptr or all of its body will Become disjointed Damage Tota (Over 10 points Over 20 points (Over 30 pains 1112 Meee Three Pore Over 40 points ‘Loses Four Pats Over 50 points ‘Becomes Completely Disiointed For an attack to overload a circuit breaker. it must be made soains «8 specific part of Mego-Man’s body. Due to Mego-Man’s great size, the oral special attack rules do not apply. To hit a specific part of Mego Man, the player must state which part he is aiming Tor before making 2 normal fell to hit. I he fails to make such 9 statement, the attack {Counts a5 just 2 goneral attack and any damage caused will be removed {rom Megan's grand total of hit points rather than from the number fof hie point for any specific area (ve the listing oF thare below. Also, fhe attack will have no chance of causing Mage-Man to become die jointed due to overloading scicuitbresker. ‘When parts of Meso Man brcome disjointed, the part that was hit boy the attack is alnays the frst to go, unde thet pare vat the tor0, ‘Where the head and the torso ment is aways the lat part of Mego Man to become disjointed, unies a disjointing attack successfully Nts the DIAGRAM A by minor disointing attacks, Mege-Man is more likely to Of stn or legs, These can be rasttached on the spot (unless IMege Men has become entirely siassembled) through the magnetic traction by which he assembles himself from his basic component parts. requires one ation for MegaMan todos. MiegrMan hes seporte hit point tals for tNe varlous portions of tis bouy, These represent the omount af damage necessary to disable thot specific part of Meg Man's Body Heed 125 pts. Torso 1875 pts. Lett em 300 pts Fig Arm 300 pts Let Leg 450 pts Fight Lea 450 ps. Even lumbering along, MegaMan can travel at an extremely fast rate due to the sas of Ht gant steps end tendancy not 10 lt things Tike building and landicape get in sts wey. On the around it walks st [350 inchs per turn, or around BO miles per hour Untzing powerful rkets built into its leg, Ht ean fly ton times rors! ground speed, or 800 miles per Nout (3620 inches per turn), Megs Man fights atthe experince level of whoever Is in the pilot's seat Ir set an autopilot, it fight at 4th level automaticaly, Ite combat intiative is sways 20 and 18 every turn — mo ned to roll end add ‘ality asthe robotic giants consistent. ‘Detection scores ere doubled for the pilot and stackers guin no bonus to hit for re mounted in & tacking the rear or 10 the sido as video cameras ‘outer hull and are capable of saving 360 depres INTERIOR DESI Megs-Men rep IS (8 Diagrams A and) US. Space Shutla athe most sophistieated ing stction should demonstrate [ARMS (See Diagram C) ‘A! Armfion Servomotor: This motor interlocks with a separate motor Tocated in the sheulgerarce ofthe chest cavity. In tandem, they allow the aim to have complete up and dawn, forward and backward, side ways and twisting maverentsimiar to that of whieh a human aim is Capable. This motor alo serves the varius pistons locted in the upper frm. It hay 2 Structural Rating of & and can withstand 15 points of Somage before being daabled and 60 points before being demolished, ‘The motor weighs 3000 pounds. Br Hysraulic, Musculature: Bicep Pistonry: These ight foot long Distow serve the function of the human arm's bicep muscle by ater angy.intaking and. expurgating Myeraulie fluid. They weigh ten Thourand pounds each, hove a. Structural Rating of 11, and require 0 points of damage to csable or 200 points 10 demolish, Aditi Bly these count s having Armor, ADR: (30) C: Whee! Pulley Elbow Joint/Hydraulie Fuld Oru: This large metalic 4 DIAGRAM B cockeir| — 7 chest caiTy \/ INTESTINAL, y REACTOR 40 To 60 wheel is ten fet across and two feet thik. It rototes on its own axis {he arm bends. It is turned By prosute trom the hydraulic musculature lind moves cables that Toad 0 the Armflex Servomotor ond the Prov thetic Hond, The eable has a Structural Rating of 13, The Wheel Pulley Elbow Joint woighs 6000 pounds (26 hit points to sale, 100 points {o.demalisn] an has a Srvctural Rating of 10. ‘Adjacent to It i a large barrel of hydraulic fll Poste tubing ‘heir nyeaulie fluid. The drum has a Structural Rating of 10 and con- tains 125 gions of the ely, carbonic fluid, 30 anyone who manages DIAGRAM C te puneture thi drum wil couse quite a mess. : Hydraulie Museulature: Forearm Pistonry: These are similar to the Bicep Pastonry, except thet they are smalar. They weigh only 8000 pounds eaeh (20 hit pointe to sabe, 120 points to demolish) and have 5 Structural Rating of 10 wath Armar, ADF (30). EE: Prosthetic Finger PistonsMicroprocesors: Hero oe a series of malar hydraulic pistons leading into the fingers. ‘The pistons that sctully extend into the fingortps are inaceessable, but the larger ones ‘that lend into the hand weigh 1000 pounds each (S points of damage to ‘sable, 20 t0 cemolin) and have 8 Structural Rating of 11. Dieecly bowe the finger piston system is 9 battery of microprocessors which ‘aguiate the amount of pressure exerted by the fingers. They give the hands an amazing degrae of sensitivity snd enable Wesx-Man to do things lke pick up # kitten By the seruff of is neck without harming ‘The microproctstors ace for to widely distributes throughout the hhand section for any ane ettack to be made ciety against thom, but ach individual unt has a Structural Rating Of 3'and there is 3 1% ‘hones per point of damage done to one of thom thatthe entire hand system Of opening and closing wil go don. LEGS (S00 Diagram D) [A: Magnetic Torso Anchor: This is» powerful slaetromeenet (it has 20,000 pounds of pull) which attacker the lower leg t0 the toro Ine Structural Rating ie 20 and It weighs 16,000 pound. It requires 25 points of dimoge to daable the magnet and 100 paints to demolish Bs ‘Babystep’ Servomotor: So named because it slows MegaMan 10 walk ins rather slow, shortgarted manmer. It weighs 6000 pounds nd hes 4 Stuctural Rating of 9. 28 points of damage are required to disable this srvomotor, and 100 points wil demolish i CC: Hydraulic Load Lifters: While similar in appearance to the arm's re, the load lifters ore set to help the entire structure of ge Men stand erect and still support is own weight. They have a Structural Rating of 14 and weight 12,000 pounds each. 60 hit points fre required ta disable one and each takat 240 points of damoge before being demolished. Disabling these would put great structural stress On the legs of Mega-Man, 1: Solid Fue! Storage Tank: Each of theo tanks has a Structural Rating ‘of 12 and stores 2600 cubic fobt of solid rackat Tus. Lanting this fel ‘would have the same effct ar 2 ‘Small Nuke” see the VA roles on ee 25, Knee Joint Hamatring Col Cable Rel: Ths reo! weighs 9000 pounds and has 2 Structural Rating of 10. It requires 48 points of damage to be disabled oF 180 points to be domoished. It extend a series of four ‘ables from up in the ervomator to down to where they ore anchored {at the bottom of the leg, This re! syrtom plays the part of the knee land log muscles The cables themesiver are Structural Rating 18, F" "Vinsov Drive! Rocket Propulsion Engine: This is the most ech nologially advanced rocket gine in the world. It achiever 3 huge ‘amount of theust potential with a rather low rate of fue consumption, It" sleo. burns fuel at a much lower temperature than mort rocket ‘engines, But much like Viazov himeelf, the engine ie highly unstable in actual use, There are iterally thousands of monitors and amergeney back-up systems for this engine. Its application in any other type of ‘ireraft would be highly impractical, and without Viasovs supervision, Just about impossible Each angine wsighe over ten tone and has a Structual Rating of 18 Each ean absorb 100 points of damage before being disabled, and 400 points are required to demolen one. 6G: Rocket Exhaust Cone: Piaced 10 channel rocket exhaust harmlessly SCALE 16 ‘out of the leg, Structural Rating is 16 an itis specifically built to be het resistant (counts os Adeptation defense aginet heat flame attacks) Rocket Exhaust does 2420 damage per engi. HH: Exhaust Seraan: Installed primarily to keep foreign objects rom Cogging the rocket exheust cone os Mogo-Man walks. Heat resistant {end reinforced to support Meso Man's weight, Structural Rating ~ 18 Special Note: Wile eolly reachable by accets hatches, the entire interior machinery of the arm and lege are coated with a ferrofluise olution fa magnate liquid which sticks to metal, used foe permanent Ibrieation and 0 prevent corrosion), Although handyips and smal {epair patforme abound inside the eras and Jeg, nothing seems t0 be able to keep the ferrofluids from getting on these as well. Hence, the inside ofthe are and lags areas sick a ce, ‘Anyone moving sbout inside the sms and legs of Mega Man while it im operation must make an Agility save on 1420 once per action it the character intends to move on thet action, Ifthe roll fal, then thot character must save versus Aglity on 14100 to avovd a ‘mishap. ‘The GM clctaen whet the nature of the mishap isto be. A charactor an sip and fal, find himself coated wth the sticky ferafuid, oF be ‘ughtin some part ofthe machinery. Watch your step! ‘Mege M's outer hull hs Structural Rating of 20 HEAD COCKPIT LEVEL ‘A: Flight Chairs: These chairs for the main pilots of Mego-Man ‘can eject im case of emergency and have internal porachutes and 2 jet peck which ean be activated By use of armrest controls. Also located {here are builtin intercom and emergency averide systems, 'B: Command Console: The sation at the left ithe pilor station ‘and the station at the right Is the weapons control station (although this can all be controlled from only the pilot sation 88 well), Batueen the two stations the Master Terminal from which all oF Mag M's fonctions can be controled. This is where all of the date from the venous cameras and sensors i fe. {G: Vigor: This swings down and opens for emergency escape 1D: Magnetic Piste: This plate is used to secure Vieso's walker when not muse, thas a 500 pound pl : Pole and Ladder: Tht leads ll the way down to the lower tors, Visiovs walker attaches to a track inthe wall ang con operate ean alevator, which ean take him down nto the lower level CHEST CAVITY LeveL 'A: Containment Doma: This is where Shams kept when being used es em energy source. There ian ausortment of harnesses and arteries ‘designed to cestrbin Sham and t0 drain oway is lie anergy into the Emergency Batteries (F), When not uted to drain “host” it can be retited a2 9 sola collector to help meet minor elctiity needs, B: Iris Valve Dome Heteh: The contiols to open this entryway ave at Positron’s Substation (D) I has a Structural Rating of 18. 1G: Stairs 10 Dome: Nothing special sbout these stairs except thet beneath them is the life support machinery forthe ost” which runs into the Contsinment Dome (A). There is ago 8 tank of Paraiyse Gas (Chemical Power attack, 4th lve, causes paralysis). 1: Positrons Substation: This station monitors the lifesigns of the “nate and regulates th Ife support system. It aso Keops wack of the power lve in the Emergeney Batteries, : Electron’s Substation: This station monitors the nuclear rector snd the electromagnet, CHEST CAVITY ibs OD I

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