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Quantum chemical ab-initio calculations (SCF, 3-21G- P ~ . . ~ 1.

, ~ - = g cm-', STOE AED 2 four-circle diffractometer, graphite
monochromator, MoKnrA=0.71073 A, 2H<60", 1725 independent, 1372
basis set. experimental geometry), were carried out for 3
significant reflections with F,,>3a(f,,). The structure was solved by di-
and the monoanion 3a, as well as for 1 and its monoanion rect methods (MULTAN), the hydrogen atoms were refined isotropical-
l a , in order to ascertain the reason for the markedly differ- ly, the remaining atoms anisotropically. R =0.0425, R,. =0.0387 (I372
ent acidities of the compounds 1 and 3. The deprotona- observables, 118 parameters). Further details of the crystal structure in-
vestigation are available on request from the Director of the Cambridge
tion energy of 1 was calculated to be 1573 kJ mol-', and Crystallographic Data Center, University Chemical Laboratory, Lens-
that of 3 to be only 1452 kJ mol-'. This result is under- field Road, Cambridge CB2 IEW (England). on quoting the names of
standable on the basis of population analyses according to the authors, and the journal citation.
Mulliken, which show a stronger delocalization of the ad- [8] G. Fritsch, G. Zinner, D. Mootz, M. Scherf, H. Wunderlich, Arch.
Pharm. (Weinheim, Ger.) 319 (1986) 646.
ditional electron in the bicyclic 3a than in l a .
[9] An analysis of the structural data of 64 urazole derivatives from the
The question whether measured structural data (apla- Cambridge Crystallographic Data File gave as mean values for these pa-
narity of the bicyclic compound) are to be interpreted as A
rameters 1.432 and 105.9" and 110.9". resp.
molecular properties or must be attributed to packing ef- [lo] H. B. Biirgi, J. D. Dunitz, E. Shefter, Acta Crysrallogr. Sect. 8 3 0 (1974)
fects in the crystal, could also be settled by quantum chem-
1111 An X-ray structure analysis of the dianion 3b shows that the two best
ical calculations for 3 , the dianion 3b,["] and 8. Compari- five-membered ring planes form an angle of 140.3(1)" (F. Belaj, unpub-
son of a pyramidal and a planar environment for the ni- lished).
trogen atom shows that planarity of the central R2N-NR2
fragment is more favorable for the molecules 3, 3b, and 8 :
the relative stabilities for a planar R2N-NR2 fragment are Stereoselective Synthesis of trans- Deca lins
+ +
25.3 for 8 (folding angle as in 3), 15.5 for 3 , and 5.9 + via Intramolecular Ene Reactions;
kJ mol-.' for 3b. Therefore the folding angles observed in Synthesis of the Enantiomerically Pure
3 and 3b in the crystalline state can be attributed to inter- Cadinane-Sesquiterpene Veticadinol**
molecular interactions and to neighboring cations, respec-
By Lutz F. Tietze,* Uwe Beifuss, Jochen Antel, and
George M . Sheldrick
Experimental The sesquiterpenes of the cadinane or cadalane series
are widely distributed as plant constituents. They are
6 : A solution of 4 (30 g, 94.4 mmol) in CHIC12 (50 mL) was cooled to
-60°C i n the absence of moisture in a three-necked flask fitted with a found, inter alia, in vetiver oil, an important olfactory. The
cooled dropping funnel. I 1 g (155.1 mmol) of chlorine (ca. 7 mL at -60°C) cadinanes contain 2,8-dimethy1-5-isopropyldecalin1 as
were condensed into the dropping funnel and added dropwise within I h to basic structural unit (numbering as in 2). They are classi-
the solution of 4, which turned deep red in color. All volatile components
were then removed under vacuum and the temperature slowly raised to 0 ° C
tied into four groups according to the type of annulation
(great care must be taken here: vigorous evolution of CI2 takes place sponta- and the position of the isopropyl group: the true cadinanes
neously at ca. -40°C); 6 separated out thereby in the form of red crystals. (cadinane) and the bulgaranes with trans-fused rings, and
Yield: 14.4 g (89Oh). UV/VIS (CHC13): A,,, [nm]= 522 ( s ) , 542 (s). 564 (s); IR the muurolanes and amorphanes with cis-fused rings."'
(CCI,): G(C-H)=2960 (w), 2925 (w) c m - ' , G(C=O)=1765 (vs) c m - ' ,
G(Me,Si)= 1262 (vs), 850 (vs), 725 (m), 688 (m) c m - '
7 : A solution of 6 (14.4g, 84.1 mmol) in CH2C12 (50mL) was treated with
5 mL of D M F and the mixture heated under reflux for 48 h. After removal of
volatile components under vacuum, the pale yellow residue was sublimed at
150°C and 0.01 torr: pure 7 was obtained in the form of colorless needle-
shaped crystals. M.p. 168°C: 4.6 g (34%). Correct elemental analysis.-lR
(KBr): S l c m - ' ] = 2 9 6 0 ( ~ ) , 2 9 1 0 ( v w ) 1780(vs),
, 1430(w), 1300(vs), 1250(s),
I160 (s), 1060 ( s ) , 850 (vs), 780 (s), 765 (m); '9Si-NMR (CDCI,): 6=7.69; on
"C-NMR (CDCI,): 6=147.5, - 1.10.
3 : 14.4 g (84 I mmol) of 6 was allowed to stand for 48 h at room temperature
in the presence of atmospheric moisture and then 24 h at 80°C in a dry box: Few methods are as yet known for the stereoselective
the color of the substance changed from red to colorless. For purification, synthesis of both the cis- and the trans-fused ring systems
the crude product was recrystallized from 50 mL of water, whereby decom-
position of 3 by hydrolysis could be essentially reduced by heating to not
of the cadinanes.[21In our studies on the synthesis of terpe-
more than 80°C and rapidly cooling the filtrate to 0°C. Yield: 5.6 g (67%). noid natural products we developed a novel stereoselective
Decomp. at 340°C. Correct elemental analysis.-IR (KBr): i. [cm-']=3240 entry to the trans-coupled decalin system of the cadinanes
(vs), 2750 (sh), 1780 (vs), 1740 ( s ) , 1480 (w). 1430 (s), 1360 (vs), I180 (s), I168 which enabled us to synthesize the sesquiterpene veticadin-
(s), I133 (s), 945 (w). 745 ( s ) ; "C-NMR ([D6]Me2SO): 6 = 159.79.
01 2.13]From the retrosynthetic analysis it followed that it
Received: November 19, 1987 [Z 2505 I€] should be possible to synthesize the decalin system of 2 by
German version: Angew Chem. 100 (1988) 703
two intramolecular cyclizations. The first cyclization is the
CAS Registry numbers: intramolecular ene reaction of the alkylidenemalonate 5,Is1
3, 113893-26-8; 4, 113924-28-0, 6 , 113924-29-1; 7, 113924-30-4.
which proceeds with high non-induced and induced dia-
and the second is the cyclization of 11
(Scheme 1). 5 already cyclizes in 92% yield at -78°C in
[ I ] a) 1. E. Herweh, R. M. Fantazier, Tetrahedron Lett. 1973, 2101; b) H.
Wamhoff, G. Kunz, Angew. Chem. 93 (1981) 832; Angew. Chem. Int. Ed.
Engl. 20 (1981) 797.
[*] Prof. Dr. L. F. Tietze, Dr. U. Beifuss
121 R. Stolle, Chem. Ber. 45 (1912) 273.
131 a ) D. W Borhani, F. D. Greene, J . Org. Chem. 51 (1986) 1563; b) Le H. lnstitut fur Organische Chemie der Universitat
Dao, D Mackay, Can. J . Chem. 57 (1979) 2727; c) H. Wamhoff, K. Tammannstrasse 2, D-3400 Gottingen (FRG)
Wdld. Chem. Ber. 110 (1977) 1699; d) R. F. Smith, S . B. Kaldor, E. D. DipLChem. J. Antel, Prof. G. M. Sheldrick
Lagania, R. F. Oot, J . Org. Chem. 40 (1975) 1854 lnstilut fur Anorganische Chemie der Universitat
141 G. Faleschini, E. Nachbaur. Monath. Chem. I19 f 1988) 457. , I
Tammannstrasse 4, D-3400 Gottingen (FRG)
151 J . Bourdais, F. Cugniet, JLC. Prin, P. Chabrier, Bull. Soc. Chim. Fr 1964, ["I This work was supported by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft and
500. the Fonds der Chemischen Industrie. We thank Dr. E. 1. Brunke and Dr.
[61 R. C . H ~ r t ,R. G. Schmitt, Spectrochim. Acra 12 (1958) 127. K . G . Fahlbusch, Dragoco Holzminden, for kindly supplying us with
[7] Crystal structure data of 3 : monoclinic. P 2 , / c , a=8.2049(4),
~ samples of citronella1 and vetiver oil, and Dr B. Mauerer, Firmenich,
h=5.4172(2), c = 13.2406(8) A, 8=90.28(6)", V=588.5(1)A3, Z = 4 , Geneva (Switzerland) for a gift of vetiver oil.

Anqew Chem. I n t . Ed. Engl. 27(1988) No. 5 0 VCH Verlagsgesellschaft mbH. 0-6940 Weinheim. 1988 0570-0833/88/0505-0703 $ 02.80/0 703
the presence of FeCI3 on basic aluminum oxide@]to give lows the intramolecular ene reaction furnishes the mono-
the trans-substituted cyclohexanes 7 and 6 in the ratio ester 8 in 92% yield, which undergoes a Prinz reaction[']
98.8 : 1.2 (GC; i-de 97.6%, ni-de >99%). The FeCI3/AI20, with paraformaldehyde to give the alcohol 9 (81%). For
catalyst newly introduced by us for the ene reaction has the intramolecular alkylating cy~lization,['~ 9 is converted
great advantages over other Lewis acids in that it is easy to via the tosylate 10 into the iodide 11, which reacts with
handle, can be used in catalytic amounts and affords very lithium diisopropylamide (LDA) in tetrahydrofuran at
good selectivities and high yields. The absence of almost -78°C via an intermediary ester enolate to give the de-
any side products in the reaction with FeCI3/AI20, is pre- calin derivative 12 in 92% yield. The assignment of the
sumably due in part to the fact that this catalyst acts as a structure of 12 follows from the characteristic resonance at
proton scavanger, similarly to alkylalurninum halides.['I 6=0.87 for an equatorially arranged methyl group, and
from the large coupling constants 3J&H.7.H = 3 J 7 ~ H . x . H = 12
Hz, indicating trans coupling of the rings. The equatorial
position of the methoxycarbonyl group is confirmed by the

H3C02C 'r COZCH3 ' h a H3C02C+

coupling pattern of the signals for 5-H,, at 6=2.24 with
coupling constants J = 12.3, 11, and 3.5 HZ.~"]Reaction of
12 with methylmagnesium iodide affords the desired enan-
tiomerically pure veticadinol 2 in 77% yield. In addition,
the methyl ketone 13 is obtained in 12% yield in an incom-
3 I 5 plete reaction, despite the use of a large excess of methyl-
magnesium iodide. Since the citronella1 used for the syn-
II b thesis is obtainable in both the R- as well as S-configura-
t tion, the enantiomer of 2 can also be prepared in the same
way. An X-ray structure analysis was carried out in order
I to establish unequivocally the relative configuration of
2.L' 11
The synthetic sequence presented here not only enabled
C02CH3 C02CH3
the stereoselective preparation of the interesting olfactory
veticadinol 2 for the first time,1'21but also provides a gen-
7 6 eral entry to sesquiterpenoid compounds of the decalin
type. Moreover, by variation of the aldehyde employed for
the Knoevenagel condensation in (a) and of the Grignard
reagent in (h), a large variety of compounds of interest for
the perfumery industry can be prepared.
Received: December 2, 1987 [Z 2521 IE]
German version: Angew. Chem. 100 (1988) 739

CAS Registry numbers:

CG2CH3 2, 14107-43-8; 3, 108-59-8; 4, 2385-77-5; 5, 106431-76-9; 6, 106431-82-7: 7,
106431-81-6; 8, 114032-14-3; 9, 114032-15-4; 10, 114032-16-5; 11, 114032-
9 , X = OH 17-6; 12, 114032-18-7; 13, 114129-01-0.

' 10, X z GTs

fL 11, x = I
a) G. Rucker, Angew. Chem. 85 (1973) 895; Angew. Chem. l n t . Ed. Engl.
12 (1973) 793; b) B. M. Fraga, Nut. Prod Rep. 2 (1985) 147; c) B. M.
Fraga, ibid. 3 (1986) 273; d) T. K. Devon, A. 1. Scott: Handbook of Nat-

19 urally Occurring Compounds. Vol. 11, Academic Press, London 1972; e)

W. Karrer: Konstiturion und Vorkommen der organischen Pflanzenstoffe.
Birkhauser, Base1 1958, 1977, 1981; f) J. S. Glasby: Encyclopaedia ofthe
Terpenoids. Wiley, Chichester 1982.
I21 a) C. H. Heathcock in J. ApSimon (Ed.): The Total Synthesis of Natural
Products, Vol. 2, Wiley, New York 1973, p. 197; b) C. H. Heathcock, S.
L. Graham, M. C. Pirrung, F. Plavac, C. T. White in J. ApSirnon (Ed.):
. . The Total Synthesis of Natural Products. Vol. 5. Wiley, New York 1983,
{ G p. 1; c) J. S. Roberts, 1. Bryson, Nut. Prod Rep. I (1984) 105; d) J. S.
Roberts, ibid. 2 (1985) 97; e) M. Vandewalle. P. De Clercq, Tetrahedron
41 (1985) 1767.
2 G. Chiurdoglu, A. Delsernrne, Bull. Soc. Chim. Belg. 70 (1961) 5: Vetica-
dinol 2, whose structure has so far not been unequivocally confirmed,
was isolated by Chiurdogfu and Delsemrne from Congolese vetiver oil.
An attempt to detect 2 in a sample of"Bourbon" vetiver oil by CC-MS
analysis after column chromatographic purification, gave a negative re-
Scheme 1. a) Piperidiniurn acetate, CH2C12,20"C/I h, 82%. b) FeCI3/AI2OI, sult.
-78"C/2 h, 2OoC/2 h, 92%. c) HZO, NaCI, Me2S0, 150nC/4 h, 92%. d) 141 L. F. Tietze, U. Beifuss, Angew. Chem. 97 (1985) 1067; Angew. Chem.
(CH,O)., (CH,),AICI, CH2C12,O"C, 20"C/4 h, 81%. e) TosCI, pyridine, O"C/ Int. Ed. Engl. 24 (1985) 1042.
I h, 5"C/12 h, 93%. f) Nal, acetone, 20°C/12 h, 95%. g) LDA, THF, - 7 8 ° C 151 L. F. Tietze, U. Beifuss, Tetrahedron Lerf 27 (1986) 1767.
20"C/2 h, 92%. h) CH,MgI, Et20, 20°C/12 h, 37.S°C/12 h, 12% 13, 161 Preparation: Portionwise addition of 50 g of basic aluminum oxide
77% 2, chromatography on silica gel with ethyl acetate/hexane = 1/1. (ICN Alumina B-Super I ) to a stirred solution of anhydrous iron(ll1)
R,(13)=0.44, R , ( Z ) = O 10. chloride in 160 mL of dichloromethane under inert atmosphere. After
one hours' stirring, removal of the solvent in a vacuum. L. F. Tietze, U.
Beifuss, Synthesis 1988. 359.
171 B. B. Snider, D. J. Rodini, T. C. Kirk, R. Cordova, J . Am. Chem. Soc. I04
(1982) 555.
The alkylidenemalonate 5 needed for the ene reaction is 181 A. P. Krapcho, Synthesis 1982. 805, 893.
accessible in 82% yield by condensation of (R)-citronella1 191 D. A. Evans in J. D. Morrison (Ed.): Asymmetric Synthe.sis, Vol. 3. Aca-
4 with 3.151The demethoxycarbonylatiod8I of 7 which fol- demic Press, Orlando, FL, USA 1984, p. I.

104 0 VCH Verlagsgesellschafr mbH, 0-6940 Wernheim, 1988 0570-0833/88/0505-0704 !$ 02.50/0 Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. Engl. 27 (1988) No. 5
[lo] 1 2 ' ' H NMR (200 MHz, CDCI,): 6=0.74 (9, J = 12 Hz, I H ; 7-H.J. 0.87 pling of 617.81resulted in the isolation of 3 in 44% yield.
(d. J = 6 . 5 Hz, 3 H : 8-CH3), 0.84-1.09 (m, I H ) , 1.19-2.03 (m. 9 H ) , 2.10 The physical and spectroscopic data of 3 were in accord
(dddm. J = 14,4.5. 3 Hz, 1 H: 3-H,,), 2.24 (ddd, J = 12.3, 1 1 , 3.5 Hz, 1 H:
5-H ,,I. 2 33-2-47 (m, I H), 3.69 ( s , 3 H : OCH,), 4.61 (mc, 1 H : H,,,,<), 4.71 with the literature data.(71Bromination[" of 3 with N-bro-
(mc. I H , H,,,,, ). mosuccinimide (NBS) in CCI, in the presence of azoisobu-
[ I I ] Details of the crystal structure investigation are available on request tyronitrile (AIBN) furnished the monobromide 7 in 43%
from the Fachinformationszentrum Energie, Physik, Mathematik
yield as a mixture of several isomers (m.p. 119-123°C).
GmbH, D-75 14 Eggenstein-Leopoldshafen2 (FRG), on quoting the de-
pository number CSD-53079, the names of the authors, and the journal The unpurified isomeric mixture was dehydrobrominated
citation with KOtBu, giving benzo[2.2]metaparacyclophan-9-ene4
[I21 a) 0. P Vig, K. L. Matta, G. Singh, 1. Raj, J. Indian Chem. SOC.43 (1966) in 86% yield as the only isolable product.['I Compound 4
605: h ) 0.P. Vig, G. Singh, 0. P. Chugh, K. L. Matta, Indian J . Chem. 7 forms colorless crystals (from hexane), which melt at 90-
(1969) 434.

Synthesis and Conformational Behavior of

Di benzo[2.2lmetaparacyclophanediene**
By Timothy Wong, Siu Shing Cheung, and
Henry N. C. Wong*
The preparation of [2.2]metaparacyclophane 1 was re-
ported more than two decades ago by Cram et al.[z,31Vari- 6 3
able temperature N M R studies on l l 4 l showed that, due to
conformational flipping of the molecule, the signals of the
p-phenylene protons of 1 coalesced at 146°C; this corre-
sponds to a AG,' of 87 kJ/mol.14] On the other hand,
[2.2]metaparacyclophane-1,9-diene 2 showed a coales-
cence temperature T,= -96"C, thus resulting in AG$ = 1 4
35 kJ/m01.[~'It was of interest to investigate the conforma-
tional behavior''] of compounds 3, 4, and 5 , which are
benzoannelated derivatives of 1 and 2. We report here on
the synthesis of 4 and 5 and on the results of variable tem-
perature N M R studies on these compounds.

8 0

8 2


TIC14.LIA1H& &&
o J & 13 0 '1 0
0 8
0 7
8 7
3 4 5

Benzo[2.2]metaparacyclophane 3 was first synthesized Treatment of 4 with bromine afforded an isomeric mix-
by Vogtle et al. via several steps starting from 3,4"-bis(bro- ture of dibromides 8 in 90% yield [MS: m / z 412 ( M @ ) 414 ,
momethyl)-l,l':2',1"-terphenyl 6.I7l In the case of 3 +
( M e 2), 416 ( M e +4)]. The dibromides 8 were not sepa-
T,= 116°C and AG$ = 75 k J / m ~ l . [ ' ~We were able to pre- rated, but allowed to undergo direct KOtBu dehydrobrom-
pare compound 3 in one step: phenyllithium-induced cou- ination in the presence of furan. The reaction leading to
the isomeric epoxides 10 (isolated in 53% yield) presuma-
bly proceeds via the species 9",'0.''1 containing a. C C triple
bond. The mixture of isomers 10 [m.p.>30O0C, MS: m/z
[*I Dr. H N. C. Wong [I], T. Wong, S . S . Cheung 320 ( M e ) ] was not separated, but directly deoxygenated
Department of Chemistry, The Chinese University of Hong Kong with TiCl4-LiAlH4-Et,N in THF,"'] to give the title com-
Shatin, New Territories (Hong Kong) pound dibenzo[2.2]metaparacyclophanediene 5 in 67%
[**I Arene Synthesis by Extrusion Reaction, Part 13. The authors wish to yield. Compound 5 forms colorless crystals (from hexane)
express their sincere thanks to Messrs. Y . H. Law. K . W. Kwong, and C .
which decompose at ca. 250°C. The structure of 5 was es-
W. Fung for their assistance in measuring the 250-MHz 'H-NMR spec-
tra and the mass spectra. S. S. C. is grateful to the Croucher Foundation tablished 'H-NMR s p e c t r o s ~ o p i c a l l y .In
~ ~[DJacetone
~ at
(Hong Kong) for the award of a Croucher Studentship.-Part 12: C. W. 24"C, the protons H-5, H-6, H-7, and H-8 gave rise to only
Chan, H. N. C. Wong, J . Am. Chem. SOC I10 (1988) 462. a single extremely broad peak at Ci=6.95, which was diffi-

Angew Chrm Int. Ed Engl. 27 (1988) No. 5 0 VCH Verlagsgesellschaji mbH. 0-6940 Weinherm. I988 0~70-0833/88/0505-0705S 02.50/0 705

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