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Fasting In My Country

Helmi : Assalamualikum wrt Sir Azlan.

Welcome to our Ramadhan Tazkirah Session.
Today marks the 24th day of the holy month.
So how do you feel so far?

Azlan : Wsalam wrt.

Tq for having me here today Ust Helmi.
Alhamdulillah, all is well just a little sad as Ramadhan is nearing to its end.
As you know Ramadhan is the month in which we should strive to do more
amalan dan good deeds to reap the immense returns Allah will grant in this special month,
insyaallah. So im a bit sad that im not going to be able to amass the same amount of
pahala once Ramadhan ends.

Helmi : Yes, indeed. I agree Sir Azlan. Im also sad that ramadhan is leaving us.
Ok Sir Azlan, just to explain simply about Ramadhan.
Children, please pay attention ya.
The term ‘puasa’ in malay what do we call it in English?

Azlan : Oh! That’s simple. It’s called FASTING. Spelled F A S T I N G.

Helmi: TQ Sir Lan. So, fasting. Can you elaborate on this?

Azlan: Sure. Fasting is where you have to refrain yourself from eating or drinking and to
Control your behaviour. The control that we exercise during Ramadhan, will give us pahala
as rewards insyaallah. Other than controlling our behaviour, we should also do good
deeds. How can you do good deeds? This is very simple. Children, the nearest person we
can help is of course your family members. Who are they? They are your parents,
brothers and sisters. What can you do to get this pahala? You can help with house tasks
or chores. That is the simplest thing that you can do. They’re also not hard to do right?
You can opt for this instead of stuck / glued to your phone. Remember, the more you do,
the more pahala you get. So, starting from today, help out your family members.

Helmi : Alhamdulillah, indeed that’s a sound advice.

So, sir Lan, in your opinion, how do you describe fasting in Malaysia?
During Ramadhan what can you see?

Azlan : The Ramadhan scenes are many we are familiar with. Starting from the tarawih
prayers in mosques, to the abundance bazaar selling variety food for breaking fast and
not forgetting the firecrackers being played by children. These are scenes common and
local to Malaysia. Not forgetting the evergreen Raya songs usually aired a week before
hari raya.

Helmi : Oh yes. Those are definitely common to Malaysia. Moving on to my next question. Sir
Lan in your opinion, what are other benefit of fasting other than getting lots of pahala?
Azlan: Oh! There are lots!
Fasting has countless health benefits, too. From improved weight management and
healthier blood cell regeneration through to better heart function and vascular wellbeing,
fasting has become quite the go-to method of keeping young, fit and healthy.

1. If done correctly, fasting can do wonders for weight loss - particularly for loss of
fatty tissues in the body, leading to better physical structure overall.

2. Other than that, refraining from all matter of solids and surviving on liquids for a
few hours is a great way to cleanse the human body and detoxify; improving the
function of organs whilst promoting a cleansed digestive system - improving blood
circulation and getting rid of any harmful toxins in the body.

3. Finally, partaking in fasting promotes healing in the human body as it applies core
focus to its immune system and metabolism as opposed to focusing on digestion,
further enhancing muscle growth in the process.

These are many other health benefits of fasting. I only mentioned some.

Helmi : TQ. Interesting insight. Ok finally, what are your advice to the pupils who are fasting?

Azlan : Okay children if you’re fasting, my advices for you are: -

1. Don't skip Sahoor (pre-dawn meal)

As the saying goes, ‘breakfast is the most important meal of the day’. And during
Ramadan, it becomes even more important! Although skipping Sahoor to have
uninterrupted sleep may sound appealing, you shouldn’t.

Skipping Sahoor prolongs the fasting period as your body will need to rely on the
previous meal to provide you with all the nutrients and energy until Iftar (break fast).
Due to the longer hours of fasting, you are more likely to feel dehydrated and tired
during the day. Furthermore, skipping Sahoor also encourages overeating during Iftar,
which can cause unhealthy weight gain.

2. Don't overeat during Iftar (break fast)

Just as it is not advisable to skip Sahoor, overeating when it is time to break the fast
can harm your body.

Iftar  should be a well-balanced, nutritious meal and not a feast! Overeating and
excessive consumption of high-fat foods in particular may result in indigestion and
weight gain. Slow down and enjoy each mouthful of your food.

3. Avoid eating fried foods, salty foods and high-sugar foods

It is not uncommon for fasting individuals to reward themselves with rich, greasy, fried
and sugary dishes come meal time. While these foods make you feel good in the short
run, they can make fasting the next day more difficult.

Aside from the unhealthy weight gain, consuming fatty and sugary foods also cause
sluggishness and fatigue. In addition, you should limit your intake of salt, especially
during Sahoor  (pre-dawn meal), as this increases thirst.

Instead, try incorporating foods from all the major food groups including fruit and
vegetables, rice and alternatives, as well meat and alternatives. Consuming fibre-rich
foods during Ramadan is also ideal as they are digested slower than processed foods so
you feel full longer.

4. Drink as much water as possible

Drinking as much water as possible between Iftar  (break fast) and Suhoor  (pre-dawn

meal) reduces your risk of dehydration during fasting.

Make every effort to drink at least 8 glasses of fluids daily before dawn and after
sundown. Fluids include juices, milk, beverages and soups but water is the best choice.
Ideally, you should also cut down on caffeinated drinks like coffee, tea and colas as
these have a diuretic effect and promotes fluid loss.

A well-balanced diet is key to healthy fasting during Ramadan.

Helmi : Tq Sir Azlan for that helpful advice. Tq as well for your willingness to join our
Ramadhan Programme. Have a bless Ramadhan and I wish you a Happy Eid Mubarak.

Azlan : Tq Ust Helmi for inviting me. Have a bless Ramadhan and I wish you a Happy Eid
Mubarak too.

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