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‫توزيع االسئلة الوزارية حسب المواضيع‬

‫السؤال االول ) ‪: ) Q1‬‬

‫‪ .A‬قطعة خـارجية ‪ 6 :‬اسئلة االجابة عن ‪ 5‬فقط ‪ ،‬حصتها ‪ 10‬درجات‬
‫‪ .B‬قطع استيعابية ‪ 6 :‬اسئلة االجابة عن ‪ 5‬فقط ‪ ،‬حصتها ‪ 10‬درجات‬
‫السؤال الثاني ) ‪: ) Q2‬‬
‫‪ .A‬قـــواعــد ‪ 12 :‬سؤال االجابة عن ‪ 10‬فقط ‪ ،‬حصتها ‪ 20‬درجـة‬
‫‪ .B‬اختيارات ‪ 6 :‬اسئلــة االجابة عن ‪ 5‬فـــقط ‪ ،‬حصتها ‪ 10‬درجات‬
‫السؤال الثالث ) ‪: ) Q3‬‬
‫‪ .A‬أسقاطـات ‪ 6 :‬اسئلــة االجابة عن ‪ 5‬فـــقط ‪ ،‬حصتها ‪ 10‬درجات‬
‫‪ .B‬توصيالت ‪ 6 :‬اسئلــة االجابة عن ‪ 5‬فـــقط ‪ ،‬حصتها ‪ 5‬درجــات‬
‫‪ .C‬إمــالءات ‪ 6 :‬اسئلــة االجابة عن ‪ 5‬فـــقط ‪ ،‬حصتها ‪ 5‬درجــات‬
‫السؤال الرابع ) ‪: ) Q4‬‬
‫القطع االدبية ‪ :‬اسئلــة االجابة عن ‪ 5‬فـــقط ‪ ،‬حصتها ‪ 10‬درجــات‬
‫السؤال الخامس ( ‪: ) Q5‬‬
‫االنشاءات ‪ :‬فرعين االجابة عن فرع واحد ‪ ،‬حصتها ‪ 20‬درجة‬

‫• ال يحاسب الطالب على األخطاء االمالئية إال في سؤال االمالء واالنشاء‬

‫• يتم تقسيم درجة االنشاء وفق القواعد التالية [ نقال من االجوبة النموذجية للوزارة ]‬
‫‪ -‬تعطى درجة واحدة لعنوان االنشاء‬
‫‪ -‬تعطى درجة واحدة لكلمة ‪ Dear‬أو ‪ best wishes‬أو ……‪ your‬وحسب االنشاء‬
‫‪ -‬تخصم درجتان لألخطاء االمالئية و درجتان لألخطاء القواعدية‬
‫‪ -‬تعطى ‪ 14‬درجة للفكرة‬

‫معرفي على التليكرام ‪@hay_doh :‬‬

‫" أي سؤال أو استفسار راسلوني وب أي وقت "‬

‫طريقة حل القطعة الخارجية‬

‫عزيزي الطالب هذه المالحظات التي بين يدك تمكنك من حل جميع أنواع األسئلة الوزارية حول القطعة الخارجية وبدون ترجمة‬
‫نهائيا ( نقال عن االستاذ عالء السعداوي )‬

‫أنواع األسئلة في القطعة الخارجية ‪:‬‬

‫أوال ‪ :‬العنوان ‪title‬‬

‫صيغه السؤال كاألتي ‪:‬‬

‫‪• Give the passage a suitable title‬‬
‫‪• Give a suitable title of the passage‬‬
‫‪• Choose the suitable title for the passage‬‬
‫طريقة الحل‪//‬‬
‫‪ .1‬اسم شخص تبدأ به القطعة الخارجية مثال ‪:‬‬
‫‪1‬‬ ‫‪Mr. Smith‬‬ ‫‪2‬‬ ‫‪Samir and Mazin‬‬

‫‪ .2‬كلمه أو عبارة تتكرر أكثر من مرة في القطعة الخارجية وقد تتكرر في األسئلة أيضا مثال ‪:‬‬
‫‪1‬‬ ‫‪Diabetes‬‬ ‫‪2 cigarettes‬‬
‫‪ .3‬عبارة أو كلمة تبدأ بها القطعة الخارجية ويجب أن تنتهي بفارزة وبشرط يجب أن تكون خمسة كلمات أو اقل‬
‫‪1‬‬ ‫‪My nephew‬‬ ‫‪2 A women with blue jeans‬‬
‫★ في االجوبة النموذجية يعطي أكثر من حل لهذا النوع من االسئلة‬

‫ثانيا ‪ :‬سؤال يبدأ بأداة سؤال‬

‫أدوات السؤال هي ‪what , where , when , which , why , who , How , whose :‬‬
‫طريقة الحل‪//‬‬
‫‪ 1‬نحدد الكلمة أو الكلمات األخيرة في السؤال‬
‫‪ 2‬نبحث عن هذه الكلمات في القطعة الخارجية‬
‫‪ 3‬إذا وجدنا هذه الكلمات في القطعة الخارجية ننقل هذه الجملة من القطعة الخارجية ومن النقطة إلى النقطة بحيث يتضمن هذا‬
‫الحل الكلمة او الكلمات التي حددناها مسبقا في السؤال مثال‪:‬‬

‫?‪1. How was the patient's day in the hospital‬‬

‫‪He spent a miserable day in bed thinking of all the fun he was missing OrThe patient`s‬‬
‫‪day was miserable.‬‬
‫?‪2. When was the man taken to the hospital‬‬
‫‪A man who had broken his right leg was taken to a hospital a few weeks before‬‬
‫‪Christmas. Or He was taken to a hospital a few weeks before Christmas.‬‬
‫?‪3. How did the man break his left leg‬‬
‫‪He was still saying something about the hospital at the end of the party when he slipped‬‬
‫‪of a piece of ice and broke his left leg OR he slipped of a piece of ice and broke his left‬‬

‫ثالثا‪ -:‬سؤال يبدأ بفعل مساعد‬

‫االفعال المساعدة هي ‪Do , Does , Did , Can , Will , Could , Would , may :‬‬
‫طريقة الحل‪//‬‬
‫‪ 1‬نحدد الجملة ما بعد الفعل المساعد ونبحث عن هذه الجملة في القطعة الخارجية‬
‫‪ 2‬ولها حالتان ‪ :‬أ‪ .‬إذا وجدنا هذه العبارة في القطعة الخارجية وبدون اختالف يكون الجواب ‪:‬‬
‫الفعل المساعد الموجود في بداية السؤال ‪Yes, + he/she/it/they +‬‬
‫ب‪ .‬إذا لم نجد هذه العبارة في القطعة الخارجية أو وجدنا فيها بعض االختالفات يكون الجواب ‪:‬‬
‫‪ + not‬الفعل المساعد الموجود في بداية السؤال ‪No, + he/she/it/they +‬‬
‫?‪1 did Mr. Kamal ask the girl whom the cigarettes were for‬‬
‫‪No, he didn`t‬‬

‫?‪2 was Linda happy in London‬‬

‫‪No, she wasn`t‬‬

‫?‪3 Did Linda have many friends‬‬

‫‪No, she didn`t‬‬
‫رابعا ‪ :‬سوال يبدأ بفعل مساعد ويحتوي على ‪OR‬‬

‫طريقة الحل‪//‬‬
‫‪ 1‬نحدد الكلمات التي بعد ‪ or‬ثم نحدد الكلمات التي قبل ‪ or‬ونحذف الفعل المساعد‬
‫‪ 2‬نبحث عن ما تبقى لدينا ونختار ما قبل ‪ or‬أو ما بعدها وحسب ما موجود في الجملة‬
‫‪ 3‬نحذف االختيار الذي لم نجده في القطعة الخارجية مع حذف ‪ or‬وحذف عالمة االستفهام ونكتب الباقي‪.‬‬

‫?‪Ex : Did the man go to the restaurant or the cafe‬‬

‫‪- to the cafe.‬‬
‫خامسا ‪ :‬إكمال الفراغ‬

‫طريقة الحل‪//‬‬
‫يعطي جملة في السوال ويطلب التكملة عندها نبحث هنها في القطعة وننقلها‬

‫)‪Ex : Diabetes can be treated by ………….. (complete‬‬

‫‪- Diabetes can be treated by regular exercise‬‬
‫سادسا ‪ :‬أختر ما بين القوسين‬

‫طريقة الحل‪//‬‬
‫نبحث عن الجملتين في القطعة ثم نختار الجملة الموجودة في القطعة‬

‫) ‪Ex : Diabetes can be treated by …. (a. drinking water / b. eating more / c. regular exercise‬‬

‫سابعا ‪ :‬صح أو خطا ( ‪) T / F‬‬

‫)‪Ex : Diabetes can be treated by drinking water. (True / False‬‬

‫ الدور التمهيدي‬2014
A man who had broken his right leg was taken to a hospital a few weeks before Christmas. He
was afraid of spending Christmas in hospital .Though the doctor did his best; the patient's
recovery was slow. On Christmas day the man still had his right leg in plaster. He spent a
miserable day in bed thinking of all the fun he was missing. The following day: however the
doctor comforted him by telling his that chance of being able to leave hospital in time for New
Year’s celebration were good. When the man left the hospital he was excited and sure enough on
New Year’s Eva be was able to walk with the help of a stick to a party. The man enjoyed himself
completely and kept telling everyone how match be hated hospitals. He was still saying
something about the hospital at the end of the party when he slipped of a piece of ice and broke
his left leg.

Now answer (five) of the following question:

1 What hopes did the doctor give the patients?

The following day: however the doctor comforted him by telling his that chance of being able
to leave hospital in time for New Year’s celebration were good.
2 How was the patient's day in the hospital?
He spent a miserable day in bed thinking of all the fun he was missing

3 When was the man taken to the hospital?

man who had broken his right leg was taken to a hospital a few weeks before Christmas
Or He was taken to a hospital a few weeks before Christmas

4 How did the man break his left leg?

He was still saying something about the hospital at the end of the party when he slipped of a
piece of ice and broke his left leg
OR he slipped of a piece of ice and broke his left leg. .

5 Choose a suitable title for the passage ?

Christmas / The patient / Christmas in hospital

6 What was a patient afraid of?

He was afraid of spending Christmas in hospital.

‫ الدور االول‬2014
Diabetes is a disease that affects millions of people around the word. About 1.5 million people a
year die from diabetes, and on real cure has been discovered for the disease. People who suffer
from diabetes have high blood sugar levels, because their bodies not able to produce enough
insulin. Diabetes can be sometimes inherited from your parent, but also be caused by your life
style: being overweight, having a poor diet or being stressed can also cause diabetes. The effects
of diabetes can include feeling very thirsty or hungry, losing weight very quickly, problems with
your eyes and skin and heart disease. Although there is no cure for diabetes, it can be treated by
injection of insulin, as well as losing weight and talking regular exercise.

Now answer (five) of the following questions:

1 What is diabetes?
Diabetes is a disease that affects millions of people around the word

2 Write two main causes of diabetes.?

Diabetes can be sometimes inherited from your parent, but also be caused by your life style:
being overweight, having a poor diet or being stressed can also cause diabetes

3 How can diabetes be treated?

Although there is no cure for diabetes, it can be treated by injection of insulin, as well as losing
weight and talking regular exercise

4 Scientists have discovered cure for diabetes. (true/false)


5 Diabetes can be treated by … (a. drinking water/ b. eating more/ c. regular exercise)
regular exercise

6 Give a suitable title to the passage ?


‫ الدور الثاني‬2014
Smoking is considered to be dangerous to be health; it is especially difficult for children. Our
tobacconist, Mr. Kamal, has been always carful about this, if his customers are very young; he
always asks them whom the cigarettes are for. One day, a little girl walked boldly into his shop
and demanded twenty cigarettes. She had the exact amount of money in her hand and seemed
very sure of herself. Mr. Kamal was so surprised by her confident manner that he forgot to ask his
usual question. Instead, he asked her kind of cigarette she wanted. The girl replied promptly and
handed him the money. While he was giving her cigarette, Mr. Kamal said laughingly that as she
was so young, she should hide the packet in her pocket in case a policeman saw it. However, the
little girl didn't seem to find this very funny. Without smiling, she took pocket and walked toward
the door. Suddenly she stopped and looked steadily at Mr. Kamal and declared "My dad is
policeman" and with that she walked quickly out of the shop.

Now answer (five) of the following question:

1 Why did the little go to the shop?
One day, a little girl walked boldly into his shop and demanded twenty cigarettes
OR She went to the shop to demanded twenty cigarettes

2 What did Mr. Kamal advise the girl giving her the cigarettes?
While he was giving her cigarette, Mr. Kamal said laughingly that as she was so young, she
should hide the packet in her pocket in case a policeman saw it

3 What was the reason that the girl wasn't afraid of the police?
Because her father was a policeman

4 What was Mr. Kamal?

Mr. Kamal was a tobacconist

5 Did Mr. Kamal ask the girl whom the cigarettes were for?
No, he didn`t.

6 Give a suitable title to the passage ?

Mr. Kamal / Mr. Kamal and a little girl / the tobacconist Mr. Kamal / The little
girl and cigarettes

‫ الدور الثالث‬2014
You do not have to be a passenger to go inside an airport. Sometimes you may have to pay to
enter an airport but it is always a small amount. An airport is usually full of people. Some of them
will be passengers. Some have just arrived by plane and they are now waiting for a car or a bus to
take them home. Others are waiting to go on plane that will take them to another city or another
country. They are buying books to read on the plane or talking to their friends or relatives. Many
of the people at an airport are no passengers. They have come to meet passengers who are
arriving or to say goodbye to friends or relatives who are leaving.

Now answer (Five) of the following question:

1 Why do some passengers buy books?

They are buying books to read on the plane or talking to their friends or relatives.
Or They are buying books to read on the plane
Or To read on the plane

2 Only passenger can enter an airport (True/False)


3 How much do you sometimes have to pay to enter an airport ?

Sometimes you may have to pay to enter an airport but it is always a small amount.
OR a small amount

4 Some of the people are no passengers. Why are they at the airport:?
They have come to meet passengers who are arriving or to say goodbye to friends or relatives
who are leaving. .

5 An airport is usually crowded. (True/False)


6 Give a suitable title ?

The Airport / the passengers / the airport and the passengers

‫قواعد الجمع‬
‫• عند الجمع نضيف ( ‪ ) s‬الى األسماء‬
‫‪Ex : book » books , pen » pens‬‬
‫• الكلمات التي تنتهي ( ‪) x, z, ch , s, sh‬عند الجمع نضيف لها ( ‪) es‬‬
‫‪Ex : Beach » beaches , church » churches‬‬
‫• الكلمات التي تنتهي بـ ( ‪ ) y‬قبله حرف صحيح يقلب الى ( ‪ ) i‬ونضيف ( ‪) es‬‬
‫‪Ex : hobby » hobbies‬‬
‫• الكلمات تنتهي بـ ( ‪ ) f , fe‬يقلب الى ( ‪ ) v‬ونضيف ( ‪) es‬‬
‫‪Ex : Scarf » scarves , knife » knives‬‬
‫• هناك كلمات شاذه ال تنطبق عليها القواعد اعاله ‪:‬‬
‫‪Ex : Child » children , person » people , foot » feet , Mouse » mice‬‬
‫‪Ex : oasis » oases‬‬ ‫‪, Tooth » teeth‬‬ ‫‪, man » men , ox » oxen , thesis » these‬‬

‫قواعد الماضي‬
‫• عند تحويل الفعل للماضي القياسي نضيف له ( ‪) ed‬‬
‫• إذا انتهى الفعل بحرف ( ‪ ) e‬عندها نضيف ( ‪ ) d‬فقط‬
‫‪Ex : move » moved‬‬
‫• إذا انتهى الفعل بحرف ( ‪ ) y‬قبله حرف عله نضيف ( ‪ ) ed‬له‬
‫‪Ex : play » played‬‬
‫• إذا انتهى الفعل بحرف ( ‪ ) y‬قبله حرف صحيح فانه يقلب إلى ( ‪ ) i‬ونضيف ( ‪ ) ed‬له‬
‫‪Ex : study » studied‬‬
‫• إذا انتهى الفعل بحرف صحيح واحد قبله حرف علة واحد فان الصحيح يضاعف ونضيف ( ‪ ) ed‬له‬
‫‪Ex : plan » planned‬‬
‫• شواذ ‪ :‬الحروف ( ‪ ) w , z , x , s‬ال تضاعف‬
‫‪Ex : box » boxed‬‬
‫• شواذ ‪ :‬االفعال التالية ال تتضاعف‬
‫‪Ex : Visit » visited , listen » listened , open » opened‬‬

‫قواعد المضارع‬
‫• عند تحويل الفعل للمضارع نضيف له ) ‪( ing‬‬
‫• إذا انتهى الفعل بحرف ( ‪ ) e‬يحذف ونضيف ( ‪ ) ing‬له‬
‫‪Ex : move » moving‬‬
‫• إذا انتهى الفعل بحرف صحيح واحد قبله حرف علة واحد فان الصحيح يضاعف‬
‫‪Ex : plan » plannig‬‬
‫• شواذ ‪ :‬الحروف ( ‪ ) w , z , x , s‬ال تضاعف‬
‫‪Ex : box » boxing‬‬
‫• شواذ ‪ :‬االفعال التالية ال تتضاعف‬
‫‪Ex : Visit » visiting , listen » listening , open » opening‬‬
‫• هناك افعال ال تنطبق عليها القواعد اعاله‬
‫‪Ex : Tie : tying , lie : lying , die : dying , go » went‬‬

‫تصاريف االفعال‬
‫ أفعال تتشابه في جميع تصاريفها‬: ‫أوال‬
‫الفعل المجرد‬ ‫الماضي‬ ‫التصريف الثالث‬
) ‫ ( يدع‬Let let let
) ‫ ( يضع‬Put put put
) ‫ ( يكلف‬Cost Cost Cost
) ‫ ( يصطدم‬Hit Hit hit
) ‫ ( يقرا‬Read Read Read
) ‫ ( يولم‬Hurt Hurt Hurt

‫ أفعال يتشابه فيها الفعل المجرد مع التصريف الثالث‬: ‫ثانيا‬

‫الفعل المجرد‬ ‫الماضي‬ ‫التصريف الثالث‬
) ‫ ( يركض‬Run Ran Run
) ‫ ( ياتي‬Come came come
) ‫ ( يصبح‬Become Became Become

‫ أفعال يتشابه فيها الماضي مع التصريف الثالث‬: ‫ثالثا‬

‫الفعل المجرد‬ ‫الماضي‬ ‫التصريف الثالث‬
) ‫ ( يحاول‬Try Tried Tried
) ‫ ( يدفع‬Pay paid paid
) ‫ ( يقول‬Say Said said
) ‫ ( يجلب‬bring Brought Brought
) ‫ ( يشتري‬Buy Bought Bought
) ‫ ( يعتقد‬Think Thought Thought
) ‫ ( يقرض‬Lend lent lent
) ‫ ( يرسل‬Send sent sent
) ‫ (يقضي‬Spend spent spent
) ‫ ( يخبر‬Tell told told
) ‫ ( يخسر‬Lose lost lost
) ‫ ( يصنع‬Make Mad mad
) ‫ ( يغادر‬Leave Left Left
) ‫ ( يسمع‬Hear heard heard
) ‫ ( يملك‬Have had had
) ‫ ( يصل‬Get got got
) ‫ ( يجد‬Find Found Found
) ‫ ( يدرس‬Teach Taught Taught

‫ أفعال تختلف في جميع صيغها‬: ‫رابعا‬
‫الفعل المجرد‬ ‫الماضي‬ ‫التصريف الثالث‬
) ‫ ( يطير‬Fly flew flown
) ‫ ( يعلم‬Know knew Known
) ‫ ( يرمي‬Throw Threw thrown
) ‫ ( يكبر‬Grow Grew grown
) ‫ ( يدق‬Ring rang rung
) ‫ ( يغني‬Sing sang sung
) ‫ ( يسبح‬Swim swam swum
) ‫ ( يأكل‬Eat Ate eaten
) ‫ ( يقع‬Fall fell Fallen
) ‫ ( ينسى‬Forget forgot Forgotten
) ‫ ( يعطي‬Give Gave Given
) ‫ ( يرتفع‬Rise rose Risen
) ‫ ( يرى‬See saw seen
) ‫ ( يختفي‬Hide hid Hidden
) ‫ ( يأخذ‬Take took taken
) ‫ ( يسوق‬Drive Drove Driven
) ‫ ( يتكلم‬Speak Spoke Spoken
) ‫ ( يكسر‬Break Broke Broken
) ‫ ( يكون‬Be were / Was been
) ‫ ( يفعل‬Do did Done
) ‫ ( يذهب‬Go went Gone
) ‫ ( يقطع‬Bite bit bitten

6 ‫ ص‬: ‫كتاب الطالب‬
1. I have a very bad cold . I can’t stop sneezing
2. I've got a bad wrist . I sprained it lifting weights in the gym
3. My toe is bleeding . I cut it on a piece of glass on the beach.
4. I've got a pain in my knee . It’s really swollen .
5. I've got a broken leg . I fractured it in a motorbike accident .
6. I have a temperature of 39 .
7. I've got a terrible headache . Can I have some painkillers ?
8. I burnt my finger on the oven .
9. My shoulder hurts . I did it playing tennis .
10. I feel dizzy . I need to lie down.
11. I twisted my ankle playing football.
12. I need this bucket because I think I'm going to be sick.
13. My lips are really dry and sore.
14. I've got a sore throat . It hurts so much that I can’t swallow .

1) ‘Have you got a cold?’ ‘ No, I always sneeze when I put pepper on my food.’
2) He was sick three times in the night . I think the food at the restaurant where he ate
wasn’t very fresh .
3) She cut her hand while she was chopping vegetables . It was a very deep cut and it was
bleeding a lot , she had to go to hospital and have it stitched.
4) My back hurts all the time . It only feel OK when I am lying down.
5) She can’t play tennis . She has broken her right arm
6) I went swimming yesterday and now my eyes are sore from the chemicals in the pool.
7) Where exactly is the pain and how long have you had it
8) It was a very hot day and she hadn’t eaten or drunk anything all the day . That is why
she suddenly went pale and felt dizzy during the lesson.
19 ‫ ص‬C ‫ت‬
1. I feel dizzy. I think I am going to faint
2. Can't swallow .I have a sore throat and a temperature of 39 degrees.
3. You have to take two of these pills three times a day.
4. The skin on my legs is very dry so I have to put this cream on every day
5. We often say ‘Bless you!’ when somebody sneezes . But we don’t say it if somebody ….

‫االسقاطات الوزارية الخاصة بهذا اليونت‬
take up , sneezed , sore , pills , twisted, medical, ankle , medication, broken , health
painkillers , hurts , throat, sneeze , sick , bit , dizzy , faint,

1. My back …...all the time . It only feels OK when I‟m lying down.
2. You have to take two of these ……..three times a day.
3. Most smokers …….the habit of smoking when they are teenagers.
4. I twisted my ………..playing football.
5. The ………….on my legs is very dry .
6. I've got a terrible headache. Can I have some ………….?
7. I always ………when I put pepper on my food.
8. My eyes are …………from the chemicals in the pool.
9. The shark ………….Zaid‟s arm.
10. I feel dizzy. I think I‟m going to ………..
11. I can‟t swallow. I have a ………throat.
12. In Britain, the number of diabetics ……….every year.
13. I ……….my ankle playing football.
14. she can‟t play tennis , she has ………..her right arm .
15. Where exactly is the ……….and how long have you had it ?
16. Have you taken any …………..foe the pain ?
17. Smoking is destroying a lot of people's …………. .
18. I can‟t swallow. I have a sore……….
19. Ali covered his mouth when he ……..
20. I went swimming yesterday and now my eyes are …….. from the chemicals in the pool.
21. She‟s a ………..student. She should qualify as a doctor in two years' time.

; ‫االجوبة‬
1- hurts. 2- pills. 3. take up 4- ankle. 5. Skin.
6. Painkillers. 7. sneeze 8. Sore. 9. bit . 10. faint
11. sore 12. goes up. 13. Twisted. 14. Broken. 15 .pain
16. Medication. 17. health. 18. throat . 19. sneezed . 20. Sore.
21. medical

‫* ورد في سؤال االمالءات أيضا‬ synonyms ‫ مرادفات‬: 24 ‫ ص‬A ‫ت‬
1) Surprised = puzzled ‫) وزاري ( مندهش‬
2) Pushing = shaking ‫ يدفع‬/ ‫يهز‬
3) Without success = to no avail ‫) وزاري ( بال جدوى‬
4) Faint = lose consciousness ‫يفقد الوعي‬
5) Dropping (water , milk ,…..) = spilling ‫) وزاري ( يسكب‬
6) The police , fire department , ambulance = the emergency services ‫) وزاري ( خدمة الطوارئ‬
7) Medical helpers (not doctors or nurses ) = paramedics ‫) وزاري ( معاونين طبيين \ مسعفين‬
8) Woke up = regained consciousness ‫يفيق \ يستعيد وعيه‬

2 ‫ص‬A‫ت‬
Treatment joints verbs Inside & out side the body
1 plaster ankle Breathe Heart
2 bandage knee faint Stomach
3 pills shoulder sneeze blood
4 cream Elbow swallow bones
5 Medicine wrist cough skin
) ‫(وزاري‬
19 ‫ ص‬B ‫ت‬

1– Name three joints in the arm : 1-wrist 2-elbow 3-shoulder

‫ معصم – كوع – كتف‬: ‫سمي ثالث مفاصل في الذراع‬
2-Name two joints in the leg : 1-knee 2-ankle
‫ الركبة – الكاحل‬: ‫سمي مفصلين في القدم‬
3-Name two things for covering a cut : 1-plaster 2-bandage
‫ الباندج‬- ‫ البالستر‬: ‫شيئين لتغطية الجروح‬

‫أمثلة وزارية‬
1– Ankle , joint ; bandage , Treatment
2– Elbow, joint in an arm ; ankle A joint in a leg
3– joint in the arm , Shoulder
4– inside the body , heart

prefix ‫البادئات‬
‫• توضع في بداية الكلمة لتعطي عكس المعنى وهنالك عدة بادئات منها‬
‫ تضاف للكلمات التالية‬: dis .١
Like obey Trust approve please appear connect encourage agree
discourage : ‫ ] منها فتصبح‬en [ ‫ ] عليها تحذف‬dis [ ‫ ] عند اضافة‬encourage ] •

‫ تضاف للكلمات التالية‬: Non .٢

Technical Defending smoker Renewable

] a – c – e – d [ ‫ تضاف للكلمات التي تبدأ بالحروف‬: in .3

] in ] ‫ ] تستخدم لها‬sufficient - formal – flammable , human , invisible , injustice [ ‫ الكلمات‬: ‫• شواذ‬
] un [ ‫ ] ولكن يتم استخدام لها البادئة‬a – c – e – d [ ‫• هناك كلمات تبدأ بالحروف‬
Certain Conscious Easy Attended Countable able

] L [ ‫ تضاف للكلمات التي تبدأ بالحرف‬: il .٣

] r [ ‫ تضاف للكلمات التي تبدأ بالحرف‬: ir .٤

] p – m [ ‫ توضع امام الصفات التي تبدأ بالحروف‬: im .٥

] Un [ ‫ ] تستخدم لها البادئة‬popular – pleasant – paved - married [ ‫ الكلمات التالية‬: ‫• شواذ‬

‫ تضاف لباقي الحروف‬: Un .٦

: ‫أمثلة وزارية‬
1– Like, dislike; legal, illegal
2– approve, disapprove; fortunate, unfortunate
3– regular, irregular; direct, indirect
4– paved, unpaved ; expensive, inexpensive
5– polite , impolite : popular , unpopular
6– correct , incorrect ; polite , impolite
7– correct, incorrect; encourage, discourage
8– pleasant , Unpleasant : efficient , inefficient
9– happy , Unhappy : usual : unusual
10– health , Unhealthy : moral , immoral
11- the opposite of correct is incorrect

12- the opposite of agree is disagree

13- please , displease : pleasant , unpleasant

Full - Fully ‫الصفات والظروف‬
) adjective ( ‫ تضاف في نهاية الكلمة لتحويل االسم الى صفه‬: Full
) adverb ( ‫ تضاف في نهاية الكلمة لتحويل االسم الى ظرف‬: Fully
‫ ) فقط‬ly ( ‫ ) فنضيف لها‬ful ( ‫• اذا أعطى كلمة تنتهي بــ‬
) i ( ‫ ) الى‬y ( ‫ ) تقلب‬y ( ‫ ) لألسم المنتهي بــ‬full – fully ( ‫• عند اضافة‬
Ex : beauty » beautiful » beautifully

‫ ) صفات خداعة توحي للطالب بأن المطلوب اضافة‬excited – exciting – interesting – interested ( ‫• الصفات‬
‫ ) لكن المطلوب هو تحويل الكلمات الى صفات أو ظروف‬ed – ing (
-: ‫طريقة الحل‬
‫ ) دائما‬full ( ‫• اذا وجدنا الكلمات االتية نضيف‬
Care Color Peace Beauty Wonder Pain Harm Dread Delight Marcy

‫ ) عدا الكلمات االتية‬fully ( ‫• باقي الكلمات نضيف لها‬

) practice » practica ( ‫ ) و‬Danger » Dangerous ( ‫ ) و‬luxury » luxurious ( •
) spectacle » spectacular ( ‫ ) و‬attract » attractive ( •

‫أمثلة وزارية‬

1– color , colorful : luxury , luxurious

2- attract , attractive : delight , delightful

3- Excite , Exciting : peace , peaceful

4- Danger , Dangerous : practice , practica

5- attract , attractive : spectacle , spectacular

6- beauty , beautiful : danger , dangerous

7- mercy , merciful : pain , painful

8- The adjective of delight is delightful

9- the adverb of peaceful is peacefully

‫صفات المقارنة‬
] a , e , i , o , u [ : ‫• حروف العلة‬
‫ هو حرف علة بين حرفين صحيحين‬: ‫• مقطع العلة‬
‫ ] في نهايتها‬er ] ‫ اذا احتوت الصفة مقطع علة واحد نضيف‬: ‫الحالة االولى‬
Ex : long » longer , cheap » cheaper , hard » harder

‫ ) فقط‬r ( ‫ ) نضيف لها‬e ( ‫• الصفة المنتهية بــ‬

Ex : close » closer , late » later , nice » nicer

) er ( ‫• الصفة المنتهية بحرف صحيح وقبله حرف عله واحد نضاعف الحرف الصحيح ونضيف‬
Ex : hot » hotter , fat » fatter , slim » slimmer

‫• هناك صفات شاذة تنتهي بحرف صحيح وقبله حرف عله واحد ولكن ال يتضاعف الحرف االخير‬
Ex : slow , show , say , listen , open

) er ( ‫ ) ونضيف‬i ( ‫ ) فإنها تقلب الى‬y ( ‫• الصفة المنتهية بحرف‬

Ex : happy » happier , lazy » lazier , lovely » lovelier

‫ ] قبل الصفة ونكتبها بدون تغيير‬more [ ‫ إذا أحتوت الصفة على أكثر من مقطع علة نضيف‬: ‫الحالة الثانية‬
Ex : beautiful » more beautiful , formal , expensive , dangerous , violent

‫ هنالك صفات شاذة ال تخضع لقاعدة‬: ‫الحالة الثالثة‬

Good – well » better Far » farther Bad » worse Few – little » less Much – many » more

‫أمثلة وزارية‬

1. Big , bigger ; funny , funnier

2. Fast , faster ; safe , safer
3. Big , bigger ; dangerous , more dangerous
4. Small , smaller ; good , better
5. Teach , teacher ; rob , robber

‫االعالن عن السجائر ينبغي ان يكون غير قانوني‬
Cigarette advertising should be illegal

’’ Q) Write 100 to 120 words on this topic ،، Cigarette advertising should be illegal
‫السجائر هي ضارة وخطرة على صحة كل من المدخنين وغير المدخنين النهم من االسباب الرئيسية لألمراض المميتة مثل‬
‫سرطان الرئة ونوبات القلب‬

Cigarettes are harmful and dangerous to the health of both smokers and non-smokers because they
are one of the main causes of deadly diseases like lung cancer and heart attacks.
‫ اعالنات السجائر يمكن مشاهدتها على التلفاز من قبل جميع الناس خصوصا االطفال والشباب‬: ‫اول‬
Firstly, cigarette advertisements can be seen on TV by all people especially children and young

‫ في نفس الوقت هم يتذكرون الخطر‬. ‫ ناجحين واشخاص جذابين يدخنون‬، ‫ اعالنات السجائر تظهر بأن ناس رائعين‬: ‫ثانيا‬
.‫والتأثيرات السلبية من التدخين على الصحة‬

Secondly, cigarette advertisements show successful , popular and attractive people smoking , At
same time, they mention the dangers and bad effects of smoking on health.

‫ لذا يمكن ان نرى اغلب الشباب والمراهقين واالطفال يدخنون‬.‫ الشباب واالطفال هم بسهولة يتأثرون‬، ‫اخيرا‬
Lastly, young people and children are easily influenced in .so we can see most of the young people
, teenagers and children smoke

‫ يجب على الحكومة فرض غرامات كبيرة على الشركة التي تستورد السجائر وحظر جميع اعالنات السجائر الن السجائر‬، ‫لذلك‬
‫أصبح شائع جدا بين الشباب‬
Consequently , the government should impose heavy fines on companies that import cigarette and
ban all cigarette advertisements because smoking has become very comman among young

5 = die 30x=die
Zaid Tariq
1. How was the morning in the beautiful seaside town of Sharm El Sheikh ‫كيف كان الصباح ؟‬
It was a calm morning. ‫كان صباحا هادئا‬
2. Who was Zaid Tariq ? How old he ? ‫من هو زيد طارق ؟ كم عمره ؟‬
He was a tourist from Iraq . He was 20 years old . ‫ سنة‬25 ‫هو سائح من العراق عمره‬
3. Where was Tariq on a holiday ? ‫اين كان طارق يقضي عطلته ؟‬
In Sharm El- Sheikh , Egypt. ‫في شرم الشيخ في مصر‬
4. Zaid Tariq was on holiday. ‫زيد طارق كان في استراحة‬
5. What was Zaid Tariq doing ? ‫ماذا كان زيد طارق يفعل ؟‬
He was floating peacefully 150 metres from the shore. ‫متر عن الساحل‬150 ‫كان يعوم بسالم حوالي‬
6. What did he feel when he was floating? ‫ماذا أحس عندما كان يعوم ؟‬
He felt that something push him up. ‫هو أحس بشيء ما يدفعه‬
7. Why did he fall into the water? ‫لماذا سقط في الماء‬
He fell into the water because something pushed him up. ‫سقط في الماء الن شيء ما دفعه‬
8. What did Zaid think first ( at the beginning ) ? ‫ماذا اعتقد زيد في البداية ؟‬
he thought ( perhaps ) that his airbed hit a piece of wood.
‫أعتقد بأن فراشه المطاطي صدمته قطعه من الخشب‬
9. When he was attacked by the shark, he was lying on a plastic mattress.
‫عندما هاجمه القرش كان مستلقي على فراش مطاطي‬
10. What did he see in water ? ‫ماذا شاهد في البحر ؟‬
He saw a shark. ‫شاهد سمك القرش‬
11. What did he try to do when he saw a shark ? ‫ماذا حاول ان يفعل عندما شاهد القرش ؟‬
He tried to swim away . ‫حاول ان يسبح بعيدا‬
12. What did the shark do to Zaid ? ‫ماذا فعل سمك القرش لزيد ؟‬
The shark bit his arm. ‫سمك القرش عضه من ذراعه‬
13. Tariq was bitten by the shark. ‫طارق عضت ذراعه عبر القرش‬
14. Why did he think he was about to die ? ‫لماذا اعتقد انه على وشك الموت ؟‬
He thought that because he was losing a lot of blood. ‫اعتقد ذلك ألنه فقد كثير من الدماء‬
15. What did he do when he lost his blood? What did he do when the shark attacked him
‫ماذا فعل عندما فقد كثيرا من الدماء\ او ماذا فعل عندما هاجمه سمك القرش ؟‬
He screamed as loud as he could . ‫هو صرخ بصوت عالي بقدر ما يستطيع‬
16. Why did he start praying to God ? ‫لماذا بدأ يدعوا هللا ؟‬
To God save him. ‫لكي ينقذه‬
OR Because he thought he was dying ‫النه اعتقد انه سيموت‬

17. Why did he scream ? ‫لماذا صرخ طارق ؟‬
Because he needed help ‫ألنه يحتاج المساعدة‬
OR Because he thought he was dying ‫النه اعتقد انه سيموت‬
18. How was Tariq saved ? What did the dolphins do ? How did the dolphins protected
Tariq ? ‫كيف دافعت الدالفين عن طارق ؟ كيف انقذ طارق ؟ ماذا فعلت الدالفين ؟‬
Six dolphins made a circle around him and frightened the shark away.
‫ست دالفين عملت دائرة حوله وجعلت القرش يبتعد مرتعبا‬
19. What saved / protect Tariq ? Who swam up towards him ? What frightened the shark ?
‫من انقذ طارق ؟ من الذي اخاف سمك القرش ؟ من سبح باتجاهه ؟‬
Six dolphins protect Tariq. ‫ست دالفين دافعت عن طارق‬
20. Who rescued Tariq? How ? Who heard Tariq's screams ? ‫من الذي اسعفه ؟ من سمع صرخاته ؟‬
Jameel Elalawi, the coastguard, rescued him by boat.‫جميل العلوي خفر السواحل اسعفه عبر القارب‬
21. What did Jameel Elalawi and his partner Ahmed Al Misri do? ‫ماذا فعل جميل وزميلة احمد؟‬
They gave him first aid and his partner Ahmed Al Misri called the emergency services.
‫هم اعطوه االسعافات االولية وزميله احمد المصري اتصل بخدمة الطواري‬
22. What did Jameel Elalawi do ? ‫ماذا فعل جميل العلوي ؟‬
He heard Tariq scream and rescued him by boat , and he giving him first aid
‫سمع صراخ طارق وأنقذه عبر القارب واعطاه االسعافات االولية‬
23. What was waiting for Tariq on the shore ? ‫ما الذي كان ينتظر طارق على الساحل ؟‬
An ambulance was waiting for Tariq on the shore and he was immediately taken to the
hospital at Sharm El Sheikh. ‫سيارة اسعاف كانت تنتظر طارق على الساحل ومباشرة تم اخذه الى مستشفى‬
24. Tariq was rescued by sea. ‫طارق تم انقاذه بواسطة البحر‬
25. What did Tariq tell the reporters from his hospital bed ? ‫ماذا اخبر طارق المراسلين من سريره ؟‬
He told them that it was the most frightening day of his life and that the shark wanted
to have him for breakfast but the dolphins saved him.
‫اخبرهم انه كان اكثر االيام رعبا في حياته وبان سمك القرش اراد ان يلتهمه للفطور ولكن الدالفين انقذته‬
26. How did he described his day ? ‫كيف وصف يومه ؟‬
It was the most frightening day in his life ‫انه كان اليوم االكثر خوفا في حياته‬
27. When he got back to dry land , he was taken to get medical attention.
‫عندما رجع لليابسة تم اخذه ليحصل على العناية الطبية‬

27 + 25 + ٢٤ + 20 + 19 + 18 + 17 + 16 + 14 + 13 + 1٢ + 11 + 8 : ‫االسئلة الوزارية‬

1. What was the first thing that Mustafa did when he woke up?
‫ما هو اول شيء فعله مصطفى عندما استيقظ ؟‬
He got out of bed and went straight to look for his mother because she normally
came into his room, woke him up and helped him to get dressed.
‫نزل من سريره وذهب مباشرة ليبحث عن امه ألنها في العادة تأتي الى غرفته لتوقظه وتساعده في ارتداء مالبسه‬
2. Why was Mustafa a little puzzled one morning ‫لماذا كان مصطفى مندهش في صباح احد االيام‬
Mustafa was puzzled because his mother normally came into his room first thing
in the morning ,woke him up and helped him to get dressed
‫مصطفى أندهش ألن امه في العادة تأتي الى غرفته في الصباح توقظه وتساعده في ارتداء مالبسه‬
3. Where did Mustafa look for his mother ?.‫اين بحث مصطفى عن امه‬
Mustafa looked for his mother in the kitchen ,the bathroom and in her bedroom
‫مصطفى بحث عن امه في المطبخ والحمام وفي غرفة امه‬
4. Where did he find her ? ‫أين وجدها ؟‬
He found her in her bedroom a sleep .‫وجدها في غرفة نومها‬
5. What did Mustafa try to do when he found his mother a sleep? How?
‫ماذا حاول مصطفى ان يفعل عندما وجد امه نائمه وكيف ؟‬
He tried to wake her up by shaking her and calling when he found her a sleep
but to no avail ‫حاول ان يوقظها عن طريق هزها وندائها عندما وجدها نائمه ولكن بدون جدوى‬
6. What did Mustafa's mother suffer from ? ‫ما الذي تعانيه والدة مصطفى ؟‬
She suffered from diabetes .‫والدة مصطفى تعاني من مرض السكر‬
7. How could Mustafa's mother control her blood sugar ?
‫كيف تستطيع والدة مصطفى السيطرة على سكر دمها ؟‬
She has to have injections of insulin .‫يتوجب عليها اخذ حقن االنسولين‬.
8. What do the diabetics have to do every day? ‫ماذا يتوجب على مرضى السكر ان يفعلوا كل يوم‬
They have to have injections of insulin. ‫يتوجب عليهم اخذ حقن االنسولين‬
9. What happen if a person's blood sugar drops very low ?
‫ماذا يحدث اذا سكر دم الشخص انخفض بشكل واطي جدا‬
If a person's blood sugar drops very low , he will lose consciousness and could
have died in a few hours
‫اذا سكر دم الشخص انخفض بشكل واطي جدا فأنه قد يفقد وعيه وممكن ان يموت في بضع ساعات‬
10. What had happened to Latifa during the night ? ‫ما الذي حدث ل لطيفه خالل اليل‬
During the night , Latifa's blood sugar had dropped very low and she had lost
consciousness ‫خالل اليل سكر دم لطيفه انخفض بشكل واطي جدا وفقدت وعيها‬
11. Where was Mustafa’s father? ‫اين كان والد مصطفى‬
Mustafa’s father was away on a business trip .‫والد مصطفى كان بعيدا في رحلة عمل‬
12. Mustafa's father was suffering from diabetes ( True / False )

13. Who was the only one who could help Latifa ?‫من الوحيد الذي يستطيع مساعدة لطيفه‬
Mustafa was the only one who could help Latifa
‫مصطفى كان الشخص الوحيد الذي يستطيع مساعدة لطيفه‬
14. What did Latifa do when her blood sugar dropped very low?
‫ماذا تفعل لطيفه عندما سكر دمها ينخفض بشكل واطي جدا‬
Latifa drank something sweet when her blood sugar dropped very low.
‫لطيفه تشرب شيء حلو عندما ينخفض سكر دمها‬
15. why did Latifa lost consciousness / unconscious ? ‫لماذا فقدت لطيفة وعيها ؟‬
because the level of sugar in her blood dropped too low ‫الن مستوى سكر دمها نخفض جدا‬
16. Mustafa's mother suffers from high blood pressure ( True / False )
17. What did Mustafa do when he knew that his mother needed something sugar ?
‫ماذا فعل مصطفى عندما عرف ان امه تحتاج الى سكر ؟‬
He went back to the kitchen and brought a can of cola when he knew that his
mother needed sugar ‫مصطفى رجع الى المطبخ وجلب علبة كوال عندما عرف ان امه تحتاج سكر‬
18. Why couldn’t Mustafa make his mother drink the can of cola ?
‫لماذا مصطفى لم يستطع ان يجعل امه تشرب علبة الكوال ؟‬
He couldn’t make his mother drink the can of cola because she was unconsciousness
‫لم يستطع ان يجعل امه تشرب علبة الكوال ألنها كانت فاقده للوعي‬
19. Why did Mustafa decide to call the emergency services ?
‫لماذا مصطفى قرر ان يتصل بخدمة الطواري‬
He decided to call emergency services because he couldn’t wake up his mother
.‫مصطفى قرر ان يتصل بخدمة الطواري ألنه لم يستطع ايقاظ امه‬
20. Who taught Mustafa to call the emergency services ?‫من علمه االتصال بالطوارئ ؟‬
His grandmother taught him to call the emergency services
‫جدته علمته ان يتصل بخدمة الطواري‬
21. What did Mustafa tell the emergency operator ?‫ماذا اخبر مصطفى عاملة الطواري‬
He told the emergency services that his mother was sick and needed a doctor
‫اخبر مصطفى عاملة الطواري ان امه مريضه وتحتاج طبيب‬
22. How was Mustafa when he called emergency operator?
‫كيف كان مصطفى عندما اتصل بعاملة الطواري‬
He was very calm. ‫كان هادئ جدا‬
23. What did arrive at the house after Mustafa had called the emergency operator?
‫ما الذي وصل للبيت بعد ان اتصل مصطفى بعاملة الطواري‬
An ambulance arrived at the house after He had called the emergency operator.
‫سيارة اسعاف وصلت للبيت بعد ان اتصل مصطفى بعاملة الطوارئ‬

24. What did Mustafa have to do to open the front door for the paramedics?
‫ماذا توجب على مصطفى ان يفعل لفتح الباب االمامي للمسعفين ؟‬
Mustafa had to stand on a chair to open the front door for the paramedics.
‫توجب على مصطفى ان يقف على كرسي لفتح الباب االمامي للمسعفين‬

25. How did the paramedics know that Mustafa's mother was diabetic?
‫كيف عرف المسعفين ان والدة مصطفى مصابه بالسكري‬
They knew that she was diabetic when they spotted her insulin user’s identify card.
‫هم عرفوا انها كانت مصابه بالسكري عندما الحظوا بطاقة مستخدمي االنسولين ألخاصة بها‬
26. How did the paramedics treat Mustafa's mother? ‫كيف عالج المسعفين والدته ؟‬
The paramedics gave Latifa an injection to raise her blood sugar level
‫المسعفين اعطوا لطيفه حقنه لرفع مستوى سكر دمها‬
27. What happened after the paramedics had given her an injection?
‫ماذا حدث بعد ان اعطاها المسعفين الحقنه ؟‬
She regained consciousness very quickly after the paramedics had given her an
injection. ‫هي استعادت وعيها بسرعه بعد ان اعطاها المسعفين الحقنه‬
28. How was Mustafa when he needed to be?‫كيف كان مصطفى عندما احتاج ان يكون‬
Mustafa was calm and intelligent when he needed to be
‫مصطفى كان هادئ عندما احتاج ان يكون‬
29. Why was Latifa (the mother) proud of her son? ‫لماذا كانت لطيفه فخوره بابنها ؟‬
she was proud of her son because he was calm and intelligent when he needed to
be. ‫لطيفه كانت فخوره بأبنها ألنه كان هادئ وذكي عندما احتاج ان يكون‬

29 + 28 + 25 + 24 + 22 + 21 + 19 + 15 + 14 + 10 + 9 + ٨ + 7 + 6 + 4 + 2 : ‫االسئلة الوزارية‬

‫اختبارات وزارية‬
Q1) A – Read this text carefully.
An important businessman went to see his doctor because he could not sleep at night. The doctor
examined him carefully and then said to him, ' Your trouble is that you need to learn to relax.
Have you got any hobbies?' The businessman thought for a few moments and then said, 'No,
doctor, I haven't. I don't have any time for hobbies.' 'Well,' the doctor answered, 'That is your
main trouble, you see. You don't have time for anything except your work. You must find some
hobbies and you must learn to relax with them, or you will be dead in less than five years. Why
don't you learn to paint pictures?' ' All right, doctor,' the businessman said. 'I'll try that. Then next
day he telephoned the doctor and said. 'That was a very good idea of yours, doctor. Thank you
very much. I've already painted fifteen pictures since I saw you.'

Answer the following. Choose 5 only:

1. Why did the businessman go to his doctor?
2. What did the doctor advise him to do?
3. What would happen to the businessman if he didn't listen to the doctor's advice?
4. The businessman had a lot of time for hobbies. ( True / False )
5. the businessman painted 51 pictures. ( True / False )
6. Choose a suitable title. a. The doctor's hobbies b. Not able to sleep.

Q1\ B. Answer or complete (10) of the following using the information from your textbook:
1. Mustafa had to stand on a chair to _______
2. What happen if a person's blood sugar drops very low ?
3. What did the shark do to Zaid ?
4. When he was attacked by the shark, he was lying…………
5. Why was Latifa proud of her son?
6. Why did Tariq scream?

Q2\Grammar and Functions:

A) Do as required: (choose Ten only)
1. She (wear) glasses, but now she has contact lenses. (use the correct form of – “used to”)
2. I (think) about you and then you (ring) ( Put one verb in the past simple and one in the past
continuous )
3. I like those shoes. Can I (try/on /them ). ( Put the verb and the object in the correct order)
4. Can you lend me------ money ? - Sure. How ------- do you need? (Complete the sentence
with, many /much /a few / a little)
5. She (not /talk) so much, but now she never (stop) . ( Use the correct form of (used to) present
or past simple)
6. I (clean) my room and I (find) £ 30 under my bed. ( Put one verb in the past continuous and
one in the past simple).
7. Smoking is terrible .You should (give / up / it). (Put the verb in the correct order).
8. How --------- time do you spend exercising? -------- hours every week . (Complete the
sentence with (many / much/a few / a little)
9. There (be) a house here . But they ( knock) it down two years ago . (Correct the form of used
to, present or past simple).
10. She (tell) us to be quiet as we (make) too much noise . ( Put one verb in the past simple and
one in the past continuous).
11. Stamp collecting is a nice hobby, when did you (it/ up / take) : ( Put the verb and the object in
the correct order).
12. He (have) his hair cut at the hair dresses , but now his wife (cut) it for him. ( Use the correct
form of used to, present or past simple)

B) Choose one of the two words between the brackets Five only
1. We need a (little / few) more oranges.
2. Put your case in the car. There’s still a (little / few) space left.
3. Hurry up .There isn’t (much /little ) time before the bus leaves.
4. The picture was(beautiful / beautifully) painted.
5. We were very ( frightened \ frightening ) when our car broke down in
the desert.
6. can you turn ( it down / down it )

Q3 Vocabulary and Spelling:

A) Complete the sentences with the suitable word from the box.
(bleeding , broken , pain , sick , sprained , temperature)
1. He was ……. three times in the night . I think the food at the restaurant where he ate wasn’t
very fresh.
2. She cut her hand while she was chopping vegetables . It was a very deep cut and it was
………… a lot , she had to go to hospital and have it stitched.
3. She can’t play tennis . She has …….. her right arm .
4. Where exactly is the …….. and how long have you had it.
5. I can't swallow .I have a sore throat and a …………. of 39 degrees.

B/ Match the word and the phrase in List A with their meaning in List B : (choose Five only)
1-Surprised a-loss consciousness
2-Pushing b- shaking
3-Without success c-paramedics
4-Faint d-puzzled
5-Woke up e- to no avail
6- Medical helpers f-regained consciousness

C/ Complete the following with correctly spelt words. Do 5 only

1- Big , bigger ; funny , -------------- 2- polite , impolite : popular , ---------------
3- courage , courageous ; mercy , ----------- 4- Joints in the leg: A……
5- boy , boys ; church , --------- 6- tall , taller ; good , --------------

Q5/ write 100 to 120 words on "Cigarette advertising should be illegal".

27 ‫ ص‬A ‫ت‬
1– I used to like travelling, but I don't like it anymore.
2– We were speeding when we saw the police car.
3– While my baggage was going through the X-ray machine , I walked through the metal de...
4– We didn't use to have security cameras, but now we have six of them
5– I didn't have my passport, so they didn't let me get on the plane.
6– She was walking home from school when she heard the police siren.
7– I used to watch action films on TV, but now I prefer documentaries.
8– The security guard saw the thieves because he was watching the screen
42 ‫ ت‬D ‫ت‬
The police got a call about a robbery last night. When they got the (1) crime scene they found
Footprints and (2) fingerprints they think they left by the criminal . they are still (3)
Investigating the crime, but they think they will (4) arrest someone soon . Police caught a (5)
pickpocket who had stolen several wallets and mobile phones at the airport. The same man
also stole some baggage that a passenger had left (6) unattended in the waiting Room while he
bought a magazine. The thief had (7) disposed of the stolen property when the Police found
him, but they spoke to a (8) witness who said she had seen him steal the items.
42 ‫ ص‬C ‫ت‬
1. Drivers must obey the speed limit
2. You mustn't drive without your seat belt on
3. Your car mustn't have broken lights
4. You can take the bus , so you don't have to take your car
5. When you ride a motorcycle , you must wear a helmet
6. You must pay a fine when you get a ticket
7. You must slow down at a roundabout , but you don't have to stop
8. You must let people cross ٍ the street at pedestrian crossing
9. If you commit a crime , the police will arrest you

‫االسقاطات الوزارية لهذا اليونت‬
pickpockets , register , commit ,enhance , supervise, occurred, burglar , investigated,
statement, ignition , fingerprints, unattended , pay , replace , Footprints , property,
empty, robbery

1- Don‟t leave your keys in the ………...

2- None of the missing ………….has been found.
3- …………… can tell you what type of shoes a thief was wearing.
4- When the police got to the crime scene they found footprints and………….
5- Don‟t leave your wallet …………..on a bus bench .
6.It is ………to find ways to reduce the pollution of the environment.
7-To get a better, you have to……..your skills.
8- Crowded areas attract ……..who try to steal people‟s wallets.
9-There is nothing in the bag. It‟s…………..
10- A …………..can hide behind trees and bushes.
11-I have to…………the door it is not solid.
12-The police officer………. the criminal and put him in prison.
13-Our company needs technicians to ………….. new employees.
14-A robbery ………….. yesterday and valuable things were stolen.
15-You must ………. A fine when you get a tieket.
16-The police got a call about a ………..last night
17-You mustn‟t …………without your seat belt on
18- If you …….. a crime, the police will arrest you.
19-You can………..for this class by completing a form online.

; ‫االجوبة‬

1-ignition . 2-Property. 3- Footprints. 4- fingerprints. 5- unattended.

6-statement. 7-enhance 8- pickpockets. 9- empty. 10- burglar.
11-replace. 12-investigated. 13-supervise 14. Occurred. 15-pay.
16- robbery. 17- drive 18- commit 19-register

28 ‫ ص‬A ‫ت‬
1 Rules that everybody in the country must follow = laws ‫قواعد يجب على كل هيئة في البالد اتباعها‬
‫= قوانين‬
2 Get information about a crime = investigate = ‫الحصول على معلومات حوال الجريمة‬
3 Put someone in prison = arrest ( ‫) وزاري‬ ‫وضع شخص في السجن = يقبض‬
4 a person who saw or heard something at the time of a ‫الشخص الذي يسمع أو يرى شيئا وقت‬
crime = witness ( ‫) وزاري‬ ‫الجريمة = الشاهد‬
5 a person who steals money from your pocket = pick = ‫الشخص الذي يسرق المال من جيبك‬
pocket ( ‫) وزاري‬ ‫نشال‬

29 ‫ ص‬A ‫ت‬
1 Without someone looking after it = unattended ( ‫) وزاري‬ ‫دون شخص يعتني بذلك = دون مراقبة‬
2 Bags and suitcases that carry your possessions on a = ‫الحقائب التي تحمل حاجتك في رحلة‬
journey = baggage ‫أمتعة‬
3 There is nothing in it = empty ( ‫) وزاري‬ ‫ال يوجد شيء فيه = فارغ‬
4 Throw away / get rid of = dispose of ( ‫) وزاري‬ ‫ التخلص = التخلص من‬/ ‫رمي بعيدا‬
5 Say you are carrying something you need to pay duty on ‫أقول أنك تحمل شيء يحتاج لدفع واجب‬
= declare. ‫عنه = تعلن‬

‫* ورد في سؤال االمالءات أيضا‬ 33 ‫ ص‬A ‫ت‬

1 branches = parts ‫فروع = اقسام‬
2 join = become a member of ‫انضمام = عضو في‬
3 install = put in ‫تثبيت = وضع في‬
4 maintain = make sure it keeps working ‫الحفاظ على = التأكد انها تعمل‬
5 officer = someone in a higher position ‫ضابط = شخص في منصب‬
6 supervise = be in charge of ( ‫) وزاري‬ ‫مشرف = يكون مسؤول على‬
7 civilian = outside the military ( ‫) وزاري‬ ‫مدني = خارج الجيش‬

43 ‫ ص‬E ‫ت‬

1-I must get up early tomorrow » because I don’t want to be late. ( ‫) وزاري‬
‫يجب ان استيقظ مبكرا يوم غد ألنني ال اريد ان اتأخر‬

2-You needn’t take so much baggage » on weekend trip. ( ‫) وزاري‬

‫ال تحتاج ان تأخذ كثيرا من االمتعة في رحلة نهاية االسبوع‬
( ‫) وزاري‬
3-We mustn’t forget » to take our passports
‫يجب ان ال ننسى ان نأخذ جوازات سفرنا‬
( ‫) وزاري‬
4-You need to get a special license » to drive a lorry
‫تحتاج اجازة خاصة لسياقة لوري‬
( ‫) وزاري‬
5-She has to » wear a uniform at her new job
‫يجب عليها ارتداء زي رسمي في وضيفتها الجديدة‬
( ‫) وزاري‬
6-I don’t have to » leave so soon
‫ال يتوجب علي ان اغادر مبكرا‬

32 ‫ ص‬E ‫ت‬

1– You shouldn’t have any trouble doing the work » because it is very easy ( ‫) وزاري‬
‫يجب ان ال يكون لديك أي مشكلة بحل هذا التمرين ألنه سهل جدا‬
2– It shouldn’t take me more than 15 minutes to drive there » because there isn’t much
traffic ‫ دقيقة ألنه ال يوجد ازدحام كثير‬15 ‫ال ينبغي أن يستغرق مني اكثر من‬
3– They should be very comfortable » because it's a very nice hotel . ( ‫) وزاري‬
‫يجب ان يكونوا مستريحين ألنه فندق لطيف جدا‬
4- I can speak English and Arabic » so I should be able to talk to most of the visitors. ( ‫) وزاري‬
‫استطيع تحدث االنكليزية والعربية لذلك يتوجب علي الحديث مع معظم الزائرين‬
5– If he's used computers before » he should know how to use this software .( ‫) وزاري‬
‫اذا كان يستخدم الحاسوب من قبل فأنه يتوجب عليه معرفة كيف يستخدم هذا البرنامج‬
6– If you send the letter today « she should get it by Monday . ( ‫) وزاري‬
‫اذا ارسلت الرسالة اليوم فيجب ان تحصل عليها قبل االثنين‬

)‫) وزاري‬
) ‫ اختصار‬abbreviation ( ) ‫( يحفظ من الجهتين‬ 30 ‫ ص‬A ‫ت‬
‫الكلمة‬ ‫اختصارها‬ ‫المعني‬
1 Office buildings Office bldgs. ‫مجمع مكاتب‬
2 18 years 18 yrs. ‫ سنة‬18
3 Speak English and Arabic Spk. Engl. and Arab. ‫يتكلم االنكليزية والعربية‬
4 Available at weekend Avail. At w-e. ‫متواجد في نهاية االسبوع‬
5 Driving license Driving lic. ‫أجازه سوق‬
6 Company Co. ‫شركة‬
7 Computer Comp. ‫حاسوب‬
8 Appointment Appt. ‫تعيين‬
9 Experience Exp. ‫خبرة‬
10 Frequent Freq. ‫منتظم‬
11 Street St. ‫شارع‬

Ex : The abbreviation of ( computer ) is : comp.

36 ‫ ص‬C ‫ت‬
Formal ‫ رسمي‬- Less formal ‫ أقل رسمية‬- ‫المعنى‬
1 Occurred Happened ‫حدث‬
2 Injured Hurt ‫مصاب‬
3 Alerted called ‫اتصل‬
4 Investigate Find out ‫يحقق‬
5 Property stuff ‫ممتلكات‬

‫• في سؤال االختيارات نختار دائما العبارات الرسمية‬

Ex : At 11.15 police were ( alerted / called ) by Mr. smith

‫ هي كلمات تأتي مع بعضها لتتم المعنى‬: ) ‫• االسماء المركبة ( المتالزمات اللفظية‬

‫االلفاظ‬ ‫المعنى‬
1 Foot print ‫أثر القدم‬
2 Finger print ‫أثر االصبع‬
3 Radar speed gun ‫رادار تحديد السرعة‬
4 Metal detector ‫جهاز كشف المعادن‬
5 X-ray machine ‫جهاز أشعة أكس‬
6 Security camera ‫كاميرا أمنية‬
7 Security guard ‫حارس أمني‬
8 Crime scene ‫مشهد الجريمة‬
9 Speed limit ‫معادل السرعة‬
10 Conveyor belt ‫حزام ناقل‬

31 ‫ ص‬D ‫ت‬

1– [ Could I speak to / I want to talk to ] Mr. Hazem ?

2– [ Will / May ] I ask who's calling?

3– [ This / That ] is Samir Esam. ( ‫) وزاري‬

4– [ Just a moment / Just ] wait, please.

5– Good morning. [ Is that / Are you ] Mr. Hazem? ( ‫) وزاري‬

6– I'm calling [ about / because ] your advert in yesterday's paper. ( ‫) وزاري‬

7– All right then, [ would / do ] you like to come in for an appointment?

8– Yes, I would. [ What is a good time / When do I come ] ?

41 ‫ ص‬A ‫ت‬

1– The Land Force, the Navy and the Air Force are all [ branches / types ] of the military
( ‫) وزاري‬

2– You must be 18 years old to [ belong / join ] the military. ( ‫) وزاري‬

3– The military needs people to [ care for / maintain ] its equipment and vehicles.

4– In the military, you can take a test to become an [ Officer / Official ] ( ‫) وزاري‬

5– If you pass this test, you have more responsibility and you [ Investigate / supervise ] other
people. ( ‫) وزاري‬

6– When you leave the military, your training can help you find a [ criminal / civilian ]

‫نصيحة حول كيفية الحصول على وظيفة‬
Advice on how to get the job

Q) Ahmed wants to be a security guard. He is meeting the manager of a security company

tomorrow morning at 9.00. It takes thirty minutes to go from his house to the security company.
The manager sent him directions and a map. As well Use you should or you shouldn’t in your
letter at least five times, write two paragraphs. Write a letter to Ahmed of 100 to 120 words
giving him advice on how to get the job.

‫عزيزي أحمد‬
‫ أشعر أنه من المهم أن أقدم لك بعض‬، ‫ لذلك‬.‫أنا أعلم أنك جدا قلق للقاء مدير شركة االمن للحصول على وظيفة حارس امن‬
..‫النصائح التي تساعدك في هذه المقابلة‬
Dear Ahmed,
I know you are very worried to meet the manager of the security company to get a
job as a security guard. Therefore, I feel it is important to give you some advice that
help you in this interview.
.‫ يجب أل تتأخر سيخلق هذا انطباعا جيدا بأنك دقيق‬.‫ يجب ان تصل في الوقت المحدد‬: ‫أوال‬
First, you should arrive on time. You shouldn’t be late. This will create a good
impression that you are punctual.
‫ يجب أن تكون عارفا ألهداف الشركة‬،‫ ثالثًا‬.‫ أعتقد أنه يجب عليك اخذ تكسي للوصول إلى هناك‬،‫ثانيا‬
Second, I think you should take a taxi to get there. Third, you should be know the
aims of the company.
.‫ يجب عليك ارتداء مالبس رسمية‬.‫ يجب عليك أن تلبس جيدا وتهتم بمالبسك‬،‫وعالوة على ذلك‬
Furthermore, you should dress well and take care of your clothes. You should wear
formal clothes.
.‫ يجب أن تكون مرتاحا‬،‫ باإلضافة إلى ذلك‬.‫ يجب عليك إعطاء إجابات مقنعة على أسئلة الشخص الذي يجري المقابلة‬، ‫بعدها‬
.‫خجوال‬ ‫يجب أال تكون‬
Next, you should give convincing answers to the questions of the interviewer. In
addition, you should be relaxed. you shouldn’t be shy
‫ يجب ان تشكر الشخص الذي يقابلك بعد المقابلة‬،‫وأخيرا‬
‫أطيب األماني‬
Finally, you should thank the interviewer after the interview
Best wishes

police officers
1. Why do people have to follow the law ? ‫لماذا يتوجب على الناس اتباع القانون‬
People have to follow the law so that we can all live together safely
‫الناس يجب ان يتبعوا القانون لكي يمكننا ان نعيش سويا بسالم‬

2. do police officers have a lot of duties ? ‫هل ضباط الشرطة لديهم واجبات عديده‬
Yes. they do ‫نعم لديهم‬
3. What are the duties of the police officers ? ‫ماهي واجبات ضباط الشرطة‬
They direct traffic , investigate crimes like robberies , try to prevent crimes and help
people with everyday problems
‫ضباط الشرطة يوجهوا السير ويحققوا بالجرائم مثل السرقة ويحاولوا ان يمنعوا الجرائم ومساعدة الناس بمشاكلهم اليومية‬

4. What are the duties of the traffic police officer ? ‫ماهي واجبات ضابط شرطة المرور‬
a. they direct traffic and makes sure that drivers can use the roads easily and without
having accident ‫يوجه السير ويتأكد ان السواق باستطاعتهم استخدام الطريق بسهوله وبدون حوادث‬
b. They use radar speed guns to identify people who are driving too fast .
‫يستخدمون رادار كشف السرعة لتحديد الناس الذين يسوقون بسرعه عالية‬

5. One of the police have a lot of duties investigate crimes

6. Why do some police officers direct traffic ? ‫لماذا بعض ضباط الشرطة يوجهون حركة المرور ؟‬
they directs traffic To makes sure that drivers can use the roads easily and without
having accident ‫يوجه السير ليتأكد ان السواق باستطاعتهم استخدام الطريق بسهوله وبدون حوادث‬
7. Why do the police officers use radar speed guns? ‫لماذا ضباط الشرطة يستخدموا رادار كشف السرعة‬
They use radar speed guns to identify people who are driving too fast.
‫هم يستخدموا رادار كشف السرعة لتحديد الناس الذين يسوقوا بسرعه‬

8. Why must drivers and passengers wear their seat belts ? OR why do some police
officers check that drivers and passengers are wearing seat belt ?
‫لماذا يجب على السواق والمسافرين ارتداء احزمة االمان ؟‬
Because seat belts can prevent serious injuries if you have an accident .
‫الن احزمة االمان يمكن ان تمنع االصابات الخطرة اذا حصل حادث‬

9. Why mustn't drivers speed ? ‫لماذا ال يجب على السائقين السرعة ؟‬

drivers mustn't speed because it is one of the leading causes of death on the road
‫الن السرعة واحد من االسباب المؤدية للموت على الطريق‬

10. Why do some people get angry? ‫لماذا بعض الناس يغضبون‬
They angry because they don’t like to wear seat belts. ‫النهم ال يحبوا ان يرتدوا احزمة االمان‬

11. Why are the police officer sent to the place of crime? ‫لماذا ضباط الشرطة يرسلوا الى مكان الجريمة‬
to investigate crimes like robberies and to look for evidence , like footprints and
fingerprints ‫لكي يحققوا بالجرائم مثل السرقات ولكي يبحثوا عن دليل مثل طبع االقدام والبصمات‬
12. What do the police officers need to look for in the place of crime? Why ?
‫ماذا يحتاج ضباط الشرطة ان يبحثوا في مكان الجريمة‬
They need to look for evidence , like footprints and fingerprints. to identify and arrest
the criminal ‫هم يحتاجوا ان يبحثوا عن دليل مثل طبع االقدام والبصمات لتحديد واعتقال المجرم‬
13. footprints and fingerprints can be used by police to identify and arrest the criminal
14. Why don’t the police officers have to recognize the fingerprints themselves?
‫لماذا ال يجب على ضباط الشرطة ان يميزوا البصمات بأنفسهم ؟‬
because there are fingerprints experts who do that. ‫النه هناك خبراء بصمات يفعلون ذلك‬
15. How can witnesses help the police ? ‫كيف يستطيع الشاهد مساعدة الشرطة‬
by telling them what a criminal looks like or what time a crime was committed .
‫عن طريق اخبارهم كيف يبدوا المجرم او ما هو الوقت الذي اقترفت فيه الجريمة‬
16. What is a witness? ‫ما هو الشاهد‬
Is a person who saw or heard something at the time of a crime
‫هو الشخص الذي شاهد او سمع شيء ما وقت الجريمة‬
17. How do the police officers try to prevent crime? ‫كيف يحاول ضباط الشرطة منع الجريمة‬
They often watch places where they think crimes are likely to happen.
‫هم غالبا يراقبوا االماكن التي يعتقدوا ان الجرائم محتملة الحدوث فيها‬
18. What do crowded area attract ? OR which places attract pickpockets ?
‫ماذا تجذب االماكن المزدحمة ؟ أو أي االماكن تجذب النشالين‬
Crowded area attract pickpockets who try to steal people's wallets , and shops that sell
expensive items ‫اماكن المزدحمة تجذب النشالين الذين يحاولون سرقة المحافظ واالماكن التي تبيع االشياء الغالية‬
19. Why does the police officer like his job ? ‫لماذا ضابط الشرطة يحب مهنته‬
a- He likes solving crimes . ‫هو يحب حل الجرائم‬
b- He likes the feeling that he's helping people . ‫يحب الشعور بانه يساعد الناس‬
20. Police officers try to prevent crime and solve crimes .
17 + 16 + 15 + 13 + 12 + 6 + ٥ + ٢ + 1 : ‫االسئلة الوزارية‬

The Radar
1. When was radar invented? Why?‫متى اخترع الرادار‬
It was invented during the Second World War to detect enemy aircraft and ships
‫اخترع خالل الحرب العالمية الثانية ليكشف طائرات وسفن العدو‬
2. What was the radar used for ?‫لماذا كان يستخدم الرادار‬
To detect enemy aircraft and ships , Weather prediction and Catch speeders
‫ امساك المسرعين‬، ‫ التنبؤ بالطقس‬، ‫ليكشف طائرات وسفن العدو‬
3. Why did police officers start using radar speed guns?
‫لماذا بدا ضباط الشرطة باستخدام رادار مراقبة سرعة‬
Police officers started using radar speed guns to catch speeders.
‫ضباط الشرطة بدأ باستخدام رادار مراقبة السرعة لكشف المسرعين‬
4. What is a radar speed gun? ‫ما هو رادار مراقبة السرعة‬
It is one of the most common tools in law enforcement which helps keep our
roads safe. ‫هو واحد من الوسائل الشائعة في فرض القانون والتي تساعد في الحفاض على طرقننا امنة‬
5. When did police officers start using radar speed guns? ‫متى بدا ضباط الشرطة باستخدامه‬
Over 50 years ago. ‫ما يزيد عن الخمسين عاما‬
6. How does radar speed gun work? ‫كيف يعمل رادار مراقبة السرعة‬
It works by sending radio waves towards a car‫يعمل عبر ارسال موجات راديوية تجاه السيارة‬
7. What happens when the waves hit the car? ‫ماذا يحدث عندما الموجات تصطدم بالسيارة‬
When the waves hit the car , they bounce back towards the radar gun.
‫عندما تصطدم الموجات بالسيارة ترجع باتجاه رادار المراقبة‬
8. What happens if the car isn’t moving? ‫ماذا يحصل اذا كانت السيارة ال تتحرك‬
The radio waves are the same as when they were sent
‫الموجات الراديوية هي نفس الشي مثلما ارسلت‬ .

9. What happens if the car is moving? ‫ماذا يحصل اذا كانت السيارة تتحرك‬
The space between the radio waves changes. ‫الفراغ بين الموجات الراديوية‬
10. How do the police officers know that the car is speeding?
‫كيف يعرف ضباط الشرطة ان السيارة مسرعة‬
They know that when the space between the radio waves changed
‫هم يعرفوا ذلك عندما الفراغ بين الموجات الراديوية يتغير‬
11. How does the radar calculate the speed of the car? ‫كيف يحسب الرادار سرعة السيارة‬
By measuring the changing of the space between the radio waves.
‫عن طريق قياس تغير الفراغ بين الموجات الراديوية‬
12. Why can’t you avoid a ticket by speeding away ?
‫لماذا ال يمكنك تجنب بطاقة الغرامة عن طريق الهرب مسرعا ؟‬
A driver can't avoid a ticket by speeding away because radar guns work when the
car is moving towards or away from them.
‫الن رادار مراقبة السرعة تعمل عندما السيارة تتحرك باتجاه او بعيدا عنها‬
13. What are the different types of radar guns ? ‫ما هي االنواع المختلفة من رادار المراقبة‬
a. The first type is the hand-held and are shaped a bit like guns.
‫النوع االول يمسك باليد وشكله يشبه قليال المسدس‬
b. The second type can take a picture of car`s license plate as well as its speed.
‫النوع الثاني يستطيع اخذ صوره للوحة تسجيل السيارة كذلك سرعتها‬
14. What the radar speed gun that can be used from moving cars take into account?
‫ماذا يأخذ بالحس بان الرادار المستخدم من سيارة متحركة‬
The radar gun takes into account the speed of the police vehicle.
‫راداري خذ بالحس بان سرعة سيارة الشرطة‬
15. Why don’t the police have to stop the speeding car when they used the radar that can
take a picture of a car’s license plate ‫لماذا ال يتوجب على ضباط الشرطة ايقاف السيارة المسرعة‬
‫عندما يستخدمون الرادار الذي يستطيع اخذ صورة للسيارة المسرعة ؟‬
because they use the information on the license plate to identify the owner of the
car and then send him a speeding ticket
‫النهم يستخدمون المعلومات على لوحة التسجيل لتشخيص مالك السيارة ثم يرسلون له بطاقة غرامة السرعة‬
16. Why is the type which can take a picture of car`s license plate as well as its speed
better than the hand-held one?
‫لماذا النوع الذي يستطيع اخذ صورة للوحة تجيل السيارة وكذلك سرعتها افضل من الذي يمسك باليد ؟‬
because the police do not have to stop the speeding car , they use the information
on the license plate to identify the owner of the car. ‫الن الشرطة ال يتوجب عليهم ايقاف‬
‫السيارة المسرعة النهم يستخدمون المعلومات على لوحة التسجيل لتحديد مالك السيارة‬
17. Why do some drivers use the radar detector ? ‫لماذا بعض السواق يستخدمون كاشف‬
They use it to avoid radar speed guns so that they won`t get a ticket.
‫انهم يستخدموها لتجنب رادار كاشف السرعة لكي ال يحصلوا على غرامة‬
18. What are the radar detectors ?‫ما هو كاشف الرادار‬
It's machines that used by some drivers to detect radar speed guns
‫هي االله التي يستخدمها بعض السواق لكشف رادار مراقبة السرعة‬
19. How can drivers avoid radar speed guns? ‫كيف يتجنب السائقين رادار السرعة ؟‬
They use radar detectors to detect radar speed guns. ‫يستخدموا كاشف الرادار‬
20. What do the radar detectors make when they detect a radar gun ?
‫ماذا يعمل كاشف الرادار عندما يكشف المسدس الرادار ؟‬
They make a beeping sound when they detect a radar gun
‫تعمل صوت صفير عندما تكشف رادار‬
21. What do the drivers do when Radar detectors make a beeping sound or detect
radar speed guns?
‫ماذا يفعل السائقين عندما كاشف السرعة يعمل صوت صفير او يكشف مسدسات رادار السرعة ؟‬
The driver slow down .‫السائق يبطئ‬

22. What are the problems that could face those who used the radar detector?
‫ما هي المشاكل التي قد تواجه اولئك الذين يستخدمون رادار كاشف السرعة ؟‬
a. some police officers don`t turn on their radar speed gun until they see a car that
they think is speeding
‫بعض ضباط الشرطة ال يشغلون رادار السرعة حتى يشاهدوا السيارة التي يعتقدون انها مسرعة‬
b. in some places it is illegal to use radar detector and you can get a fine for having
one ‫ في بعض االماكن غير شرعي ان يستخدم كاشف الرادار وقد تحصل على غرامه اذا امتلكت واحد‬.

23. What do some people claim about radar guns? ‫ماذا يدعي بعض الناس حول الرادار‬
They claim that radar guns can make mistakes and that drivers get tickets when
they shouldn't
‫هم يدعوا ان الرادار قد يعمل اخطاء وبان السواق يحصلون غرامات عندما ال يتوجب عليهم ذلك‬
24. How can the police officers use the radar speed gun correctly?
‫كيف يستطيع ضباط الشرطة استخدام المسدس الرادار بصورة صحيحة‬
▪ the police officers must be trained to use these guns properly.
‫ضباط الشرطة يجب ان يكونوا مدربين الستخدام هذه المسدسات بصورة صحيحة‬
▪ the radar speed gun must be checked and fixed regularly.
‫مسدس رادار السرعة يجب ان يكون مفحوص وتتم صيانة سرعته بصورة دوريه‬
25. What are the rules about radar guns maintenance? ‫ماهي قوانين صيانة الرادار ؟‬
If the radar guns are checked and fixed regularly, they are an essential tool in
helping Keep our roads safe
.‫اذا تم فحص وصيانة الرادار بصورة دوريه فهي وسيله ضرورية في الحفاظ على طرقنا امنة‬
26. How should radar speed guns be maintained? ‫كيف يجب أن تصان رادارات مراقبة السرعة ؟‬
They should be maintained by checking and fixing regularly. ‫عبر فحصها وتصليحها‬
27. How could the police avoid mistakes when using radar speed guns?
‫كيف يمكن للشرطة تجاوز االخطاء عند استعمال رادار كاشف السرعة ؟‬
Radar speed guns mistakes can be avoided if the radar guns are used correctly
and police officers are trained to use them properly.
‫يمكن تجنب أخطاء مدافع سرعة الرادار إذا تم استخدام مدافع الرادار بشكل صحيح ويتم تدريب ضباط‬
‫الشرطة الستخدامها بشكل صحيح‬
28. Police department don't use radar guns anymore (False)
29. Police guns can only calculate the speed of a car moving towards them (False)
30. Some radar guns are shaped a bit like guns (True)
31. A radar detector make beeping noise if it senses radar being used in area (True)
32. There are two main problems with radar detectors (True)
33. Police must be trained to use the radar gun correctly (True)
34. Radar guns don't need any maintenance (False)

‫ االسئلة الستة االخيرة‬+ 27 + 26 + 25 + 18 + 17 + ١٢ + ٦ + ٣ + ١ : ‫االسئلة الوزارية‬

‫اختبارات وزارية‬
Q1) A- Read the following story.
As Anna and Emily were on their way to visit some friends, their car broke down. Anna, like
many people, knew nothing about cars. Luckily, there was a garage not far away from the spot
and with the help of some people the car was brought there. Soon the mechanic came and
without noticing the engine he claimed that the matter was serious and they had to leave the car
there for it needed a full day's work. The mechanic had certainly discovered that his visitors knew
nothing about cars. Emily suggested that he should at least look at the engine for it might need
some fitting. The mechanic opened the bonnet and again insisted that it was serious. Then he
turned to his workshop waiting for their decision. It happened that Emily noticed a loose wire and
asked Anna to put it in place. She did so and to their great pleasure, the engine started. The
mechanic was astonished to find out that the car had disappeared when he came out later.

Now answer (five) of the following questions:

1. Was the mechanic honest ?
2. Why was the mechanic surprised ?
3. What was the matter with the car ?
4. What did the mechanic claim ?
5.What did Emily suggest to the mechanic ?
6. Give the passage a suitable title .

B) Answer or complete the following sentences. Do 5 only

1. One of the duties of a police officer is to …………………………
2. The officers direct traffic to make sure ……………………….
3. How can witnesses help the police ?
4. Fingerprints and footprints can help to ……………………..
5. Radar speed guns can be maintained if they are …………………
6. Why can’t you avoid a ticket by speeding away?

Q2) Grammar and Function:

A / Do as required. Do 10 only.
1. ( help you with your baggage ). (Offer. Use shall)
2. My father asked someone to fix the computer. My father ………….. ( Use get )
3. You mustn't …………. ( drives ) without your seat belt on. (correct verb )
4. Keep your passport in a safe place. ( Give advice )
5. This is a new computer, so I think it is faster than the other one. ( should or shouldn't )
6. empty your pockets. ( make polite request).
7. get some magazines before boarding. (make suggestion)
8. some money. (make an offer)
9. Ask your teacher’s advice to buy the red bicycle or the blue one.
10. wake up early . (show necessary).
11. Offer to type the letter for your friend. (use: will )
12. park in illegal area. It is not allowed .(Give advice use: avoid )

B) Choose the correct alternative: Do 5 only

1. We left two hours early. We (should / shouldn't) miss the plane.
2. The noise (made / had / got) him look outside.
3. (Would you like , Shall I , I'll ) a cup of coffee?
4. In the military, you can take a test to become an ( officer / official )
5. Could I speak to / I want to talk to Mr. Hazem?
6. Will/May I ask who is calling?

Vocabulary and Spelling :
Q3) A / Complete the following sentences from the words in the box.
witness , empty , wear , obey , fine , pickpocket , police
1. There is nothing in the bag. It's …………………..
2. You must pay a …….. when you get a ticket.
3. Police caught a ………. who had stolen several wallets at the airport.
4. The police spoke to a ………. who said she had seen him steal the items from the bag.
5. When you ride a motorcycle , you must …….. a helmet
6. Drivers must …….. the speed limit

B) Match the beginnings and endings of the sentences (choose Five only)
1. She hast to a. she should get it by Monday
2. If you send the letter today b. wear a uniform at her new job
3. Rules that everybody in the country must follow C. So I should be able to talk to most of
the visitors
4. Bags and suitcases that carry your possessions on a journey d. Baggage
5. We mustn’t forget e. Laws
6. I can speak English and Arabic f. To take our passports to take our passports

C) Complete the following with correctly spelt words. Do 5 only

1- Office buildings , Office bldgs. ; Driving license , --------------
2- Company , Co. : Computer , ---------------
3- Property , stuff ; Investigate , -----------
4- Injured : Hurt , Occurred …….......
5- Experience , Exp. ; Frequent , ---------
6- Speed , Speed limit ; Finger , --------------

Q5) Ahmed wants to be a security guard. He is meeting the manager of a security company
tomorrow morning at 9.00. It takes thirty minutes to go from his house to the security
company. The manager sent him directions and a map. As well Use you should or you
shouldn’t in your letter at least five times, write two paragraphs. Write a letter to Ahmed of
100 to 120 words giving him advice on how to get the job.


68 ‫ ص‬A ‫ت‬
1. Salwa works with the director of the company . She writes all his letters and answers the
telephone . She is his secretary .
2.Captain Yousef has been a pilot for ten years now . At the moment , he flies planes from
Europe to the Gulf .
3. Jameel nearly drowned at the beach yesterday . Luckily , the lifeguard saw him and
rescued him .
4. 'Who designed that amazing building ?' My uncle . He's a famous architect you know .
5. My sister is a tour guide She takes tourists sightseeing in London every day.
6. Have you read the article about dhows in this magazine ? It's by my aunt who is a
journalist .

69 ‫ ص‬c ‫ت‬
1. I'm hungry . Let's have lunch in the college canteen .
2. You'll really enjoy studying there . All the staff are really friendly and helpful.
3. Please fill in this form . Write your name here and all the other details underneath
4. What is your title ? Is it Mrs. , Miss or Dr ?

5. I would like to go on a computer course to improve my skills.

6. I didn't know what to do after leaving school , but one of my teachers gave me some very
good advice .
7. They didn't know which class I should be in , so I did a test to find out what level my
English was .
8. I can't get that job because I don't have the right qualifications
9. I want to go university and get a Science degree.
10. I am interested in the environment. I'd like a career in ecology

) 27 ( + ) 32 ( ‫ تمرين في كتاب الطالب ص‬+

‫االسقاطات الوزارية لهذا اليونت‬
Literal , postgraduate , Freelance , career , translation , conference , lifeguard , enrol ,
architect , astounded, canteen , booth , workshop , experience , tour guide , title, scared ,

1-I wasn‟t a good ……..because I didn‟t speak enough languages.

2- She pays money from her irregular ……… into the couples

3- “who designed that amazing building ? “ my uncle. He‟s a famous………..

4-He was really ……….by the help available in the bank.

5-I‟m going to………… a computer class.

6-………..translation doesn‟t convey the sense.

7-I couldn‟t get a job . There was no……………..

8-There were speakers from every oil - producing country' at the…………

9-Salwa works with the director of the company. She writes all his letters and answers the

telephone. She is his………..

10-He has a …………diploma in tour guiding.

11-Literal………….doesn‟t always give the right meaning.

12-What is your………..?Is it Mrs,Miss or Dr?

13-I‟m hungry.Let‟s have lunch in the college…………

14- A …… a box - like room where interpreters work

15-I‟m on my way to register for a computer ………..

16- I‟m a bit ……………of heights

17- I am interested in the environment. I'd like a ………. in ecology

18- all of our teachers are qualifications and highly .........

: ‫االجوبة‬

1- tour guide. 2- freelance. 3- architect. 4- astounded. 5- enrol.

6- Literal. 7- lifeguard 8-conference 9-secretary. 10- postgraduate.
11- translation. 12- title. 13-canteen 14- booth 15- workshop
16- scared 17- career 18- experience

51 ‫ ص‬A ‫ت‬
1) I would have trained as a pilot if I had passed » the eye test
‫كنت سأتدرب كطيار لو اني اجتزت اختبار العيون‬
2) I would have been a doctor if I hadn’t been » scared of blood
‫كنت سأكون طبيبا لو لم اكن خائف من الدماء‬
3) I might have become an engineer if I hadn’t been » scared of heights
‫كنت سأصبح مهندس لو لم اكن خائف من المرتفعات‬
4) I would have stayed in the police force if I hadn’t been » so unfit
‫كنت سأبقى في قوة الشرطة لو لم اكن غير مالئم‬
5) I could have been a good tour guide if I'd spoken » more languages.
‫كنت سأكون دليل سياحي جيد لو كنت اتحدث كثير من اللغات‬

62 ‫ ص‬A ‫ت‬
1) I can't get to sleep » if I drink a lot of coffee.
‫ال استطيع ان انام اذا شربت كثير من القهوة‬
2) If I lend my brother CDs » he always loses them.
‫اذا اقرضت اخي اقراص السي دي هو دائما يضيعها‬
3) If you work in marketing » your job is to encourage people to buy.
‫اذا عملت في التسويق فوظيفتك تشجيع الناس على الشراء‬
4) If you are good at languages » you can be an interpreter.
‫اذا كنت جيد في اللغات يمكنك ان تصبح مترجم‬
5) My parents get worried » if I come home late.
‫والدي يقلقون اذا جئت متأخرا للبيت‬
6) You need to improve your English » if you want to study in Britain.
‫تحتاج ان تطور لغتك االنكليزية اذا اردت ان تدرس في بريطانيا‬
7) Food goes bad » unless you keep it in the fridge. ( ‫) وزاري‬
‫الطعام يفسد مالم تحتفظ به في الثالجة‬

69 ‫ ص‬B ‫ت‬
1) If you dislike something , you » don't like it
‫إذا كنت تكره شيئا فأنت ال تحبه‬
2) If you distrust someone , you » don’t have confidence in them
‫إذا كنت ال تثق بشخص ما فأنك ال تثق به‬
3) If you disconnect your tv , you » can't see the picture anymore
‫ فانك ال تستطيع رؤيه الصورة بعد االن‬، ‫إذا قمت بفصل جهاز التلفاز‬
4) If you discourage someone , you » make them feel they can't do something
‫ فأنت تجعلهم يشعرون بأنهم ال يستطيعون فعل شيء ما‬، ‫إذا كنت ال تشجع أي شخص‬
5) If you disobey someone , you » don't do what they say
‫ فانت ال تفعل ما يقولونه‬، ‫إذا كنت ال تطيع احدهم‬
6) If something had disappeared , you » can't see it
‫ فأنت ال تستطيع رؤيته‬، ‫إذا كان شيء ما أختفى‬

74 ‫ ص‬B ‫ت‬
( ‫) وزاري‬
1) Yearly = annual
‫سنويا = سنويا‬
( ‫) وزاري‬
2) Things you put over your ears to listen privately = head phones
‫االشياء التي توضع على اذنيك لالستماع بشكل خاص = سماعات الرأس‬
3) The box-like room where interprets work = booth
‫صندوق غرفة حيث المترجمين يعملون = كشك‬
4) In a difficult situation = under pressure
‫في وضع صعب = تحت الضغط‬
5) Give an idea of the meaning = convey the sense
‫أعطاء فكرة عن المعنى = نقل المعنى‬
6) Wanted and needed = in demand
‫المطلوب واالحتياجات = في الطلب‬
( ‫) وزاري‬
7) Unemployed = out of a job
‫العاطلين عن العمل = خارج المهن‬

‫فوائد دراسة اللغة اإلنكليزية في بريطانيا‬
Advantages of studying English in Britain

Q) Write 100 to 120 words on " The advantages of studying English in Britain "

.‫أنا شخصيا أعتقد أن بريطانيا هي أفضل مكان لدراسة اإلنجليزية ألنها مسقط رأس وموطن اللغة اإلنجليزية‬

Personally, I think Britain is the best place to study English , because it is the
birthplace and home of English language.
‫ يمكنك سماع األشخاص الذين يتحدثون اإلنجليزية‬،‫ باإلضافة إلى ذلك‬.‫ يمكنك التأكد من أعلى معايير التدريس والرعاية‬،‫ثانيا‬
. ‫ في العديد من المواقف المختلفة‬،‫طوال اليوم‬
Second, you can be sure of the highest standards of teaching and care. In addition, you
can hear people speaking English all day, in many different situations.
‫ فإن هذه‬،‫ ونتيجة لذلك‬.‫ خاصة إذا كنت تقيم مع عائلة بريطانية‬،‫يمكنك الحصول على الكثير من الفرص لممارسة المحادثة‬
. ‫األشياء تحسن لغتك اإلنجليزية وتمكنك من التحدث بصورة صحيحة‬
You can get a lots of chances to practice speaking, especially if you are staying with a
British family. As a result, these things improve your English language and enable you
to speak correctly .
.‫ فهذه طرق جيدة لتحسين مهاراتك في االستماع‬،‫عندما تشاهد التلفاز واألفالم باللغة اإلنجليزية وتستمع إلى الراديو‬
When you watch TV and films in English and listen to radio, these are good ways to
improve your skills in listening .
.‫ فإن قراءة الصحف والمجالت واإلعالنات باللغة اإلنجليزية هي طريقة ممتازة لتحسين القراءة‬،‫وعالوة على ذلك‬
Moreover, reading English newspapers, magazines and adverts are good ways to
improve your reading.
‫ يمكنك مالحظة النمط البريطاني في العيش لكي تستطيع فهم الشعب االنكليزي‬.‫ بريطانيا مكان رائع لالستكشاف‬،‫أخيرا‬
.‫يمكنك اكتشاف العديد من األشياء الجميلة حول ثقافة المجتمع البريطاني‬

Finally, Britain is a fantastic place to explore. You can observe British way of life so
that you can understand English people , you can discover many beautiful things about
the culture of British society

samera Al_mahmoud
1. What is Samira Al Mahmoud ?‫ماذا كانت سميره المحمود‬
she is an iraqi interpreter ‫هي كانت مترجمة‬
2. Samira Al Mahmoud is ( a panker / an interpreter )
3. What was Samira AL Mahmoud interpreting ? ‫ماذا كانت سميره المحمود تترجم‬
She was interpreting from English to Arabic. ‫كانت تترجم من االنكليزية الى العربية‬
4. Interpreter must have three active languages. (true\false)
5. Conference interpreter must translate each word literally (True / False)
6. Where is the annual Arab oil industry conference held ?
‫اين عقد المؤتمر السنوي للدول العربية المصنعة للنفط‬
It is held in the Hilton Hotel, Abu Dhabi. ‫عقد في فندق الهيلتون في ابو ظبي‬
7. Where was she born ? ‫اين ولدت‬
She was born in Britain but her parents are both from Iraq .
‫ولدت في بريطانيا ولكن ابويها كالهما من العراق‬
8. How did Samira prepare for the conference ?‫كيف استعدت سميره للمؤتمر‬
She knew the topic was oil so she read about the subject to get familiar with the
technical terms.
‫هي عرفت ان الموضوع كان عن النفط لذلك هي قرات عن الموضوع لتكون على دراية بالمصطلحات التقنية‬
9. Why is it important to listen to the news and read newspapers ?OR why should
interpreters read news paper ? ‫لماذا من المهم االستماع الى االخبار ومطالعة الجرائد‬
to have good general knowledge and know what is going on in the world .
‫لكي نحصل على معلومات عامة جيدة ولكي نعرف ماذا يدور في العالم‬
10. How can an interpreter be good ? ‫كيف يصبح المترجم جيد ؟‬
When he follows the news and is well-informed on many topics (T/F)
‫عندما يتابع االخبار ويكون حسن االطالع على الكثير من المواضع‬
11. How did Samira grow up ? ‫كيف تربت سميره‬
She grew up speaking Arabic at home but English at school.
‫هي تربت على تكلم اللغة العربية في البيت واللغة االنكليزية في المدرسة‬
12. the course in conference interpreting very ( easy / difficult )
13. Why was the course in conference interpreting very difficult ?
‫لماذا كانت دورة ترجمة المؤتمرات جدا صعبه‬
because only 50 % of the students who were accepted passed their final exams
diploma ‫ فقط من الطالب المقبولين اجتازوا امتحان الدبلوم النهائي‬%50 ‫كانت صعبه جدا الن‬
14. How does Samira work like most conference interpreters ?
‫كيف كانت تعمل سميره كمعظم مترجمي المؤتمرات‬
She works freelance like most conference interpreters . ‫عملت بحريه كأغلب المترجمين‬

15. What does „working freelance‟ mean ? OR When does she work ?
‫ماذا يعني العمل بحرية ؟ أو متى تعمل سميرة ؟‬
working when you need to and for the organization you want to work for
‫يعني تعمل متى ما تريد ان تعمل و ألي منظمة تريد ان تعمل‬
16. Freelance means people who can't bear to be away from the office for more than
a few hours. (True \ False)
17. Where does she often work ?‫اين تعمل غالبا‬
She often works for the UN in New York and Geneva , and the World Bank and
UNESCO in Paris ‫غالبا تعمل لألمم المتحدة في نيويورك وجنيف وللبنك الدولي واليونسكو في باريس‬
18. How much does she earn?‫كم تجني‬
She earns around £ 450 a day .‫ يورو في اليوم‬450 ‫هي تجني‬
19. On what does the amount that someone get depend ‫عالم يعتمد مقدار يحصل عليه الشخص‬
It depends on who you are working for and how many of you are working
‫يعتمد على من تعمل لديه وعلى عدد من يعمل معك‬
20. When does work become less stressful ? ‫متى يصبح العمل اقل جهدا‬
when there are two of the interpreters in the booth because they can take turns
. ‫يصبح اقل جهدا عندما يكون هناك مترجمين اثنين في الكشك النهم يستطيعوا التناوب‬
21. How do interpreters help each other ?‫كيف يساعد المترجمين احدهم االخر‬
They can take turns , one interprets one speech then a colleague does the next .
‫هم يستطيعوا التناوب احدهم يترجم كالم واالخر يكمل التالي‬
22. What is the most important quality for an interpreter ? ‫ما هي الميزة االهم للمترجم‬
The most important quality for the interpreter is remaining calm under pressure
and to be able to think fast.
‫اهم ميزة للمترجم هي البقاء هادي تحت الضغط وان يكون قادر على التفكير بسرعه‬
23. Why mustn’t you waste time trying to remember a word / thinking ?
‫ التفكير ؟‬/ ‫لماذا ال يتوجب اضاعة الوقت في محاولة تذكر كلمة‬
Because if you do, you will miss the rest of the speech. ‫الن اذا فعلت فستفقد بقية الكالم‬
24. Samira’s active language is Arabic
25. What is the way to train as interpreter? OR what qualifications in order to train as
interpreter ? ‫ما الطريقة لكي تتدرب كمترجم ؟ أو ما المؤهالت التي تحتاجها لتتدرب كمترجم ؟‬
you need to get a degree in English and then to do a postgraduate diploma in
interpreting. ‫تحتاج ان تحصل على شهادة في اللغةاالنكليزية ثم دبلوم عالي في الترجمة‬
26. what do the interpreter have to have before they do interpreter diploma ?
‫ماذا يجب على المترجم الفوري ان يملك قبل ان يحصل على شهادة الترجمة ؟‬
They have to have a degree ‫يجب ان يملك شهادة علمية‬
27. after leaving school , samira did a degree in English at the university ( True / False )

27 + 26 + 25 + 24 + 23 + 22 + 16 + 15 + 14 + 12 + 10 + 9 + 8 + ٥ + 4 + 2 + ١ : ‫االسئلة الوزارية‬

‫اختبارات وزارية‬
Q1) A- Read the following story.
Social networking sites become more and more popular every day, and they are popular all
around the world. Now, the top site all over the world is the Facebook. In fact, Facebook is one
of the most popular social networking sited in the world. Why is the social networking
spreading so quickly? One reason is that because people are sociable. We like to communicate
with other people; we make friends with people in school, at work and online. Most people like
to stay closely connected to their friends and family. We use call phones, email, messaging and
websites to learn what our friends are doing. The internet is a good way to socialize and
communicate and social websites allow people to do this in many ways. Social networking is
interactive and personal. People can share photographs of themselves and of others. They can
tell people what they are doing at any moment and keep in touch. They can join groups with
others who share their interests.

Answer the following. Choose 5 only:

1. Skim the paragraph and tell what is it about?
2. Why is the Facebook spreading quickly?
3. How can people keep connected with their friends and family?
4. The word sociable means (a. like to use the internet b. like to communicate)
5. Why is social networking personal?
6. Networking sites are all personal. ( True / False)

Reading comprehension
B) Answer or complete the following sentences.
1. She was born in Iraq but her parents are both from Britain (true or false ).
2. It is important to listen to the news and read newspaper to ……………
3. What does „working freelance‟ mean?
4. Why shouldn't an interpreter waste time thinking?
5. Samira’s active language is ………….
6. The way to train as interpreter is to first get ………… and then to ………..

Grammar and Function:

Q2) A / Do as required. Do 10 only.
1. Define a lawyer.(use : give advice to people about the law)
2. If Noor ( go ) to the shop tomorrow. I won't have to go. ( Correct )
3. They lost the match ( show regret , use : if only )
4. I asked saad how do you start your business . ( reported Question )
5. I ( study ) medicine , if my parents ( have ) enough money ( third conditional )
6. She lost their address , that's why shouldn't write to them . ( use : I wish )
7. How long have you been writing for samir . ( He asked me )
8. Unfortunately , my sister phoned me , but I wasn't at home ( regret , use : I wish )
9. Will you be able to come to the party . ( I asked layla )
10. If I ( not bring ) some books , I usually get bored on the plane . ( correct )
11. We ( die ) of thirst , if Ali and Adam hadn't come for use in their track . ( correct )
12. If I ( have ) lots of money , I ( buy ) a racehorse ( second conditional )

B) Choose the correct alternative: Do 5 only

1. If I open a student account , I would have to / will have to maintain a minimum balance .
2. I wish I had/ hadn’t driven through a red light .
3. If I have seen / had seen him yesterday , I would have told him your news .
4. If we hadn’t gone / didn’t go swimming , we would have had time to go for a boat ride
5. If I had / have a computer , we could search the Internet .
Vocabulary and Spelling :
Q3) A / Complete the following sentences from the words in the box
carrer , qualifications , title , course , canteen , staff , tour guide
1. My sister is a ………….. . She takes tourists sightseeing in London every day .
2. I'm hungry. Let's have lunch in the college ………...
3. I am interested in the environment. I'd like a …… in ecology
4. What's your………….? Is it Mrs., Miss or Dr?
5. I would like to go on a computer ……… to improve my skills
6. You'll really enjoy studying there . All the ……… are really friendly and helpful
6. I asked Saab how he starts/ started his business.

B) Match the beginnings and endings of the sentences Do 5 only

1 You need to improve your English if you want to study in Britain
2 If I lend my brother CDs he always loses them
3 If you discourage someone , you make them feel they can't do something
4 In a difficult situation under pressure
5 I could have been a good tour guide if I'd spoken more languages
6 Things you put over your ears to listen privately head phones

Q5) Write 100 to 120 words on " The advantages of studying English in Britain "

Unit four ‫الوحدة الرابعة‬

‫ال تحتوي الوحدة الرابعة على قطع استيعابية وال موضوع قواعد و تمارينه تم حلها بحسب موضوعها‬

) complete the sentence with the past simple ( ‫قد يرد في سوال القواعد ويطلب وضع فعل‬ 76 ‫ ص‬A ‫ت‬
1) Rana sent / wrote an e-mail to Badria to tell her about her new clothes company .
2) She and her brother , Rashid , started/set up the company last September .
3) They went to Lebanon and Morocco to choose cloth two months ago .
4) They had a lot of success at London fashion week .
5) They made/ signed important new contacts there and sold a lot of shirts to influential
6) At Heathrow airport , they saw / met an old school friend called Muna .
7) Muna got married to Ghassan two years ago .

) 36 ( ‫ تمرين في كتاب الطالب ص‬+

‫االسقاطات الوزارية لهذا اليونت‬

Physical , leisure , competitive

1-We offer a …….…………salary and excellent terms and conditions.

2- She doesn‟t seem to know what to do with her ………Time.
3- I have to do ………exercise at least four times a week.
: ‫االجوبة‬
1- Competitive. 2- leisure. 3- physical

85 ‫ ص‬A ‫ت‬
1) a competitive salary : a good salary , compared with other employer
‫ راتب جيد مقارنة مع العاملين‬: ‫راتب تنافسي‬
2) ambitious : this means that you really want to succeed ( ‫) وزاري‬
‫ هذا يعني انك حقا تريد ان تنجح‬: ‫طموح‬
3) Vacancy : the company has a space for a new employee ( ‫) وزاري‬
.‫ الشركة لديها فراغ لموظف جديد‬: ‫شاغر‬
( ‫) وزاري‬
4) Considerable : a lot ( of )
‫ الكثير من‬: ‫ضخم‬
5) Equivalent : the same as or similar
‫ مشابه أو مثله‬: ‫مكافئ‬

‫كتاب الطالب‬
1) If you want to have a successful restaurant » you must employ a good chef
‫اذا اردت ان تملك مطعم جيد يجب ان تشغل طباخ جيد‬
2) To make a good impression at a job interview » you should dress well and be punctual.
‫لعمل انطباع جيد في مقابلة الوظيفة يجب ان تلبس جيدا وان تكون دقيق في موعدك‬
3) If you want to have a successful party » you should make sure there is plenty of good
food . ‫اذا اردت ان يكون لديك حفلة ناجحة يجب ان تتأكد ان هناك كثير من الطعام الجيد‬
4) If you want to be successful in business » you have to be ambitious .
‫اذا اردت ان تكون ناجح في االعمال يجب ان تكون طموح‬
5) To be a good secretary » you need good computer skills .
‫لكي تكون سكرتير جيد تحتاج الى مهارات حاسوب جيدة‬
6) If you want to be healthy » you must do a lot exercise .
‫لكي تكون معافى يجب ان تقوم بتمارين كثيرة‬
7) If you work for an airline » you don’t have to pay for plane tickets
‫اذا عملت في شركة خطوط جوية ال يتوجب عليك الدفع لتذكرة السفر‬
8) When you are in a meeting » you should turn your mobile off.
‫عندما تكون في اجتماع يجب ان تطفئ موبايلك‬

85 ‫ت الحقيبة ص‬

1) fract-------ure fracture ‫كسر‬

2) ineffic-----ient inefficient ‫غير كفوء‬
3) unfortun-----ate unfortunate ‫غير محظوظ‬
4) independ------ent independent ‫مستقل‬
5) unusu--------al unusual ‫غير اعتيادي‬
6) identi-------fy identify ‫يشخص‬
7) super-----vise supervise ‫يشرف‬
8) Wit------ness witness ‫شاهد‬
9) applica-----tion application ‫تطبيق \ طلب‬
10) discour------age discourage ‫ال يشجع‬

Ex : independ , independent ; applica………… ( ‫) وزاري‬

Ex : Discour , discourage ; unfortun…………

Ex : Fract, (ness , tion , ure )
Ex : Super (vise , ient , al )


Q) Write an e-mail of 100 to 120 words telling a friend about a company you have recently set up
with a friend or relative.

‫عزيز علي؛‬

.‫ أنا أحب ألخبركم أن أخي كريم قد أنشأنا شركتنا الخاصة في أبريل الماضي‬.‫أنا آسف لم أكن على تواصل ألنني مشغول جدًا‬
."‫يطلق عليه "مستحضرات التجميل الذهبية‬
Dear Ali;
I’m sorry I haven’t been in touch because I have been very busy. I like to tell you that
my brother Kareem and I set up our own company last April. It is called "The Golden
‫ لذا فإننا لم نحقق أرباحا حتى اآلن‬،‫ نحن استثمرنا الكثير من المال في مجال األعمال‬.‫أنا المدير وكريم مسؤول عن التسويق‬
.‫ولكن المبيعات جيدة‬

I’m the manager and Kareem is in charge of the marketing. We invested a lot of
money in business, so we are not yet making profits but sales are good.
‫ من الصعب التنافس مع المنتجات العالمية ولكن منتجاتنا تحظى‬.‫نحن نصدر الكثير من مستحضرات التجميل إلى مصر وقطر‬
.‫ لذا فإن المستقبل يبدو مشرقا جدًا‬.‫بشعبية في المنطقة وأسعارنا مناسبة للجميع‬
We are exporting a lot of cosmetics to Egypt and Qatar. It is difficult to compete with
the world products but our products are popular in the region and our prices are
suitable for all. So the future looks very bright.
‫ وقعنا عقدا مع اثنين من المتاجر الشهيرة في‬.‫ طارنا إلى الواليات المتحدة األمريكية لعرض منتجاتنا الجديدة هناك‬،‫قبل شهر‬
.‫ ِأِبقى على تواصل مع زوجتك ألخذ بعض منتجاتنا‬.‫مدينة نيويورك‬
‫الكثير من الحب‬

A month ago, we flew to USA to show our new products there. We signed a contract
with two famous stores in New York City. Keep in touch and come with your wife to
take some of our products.

Lots of love

arealy bad day out where everything wernt wrong
‫يوم سيء حقيقةً عندما كل شيء حدث خطأ‬

Q) Write an e-mail of 100 to 120 words about a realy bad day out where everything went wrong

‫عزيزي علي‬
.‫ لما كان كل هذا قد حدث‬،‫ تمنيت لو كنت قد بقيت في السرير‬.‫كان عندي يوما فضيعا السبت الماضي‬
Dear Ali
I had a terrible day last Saturday. I wish I had stayed in bed, then all this would not
have happened.
‫ اضطررت للذهاب على األقدام سيرا لذلك أنا مشيت‬.‫مدرسنا أراد اعطائنا بعض الفصول اإلضافية لمساعدة الطالب الضعفاء‬
.‫ شعر السائق باألسف الشديد واعتذر‬.‫ ضربتني سيارة وسقطت‬،‫ بينما أنا كنت أعبر شارع المدرسة‬.‫بسرعة كبيرة‬
Our teacher wanted to give us some extra classes to help the poor students. I had to
go on foot so I walked very fast. While I was crossing the school street, a car hit me
and I fell down. The driver felt very sorry and he apologized.
‫ أخبرني أنني كنت على ما يرام لمغادرة‬.‫ الطبيب فحصني بشكل جيد للغاية‬.‫أصر على أخذي إلى أقرب مستشفى للتحقق‬
He insisted on taking me to the nearest hospital to check. The doctor examined me
very well. He told me that I was Ok to leave the hospital.
‫ واصبح يزورني كل اسبوع ليتاكد اني جيد‬، ‫ ثم اعتذر مني مرة اخرى‬.‫السائق أخذني إلى منزلي‬
‫اطيب امنياتي‬
The driver took me to my house , Then he apologized again , and he visited me every
week to make sure I was good
Best wishes ;

89 ‫ ص‬A ‫ت‬

1. If we get a self-catering apartment in Spain , we can buy food at the market and make
our own meals
2. Let's not go on a package deal to Italy . It would be more fun to choose our own hotels
and tours when we get there
3. I can't find my boarding card . I won’t be able to get on the plane if I don’t find it
4. Let's go for a walk along the seafront this evening and watch the sunset over the water .
5. I don’t like booking flight online . Let's go and buy our tickets at that travel agency in
Al Saad Street
6. If you order it now , the hotel kitchen will make a packed lunch for anyone who is going
on the tour tomorrow
7. I spent the morning at the beach and in the afternoon we did some sightseeing . I took
lots of photos of the Roman temples
8. You can't rely on public transport on that island . You should find out about car hire .
So you can travel more independently

‫هذا التمرين أختيارات وقد ورد في الوزاري أيضا بصيغة أسقاطات‬ 111 ‫ ص‬B ‫ت‬

1. When the plane takes off, you have to ( fasten / attach ) your seat belt.
( ‫) وزاري‬
2. To cross the river we had to ( sail / board ) a ferry
3. The ferry ( works / operates ) throughout the year.
4. The holiday completely lived up to my ( winches / expectations )
5. I can ( honestly / absolutely ) say that it was the best holiday I ever had.
( ‫) وزاري‬
6. We ( considerably / thoroughly ) enjoyed all the entertainment.

‫االسقاطات الوزارية لهذا اليونت‬
fasten , exceptionally, wellbeing , excursion , boarding card , ideal , honestly , balance,

1- There must be a mistake in my statement. I didn‟t make this…….

2- I can ……….say that it was the best holiday I ever had .
3- The total ………….was less than a million.
4- I can't find my…….. I won't be able to get on the plane if I don‟t find it.
5- Hotels will often give you packed lunch if you're going on a full-time…………...
6- When the plane take off , you have to ……..youhaveat belt .
7-Taking holidays and leaving your mobile switched off is good for your………….
8-When the plane takes off, you have to……... your seat bel
9-The food was ………..good
10- Kerkennali is an ……. Place for tourists who want to peacefully on holiday
: ‫االجوبة‬
1- withdrawal. 2- honestly 3- balance 4- boarding card. 5- excursion.
6- fasten. 7-wellbeing. 8-fasten 9- exceptionally 10- ideal

103 ‫ ص‬C ‫ت‬

1. A boat that transports people and goods = Ferry

‫القارب الذي ينقل الناس والبضائع = قارب العبارة‬
2. Extremely comfortable = Luxurious
‫مريح للغاية = مرهف‬
3. Something which is wonderful to look at = Spectacular
‫الشيء الذي هو مذهل للنظر = فخم‬
4. Something special to a locality = Specialty
‫شيء خاص للعامة = خصوصي‬
( ‫) وزاري‬
5. A fine welcome = hospitality
‫ترحيب جيد = ضيافة‬
6. A show / performance = Display
‫ تقديم = عرض‬/ ‫عرض‬

111 ‫ ص‬A ‫ت‬

1. If you lose this , you can’t get on an airplane = Boarding card ( ‫) وزاري‬
‫ ال يمكنك الصعود على الطائرة = تذكره السفر‬، ‫اذا فقدتها‬
2. You can have a winter holiday her = ski resorts
‫يمكنك الحصول على عطلة الشتاء هنا = منتجع تزلج‬
3. A luxurious place to stay = five-star hotel ( ‫) وزاري‬
‫ نجوم‬٥ ‫االقامة في مكان مرهف = فندق‬
4. A place to stay where you cook your own food = self-catering apartment ( ‫) وزاري‬
‫مكان لإلقامة يمكنك طبخ الطعام الخاص بك = شقة ذاتية الطبخ‬
5. Hotels will often give you this if you’re going on a full-day excursion = Packed lunch
‫الفنادق التي غالبا تعطيك هذه اذا كنت تريد الذهاب في رحلة لمدة يوم كامل = طعام سفري‬
( ‫) وزاري‬
6. This protects you when you are driving or flying = seat belt
‫هذا يحميك اذا كنت تقود أو تطير = حزام االمان‬

117 ‫ ص‬A ‫ت‬

1. The pressure of life will « cause health problems

‫ضغوط الحياة تسبب مشاكل صحية‬
2. Some people don’t take holidays because « They don’t think people can do their work
‫بعض الناس ال يأخذون عطلة النهم ال يعتقدون الناس االخرين يمكنهم انجاز اعمالهم‬
3. Some people find out too late that « work is not the only thing in life.
‫بعض الناس يكتشفوا مؤخرا ان العمل ليس كل شيء في الحياة‬
4. We need to give families and friends « a lot of our time.
‫نحتاج ان نعطي عوائلنا واصدقائنا المزيد من الوقت‬
5. Holidays can give us a chance to « stop thinking about our problems.
‫العطل يمكنها اعطاء الفرصة للتوقف عن التفكير في مشاكلنا‬

118 ‫ ص‬C ‫ت‬
1) ensure = make certain
2) forever = indefinitely
3) a time limit = deadline
‫حد الوقت‬
4) about to happen = around the corner
‫على وشك الحدوث‬
5) taken quickly = snatched
6) health = wellbeing
‫بصحة جيدة‬
7) Very important = vital
‫حيوي – مهم جدا‬
‫كتاب الطالب‬
1) Have you ever stayed » In a really unusual hotels ?
‫هل اقمت من قبل في فندق غير عادي حقا‬
2) Have you ever camped on » A beach ?
‫هل خيمت على الساحل من قبل‬
3) Have you ever flown in a » helicopter ?
‫هل طرت في مروحية من قبل‬
4) Have you ever been sightseeing in an » open-top bus ?
‫هل كنت من قبل في جولة سياحية في باص مكشوف‬
5) Have you ever been cheated » By a taxi driver ?
‫هل غشك من قبل سائق تكسي‬
6) Have you ever lost your » passport while on holiday ?
‫هل اضعت جواز سفرك بينما كنت في عطلة‬
7) What's the best holiday destination » you've ever been to ?
‫ما هي افضل جهة للعطل كنت فيها‬
8) What's the strangest food » you have ever eaten a broad ?
‫ما هو افضل طعام تناولته من قبل‬

‫كتاب الطالب‬
1) We couldn't get a room » because we hadn't booked.
‫لم نستطيع الحصول على فندق ألننا لم نحجز‬
2) I couldn't board the plane » because I had lost my boarding card.
‫لم استطع صعود الطائرة ألنني اضعت تذكرتي‬
3) She was nervous on the plane » because she hadn’t flown before.
‫كانت متوترة في الطائرة ألنها لم تطر من قبل‬
4) The airline company gave me a new suitcase » because mine had been damaged on the
Plane . ‫شركة الطيران اعطتني حقيبة جديدة الن حقيبتي تضررت في الطائرة‬
5) I didn't go on the excursion » because I had already been to Khor Al Zubeir in Basra
there twice . ‫لم اذهب للنزهة ألنني كنت مرتين من قبل في خور الزبير في البصرة‬
6) We complained to the manager » because our room hadn't been cleaned.
‫اشتكينا للمدير الن غرفتنا لم تنظف‬
7) We couldn't hire a car » because we had left our driving licenses behind
‫لم نستطع تأجير سيارة ألننا تركنا اجازات سوقنا في البيت‬
8) I couldn't recognize the place » because it had changed so much.
‫لم نستطع تمييز المكان النه تغير كثيرا‬

‫ هي كلمات تأتي مع بعضها لتتم المعنى‬: collections ) ‫االسماء المركبة ( المتالزمات اللفظية‬
Boarding card ‫بطاقة سفر‬ sightseeing ‫مشاهدة المعالم‬
Travel agency ‫وكالة سفر‬ seafront ‫واجهة البحر‬
Five-star hotel ‫فندق خمس نجوم‬ Footstep ‫خطوة‬
Package deal ‫صفقة كاملة‬ Airport ‫مطار‬
Packed lunch ‫غذاء معلب‬ Thoroughly enjoy ‫مستمتع للغاية‬
Ski resort ‫منتجع التزلج‬ I can honestly say ‫بوسعي القول‬
Car hire ‫استئجار سيارة‬ Lived up to my expectations ‫ما يرضي تطلعاتي‬
self-catering apartment ‫شقة ذو خدمة ذاتية‬ To name a few ‫على سبيل المثال‬

) ‫(وزاري‬
‫هات التصاريف الثالثة لالفعال‬ 97 ‫ ص‬A ‫ت‬
Be » been Leave » left
Buy » bought Meet » met
Do » done See » seen
Find » found Spend » spent
Go » gone

A wonderful holiday I have had

Q) Write a short article for a travel magazine of about 100 to 120 words on:
“ A wonderful holiday I have had “

.‫ الطقس في بيروت رائع‬.‫ الرحلة كانت رائعة‬. ‫ لبنان هي بلد ممتع للزيارة‬.‫ أنا وصديقي علي ذهبنا إلى لبنان‬،‫الصيف الماضي‬
Last summer, my friend Ali and I went to Lebanon. Lebanon is an interesting country
to visit. The flight was great. The weather in Beirut is fantastic.
‫ كان لدينا منظر رائع على الشاطئ من نافذة غرفة نومنا! ذهبنا إلى بقعة نزهة قريبة‬. ‫نحن أقمنا في فندق فاخر على البحر‬
‫وتمتع بالهواء الطلق والهواء النقي‬
We stayed at a luxury hotel by the sea. We had an amazing view of the beach from
our bedroom window! We went to a nearby picnic spot and enjoyed the open and
fresh air.
‫ ذهبنا لمشاهدة معالم‬،‫ في فترة ما بعد الظهر‬.‫ ذهبنا في اإلبحار والغوص‬.‫نحن لعبنا أيضا بعض األلعاب في الهواء الطلق‬
‫ اكتشفنا أنها كانت أفضل طريقة الستئجار سيارة أجرة لرؤية جميع األماكن ذات االهتمام‬. ‫المدينة‬
We also played some outdoor games. We went sailing and diving. In the afternoon,
we went sightseeing. We discovered it was the best way to rent a taxi to see all the
places of interests.
‫ ذهبنا للتسوق وبحثنا عن بعض‬،‫ في المساء‬.‫ هناك بعض المشهورين في بيروت‬.‫قمنا بزيارة بعض المتاحف والمباني القديمة‬
‫الهدايا التذكارية في المتاجر المحلية‬
We visited some museums and old buildings. There are some famous ones in Beirut.
In the evening, we went shopping and looked for some souvenirs in the local shops.
‫ سيبقى في ذاكرتي لفترة طويلة‬.‫ أعتقد أنها كانت عطلة حياتي‬. ‫لقد كانت حقا عطلة رائعة‬
It was really a wonderful holiday. I think it was the holiday of my life. It will stay in
my memory for a long time.

Advice to Tourists in Iraq
Q) Write a short article for a travel magazine of about 100 to 120 words on:
“Advice to tourists in Iraq “
‫ العديد منهم‬.‫ يمكنه البقاء في أحد الفنادق الفاخرة‬، ‫ إذا جاء سائح إلى بغداد‬.‫العراق واحد من أفضل البلدان السياحية في العالم‬
‫ يمكنه زيارة األضرحة المقدسة في بغداد‬.‫يطل على نهر دجلة‬
Iraq is one of the best touristic countries in the world. If a tourist comes to Baghdad,
he can stay in one of the luxurious hotels. Many of them overlook the Tigris River.
He can visit the holy shrines in Baghdad.
‫ يمكنه المشي على طول شارع أبو‬، ‫ في وقت الحق‬.‫هو يستطيع زيارة المتحف الوطني العراقي الذي يعرض تاريخ العراق‬
.‫ يمكنه الذهاب إلى حديقة الزوراء لالستمتاع بالترفيه‬، ‫ بعد ذلك‬. ‫نواس‬
he can visit Iraqi National Museum which shows the history of Iraq. Later, he can
have a walk along Abu-Nawas street. Next, he can go to Al-Zawra Park to enjoy the
‫ سيزور بازار‬، ‫ عالوة على ذلك‬.‫ سيقوم بتأجير سيارة أجرة في جولة لمشاهدة التماثيل والنصب التذكارية‬، ‫ باإلضافة إلى ذلك‬.
‫الشورجة والسوق العربي للتسوق‬
In addition to that, he will hire a taxi in a tour to see the statues and monuments.
Furthermore, he will go to visit Al-Shorja Bazaar and Arabic Market to do shopping.
‫ يمكنه االستمتاع بالمنتجعات اللطيفة‬، ‫ وأخيرا‬. ‫ يمكنه زيارة األماكن القديمة في بابل وأور وحضر‬، ‫إذا كان السائح مهتما باآلثار‬
‫في الشمال والمستنقعات في الجنوب‬

If the tourist is interested in ruins, he can visit the ancient places in Babylon, Ur and
Hatra. Finally, he can enjoy the nice resorts in the north and the marshes in the south.

1. What happens if you don’t take enough breaks and holidays?
The pressure of life can affect both our physical and Mental health.
‫ماذا يحصل لو لم تأخذ االستراحات والعطل الكافية ؟ ضغط الحياه يمكن ان يوثر على صحتك الجسدية والعقلية‬
2. What are the severe problems that can cause by the stress of modern life ?
It can cause high blood pressure which can cause strokes and heart attacks.
‫ماهي المشاكل الحاده التي تسببها ضغط الحياة ؟ قد تسبب زياده ضغط الدم العالي التي تسبب الجلطة ونوبات القلب‬
3. The pressure of life will cause health problems
4. what can high blood pressure cause ? ‫ماذا يسبب ارتفاع ضغط الدم ؟‬
It can cause strokes and heart attacks. ‫يسبب خفقان و نوبة القلب‬
5. What happens if we push brain and body too far ? OR Why do our brain need break ?
If we push brain and body too far, they will eventually let us down
‫ماذا يحصل اذا استخدمنا العقل والجسد ألقصى حد ؟ او لماذا عقلنا وجسدنا يحتاج لراحه ؟ اذا استخدمنا عقلنا وجسدنا‬
‫ألقصى حد فأنها ستخذلنا لالبد‬
6. Both the brain and the body need break
7. What are workaholics ? OR define a workaholics ?
They are people who think that their work is too important to leave in hands of other
‫من هم مدمني العمل ؟ إنهم أشخاص يعتقدون أن عملهم مهم للغاية بحيث ال يتركونه في أيدي اآلخرين‬
8. Why do 'workaholics' put off taking holidays or breaks?
Because there is always another deadline or another deal around the corner
‫لماذا مدمني العمل يبتعدوا عن اخذ االستراحات والعطل ؟ الن هناك حدود للوقت وصفقات في الزاوية‬
9. Why some people don’t take holidays or breaks?
they don’t take holidays Because they don't leave their work in the hand of others
‫لماذا بعض الناس ال يأخذون عطل او استراحات ؟ النهم ال يتركون عملهم بيد االخرين‬
10. What do the people discover but too late ?
They discover but too late there is more to life than work
‫ماذا يكتشف الناس ولو متأخرين ؟ انهم يكتشفون ولو متأخرين ان هناك الكثير من الحياه اكثر من العمل‬
11. We need to give families and friends a lot of our time
12. Why are holidays important ( for everyone ,not just the businessman ) ?
Because we all need a change of scene and a change of pace and we need to relax and
take our minds off work.
‫لماذا العطلة مهمه ) لكل شخص ليس فقط لرجال االعمال ( ؟ بسبب كلنا نحتاج التغير في المشهد وتغير وتيره العمل جميعنا‬
‫نحتاج االسترخاء وابعاد العمل عن عقولنا‬
13. Holidays are important for everyone not just the businessman ( True )
14. Holiday can give as a chance to stop talking about our problems
١٤ + ١٣ + 1٢ + ١١ + 9 + 7 + 6 + 5 + ٤ + ٣ : ‫االسئلة الوزارية‬

‫اختبارات وزارية‬
Q1) A- Read the following story.
A man who had broken his right leg was taken to a hospital a few weeks before Christmas. He
was afraid of spending a Christmas in hospital. Though the doctor did his best, the patient
recovery was slow. On Christmas day the man still has his right leg in plaster. He spent a
miserable day in bed thinking of all the fun was missing. The following day, however the doctor
comforted him by telling him that his chance of being able to leave hospital in time for new
year's celebrations were good. When the man left the hospital he was excited and sure enough on
New year's Eve he was able to walk with the help of stick to a party. The man enjoyed himself
completely and kept telling everybody how much he hated hospitals. He was still saying
something about hospital at the end of the party when he slipped on a piece of ice and broke his
left leg.

Now answer ( five ) of the following : Do 5 only

1. What hope did the doctor give the patient?
2. How was the patient day in a hospital?
3. When was the man taken to the hospital?
4. How did the man break his left leg?
5. Choose a suitable title for the passage ?
6. What was the patient afraid of?

Reading comprehension
B) Answer or complete the following sentences. Do 5 only
1. What would happen if people do not take enough breaks and holidays?
2. What can high blood pressure cause ?
3. Why do the brain and the body need a break ?
4. Workaholics are those people who …………….
5. Holidays are important for everyone , not just the businessman . ( True / False)
6. Both the brain and the body need ………

Grammar and Function:

Q2) A / Do as required. Do 10 only.
1. Fadia didn't speak to me since her sister's wedding. (Re-write the sentence correctly)
2. I'm writing a poem. I started on Tuesday. ( Present perfect continuous use since /for)
3. The book was missing. It has the information I wanted. (Combine these sentences with a relative
4. Does Samir know about the meeting? - I'm sorry, I --------. (Complete the response using: just,
already or yet and the present perfect form of an appropriate verb
5. Layla's in the kitchen, she ( a. has been cooking / b. cooked / c. cooks) for three hours now .
6. I ( a. didn't go / b. haven’t been / c. haven't gone ) to China yet, but I would like to one day.
7. Last week I …. (meet) an old friend from primary school and he …. (not change)
8. I spoke to a lady on the phone .She told me to call back later . (Combine these sentences with a
relative clause)
9. They are playing football. They started twenty minutes ago (Present perfect continuous use
10. How many letters (a- did you write b- have you written c- are you writing) so far today?
11. She's writing letters. She started at two o'clock. ( Write the sentence in the present perfect
continuous with since /for)
12. The Al-Badri family isn't here at the moment. They ------on holiday.(Complete with the
present perfect simple using been or gone)

B) Choose the correct alternative: Do 5 only
1. She's been talking on the phone ….. the last twenty minutes.
a) since b) for c) with
2. The ferry ……….. throughout the year.
a) works b) operates
3. How many letters ……… so far today.
a) did you write b) have you been writing c) have you written
4. Babylon City, …….. people like to go sightseeing, is a beautiful place.
a)' which b) that c) where
5. I ……….. to China yet, but I would like to one day.
a) didn't go b) haven't been c) haven't gone
6. Souhaib, ……. brother lives in California, is planning a trip to the USA soon.
a) which b) whose c) who's

Vocabulary and Spelling :

Q3) A / Complete the following sentences from the words in the box.
Expectations , boarding card , seat belt , hospitality , businessman , honestly

1. When the plane takes off, you have to fasten your……..

2. The holiday completely lived up to my ………...
3. I can ………. say that it was the best holiday I ever had.
4. Holidays are important for everyone , not just the ………..
5. I can't find my …….. . I won’t be able to get on the plane if I don’t find it

B) Match the beginnings and endings of the sentences Do 5 only

1. Have you ever stayed a. because our room hadn't been cleaned.
2. We complained to the manager b. because it had changed so much.
3. I couldn't recognize the place c. because we had left our driving licenses behind.
4. Have you ever flown in a d. in a really unusual hotels ?
5. We couldn't hire a car e. helicopter ?
6. Have you ever camped on f. a beach ?

C) Complete the following. Do 5 only

1. luxury, luxurious ; colour, ……….
2. attract, attractive ; spectacle, …………
3. do , done ; find , ………
4. go , gone ; leave, ……..
5. (for , since ) three weeks.
6. (for , since ) last January

Q5) Choose either A or B

A- Write a short article for a travel magazine of about 100 to 120 words “Advice to tourists in Iraq
B- Write a short article for a travel magazine of about 100 to 120 words “ A wonderful holiday I
have had "

140 ‫ ص‬B ‫ت‬

1. I'm afraid your card is no longer valid . It expired a week ago.

2. This bank statement shows I have a lot of money in my account .
3. There must be a mistake . I didn’t make this withdrawal last week .
4. How many instalments do you have to make to pay back your loan .
5. My father lent me the money to put a down payment on a new car .
6. If you have Internet access you can bank online. .
7. There is a branch of our bank near the university

141 ‫ ص‬C ‫ت‬

1. A current account comes with a cheque book .
2. You can withdraw money from an ATM machine .
3. The minimum balance is 1,000 Iraqi dinars .
4. The value of an investment can go down as well as up .
5. If you don’t have enough money to buy something , you can ask the bank for a loan.

143 ‫ ص‬H ‫ت‬

1. Fareed is always informed of changes in his account balance by SMS
2. Yesterday a message was displayed on his screen that said he was overdrawn
3. Mobile phones are bought by millions of people these days
4. Are camera included in all mobile phones ?
5. Mobile phones will be used for many other things in the future
6. Mobile phones towers are being built all the time

‫االسقاطات الوزارية لهذا اليونت‬
Spectacular , hospitality , maintain, branch , withdrawal , current , balance , seafront ,
value , cancel , online ,Valid , invest , used , statement , loan
1-. I‟m afraid you card is no longer……….
2- There must be a mistake in my statement. I didn‟t make this…...
3-I‟m waiting for the bank…………to ehech my
4- Let‟s go for a walk along the …………..this evening.
5-Arabs are famous for their…………...
6- The total ……….. was less than a million.
7-If you have internet access you can bank………...
8-The …….of an investment can go down as well as up.
9-As the sun began to set, we had a …….view of the city
10-He took a……… pay for his car.
11-………….is the total amount of money you have in your account.
12-The minimum ……… 1000 Iraq dinars .
13-If you have a current account, you have to ………….. your balance.
14-Try to…………your money.Don‟t keep it in a box under your bed.
15-A ………..account comes with a cheque book .
16-If we ………..your cards now, no one else will be able to use them
17-There is a …………..of our bank near the university
18- This bank …………shows I have a lot of money in my account
19- The cards can be …… at any ATM

: ‫االجوبة‬

1- Valid. 2- withdrawal 3- statement 4- seafront 5- hospitality

6- balance 7- Online. 8- value 9- spectacular 10- loan.
11- balance 12- balance 13-maintain 14-invest. 15- current.
16- cancel 17- branch 18- statement 19- Used

-: ‫المرادفات‬
1. bank statement : paper that tells you about what happened to your Bank account In
the past month ‫ ورقة التي تخبرك عما حدث لحسابك خالل الشهر الماضي‬: ‫كشف الحساب‬
2. account number : the number that is used to ide month your account
‫ الرقم الذي يستخدم لتمييز حسابك‬: ‫رقم الحساب‬
3. Balance : the total amount of money in your account ( ‫) وزاري‬
‫ المبلغ الكلي للنقود في حسابك‬: ‫الرصيد‬
( ‫) وزاري‬
4. Transaction : activity in your bank account
‫ نشاط في حسابك‬: ‫صفقة‬
( ‫) وزاري‬
5. Withdrawal : money taken out of your account
‫ النقود التي تسحب من حسابك‬: ‫السحب‬
( ‫) وزاري‬
6. Deposit : money that you put in your bank account
‫ النقود التي تضعها في حسابك‬: ‫وديعة‬
7. Bank card : A piece of plastic you can use to pay for things or get money in the street
‫ قطعة من البالستك تستطيع استخدامها لتدفع لألشياء او تحصل على نقود في الشارع‬: ‫بطاقة مصرفية‬
8. ATM : Somewhere you can get money using a bank card
: ‫الصراف االلي‬
9. PIN : A secret number you can use with a bank Card to stop others using it
‫ الرقم السري تستخدمه مع البطاقة المصرفية لتوقف لألخرين استخدمها‬: ‫الرقم السري‬
10. Cheque : A piece of paper you can use to pay things
‫ قطعة من الورق تستخدمها لتدفع لألشياء‬: ‫الصك‬
11. Credit Card : A piece of plastic you can use to buy things and Pay for them later
‫ قطع من البالستك تستطيع استخدامها لتشتري اشياء وتدفع لهم فيما بعد‬: ‫بطاقة االئتمان‬
12. Overdraft facilities : ability to use more money than you have in your account moment
) ‫وزاري‬ (
‫ قدرة استعمال اكثر أموال في ملكية حسابك‬: ‫تسهيالت السحب‬
13. Minimum balance : smallest amount of money you can have in your account without
charges back ‫ اصغر مقدار من المال تستطيع امتالكه في حسابك دون دفع رسوم‬: ‫اقل رصيد‬
14. ATM : a machine you can withdraw cash from
‫ اللة التي يمكنك سحاب حساب نقدا‬: ‫الصرف االلي‬
15. Credit card fee : money you pay the bank every year if you have a credit card ( ‫) وزاري‬
‫ أموال تدفعها للمصرف كل سنة إذا كان لديك بطاقة‬: ‫اجور بطاقة االئتمان‬
16. down payment : part of the total cost that is paid first
‫ جزء من التكلفة الكلية التي تدفع مقدما‬: ‫مبلغ مقدم‬
17. monthly instalments : part of the total cost that is paid every month
‫ من التكلفة الكلية التي تدفع كل شهر‬: ‫اقساط شهرية‬
18. investment : something you buy that makes money
‫ شيء تشتريه الذي يكسبك االموال‬: ‫استثمار‬
19. go up in value : the amount you can sell something for increases
‫ المبلغ الذي يمكنك بيع شيء ألجل الزيادة‬: ‫تزداد قيمته‬
20. car insurance : money you pay to a company so you can get money if your car is
damaged or lost ‫ اذا سيارتك تضررت أموال تدفعها الى شركة لذا يمكنك استالم االموال‬: ‫تامين على السيارة‬

21. Cancel : stop something working
‫ ايقاف عمل معين‬: ‫الغاء‬
22. Credit limit : The amount of money you can borrow
‫ المبلغ الذي يمكنك استعارته‬: ‫بطاقة‬
23. Expired : come to an end
‫ وصل الى النهاية‬: ‫منتهي الصالحية‬
24. Valid : Can be used
‫ يمكن استخدامه‬: ‫صالح‬
25. Traveler's cheque : A special cheque that can be used in any bank
‫ شيك خاص الذي يمكن استخدامه في اي بنك‬: ‫شيك سياحي‬
26. Currency : Money or a system of money
‫ نقود او النظام للنقود‬: ‫عملة‬
27. Pounds : The currency used in the UK
‫ العملة المستخدمة في بريطانيا‬: ‫الباوند‬
28. Exchange rate : The amount of money you get when changing from one currency to
another ‫ مبلغ من االموال تأخذه عندما تغير من عملة الى اخرى‬: ‫عمولة الصيرفة‬
: ‫توصيالت‬
( ‫) وزاري‬
1. If the cases are too heavy » you have to pay extra.
‫اذا كانت الحقائب ثقيلة » يجب ان تدفع اجر اضافي‬
2. If the traffic isn’t too heavy » I'll be at the airport at 12:30
12 : 30 ‫اذا لم تكن الزحام شديدة » سأكون في المطار ساعة‬
3. If I had the time and the money » I’d come with you .
‫لو كان عندي الوقت والمال » لكنت اتيت معك‬
4. If you spend a lot of money on me » I'll be very cross .
‫علي » سأكون جدا معارض‬ ّ ‫لو صرفت الكثير من المال‬
5. If you’d told me you were going to London » I would have lent you my guidebook.
‫إذا اخبرتني انك ستذهب الى لندن » سأعيرك كتاب الدليل‬
6. Could you please let me know » when I will receive my card? ( ‫) وزاري‬
‫هل يمكن أن تسمح لي أن اعرف » متى أستلم بطاقتي‬
7. I was told that » I would receive it within a week
‫انا اخبرتك بأن » بإمكاني سحب النقود عن طريق عملي‬
8. I am writing to inquire « about my ATM card ( ‫) وزاري‬
‫انا كتبت استفسار » عن بطاقة الماكنة لسحب النقود الخاصة بي‬
9. If I had an ATM card « I could withdraw money on my way to work ( ‫) وزاري‬
‫اذا كنت املك بطاقة الماكنة لسحب النقود » بإمكاني سحب النقود عن طريق عملي‬
10. If I could check my account » I would save a lot of balance by telephone ( ‫) وزاري‬
‫اذا بأماكني التحقق من الحساب » سأوفر المزيد من الوقت عبر التلفون‬
11. When we are children » we are taught the value of saving
‫عندما نكون أطفال » نتعلم قيمة التوفير‬
12. When we get more interest » if we keep our money in our account for a long time
‫يمكننا الحصول على مزيد من االهتمام » اذا احتفظنا بنقودنا في حسابنا لوقت طويل‬
13. Investing in stocks and share » is fun for some people
‫االستثمار في االسهم واالوراق المالية » فرحة لبعض الناس‬
14. If you buy property » you may get a lot of many when you sell it
‫اذا كنت تشتري عقار » ربما تحصل على الكثير من النقود عندما تبيعها‬
‫االسماء المركبة‬
1. Open An account ‫يفتح حساب‬ 12. a risky business. ‫عمل مجازف‬
2. Interest pay ‫يدفع فائدة‬ 13. major players. ‫العبون اساسيون‬
3. Deposit five million iraqi dinars 14. break even. ‫تعادل‬
4. Make a withdrawal ‫يعمل سحب‬ 15. realize the profit ‫الفائدة‬.‫يدرك‬
5. Maintain a minimum balance 16. saving account ‫حساب ثابت‬
6. Charge a fee ‫يدفع رسوم‬ 17. current account ‫حساب جاري‬
7. put some a side ‫يضع بعض المال جانبا‬ 18. A student account ‫حساب الطلبة‬
8. pension plans ‫خطط الراتب التقاعدي‬ 19. A cheque book ‫دفتر الصكوك‬
9. regular savers ‫موفرون منتظمون‬ 20. Overdraft facilities ‫سحب مبلغ‬
10. a fixed sum ‫مبلغ ثابت‬ 21. Minimum balance ‫حد ادنى للرصيد‬
11. financially. ‫مهتم ماليا‬ 22. Bank statement ‫بيان كشف‬
23. Credit card ‫بطاقه كشف‬

‫عمالت الدول‬
• USA » Dollar ; Europe » Euro ; japan » yen
• Syria » pound ; china » yuan ; India » rupee
• Iraq » dinar ; Saudi » riyal ; Pakistan » rupee
• Australia » dollar

140 ‫ ص‬A ‫ت‬
1. My father ( opened / made ) an account for me when I was quite young. ( ‫) وزاري‬
‫والدي فتح لي حساب عندما كنت صغيرا‬
1- I ( deposited / installed ( million Iraqi dinars this morning. ( ‫) وزاري‬
‫ ماليين دينار عراقي هذا الصباح‬5 ‫ودعت‬
2- Banks usually ( pay / charge ) a fee if you are overdrawn
‫المصارف عادة تحمل أجر اذا كنت مدينا‬
3- If you ( stay / maintain (a minimum balance, you don’t have to pay a fee.
‫إذا حافظت على الحد االدنى من الميزانية ليس من الواجب عليك أن تدفع أجر‬
4- I can ( take / make ) a withdrawal at an ATM at any time. ( ‫) وزاري‬
‫أستطيع عمل مصروفات من جهاز الصرف االلي في أي وقت‬
( ‫) وزاري‬
5- Some accounts ( cost / pay ) more interest than other
‫بعض الحسابات تدفع المزيد من الفائدة أكثر من االخرين‬

‫شكوى سحب حساب الى البنك‬
Complaint withdraw account to the bank

Q) Write a letter to your bank to complain about withdrawal shown on your statement that you
didn’t make. Write 100 to 120 words.

‫سيدي العزيز‬
‫ أكتب إليك إلخبارك بأن لدي حسابا حاليا في البنك الذي تتعامل‬،‫ لذا‬.‫أعلم أن المصرف يعمل بجد لتوفير خدمة أفضل للعمالء‬
.‫ وأنا راضي جدًا عن الخدمات التي يقدمها البنك لعمالئك‬،‫معه‬
Dear Sir,
I know that your bank is working hard to provide better customer service. So, I am
writing to inform you that I have a current account in your bank and Iam very
satisfied with the services that your bank offers to your clients.
‫ ال‬.‫ اكتشفت أنه أظهر انسحابا لم أقم به‬،‫ عندما راجعت ذلك‬.‫ تلقيت كشف حسابي الشهري من البنك الذي تتعامل معه‬،‫باألمس‬
.‫ أود أن ألفت انتباهكم إلى هذه المشكلة الخطيرة‬،‫ لذلك‬.‫ لم أقم بهذا السحب في الشهر الماضي‬، ‫بد أن هناك خطأ ما‬
Yesterday, I received my monthly bank statement from your bank. When I checked it,
I discovered that it showed a withdrawal that I didn’t make. There must be a mistake.
I didn’t make this withdrawl last month. Therefore, I would like to draw your
attention to this serious problem.
‫ سأكون ممتنا ً إذا تمكنت من فحص عمليات السحب الخاصة بي‬،‫ لذا‬.‫أعتقد أن هناك خطأ ما حدث في كشف حسابي المصرفي‬
.‫ لقد شرحت كل شيء وآمل أن تعتني بهذا األمر وحلها في أقرب وقت ممكن‬.‫بعناية خالل الشهر الماضي‬

I think that something wrong happened in my bank statement. So, I would be grateful
if you could check my withdrawals carefully for the last month. I have explained
everything and I hope you will take care of this matter and resolved it as soon as
‫ شكرا لك على مساعدتك‬.‫رجاء اتصل بي إذا كنت تريد معرفة أي شيء آخر‬
‫المخلص لك‬
‫حيدر سعدي‬

Please, contact me if you want to know anything else. Thank you for your help.
Yours sincerely ,
Hayder saadi

The banker
1. How long has the writer been a banker ? ‫كم المدة التي كان فيها الكاتب مصرفي ؟‬
He has been a banker for twenty years. ‫ سنه‬20 ‫هو كان مصرفي لمده‬
2. Does he love his job ? ‫هل يحب عمله‬
Yes , he does ‫نعم يحبه‬
3. My job has a daily routine ( False ) ‫وظيفتي جدا مملة‬
4. What makes the job of a banker particularly interesting?
‫ما الذي يجعل عمل المصرفي ممتع لدرجه‬
The variety makes the job of a banker particularly interesting
‫التنويع يجعل عمل المصرفي ممتع‬
5. What do bankers have to do ? ‫ماذا يتوجب للمصرفي ان يعمل ؟‬
Banker have to convince people to use the bank
‫المصرفي يتوجب عليه اقناع الناس ان يستخدموا المصرف‬
6. What is the way the bankers use to convince people to use the bank ?
‫ماهي الطريقة التي يتوجب على المصرفي اقناع الناس الستخدام المصرف‬
by offer new services. ‫عبر عرض خدمات جديده‬
7. How can the bank attract the students? ‫كيف يمكن للبنك جذب الطالب‬
by offering special student account if the bank is close to a university or collage
‫عن طريق عرض حساب طلبه خاص اذا كانت المصرف قريب من الكلية او الجامعة‬
8. We do not encourage students to open accounts. ( False ) ‫ال نشجع الطالب على فتح حساب‬
9. What is one of the main responsibilities of the banker ?
‫ماهي واحده من المسؤوليات الرئيسية للمصرف‬
to decide whether or not to give people or businesses
‫ان يقرر فيما ان يعطي الناس أو رجل االعمال‬
10. Why do people need loans ? ‫لماذا يحتاج الناس القروض‬
People need loans for special projects such as buying a car or a house .
. ‫الناس تحتاج القروض لمشاريع خاصه كشراء سيارة او بيت‬
11. How can the bank use the money people put into their accounts ?
‫كيف يمكن للمصرف استخدام اموال الناس ادخالها في حساباتهم ؟‬
by giving loans to people who need for special project such as buying a car or a house
‫اعطاء القروض للناس الذين يحتاجونه لمشاريع خاصة كشراء سيارة او بيت‬
12. What is the difficult part of the banker’s job ‫ما هو الجزء الصعب من عمله ؟‬
when he can't always approve a loans because he doesn’t like to disappoint his clients
‫عندما ال يستطيع دائما الموافقة على القروض النه ال يرغب ان يخيب امل عمالءه‬
13. Sometimes I can't agree to give a loan. ( True ) ‫بعض االحيان ال اقبل منح القرض‬
14. What do some bankers work mostly with? ‫مع من بعض المصرفيين يعمل غالبا‬
with large companies ,while others have more to do with small businesses and
individuals ‫مع كبار الشركات بينما االخرين لديهم الكثير ليعملوه مع االعمال الصغيرة واالفراد‬
15. Some banker work mostly with large companies ‫بعض المصرفين يعمل مع الشركات الكبير‬
16. How can both types of banking be ? ‫كيف يمكن ان يكون كال النوعين من الصيرفة‬
Both types of banking can be enjoyable. ‫كال النوعين من الصيرفة يكون ممتع‬
17. How can banks that work with large companies help them?
‫كيف يمكن للمصرف العمل مع الشركات الكبيرة ومساعدتها ؟‬
banks that work with large companies can help them improve and extend their
businesses . ‫البنك يعمل مع كبار الشركات يساعدهم في تحسين وتوسيع اعمالهم‬
18. If you work with a company that makes chemicals , what do you have to
understand? ‫عندما تعمل مع شركه مواد كيميائية ماذا يتوجب عليك ان تعلم ؟‬
I have to understand how the products are made and used
‫يتوجب عليك ان تفهم كيف تصنع وتستخدم المنتجات‬
19. With whom is the writer's ( banker's) main work ? ‫مع من العمل الرئيسي للكاتب ؟‬
with small businesses and individuals . ‫مع االعمال الصغيرة و االفراد‬
20. What does the banker enjoy particularly about working with individuals and small
businesses ? ‫ما لذي يمتع المصرفي بصوره خاصه حول عمله مع االفراد واالعمال الصغيرة ؟‬
meet a range of different people ‫يلتقي بنطاق من ناس مختلفة‬
21. Can the bank lend money to people who want to start their own businesses?
‫هل يستطيع المصرف اقراض المال للناس الذين يريدون ان يبدو اعمالهم الخاصة ؟‬
Yes, it can. ‫نعم يستطيع‬
22. What skills does a banker require ? ‫ماهي المهارات التي تتطلب في عمل المصرفي‬
to be good at Math's and able to read and understand Graphs and charts quickly, and
able to work with other experts who can give you important information
‫كأن يكون جيد في الرياضيات وقادر على ان يقرا ويفهم المخططات والرسوم البيانية بسرعه وان يكون قادر على العمل مع‬
‫االخرين الذين يمكن ان يعطوه معلوماتهم‬
23. Bankers only need to know about financial subjects. ( False )
24. One of bankers skills is to be good at math's ( True )
25. The bankers needs be a good architect ( False ) ‫المصرفي يجب أن يكون مهندس معماري جيد‬
26. If a client wants a loan to buy a house, what does the banker need to know?
‫اذا اراد العميل ان يقرض لشراء بيت ماذا يحتاج للمصرفي ان يعرف ؟‬
The banker needs to know about the value and the structure of the house and what sort
of neighborhood it is in ‫المصرفي يحتاج ان يعلم حول قيم وهيكل البيت وما هو نوع الحي الذي فيه البيت‬
27. Why does a banker need to be a good communicator ?
‫لماذا يحتاج المصرفي ليكون معرفه جيده ؟‬
because your clients need information about many different things
‫الن العمال يحتاجون معلومات حول اشياء مختلفة عديدة‬
28. I have to assess new business ideas. ( True ) ‫يجب أن اقيم االفكار تجارية جديدة‬
29. I do all my work alone. ( False ) ‫أعمل كل أعمالي وحدي‬
. 25 + 24 + 23 + 17 + 12 + 7 + 4 : ‫االسئلة الوزارية‬
making money
1. What is saving for future ? ‫ما هو االدخار للمستقبل ؟‬
Saving for the future is something that is instilled in us from an early age.
.‫االدخار للمستقبل هو شيء مثبت فينا من الصغر‬
2. As children, what do we learn about saving? OR how do we learn to save money? OR
As children, why do we learn not to spend all our pocket money at once?
‫كأطفال ماذا نتعلم من االدخار؟ كأطفال كيف نتعلم ان ندخر النقود ؟ كأطفال لماذا نتعلم ان ال نبذر كل ما بجيوبنا مرة واحدة؟‬
As children, we learn not to spend all our pocket money at once but to put some a side
to buy something bigger later on.
.‫كأطفال نتعلم ان ال نبذر نقودنا دفعة واحدة ولكن لنضع بعضا ً منها جانبا ً لنشتري بها شيئا ً اكبر فيما بعد‬
3. When we children we are thought the value of saving
4. As a children, we put some money aside to buy something bigger later on
‫عندما كنا صغار نجمع بعض المال جانبا لشراء شيء اكبر فيما بعد‬
5. When we start work, where are we encouraged to put money ?
‫ اين ُنشجع بان نضع النقود؟‬،‫عندما نبدأ العمل‬
We put it into pension plans ‫نضعها في خطط الراتب التقاعدي‬
6. Why do we put money into pension plans ? Why should people save money for the
future ? ‫لماذا نضع النقود في خطط الراتب التقاعدي ؟ لماذا يجب على الناس توفير المال للمستقبل ؟‬
To save for our retirement so that we can continue to enjoy a good standard of living
when we are older. .‫لندخر لتقاعدنا لكي نتمكن باالستمرار لنستمتع بنمط عيش جيد عندما نكبر‬
7. How can we make our money work for us ? ‫كيف يمكن ان نجعل نقودنا تعمل ألجلنا ؟‬
There are many ways in which we can make our money work for us as banks inform us
of different types of savings accounts
.‫هناك طرق عدة يمكن ان نجعل نقودنا تعمل ألجلنا كما تعلمنا المصارف بمختلف انواع حسابات التوفير‬
8. When do people get a lot of interest of their saving accounts ?
‫متى يحصل الناس على المزيد من الفائدة لحسابات توفيرهم‬
When they leave their money longer in the saving accounts
‫عندما يضعون اموالهم اطول مدة في حسابات التوفير‬
9. How can banks make our money less or more interest ?
‫كيف تجعل المصارف نقودنا ذات فائدة اقل او اكثر؟‬
According to the longer we leave our money with them
.‫وذلك حسب الفترة الزمنية التي نترك نقودنا في المصرف‬
10. How can some savings accounts benefit people? ‫كيف تفيد حسابات التوفير الناس؟‬
Saving accounts benefit people who don't need to access the money
‫يمكن ان تفيد الناس الذين ال يحتاجونه‬
11. Is it better if we forget our money in the bank ? ‫هل من االفضل ان ننسى نقودنا في المصرف؟‬
Yes, it is. ‫نعم‬

12. Who are financially-minded people? ‫من هم الناس المهتمون مالياً؟‬
They are people who follow the markets invest for money in stocks and shares
.‫هم الناس الذين يتابعون االسواق يستثمرون المال في االسهم والحصص‬

13. Financially-minded people invest for money, don't they? ‫المهتمون ماليا ً يستثمرون االموال ؟‬
Yes, they do. ‫نعم‬
14. Financially-minded people who follow the markets invest in stocks shares. (True)
15. Who are the specialists ? ‫من هم المختصون؟‬
They are the major players in the game of making money
.‫هم الالعبون االساس في لعبة صنع االموال‬
16. How can money also be made? ‫كيف يمكن تكوين المال ايضاً؟‬
made through investing in property .‫تكوين االموال من االستثمار في االمالك‬

17. Is it safe when money invested in property in long term ?

‫هل من اآلمن ان تُستثمر النقود في االمالك لفترة طويلة؟‬
Yes, it is. ‫نعم‬
18. Which type of investment that is becoming more and more popular in the UK? OR
What is the most popular investment in the UK at the moment ?
‫أي نوع من االستثمار يصبح االكثر شعبية في بريطانيا؟‬
Invest in property is the most popular investment in the UK
‫هو االكثر شعبية في بريطانيا االموال المستثمرة في االمالك‬
19. How can people invest their money? ‫كيف يستثمر الناس اموالهم؟‬
They can invest their money in savings accounts, pension plans, stocks and shares or
Property ..‫ والحصص او الملكية‬،‫ االسهم‬،‫ خطط الراتب التقاعدي‬،‫في حسابات التوفير‬
20. Stocks and shares for many people can be both fun and a way of making a lot of money.
.‫األسهم واألسهم لكثير من الناس يمكن أن تكون ممتعة وطريقة لكسب الكثير من المال‬
21. Investing in stocks and shares Is fun for some people
22. What did our grandparents often use to do? ‫ماذا اعتاد اجدادنا ان يفعلوا؟‬
Our grandparents used to keep their money in a box under the bed
.‫اجدادنا اعتادوا ان يحفظوا اموالهم في صندوق تحت الفراش‬
23. Why is investing in stocks and shares a risky business? ‫لماذا االستثمار في األسهم عمل خطر ؟‬
Why is it a risk to invest in stocks and shares ? ‫لماذا خطر االستثمار في األسهم واألسهم ؟‬
because people may lose a lot of money as well as gain it.
.‫ألن الناس قد يفقدون الكثير من المال باإلضافة إلى كسبه‬
OR Because there are no guarantees ‫ألنه ال توجد ضمانات‬
24. Why are spreadsheets used a lot in businesses? ‫كثيرا في التجارة ؟‬
ً ‫لماذا تستخدم جداول البيانات‬
because they show information in table form and they are good for showing financial
information ‫ألنها تعرض معلومات في شكل جدول وهي جيدة لعرض المعلومات المالية‬
24 + 23 + 21 + 20 + 19 + 18 + 14 + 10 + 6 : ‫االسئلة الوزارية‬

‫اختبارات وزارية‬
Q1) A- Read the following story.
We usually go to the laboratory curing chemistry lessons. There we do experiments. Yesterday the
teacher poured some acid into one glass. Then we poured some water into the other glass Now
look at me" The teacher said to us. " Put the acid into the water. But don't put the water into the
acid. It's very dangerous to do that". The teacher looked at us. Then he said "Ameen come here
and it. Here are the two. Glasses" Ameen was not listening to the teacher. He was looking through
the window. When the teacher called him, he went to the table. He held the two glasses. He did
not know what to do. At last he put the water into the acid I " stop I stop Don't do that. It's
dangerous, "shouted the teacher. But it was too late. Soon there was a lot of smoke coming out of
the acid. All of us left laboratory and went back out our class.

Now answer (five) of the following Questions: Do 5 only

1.Where do we go during chemistry le lessons?
2.What did the teacher ask us to pour?
3. Did Ameen understand the experiment?
4.Did Ameen make a mistake?
5.What did Ameen pour?
6. What came out of the acid?

Reading comprehension
B) Answer or complete the following sentences. Do 5 only
1. One of the banker's skills is to be good at Maths . (True or False)
2. The ……….. makes the job of a banker particularly interesting.
3. What is the difficult part of the banker’s job?
4. Financially- minded people who follow the markets invest in stocks and shares.(True/False)
5. Saving accounts benefit people who don't need to access the money.(True/False)
6. Why is investing in stocks and shares a risky business?

Grammar and Function:

Q2) A / Do as required. Do 10 only.
1. When you say you are sending something with the letter say ( here's / I enclosed ) for formal
2. The cheque ( a- is signed b- signed c-was signed ) two days ago.
3. (wallet/week/was/My/last/taken) (Unscrambled the words to make a passive sentence)
4. Somebody robbed the bank yesterday (Unscramble the words to make a passive sentence)
5. My bedroom ( a. is painting / b. is being painted / c. was being painted ) so, I' m sleeping in the
living room.
6. Somebody left these books in the classroom . (make passive sentence)
7. Somebody teaches History every day . (change into passive)
8. Somebody is cleaning the room right now . (change into passive)
9. Somebody will grade our homework over the weekend . (change into passive)
10. Tomorrow / bill / will / The / be / paid ( unscramble the word to make passive sentence )
11. by The down the previous owner were trees cut .( Put the words in the correct order to
make passive sentence)
12. The machine ----------------- ( repair ) at the moment . (correct the passive verb )

B) Choose the best alternatives. Do 5 only
1. My father (opened/made) an account for me when I was quite young .
2. I (deposited/installed) 5 million Iraqi dinars this morning .
3. Banks usually (pay/charge) a fee if you are overdrawn
4. If you (stay/maintain ) a minimum balance , you don’t have to pay a fee .
5. I can ( take / make) a withdrawal at an ATM at any time
6. Some accounts ( costs / pay ) more interest than others .

Vocabulary and Spelling :

Q3) A / Complete the following sentences from the words in the box.
loan , withdrawal , expired , instalments , deposited , current ,
1. I'm afraid your card is no longer valid . It ………a week ago .
2. There must be a mistake . I didn’t make this ……..last week .
3. A ……..account comes with a cheque book
4. If you don’t have enough money to buy something , you can ask the bank for a……..
5. How many ………do you have to make to pay back your loan .

B) Match the beginnings and endings of the sentences Do 5 only

List B List A
1- Could you please me know . a) a machine you can withdraw cash from
2- ATM . b) when I will receive my card
3- Traveler's cheque . c) I'll be at the airport at 12.30
4- If the traffic isn't too heavy d) A special cheque that can be used in any bank
5- I was told that . e) I would receive within a week.
6- Deposit f) money that you put in your bank account

Q5) Write a letter to your bank to complain about withdrawal shown on your statement that
you didn’t make. Write 100 to 120 words

148 ‫ ص‬C ‫ت‬

1. You can enhance your computer skills by taking an evening class.

2. You must send your application to the school by 10 May if you want to start
3. Many scientists will be giving presentations at the conference on the environment.
4. Because she is an excellent pianist , Amana was admitted to a very good music
5. you can register for this class by completing a form online .
6. When I left school I had few qualifications , but I got a good job after taking

165 ‫ ص‬A ‫ت‬

1. On the first day , the students take a placement test .
2. Many students take an intensive language course .
3. The maximum number of students is 10 .
4. You have to pay your course fees in advance .
5. A qualification in English is mandatory if you want to study in England .

166 ‫ ص‬C ‫ت‬

1. I'd like to train as a librarian because I love books and libraries .
2. She's a medical student . She should qualify as a doctor in two years’ time .
3. Next year I plan to enrol on a course to improve my English .
4. If you are a manager , you have to supervise other employees .
5. Last summer my father ,who is a scientist , attended a big conference in London

151 ‫ ص‬A ‫ت‬

1. able to make yourself to things even when you don’t want to do them self-disciplined .
2. a programme that lets you arrange information in tables spread sheets.
3. a person who is looking for a job jobseeker.
4. creating a website web design.
5. creating pictures for books, brochures, etc. graphic design.

) 66 ( ‫ تمرين في كتاب الطالب ص‬+

‫االسقاطات الوزارية لهذا اليونت‬
Graphic design , course-fees , maximum, placement test , register , qualification , enroll ,
Mandatory , librarian , body language , workshop, information , application , intensive,
enhance , Hospitality

1- when I left school. I had few………., but I got a good job after taking a computer class
2-You have to pay your ………in advance.
3-I‟d like to train as a ……….because I love books and libraries.
4-Being able to read……….is vital for good social communication.
5-You can ……….your computer skills by taking an evening class.
6-The library has range of ………..for people who are looking for the right career.
7-Photographers may want to take classes in digital………….
8-To get a better job,you have to…………..your skill
9-On the first day the students take a…………
10- You must sent you …… the school by 10 May if you want to start in July
11-I'm going to ……… computer class.
12-Arabs are famous for their……………
13- A qualification in English is …….if you want to study in England.
14- You must sent you ……….to the school by 10 May if you want to start in July .
15-They served us with a variety of food ,Their …………….was incredible.
16-You can ……..for this class by completing a form online .
17-You can ………………..your computer skills by taking an evening class
18-The . . . . . . number of the students is 10.
19-Many students take an ……………..language course.
20-I‟m on my way to register for a computer ………..
: ‫االجوبة‬
1- qualification. 2- course-fees. 3- librarian. 4- body language. 5- register
6- information. 7- graphic design. 8-enhance 9- placement test. 10- application
11- enroll 12-hospitality 13- mandatory 14- application. 15-hospitality
16- register 17- enhance. 18-maximum. 19- intensive. 20- workshop

148 ‫ ص‬B ‫ت‬
1. get on a list of people = register
‫يسجل = الحصول على قائمة من االسماء‬
( ‫) وزاري‬
2. a large meeting to discuss something = conference
‫مؤتمر = اجتماع كبير للمناقشة‬
3. a practical lesson = workshop
‫ممارسة الدرس = حلقة دراسية‬
( ‫) وزاري‬
4. a written request = application
‫طلب = طلب خطي‬
( ‫) وزاري‬
5. working quickly and well = efficient
‫كفوء = العمل بسرعة وبشكل جيد‬
6. be on a list for a class = enrol
‫يسجل = تكوين قائمة لصف‬
7. make something better = enhance
‫يعزز = صنع شيء أفضل‬
8. allowed into a place = admitted
‫معترف به = السماع بالتفضل بمكان‬

165 ‫ ص‬B ‫ت‬

1. Spreadsheet = A computer program that is useful if you are working with numbers
‫جدول بيانات = برنامج كومبيوتر يمكن أن يكون مفيد إذا كنت تعمل مع االرقام‬
2. Venue = The place where you hold a course on concert, for example
‫مكان = المكان الذي يعقد فيه فصل دراسي او حفل موسيقى على سبيل المثال‬
3. Enhance = improve ( for example, job prospects )
) ‫ فرص عمل‬: ‫تعزيز = تحسين ( مثال‬
4. Charity = An organization that provides help or raise money for people in need
‫مؤسسة خيرية = المنظمة التي تقوم بمساعدة أو تجمع تبرعات المحتاجين‬
5. Chat = Talk or communicate informally, for example on the Internet
‫دردشة = الحديث أو التواصل الغير رسمي مثال شبكة االنترنت‬

155 ‫ ص‬C ‫ت‬

1. If we don’t hurry, we'll be late. The train » leaves at 11.00

‫ القطار يغادر في الحادية عشر‬، ‫ سنتأخر‬، ‫اذا لم نسرع‬
2. I'm sorry I can't go with you I » am going to the dentist's then.
‫ انا سأذهب الى الطبيب‬، ‫ ال استطيع الذهاب معك‬، ‫انا اسف‬
3. Your room is a mess. When » are you going to clean it up?
‫ متى ستقوم بتنظيفها‬، ‫غرفتك هي الفوضى‬
4. Think of me tomorrow at 9.00. I » will be taking a really difficult exam
‫ انا سوف اختبر لالمتحان الصعب‬9 ‫فكر بي غدا الساعة‬
5. She didn’t pass the exam last time. I hope » she will do better this time. ( ‫) وزاري‬
‫ اتمنى ان تتحسن هذه المرة‬، ‫لم تجتاز في المرة السابقة‬

167 ‫ ص‬E ‫ت‬
1. When I was 10 » I thought I would be a pilot.
‫ سنوات فكرت ان اكون طيارا‬10 ‫عندما كنت‬
2. I can't stay long because » I'm meeting my brother at 6.00. ( ‫) وزاري‬
6‫ال استطيع البقاء طويال بسبب سألتقي بأخي في الــ‬
3. Next semester we » will be studying Biology at school. ( ‫) وزاري‬
‫الفصل القادم نحن سندرس االحياء في المدرس‬
4. They didn’t stay for dinner because » they were having dinner with a friend. ( ‫) وزاري‬
‫لم يبقى على العشاء بسبب انهم سيتنالوا الطعام مع صديقهم‬
5. she felt sleepy and decided » she was going to get to bed early.
‫شعرت بالنعاس وقررت أن تذهب للنوم مبكرا‬
6. She studied English because » she knew she would be travelling for work.
‫درست االنكليزية بسبب ألنها علمت ابنها ستسافر للعمل‬
7. If you leave now, I think » you will get there on time. ( ‫) وزاري‬
‫اذا غادرت االن انا اعتقد ستصل هناك في الوقت المحدد‬
8. When I read the catalogue » I saw that classes started in June .
‫عندما قرأت الدليل رأيت الدروس تبدأ في حزيران‬

) ‫(وزاري‬
‫تحويل االفعال الى اسماء‬ 146 ‫ ص‬C ‫ت‬
1. Enhance ‫يعزز‬ » Enhancement ‫تعزيز‬
2. Enrol ‫يسجل‬ » Enrolment ‫تسجيل‬
3. Apply ‫يطلب‬ » Application ‫طلب‬
4. Admit ‫يقبل‬ » Admission / Admittance ‫قبول‬
5. Attend ‫يحضر‬ » Attendance ‫حضور‬
6. Register ‫يسجل‬ » Registration ‫تسجيل‬

‫أسماء مركبة‬ 165 ‫ ص‬A ‫ت‬

1. internet connection ‫اتصال االنترنت‬
2. course fees ‫اجور الدورة الدراسية‬
3. self-discipline ‫منضبط ذاتيا‬
4. web design ‫تصميم شبكات‬
5. computer skills ‫مهارات الحاسوب‬
) ‫(وزاري‬
‫مرادفات‬ 170 ‫ ص‬B ‫ت‬
1. Astounded = surprised ‫ مفاجئ‬: ‫مدهش‬
2. Body language = how to sit and move ‫ كيف تجلس وتتحرك‬: ‫لغة الجسد‬
3. Appropriately = in the correct way ‫بشكل مناسب = في الطريق الصحيح‬
4. Since = because ‫بسبب‬
5. Pay off = bring the right results ‫مفيد‬

Studying while you're working is worth all the hard work

Q) Write a short essay giving your opinion about this statement: "Studying while you're working is
worth all the hard work." Your essay should have a short introduction and a conclusion. Remember
to use linking words and phrases. You should write 100-120 words.

. ‫ان تدرس وانت تعمل شيء مفيد ويستحق كل الجهد لن كالهما الدراسة والعمل مهمان في حياتنا‬

To study while you are working is something useful and worth all the hard work
because both studying and working are important in our life.
‫العديد من الناس يعملون لكي يستطيعوا ان يكسبوا قوتهم وليحصلوا على المال الكافي الذي يتيح لهم ان يعيشوا حياة افضل‬
‫ولكن انت في حاجة لتطوير مهاراتك في عملك او ان تحصل على فرصة لتغير عملك عندما ل يكون بمقدورك الستمرار‬
‫لبقية حياتك في وظيفة مملة‬
Many people work so that they can earn a living and get enough money which
allows them to get a better life. But you need to improve your skills in your work
or to get a chance to change your working when you can't continue the rest of
your life with a boring job.
‫لذا يجب عليك التسجيل في دورات دراسية عديدة وان تدرس بقدر ما تستطع لتحصل على شهادة تمنحك وظيفة افضل‬
So you should register in many courses and study as much as you could to get a
degree that gives you a better job.
‫على سبيل المثال لو انك اردت ان تكون مرشد سياحي جيد وناجح فأنك سوف تحتاج ان تتحدث العديد من اللغات وذلك‬
.‫يتطلب الدراسة بجد‬
For example ,If you want to be a good and successful tour guide you will need to
speak more languages and that requires studying hard .
‫وعلى العموم بالرغم من ان العمل والدراسة في نفس الوقت شيء صعب ال ان النجاح في الحياة يستحق كل هذا الجهد‬
On the whole, although working and studying at the same time is hard but
success in our life needs all the hard work.

using the library
1. In the bank, what did the writer give people? ‫في المصرف ماذا يعطي الكاتب الناس ؟‬
He gave people information about their accounts and cashed cheque.
‫هو يعطي الناس معلومات عبر حساباتهم ويرصف الصكوك‬
2. When the writer was working in a bank he gave people information about travelling (F)
3. Did the writer enjoy his job in a bank? ‫هل الكاتب مستمتع بوظيفته بالمصرف ؟‬
He enjoyed his job in a bank for a while. ‫استمتع بوظيفته بالمصرف لفتره قليله‬
4. Why did the writer decide to leave the bank and start coming to the central library of
Baghdad ‫لماذا قرر الكاتب ترك المصرف وبدأ المجيء الى المكتبة المركزية في بغداد ؟‬
Because it wasn't what he wanted to do for the rest of his life
‫ألنها لم تكن ما يريد ان يفعل لبقيه حياته‬
5. The author enjoyed his job for a while. However, he decided it wasn't what he wanted
to do for the rest of his life.
6. The writer decided to look for a new job because he failed in his work for the bank. (F)
7. The writer wants to find a job in his country ( F )
8. Why does the writer need to improve his English language? ‫لماذا يحتاج لتعلم اإلنكليزية‬
because he had like a job which involved Travelling.
9. Why did the writer go to the central library of Baghdad? ‫لماذا ذهب الى المكتبة المركزية‬
He went there to look for information that might help him to get a job which involve
traveling ‫لكي يبحث عن معلومات قد تساعده للحصول على وضيفة تتطلب السفر‬
10. What does the library have? ‫ماذا يوجد في المكتبة ؟‬
It has a range of information for people who are looking for the right career
‫فيها مدى واسع من المعلومات للناس الذين يبحثون عن الوظائف المناسبة‬
11. How can the library help you find a right career? ‫كيف تساعدك المكتبة في ايجاد وظيفه‬
The library has a whole section of books about different careers. They describe the
various Jobs And also tell you what skills or qualification you need to do them
‫فيها قسم كامل من الكتب حول الوظائف المختلفة وكذلك تخبرك عن المهارات او المؤهالت التي تحتاجها لعمل ذلك‬
12. What does the whole section of books about different careers in a library describe?
‫ماذا يحتوي القسم الكامل من المكتب التي تتحدث عن الوظائف المختلفة ؟‬
They describe the various jobs and tell us what skills or qualifications we need to
do them. ‫انها توصف المهارات او المؤهالت التي نحتاجها لعمل ذلك‬
13. At the library the writers can learn how to apply for jobs ( T)
14. The writer found books about different careers in the library. (T)
15. Why are new jobs appearing all the time? ‫لماذا الوظائف الجديدة في كل الوقت ؟‬
New jobs are appearing all the time because of new technology. ‫بسبب التقنية الجديدة‬

16. What are books in the library used for? ‫ماذا تستخدم الكتب في المكتبة ؟‬
Books with advice in the library help people to finding job vacancies and how to
prepare for and get through interviews
‫الكتب والنصائح في المكتبة تساعد الناس إليجاد وظائف شاغره وكيف تستعد لها وتحصل عليها خالل المقابالت‬
17. He reads newspaper in the library to find out what is happening in the world ( F )
18. What is body language? ‫ماهي لغة الجسد‬
It is very important in an interview and also in how to look business like .
‫انها مهمه جدا في المقابالت وكيف يبدو العمل‬
19. The writer has learnt a lot about how body language is important in interviews. (T)
20. Why did the author want to study languages? ‫لماذا المؤلف يريد ان يدرس اللغات ؟‬
Because he wanted to travel. ‫ألنه يريد ان يسافر‬
21. The library has information about language tests. It also has practice books to help
prepare for examinations.
22. How can a library help you get information about the classes ?
‫كيف تستطيع المكتبة ان تساعدك للحصول على معلومات حول الدروس ؟‬
It has a lot of materials to do this. ‫فيها كثير من المواد لفعل ذلك‬
23. What can the library borrow you? ‫ماذا تستطيع المكتبة ان تعيرك ( تداينك ) ؟‬
It can borrow books in English and DVDs with language – learning games and exercises
‫تستطيع اعارتك كتب في اللغة اإلنكليزية واقراص مع العاب تعليم اللغة والتمارين‬
24. The writer can borrow DVDs from the library ( T )
25. At the library you can get information about looking for a job, such as newspapers and
26. How is the daily selection of newspapers and magazines in a library useful?
What can the newspaper and magazines in the library help you? Why?
‫كيف يوميا تكون اختيار الصف والمجالت مفيدا في المكتبة ؟ ماذا تستطيع المجالت والصحف في المكاتب مساعدتك ؟‬
We can look through them to find job offers because it is good to know what jobs are
Available. ‫نستطيع النظر خاللها إليجاد عروض الوظيفة النها جيدة لمعرفة ما الوظيفة المناسبة‬
27. What have the librarians told the author? ‫ماذا اخبر المكتبيين للمؤلف‬
They have told him how to get information about companies. He can find out where
they Are, what to do and how big they are
‫ وكم كبيرة هي‬، ‫ وماذا يفعل‬، ‫ كيف يكتشف اين هي‬، ‫هم اخبروه كيف يحصل على معلومات من الشركات‬
28. writer could get information about evening and summer classes from the librarian. (T)
29. The writer has already applied to some companies ( F )
30. Why does the author sure that his research will pay off? ‫لماذا المؤلف يعتقد ان بحثه يجدي‬
Because he thinks that he will have his dream job one day
‫ألنه يعتقد انه سيحصل وظيفه احالمه في يوم من االيام‬
; 29 + 26 + 24 + 19 + 16 + 13 + 9 + 8 + 6 : ‫االسئلة الوزارية‬

‫اختبارات وزارية‬
Q1) A- Read the following story.
One day, Jane and her sister Sally were walking along a path by the river. It was a sunny
morning and they were to have lunch at a restaurant near the river. There were some boats on
the river. One of them was coming towards the two girls. There was a man in it. He looked too
tired to control the boat. Suddenly the boat turned over and the man fell into the water. He tried
to reach the river bank but he couldn't. " Help" he cried. At first the two girls didn't know what
to do. There was nobody to offer help. Then, they decided to save the man. They jumped into
the water. Jane pushed the boat away. Then Jane and Sally pulled the man to the bank. The man
wasn't hurt, but he had swallowed a lot of water.

Now answer (5) of the following questions: Do 5 only

1. Where were the two girls walking?
2. Could the man reach the river bank?
3. Where did the man fall?
4. The man couldn't control the boat because he was (a drunk \ tired)
5. Who saved the man?
6. Give a suitable title to the passage.
Reading comprehension
B) Answer or complete the following sentences. Do 5 only
1. The writer decided to look for a new job because he failed in his work for the bank ( T / F )
2. At the library the writers can learn how to apply for jobs ( T / F )
3. Why does the writer need to improve his English language ?
4. Why did the writer go to the central library of Baghdad?
5. The writer has learnt a lot about how body language is important in interviews ( T / F )
6. How is the daily selection of newspapers and magazines in a library useful?

Grammar and Function:

Q2) A / Do as required. Do 10 only.
1. She is going to her computer course tomorrow. I found out she--- ( Rewrite using the future
in the past)
2. He's going to be a librarian. He decided he … ( Re write using the future in the past)
3. Hassan thinks he will enjoy a career in graphic design . Hassan thought --------, but now he's
not sure ( Rewrite using the future in the past)

B) Choose the correct alternative: Do 5 only

1. Duna ( is going to volunteer / volunteers) at the hospital when she has more time .
2. Volunteer training ( will be beginning / begins) on the first of the month.
3. He ( is meeting / meets) the director tomorrow morning .
4. Layla thought she ( would like / likes ) nursing, but now she's not nurse.
5. Ibrahim can't stay out late because he ( was starting / is starting ) his new job tomorrow
6. Ibrahim had to leave early because he ( was having / had to ) meet his friends.

Vocabulary and Spelling :
Q3) A / Complete the following sentences from the words in the box.
application , maximum , placement, register, medical , mandatory
1. you can ……..for this class by completing a form online .
2. On the first day , the students take a ……..test .
3. The …….number of students is 10 .
4. A qualification in English is…….. if you want to study in England .
5. She's a ……student . She should qualify as a doctor in two years’ time .

B) Match the beginnings and endings of the sentences Do 5 only

List B List A
1. Next semester we a. she was going to get to bed early.
2. She studied English because b. will be studying Biology at school.
3. She felt sleepy and decided , c. saw that classes started in June.
4. If you leave now, I think d. I thought I would be a pilot.
5. When I was 10 e. Saw the classes started in June.
6. When I read the catalogue f. you will get there on time

C) Complete the following with correctly spelt words. Do 5 only

1. Enhance ; Enhancement , Admit ; …….. 2. Register ; Registration , Enrol ; ……..
3. Internet ; Internet connection , Course …... 4. Astounded ; surprised , Body language .....
5. web ; Web design , Computer ; …….. 6. Since = because , Pay off ; ……..

Q5) Write a short essay giving your opinion about this statement: "Studying while you're working is worth
all the hard work." Your essay should have a short introduction and a conclusion. Remember to use linking
words and phrases. You should write 100-120 words

Unit Eight ‫الوحدة الثامنة‬

‫ال تحتوي الوحدة الثامنة على موضوع قواعد و تمارينه تم حلها بحسب موضوعها‬

181 ‫ ص‬A ‫ت‬
1. If deforestation continues , many species of animal will disappear Completely .
2. Scientists are finding ways to limit damage to the environment .
3. Wind is a renewable source of energy .
4. We have to follow a lot of safety regulations at works
5. We need to replace the trees that are cut down .
6. We need to use the Earth's resources wisely .
7. It is essential that something is done about the destruction of the Rainforests .
8. Waste is often burnt or buried
9. Some people say that wind farms spoil the landscape .
‫االسقاطات الوزارية لهذا اليونت‬
Landscape , buried , limit , thoroughly , regulations , essential , separated , deforestation
recycled ,replace , energy , crops , Renewable , environment , waste , spoil, wisely
1-Wind is a………………. source of energy
2-We need to ……………..the trees that are cut down.
3-Some people say that wind farms spoil the ……………….
4-It is…… find ways to reduce the pollution of the environment.
5-Waste is often burnt or…………….
6- The waste is ………….into different types.
7- Some people say that wind farms ……….the landscape.
8-The process of cutting down large number of trees is called…………..
9- In some countries, more than 50% of waste is …………..
10-We ……………enjoyed our holiday with Safar tour
11- We have to follow a lot of safety ………….At work
12- Scientists are finding ways to ………Damage to the environment.
13-We have to use the natural restoures …………..
14-Wheat and barley are ………….. grown in Iraq.
15-people claim that wind turbines……………..the landscape.
16-We need to use the Earth's resources……
17-Today, more and more people are recycling their ………
18-Children need a happy home ……………
19- Wind is a renewable source of ………
: ‫االجوبة‬
1- Renewable. 2- replace. 3- landscape. 4-essential 5- buried.
6- separated 7- spoil 8- deforestation 9- recycled. 10-thoroughly
11- regulations. 12- limit. 13-wisely. 14-crops. 15- spoil.
16-wisely. 17- waste 18- environment. 19- energy.
174 ‫ ص‬A ‫ت‬
1. Bury = to put something in the ground and cover it with earth
‫يدفن = يضع شيء بالتراب ويدفنه باألرض‬
2. Waste = useless materials that are left after you have used something
‫نفايات = مواد عديمة الفائدة تبقى بعد استخدامك لشيء ما‬
3. Pollution = the process of damaging the air, water or land with chemicals . ( ‫) وزاري‬
‫ الماء أو االرض بالمراد الكيميائي‬، ‫تلوث = عملية اتالف الهواء‬
4. Encourage = to suggest that someone does something that you believe Would be good.
‫تشجيع = تشير الى ان شخص ما يفعل شيء تعتقد أنه سيكون جيد‬
172 ‫ ص‬A ‫ت‬
1. Efficiently ‫ = بكفاءة‬Working will and quickly ‫العمل بكفاءة وسرعة‬
2. Essential ‫ = اساسي‬Extremely necessary ‫ضروري للغاية‬
( ‫) وزاري‬
3. Logging ‫ = قطع االخشاب‬Cutting down trees for wood ‫قطع االشجار ألجل الخشب‬
4. Wisely ‫ = بحكمة‬In a sensible manner ‫بأسلوب دقيق‬
173 ‫ ص‬C ‫ت‬

1. Deoxygenating ‫ = سحب االوكسجين‬Remove the oxygen from something ‫أزاله أوكسجين‬

2. Depopulation ‫ = تهجير‬Reducing the population of an area ‫تقليل سكان من منطقة‬
3. Devolution ‫ = تقليل القيمة‬Reducing the value of something ‫تقليل قيمة شيء‬
182 ‫ ص‬D ‫ت‬
( ‫) وزاري‬
1. Many wind turbines » have been built in Europe.
‫العديد من محركات الهواء بنيت في اوربا‬
2. People who live near wind farms » complain about the noise. ( ‫) وزاري‬
‫الناس الذين يعيشون قرب مزارع الرياح يشتكون من الضوضاء‬
3. The land under the wind turbines » can be used for agriculture
‫االرض التي تحت محركات الهواء يمكن ان تستخدم للزراعة‬
4. Building a wind turbine » is an expensive project. ( ‫) وزاري‬
‫بناء محركات الهواء مشروع مكلف‬
5. Wind power » has been used for thousands of years
‫طاقة الرياح استخدمت منذ االف السنوات‬

111 ‫ ص‬B ‫ت‬
1- park ranger ‫حارس منتزه‬ 4- Wind turbine ‫محرك رياح‬
2- Natural resource ‫مورد طبيعي‬ 5- Global warming ‫احتباس حراري‬
3- Greenhouse gas ‫غاز االحتباس الحراري‬ 6- Renewable energy sources ‫مصدر طاقة متجدد‬
) ‫(وزاري‬
185 ‫ ص‬B ‫ت‬
The opposite of deep ‫عكس كلمة عميق‬ = Shallow ‫ضحل‬
The remains of a building ‫بقايا المباني‬ = Ruins ‫خراب‬
An area that contains water for distribution ‫المنطقة التي تحتوي على مياه‬ = Reservoir ‫خزان‬
A general word for cotton , wheat , barley and so on .. ‫كلمة عامة للقطن‬ = Crops ‫محاصيل‬

‫مقاطع توضع في بداية الكلمة‬ ) prefix ( ‫البادئات‬

prefix ‫بادئة‬ Meaning ‫معنى‬ Example ‫مثال‬
anti Against ‫ضد‬ Antipollution ‫مضاد للتلوث‬
bi Two ‫اثنان‬ Bicycle ‫دراجة‬
co Together ‫سوية‬ Co-worker ‫زميل العمل‬
de reduce , remove ‫تقليل او ازالة‬ Defrost ‫ازالة الغابة‬
eco Environment ‫بيئة‬ Ecosystem ‫نظام بيئي‬
inter among , between ‫بين‬ International ‫دولي‬
micro very small ‫صغير جدا‬ Microscope ‫مجهر‬
re Again ‫مرة ثانية‬ Reread ‫اقرا مرة ثانية‬
tele over a distance ‫عن بعد‬ Television ‫تلفزيون‬
trans Across ‫عبر‬ Transcontinental ‫عابر للقارات‬

‫مقاطع توضع في نهاية الكلمة‬ ) suffix ( ‫الالحقات‬

suffix ‫الحقة‬ Meaning ‫معنى‬ Example ‫مثال‬
able Capable of ‫قادر على \ قابل ل‬ Renewable ‫متجدد‬
al Related to ‫متعلق ب‬ Environmental ‫بيئي‬
ation Action , process ‫عملية‬ Celebration ‫احتفال‬
en Made of ‫مصنوع من‬ Wooden ‫خشبي‬
ful Full of ‫مليء ب‬ Harmful ‫مضر‬
ist Person who does ‫الشخص الذي يعمل‬ Scientist ‫عالم‬
less Without ‫بدون‬ Heartless ‫بدون قلب‬
ly In this way ‫بهذه الطريقة‬ Quietly ‫بهدوء‬
ology Science of ‫علم ال‬ Geology ‫علم الرض‬
ship Skill ‫مهارة‬ Craftsmanship ‫مهارة الصناعة‬

Improving the environment

Q) Write 100 to 120 words about ways people can help to improve the environment.

.‫ نحتاج إلى مساعدته على التغيير لألفضل‬.‫من الواضح أن بيئتنا تتغير نحو األسوأ‬
It is obvious that our environment is changing for the worse. We need to help it
change for the better.
‫ لكن األخبار الجيدة هي أن أي شخص يمكن أن يساعد في تقليلها‬، ‫هناك الكثير من األشياء التي تؤثر على موقعنا بيئة سيئة‬
‫والقيام بواجبهم لتحسين البيئة‬
There are a lot of things that affect our environment badly, but the good news is that
everone can help to reduce them and do their bit to improve the environment.
‫ يجب‬،‫ لتوفير المياه‬،‫ إعادة يمكننا إعادة استخدام ما يمكنك ثالثًا‬،‫ ثانيا‬.‫أحد الحلول الممكنة هو تقليل كمية النفايات التي تقوم بها‬
.‫ يمكننا أن نجعل فرق من المتطوعين يلتقطون القمامة على طول األنهار‬.‫أن نتوقف عن رمي القمامة‬
One possible solution is to reduce the amount of waste you make. Secondly, recycle
and reuse what you can. Thirdly, to save water, we must stop littering. We can make
teams of volunteers to pick up the rubbish along the rivers.
.‫ بهذه الطريقة أنت تخفض تلوث الهواء‬.‫الحل األسهل قد يكون المشي أو ركوب الدراجة بدال من القيادة كلما ممكن‬
An easier solution might be to walk or ride a bike instead of driving whenever
possible. This way you are reducing the air pollution.
‫ تغيير بسيط في عاداتنا وطريقة تفكيرنا يمكن أن تسير في طريقنا‬.‫ يمكننا القول إنه في الواقع في أيدينا إلنقاذ البيئة‬، ‫في النهاية‬
.‫إلى إنقاذ طبيعة‬
At the end, we can say it's actually in our hands to save the environment. Little
change in our habits and way of thinking can go along way in saving the nature.
‫ يجب أن يكون لدينا‬،‫ إذا أردنا أن يكون لدينا بيئة نظيفة‬.‫حان الوقت يجب أن نتخذ خطوات لخلق الوعي البيئي تحسين بيئتنا‬
.‫عقول نظيفة‬

It's time we must take steps to create environmental awareness to improve our
environment. If we want to have clean environment, we must have clean minds.

A renewable resource ‫المصادر المتجددة‬

1. What is the wind ? ‫ما هي الرياح ؟‬

it is the natural resource that people have been using for thousands of years
‫الرياح هي احد المصادر الطبيعية التي استخدمها الناس أالف السنين‬
2. In Europe, what was the wind used ? OR in what ways has wind power been used for
thousands od years ? ‫في اوربا ماذا استخدم الناس الرياح ؟ او ما استخداماتها قبل االف السنين‬
People have used it to power sailing boats all Over the world and the grind corn into
flour for bread.
‫استخدمها الناس لتشغيل القوارب الشراعية على مستوى العالم و لطحن الذرة الى طحين لعمل الخبز‬
3. in Europe the wind was used for a long time to Grind corn into flour for bread.
4. Now, how have we developed the ways to use the wind?
‫في الوقت الحاضر كيف تطورت طرق استخدام الرياح ؟‬
Now, we have developed the ways to use the wind to provide electricity for many
other purposes ‫االن تطورت طرق استخدام الرياح لتجهيز الكهرباء ولعدة اغراض ا‬
5. What are the advantages of wind power ? ‫ما هي فوائد طاقة الرياح ؟‬
a) It is clean energy. ‫انها طاقة نظيفة‬
b) It doesn't produce any waste or greenhouse gases. ‫ال تنتج اي مخلفات غازات االحتباس الحراري‬
c) It is renewable because it doesn't run out . ‫انها متجددة‬
d) It is efficient . ‫انها كفؤة‬
e) It will never run out. ‫انها مطلقا ال تنتهي‬
6. What is the most important aspect of wind power ? ‫ما أفضل ميزة لطاقة الرياح‬
it is clean energy power . ‫انها طاقة نظيفة‬
7. The main advantage of wind power is that it is Clean energy power.
8. How is wind caused by? ‫كيف تتسبب الرياح ؟‬
Wind is caused by changing temperatures in the air
‫يسببها التغير في درجة الحرارة في الهواء‬
9. Why can the land under the turbines still be used for agriculture?
‫لماذا االرض التي تحت المحركات تبقى مستخدمة في الزراعة‬
because wind turbines are quite tall . ‫الن محركات الهواء طويلة جدا‬
10. Why does the author say wind power is efficient ? ‫لماذا الكاتب صرح بان محركات الرياح كفؤة ؟‬
Because the land under the turbine can be used for agriculture
‫الن االرض تحت المحركات تستطيع ان تستخدم للزراعة‬
11. Can the project of wind turbines go ahead? ‫هل سيمضي قدما مشروع محركات الهواء ؟‬
No , it can't. ‫كال‬

12. What are the disadvantages of wind power? ‫ماهي مساوئ طاقة الرياح ؟‬
A. People who live near the turbines find them unattractive and noisy
‫الناس الذين يسكنون قرب المحركات يجدونها غير جذابة و مزعجة‬
B. People think the turbines spoil the landscape.
‫الناس يعتقدون ان المحركات تفسد المناظر الطبيعية‬
C. People say the turbines are quite noisy and ugly.
‫الناس يعتقدون ان المحركات ضوضائية جدا وقبيحة‬
D. People think the turbines can't supply all of their energy needs.
‫الناس يعتقدون انها ال تستطيع ان تمدهم بكل احتياجاتهم‬
E. There is also a lot of expense involved in installing and maintaining the wind turbines.
‫كذلك هناك كلفة يحتاجها تنصيب وصيانة محركات الهواء‬
13. People think that wind turbines are unattractive and noisy
14. What two complaints do people who live near wind turbines have about them ?
‫ما الشكاوى للناس الذين يعيشون قرب محركات الرياح ؟‬
People complain the wind turbines are Unattractive and noisy ‫انها غير جذابة ومزعجة‬
15. People who live near the turbines who find them unattractive and think they spoil the
16. Why will we always have to rely on additional sources of energy? OR why can't we
only use it to supply our energy ? ‫لماذا يتوجب علينا االعتماد على المصادر االضافية للطاقة‬
because wind turbines can't supply all of our energy needs
‫الن محركات الهواء ال يمكن ان تمدنا بجميع احتياجاتنا من الطاقة‬
17. Where does the government want to build a wind farm? ‫اين تريد حكومة بناء مزرع رياح‬
The government wants to build a wind farm near the coast. ‫قرب الساحل‬
18. Why is the government plan to build a wind farm ridiculous?
‫لماذا خطه الحكومة لبناء مزرعة الرياح مثيرة للسخرية‬
Because wind turbines are incredibly ugly and noisy
‫الن محركات الهواء مزعجه وقبيحة بشكل ال يصدق‬
19. What are the disadvantages of wind power near the coast?
‫ماهي مساوئ طاقه الرياح قرب الساحل‬
a. They are not good for the birds; hundreds of birds fly into them and die every year
‫هي ليست جيدة للطيور الن االف الطيور تطير اليها وتموت‬
b. They are bad for fishing, they scare away the fish ‫سيئة للسمك تخيف السمك وتبعده‬
c. They might interfere with the radars on the fishermen's boats.
‫هي قد تتداخل مع رادار قوارب صيادي السمك‬

20. Why do fishermen afraid of the wind turbines? ‫لماذا الصيادون يخشون محركات الهواء ؟‬
because they can't go into very deep waters to catch fish
‫النهم ال يستطيعوا الذهاب للمياه العميقة لمسك السمك‬
21. The Waste is either burnt or buried

16 + 15 + 14 + 13 + 10 + 9 + ٨ + 7 + 6 + 3 + 2 : ‫االسئلة الوزارية‬
The swing
) ‫حياة الكاتب ( محمد خضير‬

1. Who / what is Mohammed Khudhair ? ‫من هو محمد خضير ؟‬

He is an Iraqi writer . He is born in Basra in 1942 1942 ‫هو كاتب عراقي ولد في البصرة في‬
2. Where and when was he born ? ‫أين ومتى ولد ؟‬
He was born in Basra in 1942 . 1942 ‫ولد في البصرة عام‬
3. Where did he finish his first study ( primary / intermediate / secondary ) ? ‫أين انهى اول دراسته‬
He finished his first study in Basra . ‫انهى اول دراسته في البصرة‬
4. When did he join the high school and finish his study ? Or what did he join after Finished
secondary school ? ‫متى التحق بالمدرسة العليا وأنهى دراسته ؟ أو أين التحق بعد دراسته ؟‬
He joined The High School for teachers and finished his study there in 1961 .
1961 ‫التحق بالمدارس العليا للمعلمين وانهى دراسته هناك عام‬
5. Where did he teach ? How long ? ‫أين درس الكاتب ؟ كم المدة ؟‬
He taught at schools in Diwaniyya , Nassiriya and Basra for more than thirty years
‫ سنة‬30 ‫ الناصرية والبصرة ألكثر من‬، ‫في مدارس الديوانية‬

6. Where and when did his first short stories appeared ? ‫اين ومتى ظهرت قصصه القصيرة ؟‬
His first short stories appeared in The Iraqi writer magazine in 1962
.1962 ‫قصصه القصيرة االولى ظهرت في مجله االديب العراقي عام‬
7. In to what / which languages his short stories translated ? ‫الى أي لغات ترجمت قصصه ؟‬
His short stories are translated into English , Russian and French
8. What did he win / prizes ? Or name his best prizes ? ‫ماذا نال او ربح ؟ او سمي افضل جوائزه ؟‬
o ( Sultan Al Owais Award ) in UAE in 2004
2004 ‫جائزة السلطان العويس في االمارات العربية المتحدة عام‬
o ( The golden Pen Award ) from the general union of Iraqi writer in 2008
2008 ‫القلم الذهبي من اتحاد االدباء العراقيين عام‬
9. How / when did he achieve fame in the middle east ? ‫ متى حقق شهرة في الشرق االوسط‬/ ‫كيف‬
He achieved fame in the middle east after publishing his two short stories The swing
and melodies on the string of Rubaaba in Beirut Arts magazine
‫حقق الشهرة في الشرق االوسط بعد نشره قصته القصيرتين االرجوحة و االنغام على وتر الربابة في مجلة الفنون‬
10. What are his best works include ? OR name his best works ? ‫ما هي أفضل اعماله ؟ ماذا تتضمن‬
• The black kingdom . ‫المملكة السوداء‬
• The 45 centigrade . . ‫ درجة مئوية‬45
• Autumn dream. . ‫حلم الخريف‬
• Gardens of faces . ‫وجوه الحدائق‬
• The novel Basriata. . ‫رواية بصرياتا‬

10 + 9 + ٨ + 7 + 6 + 5 + 2 + 1 : ‫االسئلة الوزارية‬

‫اعداد ; حيدر سعدي‬ 2 ‫البصمة في االنكليزي‬

) ‫اسئلة القصة ( االرجوحة‬
1. What is the swing ? Define the swing ? ‫ما هي االرجوحة ؟ عرف االرجوحة ؟‬
it is one of the best short stories about war written by Mohammed Khudhair .
‫هي واحدة من افضل القصص القصيرة عن الحرب والتي كتبت من قبل محمد خضير‬
2. The swing is story written by Mohamed Khudhair who was born and education in Basra
3. When did Khudhair write the swing ? ‫متى كتب خضير االرجوحة ؟‬
He wrote it after the summer 1967 war against Israel . . ‫ الحرب ضد اسرائيل‬1967 ‫بعد صيف‬
4. How old was he when he wrote the swing ? ‫كم كان عمره عندما كتب االرجوحة ؟‬
He was 25 years old when he wrote the swing . ‫ عاما ً عندما كتب االرجوحة‬25 ‫كان عمره‬
5. How was his experience in politics and war ? .‫كيف كانت خبرته في السياسة والحرب‬
His experience was crude in politics and war .‫خبرته كانت بسيطة في السياسة و الحرب‬
6. Mohammed Khudhair wrote a story about war although he had a crude Experience
in politics and war
7. Mohammed Khudhair actually found it very difficult to control the personal feeling
Storming inside young man ‫وجد محمد خضير ان من الصعب السيطرة على المشاعر الشخصية‬
8. Mohammed Khudhair was fully a war of the conditions of story - writing
‫محمد خضير كان على دراية كاملة بشروط كتابة القصة‬
9. What is the kind of the story ? ‫ما هو نوع القصة‬
It is a tragic story . ‫انها قصة مأساوية‬
10. The Swing is considered as tragic story
11. Who are The tow main characters ? ‫ما هي الشخصيتين الرئيسيتين ؟‬
Sattar : a soldier who try to convey the death of his friend Ali to the family .
Haleema : a little girl who her father died in a battle recently .
‫ فتاة صغيرة توفي والدها في المعركة في اآلونة االخيرة‬: ‫ حليمة‬، ‫ الجندي الذي حاول ان ينقل وفاة صديقه الى االسرة‬: ‫ستار‬
12. The two main characters in “ the swing “ are sattar and Haleema
13. What moral lessons does writer try to give in The Swing ? ‫ما الدروس االخالقية من كتابة االرجوحة‬
a. It is a server condemnation of war wherever it happens. ‫انها ادانة للحرب أينما تحدث‬
b. It is a sincere invitation to sustain family life to make childhood secure and love one
another . ‫انها دعوة مخلصة لرعاية حياة العائلة ولجعل الطفولة آمنة ونحب بعضنا البعض‬
c. It stresses on that war destroys everything. It leads to nothing but death , And deprivation
‫تشدد على أن الحرب تحطم كل شيء وهي ال تودي الى شيء سوى الموت والحرمان‬
14. What does the story " The swing " stress on ? what does Khudhair think of war ?
‫على تشدد القصة ؟ أو ماذا يعتقد محمد خضير عن الحرب ؟‬
It stresses on that war destroys every thing. It leads to nothing but death , deprivation
and destruction ‫تشدد أن الحرب تحطم كل شيء وهي ال تودي الى شيء سوى الموت والحرمان‬

‫اعداد ; حيدر سعدي‬ 3 ‫البصمة في االنكليزي‬

15. What does " The swing " promote ? ‫بماذا تعزز االرجوحة‬
It is a sincere invitation to sustain family life to make childhood secure and love one
another . ‫انها دعوة مخلصة لرعاية حياة العائلة ولجعل الطفولة آمنة ونحب بعضنا البعض‬
16. what does " The swing " tell us about ? Or what is the plot of the story ?
‫ماذا تتحدث االرجوحة ؟ أو ما هي حبكة قصة االرجوحة ؟‬
It tell us about a soldier who has just returned from the hell of war carrying a message for
the family of his friend , who was killed in a battle , leaving his mother , wife and daughter
‫تخبرنا عن الجندي الذي عاد من جحيم الخرب حامالً رسالة الى عائلة صديقه الذي قتل في المعركة تاركا ً والدته زوجته وطفلته‬
17. An indescribable dialogue goes on between Sattar and the little girl while he sways her in
her swing ‫حوار ال يصدق حدث بين ستار والطفلة بينما كان يهزها في ارجوحتها‬
18. Sattar came to his friend’s house to give them a massage that his friend Ali was killed in
the battle. ‫ستار جاء لبيت صديقه إلعطائهم رسالة ان صديقه قتل في الحرب‬
19. Why did sattar come to his friend's house ? ‫لماذا ذهب ستار الى بيت صديقه ؟‬
sattar came to his friend’s house to tell them that their son ) Ali ) was killed in the battle .
20. discuss how the visitor tried to convey his message to the little child ? OR what does the
visitor try to do ? ‫ناقش كيف حاول الزائر ان ينقل رسالته الى الطفلة الصغيرة ؟ أو ماذا حاول الزائر ان يفعل‬
The visitor tried to convey his message carefully , He tried to convince his message to the
child , that her father is like smoke and she can see him only when she closes her eyes
‫ حاول ان ينقل رسالته الى الطفلة الصغيرة بان ابيها يشبه الدخان وتستطيع أن تشاهده فقط‬، ‫الزائر حاول ينقل رسالته بعناية‬
‫عندما تغلق عينها‬
21. why did sattar use symbols to convey his massage ? ‫لماذا استخدم الرموز إليصال رسالته ؟‬
because he couldn't find other way to inform them that his friend Ali has left forever
‫ألنه لم يستطيع ايجاد طريقة اخرى ليخربهم ان صديقه علي رحل لالبد‬
22. I can see him coming out of the bag and heading toward us. Without a head or hands and
legs just like smoke
23. The visitor described the child´s father as smoke to express that her father had gone
forever ‫الزائر وصف والد الطفلة بالدخان ليعبر أن والدها رحل لالبد‬
24. The visitor found it difficult to convey the death of his friend to his film
‫الزائر وجد صعوبة في نقل خبر موت صديقه لعائلته‬
25. What does the story refer to ( reflect ) ‫الى ماذا تشير القصة ( تعكس ) ؟‬
It refer to the sad feelings storming inside a young man with crude with experience
in politics and war
‫انها تشير الى المشاعر الحزينة التي تعصف داخل الشباب مع خبرته البسيطة في السياسة والحرب‬
26. What did Haleema and sattar eat before lunch ? ‫ماذا اكلوا قبل الغداء ؟‬
Sattar and Haleema ate a hot loaf of bread before lunch ‫أكلوا رغيف خبز حار قبل الغداء‬

‫اعداد ; حيدر سعدي‬ 4 ‫البصمة في االنكليزي‬

27. He vanished every time you open your eyes
23 + 22 + 20 + 19 + ١٧ + 16 + 14 + 13 + 12 + 11 + 10 + 7 + 4 + 3 + 2 + 1 : ‫االسئلة الوزارية‬
26 + 24
Q : What happened in the following years ? ‫ ماذا حدث في هذه السنين ؟‬/ ‫وزاري‬
1. 1942 : Mohammed Khudhair was born in Basra.
2. 1961 : Mohammed Khudhair finished the High School for Teachers.
3. 1962 : Mohammed Khudhair's first short stories appeared in an Iraqi magazine
called The Iraqi Writer
4. 1967 : Iraq was at war against Israel.
5. 2004 : He won the Sultan Al Owais‟s Award in UAE.
6. 2008 : He won the Gold Pen Award from the General Union of Iraqi Writers.
Magazines ‫مجالت‬
1. The Iraqi Writer ( Al Adeeb Al Iraqi ) : Khudhair's first short stories appeared in.
2. The Beirut Art magazine : He achieved fame in the Middle East after publishing
his two short stories "The Swing" and "Melodies on the String of Rubaaba" in.
Q : Give suitable meanings for the following ? ‫أعط المرادفات للكلمات التالية ؟‬
1. crude = simple ‫بسيط‬
2. condemnation = disapproval ‫ادانه‬
3. sustain = support ‫يعزز‬
4. sways = swing ‫يؤرجح‬
5. deprivation = lack ‫حرمان‬
6. vanished = disappeared ‫يتالشى‬
Q : What do the following words refer to ? ‫الى ماذا تشير الكلمات االتية ؟‬
1) The swing ‫ االرجوحة‬: changing of life conditions ‫تغيير ظروف الحياة‬
2) The smoke ‫ الدخان‬: vanishing life ‫زوال الحياة‬
3) The red eyes ‫ العيون الحمراء‬: Sattar was crying about his friend ‫ستار حزين على صديقه‬
4) The water ‫ الماء‬: life after death ‫الحياة بعد الموت‬
5) The hot loaf ‫ الخبز الحار‬: sattar and Haleema share the pain and sadness
‫ستار وحليمة يتشاركان الجرح والحزن‬
6) The lap ‫ الحضن‬: father's tenderness ‫حنان االب‬
7) The parlor ‫ المغتسل‬: the last stations of the dead person before burial
‫المحطة االخيرة لموت الشخص قبل الدفن‬
8) The sleeping ‫ النوم‬: The death ‫الموت‬
9) The bag ‫ الحقيبة‬: The coffin in which the dead person is put

‫اعداد ; حيدر سعدي‬ 5 ‫البصمة في االنكليزي‬

The canary
) ‫حياة الكاتب ( كاثرين مانسفيلد‬
1. Who was Katherine Mansfield ? .‫من هي كاثرين مانسفيلد‬
She was a famous , modern writer . ‫كاتبة حديثة مشهورة‬
2. Where and when was she born ? .‫اين و متى ولدت‬
She was born in New Zealand in 1888 .1888 ‫ولدت في نيوزلندا سنه‬
3. Where was she brought up ? ‫أين نشاءت ؟‬
She was brought in a wealthy family and she was the third of five children
‫نشاءت في عائله غنيه و كانت الثالثة من بين خمس أطفال‬
4. Why did she move to London in 1903 ? 1903 ‫لماذا انتقلت الى لندن عام‬
To study music at Queen's collage .‫لتدرس الموسيقى في جامعه الملكة‬
5. What did she become while she studding music at Queen's collage ?
‫ماذا أصبحت في جامعه الملكة‬
She become The editor of the collage newspaper ‫اصبحت المحررة الصحفية للكلية‬
6. What did she do between 1903 – 1906 ? OR what she traveled ?
‫أو اين سافرت ؟ ماذا فعلت في هذه المدة‬
She traveled Around Europe ‫سافرت حول اوربا‬
7. When did she returned / move back To New Zealand ? ‫متى عادت الى نيوزلندا‬
she returned To New Zealand in 1906 1906 ‫عادت الى نيوزلندا عام‬
8. What did she being to do when she returned to New Zealand in 1906 ?
‫ ؟‬1906 ‫ماذا فعلت عند عودتها الى نيوزلندا عام‬
She began to writer short stories .‫بدأت بكتابه القصص القصيرة‬
9. Where did she move back after two years in New Zealand ?‫اين عادت بعد سنتين نيوزلندا‬
she move back after two years To London ‫الى لندن‬
10. What / when did she become ill with ? OR what happened her in 1917 ?
1917 ‫لماذا أصبحت مريضه ؟ او ماذا حدث لها عام‬
She became ill with tuberculosis in 1917 .1917 ‫اصبحت مريضه بمرض السل عام‬
11. When did she die ? ‫متى توفيت؟‬
In January 1923 at the age of 35 35 ‫ بعمر‬1923 ‫في جنيوري‬
12. What does she remain famous for ? when did she became famous ?
‫ماذا بقيت مشهوره؟ متى اصبحت مشهورة ؟‬
she remain famous for Her collection of poems and short stories ( The canary , Bliss and
The garden party ) ‫ حفله الحديقة‬، ‫ النعيم‬، ‫بقيت مشهورة مجموعتها من القصائد و القصص القصيرة الكناري‬
13. What are best her short stories ? ‫ماهي افضل قصصها القصيرة‬
The canary , Bliss and The garden party .‫ حفله الحديقة‬، ‫ النعيم‬، ‫الكناري‬
١٣ + 12 + 11 + 10 + 4 + 3 + 2 + 1 : ‫االسئلة الوزارية‬
‫اعداد ; حيدر سعدي‬ 6 ‫البصمة في االنكليزي‬
) ‫اسئلة القصة ( الكناري‬
1. What is the kind of story ? ‫ما هو نوع القصة‬
It is a sad story . .‫انها قصة حزينة‬
2. What was the story about ? what was the story tell us ? what was the idea of the story ?
‫عن ماذا كانت القصة او ماذا تخبرنا القصة ؟ او فكره القصة ؟‬
It tell us About a woman who lived lonely with a canary. ‫تخبرنا عن أمره عاشت وحيده مع الكناري‬
3. Canary is simple story about a lonely woman
4. What are the characters in the story of Canary ? ‫ماهي الشخصيات في قصه الكناري ؟‬
A lonely woman. ‫امرأة وحدانية‬
dead canary. ‫كناري ميت‬
china man who sold her canary. ‫رجل صيني باع لها الكناري‬
Three younger men whom she cooks dinner for . ‫ثالث شباب طبخت لهم العشاء‬
5. Who came to the door ? Why ? ‫من جاء الى الباب ؟ ولماذا ؟‬
The Chinaman came to the door with birds to sell . ‫جاء الرجل الصيني ومعه الطيور للبيع‬
6. The woman bought the Canary from a Chinaman.
7. How many young man did the writer have ? ‫كم شابا ً لدى الكاتبة‬
The writer had three young men . . ‫الكاتبة لديها ثالث شباب‬
8. Who came into supper every evening ? ‫من يأتي للعشاء كل مساء‬
The writer's three young men . ‫اوالد الكاتبة الثالثة‬
9. Missus was happy to have the canary because she lived a lonely life
10. What did the woman suffer from ? ‫من ماذا تعاني المرآه ؟‬
She suffered from loneliness .‫كانت تعاني من الوحدة‬
11. Where did the woman use to hang canary cage ? ‫اين اعتادت المرآه ان تعلق قفص الكناري‬
On a nail to the right of the front door .‫على المسمار الى يمين الباب االمامي‬
12. Where is the big nail ? ‫أين كان المسمار الكبير‬
It's on the right of the front door . ‫أنه في يمين الباب االمامي‬
13. Why couldn’t the woman in “ the canary “ take the nail out ?
‫لماذا لم تستطيع المرأة في الكناري اخراج المسمار ؟‬
Because it brought back the sweet memories of the bird to the woman
‫ألنه يجلب لها الذكريات السعيدة للكناري‬
14. The nail to the right of the front door brought back the sweet memories of the bird to
missus ( True ) . ‫المسمار على يمين الباب االمامي يجلب عودة الذكريات الجميلة‬
15. What did she use to see from the Windows? ‫ماذا اعتادت على ان ترى من النافذة ؟‬
She used to see people stop at the gate to listen to the canary
‫اعتادت على ان ترى الناس واقفين عند البوابة لالستماع الى الكناري‬

‫اعداد ; حيدر سعدي‬ 7 ‫البصمة في االنكليزي‬

16. What does the writer hear sometimes ? what did she sometimes hear the next people
saying ? what comforts the writer ? ‫ماذا تسمع الكاتبة احيانا ؟ ماذا سمعت من الناس يقولون ؟‬
The writer hears the next people saying there must have been a cage hanging from there
‫تسمع الكاتبة الناس يقولون " يجب ان يكون هناك قفص معلق هنا‬
17. Washerwoman told the writer that there is a comfort in a canary. ( True )
18. How did the canary use to greet the woman in the morning ?
‫كيف اعتاد الكناري ان يحيي المرآه في الصباح‬
With a drowsy little note ‫بتغريده صغيره ناعمه‬
19. How did the canary sing ? ‫كيف كان الكناري يغني‬
The canary was singing wonderfully . ‫كان الكناري يغني بروعة‬
20. You cannot imagine how wonderfully he sung . ( he referred to the canary )
21. Why did the woman think her canary wasn't like other canaries ?
‫لماذا اعتقدت المرأة ان الكناري الخاص بها ليس كمثل باقي الكناريات ؟‬
Because he was singing very wonderfully ‫ألنه كان يغني بروعة جدا‬
22. When did she use to bring the canary in ? ‫متى كانت تجلب الكناري للداخل ؟‬
Until they had the house to themselves .‫الى ان يبقى المنزل لهم وحدهم‬
23. How did she use to scold the canary ? ‫كيف كانت توبخ الكناري ؟‬
By saying You are a regular little actor .‫عبر القول انت ممثل صغير محترف‬
24. Why did the writer forget the evening star ? ‫لماذا نسيت الكاتبة نجوم المساء ؟‬
Because the canary came into her life .‫الن الكناري دخل الى حياتها‬
25. The woman forgot the evening star when Canary came into her life.
26. What was the canary to the woman ? OR what did she described the canary ?
‫ماذا كان يعني الكناري بالنسبة للمرأة ؟‬
the canary was a perfect company to her ‫الكناري كان رفيقا مثاليا‬
27. Was the canary perfect company ? ‫هل كان الكناري رفيقا ً مثاليا‬
Yes , he was . ً ‫ كان مثاليا‬, ‫نعم‬
28. The canary is about lonely woman who found in the canary her perfect company
29. Why was the woman happy to have the canary ? ‫لماذا اصبحت سعيدة بامتالكها الكناري‬
Because she was living a lonely life and the canary became her perfect company
‫ألنها تعيش حياة وحيدة والكناري اصبح رفيقها المثالي‬
30. What were the people carried away by ? ‫بماذا اندمج الناس‬
They were carried away by the canary's singing ‫اندمج الناس بغناء الكناري‬

‫اعداد ; حيدر سعدي‬ 8 ‫البصمة في االنكليزي‬

31. What did the canary do to attract the attention of his owner ? OR What did the canary
use to do when the writer had finished the house in the afternoon ?
‫ماذا اعتاد الكناري ان يفعل عندما انهى الكاتب اموره المنزلية في المساء ؟ أو ماذا عمل الكناري لجذب اهتمام مالكته ؟‬
He used to hop , hop from perch to another. Tap against the bars and. sip a little water to
attract the attention of his owner
‫ ينقر على القضبان ويرشق ما ٌء قليالً ليجذب اهتمام مالكته‬. ‫ القفز من قفص الى آلخر‬, ‫اعتاد على القفز‬

32. Why did her heart feel hollow ? why did she was sad ? ‫لماذا شعر قلبها بالفراغ لماذا كانت حزينة ؟‬
Her heart felt hollow because she saw her canary died ‫شعر قلبها بالفراغ ألنها شاهدت الكناري قد مات‬
33. Who did the woman describe her heart / fell after the death of canary ?
‫كيف وصفت شعورها بعد موت الكناري ؟‬
As hollow ‫كــ الفراغ‬
34. How does the story of " The canary " end ? ‫كيف انتهت قصة الكناري‬
It ends sadly when the canary died . ‫انتهت لقصة بحزن عندما توفي الكناري‬
35. what idea do the people have of birds ? ‫أي فكرة لدى الناس عن الطيور‬
People have idea that birds are heartless , cold little creatures .
. ‫الناس لديهم فكرة ان الطيور بال قلوب ومخلوقات صغيرة و باردة‬
36. People have idea that birds are heartless , cold little creatures (True)
37. Will the writer have another bird , another pet of any kind ?
‫ حيوانا ً اليف من أي نوع آخر‬, ‫هل سيملك الكاتبة طيرا ً آخر‬
No , she won't . ‫ال لن تفعل‬
38. Could the woman in the Canary have another bird ? ‫هل كان للمرأة طير اخر ؟‬
No, she couldn't. ‫كال ليس لديها‬
39. What did the woman decided after death of the canary ? ‫ماذا قررت بعد موت الكناري ؟‬
After the death of the canary the woman decided not to have another bird
‫بعد موت الكناري قررت المرأة ان ال تمتلك اي طير‬
40. What did the writer remember ? ‫ماذا تذكرت الكاتبة‬
She remembered that she shared the canary's life ‫ تذكرت بأنها شاركت حياة الكناري‬.
41. When missus said : " When I found him lying on his back with his eyes dim , she
meant he was died
‫ كاتبة كانت تعني بان الكناري كان ميتا‬. ‫عندما قالت الكاتبة " عندما وجدته مستلقيا ً على ظهره مع عينين خافتتين‬
42. Do you agree with Katherine that man should remember his sad memories ?
‫هل تتفق مع كاثرين بان الرجل ينبغي ان يتذكر ذكرياته الحزينة ؟‬
No , I don’t agree with her because man should forget his past anyway and begin a new
white page his life . ‫ ال اتفق معها الن االنسان ينبغي ان ينسى ماضيه ويبدأ صفحة جديدة‬, ‫كال‬

‫اعداد ; حيدر سعدي‬ 9 ‫البصمة في االنكليزي‬

43. Do you find it easy to sympathies with woman ? ‫هل تجد ان من السهل التعاطف مع المرآه‬
Yes , because that bird was her best companion in her lonely life . She felt of sadness and
loneliness when he died . ‫ انها شعرت بالحزن والوحدة عند موته‬. ‫ الن الطائر كان افضل في حياتها‬، ‫نعم‬
44. Describe flowers ? ‫صف االزهار‬
Flowers respond wonderfully , but they don’t sympathies ‫للورد استجابة رائعة لكنه ال يمكنه التعاطف‬
45. The woman believed that flowers respond wonderfully , but they don’t sympathies
46. The writer thought that flowers respond wonderfully and sympathies ( False )

27 + 26 + 25 + 24 + 23 + 21 + 20 + 19 + 16 + 14 + 13 + 11 + 10 + 9 + 6 + 3 : ‫االسئلة الوزارية‬
46 + 45 + 43 + 41 + 39 + 38 + 37 + 36 + 35 + 34 + 33 + 32 + 31 + 30 + 29 + 28

Q : What happened in the following years ? ‫ ماذا حدث في هذه السنين ؟‬/ ‫وزاري‬
• In 1888 : Katherine Mansfield was born in New Zealand.
• In 1903 : she moved to London to study music in Queen's college.
• Between 1903 and 1906 : she travelled around Europe .
• In 1906 : she returned to New Zealand and began to write short stories.
• In 1917 : she became ill with tuberculosis
• In 1923 : she died in January at the age of 35

Q : Match the words in list ( A ) with the words in list ( B ) that have the same meaning : ‫مرادفات‬
1. scarcely = hardly .‫ بالكاد‬، ‫بصعوبة‬
2. fancy = imagination .‫ تصور‬، ‫خيال‬
3. blouse = woman's shirt .‫بلوز نسائي‬
4. wash in-up = cleaning the dishes. .‫غسل الصحون‬
5. Appreciated = enjoyed , was grateful .‫ ممتع‬، ‫ ممتن‬، ‫شاكر‬
6. neat = tidy .‫ مرتب‬، ‫انيق‬
7. precious = valuable. ‫ ذو قيمة‬، ‫ثمين‬
8. wondered = thought about .‫تساءل‬

‫اعداد ; حيدر سعدي‬ 10 ‫البصمة في االنكليزي‬

Q : What do each word mean : ‫ماذا تعني الكلمات االتية‬
1. balcony = verandah ‫بلكونة‬
2. fluttering = move the wings rapidly ‫يرفرف‬
3. scold = to rebuke ‫يوبخ‬
4. supper = dinner ‫عشاء‬
5. unbearable = not endured ‫ال يتحمل‬
6. sip = a small drink ‫شربة صغيرة‬
7. drowsy = sleepy ٕ ‫نعسان‬
8. tucked = to make a tuck ‫تثبيت‬
9. dreadfully = extremely ‫للغاية‬
10. hollow = empty ‫فارغ‬

" Glossary ‫" مرادفات‬

1. after my time. = after her death. ‫بعد موتها‬
2. hop. = small jump .‫قفزة صغيرة‬
3. perch = a place where a bird rests ‫مكان يحط عليه الطير‬
4. exquisite = very beautiful .‫ رائع‬، ‫متألق‬
5. sympathies = show understanding .‫يتعاطف‬
6. goldfinches. = small birds with yellow wings ‫ طيور صغيرة‬، ‫فناجز‬
7. despairingly. = with sadness and worry. ‫بشكل بائس‬
8. scraped = removed the dirt ‫ قشر‬، ‫نظف‬
9. chickweed = small plant with white flowers ‫نبتة صغيرة ذات زهور بيضاء‬
10. exaggerated = made more important than it really is. ‫مبالغ فيه‬
11. creatures. = animals. ‫ مخلوقات‬، ‫حيوانات‬
12. awful = upsetting , terrible .‫ فضيع‬، ‫مزعج‬
13. spying. = watching her secretly .‫ النظر اليها بسريه‬، ‫يتجسس‬
14. dim. = dark , lifeless ‫ خافت‬، ‫مظلم‬
15. wrung. = curled up. ‫ ملتوي‬، ‫معكوف‬

‫اعداد ; حيدر سعدي‬ 11 ‫البصمة في االنكليزي‬


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