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Artemis ecosystem and Roadmap







Giving the ability of coin holders to buy, trade and spend their coins globally with low transaction
fees backed by the Binance Smart Chain network. Holders can spend their coins through smart
wallets such as Metamask and Coinbase. Transactions will be fast, reliable cheap and efficient for
both the sender and receiver.


Staking is an alternative method of providing security and effectiveness to the blockchain network in
exchange for an incentive and without wasting resources. It is based on the Proof of Stake consensus
algorithm where instead of needing energy to create new blocks, it does it with staked coins.
In Proof of Stake (PoS), miners validating transactions don’t exist. There are forgers who stake their
coins in exchange for incentives, called transaction fees, for the opportunity of being selected to
confirm transactions and validating the next block. The validators are chosen either randomly or are
The term was first introduced with the creation of Peercoin in 2012 but it was Vitalik Buterin (co-
founder of Ethereum) in 2014 who improved the system with the “Slasher” algorithm proposal for
Ethereum's next step. The flaws Proof of Stake had earlier experienced in the beginning could be
solved with and making it the real foundation of Proof of Stake as known today.

For holders of ARTEMIS coins wanting to stake their coins within our ecosystem we will be offering
market leading returns in exchange for your “Proof of Stake” generous APR payouts will be a key


Using farming process we can build on the trading side of the entire ARTEMIS ecosystem through
liquidity on platform.

“In some types of products, the product experience gets much better if you have liquidity. Instead of
borrowing from VCs or debt investors, you pool with your users,”
Let’s take Uniswap as an example. Uniswap is an “automated market maker,” or AMM (another DeFi
term of art). This means Uniswap is a robot on the internet that is always willing to buy and it’s also
always willing to sell any cryptocurrency for which it has a market.
On Uniswap, there is at least one market pair for almost any token on Ethereum. Behind the scenes,
this means Uniswap can make it look like it is making a direct trade for any two tokens, which makes
it easy for users, but it’s all built around pools of two tokens. And all these market pairs work better
with bigger pools and as such keeps prices down for your users who want to buy, sell and trade your


Part of our roadmap will be an online platform within the ARTEMIS ecosystem for users to buy, sell
and trade NFT’s. We will offer an entire platform both online and through mobile app that allows
artists to sell their digital work and this can range from a student leaving education right through to
high profile artists wanting to expand their global reach. Hassle free transactions will allow the
exchange of a digital asset 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. It will aim to bring together a global
marketplace where trading is efficient, affordable and totally secure.

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