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Employee Data

A program to store information of employees (HRA, DA, INCOME, PROVIDENT FUND, GROSS PAY, NET PAY and
DESIGNATION) and input, caluculate and display information of all employees in a tabular for using user defined

 ‘#’ Header files
1) <iostream.h>
cin – To input the values
cout – To output the values
2) <conio.h>
getch() – To accept a character
3) <iomanip.h>
setw() – To set reserve a certain width for the output.

 Variables
int n – stores the number of employees.
emp[] – variable of user defined data type employee. Stores the information of n number of

 Structure
employe : Stores all information about an employe. Has the following elements:-
int bp – Array of Basic Pay of all Employees
int da – Array of Dearness Allowance of all Employees
int hra – Array of House Rent Allowance of all Employees
int pf – Array of Provident Fund of all Employees
int tax – Array of Income Tax of all Employees
int gp – Array of Gross Pay of all Employees
int np – Array of Net Pay of all Employees
char name – stores the names of all employees (2D array)
char desig – stores the designation of all employee (2D array)

 Functions
Gets input for names, designation and basicpay of n numer of employees, and stores them in the
arrays listed in the arguments.

Calculates Dearness Allowance, House Rent Allowance, Income Tax, Provident Fund, Grosspay,
Netpay for n number of employees by taking basic pay from the global variable of user defined data
type emp, and stores them in the elements of respective employe.

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Source code
/*A program to store information of employees (HRA, DA, INCOME, PROVIDENT FUND
GROSS PAY, NET PAY and DESIGNATION) and input, caluculate and display
information of all employees in a tabular for using user defined function.

#include <iostream.h>
#include <conio.h>
#include <iomanip.h>
#include <stdio.h>

struct employee
char name[25];
char desig[20];
float bp, np, gp, hra, da,pf, tax;

} emp[100];

int n;

void input()
{for(int i=0; i<n; i++)
cout<<"Enter the name, designation and basic pay of employee #"<<(i+1)<<endl;

void calc()
{for (int i =0; i<n; i++)
if(emp[i].bp<=3500) emp[i].da = 0.75*emp[i].bp;
else if((emp[i].bp >3500)&&(emp[i].bp <=6000)) emp[i].da = 0.6*emp[i].bp;
else emp[i].da = 0.25*emp[i].bp;

if(emp[i].bp<=2500) emp[i].hra = 300;
else if((emp[i].bp >2500)&&(emp[i].bp <=5000)) emp[i].hra = 500;
else emp[i].hra = 750;

emp[i].gp = emp[i].bp + emp[i].da + emp[i].hra;

//PF & TAX

emp[i].pf = 0.1*emp[i].bp;
emp[i].tax = 0.15*emp[i].bp;

Practical 1 Page 52
emp[i].np = emp[i].gp - (emp[i].tax + emp[i].pf);

void display()
cout<<"EMPLOYEE DATA :-\n\n";

<<setw(15)<<"DAILY ALLWNCE"
<<setw(12)<<"HR ALLWNCE"
<<setw(11)<<"GROSS PAY"
<<setw(15)<<"PRVIDENT FUND"
<<setw(11)<<"NET PAY"

for(int i=0;i<n;i++)

void main()
cout<<"Enter the number of employees\n";


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