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Sergio Daniel Acosta Santos,

Manuel Felipe Sánchez Guerrero,
Juan Sebastián Gómez González,
David Alejandro Castillo Rincón,


En el actual artículo, se generará una investigación y debate sobre el salario mínimo en Colombia, este
salario es un gran tema para debatir. Así mismo, el documento presenta como en la actualidad, un salario
mínimo se ha convertido en un mecanismo para garantizar el mínimo vital en el caso colombiano, siendo ello
un salario muy mínimo para todos los gastos de una persona. Se concluye en tanto que, existe una
necesidad jurídico-institucional en Colombia por poder mejorar las políticas salariales de los trabajadores ya
que la mayoría de los colombianos está en la espera de un salario real y más justo, pero todo esto lleva a la
mejora del sistema de concertación salarial entre: Gobierno, empresarios y, trabajadores.

Palabras clave: Salario mínimo, mínimo vital, necesidad, políticas, trabajadores.



In the current article, an investigation and debate on the minimum wage in Colombia will be generated, this
wage is a great topic for discussion. Likewise, the paper presents how at present, a minimum wage has
become a mechanism to guarantee the vital minimum in the Colombian case, being this a very minimum
wage for all the expenses of a person, It is concluded in so much that, there is a legal-institutional need in
Colombia for being able to improve the wage policies of the workers since the majority of Colombians is in
the expectation of a real and fairer wage, but all this leads to the improvement of the wage agreement system
between: Government, employers and, workers.

Keywords: Minimum wage, minimum living wage, necessity, policies, workers.


This article aims to publicize the main Next, the minimum necessary to live in Colombia of
characteristics and generalities of the minimum a minimum wage has be shown:
wage in Colombia, mainly analyzing that
established for the years 2020 and 2021 and with minimum Services Money ($)
this being able to appropriate characteristics such salary
as the decrees and / or articles that govern it, the
increase in this in proportion to the previous year, in
1014980 Health 4% 40599,2
addition to understanding when its change is   Pension 4% 40599,2
managed and executed, in order to clarify the main rent 600000
reasons why it fluctuates. After this, analyze Services (red, gas,
whether said minimum wage is sufficient for, in a   120000
specific case, the maintenance of a family home.
  comida 170000
2. THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK   transport 40000
The minimum wage in Colombia is governed by
Rest 3781,6
decree 1785 of December 29, 2020, which was set
at $ 908,526 pesos per month for the year 2021, Data based on the reality of a house
where there is also a transportation assistance of $
106.454, which represents an increase of 3.5
percent compared with the previous year, in 2. DISCUSSION
addition, the smmlv must be defined no later than
the fifteenth (15) of December of each year. As you can see, the reality for someone who
supports himself with the minimum wage is difficult
However, what is exactly a current legal monthly since as it has reflected in the calculations made for
minimum wage (smmlv), this is regulated through a small family with some figures smaller than
article 145 of the Substantive Labor Code which is
normal, it can been seen that they live very flat, with
the payment that every worker is entitled to with the
aim of covering their needs together with those of only $ 3,500 pesos left over.
his family.
The Permanent Commission also determines this What we have is that in a reality it is enough to live
for the Agreement on Labor and Salary Policies, with a minimum is almost impossible since in the
which has a negotiating table made up of: expenses stipulated there it is not possible to
• Representatives of the national government. appreciate the great immensity of expenses that a
• Employer representatives. regular family can have.
• Representatives of the workers.
This should also produce an increase every year, 3. CONCLUSION
since the smmlv must has been renewed every
year, this so that the worker has not affected by
inflation or by the loss of purchasing power of the Speaking of an outcome of this work, it is
currency that occurs year after year. understood that a minimum wage in Colombia is not
What refers to inflation is an imbalance, which enough, it is not really useful, since if variables
exists between production and demand; this causes closer to reality are taken, the expense and income
a continuous rise in the prices of products or account would be zero or practically negative,
services at the same time as a loss of money to having debts or living flush.
acquire them. However, if the consequences of inflation has taken
into account, life is becoming increasingly difficult
and living in Colombia is a bigger challenge.


These thanks are mainly addressed to the teacher

Leidy Huérfano for being the mentor in the field of
Economics and encouraging us to obtain
knowledge through these activities. Also to the
moderators of this debate who decided on the
specific topic and will control its proper execution.
And finally to the rest of the students of the subject
for being part of this debate that will instill a good
reciprocal knowledge among all.


[1] Actualícese recuperado de

[2] Holland & Knight recuperado de

[3]elEcomomista recuperado de

[4] Portafolio recuperado de

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