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Republic of the Philippines

Region XI
Division of Tagum City









This qualitative-phenomenological study looked into the early exposure to

violent video games of students in Pagsabangan Elementary School. The purpose

of this study was to explore and to describe and understand the experiences of

students who experienced early exposure to violent video games. It was anchored

on the Arousal Theory (2012) which states that people prefer to maintain ideal or

comfortable levels of arousal. There were 10 participants, from selected

elementary school students of Pagsabangan Elementary School, Tagum City

Division. There were five (5) participants for the in-depth interview and five (5)

participants for the focus group discussion. As to the ideas on the reasons

participants play violent video games, three major themes emerged: enjoyable

pastime activity, inclination to virtual physical combats, and socialization with

peers. With regards to the perceive effects of playing violent video games, three

major themes emerged: compromised physical needs and upkeep, desensitized to

violence, diminished sense of self awareness. Lastly, are the insights of

participants five major themes emerged: think of personal gains without gaming,

stop online gaming to preserve well-being, curb gaming to start saving, impose

measures against gaming addiction and find other hobbies. The results are

significant to parents, teachers and administrators to create and support

programs that raise proper awareness to help students social achievements.

Keywords: education, playing violent video games, qualitative-phenomenological

research, coding, thematic analysis, Tagum City, Philippines


This basic research could not be done without the valuable contribution of

many individuals. The researcher would like to take this golden opportunity to

express sincere appreciation to all of them.

To our God Almighty for the wisdom he bestowed upon her, the strengths,

peace of mind, and good health, unconditional love and guidance in every moment of

her scholastic journey in this study.

To the Principal, Diosdado C. Adolfo and to the students, who were the

participants during the conduct of the study, and in one way or another have shared

their time and precious support in order to get the needed data.

Her thanks and appreciations also go to her colleague: Jocelyn, Dusthy,

Analyn, Luz, Jenny, Joan, Edralyn, Eden and people who have willingly helped

her out with their abilities.

Thank you very much!

The Researcher

Nowadays, everybody knows what a video game is. Even children and

teenagers alike are glued to screens in, playing online games, chatting with friends

and using social networks. It becomes one of the most significant activities of daily

living. Youngsters often spend a great deal of time playing video games. As a matter

of fact, playing computer online games become an entire part of our lives and are

almost in every family. Nonetheless, it is not appropriate to spend more time doing

those activities.

In South Korea, game addiction has become a serious concern in their country.

Frequent news of addicted gamers dropping dead from exhaustion, growing number

of students skipping school and teenagers showing abnormally violent behavior have

prompted the state to start searching for solutions (Cho, 2010).

According to the Huffington Post, in South Korea, there are at least 160,000

children aged 5 to 9 who are internet addicted. In addition to that, Japan also face the

same problem, it is said there are an estimated 500,000 children aged from 12 to 18

who are addicted to the internet, according to the New York Times. And in China,

approximately 96% of teenagers use instant messaging and 10% meet the

requirements for an addiction, (“Why is Internet Addiction Growing in Asia”, 2014).

In the Philippines, media connects violence and crime to video games as cases

occurred in the country. It was reported that a 16-year-old allegedly killed an 11-year

old over Dota. Another case reported was that a 17-year-old allegedly killed his

grandmother over the same game. These cases had lead into conclusion among

parents that video games make children stupid or dull; teaches them to be violent; and

it is the
demon’s tool to make other people feel bad (“Side effects: Deaths caused by video

game addiction”, 2015).

In the local setting, the situation is no different in elementary school students

in the Division of Tagum, specifically in Pagsabangan Elementary School, Tagum

City Division, in which students were reported to the School Guidance Counselors to

record their troubles in playing online violent video games in the nearby internet café.

Both private and public schools echoed the same dilemma because, more minor

students skipped classes in schools and they preferred to stay in the internet cafes.

In accord to that, I have known of students who are late in the class and also

students who skipped classes because of playing violent video games like DOTA,

ROS, Counter Strike etc. These students show violent behavior inside the class.

Further, addiction on online violent video games caused gaming addicts to frequently

sleep and unable to focus on their academic path.

It is to this reason that the researcher would like to explore on the reasons why

children play violent video games, and the perceived effects of playing violent video

games. In my thorough search for other research studies conducted in the past, I found

out that, no study has been conducted yet in the local setting concerning about the

early exposure to violent video games.

It is well hoped that this study could shed light and could provide the society a

clearer picture of the experiences of students with regards to the early exposure of

violent games to students. Furthermore, this study is relevant to the society for them

to understand better about the early exposure of violent video games, how to address

such addiction to spare learners from this societys’ menace.

Purpose of the Study

The purpose of this phenomenological study is to describe and understand the

experiences of students who experienced early exposure to violent video games.

This qualitative study hopes to draw out the experience of the students to

early exposure to violent video games.

At this stage of the research, exposure to violent video games is generally

defined as the engagement of students in interactive playable form of entertainment

like violent video games.

Theoretical Lens

The study is anchored on Arousal Theory (2012) which states that people

prefer to maintain ideal or comfortable levels of arousal. It claims that computer

games will increase the players’ arousal level and thus it increase both energy and

intensity of performed actions. It was pointed out that violent computer games gives

the arousal needed to produce more aggressive behaviour (Nelson and Smith, 2003).

Aggression Model which explains the development of aggression and

individual differences in susceptibility to the influence of violent games [ CITATION

Koj04 \l 13321 ]. According to this model, by influencing the person’s internal state

represented by cognitive, and arousal variables, violent media content causes

aggressive behavior and at the same time increases aggressive behavior in different

concrete ways: by teaching the player how to perform aggressive actions, by

influencing underlying aggressive and cognitive schemata, by increasing and creating

an emotional aggressive state (Nelson and Smith, 2003).

Further, the Media Systems Dependency theory (MSD) has served as a

theoretical foundation for analyzing the relationship between people and the choice

and use of media which this study considers as a support. The theory posits that,
individuals have a goal when choosing the media they use and are active in the

making of this decision. It also suggests that the more a person relies on a specific

media to satisfy his or her wants, the more the media will become significant to

him/her as proposed by (Ball-Rokeach and DeFleur, 1976).

Definition of Terms

To give better understanding on the terms to be used in the study, the

following terms were defined conceptually and operationally:

Exposure. It refers to the period during which something or someone is

exposed The New Webster's Dictionary of the English Language, (1992). In this

study, it refers to the instances that students play violent video games in the internet or

cellular phones.

Video games. It refers broadly to an interactive playable form of digital

entertainment Esposito, (2005). In my study, it refers to videos and materials which

contain violent games such as DOTA, ROS, PUBG, Counter Strike, Mobile legend


Violent Video Games. It refers to a video game in which the range of options

available to a player includes killing, maiming, dismembering, or assaulting an image

of a human being Statute, (2011). In this study, it refers to the games that promote


Phenomenological. It refers to the shared experiences of several individuals

Creswell, (2007). This refers to the different experiences that students share in

relation to their exposure to violent video games.


Various readings from different books, theses, dissertations and internet of

different authors which have a bearing to the present study are presented in this


Early Exposure to Violent Video Games

Exposure to violent video games causes increases in aggressive behavior and

cognitions. An undesirable result of the repeated exposure to violence can be the

habituation of the initially negative cognitive, emotional, and physiological responses

people experience when they see blood and gore according to (Engelhardt, 2011).

As individuals expose to repeated violence they tend to perceive less violence

in reaction to their media stimuli. This made them to perceive violence to be common

place and normative according to [CITATION Sch \l 13321 ].

On the other hand, Ortiz (2015) stated that, a child who excessively uses

electronics may become isolated. They may fail to develop normal communication

skills such as conversational skills, listening, and making eye contact.

Moreover, (2018) emphasized that exposure to violent video

games have been blamed for school shootings, increase in bullyiung, and violence

towards women. Critics argue that these games desensitize players to violence, and

teach children that violence is an acceptable.

Studies shown that children exposed to violent media may become numb to

violence, imitate the violence, and show more aggressive behavior. Younger children

and those with emotional, behavioral or learning problems may be more influenced by
violent images expressed by (American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry,


In addition Reich (2018), expressed that exposure to digital world will bring

harm to people’s well-being. Those addictive technologies that have captured the

attention and mind space of the youngest generation and supplemented digital life is

now threatening our psychological, economic and political well-being.

Reasons Participants Play Violent Video Games

Yilmaz (2018) stated that through technological development and the

Internet’s widespread accessibility, gaming within the digital environment has

become very popular all over the world. These help people to easily access online

activities that even children and adolescents can used.

Young people play games through online in order to manage feeling of

depress. These people feel that loneliness and anxiety would be relieved trough online

gaming according to (Saisan, 2012).

In addition, Kuss (2013) stated that, with growing internet use in the world,

kids spending more time online and the internet is turning more into an interactive

community internet addiction. Having those problems problematic internet use will


Moreover, games with a strong social component, particularly a cooperative

one may be beneficial. It can be a stress-relief tools according to (Scott, 2019).

Furthermore, Scott added that most gamers reported playing video games even

violent games—it is their way to relieve stress and enjoy playing with friends.

Video games are entertaining, enjoyable and beneficial to children in many

ways. It helps to educate, provide space for creativity and offer healthy social
interaction. But at the same time, the best examples are highly moreish as children

push boundaries to play for increasing lengths of time [ CITATION And14 \l 1033 ].

Now a days playing games is a natural part of growing. It’s one way that

children learn to socialize, compete, to fulfil their craving ego, to entertain and to

have fun. Sometimes playing games is their way to escape from depression. Computer

games are slowly arousing and it is one of the things that bring the negative effect. To

people who are playing and having so much fun with this, that can be a form

of entertainment (Caranzo, 2019).

Computer game addiction is a new development in the world of mental health,

treatments are not as well established as those for depression, anxiety, and anger.

Most interventions take a cognitive-behavioral approach which involve changing how

the addict thinks about the addiction (Miller, 2013).

According to the result of the research of the study of Ortiz (2018), playing

video games releases dopamine and produces effects that are similar to drug cravings.

In addition, this can result in online gaming addiction.

Subsequently, Fraser (2012) mentioned that kids are among

the most vulnerable to video game addiction. Children may become violent when

their "drug" is taken away.Video game and internet addiction usually point to other

mental problems including anxiety, depression and trouble forming healthy


Similary, Young (2009) stated that not only are children, teenagers, and

college students stimulated by online gaming addiction, but a growing number of

adults are becoming hooked to online gaming. While such cases are rare, mental-

health professionals say the fantasy worlds offered by computer and video games can
become the stuff of very real addictions that destroy marriages and careers. People of

all ages are quickly becoming immersed in this virtual fantasy world whereby they

can easily escape problems in their lives.

In addition, David, (2013) stated that the addiction in playing online game is

believed to drive someone to extreme circumstances. From some evidence

demonstrated parents tend to believed that their child is in apposition where their

health and future is a worry.

Moreover, Engelhardt (2014) mentioned that children start at an extremely

young age to be subjected to fictional media violence through video games. Violent

video games that featuring cartoonish characters and stylized violence in the past has

been replaced by lively characters and extremely realistic blood and gore. The result

shows that participants’ play violent video games because it is a trend game. Also, the

impact of their peers influence them.

In the same manner, Dindar (2014) stated that, computer games’ influence is

growing continuingly. The research shows that the age of children playing games

continue to be younger and internet usage among children becomes more popular.

Moreover, the internet access has become widespread since 1990s, which impacted

people’s working, socializing and behaviors.

For an instance, as stated by Cerudo, (2014) people who are addicted to games

are usually too stressed in real life that they choose to play online games instead.

Since online games have developed phenomenally over the years, gamers now have

the power to change their names and access identities through character

customization. They can create a new 'self' by choosing hair styles, clothing or when

choosing powerful heroes.  They had that freedom to be what they want that hooks

gamers into addiction.

It was supported by Rayo (2012), Filipinos are born with a keen sense of

curiosity, and many are attracted to join the trend of playing the game. After

experiencing, they influence other people to try as well. It is easy to learn, fun to play,

and user-friendly. Even kids 10 years and above know how to play the game. These

are the factors why online gaming stands out among other games.

Likewise, Holloway (2013), stated that the effect of violent video games

among young children seem less resilient to the problems they encounter in the virtual

world of violent video games. Children are upset when things go wrong: when they

are socially excluded from games by known friends; when friends and siblings misuse

their online profiles; and when they encounter virtual losses.

Perceived Effects of Playing Violent Video Games

Extended periods of time playing video games may possibly affect a

children’s weight and behavior. Many parents often forget about the possible effects

of playing video games on childrens eyes and vision according to (Bedinghaus, 2017).

Many children play video games for extended periods of time. Excessive

playing of online games can give negative consequences for children eyes. Although

what harmful in excess is actually beneficial in moderation (“Do Video Games Hurt

Your Eyes?”, 2015).

In line with that, “Internet Addiction – How much is too much time on the

internet?” (2019) stated that constant playing of online games at night can cause

harder time getting to bed. Problems emerge with them when they fall asleep as they

continue obsessing about the Internet, video games, and TV programs during the


In addition, Brunborg (2014) stated that, consistent early studies, most of the

interviewees experienced physical discomforts and health problems. Most of them

suffers from dry eyes, blurred vision, dizziness, finger and waist strain, back pain, and

feeling exhausted, anxious, irritable or depressed because of extended period of


Smith (2013) mentioned that, there are many psychological disturbances

caused when a child continuously plays online games. This also depends on the type

of game the child plays. Games may change the behavior pattern of the child that may

become aggressive and tries to imitate the hero in the game who certainly kills his


According to, Moore (2015), Pittsburgh Post-Gazette reported that some

indicated that active video games like sports games and boxing can have the health

effect of a slow walk. Other studies found that those who play video games a lot are

more likely to develop obesity from the sedentary lifestyle.

Moreover, Khan (2018) stated that, kids seem to become so engrossed in video

games that they forget to take breaks. In addition kids tend to blink much less

frequently while captivated in a video game.

Subsequently, reduced blinking can significantly affect the flow of tears,

sometimes resulting in dryness and irritation. Cognitive factors such as distorted

perception of one’s intelligence and gaming skills may contribute to extreme gaming

according to (King & Delfabbro, 2014).

According to Hasana, Bèguea, Scharkowb, & Bushman, (2012) in the journal

“The more you play, the more aggressive you become: A long-term experimental

study of cumulative on hostile expectations and aggressive behavior,” violent video

game effects, violent video games increase aggression.

As published in them Australasian Journal of Educational Technology:

Gaming Frequency and Academic Performance (2008), individuals who spend two or
more hours playing games on a daily basis score below in every subject than their

non-gaming counterparts. By spending a high percentage of time on video games

there is not enough time left to spend in studying for classes.

In addition, psychologists warned of problems such as obesity and poor

eyesight as well as emotional problems among gaming addicts, and called for

educating both children and parents on the subject according to (Zhou, 2017).

“Persons Addicted by Computer Games”, (2012) identified that due to

playing games, eating is irrelevant; the satisfaction they get from playing is the same

as the satisfaction they get from eating. As a result, the body’s immune systems are

getting weaker and now expose the different viruses and diseases. In addition playing

games really affects the life style of the youth who are in to this game, although it has

one good benefit, but it corrupts the mind and the way the youth think. Moreover, it

also weakened the body system, money and moral values were not given importance

because of this game. Like other addictions, online game has replaced friends and

family as the source of a person, emotional life. Increasingly, to feel good, the

addicted person spends more time playing video games or searching the internet.

Similarly, several studies in psychology have found out that increased time

spent on the Internet can lead to negative impact on a person’s ability to communicate

appropriately face-to-face with friends, peers, family members including

parents[ CITATION And12 \l 13321 ].

In addition Sudipta, (2018) pathological gaming can result in depression,

anxiety, or social phobia and the latter three can make the child more inclined and

attracted to gaming. Moreover, these factors are co-morbid in the sense that they can

influence each other. Furthermore, researchers have discovered that video gaming can
be addictive this phenomenon known as "Internet gaming disorder" according to

[ CITATION Han17 \l 13321 ].

Instead of devoting energy to the “real-world” activities and pursuits, a video

games addict spends most of his or her time playing games. Someone who has

developed game addiction prioritizes gaming accomplishments over all activities such

as such as spending time with friends and family, school achievement, work

performance and interpersonal relationships according to (Conrad, 2019).

On the other hand, video game addiction affects us in multiple ways. Ranging

from personal, family, academic, financial, and work related problems. It was said

that video game addiction are similar to drug or alcohol addiction. Being addicted in

online game family relationship suffers the most according to (Greenfield, 2017).

In addition to that, Caranzo, (2019) stated that computer and online games

with the touch of modern technology, it become more than just play. They become

an addiction. As time go by it will be hard for the parents and to them to end what has

been started.

Moreover, Ali, (2018) stated that, playing online game shows that every player

would like to win the game and hence they develop aggressive behavior. The

bombardment games will induce bad vision to the gamers and the gamers see the

society in the same vision.

Furthermore, Ali, (2018) stated that, playing online games for a long time will

create a negative impact on your child’s academic performance. The more your

children spend in playing online games, the sooner they lack of sleep. Lack of

concentration will be an issue to the children that spend more time in playing online
games. Some children would be interested to online games and later on it can develop

to a kind of addiction.

Kids spend a lot of time playing video games instead of indulging in physical

activities can harm their health in a variety of ways. Constantly sitting in one place

and playing video games at length can increase the chances of obesity, weakens the

muscles and joints, make hands and fingers numb due to over-exertion. And can even

weaken eyesight Khan, (2018) stated that.

According to Bedinghaus, (2017) playing video games for extended amounts

of time can cause children to experience many of the same symptoms seen in the

computer vision syndrome in adults. Extensive viewing of the game screen can lead

to eye discomfort, fatigue, blurry vision, and headaches.

On the other hand, Conrad (2019)stated that, instead of devoting energy to

"real-world" activities and pursuits, a video game addict spends most of his or her

time playing games. Someone who has developed a video game addiction prioritizes

gaming accomplishments over all other activities such as spending time with friends

and family, school achievement, work performance, and interpersonal relationships. 

In line that, Murchie (2009) stated that, many students become immerse in

computer games they find it difficult to concentrate on their school work. He also

added that, video games are fun and help us relax. But playing them can lead to

putting our education and time at risk.

Moreover, Dojo (2017) stated that, there are many players who are able to

control their gaming activities as to not disrupt their gaming routine. However, many

view that the time spent playing games could have been put to better use.

Supported by “Game Quitters”, (n.d), declining to play video games, doing

something else would be better. It needs a strong will to do that, but eventually as
time went on the habit can be able to break and it became easier to avoid the

temptation on playing video games faded.

Cambell, (2019) states that, if you put the controller down you’ll see that you

have been missing out on a lot. Great books, great social activities, things that can

actually enhance you as a person in the real word. Cambell (2019) added that,

restraining from playing online games helps your desire to set actual goals. Goals will

make a difference in your bank account, your quality of life, and ultimately your


Playing online games needs to purchase tools that is needed in the game.

These things can lead to a lot of money being wasted. Because a gamer is already

hooked on the game and would probably do almost anything to acquire what he or she

wants from the game, it’s very likely that they will spend money on the games. These

games can often lead you to spending more money according to (“Are Online Games

Waste of Time and Money?”, 2017).

People say playing video games is a waste of time. They are referring to those

who people who played video games all day or all night long without bothering to

spend their time a valuable way. Spending your time to this type of game is a waste of

time according to [ CITATION Ron09 \l 13321 ].

On the other hand, it is not a surprise that staring at screens whether TVs,

computers, phones, or tablets for several hours on end is not great for your eyes. It is

called computer vision syndrome (CVS), the condition affects those who spend

several hours looking at screens. It can cause a wide range of problems, most

commonly led by eye strain and eye pain according to (Moore, 2015).
Additionally, it is highly recommended to the players and to those who have

not been into the game yet, to refrain from playing the game and instead devote one’s

full attention to schooling so as not to get lost from the right track

(Mademoisellechels, 2015).

Moreover, overuse of electronic devices may cause deficiency in the

development of a child’s social skills. This includes the ability to make friends in

person, take responsibility for actions, display good manners, use polite language,

control emotions and temper, follow verbal directions, and develop empathy for

others according to (Ortiz 2018).

Furthermore, studies often use the term 'gamers' when referring to internet

gaming addicts, disregarding the fact that not all gamers are addicts. It doesn't

necessarily mean that once a person is into games he will go on to neglect his

responsibilities. There is no accurate measurement of the ratio between a regular

gamer to an addicted gamer to prove that online gaming destroys lives (Cerudo,


The above literatures are useful to the study as it is sought the reasons of the

participants regarding on playing violent video. In addition the following literatures

also adheres on the perceived effects of early exposure to violent video games on

students. These reading also explored the insights of participants in relation to playing

violent video games. Lastly, these literatures offers a great help in discussion of the

result of the study.

Research Questions

This study aimed to explore on the early exposure to violent video games,

specifically it sought to answer the following questions:

1. What are the reasons why the participants play violent video games?

2. What are the perceived effects of playing violent video games?

3. What insights can participant share to others with regard to playing violent video


Scope and Limitation of the Study

The present study explored on the different experiences of students in relation

to early exposure to violent video games. This was dependent on the ability of the

student- participants to express their ideas and perceptions based on their experiences

as they respond to the interview questions which were given by the researcher.

Participants may have different experiences and their inclination to violent video

games may differ in degree and level, therefore, they may be subjective.

This mainly tried to find out the different experiences of students in the early

exposure to violent video games. It was also limited to the experiences and

manifestations that student-participants shared. Moreover, students’ point of views as

to what their experiences may bring to others may be viewed differently, hence, the

location of the study was within Pagsabangan Elementary School, Tagum City, Davao

del Norte.

The participants undergone interviews in the best possible time that they opted

to have using the prepared interview guide questions. This was done to best confirm

that they are comfortable in dealing with the questions given through one-on-one

interviews and focus group discussions.

The participants of the study were students inclined to early exposure to

violent video games. The study was conducted on August 2019 S.Y. 2019-2020. This

was good enough for the researcher to get in touch and schedule an interview to the

identified teachers as the participants in the study.


The methods and procedures used in the conduct of the study are presented in

this section. These were followed and utilized to best achieve the main purpose of the

study which was to explore on the experiences of the early exposure to violent video


Research Design

This study is qualitative in nature. Qualitative research is a means for

exploring and understanding the meaning individuals or groups ascribe to a social or

human problem. The process of research involves emerging questions and procedures,

data typically collected in the participant's setting, data analysis inductively building

from particulars to general themes, and the researcher making interpretations of the

meaning of the data. The final written report has a flexible structure. Those who

engage in this form of inquiry support a way of looking at research that honors an

inductive style, a focus on individual meaning, and the importance of rendering the

complexity of a situation (Creswell, 2013).

Specifically, phenomenological approach was used in my investigation, Lester

(1999) accentuated the fact that phenomenological approaches are ideal at bringing to
fore sensitive issues such as those that expose taken-for-granted assumptions or

challenge a comfortable status quo. In this study, the influence of early exposure to

violent video games is an issue.

Thus, the researcher’s aim was to describe the phenomenon as accurately as

possible and understand the experiences of the participants. This qualitative research

study had employed phenomenological approach, which was used in to gather

information of the students who experienced early exposure to violent video games.

Research Participants/ Sampling

There were be five (5) participants for the in-depth interview and five (5)

participants for the focus group discussion. This number could be good enough since

according to Creswell (2013) in qualitative research; the sample size is not generally


The number of participants depends upon the number required to inform fully

all important elements of the phenomenon being studied. The purposive method of

sampling was used in choosing the participants of the study since it was confirmed by

Lewis and Sheppard (2006), that this method provides what needs to be known and

sets out to find people who can and are willing to provide the information by virtue of

knowledge or experience. Students were selected based on their experiences being

exposed to violent video games.

The selection criteria for participants of this study were the following: public

elementary school students of Pagsabangan Elementary School, Tagum City Division,

identified by their teachers, guidance coordinators, and friends as one of those who

play violent video games for about 4-5 hours in a day and at least one year exposure

to violent video games. Guidance coordinator’s record, location of school in nearby

internet cafes and household internet connectivity can also be a secondary criterion in

determining the participants.

Role of the Researcher

Mainly, my role as a researcher in this qualitative study was to try to access

the thoughts and feelings of participants in data gathering through in-depth and

focused group interview and to determine the number of participants and establish the

selection criteria.

In the conduct of this study, as a researcher, I took the responsibility of an

interviewer, transcriber, verifier, reporter, generating themes out from the data,

analyzing, making conclusions and recommendations throughout the conduct of it.

In addition, as a researcher, I had formulated relevant interview questions.

As a researcher, it was my duty to explain to the participants on the

phenomenon being investigated and acquaint them on the purpose and its

methodologies. In the conduct, I served as the interviewer.

Subsequently, I was a transcriber. When the data had been gathered, I

transcribed the answers of the participants by the use of the recorded interviews and

made the transcription tables through that I came up with the themes based on

participants’ responses through the use of coding.

Then, as a data analyst, I employed data analysis, anchored on the expertise of

professional data analysts, and interpretation and thereafter, form my personal insights

while gently considering any available and/or possible biases.

Data Sources

For certainty, this study was dependent on the notes and recorded information

given by the research participants through an in-depth interview and focus group

discussion (Creswell, 2014). The information were coming from the responses of the
participants based from the research questions and sub questions prepared by the


Consequently, through focus group discussion and in-depth interviews, the researcher

obtained information from participants’ experiences and observations. Both also

involved unstructured and generally open-ended questions that are few in number and

intended to elicit views and opinions from the participants’ face-to-face interviews

with participants (Creswell, 2014). Moreover, in the interview personal beliefs, views

and experiences of the participants would be included. The setting would probably be

in a convenient place to all of the participants.

The participants’ experiences and observations served as the primary data of this

study which was obtained through the conduct of focus group discussion.

Data Collection Procedure

It is viewed by Creswell (2007), that in the process of collecting data,

qualitative researchers would be tied up in a series of activities. Finding participants

involved in the study, the availability of material, and place where to conduct the

study to obtain accurate information were vital steps in data collection.

The following procedures were followed in the conduct of the study:

First, I sought permission to the School Principal of the identified school and I

ask permission to the teachers for me to get approval in conducting an interview with

the chosen participants.

Second, I explained to participants the objectives of the study and the

methodology. I conducted the study through in-depth interview and focus group

discussion to the identified students.

Third, participants were considered for in-depth interview and focus group

discussion to give clearer explanation as to their perspective on the influence of early

exposure in violent video games. From their point of view about the early exposure to

violent video games, they shared their experiences and how this affects their study

and their lives.

Fourth, the recorded interviews were stored in the computer in the preparation

for transcription.

Finally, at this point I transcribed, note down information, analyzed, validated

and identified the themes from the data gathered.

Data Analysis

After the interview, the researcher proceeded to data analysis. Qualitative data

analysis consists of identifying, coding, and categorizing patterns or themes found in

the data. The clarity and applicability of the identified findings heavily depend on the

analytic abilities of the researcher. This dependence on the abilities of the analyst can

be the greatest strength or the greatest weakness of a qualitative research study. It is

crucial on the part of the researcher to report and document his or her analytic

processes and procedures fully and truthfully so others may evaluate the credibility of

the researcher and his or her findings[ CITATION Mar111 \l 13321 ].

After the coding, the researcher broke the data into chunks and labelled it

according to its category. Finally, I employed thematic analysis incorporating data

reduction techniques in order to identify major themes and key concepts which arise

from the outlined responses of the participants.

Ethical Consideration

The Belmont Report (1985) attempts to summarize the basic ethical principles

identified by the Commission in the course of its deliberations. Three basic principles,

among those generally accepted in our cultural tradition, are particularly relevant to
the ethics of research involving human subjects: the principles of respect of persons,

beneficence and justice.

The main concern of this study were the individuals who experienced early

exposure to violent video games at an early age. The researcher was fully aware that

the students were considered as vulnerable in this study. Therefore, their safety and

full protection must be ensured as they are minors and under the care and protection

of their parents, the researcher has done this by the use of consent form. This was to

preserve the trust they would be giving. Thus, the researcher followed the ethical

standards in conducting this study as enshrined in Belmont Report in 1974.

The first principle, respect for persons, asserts that research participants should

be treated as autonomous individuals- that means they are independent, self-

governing, capable of making decisions for themselves as long as they are given

sufficient information to make those decision. This principle forms the basis of

informed consent (Creswell, 2007).

In this study, I did the written consent where the research participants was

given full information about the research, both risks and benefits, and was allowed to

make the decision for themselves if they would participate. As part of the consent, I

included the participant’s right to withdraw from the study, the focus of the study and

methods employed, statements surrounding confidentiality, and a signature of both the

researcher and the participant. Furthermore, I ensured that my research participants

participated voluntarily or without coercion by affixing their signature in the consent


The second principle, the principle of beneficence, refers to making efforts to

secure the well-being of research participants, or to minimize the possible benefits of

the research and minimize its possible harm. The key to this principle is, since all
research has both risks and benefits, to make sure they balance. Benefits to research

might develop friendship with the researcher or other participants, knowledge or

education gleaned from participation or the opportunity to do well for society or

receive the esteem of others (Creswell, 2007).

In this study, I ensured that the outcome of the research would be positive and

beneficial to my research participants. Through this research, the participants were

able to share their experiences which would serve as enlightenment on their part in

their exposure to violent video games.

The last tenet of Belmont Report is the principle of justice. All classifications

of people (race, gender, ethnicity, age, etc.) should be [ CITATION Cre981 \l 13321 ]

equally subjected to the risks and benefits of research, and people should be included

or excluded only for reasons that have to do with research questions or hypothesis.

As suggested, I ensured that my research participants were equitably selected.

As the researcher, I would ensure that all the principles would be addressed to protect

the rights of the participants. To ensure justice, results of this study were presented to

the participants.

In this study, I ensured that the outcome of the research would be positive and

beneficial to the research participants. Through this research, the participants were

able to; know the reasons of playing violent video games, perceive the effects of

playing violent video games and lastly, they could share insights to others with

regards to playing violent video games.



This reports on the findings from the study. It is organized by the researcher in

order to present fully the themes that emerged within the research questions. These

questions let the researcher explore on the influence of early exposure to violent video

games. Interpretation of these findings follow in chapter 5.

The ten students participating in the study are studying in the same school.

Furthermore, in the conduct of the study they were divided into two types of data

gathering methods. Five students for the in-depth interview and the remaining five

students participated for the focus group discussion.

So, here is now the result of the interview of the in-depth interview and focus

group discussion during the analysis of transcripts.

Reasons Participants Play Violent Video Games

As I analyzed the responses of the participants on the reasons why they play

violent video games, the following three (3) major themes emerged: (1) enjoyable

pastime activity; (2) inclination to virtual physical combats; and (3) socialization with


Table 1

Major Themes and Core Ideas on the Reasons

Participants Play Violent Video Games
Major Themes Core Ideas
Enjoyable Pastime It provides entertainment
Activity  It provides an avenue to release stress because one is amused
and challenged at the same time
 Online games eliminate boredom by being with other players.
 Playing gives entertainment.
Inclination to  One is already addicted to games
Virtual Physical  Like to play online war games
Combats  Interested to play online games which have opponents
 Interested to play online games involving fist fights.
 Online games are entertaining because of gun shooting and
fist fights
Socialization with  Playing gives one an opportunity to be with peers.
Peers  Influenced by friends who play violent online games.
 Playing allows a person to be with peers.
Enjoyable Pastime Activity

The data from this study indicated that majority of the participants agreed that

playing violent video games provides an avenue to make an enjoyable pastime

activity. As an evidence the following transcripts are shown.

This idea is linked to the participant’s response, IDI-02 when he stated:

“Para malingaw ang mga bata.”

(For students to be entertained.)

IDI-04 when he is bored he plays violent video games, as he said:

Kanang bored sila mao na ang makapalipay ug maka palingaw maka challenge pud

siya kay makapildi ka ug isa ka character sa game kay maganahan naka ug samot

sa pagdula ug mga bayolente nga dula. Maka wala pud siya ug stress kay naa didto

imong attntion sa dula.

(When bored, playing online games was their way to entertain their selves. They

got challenged when they defeat the characters. This intensified their willingness to

play violent video games. Playing online games could relieve stress because your

attention focusing on the game.)

IDI-04 expresses that playing violent video games provides an avenue to release

stress. He stated:

Para mawala akong stress sa mga buluhaton sa skwelahan tapos bored,

bored ka mawala...mawala akong pagkabored kay maka enjoy siya nga


(Playing online games relieve my stress in the school activities and I do not feel

being bored because it is an entertaining game.)

In line with this, FGD-04 stated that,

Yes ma’am. Rules of Survival. Pampawala sa kamingaw aron malingaw

lingaw lang gamay kanang dili naka mag-isa-isa.

(Yes ma’am, playing Rules of Survival keeps me away from

silence. It helps divert loneliness.)

Another shared thought by IDI-03. As he said:

Malingaw lang ko, Ma’am.

(Playing online games keep me entertained.)

Another participant shared same idea,

Para malingaw. (FGD-01)

(Playing online games to have fun.)

Most partcipants of the study took playing violent video games as one of the

enjoyed forms of entertainment to ease their boredom and have an opportunity to be

with friends.

Inclination to Virtual Physical Combats

For the participants, inclination to virtual physical combats is reflected as one

of the reason to play violent video games. Being inclined to this type of game which

has opponents, it makes them addicted and more interested on playing.

As participant FGD-03 stated:

Naadict naman sa games.

(They are being addicted to the game.)

IDI-03 like to play online game as he, stated that:

Yes ma’am. Yes ma’am. ROS... Gwapo man.Kay mag gira-gira man mam.

(Yes ma’am. Playing online game like Rules of Survival. It is a nice game because it

is a combat.)

IDI-04 commented as the same idea, he stressed that:

Oo, Kanang mga Rules of Survival, PUBG, Counter Strike ug uban pa

kanang naai mga kalaban kalaban sa dula sa internet.

(Yes. Rules of Survival, PUBG, Counter Strike and many more games which has

opponents and battles in the internet game.)

IDI-05 said that:

Yes Ma’am…ROS...Mag gira unya magsinumbagay.

(Yes Ma’am, online games like the Rules of Survival. Because it contains combats

and fist fight.)

It was supported by IDI-02:

Kay para malingaw... malingaw pud ko ma’am. Kay na ay pusilanay mam ug


(Playing online game for me to be entertained. Because, it contains combats and fist


FGD-04 shared that:

Makalingaw man gud siya kay naay pusil-pusil ug sinumbagay.

(Playing online games is entertaining because there are combats and fist fight.)

Socialization with Peers

Most of the participants said that, playing violent video games is an

opportunity to them to be with peers. Some of them believed that they are being

influenced by friends to play online violent video games.

IDI-05 said that:

Para malipay ug makauban niya ang iyang mga barkada.

(Playing online games to have fun and to be with friends.)

FGD-04 affirmed that:

Sige uban uban sa mga barkada mao ng madani.

(You are tempted to play violent video games when with friends.)

It was supported by IDI-05:

Para malipay ug makauban pud nimo imong mga barkada mga


(Playing online to have fun and be with friends and classmates.)

The participants shared answers showing that inclination to virtual physical

combats made them interested to play online games. Accordingly they thought that it

was a form of entertainment.

Perceived Effects of Playing Violent Video Games

Participants shared their thoughts regarding on the perceive effects of playing

violent video games as the result of their shared answered three (3) major themes

emerged: (1) compromise physiological needs and up keep; (2) desensitized to

violence; and (3) diminished sense of self-awareness.

Table 2 presents the perceived effects of playing violent video games. Shared

transcripts of the participants are shown.

Table 2

Major Themes and Core Ideas on the Perceived Effects of

Playing Violent Video Games
Major Themes Core Ideas
Compromised  Skipping meals to keep up with the game
Physiological Needs Focusing too much on the game makes one skip meals,
and Upkeep damage the eyes, and be forgetful
 May bring damage to eyes and makes a person dull
 Make one feel exhausted
 May bring damage to the eyes and is painful to one’s
Desensitized to  Make a person less tolerant and violent
Violence  Make a person imitate the violent trait of one’s gaming
 Learn about fist fights
 Makes one speak profane words
 Make one burst out frustration through trash talks
Diminished Sense of Dropping out from school due to online game addiction.
Self-Awareness  Stealing money from parents
 Becomes neglectful of time
 May lose interest towards schooling and incur cutting of

Compromised Physiological Needs and Upkeep

Some participants noted that playing online violent video games made them

compromised their physiological needs and upkeep.

It was supported by FGD-03, when he said:

Mag sige nalang ka’g dula niya dili naka makakaon.

(Frequent playing violent video games made you skip meals.)

In addition IDI-05 said:

Makadaot sa imoha kay sige nalang ka ug dula unya dili naka magkaon.

(It can harm you because frequent playing lean towards forgetting to eat meals.)

IDI-04 affirmed that:

Maka gutom, maka skip ka ug kaon kanang maka pasmo maka daot

pud siya sa mata kay tutukan nimo ang monitor ug dugay. Mahimo

kang kalimtanon kay sige raka huna-huna sa imong gidula.

(Playing online games makes you hungry, skip meals and can harm

your vision because of long exposure to the monitor. It can make you


Meanwhile IDI-02 said:

Makadaot sa mata ug maka bulok.

(It can harm the eyes and it can delay learning.)

In addition FGD-03 said that:

Makabulok…makabulok sige ra’g dula ug bayolente nga


(Frequent playing of violent video games can make dumb.)

FGD-02 explained that:

Maka bulag kay sige ra man ug tan-aw sa computer.

(Frequent playing of violent video game can cause harm on your eyesight.)

IDI-01 added:

Maka bulok ug makadaut…Kay dili mani pangdula ug bata pangdagko mani

nga dula.

(It can delay learning ability and it cause harm because the game we played is not

appropriate for children.)

In addition FGD-04 said that:

Makabulag siya sa mata kay imo man tutukan ang character nimo para

maka kita ka ug asa ang kalaban.

(It can harm your vision because of long exposure to the monitor and you need to

keep your attention to the character of the game.)

IDI-04 added:

Ug dugay ka makatulog kay mababad nasad, mababad nasad sa internetan

maluya pud ka ug maka wala ug energy.

(You cannot get enough sleep because of playing violent video games

in the internet café. This can also cause low energy to the body.)

IDI-02 also stated that:

Kanang makadaot mam. Kanang permi naka magdula ma’am, ma addict

naka ma’am.

(It can cause harm and game addiction when you keep playing this

type of game.)

The participants of the study believed that playing online violent video games

can compromised physiological needs and up keep. As what they mentioned that

playing can make one feel exhausted and make them skip their meals just to play

violent video games.

Desensitized to Violence

Most of the participants shared answered signified that playing online violent

video games made them desensitized to violence.

This concept is linked to the response of FGD-05 as he said:

Maka irita siya ma’am kay masikuhan lang gani ka kay sumbagon dayon

nimo mao na ang epekto anang mga dulaa ma’am.

(Playing violent video games can cause irritation and bad temper.)

It was also supported by IDI-03:

Kuwan ma’m, masuko ug kanang hilabtan ra gamay...masuko dayon ma’am.

(When someone touches you unintentionally you’ll easily get angry.)

IDI4 confirmed:

Kanang dali raka maglagot kung..Kung magdula ka tungod sa kauban nimo

nga bag-o pa nagtuon. Kung magdula ka tungod sa kauban nimo nga bag-o

pa nagtuon.

(Playing online games makes you get mad easily because of the inexperienced


FGD-02 said:

Mag sige rakag dula ana ma’am dali raka mapungot ma’am.

(If you keep playing that type of game you’ll easily be irritated.)

As FGD-04 believed:

Makatuon ka ug sinumbagay kay maaddict na man ka anang computeran

kanang imong character kay masundog naman nimo.

(When you became addicted to violent video game you can imitate the game you


As IDI-03 stated:

Yes ma’am, masundog (violent video games) man nako. Kanang manungog

sila sa akoa mam. Sumbagon nako mam.

(Yes ma’am, it can lead to do violent actions because, you can imitate the actions

on the violent video games. If someone is mocking me I easily get mad and do

violent action like punching.)

FGD-04 added:
Makatuon ka ug sumbagay kay maadict na man ka anang computeran unya

ang kanang character nimo kay masundog nalang pud kay ini naa mukuhit

lang gamay kay manumbag naka.

(Playing violent video games it can cause irritation and bad temper. When someone

touches you, you tend to make bad actions just like on the violent video games.)

IDI-02 said:

Kanang mabuhat nimo ma’am. Ang kanang bayolente nga video games.

Mang bully… Masuko naka ma’am kung awayon ka. Ay kung sungogon ka


(Playing online games it can encourage you to do violent actions. And it cause to get

easily mad when someone bullies you.)

FGD-04 stated:

Makatuon ka ug sumbagay kay na addict na man ka anang computeran.

(You can learn fist fight because of game addiction.)

It was supported by FGD-01:

Kay makadaot siya sa skwela. Maka addict na siya og kuhiton ra ka kadyot

manumbag dayon ka.

(Frequent playing of violent video games can affect studies and it can cause game

addiction and bad tempered.)

FGD-05 said:

Oo, makasulti ka ug bad words ug masundog nako ang akong gina dula nga

video games.

(Yes, by saying bad words and imitating the game you played.)

In line with this, FGD-03 said:

Oo ma’am, kay maka sulti ka ug bad words kay maka sundog ka sa amigo

nimo nga naa sa computeran nga nagadula ug bayolente nga video games.

(Yes ma’am, by saying bad words and imitating the game you played.)

Furthermore IDI-04 stated that:

Kuwan ang problema kay… kanang dili ko maka focus ug naay newbie nga

kauban kay kuwan mag gara-gara siya kanang dili pa kayo kabalo sa mga

kuwan ba...kuwan ba unsay balaod-balaod sa dula tapos ma trash talkan

namo…ma trash talk-an namo ang kauban siya katong newbie inig mag gara

napud siya’g dula.

(I think the problem is I can not focus on the game if I’m with a newbie companion

because, they are new on that kind of game and they still learning the rules of the

game. You can say harsh words to your acquaintance.)

Shared answers of the participants’ indicates of having emotional responses to

acts of violence.

Diminished Sense of Self-Awareness

As participants play online violent video games they believed that it can

diminished their sense of self-awareness as to what they said based on the transcripts


IDI-04 shared his thoughts as he said:

Ma-addict ka sa mga dula nga pero...pareho atong classmate nako nga

tungod sa dula nga Rules of Survival nga ni undang siya ug skwela kay na

addict siya. Ang uban mga bata karon kay mangupit nalang.
(It can cause game addiction, just like my classmate he stop going to school because

he became addicted to the game Rules of Survival. Some students steals money to

their family in order to play violent video games.)

In line with this IDI-04 also added:

Oh, mangupit nalang sila kay kuwan wala man silay pandula. Pandula sa

mga bayolente nga dula. Makakupit na ug kwarta sa pamilya nimo para

makadula lang ana nga dula.

(Some students steals money to their family in order to play violent

video games.)

FGD-04 supported this when he said:

Makakupit naka kay gusto naman ka magdula unya katol napud ang kamot

kay kadulaon na man kaayo, mao jud na ang makuha sa bayolente nga games.

(You can steal money just to play violent video games and your hands felt

uncomfortable because it wants to play violent video games.)

FGD-05 added:

Mag computer gihapon bisag gabie na. Dugay na maka uli.

(Playing violent video games even if it is late night. And this made you to go home


As IDI-04 believed:

Kanang mapabayaan na nimo ang skwela nimo para makadula lang (violent

video games) tapos maka cutting naka...maka cutting classes naka para

makadula lang ug mga bayolente nga dula.

(You neglected your study just to play violent video games and sometime gaming

can influence you to do cutting classes.)

IDI-05 stated:
Makadaot sa mata kung mag klase ka dili naka ka lihok kay sige nalang ka

ug dula. Ug dili naka kalihok ug magklase kay wala na kay tulog.

(It can also harm your eyes because of frequent exposure to the monitor. Inside the

classroom you can’t move normally because you lack of sleep.)

In addition FGD-04 said:

Dili na magtarung ug eskwela.

(I can’t focus on my studies.)

Most of the participants’ shared answered entails that playing violent video

games makes them diminished their self-awareness as to what they said that, they can

steal money and by not going to school just to play violent video games.

Insights of Participants in Relation to Playing

Violent Video Games

As I analyzed the responses of the participants on the insights of participants

in relation to playing violent video games the following five (5) major themes

emerged: (1) playing video games is not good for the health (2) playing video games

is a waste of time and (3) playing video games cost money. The following transcripts

of the participants are shown.

Table 3 presents the insights of participants in relation to playing violent video


Table 3

Major Themes and Core Ideas on the Insights of Participants in

Relation to Playing Violent Video Games
Major Themes Core Ideas
Playing Video  Curtail online gaming to minimize its ill effects on the
Games is not eyes and the brain
Good for the  Avoidance of online gaming preserves the functioning of
Health one’s eyes
 Online gaming damages both the eyes and one’s studies
 Avoid online gaming to preserve one’s health
 Excessive online gaming makes one skip meals and
compromise one’s well-being
 Online gaming is not for kids
Playing Video  Use time for cleaning rather than on gaming to make
Games is a one’s family happy
Waste of Time  Clean one’s house or help one’s family instead of playing
Playing Video  Violent online video game is worthless
Games  Save one’s money rather than spend it for online gaming
Cost Money  Excessive online gaming makes one an addict of the
game and exhausts one’s money

Playing Violent Video Games is not good for the Health

Participants shared answered has signified that excessive playing of online

violent video games is not good for the health. Some participants shared that online

games can is just a waste of time and cost money. Following are the shared transcripts

of the participants.

IDI-03 expresses that playing violent video games is not good for the health.

He stated:

Kanang maghinay-hinay na sila ug undang dula kay maka makadaot sa

ilang mga mata ug tapos panghuna-huna nila kay makasumbag ra silag


(Refraining from play violent video games because it can harm the eyes and can

affect mental health.)

It was supported by FGD-02, that frequent playing can cause harm to eyes. As he


Kanang nagadula sa internetan, undangi na na ninyo kay makadaot na na

sa mata ug kuwan kanang dili na mo mag sige ug dula ana kanang mga

bayolente nga video games

(To those who played violent video games in the internet cafes, must stop it.

Because, frequent playing can cause harm to the eyes.)

FGD-04 also supported the following statement. As he stated that:

Dili na siya makaayo kay makadaot na sa mata unya gasto ra kayo na dako ra

imong magasto ana. Unya…unya maka dili naka makatarong ug eskwela.

(Paying violent video games can cause harm to eyes. This makes the

person neglects his/her studies and it is just a waste of money.)

IDI-05 shared his thoughts regarding on playing violent video games which is

not good for the health. He said:

Dili na mam. Kay makadaot man sa atong panglawas.

(I won’t play violent video games, because it is not good for the


In addition to the shared insights of IDI-05, on playing violent games, he

added that:

Akong ipaambit sa ilaha nga dili siya maayo kay makadaot siya sa mata ug sa

atong panglawas kay makalimot nata ug kaon mag sige na lang ug dula sa

bayolente nga video games.

(I just want to share to those who played violent video games, that playing it is not

good for the eyes and health. Playing this game makes you forget to eat at the right

Furthermore, IDI-03, said that, playing online games is not good for

the health and not appropriate for the kids to play. He stated that:

Yes ma’am. Iingon nako kay mo mu-undang nako sa ingon ana nga dula kay

makadaot. Dili na pwede sa bata nga dula nga video games nga dula.

(Yes ma’am, those insights that I shared can be applied to myself. I should stop

playing it because, it is not good for the health and are not appropriate for kids.)

As what participants believed in playing violent video games they want to

stop online gaming for the reason that it is not good for the health. As to what they

said that it can damage their eyes and brain development.

Playing Video Games is a Waste of Time

The participants’ wants to share to those who play violent video games that

playing violent video games is a wates of time. And it made them realized that it’s

more important to spend their time in more valuable one. The following are the

transcripts of the participants.

This idea is linked to the participant’s response, FGD-03 when he stated:

Di nako mo dula ma’am may pag motabang ko sa balay malipay pa

akong ginikanan.

(I won’t play violent video games. I’ll spend my time helping the house hold

chores instead of playing violent video games.)

It was supported by the idea of, FGD-05 when he stated:

Dili na ma’am instead nga magdula ka ma’am may pagmaghinlo

nalang ka or mutabang ka sa family ma’am.

(I won’t play violent video games. I’ll spend my time helping my family in

the house hold chores instead of spending my time playing violent video


The participants shared answered agreed to spend their time on helping

their family than spending time in the internet café just to playing online

violent video games.

Playing Video Games Cost Money

The participants’ collective answered shows that they spending money

in playing violent video games is a waste of money. As they realized that they

wanted to save it than spending it on internet cafes. Here are the transcript of

their answers.

It is linked to the shared answer of IDI-04, during the interview as to

what he said:

Kanang...kanang iwasan na ang magdula sa bayolente nga dula kay

maka-addict tapos wala kay makuha na maayo kanang sayang lang

imong mga kwarta sa pagbayad sa internet café.

(I’ll stop playing violent video games. I’ll save money instead of

playing violent video games.)

The above statement was supported by FGD-04. He stated:

Dili nalang ko mo dula oii… kapoy ra mag sige ug dula ah… may pag

itigum nalang na maka palit pako ug gamit bahalag gamay.

(Playing violent video game is a tiring game. I’ll save money instead

of paying it to internet shop.)

It was supported by FGD-01, that saving money is better that playing

online violent games. As he stated:

Oo ma’am, may pag magtigum ka contra sa mag internet madaot pa

imong mata.

(Saving money instead of going to the internet café, which can cause

harm to the eyes).

The above statement was supported by FGD-05. He stated:

Oo ma’am kana imong ibayad sa computeran ma’am may pag

magtigum ka para unsa imong gusto paliton mapalit nimo.

(Yes ma’am, saving money is better than spending money in the

internet café just to play violent video games.)

In line with that, FGD-02 affirmed about saving money. As he stated:

Oo ma’am, magamit na siya ma’am, instead na mag instead nga

magdula ka ug internet ma’am may kuwan ka…may pag magtigum

nalang ka.

(Saving money instead of playing violent video games.)

Furthermore the shared answer of IDI-02, stated that:

Undangon na nila ang dula ma’am kay, kung permi sila magdula ana

ma’am kay ma addict sila ma’am o permi na nila dula-on hangtod sa

mahurot nalang ang ilang mga kwarta.

(They must stop playing violent video games because, frequent playing

can cause game addition and a waste of money.)

Participants’ collective answered entails that they wanted to share their

insights regarding on playing online violent video games to other individuals. They

assert that playing violent video games cost money and instead of spending money

just to play violent video games they decided to save money in their own little way

than spending it on the internet café.


This present the summary of the results it is followed by a discussion and key

findings and themes supported by citations from the authors. After that, is the

implications for further research. Lastly, the concluding remarks is presented.

This thesis is presented because of its timely purpose, which is to describe and

understand the experiences of students who experienced early exposure to violent

video games. Because, as what we know, online gaming has so many things to offer

now to the people who are using it.

Reasons Participants Play Violent Video Games

The shared answered of the participants to the interview regarding on the

reasons of playing violent video games brought by constant playing of violent video

games. Constant playing of online violent video games made them established the

reason beyond why they play this type of game. Further, it is where the attention of

the participants were divided that even their health and social life is unknowingly


Enjoyable Pastime Activity

The shared responses of the participants emphasized that playing violent

online games provides an avenue for them to relieve their stress. Because it provides

entertainment to them and it ease their boredom.

Young people play games through online in order to manage feeling of

depress. These people feel that loneliness and anxiety would be relieved trough online

gaming according to (Saisan 2012).

In addition, Oskin (2012) stated that, with growing internet use in the world,

kids spending more time online and the internet is turning more into an interactive

community internet addiction. Having those problems problematic internet use will


As supported by Yilmaz, (2018), through technological development and the

Internet’s widespread accessibility online gaming within the digital environment has

become very popular all over the world for children and adolescents. Online gaming

attracts diverse audience as it can be accessible to everyone.

Inclination to Virtual Physical Combats

This type of game offers to the participants their interest boost. Participants

are being inclined to this type of game. This results to having oponents in virtual

physical combat that makes children addicted and more interested on playing.

Computer game addiction is a new development in the world of mental health,

treatments are not as well established as those for depression, anxiety, anger, etc.

Most interventions take a cognitive-behavioral approach which involve changing how

the addict thinks about the addiction (Miller, 2013).

Not only are children, teenagers, and college students effected by online

gaming addiction, but a growing number of adults are becoming hooked to

online gaming. While such cases are occasional, mental-health professionals say

the fantasy worlds offered by computer and video games can become the stuff of very

real addictions that can destroy marriages and careers. People of all ages are quickly
becoming immersed in this virtual fantasy world whereby they think they can easily

escape problems in their lives (Young, 2009).

Socialization with Peers

The result showed that participants play violent video games because it is a

trend game. Playing online games allows them to be with their peers. Also, the impact

of their peers influence them.

This is in consonance with Dindar (2014), stated that computer games’

influence is growing continuingly as research shows that the age of children playing

games continue to be younger and the use of internet among children becomes more

popular. Moreover, the internet access has become widespread since 1990s, which

impacted people’s lives in working, socializing and behaviors.

The effect of violent video games among young children according to

Holloway, Green & Livingstone (2013) seem less resilient to the problems they

encounter in the virtual world of violent video games. They are upset when things go

wrong: when they are socially excluded from games by known friends; when friends

and siblings misuse their online profiles; and when they encounter virtual losses.

Perceived Effects of Playing Violent Video Games

Participants shared their thoughts regarding on the perceived effects of playing

violent video games. A result of their shared answered, they pointed out that too much

exposure to violent video games can damage their eyes and affect their behavior.

They also added, excessive gaming can lead to skip their meals.

Compromise Physiological Needs and Up Keep

The participants of the study believed that playing online violent video games

can compromise physiological needs and up keep. As what they mentioned that
playing can make one feel exhausted and make them skip their meals just to play

violent video games.

This is in consonance with Bedinghaus (2017) who stated that, extended

periods of time playing video games may possibly affect a children’s weight and

behavior. On the other hand, many parents often forget about the possible effects on

their child’s eyes and vision.

Many children play video games for extended periods of time. This can give

three negative consequences for their eyes; although what harmful in excess is

actually beneficial in moderation (“Do Video Games Hurt Your Eyes?, 2015”).

Desensitized to Violence

The result of the shared answered of the participants shows that playing

violent video games can cause aggressive behavior on the player. Playing online

games can lead to easily angry and irritate. Some said that they can imitate the hero in

the said game.

Smith (2013) mentioned that, there are many psychological disturbances

caused when a child continuously plays online games. This also depends on the type

of game the child plays. Games may change the behavior pattern of the child that may

become aggressive and tries to imitate the hero in the game who certainly kills his


In addition, children start at an extremely young age to be subjected to

fictional media violence through video games. The violent video games featuring

cartoonish characters and stylized violence in the past has been replaced by lively

characters and extremely realistic blood and gore (Engelhardt, 2014).

Diminished Sense of Self-Awareness

Participants who play online video games believed that it can diminished their

sense of self-awareness, because their attention hooked by the game they played.

Playing online games makes children do some negative actions in order to play this

type of game. They became neglectful on their responsibility in school activities.

Playing online video games/ computer game give some positive effects.

However, playing online games give mostly negative effects. Several professors

conducted a research project to determine the effect of gaming on academic

performance (Aldous 2012). According to Australasian Journal of Educational

Technology: Gaming Frequency and Academic Performance,” individuals who spend

two or more hours playing games on a daily basis score below in every subject than

their non-gaming counterparts. By spending a high percentage of time on video games

there is not enough time left to spend in studying for classes.

In addition Jana, (2018) pathological gaming can result in depression, anxiety,

or social phobia and the latter can make the child more inclined and attracted to

gaming. Moreover, these factors are co-morbid in the sense that they can influence

each other.

Insights of Participants in Relation to Playing

Violent Video Games

Based on the focus group discussion and in-depth interview conducted for

student who are inclined to early exposure to violent video games. Participants have

shared their experiences on the insight that they can give to other students who played

violent video games. As they shared their insights to others they pointed out that

extensive playing online violent games in extended time is dangerous to ones health.

They also added that, it is more important to spend time in a more valuable way.

Moreover, participants claimed that playing online game is just a waste of money.
Playing Video Games is not good for the Health

Shared answered of the participants entails that, excessive gaming of violent

video games can lead to negative result in health and must be avoided by children.

They also pointed out their insights on the negative effects that a player can gain in

playing online games. The responses of the partcipants revealed that online gaming

can damage the eyes and compromise ones’ well being.

Video Games Impact on Children- The Good and The Bad (2017) stated that,

kids spend a lot of time playing video games instead of indulging in physical activities

can harm their health in a variety of ways. As a matter of fact, constantly sitting in

one place and playing video games at length can increase the chances of obesity,

weakens the muscles and joints, make hands and fingers numb due to over-exertion.

And can even weaken eyesight.

Moreover, Khan (2018) stated that kids seem to become so engrossed in video

games that they forget to take breaks. For instance, kids tend to blink much less

frequently while captivated in a video game. This reduced blinking can significantly

affect the flow of tears, which sometimes can be result in dryness and irritation.

Playing Video Games is a Waste of Time

Participants shared insights on playing online violent games as a waste of time

bids awareness to other children to spend time to more important things. This is in

consonance to what they shared regarding on diverting their time in playing games to

valuable one. The participants realized that spending time with their families can be

more pleasurable than playing online games. They also shared that helping their

family in household chores makes their time spend in better use.

Many players who are able to control their gaming activities as to not disrupt

their gaming routine. However, many view that the time spent playing games

could’ve been put to better use according to (Dojo 2017).

Cambell, (2019) stated that, when you put the controller down, you’ll see that

you’ve been missing out on a lot. Great books, great social activities, things that can

actually enhance you as a person in the real world. And realized that excessive

gaming usually fills a massive void.

Supported by “Game Quitters”, (n.d), declining to play video games, doing

something else would be better. It needs a strong will to do that, but eventually as

time went on the habit can be able to break and it became easier to avoid the

temptation on playing video games faded.

People say playing video games is a waste of time. They are referring to those

who people who played video games all day or all night long without bothering to

spend their time in a valuable way. Spending your time to this type of game is a waste

of time according to [ CITATION Ron09 \l 13321 ].

Playing Video Games Cost Money

Participants shared answered regarding on their insights to violent video

games revealed that, online games needs to be avoided by children. In addition,

playing violent video games can lead to over spending money. Moreover, participants

revealed that excessive online gaming makes one an addict of the game and exhausts

one’s money.

Cambell, (2019) stated that, restraining from playing online games helps your

desire to set actual goals. Goals will make a difference in your bank account, your

quality of life, and ultimately your happiness.

Playing online games needs to purchase tools that is needed in the game.

These things can lead to a lot of money being wasted. Because a gamer is already

hooked on the game and would probably do almost anything to acquire what he or she

wants from the game, it’s very likely that they will spend money on the games. These

games can often lead you to spending more money according to (“Are Online Games

Waste of Time and Money?”, 2017).

Implications for Teaching Practice

Online gaming is the new trend for the younger generation on this era of

technology. As the result of this study, students who are exposed to violent video

games can develop negative effects to them. As teachers, we need to develop new era

strategies that can help the students remind the bad effects of online gaming.

This study talked about the insights of students with regards the effects of

early exposure to violent video games. This study found out the different negative

effects and what to do in order to cope with the challenges adheres in it.

The results revealed different experiences of students in playing violent video

games. This implies that the Department of Education must strengthen the time that

can enhance students’ physical body and playing field games to divert their time on

playing online violent video games.

In addition, the Department of Education must ensure to give feedback and

monitor the performance of the students inside and outside the school. There is also a

need to develop more activities that can enhance the abilities of the students to have

socialization with peers, by these they can able to be inclined to more physical games

and mind games can able to forget the playing of violent video games.
Moreover, implementation of school rules regarding on escaping classes must

be strengthened. Teachers must also make initiatives in motivating students to attend


School authorities must strengthen their responsibility in securing that students

are attending classes inside the classroom. They should also implement strictly the

policy that no internet cafes near in school premises to avoid students be in that area

during school hours.

In addition, parent/guardian must promptly provide reasonable explanation on

each occasion of the students’ absences to the school.  Primarily this will help to

monitor students’ activity during his/her absence in the school premises.

Furthermore, this study may serve as an awakening component to adhere the

issue regarding as to what really the students experience on early exposure to violent

video games.

Recommendations for Further Research

This study was limited in Pagsabangan Elementary School, Tagum City

Division and the following implications for future research are advanced:

As the findings of this particular study were not generalizable beyond the (10)

participants, (5) five participants in in-depth interview and (5) five participants in

focus group discussion, future research may be conducted investigating the same

experiences of students on the early exposure to violent video games from other

divisions and regions in order to substantiate the findings.

Further, research may be done to re-interview some of the participants in the

study to see whether their views and perceptions have not changed over a period of

This study was specifically done in a public school which is identified to have

students who are exposed to violent video games. Further research could be done to

investigate the same phenomenon among students in other public and private schools.

The findings of this study were viewed from the lens of the students. Further

research could be conducted to find out the learners’ views and insights on the early

exposure of violent video games to them.

Concluding Remarks

The study on the early exposure to violent video games: a phenomenological

inquiry highlights its significance and the pressing necessity to conduct the

investigation. The findings of the study pointed out that early exposure to violent

video games contributed significant effect to the participants’ lives.

The results of this study revealed that early exposure to violent video games

can develop negative effects. On the other hand, it cause them to be aware on the

different negative effects that they get through playing online violent video games.

Furthermore, participants realized the better things to do aside from playing online

violent video games.

In conducting this study, I encountered some challenges. One of the

challenges was to meet the participants and fit to their vacant schedule for me to be

able to conduct the study. Regardless of those challenges I am thankful that they give

their time, imparted so much data and gave their full cooperation and sincerity in

sharing their experiences on early exposure to violent video games during the in-depth

and focus group discussion.

Further, based from their experiences, they have offered some insights in

which they believed it could be a great help for them. They have suggested that it

would be better to avoid playing online violent games to avoid health risk, help their
family and saving money instead of playing online violent video games by that their

time is used in more valuable manner.

Dissemination and Advocacy and Implementation Report

Activity Specific Objectives Expected Outcomes Person Involved Timeline

1. Seminar, training and  For the students to  Students will develop  DEPED staffs Every end of the

Workshop for the develop self-awareness awareness and will and Teachers month.

children expose in on their behavior. plan routines to help

violent video games.  For the students to themselves.

identify routines that

will help their selves

avoid such behavior.

2. Orientation  For the students to  Awareness about the Students, Every beginning of

(setting of Standards) determine the do’s and rules and regulation Teachers & the school year and

 Rules and don’ts of the school. of the school and Principal every end of the

Regulation of  For the students to inside the classroom. quarter.

the School. identify their limitations  Awareness about

 Limitation of inside the school their limitations

the students campus. inside the school.

inside the  For the students to  The students can

school. determine their role as a evaluate themselves

 The role of the student in the institution. about their role in the

students inside society and inside the

the school. school campus.

3. Having Seminar to  For the parents to  Parents will develop  Principal and Every end of the

the respective family become more active in capability of teaching Teachers Grading Period.

terms of the behavior of their children the

their child good and bad

 For the developing and implication of

enhancement regarding playing violent video

of what the pupils need. games.

 For the parents to

identify their ability of

helping their children.

4. Physical Fitness  Improve the health  Learners will be able  Teachers and Every morning or
Workshop development of the to have a good health parents after class hour.

learners.  Increasing the

 Required safety and development of the

well-being of the learners.


Financial Report

Activity Specific Objectives Expected Person Budgetary Timeline

Outcomes Involved Requirements

1. Seminar,  For the students  Students will  DEPED  Honorarium for the Every end of the
training and to develop self- develop staffs and speaker Php-2000 month.

Workshop awareness on awareness and Teachers  Snacks Php-1000

for the their behavior. will plan  Certificate for the

children  For the students routines to help speaker Php-500

expose in to identify themselves.

violent routines that will

video help their selves

games. avoid such

2. Orientation  For the students  Awareness Students, No Expenses Every beginning of

(setting of to determine the about the rules Teachers & the school year and

Standards) do’s and don’ts and regulation Principal every end of the

 Rules of the school. of the school quarter.

and  For the students and inside the

Regulati to identify their classroom.

on of the limitations inside  Awareness

School. the school about their

 Limitati campus. limitations

on of the  For the students inside the

students to determine their school.

inside role as a student  The students

the in the institution. can evaluate

school. themselves

 The role about their role

of the in the society

students and inside the

inside school campus.


3. Having Seminar  For the parents to  Parents will  Principal No expenses Every end of the

to the respective become more develop and Grading Period.

family active in terms of capability of Teachers

the behavior of teaching their

their child children the

 For the good and bad

developing and implication of

enhancement playing violent

regarding of what video games.

the pupils need.

 For the parents to

identify their

ability of helping

their children.
4. Physical Fitness  Improve the  Learners will  Teachers No expenses Every morning or

Workshop health be able to have and parents after class hour.

development of a good health.

the learners.  Increasing the

 Required safety development of

and well-being of the learners.

the learners.

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