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Academic Year 2019/2020 Group Project no 1

Level: Bachelor 1
Speciality: Software engineering


1. Project Description
Consider an upper sixth science class in High School. Each student is characterised by his name, surname, age,
marks for mathematics, marks for physics, marks for chemistry and average of the 3 subjects. The coefficient
of mathematics, physics and chemistry respectively are 6,4 and 3.

2. Required Work to do
Write a c program that starts by reading the number of students in a class, opens a file as shown below.

Then reads all the information regarding each student and stores all the records in the file as shown below.

Next the user is requested to touch the return key on the keyboard to continue. And the screen is displayed with 5
1. To restart the execution of the program
2. To display the list of students stored in the file
3. To construct a link list called LIST1 from the records in the file, by adding records at the top of the link list, and
displaying the content of the linked list at the end.
4. To construct a link list called LIST2 from the records in the file, by adding records at the bottom of the link list,
and displaying the content of the linked list at the end.
5. To exit.

And so whatever option the user enters the operation is carried out and at the end the user returns to the main menu as
shown above. NB: if the user chooses to quit, 5 is entered and the programs stops execution as shown below:

3. Instructions to follow
In groups of 3 (not more, not less) , You are required to submit latest Friday 27th of June 2020 at 7h30 to my email: a copy of the source code and a report of at most 2 pages presenting the work you did. No late
submission will be tolerated.
a) The source codes and the report should be zipped inside a document bearing the class and group number.
The document should include all the .c/c++ source files, the .h header files, a Makefile file, a pdf version of
your report and a README.txt file.
b) The Makefile file should be as complete as possible to enable the launching of the make, the compilation,
the cleaning of all files except the executable file.
c) The report of your work should cover at most 2 pages specifying what each group member contributed and
should present at least the description of the program, the description of the modules (procedures and
functions) That is, what you have as input and output?, What exactly is the procedure (or function) doing
and in which preconditions?, Your difficulties and challenges and the value added at the end of the project
(what you have been able to learn from the project).
d) The README.txt file will indicate the names of all the group members, the version of the compiler you used,
the operating system on which you tested the program, the name of the executable file I will get after
executing the Makefile command.

NB: Any copy work, or repetition, work not (or poorly commented) and those not answering the problem will not be
evaluated. I will attach create importance to the readability of your program and report.

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