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Eastern and Western Thoughts/Culture

Difference of Eastern and Western Culture.

• They follow the natural order to do what they ought to do and work step by step.
• Proper to follow their dreams and do what they what to do.
• Eastern people are often passive. They tend to be submissive than to be aggressive
• Western people do more and think less. They are diligent and assertive. Love to be leaders and make decisions
Love / Relationship
• Eastern people think that love mute.
• Western people think love is vocal
Communication /Dealing with others
• Looks at world in dualities where in you are distinct from person
• Competition is the name of the game
• Sees other person as part of yourself as well as the things you may create
• Oriental persons look after the welfare of groups and values companion

 There are actually a lot of sources in which you can analyze the perspective of each cultures and country about
the SELF. You can see it in their literature line how one culture depicts a hero or a villain in the story.
• Seen as a code of ethical conduct of how one should properly act according to their relationship with other
people, thus it is also focused on having harmonious social life(HO 1995)
• Seen as the ultimate purpose of life but the characteristic of Chun-Zu is still embedded in his/her social
relationship (HO 1995)
• Personal needs are repressed for good of many making Confusian hierarchical for the purpose of maintaining
orders and balance in the society.
• Is the softlessness but this is not forgetting about self, it is living a balanced- life with the society and nature,
being open and accepting to change.
• There are various group who haved a adapted Buddism.
• The Self is seen as illusion, born of ignorance, trying to hold and control things, or human centered needs, thus
the self is also the source of all.
• It is therefore our quest to forget about the self, forget about cravings of the self-break the attachment about
the world, to renounce the self which is the cause of all suffering and in doing so attain the state of nirvana (HO
• Living in the way of Tao or the universe.
• Rejects having one definition of what tao is and one can only state clues of what it is as they adapt a free
following, relative, unitary, as well as paradoxical view of almost everything.
• Rejects the hierarchy and strictness brought by Confucianism.
• Happiness
• Hospitality
• Family Oriented



• As we come to understand the beauty of the physical self we must learn to understand the sexual self. It is been
believe that the sex chromosomes of humans define the sex (male or female) and their secondary sexual
characteristics or the genetic makeup.
• Is the period of life, generally between the ages of 10-15 years old
• Pituitary gland
• According to Marieb E.N. 2001 explains that the sex of an individual was determined by the time of fertilization.
-X and Y chromosomes.
Erogenous zones
Also known as ZONES OF LIBIDO.
• Chest
• Neck
• Lips
• Ears
• Legs
• Condom
• Female Condom
• Pill
• Surgical Sterilization
• Injection
• Calendar Method
• Behavioral Method
Diseases associated with Reproductive System
• This is most common on adults.
• This varies in types such us gonorrhea, syphilis, etc.
• Also includes HIV-AIDS.
Human Sexual Behavior
• Defined as the way that a human person behaved during sexual intercourse or any sexual matters.
Two Types of Sexual Behavior
• Solitary Behavior- Masturbation/ Self stimulation.
• Sociosexual Behavior- involves or requires two or more people to satisfy the sexual needs.
Physiology of Human Sexual Response
Phases of Sexual Response
1. Excitement Phase
2. Plateau Phase
3. Resolution Phase
Excitement PHASE
It is marked by:
• Increase in pulse and blood pressure
• Increase of blood supply to the surface of the body.
• More rapid breathing
• Secretion of genital fluids
• Expansion of the female reproductive system and general increase in muscles tension.
• Generally of brief duration.
• If stimulation is continued sexual climax usually occurs
Sexual Climax
It is marked by:
• Feeling of sudden intense pleasure
• An abrupt increase in pulse rate and blood pressure
• Spasm of the pelvic muscles causing contractions in the female and emission of semen by the male.
• The return to a normal or subnormal physiological state.

Males and females are the same in their response sequence.

After one sexual climax male becomes unresponsive to sexual stimulation and cannot begin another excitement
phase, but females are physically capable of repeated sexual climax without intervening “rest period” required
by male.
Sexual response involves the entire nervous system.
 Autonomic System- controls the involuntary responses.
 Afferent Cerebrospinal Nerves- carry the sensory message to the brains.
 Efferent Cerebrospinal Nerves- carry commands from the brain to the muscles.
 Spinal Cord- serves as a great transmission cable.
 Brain- the coordinating and controlling center.
 The parts of the brain thought to be most concerned with sexual response are the hypothalamus and the limbic
system, but no specialize “sex center” has been located in human brain.
1. Mounting behavior- can be elicited or intensified by male sex hormones.
2. Mounted behavior- by female sex hormones.
Stimulation of the genital and perineal area can cause the “genital reflex”: erection and emission of semen in
male and changes in the female reproductive organ and lubrication in female.
This reflex is mediated by the lower spinal cord, and the brain need not to be involved.
Sexual problems may be classified as physiological, psychological and social in origin.
• Physiological Problems of a specifically sexual nature are rather few.
• Only small minority of people suffers from diseases of or deficient development of genitalia or that part of
neurophysiology governing sexual response.
• Anything that seriously interferes with normal bodily functioning generally causes some degree of sexual
• The great majority of physiological sexual problems are solved through medication and surgery.
• Psychological Problems constitute by far the largest category.
• They are not only the product of socially induced inhibitions maladaptive attitudes and ignorance but also of
sexual myths held by society.
• An example of the latter is the idea that good, mature sex must involve rapid erection, protracted coitus and
simultaneous climax.
Premature emission of semen
• William Masters and Virginia Johnson says that male suffers from premature emission of semen if he cannot
delay long enough to induce sexual climax in a sexually normal female at least half the time.
• This means that penetration in the female reproductive organ with some movement must be maintained for
more than one minute.
Erectile Impotence
• Fear of being impotent frequently causes impotence and in many cases, the afflicted male is simply caught up in
a self-perpetuating problem that can be solved only by achieving a successful act of coitus.
Ejaculatory Impotence
• The inability to emit semen in coitus, is quite rare and is almost always of psychogenic origin.
• This inability may be expected in older men or in any male who has exceeded his sexual capacity.
• Is a powerful spasm of the pelvic musculature constricting the female reproductive organ so that penetration is
painful or impossible.
• It can be treated by psychotherapy and by gradually dilating the female reproductive organ with increasingly
large cylinders.
• Painful coitus.


STD- an infection that can be transmitted through sexual contact with an infected individual. They are sometimes called
sexually transmitted infections(STIs).

• Vaginal sex
• Anal sex
• Oral sex
• Skin-to- skin contact
• Infected Mother

CHLAMYDIA -Is a sexually transmitted infection caused by the bacterium Chlamydia trachomatis.
-Most Frequently reported STD in U.S (2.86 million cases per year)
FEMALE: • Discharge from the penis
• Abnormal Vaginal Discharge • Burning sensation when urinating
• Burning sensation when urinating • Pain and swelling in one or both testicles (less
Can lead to: common)
• Pelvic inflammatory Diseases (PID) Can lead to:
• Abdominal & Pelvic pain • Infection spreads to tube that carries sperm
• Long term Pelvic Pain from the testicles
• Inability to get pregnant • Inability to have children(rare)
• Ectopic Pregnancy
GONORRHEA - Is a sexually transmitted infection caused by the bacterium Chlamydia trachomatis.
-2ND most common disease that is required to be reported
-718,000 new cases per year.
FEMALE • long term Abdominal & Pelvic pain
• Increase Vaginal Discharge • Formation of scar tissue that blocks fallopian
• Painful or Burning sensation when urinating tubes
• Vaginal bleeding between periods • Ectopic Pregnancy
Can lead to: MALE
• Pelvic inflammatory Diseases (PID)
• A white,yellow, or green discharge from the • Painful condition in the tubes attached to the
penis testicles.
• Burning sensation when urinating • Inability to have children(rare)
• Painful or swollen testicles (less common) • Sterile
Can lead to:


• Vaginal, Anal, or Oral sex with someone who has Gonorrhea
• A pregnant woman infected with gonorrhea can give the infection to her baby during childbirth

• Cause by an infection with bacteria known as treponema pallidum
• Spiral shapes
• Primary Syphilis (Sore)
• Secondary Syphilis (Rash)
• Latent Syphilis (No signs/symptoms)

• Is caused by infection with the bacterium Haemophilus ducreyi.
• Attacked tissue in the Genital Area and produces an open sore that’s sometimes referred to as a chancroid or
• Total 7 cases of chanroid were reported in United States

Human Papillomavirus (HPV)

• Is the most common sexually transmitted infection in the United States.

Health Problems that HPV can cause:

1. Genital warts
2. Cervical pre-cancer
3. Other HPV-related cancers


• Most Prevalent of sexually transmitted infections.

• An STD caused by two types of viruses.
-Herpes simplex type (HSV-1)
-Herpes simplex type 2 (HSV-2).

• Passed during sex
• 70% of infected people have no signs/symptoms.

FEMALE: • Thin Discharge (can be clear,white,yellowish or
• Itching, burning,redness or soreness of the greenish) with an unusual smell.
genitals Infection usually occurs
• Discomfort with urination • Lower genital tract: Vulva, Vagina, or urethra
MALE: • Some discharge from the organ
• Itching or irritation inside the male organ Infections usually occurs:
• Ejaculation • Inside of the penis (urethra)


 The natural family planning methods do not include any chemical or foreign body introduction into the human
 This natural method involves abstaining from sexual intercourse and is the most effective natural birth control
method with ideally 0% fail rate.
 It is also called the rhythm method; this natural method of family planning involves refraining from coitus during
the days the woman is fertile.
 Is the woman's temperature at rest? BBT falls at 0.5°F before and after the day of ovulation, it rises to a full
degree because of progesterone and maintains its level throughout the menstrual cycle, and this is the basis for
the method.
 The basis of this method is the changes in the cervical mucus during ovulation. To check if the woman is
ovulating, the cervical mucus must be copious, thin, and watery.
 Is simply a combination of the BBT method and the cervical mucus method.
 Is an over-the-counter kit that can predict ovulation through the surge of luteinizing hormone that happens 12-
24 hours before ovulation.
 Is one of the oldest methods of contraception. The couple still proceeds with the coitus, but the man withdraws
the moment he emit semen and emit it outside of the female reproductive organ.


• Also known as the pill
• Contain synthetic estrogen and progesterone
• Recommended that the woman takes the first pill on the first Sunday after the beginning of a menstrual flow.
Transdermal Patch
• Combination of both estrogen and progesterone.
• For three weeks, the woman should apply one patch every week on
The following areas:
1. Upper outer arm
2. Upper torso
3. Abdomen
4. Buttocks
At fourth week, no patch is applied.
• Releases a combination of estrogen and progesterone and surrounds the cervix.
• Silicon Ring is inserted vaginally and remains there for three weeks.
• At fourth week the menstrual would occur.
• Two rod-like implants embedded under the skin of the woman.
• Contains etonogestrel, desogestrel, and progestin.
• Effective for 3-5 years.
• Consists of medroxyprogesterone, progesterone, and given once every 12 weeks intramuscularly.
• Inhibits ovulation and causes changes in the endometrium, and the cervical mucus.
• A small T-shaped object that is inserted into the uterus
• Create a local sterile inflammatory condition to prevent implantation/fertilization.
• Only fitted by the physician.
• Effective for 5-7 years.
• Most effective birth control.
• Spermicides, vaginal gels and creams, and glycerin films are used to cause death of sperms.
• Chemical Barriers cannot prevent sexually transmitted infections.
• Can be bought without any prescriptions.
• Works by inhibiting the entrance of sperm into the female reproductive organ.
• A circular, rubber disk that fits the cervix and should be placed before coitus.
• Should be fitted only by the physician.
• A soft rubber that is fitted on the rim of the cervix.
• Its shape is like a thimble with a thin rim.
• Could stay in place for not more than 48 hours.
• A latex or synthetic rubber sheath that is placed on the erect male reproductive organ before penetration in the
female reproductive organ.
• It can prevent STI’s or Sexually Transmitted Infections.
• A latex rubber sheaths that are specially designed for females and prelubricated with spermicide.
• It has an inner ring and an outer open ring.
• These are disposable and require no prescription.
• Undergo vasectomy, which is executed through a small incision made on each side of the scrotum. The vas
deferens is then tied, cauterized, cut, or plugged to block the passage of the sperm.
• Undergo a tubal ligation, which is performed by occluding the fallopian tubes through cutting, cauterizing, or
blocking to inhibit the passage of both the sperm and the ova.

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