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SUBJECT: Fundamentals of Project Management

SUBMITTED TO: Sir, Syed Abbas Raza


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1 What are Honicker’s options now?................................................................................................. 3
2 What would you recommend that Honicker do first? .................................................................... 3
3 What if, after all attempts, Gamma and Delta companies refuse to come on board? .................. 3
4 What if Alpha Company is adamant that their approach is best and refuses to budge? ............... 3
5 What if Gamma and Delta Companies argue that their clients and stakeholders have not readily
accepted the project management approach and they wish to be left alone with regard to dealing
with their clients? ................................................................................................................................... 4
6 Under what conditions would Honicker decide to back away and let each company do its own
thing? ...................................................................................................................................................... 4
7 How easy or difficult is it to get several companies geographically dispersed to agree to the
same culture and methodology? ............................................................................................................ 4
8 If all four companies were willing to cooperate with one another, how long do you think it
would take for an agreement on and acceptance to use the new EPM system? .................................. 4
9 Which stakeholders may be powerful and which are not? ............................................................ 5
10 Which stakeholder(s) may have the power to kill this project? ................................................. 5
11 What can Honicker do to win their support? ............................................................................. 5
12 If Honicker cannot win their support, then how should Honicker manage their opposition? ... 5
13 What if all four companies agree to the project management methodology and then some of
the client stakeholders show a lack of support for use of the methodology? ....................................... 5

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1 What are Honicker’s options now?
Honicker had two options. Expand by building facilities or by acquiring four companies
around the world: Alpha Beta, Gamma and Delta. The problem does not mention a
feasibility study on the best option and I am stuck with what we have acquired.

 Good Geographical Coverage

 Familiarity with the culture
 Good relationship with clients and stockholders

But forcing the issue comes with many risks such as Alienation and the lack of support. The
best option for Honicker would be to use the stakeholder’s relations management techniques
and try to win their support.

2 What would you recommend that Honicker do first?

To win their support they first need to understand what the problem is. It may be necessary to
conduct project seminars and educational lectures to the non-supporters on the importance of
project management and good methodology of project management.

3 What if, after all attempts, Gamma and Delta companies refuse to come
on board?
If after all the attempt, Gamma and delta companies refuse to come on board, then there
might be no other option then to force the issue as landlords. If Problems still occurs then it
might be necessary to replace the senior management in some of the acquired companies.

4 What if Alpha Company is adamant that their approach is best and

refuses to budge?
If Alpha Company proves that their methodology is providing good results and is better than
Honicker’s methodology, then Honicker should be understand and accept the Methodology of
Alpha Company. It can be possible that the methodology of the Alpha Company would be
better than Honicker’s methodology.

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5 What if Gamma and Delta Companies argue that their clients and
stakeholders have not readily accepted the project management
approach and they wish to be left alone with regard to dealing with
their clients?
This is a very critical and bad situation. In this case Honicker would have to force them to
accept and use the EPM system. It might be necessary to train the clients of Gamma and
Delta as well. All the companies must agree to and use the methodology. Every company
must have the same vision otherwise there might be problems

6 Under what conditions would Honicker decide to back away and let
each company do its own thing?
In Some countries of the world, Project managers are viewed as a threat to senior
management also some stakeholders think the project managers do not have the authority to
the interface with them and take decisions. If company is successful and the clients are
working fine without the use of EPM then Honicker might have to let each company do
things in their own way.

7 How easy or difficult is it to get several companies geographically

dispersed to agree to the same culture and methodology?
It is important for corporate sector to have all divisions or companies manage with the same
tools and strategies. But this is often based on strength and importance of culture on the
company or region. Honicker can replace the senior management in the companies with their
own personnel, but this might have some risks as if it alienates local client to the point where
they might seek out their suppliers.

8 If all four companies were willing to cooperate with one another, how
long do you think it would take for an agreement on and acceptance to
use the new EPM system?
I think two years are enough for this with regard to the project management maturity level of
these companies. So, it might take the parent companies two years to get everyone agree to a
common methodology.

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9 Which stakeholders may be powerful and which are not?
It is difficult to tell which stakeholders are powerful. Alpha Company has project
management expertise, so they may be able to exert some type of power.

10 Which stakeholder(s) may have the power to kill this project?

I think no one except Honicker itself has the power to kill the project. Some Stakeholders or
satellite companies might not participate and cause some problems but they cannot kill the

11 What can Honicker do to win their support?

Honicker must show willingness to listen to their arguments and compromise if necessary.
Honicker might need to set up training and educational programs, on Honicker’s existing
methodology. Honicker can assure them their growth in careers and can involve the in the
decision-making process and give them incentives as well.

12 If Honicker cannot win their support, then how should Honicker

manage their opposition?
This is the point in time where the landlord may have to exert their control over the tenants.

13 What if all four companies agree to the project management

methodology and then some of the client stakeholders show a lack of
support for use of the methodology?
In this case Honicker have to offer training the employees and the stakeholders in order for
them to see the full benefits of the using the ERM system. Still if that doesn’t work then
Honicker might have to adopt different project management strategy. Thy should involve he
stakeholders and ask them about their interests and what satisfies them then they should adopt
that strategy.

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