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Dying means suffocating: perceptions

of people living with severe COPD
facing the end of life
Sylvie Hall, Alain Legault, José Côté

hronic obstructive pulmonary disease
(COPD) is an irreversible condition. Abstract
People living with COPD are affected Aim: The purpose of this research was to describe the perceptions
every day by debilitating dyspnoea that interferes of people living with severe chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
with their activities and necessitates continuous (COPD) with respect to the end of life. Method: For this
adjustments on their part. Given the degenerative descriptive exploratory qualitative study, semi-structured interviews
nature of COPD, the potential for exacerbation is were conducted with six participants suffering from severe COPD
always present and, though the course of the dis- hospitalized in the past year following an exacerbation episode. The
ease is unpredictable, it is inexorably fatal. data were analyzed using the method developed by Miles and
Exacerbation is defined by the Canadian Huberman (2003), which comprises three main steps: data
Thoracic Society (CTS), (2007:52b) as: reduction, data display, and conclusion drawing/verification. Results:
The analysis yielded four themes that reflect the perceptions of
‘A sustained worsening of dyspnoea, cough or participants with respect to the end of life, namely: living and seeing
sputum production leading to an increase in oneself decline, living and preparing to die, dying of COPD means
the use of maintenance medications and/or suffocating, and dying in hospital surrounded by family and friends.
supplementation with additional medications.’ What emerges from the study is that persons living with severe
COPD wish to die without suffocating, in hospital, surrounded by
COPD is a health problem for which the mor- family and friends, all the while hoping to go on living. Conclusion:
tality rate is escalating. According to the World This study contributes to a more comprehensive understanding of
Health Organizaiton (WHO), it will go from the end-of-life experience. It shows the importance of
being the sixth to the third leading cause of accompanying these persons properly towards the end of life and at
death worldwide from 1999 to 2020 (Hurd, the moment of dying. The study proposes a series of avenues for
2000). In Quebec, Canada, the mortality rate future research and makes recommendations for practice.
related to this disease has apparently doubled in
the span of 20 years (Aucoin, 2005). Contrary Key words: People living with COPD ● End of life ● Perceptions
to other diseases, the end-of-life trajectory is not ● Qualitative research
clearly defined (CTS, 2007). Consequently, it is
difficult to predict when a person living with
COPD is approaching the end of life. Some studies (Skilbeck et al, 1998; Lynn et al,
Living with COPD means living with dysp- 2000; Jones et al, 2004; Seamark et al, 2004)
noea. The latter has repercussions on several that have examined the last year of life have
shown that people living with severe COPD Sylvie Hall is
spheres of life (Jonsdotjtir, 1998; Olivier, 2001; Nurse Clinician and
Elofsson and Öhlen, 2004). In particular, activi- experienced increased symptomatology. For case manager for COPD
95% of participants, this translated into the con- Centre hospitalier de
ties of daily living and instrumental activities of l’Université de Montréal
daily living become more laborious. Certain tinuous presence of painful and debilitating dys- (CHUM), Canada
studies (Anderson, 1995; Gurthie et al, 2001; pnoea (Skilbeck et al, 1998). Moreover, Alain Legault is
Professor at University
Hu and Meek, 2005) have suggested that people participants mentioned the presence of fear and of Montreal, Centre de
living with COPD experienced the effects of the anxiety, which intensified during fits of dysp- recherche de l’Institut
universitaire de gériatrie
incapacitation engendered by this disease on a noea. The continuous presence of severe dysp- de Montréal, José Côté
daily basis and that this severely undermined noea caused them to become increasingly is Nurse Clinician
Université de Montréal,
their quality of life. However, as none of these dependent on family and friends. This depend- Centre de recherche du
earlier studies focused on the end-of-life stage, ence grew with the approach of death (Lynn et CHUM, Canada

the reality at this critical period might be differ- al, 2000). Studies have shown that participants Correspondence to:
ent. This is why investigating the matter is of evaluated their quality of life to be poor and Sylvie Hall
great importance. extremely deteriorated. They have also demon-

International Journal of Palliative Nursing 2010, Vol 16, No 9 451


❛ The strated that both the physical and the psychoso- monitored and provided care for people living
cial needs of people living with severe COPD with COPD. Participants were recruited by
were underserved (Skilbeck et al, 1998; Lynn et nurses according to the following selection crite-
of information al, 2000; Jones et al, 2004; Seamark et al, 2004). ria: suffering from severe COPD, that is, a
by health In summation, the end stage was marked by the FEV1 <40% of the predicted value, as defined by
professionals omnipresence of severe dyspnoea, anxiety, and the British Thoracic Society, or being oxygen-
symptoms of depression. In addition, though dependent; presenting level-4 dyspnoea (having
was deficient
most participants (60%) preferred comfort care, to stop to catch one’s breath after covering 100
for people a high percentage wished that resuscitation yards) or level-5 dyspnoea (too out of breath to
living with manoeuvres be practised up until one month leave the house or after getting dressed); hospi-
COPD ❜ from death (Lynn et al, 2000). talized in the past year following an exacerba-
It has been shown that people living with tion episode; capable of expressing oneself in
severe COPD were aware of the gravity of their French and interested in sharing one’s percep-
condition and often deduced from this that the tions regarding the end of life. There was only
end was near (Lynn et al, 2000; Pfeifer et al, one exclusion criterion: suffering from cancer.
2003; Jones et al, 2004; Seamark et al, 2004). The research project was approved by the hospi-
Studies by Edmonds et al (2001), Exley et al tal’s research ethics committee. Participants
(2005), and Gore et al (2005) indicated that, signed a consent form before being interviewed.
unlike for people with lung cancer, the commu- The study’s six participants were four men and
nication of information by health professionals two women with a mean age of 69 years. They
was deficient for people living with COPD had been living with COPD for 5 to 15 years.
regarding prognosis and decisions concerning They had on average 6.6 exacerbations in the
resuscitation measures. They added that, despite year before the study and were hospitalized on
the many similarities in terms of the end-of-life average five times. The semi-structured inter-
physical and psychosocial needs of these two views lasted on average 70 minutes and were
types of patient, the needs of people living with conducted at the participant’s home. Given the
COPD seemed less well served. nature of the phenomenon under investigation,
To date, knowledge has focused primarily on the interviews began with a series of more gen-
the symptomatology of severe COPD during the eral questions before becoming more specific and
last year of life and on the limitations that derive targeted as the discussion progressed and a cli-
from this. What emerges is that the quality of life mate of trust developed. The interview guide
of people living with this condition is mediocre consisted of the following questions:
and that these people experience multiple exac- ●●Do you talk about what it means to live with
erbations. Given that the end of life is unpredict- COPD on a daily basis?
able for this patient group and that the subject is ●●Tell me what your most recent pulmonary
seldom discussed by practitioners, we have lim- exacerbation was like?
ited knowledge of what these people dread and ●●Do you think about dying when you have a
desire at the end of life. Against this backdrop, pulmonary exacerbation?
the authors undertook a study aimed at describ- ●●Tell me how you perceive the end of life?
ing the perceptions of people living with severe Given the research topic, feeling ill at ease was
COPD with respect to the end of life. an obvious possibility on the part of partici-
pants. Consequently, participants were informed
Methodology that they could put a stop to the interview with-
In order to explore perceptions of people living out prejudice or could pass on any question.
with severe COPD about the end of life, the Breaks were offered regularly to allow partici-
authors opted for a qualitative research pants to control their dyspnoea. Participants
approach. More specifically, an exploratory were advised that the interview would be audio-
descriptive study was conducted. This approach taped and then transcribed so as to reproduce
describes the perceptions of people interviewed what they had to say faithfully.
and interpret them on the basis of data collected The data were analyzed using the method
and analyzed systematically (Denzin and developed by Miles and Huberman (2003),
Lincoln, 2000; Parse, 2001; Miles and which comprised three main steps: data reduc-
Huberman, 2003). Moreover, it would allow tion, data display, and conclusion drawing/ veri-
developing concepts that would lead to a better fication. The various data gathered and
understanding of the phenomenon. generated during the course of the interviews
The study was conducted in a university hos- were analyzed with the Atlas.ti computer appli-
pital in Montreal, Canada, which systematically cation. This allowed codes to be generated, from

452 International Journal of Palliative Nursing 2010, Vol 16, No 9


which themes and sub-themes then emerged.

Table 1.Themes and sub-themes to emerge from analysis
Lending the process credibility were the use of a
field journal, compliance with the analysis Themes Sub-themes
method and the diverse choice of participants Living and seeing oneself decline Experiencing the loss of one’s capacities
(Lapierre, 1997). For its part, the reliability of Living with the fear of the next
the process was ensured by committing to audio- exacerbation
tape both the interviews with participants and Living without speaking openly of death
the regular discussions among researchers. Living and preparing to die Living with the menace of death
Leaving family and friends behind is
Findings difficult
The analysis yielded four themes: Having seen others die of COPD is
●●Living and seeing oneself decline disturbing of being kept on life support
●●Living and preparing to die
Dying of COPD means suffocating Gasping for air generates panic
●●Dying from COPD means suffocating
Suffering means being short of breath
●●Dying in hospital surrounded by family and
Dying a good death
friends. Each theme broke down into sub-
Dying in hospital surrounded by family Being advised of the imminence of death
themes (Table 1).
and friends Dying in hospital
Being surrounded by family and friends
Living and seeing oneself decline
The participants described living with severe
COPD as experiencing the loss of one’s capaci-
ties, with an emphasis on dyspnoea and its dition was deteriorating, that their disease was
effects on their life. Dyspnoea was a part of their degenerative and that it was terminal, the word
daily life: it was present in different facets of ‘death’ was seldom pronounced by the partici-
activities of daily living and instrumental activi- pants, but it was implied or alluded to. They
ties of daily living, rendering certain activities lived without speaking openly of death, all the
more difficult if not impossible to do. while being conscious that the disease could lead
Consequently, they had to plan out their tasks to death. Though they spoke of death only in
beforehand or take breaks when performing veiled terms, they nevertheless thought of it.
them. Each day, they had to cope with the limita- Their discourse was paradoxical in that they
tions stemming from this state of affairs. This thought about death without dwelling on it, pre-
adaptation did not always seem easy for partici- ferring instead to focus on living their life.
pants to do.
‘No, I don’t linger on that. I’m ready. I’ll cross
‘I’ve gotten to the point where I can hardly that bridge when I get to the river. I’m not there
function in my home anymore. Taking a yet. I haven’t come to the river yet.’ (Mr D)
shower is a burden. Cleaning the house is a
burden. Washing dishes is a burden.’ (Mrs S) Living and preparing to die
Whereas in the previous theme the participants
Participants also expressed another dimension lived without talking about death, this second
of their life, consisting of living with the fear of theme showed that, in spite of this, participants
the next exacerbation. They lived with the fear lived with the constant menace of death. These
of having an exacerbation episode without ever people with severe COPD thought about death
knowing when. According to the participants, owing to the fact that a pulmonary exacerbation
this experience undermined their sense of secu- could result in death. The participants did not
rity and they felt at a loss when it occurred. For know which one would ultimately be fatal, and
them, hospitals were reassuring. this led them to wonder about death. However,
their discourse was marked by a paradox in that
‘I wasn’t even able to eat. I was even more out they thought about death at certain times and
of breath when I ate. It was worse. … Going to not at others. Being ready to die seemed to be
bed was becoming an ordeal. I went to the hos- related to the person’s level of autonomy, to his
pital, they’d know what to do, surely. It’s reas- desire not to be a burden on society, and to his
suring.’ (Mr) worsening state of health. All the same, the fear
of death was present.
Most of the participants interviewed did not
consider themselves to be at the end of life. Even ‘Having emphysema is like walking on a bomb.
though they were aware that their medical con- Each time I have a cold, I wonder whether this

International Journal of Palliative Nursing 2010, Vol 16, No 9 453


❛ The is the one that’ll do it. Every time I get pneu- ing for air generated panic. One of their con-
monia I wonder whether my time has come. cerns was directly related to this fear of dying of
Do you understand that I am living on a suffocation and not being comforted.
were bomb?’ (Mr H)
unanimous ‘I can face the fact that, when the end comes,
about the Interviewer: ‘Do you have any fears about I’ll be gasping for air. That’s my life, I’m always
dying?’ Respondent: ‘I fear dying, period. out of breath. So when the time comes I know
desire to die a
That’s for sure. Nothing more to add.’ (Mr B) for sure that I’ll be gasping for air.’ (Mrs D)
good death ❜
Leaving family and friends behind is difficult. A definition of suffering emerged from the
Participants indicated that they were concerned analysis. Suffering was not related primarily to
about leaving their family and friends behind, of physical pain but rather to a lack of breath, to
no longer being a part of their life. In addition, it dyspnoea. For participants, suffering meant
seemed difficult for participants to discuss death being short of breath. They did not wish to suf-
with their family. fer when death arrived, but they had no idea
how things would unfold. Would death be pain-
‘The only fear I have is leaving Louise behind. ful? This was a major concern for them.
Leaving all of my loved ones behind. They need
me. It seems to me that they need me. Leaving ‘I don’t know how it will unfold. What more is
them without … without being there.’ (Mr P) there to say?’ Interviewer: ‘Would you like to
know what to expect?’ Respondent: ‘Yeah, I’d
Previous experiences with assisting or accom- like to know. Will it be painful?’ (Mrs S)
panying someone toward death were varied.
Indeed, participants presented paradoxical dis- ‘I don’t know whether it’s painful. I imagine
courses in which these experiences proved to be there will be some pain.’ Interviewer: ‘What
at times reassuring, and at others distressing. would be painful?’ Respondent: ‘Dying on
Though it seemed that having seen someone die account of your lungs. Dying from suffocating.
was reassuring if death came painlessly, having I imagine it has to hurt.’ (Mr N)
seen someone die of COPD was disturbing.
The participants were unanimous about the
‘I saw men with emphysema die at the hospi- desire to die a good death. The main elements in
tal.  … That poor man was having a terrible their notion of a good death all had to do with
time of it. He was breathing as though he were the absence of suffering. Accordingly, for some,
blowing out candles. He was blowing and it was a question of passing away in their sleep
blowing. I don’t know whether he was in pain and for others, of leaving this world with peace
or not, but he was having such a terrible time of mind, knowing that their family and friends
of it that it got to me.’ (Mr N) would be alright.

The participants also touched on their wishes ‘To leave this world with peace of mind. That’s
regarding resuscitation manoeuvres. All what it means: to leave with peace of mind. To
expressed the desire not to be kept on life sup- be able to say my peace of mind is your peace
port. However, the topic was broached with of mind, that’s what I’m leaving you. That’s
practitioners by only half of the participants. what it would mean. To know that everyone is
fine. That’s all I’m asking, and then I could
‘When it gets so bad that they have to hook me breathe more easily. As though a pleasant
up to a machine round the clock … and cut breeze suddenly began to blow, a nice cool
a hole in my throat in order to breathe just to breeze.’ (Mr H)
extend my life two or three weeks … no, no,
no. I’ve told them as much at the hospital. … Dying in hospital surrounded by
Yes, yes, they know.’ (Mr N) family and friends
The participants described how they would have
Dying of COPD means suffocating liked their end of life to unravel. It emerged that
Previous dyspnoea experiences coloured the participants wanted to be advised of the
patients’ way of envisaging death. It seemed nor- imminence of death. For some, knowing when
mal to them that, when the moment came to go, they would die would allow them to make the
dyspnoea would be a part of it, as it was part of most of their time remaining. At times, partici-
their everyday life. This was why, for them, gasp- pants were so weakened by an exacerbation epi-

454 International Journal of Palliative Nursing 2010, Vol 16, No 9


sode that they could not help but feel that the of the end of life of people living with COPD ❛ All
end was imminent. focused on how the last year on life was experi-
enced. These have reported the impact of
‘Me, I want to know. I have a right to know increasing symptomatology on the various stated they
whether or not I’m going to die. I know that spheres of life. Though the study confirms a wanted to die
you’re not fortune-tellers, or gods.’ Interviewer: number of points related to living with COPD, it in hospital,
‘You’d want to be told that now the end is contributes new elements concerning perceptions
near?’ Respondent: ‘Yes. If I have one year to about the end of life. The discussion will deal
go, I want to be told so I can make the most of with the results in connection with these percep- provided a
the time I have left to live. One year, 6 months, tions. sense of
3 months, 2 months, 1  month. I want to know. By giving people living with severe COPD a reassurance ❜
I have a right to. It’s my life. I’m the one who’s chance to express themselves, this study made it
going to die.’ (Mr N) possible to gain some insight into what it means
to face death by the disease. One notion that
Moreover, all participants stated that they emerged rather clearly was the fact of living
wanted to die in hospital. The main reasons while seeing oneself decline and preparing to die.
given for this were not wanting to be alone at This led participants to live without ever talking
home and not wanting to be a burden on family openly about death. This apparently contradic-
and friends. Dying in hospital provided a sense tory attitude demonstrated that participants
of reassurance. seemed to prefer to keep their reflections regard-
ing the end of life to themselves.
‘It’s easier to be treated in hospital with their Various apprehensions concerning the end of
equipment than it is at home. It also spares the life were expressed. For one, the uncertainty sur-
family a lot of anxiety.’ (Mrs D) rounding the possibility of experiencing an exac-
erbation at any moment and the consequences
Dying in a palliative care nursing home was that might ensue are cause for concern. Though
touched on by only one participant. For this per- several earlier studies (Edmonds et al, 2001;
son, entering such a facility meant never going Donaldson et al, 2002; Andenaes et al, 2004)
home again. had examined exacerbation, none explicitly
revealed this fear of future exacerbation epi-
‘There’s a nursing home here [for palliative sodes. In this study, participants had previously
care]. I wouldn’t want to end up there. I’d had an exacerbation episode and this difficult
much prefer that it took place in a hospital. experience now carried the threat of death,
Not in a home where you know you’re going in which led them to fear a repeat of the experience
never to leave again. At least in the hospital in future. It also led them to think about death
you know that you can go home and you can more and to fear its occurrence. Though they
sometimes step out.’ (Mr P) thought about death and claimed to be saddened
to leave their family and friends, participants did
Participants also mentioned not wanting to be not share their thoughts about the end of life
alone when it came time to die. To be sur- with them. Not knowing how death would
rounded by family and friends was desired by unfold worried them as well. The fear of dying
all. However, how the moment of their death from suffocation and of suffering was common
would be experienced by their family and friends among participants. It gave rise to another fear,
was a concern. namely that of being placed on life support
though there was no chance of getting better.
‘When you have everyone around you, and The study found that people living with severe
they’re just waiting for you to expire in a sense. COPD wished to be informed that the moment
They know you’re going to die. But you’re of death was approaching. This is in keeping
hanging on. And you’re thinking: “Good God, with the studies by Rocker et al (2008) and
do something, come and get me”.’ (Mr N) Seamark et al (2004), which underscored that
people living with COPD were in favour of open
Discussion and frank exchanges regarding their state of
The purpose of this study was to describe the health. Wanting to know the prognosis, how the
perceptions of people living with severe COPD end of life would come about, and when, were
regarding the end of life. The results shed light questions that the participants asked themselves.
on the apprehensions and desires of people living According to the patients, being better informed
with severe COPD. Most of the previous studies would allow them to plan better for the future.

International Journal of Palliative Nursing 2010, Vol 16, No 9 455


❛ Though there Also, it was important to participants to die in to come. The third facet concerns the relation-
was always the hospital. The possibility of surviving an exacer- ship with practitioners. In this connection, peo-
bation was raised. This brought up a paradox in ple living with COPD wish to discuss
chance of that, though there was always the chance of reanimation manoeuvres, to express how they
dying, the dying, the desire to live was there as well. For would like death to occur, to be informed of
desire to live participants, the hospital also represented a how the end of life will unfold, and to be able to
was there as guarantee that they would receive care to com- voice their fears about death.
fort them and prevent them from suffering. Not
well ❜ suffering meant not suffocating to death. Implications for practice and
Previous studies mentioned that most people research
who died from the consequences of COPD did By revealing certain perceptions of people living
so in hospital. In this regard, the results of the with severe COPD, this study raises other ques-
retrospective study by Edmonds et al (2001) tions. It would be interesting, with respect to the
indicated that people were more likely to pass end-of-life, to explore the perceptions of family
away in hospital if they suffered from COPD caregivers and practitioners who surround these
(72%) than if they had cancer (51%). All of the people in order to obtain an overall picture. A
study’s participants stated the desire to die in study including family caregivers could contrib-
hospital. To the authors’ knowledge, this is the ute to a better understanding, for instance, of
first time that the viewpoint of people living with spousal dynamics regarding the end of life, of
severe COPD has been reported on the subject. how exacerbation episodes are experienced by
The reasons given by participants for wanting spouses, and of the impact of grieving on
to die in hospital were analogous to those spouses and family caregivers. Moreover, a lon-
reported by Steinhauser et al (2000) regarding gitudinal study could describe changes in the
symptom management and physical wellbeing. perceptions of people living with severe COPD
This study goes further, however, as participants over time. This knowledge could help develop
added that the need to be accompanied, the reas- interventions in order to better accompany these
suring dimension of the hospital, the possibility people headed toward the end of life.
of surviving an exacerbation episode and the Furthermore, it is important to disseminate these
desire to make the end of their life easier on results to the different professionals who work
their family and friends were other elements con- with this patient group and to sensitize them to
tributing to the decision. the paradox that emerged in the current study.
Finally, to the authors’ knowledge, the last This would serve to gain a better understanding
sub-theme—being surrounded by family and of the experience of people living with severe
friends at time of death—had never been COPD and thus better accompany them in har-
reported in earlier studies. This can be explained mony with their perceptions.
by the fact that most of the studies reviewed
sought to gain a better understanding of how the Conclusion
last year of life was experienced. To be sur- This study identified the perceptions that people
rounded by family and friends seems related to living with severe COPD have of the end of life.
dying in hospital for participants. These include dying in hospital surrounded by
The end of life, such as discussed by the family and friends without being dyspnoeic and
study’s participants, can be broken down con- living while preparing oneself and one’s family
ceptually into three facets. The first is the end of and friends for one’s death. The results of this
life itself, which corresponds to a person’s last study may contribute to a better understanding
moments. It is possible to yield from the results a of the perceptions that people living with severe
definition of end of life, namely, to die without COPD have with respect to the end of life.
suffocating, surrounded by one’s family and Several relevant avenues of future research have
friends in hospital, all the while hoping to go on been identified that may assist in advancing our
living. The second facet has to do with family knowledge in this field for the purpose of
and friends. In this regard, people living with improving the wellbeing of people living with
severe COPD see their state of health deteriorate severe COPD. Il JPN

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International Journal of Palliative Nursing 2010, Vol 16, No 9 457

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