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TOPIC: The Missions of the Father of the Church
TIME FRAME: March 1 – 12, 2021
On the right side is a crossword puzzle. For you to answer that, you must recall our previous
lesson about “Acts of the Apostles”.
1. Bartholomew
2. Matthew
3. Peter
4. John
5. Judas
6. Thomas
7. Andrew
DIRECTIONS: Identify the similarities and differences of the 12 Apostles of Christ and 10
Pioneer Christian Missionaries by supplying your answers in the Venn Diagram.


 Both work and

travel to spread
the Gospel of
Jesus Christ.
 They typically work long term  The apostles  They move from one place
in one area or culture. and to another to train in
 All believers are called to the missionaries establishing local leaders.
work of discipleship and are both called  Apostleship is a specific
leading others to the Kingdom to evangelize. gift of the Spirit used to
of God.  They are strategically spread the
 Missions are always done in a focused in Kingdom of God.
cross-cultural setting that is preaching  Apostles can work in a
different than that of the through different culture than their
missionary. unreached own, but they may also
 Missionaries can also be people. work in their own culture.
apostles, however, not all  Both are part of  Apostles can be considered
missionaries qualify as apostles. the global body missionaries but not all
 Their missionary work is of Christ and missionaries can be
accompanied by physical relief the work to considered apostles.
and humanitarian work. bring God’s  Their greatest role is to
 The term “missionary” usually Kingdom on spread the Kingdom of
has a specific connotation in earth. God.
 Both make  The term “apostle” isn’t
great sacrifices
in this life for
the purpose of
REFERENCE USED for the idea:
Do we still need Christian missionaries today? Why?
- I strongly believe that we still need Christian missionaries today because up to this date,
evangelization continually matters, and everyone should always consider their
significance in molding our spiritual growth. Christian missionaries are the ultimate
representation of those who follow God’s commandment in idea of discipleship. Without
them, we may get lost as we walk through the path of strengthening our faith and
knowing Jesus. Nevertheless, as someone who have learned about their stories, they
inspire me to commit in not just embracing my spiritual growth but also helping others to
deal with their faith with God. That is why, I have a huge respect among these people
because their commitment in serving God is indeed commendable. Hence, as what I have
said earlier, we need them just like how we need God forever.

DIRECTIONS: Understand each situation and answer the questions honestly.
1. You are working on with your modules because tomorrow is the deadline. But
suddenly, a Christian missionary knocked on your door to share with you the word of
God. Would you genuinely open your door for him? Why or why not?
- Yes, I am willing to lend my time for the Christian Missionary. I believe that I should never
let a chance will pass when a Christian missionary approach me because I know how they
committed and passionate they are to share the word of God. Lending my time will let them feel
that they are appreciated, and I belong to the community who continuously believe in God.
Amidst of procrastinating on my modules, I assume that listening to the missionary will not be a
distraction in finishing my modules. Instead, he/she could inspire and motivate me to keep
going for my dreams and through life. Nevertheless, this is a situation where God is challenging
me on how I execute my choices in life.
2. Your religion is Catholic. But most of the members in your family are converted to
other religion. Your parents are convincing you to follow them. Would you change your
religion? Why or why not?
- No, I will not. I certainly believe that our diverse religion will not affect our relationship as a
family. I mean, it does not mean that we do not have the same beliefs then I do not belong to the
family. I choose to be a Catholic because I found my faith in worshipping God and Jesus Christ
and following their commandments and teachings. My heart and soul beats for them.
Nevertheless, there are choices in our life where we should decide in accordance with our will,
not because of any circumstances. This is one of the relevant issues in our society today, we
patronize bandwagon because for some, it was kinda right. But our willingness to commit will
always matter. Hence, may Muhammad Ali’s statement remind us that, “Religions all have
different names, but they all contain the same truths. I think the people of our religion should be
tolerant and understand people believe different things.”
3. Assumed that you are a missionary. You were given the chance to choose the place
where you will have your mission. Where do you want to be assigned and why?
- If I would be a missionary, I wanted to conduct my mission in Thailand. To some, Thailand is
a beautiful country, but with a colossal secret. Based on my research, sexual manipulation and
human trafficking have been widely relevant among young women. According to reports, over
120,000 women in Thailand are tricked and deceived into being forced sex-workers. Thailand is
a major player in the $150 billion industry which involves over 21 million people worldwide. In
Thailand, young women are given in exchange for debt forgiveness or to alleviate poverty. With
this situation, I wanted to establish change and promote growth upon this country because I
think through God’s grace, little by little, I can help them to enter in strengthening their spiritual
growth. Hence, I desire to help families peacefully alleviate poverty, as well as educating
refugees and help save young women from these horrors and build a better life for themselves.

Discussion: (Share your thoughts on the readings after a moment of silence)

How have you found that you no longer have “two parallel lives?”
I believe I have found that I have no longer parallel lives when I reflected about if there is a
difference between my spiritual life and secular life. I have realized that there are some
differences which does not make them relevant with each other but it is possible for them to be
interconnected. Nevertheless, I have determined that these two parallel lives can be transformed
into one because they both contribute to my values and growth as an individual.

DIRECTIONS: Assume that tomorrow is the “World Mission Sunday.” It is the Sunday
in the year when the entire global Church comes together to support mission. To make
them known and to show your support and appreciation to the Christian missionaries, you
were tasked to make a slideshow presentation about their inspiring lives and contributions
to Christianity. You may choose at least 5 Christian missionaries discussed above to
include in your presentation. You may also have a further research about them. Be guided
by the rubrics below. Good luck!
- Attached with this file po. Thank youuuu 😊

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