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2) Character sketch

Mr Pilkington was about to spring some carefully-prepared witticism on

the company, but for a moment he was too overcome by amusement to be able
to utter it. After much choking, during which his various chins turned purple,
he managed to get it out: ‘If you have your lower animals to contend with,’ he
said, ‘we have our lower classes!’ This bon mot set the table in a roar; and Mr
Pilkington once again congratulated the pigs on the low rations, the long
working-hours and the general absence of pampering which he had observed
on Animal Farm.
And now, he said finally, he would ask the company to rise to their feet
and make certain that their glasses were full. ‘Gentlemen,’ concluded Mr
Pilkington, ‘gentlemen, I give you a toast: To the prosperity of Animal Farm!

Napoleon is a brutal dictator defined by his insatiable thirst for power.

Napoleon is a ruthless sadistic psychopath who abuses his power as soon as he
gets it, and is only concerned with his own selfish goals and not for the benefit
of a livestock farm. He is also extremely manipulative and charismatic. It was
clear that he would not change at the end of the story, because such characters
are not capable of it. He destroyed the lives of many farm animals, broke the
general commandments, changed them as soon as he could. At the end of the
story, he broke through all the boundaries of evil and reached a completely
new level. I have a huge hatred for him, because if he did everything for the
benefit of other animals, he would be a radically different character

3) Watch the Queen's Christmas address to the nation. Be ready to summarize it in class and share your
ideas and thoughts connected with it.

I want to say that I liked the Queen's speech, she did not use words like pandemic, covid, but it was clear
what she meant, besides, I really liked the footage and the song at the end. She began her speech with
the words about lighting the light, that it is a symbol of hope. As I said, she did not say a word about the
coronavirus, but this did not prevent her from thanking the leading medical staff, various scientists,
advising the British to " let hope guide us in unpredictable times." Unfortunately, people of all faiths
were not able to gather as they would like for their holidays, the Queen said not to be discouraged, and
that life goes on. After all, although the year that inevitably divided people, in many respects brought
people closer together, no matter how paradoxical it may sound. The Queen and her family were
inspired by stories of people who volunteered to help those in need because, despite any human illness,
everyone is equal before the Lord. The Queen also made a private pilgrimage to the grave of the
Unknown Warrior in November, and she thanked all those who coped with the challenges of the year,
and she is very proud of it. Also, in the UK they celebrated International Nurses' Day, on the 200th
anniversary of the birth of Florence Nightingale which also gives something to be proud of, all scientific
discoveries give cause for hope and pride, it's as the light on the darkest nights. Light is directly related
to Christmas, as it brings hope to people's hearts
New Year`s resolutions (2021)

1) I promise to spend less money. I put it in the first place because I coped with this task last year
2) I promise to stop procrastinating
3) I am going to to stop being so negative 
4) I am going to talk to my parents more
5) I am going to to start believing in myself
6) I am going to learn be happier with my life
7) I promise to listen to my teachers
8) I promise to continue to develop as a person
9) I promise not to put off until tomorrow what can be done today
10) I promise to stop being angry about various small things

The Old Man and the Sea

Among all the characters, I chose the main character, the old Cuban fisherman Santiago. This character
is one of those cases that don’t actually have development in the entire story. Now I will try to explain it.
He has been living alone for a long time, but he is not discouraged. Santiago lives an ordinary life, in his
modest world, from which he does not run, like many other characters in other books. He does not need
to search solitude(сОльтьюд) with nature; he is a part of nature. For 84 days he failed because he could
not catch a fish, but he did not give up and was sure that on the 85th day he would definitely be lucky.
Luck smiled at him and a huge fish took his live bait, with which he fought for several days, along the
way talking to birds, fish, so as not to go crazy. He also recalled his youth. The times when he sailed on a
sailboat as a cabin boy to the shores of Africa, the times when he was physically strong and measured
(мЕжед) the strength of a mighty (мАйти) Negro and defeated him. All this time, he could not let go of
the fish. To this character, you are already literally shouting for him to finally throw out his fishing rod
and swim back home since his hands were already injured, his body was weakened (вИкенд), but not his
spirit. When he finally managed to kill this fish, the smell of blood brought sharks, with which he fought
for several days to finally get home. On arrival home, there was nothing left of the fish, only the tail. But
Santiago is not upset; he has not lost his self-esteem, although he lived in poverty(пОвэти). For all the
time he was trying to kill this big fish, he showed willpower, endurance(индьЮренс), overcoming the
pain. He was in pain, but he couldn't lose to the fish. He also treated the fish as himself, because this is
the fate: he is a fisherman, and she is a fish, so he could not let her go. This character is truly very great,
he has already known all the difficulties of life, only, in this case, a person has the strength to fight.

Also, Santiago feels his old age and his loneliness, which, as he believes, is inevitable (инЕвитбл) at his
age, but even so, he did not give up. At the same time, he understands that "a man at sea is never
alone." I said at the beginning that he almost did not develop as an ordinary character in other books,
because at the very beginning of the story, he has already reached his apogee(Эпеджи), he has his own
good and logical life position, which he likes, as well as we, the readers and of course he is a positive
character who is able to motivate many people

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