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SIFRP Cheat Sheet direct your allies.

Roll Warfare + Tactics, difficulty set

by GM (9 is default). Each degree of success gives +1B
on your allies Initiative.
DEGREES OF SUCCESS (5+) • Changing Initiative: Roll Initiative each round.
• 0-4: One Degree (Marginal)
• 5-9: Two Degrees (Great Success) Step Four 4: Action
• 10-14: Three Degrees (Incredible Success)
• 15+: Four Degrees (Astonishing Success) Choose one Greater Action, or two Lesser Actions,
• Marginal Failure: Fail by 1-4 plus any Free Actions.
• Critical Failure: Fail by 5+
Attack Actions
passive abilities Standard Attack (Lesser)
Passive Ability = [Rank x 4] + [Specialty] Divided Attack (Greater)
Two-Weapon Attack (Greater)
• Examples: Passive Awareness, Passive Will, etc. Combining Attack (Greater)
Mounted Attacks (Varies)
Pull a Rider From Mount (Greater)
Pin (Greater)
• One Round: 6 seconds.
• Greater Action: Take the entire round. Other actions
• Lesser Action: Two lesser per round.
• Free Action: Unlimited (use common sense). Assist (Lesser)
Catch Your Breath (Greater)
Charge (Greater)
Combat Defense
Dodge (Greater)
Agility + Athletics + Awareness + Interact (Lesser)
Defensive Bonus - Armor Penalty Move (Lesser)
Sprint (Greater)
Health Fall Down/Stand Up (Lesser)
Drive or Ride (Varies)
Endurance x 3
Pass (Greater)
Use Ability (Varies)
Step 1: Battlefield Use Destiny points (No Action)
Narrator uses something called Battlefield Qualities to describe Yield (Greater)
and give character to a scene.
Step 5: Repeat
Narrator usually choose one to five qualities giving bonuses or
Simply repeat from step 2.
penalties for things like: Boundaries, Obstacles, Bystanders, Things
& Stuff, Visibility, Terrain, Other, etc.
Step 6: Resolution
Step 2: Detection When someone reaches Health 0 he is defeated and his opponent
chooses his fate.
Passive Awareness = Awareness x 4

• Ambush: Hidden character rolls Stealth versus foe's Damage

Passive Awareness to gain surprise.
• Damage: When you take damage, you reduce it with
• Surprise: +1D for the first round.
your Armour Rating, then subtract it from your Health.
• Injury: When a character receive damage, he can
Step 3: Initiative reduce it by taking an injury. For each injury, he will
Agility + Quickness have -1 on any test. A character can't take more injuries
than his Endurance.
• Ties: Compare Quickness, otherwise reroll. • NPC: Only important characters takes injuries in
• Delaying: You can delay your action or wait, but cannot combat!
interrupt someone. • Wound: When a character receive damage, he can
• Interrupting Actions: In this option you can interrupt reduce it to zero by taking a wound. For each wound,
an opponent by succeeding a contest of Agility + he will have -1D on any test. When wounds equals
Quickness. Endurance the character dies.
• Battlefield Tactics: Choose to go last in the round by
Critical Hits destiny
• Critical Hits: Roll twice the opponent's Defense.
• Count 6's and check Table 9-5 (p.165). Spend Destiny points
• Gain +1B (bonus die).
Fumbles • Convert a bonus die in test die.
• Remove -1D (penalty die).
• Fumbles: All your dice come up 1's.
• Bestow -1D (penalty die) on opponent.
• Count 1's and check Table 9-6 (p.165).
• Take an extra Lesser Action.
• Improve or worsen another character's disposition by
• Death: Bye bye amigo! Note: The use of a Vicious • Negate another character's use of a spent Destiny Point.
weapon is always deadly. • Add a minor detail to a scene (minor clue, useful but
• Maimed: The enemy left you something to remember small).
him. • Activate environmental quality.
• Ransom: You are captured, or your opponent takes • Ignore environmental quality.
your possessions, or horse.
• Take the Black: For those who sees honor in “Taking Burn Destiny points
the Black”, this choice can be offer, “Take the Black or • Convert all bonus dice into test dice.
die.” • Add +5 to your test result.
• Unconscious: You are inconscious, left for dead, you • Automatically succeed on one test as if roll the
wake up in 2d6 hours. Difficulty exactly.
• Yield: At your turn, you can offer the Narrator the • Remove all damage and injuries (not wounds).
terms of your surrender. He has the option of accepting • When defeated, decide the consequences of your own
it, make a counter-offer or refusing it. If you refuse the defeat.
counter-offer you can't yield! • Transform another character's successful test into a
• Destiny: You can burn one Destiny point to decide your failed test.
fate. • Automatically compel another character in an intrigue.
• Permanently remove penalties of a negative quality.
Recovery • Negate the effects of another character's burned Destiny
• Damage: Disappear after the combat.
• Add a significant detail to a scene (major clue, finding a
• Injury: One day later, roll a test of Endurance, each
way out)
degree of success erase 1 Injury, a failure do nothing,
• Avoid certain death.
and a Critical Failure add 1 Injury.
• Wound: One week later, roll a test of Endurance, a
success erase 1 Wound for each two degrees of success,
a failure does nothings, and a Critical Failure add 1
Wound. If Wound equals your Endurance you die.
• First Aid, Healing (Injury): Requires 4 hours of caring
per day. When the patient roll his Endurance test, the
healer roll his Healing test instead, and only this roll
count. A failure do nothing.

• Archery Contest: First shot is ROUTINE (6), then each
subsequent shot raise by 3, until 15.
• Grand Melee: Use normal combat rule.
• Joust: Each participant roll a Fighting test versus the
opponent's passive Animal Handling, plus Ride in
bonus modifier. Example: Animal Handling 3 (Ride +2B)
gives 14, or (3 x 4) + 2.
• Assist: Support another character (ally gain bonus
Intrigue Defense
equal to half your Persuasion).
Awareness + Cunning + Status + Bonuses/Penalties • Consider: Give up your action and wait (gain +2B on
next exchange).
Composure • Fast-Talk: Unleash a stream of nonsense in hope of
distracting opponent (target loose Cunning in their
Will x 3
Intrigue Defense).
• Influence: Influence your opponent (default of any
OBJECTIVEs Intrigue).
• Friendship • Manipulate: Manipulate your opponent's emotions
• Information (choose opponent technique for next exchange).
• Service • Mollify: Restore Composure into a target (restore
• Deceit opponent's Composure equal to your Persuasion).
• Quit: Flee the Intrigue.
Note: Changing objective during Intrigue give back to opponent • Read Target: Hold back and read your target (learn
Composure equal to their Will. opponent's Disposition and Technique, you gain +1D on
Deception or Persuasion for the entire Intrigue).
Disposition • Shield of Reputation: Fall back on your reputation and
status to influence your target (improve target's
Disposition DR Deception Persuasion Disposition one step, once per Intrigue).
Affectionate 1 -2 +5 • Switch to Combat: Abandon the Intrigue and attack
your target (Intrigue ends and combat begins, may have
Friendly 2 -1 +3
Amiable 3 0 +1 • Withdraw: Take a step back from the Intrigue,
Indifferent 4 0 0
concentring on defense (your result replace your
Intrigue Defense until the end of the next exchange).
Dislike 5 +1 -2

Unfriendly 6 +2 -4 FRUSTRATION
Malicious 7 +3 -6 • Chaque point de frustration retire des points égal à
votre Will au montant retiré de votre Composure.
INITIATIVE • 1 Point de Frustration: -1D sur tout jet de Deception et
Persuation pour toute la durée de l'Intrigue.
Status + Reputation in bonus dices • Frustration dépasse Will: Vous perdez l'Intrigue.
• 0 Composure: Vous perdez l'Intrigue.
Like weapons in combat, you use either Persuasion or Deception. DEFEATED IN Intrigue (Composure 0)
The consequences of defeat depends on the technique used.
• Bargain: Negociate a favor/trade/service for another.
• Charm: Improve target's disposition. • Bargain: Receive a service (depends on target's
• Convince: Target support your position or grant disposition, p.142).
assistance (disposition stays the same). • Charm: Improve target's disposition by one step.
• Incite: Make your target angry or filled with emotions. • Convince: Make target support your position or grant
• Intimidate: Frighten and cow your target. assistance.
• Seduce: Fill the subject with feeling of desire. • Incite: Short term effects. Turn opponent against
• Taunt: Push your opponent to act. another. Reduce target's Disposition one step per rank
in Persuasion.
• Intimidate: Target is afraid, does what you ask, reveal
• Seduce: If Friendly, you seduce your target.
• Taunt: Push an opponent to act.
House in action Money
Months & Actions Coinage
Each month, your House has: • Gold Dragon (gd)
• Silver Moon (sm)
• one House Fortune roll (or +1 to one Resource) • Silver Stag (ss)
• one House Action • Copper Star (cs)
• Copper Groat (cg)
House fortune • Copper Penny (cp)

Steward's Status + Stewardhip

A House Fortune is an event that affect your House's lands and • 1 Gold Dragon = 30 Moons, or 210 Stags, or 11,760
resources positively or negatively. pennies.
• 1 Moon = 7 Stags
• At minimum, one Fortune must be rolled every three • 1 Stag = 7 Stars
months. • 1 Star = 8 Pennies
• If you choose not to roll a House Fortune, your House • 1 Groat = 4 Pennies
gain +1 in any one of its Resources. • Half Groat = 2 Pennies
• Adventuring is the best way to improve your House's • Penny = 2 Halfpennies
1/x Dragon Moon Stag Star Groat Penny
Donating Coin
Dragon 1 30 210 1470 5880 11760
200 gold dragons = +1 House's Wealth
Moon 1/30 1 7 49 196 392

Donating glory Stag 1/210 1/7 1 7 28 56

1 point of Glory = +1B on a single test, Star 1/1470 1/49 1/ 7 1 2 8

or +1 to any House Resources Groat 1/5880 1/196 1/28 1/2 1 4
Penny 1/11760 1/392 1/56 1/8 1/4 1
house actions
• Managing Resources: You can exchange one Resource
for another, as per table 6-19 (p. 118).
• Begin Projects: You can invest Resources to create some
project, like building a tower or a road.
• Wage Wars: Use Mass Battle rules.
• Host Tournament: Choose tournament size between
Local, Regional and Grand.
Warfare Step 3. Parlay & Terms
The attacker may offer terms by sending an envoy.
Essentials *Note: Attacking the envoy costs the House 1d6 in Influence.
• Scale: 10 square yard
• Time: 10 rounds Step 4. Initiative
• Squad: A group of 10 men (hero can face a squad). Initiative = Commander's Warfare test
• Unit: A group of 100 men (a hero can't face a unit). *Note: Rolled each round!
• Commander: Visible leader with high Status.
• Sub-Commander: Maximum 1 per 2 units.
Step 5. Siege Weapons
• Orders: Commander have 1 Order per Warfare rank,
Sub-Commanders have 1 Order.
• Standing Orders: An order given to a unit before the
current round. Step 6. First Player Action
• Activated: A unit is “activated” the first time it receive
an order. Renounce Command (Greater)
• No Commanders: Every unit become “disorganized” Attach (Greater)
and follow the current standing order. Attack Unit (Greater)
• Heroes: One hero per rank of Commander's Status. Attack Portions of Units (Lesser)
Heroes act during the player character step. Organize/Rally (Greater)
*Note: Lasts 30 seconds.

Issuing Orders
Step 7. Orders
Warfare test versus Difficulty equal to the unit's Discipline.
• Success: The unit receive the order and execute it. Charge
• Failure: If the unit is “active” it continue to execute its Defend
Standing Orders. Fighting Withdrawal
• Critical Failure: The unit takes no action, and stop Move
following Standing Orders. Organize
Components of warfare Regroup
• Abilities: Starts at 2. Retreat
• Unit Defense = Agi + Ath + Awa + Armor Penalty Surrender
• Health = End x 3
• Movement: 40 yards (infantry), 80 yards (cavalry), 60 Step 8. Second Player Action
yards (naval, no sprint)
• Bulk: -10 per point of Bulk Detach Character (Greater)
• Marksmanship: 20 yards (Close), 200 yards (Long) Take Command (Greater)
• Equipment Upgrade: 1 Wealth give 1 upgrade. *Note: Lasts 30 seconds.

Step 1. Battlefield Step 9. Resolve Standing Orders

The terrain type have effects on the battle. Resolve standing orders of unit that did not acted yet.
*Look Table 10-3, p.176.
Step 10. Repeat
Step 2. Unit & Leader Placement
Repeat until the opponent's force have all surrendered, been
1. The defender place a unit. routed, been destroyed.
2. The attacker place a unit.
3. Etc., etc. Damage
4. The defender place commander and sub-commanders. Health 0 = Disorganized (-1D on tests, Discipline +3).
5. The attacker place commander and sub-commanders. Injured While Disorganized = Routed!
• Concealed Unit: A side can choose to hide some unit. Twice Health in Damage = Destroyed!
The unit must succeed a Stealth test versus the closest
enemy unit. Success gives +1D to first Fighting or
Markmanship test.
Attached characters
• ... take Damage = 1 damage (ignoring AR)
• ... is Desorganized = 2 damage (ignoring AR)
• ... is Routed = 5 damage (ignoring AR)
• ... is Destroyed = 10 damage (ignoring AR)

Commanders & Heroes Mortality

A unit near a hero or commander who dies, must pass a Will test
at Formidable (12) for a Commander, or Challenging (9) for a
Hero, or become Disorganized, Routed or Destroyed.

Step 11. Resolution & Consequences

Check Table 10-5 for Glory gain.
Defeated Commander still gain 1 Glory.

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