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Area selection leaves a pink / magenta color on the screen.

This problem is caused

by a bug in Nvidia drivers, and it occurs only on Nvidia graphics cards and only in
OpenGL rendering. Tekla Structures 2019 does not have this problem.
For customers using Tekla Structures versions 2017 - 2018, we have provided a ?x in
the following service packs (and newer):
Tekla Structures 2017 Service Pack 9
Tekla Structures 2017i Service Pack 5
Tekla Structures 2018 Service Pack 2
Tekla Structures 2018i Service Pack 1
For customers using Tekla Structures versions 17.0 - 2016i, we provide the fix in
separate Zkit dll files. You can download the needed dll file(s) from here. When
the old Zkit dll file is replaced by the new one, the pink area selection traces
will not appear anymore.
When replacing the old Zkit with the ?xed one, please check that
The correct Zkit dll file version is used for each Tekla Structures version
The ?xed Zkit dll ?le is copied to the correct location (normally C:\Program
Files\Tekla Structures\<version>\nt\bin)
The original Zkit dll ?le is removed

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