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Synthesis Paper: Integration of the concepts of Diaspora presented by the three texts.

What common grounds do these three texts have?

The term "Diaspora" refers to a dispersed community whose origins are in a

different geographical location. Many factors contribute to this population shift, which
has a wide range of political, cultural, and economic consequences since the
displacement was forced rather than choice. The term was initially used to refer to the
dispersion of Jews, but it has now broadened to include various diasporas around the
world produced by different circumstances. Diaspora was introduced in these three
texts, which are: "Nostalgia and its discontents," "Scent of Apples," and "Health and
Social Effects of Migration." And in order, we are going to view Diaspora in different
disciplines, namely sociology, literature, and health.

Nostalgia and its discontents presented Diaspora as nostalgia which appears to be a

longing for a place. Still, it is actually a yearning for a different time - a time that we
cannot go back to. Nostalgia hits like a giant wave, but you cannot avoid it; thus, the
only way we can overcome it is to live with it and fight the desperate need to go back to
something cannot be restored. On the other hand, "Scent of Apples" highlights the
feelings of loneliness of the exile whose present life is measured according to the
standards of his previous life in the home country. The story also challenges popular
perceptions of America as a place of boundless possibilities. Fabia's existence in the
United States is far from the American dream, and his illness exacerbates his longing
for a place he can never return to. Onto the "Health and Social Effects of Migration,"
The concepts are presented from the perspective of health. The Health effects of
migration are also positive and negative. The article carefully balances the impact not
only on the host country but also on the home country. The social effects of migration
also include economic outcomes such as brain drain, which also affects health care.

These three texts' common grounds are: the past cannot be rebuilt or restored,
migration has its advantages and disadvantages, and the importance of acceptance.
The past is a fragment of who we are today and going back and try to rebuild that past
is a dangerous fantasy as it is not assured that you can reconstruct its whole being or
existence. 2nd, as much as we want to not long for our home country, living in another
is a different story. The migration does not only mean the distance or the changing of
location. It also affects the mental and emotional state of the person and also the host
country. Lastly, in these three texts, there is longing; this feeling should be a way to
reflect that the past is already done and what we can do is accept it. As Boym says,
"While restorative nostalgia returns and rebuilds one's homeland with paranoic
determination, reflective nostalgia fears return with the same passion."

[Solved] I hope this will be accepted I only need some ....

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