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Goal Writing Worksheet

Presenting Problem: These are used to help identify problem dynamics

What does the client say is the problem(s)? Use the client’s words and phrases as much as possible.

1. Mary feels tired and lethargic all the time.

2. Mary does not sleep well.
3. Mary has a decreased motivation in general.
4. Mary feels discontented with her life.
5. Mary does not enjoy her life as she once did.
6. Mary stated, “I feel like every day is just a struggle and I don’t know where to turn.”
7. Mary faces relationship problems and challenges with her son.
8. Mary felt ignored by his current partner John.
9. Mary feels like she is a bad mother.
Dynamics: These are used to write your goals

Develop a case conceptualization based on “The Viewing: Case Conceptualization” section of each theory
chapter or use the integrative case conceptualization in Chapter 16. Identify two to four of the most salient
problematic psychological or relational dynamics from the case conceptualization; these are the dynamics that
are most likely to be contributing to the client’s presenting problem. In some cases, you will see that certain
dynamics overlap or are related; in these situations, try to summarize these overlapping dynamics into one point
1. Meaning, Meaningless and Life Purpose
2. Freedom and responsibility

Identify two to four of the most salient psychological symptoms or issues (e.g. depression, anxiety, substance
abuse, conflict with loved ones, isolation, loss of interest, hallucinations). List these below.

1. Loss of interest and motivation

2. Anxiety / trust issues
3. Conflict with relationships

Put It All Together

This keeps you honest: Do all the pieces fit together?

Dynamic: List the salient Problem: Identify which of the Symptom: Identify which
psychological and relational client’s presenting problems this symptom(s) is(are) likely to
dynamics below. dynamic relates to. improve if the dynamic improves.
1. Feeling tired all the time. Meaning, meaningless and life Loss of motivation.
2. Does not sleep well Freedom and responsibility Loss of interest/ motivation
3. Experienced decreased Meaning, meaningless and life Loss of interest/ motivation
motivation purpose
4.Feeling of discontentment. Meaning, meaningless and life Loss of motivation
5. Feeling of not enjoying of life Meaning, meaningless and life Loss of interest/ motivation
anymore purpose
6. Feeling like every day is Freedom and responsibility Loss of interest/ motivation
struggle and don’t know where
turning to
7. Facing of relationship Freedom and responsibility Conflict with relationships
8. Feeling of being ignored Freedom and responsibility Anxiety/ Trust issues
9. Feeling being a bad mother Freedom and responsibility Anxiety

Note: If for any reason you have symptoms that don’t seem to be related to the dynamics you chose, review
your case conceptualization again.

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