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ISSUE 12 20 JULY 2020

The Daly Prophet

Est.2018 for Daly College, Indore

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Things to do during the In Memoriam Mr Wange Dalians’ artistic rendition Perspectives

lockdown! of distress and hope

Siddhant Jhawar and Aanya Kasliwal
Human nature states that the practice of ‘trend-following’ comes naturally during our youth and consequently, an act
performed by one may lead to an act adopted by thousands within days, similar to being virally spread. ‘Viral’ seems to be
the perfect issue to discuss this month due to a preponderance of current affairs, whether it be a globally widespread
disease or recent internet trends. The word viral, in simple language, denotes a widely and rapidly disseminated
document or piece of information over the internet. In a different sense, viral also relates to the spreading of viruses, for
instance, transmissible diseases.

COVID -19, the word which is currently viral, is also quite literally ‘viral,’ having spread all across the world. As you read
through the next few pages, you will come across a lot of this. Affecting almost 3 million around the globe, Covid-19 has
been declared a pandemic. And might also be blamed as the very reason for your home-confinement, for your boredom,
for the miles of distance between you and your friends. This all-embracing disease, can still give us some time to create,
rediscover, and rejuvenate; you just need that one little spark, and thereafter the tables are turned. It is completely your
own choice, to make it a bane, or a boon. 

This widespread of virus has made multiple things viral over the last few months. The Internet first exploded with the
consumption of wildlife meat in China, followed by morose environment created by COVID -19 cases. It is safe to say
that the world basically comes to agreement on a trend and we humans make it popular by following it, thus making it
viral. What is viral definitely depends on the global current scenario, but we have the privilege to use it in our favour,
hence making this inconvenient time more commodious. Some such viral trends, providing entertainment or
productivity, are currently of absolute importance for some of us, including apps like Zoom and Tik-Tok.

Lastly, another aspect on the word ‘viral’ is almost delicate, being viral thoughts. We’re all in a difficult situation at the
moment; after all, we’re surviving a pandemic! It is only natural for negative thoughts to impregnate our minds, and since
people world over may be barged by similar thoughts, they may too be termed as viral. A statement or idea, beneficial or
harmful, could also be spread out similar to a disease or a video on the internet, consequently affecting the psyche of

All these topics dovetail the tough time we’re facing right now. Therefore, with our issue this month, we not only aim to
discuss some of these relatable problems, but wish to lift spirits by keeping it lighthearted. We hope you enjoy it.

MOTHERS Things to do during the
Gauravi Singh lockdown
They say mothers expect a lot from their 1.Tour Rome for free.
children, but what is the most they want courses/rome
out of their kids? Only that they wake
up on time, study and not spend all 2.Have a karaoke
their time on electronics! Mothers are night using Air
simple. But no matter what, we are Console
never going to listen to them, because
after all, we are teenagers and it's in our 3.Try Amurigami-
the Japanese Art of
blood to do what is restricted! Well, crocheting small
that is the sole reason behind constant (and extremely
scolding about how we 'waste out time' cute!) characters.
and how we will 'regret it later'. But in
the end, they've done so much for us, 4.P l a y b o a r d
right? I mean, I'm pretty sure they are a games online with
part of some sort of peculiar scientific friends and family using
experiment to prove that sleep is not a
5.Troubled by weight gains? Start slow with Joe Wickes’
necessity for survival! And I'm sure Days of Sweat.
everyone will agree, nothing is really list=PLyCLoPd4VxBsbpNdYQH1K5nFhaPYyhFDz
lost until your mother can't find it!
Maybe we could try and behave slightly 6.Read the stack of novels on your bedside, then turn
more human, and show them all our to for more. You will definitely
affection! (but Netflix sure still has our complete your reading resolution this year.
So Mom, I love you a lot! (Even though 7.Start a virtual book club! Agree on books to read with
your friends and chat about them. Meeting goals together
I'm never accepting your follow is a lot easier.

Meanwhile outside India…

In Memoriam Mr Wange
Vineet Wange was more than an exceptional teacher. He was an
amazing colleague, a confidant and guide for every student. He
went out of his way to help any student, with his positivity & his
larger than life attitude.

He helped children become friends with maths, gave them

wisdom that extended beyond the classroom - during treks &
while sharing his extensive love for films. He is a stellar example
of a respected public school teacher. He nurtured everyone who
came his way and pushed everyone to do their best.

There are a very few people who are respected and looked up to by almost everybody - be it his
staff, students or colleagues. He is truly a rare gem and is immensely missed by everyone.
- Mr Prashant Tripathi

भारत में COVID

अक्षय जैन
भारत में COVID-19 महामारी का पहला मामला 30 जनवरी 2020 को चीन से उत्पन्न हुआ था। 25 मई 2020 तक,
स्वास्थ्य और पिरवार कल्याण मंत्रालय ने देश में कुल 138,845 मामलों, 57,721 वसूिलयों (1 प्रवास सिहत) और
4,021 मौतों की पुिष्ट की है। वतर्मान में एिशया में चौथे सबसे बड़े पुष्ट मामले हैं। भारत का मामला 20 मई 2020 तक
वैिश्वक 6.63% के मुकाबले मृत्यु दर अपेक्षाकृत कम 3.09% है। 22 माचर् 2020 को, भारत ने प्रधान मंत्री नरेंद्र मोदी के
उदाहरण पर 14 घंटे की स्वैिच्छक सावर्जिनक कफ्यूर् मनाया। 24 माचर्, प्रधान
मंत्री ने 21 िदनों के िलए देशव्यापी तालाबंदी का आदेश िदया, िजससे भारत
की पूरी 1.3 िबिलयन आबादी प्रभािवत हुई। 14 अप्रैल को, प्रधान मंत्री ने
देशव्यापी तालाबंदी को 3 मई तक बढ़ा िदया। 1 मई को, देश भर में
लॉकडाउन को दो और बढ़ाया गया। 17 मई तक सप्ताह। इस महामारी के
िलए टीकाकरण अभी भी उपलब्ध नहीं है इसिलए िजं दा रहने के िलए हमें
आवश्यक प्रीटॉइटन लेना होगा। हमें अपने घर के अंदर रहना होगा, बाहर जाने
के दौरान हमें मास्क पहनना होगा और हमें सामािजक भेद का पालन करना होगा। भारत जैसे देश के िलए इस महामारी
पर लड़ाई जीतने के िलए हम सभी को एक साथ रहना होगा, एक साथ लड़ना होगा, और एक साथ रहना होगा। इस
अविध के दौरान हमारा व्यवहार थोड़ा समझदार और पिरपक्व होना चािहए। हमें डॉक्टरों और पुिलसकिमर् यों का
समथर्न करना है, उनका मकसद िसफर् हमें बचाना है और हमारी रक्षा करना है क्योंिक वे इस महामारी के दौरान हमारे
दुश्मन नहीं हैं बिल्क वे हमारे योद्धा हैं।

Dalians’ rendition of distress and hope in the recent times

Pranayini Singh Arko Dasgupta

Sara Qureshi

Charvie Shukla
Saadgi Garg

Saara Lunawat Ridhima Jain

Sia Phulambrikar
‘Contagion’: a prediction Reading List
or a mere fluke? By Aanika Chandhok

• Outliers - Malcolm Gladwell
he unprecedented onslaught of the
coronavirus has thrown the entire world out • The Education of an Idealist - Samantha
of gear. Scores of lives have been lost, tens of
thousands of them milling about homeless,
penniless, jobless, tends to make the situation • The Uninhabitable Earth - David Wallace -
extremely grim and unpleasant. Public amenities Wells
and entertainment arenas have shut down. Hotels
and restaurants have pulled down their shutters, as a • In the Garden of Beasts - Rutger Bergman
repercussion, this has added to the loss of the • The Billion Dollar Spy - David E. Hoffman
people’s livelihoods.
I watched this Hollywood thriller flick, Contagion,
around a month back and it is quite uncanny how
such a film appears to have come to life today! It
seems as if Steven Soderbergh has these inexplicable
powers of determining our future such as now,
except to the fact it turning out to be a complete
coincidence! The movie’s anticipation more or less
matches the current minacious situation from on the
trot warnings to avoid touching their faces, to the
controversy of keeping the schools shut. The
thriller’s fictional destruction and high death toll are
signs of what is coming next and suggest that the
officials are hiding information from the public. I
mean, how stimulating can this get? A downright replica of the ongoing flare-up is quite fascinating
simultaneously, not to forget its creepiness!
In Contagion, scientists explain that it can take months,
maybe a year, to be able to distribute a vaccine after testing,
clinical trials, manufacturing, and distribution. Similarly in
real life the scientists are working against the clock to be
able to produce a fruitful drug which then would undergo an
evaluation to test its effectiveness. Although several
countries are working their fingers to the bone to
accomplish an effective antidote against the virus, the process is rather slow but simply inevitable. The
WHO, a large number of western countries, and Australia together have adopted measures including a
fast expansion of testing facilities and the construction of new hospital capacities. Likewise the nurses
in “Contagion” who worked continuously risking their lives for the citizens symbolize the death of a
martyr. China’s response to trying to cut contact between people by imposing a lockdown eventually
became a guide for other countries to manage the spread of the disease. In a nutshell, it is our
responsibility, our leadership which can steer the world out of misery and fights with utmost potential
even when it comes to the world being ruled by black mambas!
Geetika Lath, IX-CI

Sara and Samiya Qureshi share different perspectives about how their lives were changed by the lockdown

W e’ve only reached the month of May in 2020, and it feels like
we’re living like an episode from Black Mirror. I mean, it is
pretty unfathomable, since we would have never thought some months
Sara Qureshi, Class 12 B

back that our lives would come to such a standstill. Sadly they have, and
I have a bone to pick with COVID-19. I, who dreamt about her senior
year since I was toddler, who just always wanted to feel as carefree as
one does during their 12th grade, who has been planning their high
tea outfit since the 7th grade, have come to the realisation that things
might not run as smoothly as I want them to. Now, I do understand
that there are people out there who don’t even have the privilege to
social distance in the comfort of their own homes, migrant workers
trying their hardest to go back to their villages, people out of jobs,
and people in dire need of food. Yes, my “problems” are pretty much
insignificant compared to theirs and yes, they are first world
problems, but just because they are trivial, doesn’t mean they mean
any less to my heart. So here I am, with my sister to rant a little, get
my feelings out on a piece of paper so that my heart and head can feel
light again.

I did intend on missing my classroom, our alluring main building, the

CTDC which brings me so much peace after a tough day, the fields, the
enthusiasm during our inter houses, the sleepless nights and the amount of hard work we put in for
one event, wearing our uniforms
and constantly cribbing about
“We would have never thought some months them, the smirk Moyde Sir
would give every morning
back that our lives would come to such a
standing outside the Chemistry
standstill.” Lab, the loving rebukes from
Ma’am Virmani, not going back
to class even after the second tea
break bell and only moving when
Ma’am Ansari comes and threatens to call our parents, seeing Ansari Sir’s smile every morning as he
gets off his golf cart and tells me that I am late.

But all of this was supposed to happen in 2021, when I would have graduated and would be at college
and would realise the love I had for my school, not now!

Right now, it’s safe to say that I’m in a better place than I was in when the school sent us the notice
telling us that there will be no school till June (and now maybe till September), and I was crying with
my face down in my pillow because I wanted to see my friends so badly; I wanted my normal life back.
Now, I am just hopeful that the rest of my year, my graduation and high tea don’t ‘zoom’ away, because
well then, there will be blood!

Samiya Qureshi,
Class 11-G
T he first couple of weeks felt like a break well deserved, but it only went downhill
from there, it felt so suffocating staying in these four walls, only to feel worse,
because going out was even scarier. As the situation with the virus deteriorated, so did
my mental health

If I have been counting right, it has been precisely 59 days since I last saw my friends and enjoyed
myself. The last time I went out would probably be in January, I did enjoy myself but somewhere I
felt guilty because I should’ve been studying for my 10th board exams and here I was bowling with
my friends. The next couple of months, my books and I were inseparable, well
for the most part, and I was looking forward to celebrating. I had already made
plans with my friends and my calendar was booked for a month; I was pumping
with excitement. But our beloved Coronavirus made its way to Madhya Pradesh
and my house went under lockdown way before our Prime Minister announced
his lockdown. Now, my sister is being much more hopeful and positive about
this situation than I am right now, but I guess I am allowed to be this angry
because I’m the youngest and I tend to get away with things. I remember being
so heartbroken that I sobbed for 2 days and told my mum that I want to file a
case against
China and
they laughed
at me. “I was looking forward to celebrating. I
Honestly, I
don’t blame
had already made plans with my friends
them because and my calendar was booked for a
it was stupid, month.”
but I had to channelize my
anger somewhere! Right now,
all I ask is, when can I go back
to school? I am tired of seeing
these same faces every day and don’t even get me started on the household work and online
classes. I mean, how do you expect a child who has just given her boards to focus on 11th and
study again without a break?

So for all the students like us who are in a

state of unrest or unhappiness during these
times, we would just like to say, be hopeful,
things will get better, we will eventually get
out and have our normal lives back. If it
makes you feel any better, think about how
brave we will sound 30 years down the road,
narrating this story of our survival against a
deadly virus, to our kids. Till then, hang in


Rishi Kapoor, a veteran film actor from one of the
most celebrated families of Bollywood, passed away
at 67. Best known as a romantic hero, his charm and
IRRFAN KHAN charisma made him one of the leading men of
1970-80. He later began taking up supporting roles
and characters which mesmerised the audience. He
At 53, one of the finest actors of the industry has left first appeared on screen in ‘Mera Naam Joker’ and
us. Padma Shri Irrfan Khan has left an unfillable void won the national award for the best child actor. The
but would always be alive in the hearts of his fans. first time he appeared on screen as a lead actor was
He came in this world with a quest for empathy, in the film ‘Bobby’ for which he earned a Filmfare
exploration and expression, and lived his life in award. He went on
pursuit of his craft and with to work in nearly
every passing movie; he 100 films, winning
came out even more several awards
marvellous. including the
Irrfan was a global name L i f e t i m e
who didn’t need dialogues Achievement
to express himself but used Award in 2008. He
silence as his greatest remained jovial and
weapon. His eyes determined to live life to the fullest right through
expressed what words two years of cancer. This inspiring actor will always
never could and the unique be remembered in smiles more than in tears.
way in which he portrayed his characters made him
stand out in the world of theatre and cinema. INTERESTING FACTS
An actor who underwent the classical journey of a
stage-trained actor to become a global star, from the 1. More than 20 actresses started their careers with
household TV star to the stage of the Academy Rishi Kapoor.
awards, Irrfan became the kind of actor you would 2. Rishi Kapoor used to joke and caper with his co-
notice irrespective of the length of the role. With stars by playing pranks on them during shoots. The
films like Haasil (2003), The Namesake (2006), co-stars  were extremely irritated with this. On the
Life of Pi (2012), Hindi Medium (2017), left his set of Amar Akbar Anthony, the sage spread kajal on
mark and will always be remembered by the work he Neetu Singh's face and because of which she had to
has left behind for us to cherish, laugh and cry all at do her make-up again.
the same time. 3. Bollywood stars are extremely popular in Nigeria.
They are given nicknames too. Rishi Kapoor is
called ‘Mace’ which means woman.
4. Rishi Kapoor had also been a part of an English
film, Don't Stop Dreaming. It was directed by
Shammi Kapoor's son, Aditya Raj Kapoor.

Compiled by Priyank Nahata and Manvi Singh

Technology exists to eliminate our problems. Or does it?
Pranayini Singh (XII-CI) and Siya Arora (XI-C) present their clashing opinions on technology

Argument Counterargument

creen time is often considered the enemy espite its advantages, social media also
when it comes to people being distracted has its disadvantages, which prove to be
and absorbed in their phone. But we fail to harmful. If the use of social media is not
recognise the benefits of digital platforms. Social monitored, it can lead to grave consequences.
media is a very useful medium to spread Apps like Instagram, Snapchat and Facebook
awareness. Organisations like WHO and UN use invade your privacy like never before, and we
applications like Twitter and Instagram to tend to get caught up in a world full lies. Using
facilitate global communication. It spreads social networking sites and apps raises your
information faster than any other medium. It has exposure to too much misinformation. We delve
given us access to home workout videos, recipes, into the depths of fake news, emotionally
dance videos and a plethora of visual content to provocative posts, or just plain hoaxes which
browse through,  keeping us engaged during this become viral. It becomes hard to tell which news
period of social distancing. In addition, food, is true and which is fabricated. A recent example
travel, and fashion bloggers resort to this of this is the fake news being spread about the
platform for sharing ideas and giving insights widespread forest fires in Uttarakhand. The
from their lives. The power of social media in police reported that the photos being circulated
promoting change is commendable. The youth were in fact old, and the fires were not as blown
have launched numerous campaigns fighting out of proportion as depicted online. 
against stereotypes and attempting to bring Social media tends to become an addiction
change via social media, such as the recent amongst youngsters that leads them to neglect
#blacklivesmatter movement. The outcome and their health and responsibilities. Research has
participation of people in such causes is shown that compulsive use of social media
exceptional. People have used social media to reduces productivity, and teenagers often stop
voice their opinions, including issues which were focusing on their hobbies and skills. 
earlier considered taboos. Applications like Most users get caught up in a fake world,
Zoom have proven to be a lifesaver lately. It has tailoring their online persona to please others.
eased online learning and has helped businesses The need for validation becomes highly toxic and
to function even in such uncertain times. forces us to live in a pseudo-reality triggering our
Sponsored advertisements have led to effective insecurities. 
promotion and made it easier for brands and Moreover, one cannot ignore the fact that
startups to connect with their target audience. cybercrime and bullying have started to
All in all, social media, when used in moderation, skyrocket. The “Boys Locker Room” incident,
can provide fun and enjoyment to its users. They which shook the entire nation due to its
not only allow one to keep in touch with friends maliciousness, highlights the importance of the
and uplift one’s mood in these depressing times, cautious use of digital platforms. Furthermore,
but also keep one up to date with what’s the breach of privacy has become another crucial
happening in the social network. issue regarding social media. Zoom meetings are
prone to be hacked. Another well-known scandal
that took place was Facebook violating the
privacy of its users by hacking and using their
confidential information and chats. 

Cooking in the time of quarantine has become a “thing” and has led people to the kitchen, creating new
and innovative recipes, from chocolate smoothies to all sorts of healthy granola bars. I think the weirdest
combination I came across was cake with green chilli sauce. Who thought one day all of us will come out as
- Devika Singhvi

As everything was closed during the lockdown, there was no way I could buy a Mother's Day gift. I
decided to cook for my mother. Learning new dishes was almost disastrous. Turns out, I made some new
and delicious dishes, and burnt some!

-Parilakshita Singh

While I was in America I was in a dilemma: what will I cook?

The county hired me a flat along with a partner from Andhra Pradesh. He ate rice and dal in every meal,
and this continued till December.

When he left for home, I started cooking myself, some chapatis and some vegetables. During my first
try, I had to throw away a big ball of dough, but after multiple such tries I made a perfect chapati. It’s the
time factor that teach us.

-Mr. Benedict John

I was very hungry and was in rush so I decided to make a cheese sandwich. After taking a bite,
I realised I forgot to remove the plastic wrapping off the cheese slice, and I was eating a plastic
- Jyotindra Mishra

The other day, I made the trendy Dalgona coffee, but it turned out to be extremely bitter.
Later, I realised that the recipe said 2 teaspoons coffee, not 2 tablespoons.

- Anonymous

Get in touch with the Daly Prophet. Send in your ideas, experiences, articles, letters to the editor, poems and ideas.
Write to us at:

All opinions expressed in this publication are purely the writers’ own and not that of the Daly Prophet or its editorial
policy. For internal circulation only.
The Daly Prophet Courtesy
Published by: Daly College, Indore
Volume Editors: Siddhant Jhawar, Aanya Kasliwal and Sia Phulambrikar
Editors-in-chief: Sia Phulambrikar and Charvie Shukla
Editorial Board: Rudra Saigal, Pranayini Singh, Aryaman Dalal, Priyank Nahata, Pradyuman Chandhok,
Renisha Garg, Aryaki Soni, Siya Arora, Shivom Rathore, Neelambika Kumari, Swastindra Mishra, Devishi
Tyagi, Aziz Hussain, Anaaya Jaiswal, Maanvi Singh, Pehal Kharadkar
Mentors: Mrs Shweta Verma, Mrs Vineeta Bedhotiya
Photo Credits:

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