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Background of Research




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Background of Research

Background of Research

The term spatial planning is linked with the regulation relating to use of land, it involves the

inconsistencies in the policies of the sectorial. It involves the arrangement of activities involved

in the policies and settling of the new goals[ CITATION Gil08 \l 1033 ]. It varies from country to

country but in almost all countries it relates to the planning of the other policies contributing in

the economic development. It is mostly used to sustain development in the country with the help

of assessing economic, social and the issue of environment effectively. The spatial planning used

by the Bristol sectorial was much different from the planning used by the European countries.

The experience of Bristol regeneration represents the importance of the planning, strategic

designs of urban areas and consistent and long term regeneration approach. According to their

approach, land ownership plays an important role in good planning[ CITATION Bul06 \l 1033 ].

Spatial planning helps in attracting investment with the help of appropriate location, improving

the quality of environment, satisfying needs of the community, and the use of the leisure land for

the benefit of the community. Globalization has also posed a negative impact on the

developmental projects, and globalization involves the spatial planning. Globalization and

movement of people to these areas has imposed a huge pressure on the system of

planning[ CITATION Fal00 \l 1033 ].

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Background of Research

Bull, A. C., & Jones, B. (2006). Governance and social capital in urban regeneration: A comparison
between Bristol and Naples. Urban Studies, 767-786.

Faludi, A. (2000). The performance of spatial planning. Planning practice and Research, 299-318.

Gilliland, P. M., & Laffoley, D. (2008). Key elements and steps in the process of developing ecosystem-
based marine spatial planning. Marine Policy, 787-796.

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