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Relationship Of House Environment to the Students School



a competitive world, education becomes a necessity to all human beings. Our parents send
us to school at the age of four for formal education. School is the extension of our house,
which is our primary school and our teacher serves as our second parents. If our teachers
are the one who are now responsible for enhancing our existing knowledge and
performances, does it mean that our home will not take part on attaining the same purpose

Education is a process designed to imprint knowledge and skills necessary for individuals to
adapt effectively in their environment for their survival Education is a process of developing
individual's competencies and potentials to prepare him/her to be successful to his her field
of specialization. It is also the most powerful tool in developing and shaping someone into a
worthy person. Education is what constructs our future. It develops personality of a person.
We all take birth in the same manner at the same world but we will die different from each
other based on what type of education we will receive.

House is not just a place where someone lives permanently because it's true essence lies
behind it's four walls and to the people who live in it. House is a place where a child started.
It is where he/she learns things that he/she needs to know first. Home is the most influential
factor because aside from Planet Earth, home serves as a world for children Home
environment plays a great role to a child's developmental outcomes such as cognitive
ability, school readiness. academic achievement and emotional adjustment (Fantuzzo et al...
2000), Home environment also shapes the performance of a child. Our home is the first
educational institute where our parents teach us many things like how to behave to others,
discipline and even tradition.

Our parents teach us all the primary knowledge we should know first for us to be prepared
to face the real world of studying and then send us to school at the age of four. As a typical
child, entering school for formal education is necessary. Getting proper education is
important to attain success and have a better and luxurious life. School is an institution that
provides knowledge to everyone. It is where an individual develops his/her full potentials,
competencies, skills and talents. It is a special place designed for people who want to know
something, to prove something and want to take part on something.

Home can influence a child psychologically, emotionally, and even the child's social and
economic state. The performance of a child cannot be separated from the home
environment in which he she grows up. Home environmental factors have an impact to a
child's school performance, it's either positive or negative.

In a study conducted in Nigeria by Linus Terry DZEBER where he examined the impact of
home environmental factors on the academic performance of public secondary school
students in Garki Area District, Abuja, Nigeria. The result of the study revealed that there is a
positive relationship between permissive parenting with the students academic
performances. Based on the study, income, educational background, and occupational level
are also considered as variables influencing students academic performances. There is also a
study conducted in Kenya to explore the relationship between family background and
academic performance of secondary school students in Siakago Division, Mbeere North
District. The study was conducted by Kamau Lydia Muthoni as a partial How socioeconomic
background affects or contributes to a student's performance? The connection of
socioeconomic background to the performance of a child laid on the ability of the parents
to provide important materials and facilities that help in making leaming much easier for
students. For the students who suffer from financial problem, leaming is much difficult
because of the barriers they face whenever they go to school. Like socioeconomic
background, parents' occupations affect or contribute to a child's performance. Child with
high occupational background receives a lot of parental support in terms of material things.
A type of occupation a parent has also influence a student's performance in school because
the type of occupation also determines the amount of quality time or attention a parent can
give to his/her child. Parents occupation affects the child's choices in life House location is
also considered as factor affecting a student's performance. House that is located in a noisy
and messy environment brings negative impact to the performance of a child. A noisy
environment disturbs them from concentrating while studying at home. While peaceful
environment also brings peacefulness in a student's mind that help him/her to concentrate,
focus and think clearly. With the information gathered, the researcher decided to conduct a
study to determine the relationship of house environment to the performances of College
Student of Universidad De Manila School The study was entitled, Home Sweet Home: A
Study about the Relationship of House Environment to the Students School Performances
among First Year College of Universidad De Manila. The study aims to determine the
impact of house environment to the students school performances and to identify the
different house environmental factors.

Scope and Delimitation:

The study focused on the relationship of house environment to the students school
performances in San Antonio National High School. The scope of this study centers on the
senior high school students of San Antonio National High School to gather the data needed
by the researcher. Therefore, the result is only limited where the study has been conducted.

Significance of the Study

The objective of this study is to determine the relationship of house environment to the students
school performances among First Year College of Universidad De Manila Identifying the different
house environmental factors is also included to the objective of this study.

The study is also looking forward to provide beneficial results to the following:

To the Teachers, through the study, they will know the reasons behind their students
performances. They will know how their students house environments contribute to their
performances in school After knowing the relationship of house environment to the students'
school performances, they will know how to approach and help their students in regard with the

To the Parents, they will know their child's performance in school and the connection of their
house environment on their child's performance. They will know how to guide their child to
overcome or adapt in their current situation.

To the Students, through this research, the students will be guided by their parents and teachers
about their performances affected by different home environmental factors.

To the Researcher, as a student, this study will benefit the researcher because she will know how
her environment affects her performance as a student. She will also determine the different home
environmental factors affecting her performance. Also through researches or studies, the
researcher will know the steps, methods, ethics and the most important among all is the true
essence of research. Through this kind background, and knowledge to be familiarized to the real
world of of activity, the researcher will be able to get enough experiences,background, and
knowledge to be familiarized to the real world of research.

To the Future Researchers, they can use the gathered data in their further research that is similar
to what the study is all about. Definitions were provided to further understand the purpose and
meaning of the research study.

Relationship ,this refers to the way in which two or more people or things are connected.

House- it is defined as a building or a structure in which a family lives.

Environment- this refers to the conditions or influences that surround someone or something that
affect the growth, health and progress of that something or someone.

Student, this refers to a person who attends a school, college, or university. Performance this
refers to the way on how people act or behave.

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