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Table 6. FAT-values from both experimental results and analytical.

Edge condition FAT 50% FATanalytical

Gas Cut S355 298 186
Gas cut S960 204 219
Waterjet cut S700 352 276
Plasma cut S355 225 183
Plasma cut S960 162 255

The results from the fracture mechanic analysis are presented in Figure 18 below, as written in
section 3.5 the initial defects are considered being the surface roughness values Rz 10 – 400 μm.
Six different curves are plotted depending on what Rz value is chosen. The life of the specimen
is considered finished when the crack reaches half the plate thickness, which in this case is 8


Rz=10 µm
Stress [MPa]

Rz=50 µm
Rz=100 µm
Rz=200 µm
Rz=300 µm
Rz=400 µm

10000 100000 1000000 10000000
Cycles N [cycles]

Figure 18. Curve from the fracture mechanical analysis.

Figure 19 to Figure 23 represents the SN-curves for each fatigue tested batch; the red crosses are
run out results specimens that did not crack before 5 million cycles. In the all plots the blue dots
represent the failures for each tested specimen and the red crosses are the run outs. The red lines
in the plots to the left at each row represent the analytical FAT values from each batch. The red
lines in each plot to the right represent the FAT values of both the minimum Rz value and the
maximum Rz value from each batch. Specimen number, stress range and corresponding amount
of cycles can be found in Appendix B.


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