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In this chapter, there are four major points that the writer want to analyze. The
first thing we will analyze is how coercive power in both novels, the second is how
insentive power in both novels, and the last is the analysis of the similarities and the
differences which found in both novels.
In the first problem, the writer focuses on how coercive power potrayed in Entrok and
The Runaway Jury novels.
In the second problem, the writer focuses on on how insentive power potrayed in
Entrok and The Runaway Jury novels.

The last problem is the similarities and the differences which found in Entrok
and The Runaway Jury novels. In this problem, the writer focuses on the
similarities and the differences of the elements, the contents and the cultural
aspects of both novels.

In the analysis, the writer wants to analyze the quotations which related

to fourth problems. In the first problem, the writer will put the quotations

which related with how coercive power in Entrok and The Runaway Jury

novels and explain every quotation. In the second problem, the writer put the

quotations which related how insentive power in Entrok and The Runaway

Jury novels. In the last problem, the writer will analyze the similarities and the

differences of Entrok and The Runaway Jury novels.

The Description of Coercive Power Form in Entrok and The Runaway
Jury novels

In this problem, the writer will analyze the The description of

Coercive Power Form in Entrok and The Runaway Jury novels. According
to French and Reven (in Martin1993: 71) power are essentially identified
from Five things: legitimate power, coercive power, reward power, expert
power, and referent power.But people should do not hegemony all that, at
least they can do two hegemonic powers.

The Description of Coercive Power in Novel Entrok novel by Okky

Here's an objective description of Entrok novel about force that forces.
Such compelling power can be seen in the following quotation.

Tonah datang tergopoh-gopoh.

―Kamu bersih-bersih nggak becus. Masih kotor semua kayak gini, niat kerja
opo ora?‖
Tonah, yang sudah lama bekerja di rumah ini, sudah biasa dengan hal seperti
itu.Ia sudah tahu, setiap orang berseragam loreng datang, itu berarti waktu
baginya untuk menerima semua makian. Tak pernah membantah, tak pernah
sakit hati. (Marni,1982:52)
The quotation above explained a maid who had habitual herself to being
always cursed at her employer's pique every time the soldiers came to collect
security money. And if she against it she will be fired while the job is to
finance her family's . For Marni, she wreak out all her anger because the billed
security money is the result of her own hard work while her husband never
helps. Marni use coercive power to scold the maid for her annoyance.

Pak Tikno sekarang ada di penjara.Tentara menahannya sejak enam bulan

lalu.Gara-garanya, Pak Tikno menolak memberikan kebunnya yang hanya
sepetak pada tentara.Tentara ingin membangun gardu di kebun itu.Katanya
untuk pos keamanan. (Rahayu,1982:63)
The quotation above explainedMr Tikno is absolutely innocent if he does not
want to give his land even if only a patch but he was punished by the
authorities for not obeying their wishes. In this case the form of coercive
power exploited by the army because they want to have Pak Tikno property in
the form of vacant land to be used as their security post.

Aku nyoblos gambar kuning itu karena disuruh Pak Lurah dan orang-orang
berseragam loreng yang menjaga di depan kamar coblosan. Setelah nyoblos
aku menyerahkan kertasnya pada tentara-tentara itu, lalu mereka yang
memasukkan ke kotak.Lha daripada bikin masalah, ya aku coblos saja.
Sekarang Bupati yang memerintah, ya sama seperti orang-orang , aku juga
bakal nurut saja. (Marni,1982:105)

All the villagers Singget went to Glodok during the election and they were
given orders by Lurah and the army to vote for the yellow drawing party,
otherwise it would have a problem and would be considered not a State person
and considered a PKI. So in this case the coercive power is done by the Lurah
and the soldiers by manipulating the citizens which is just a party of yellow
drawing as a party state so if the citizen does not vote that party then the person
will be accused as PKI.

―Jadi, Bu Marni,Pak Teja, untuk urusan ini diperlukan biaya. Biaya

pengamanan mobil itu tadi malam, juga biaya denda karena mobilnya bikin
orang celaka. Dari catatan saya sopirnya meninggal dan 22 orang lainnya
―Loh…. lha wong kendaraan saya yang remuk kok malah saya yang didenda?‖
―seperti itu aturannya, Bu. Karena mobil ini bikin orang lain celaka.‖
―Lho… bikin orang lain celakan bagaimana? Wong mobil ini jatuh ke
kali.Yang celaka ya orang-orang yang ada di mobil.Sopirnya sudah mati.Kok
saya yang tidak tahu apa-apa dibilang bikin orang celaka?‖
―bukansampeyan yang bikin orang celaka, tapi mobilnya, Bu.‖
―Lha kalau mobilnya yang bikin celaka, kenapa saya yang mesti bayar denda?‖
―Bu, kami sudah menerangkan baik-baik.Sampeyan kok malah ngeyel terus!
Sampeyan maunya apa?‖
―Saya bukan ngeyel, Pak. Saya ini hanya mau Tanya.Wong saya yang
kena musibah, mobil dipinjam orang lain, kok saya masih diperes-peres.”

BRAK! Polisi itu menggebrak meja. Semua orang di ruangan itu terkejut,
termasukaku.Apakah omonganku keterlaluan?Tapi bukankah aku benar?Aku
tidak tahu apa-apa, aku meminjamkan kendaraan tanpa dapat uang untuk
urusan kampanye, roda empatku remuk, sekarang malah aku yang siperas.
―Sampeyan jangan sembarangan kalau ngomong!Siapa yang meres-
meres?Ini memang aturannya seperti itu.Mau kalian masuk penjara?‖

Marni was upset with the police who threatened her, because her car had been
borrowed, the gasoline she filled for campaign purposes, but once there was an
accident, she had to be responsible for it. Plus, he had to compensate for the
death and who was injured. Here the police used coercive power to pressure
Marni on his rules to bear all the events that occurred.

―Kalian semua ikut ke kantor!‖ kata tentara itu sambil menunjuk kami berempat
dan Pak Amin.
―Lho, kenapa harus ke kantor, Pak? Kami tidak melakukan kesalahan apa-apa,‖
kata Amri.Nada bicaranya sudah agak tinggi.
―Aturan Negara, tamu yang menginap lebih dari 24 jam harus melapor.
Saudara- saudara tidak melapor semua.‖
Kami semua diam. Tentara itu benar, memang begitulah aturannya.Aturan
yang jelas tercetak dalam lembaran peraturan negara.Amri yang orang hukum
jelas mengetahui pelanggaran diukur dari ada atau tidaknya peraturan.Dan
kami memang melanggar. (Tentara,1985:143)

That night there was an explosion borobudur temple, do not know who the
culprit. therefore the soldiers conduct investigations into the homes of citizens.
after it was found that Amri and the members of the campus did not report a
24-hour visit, so they were taken to the office to solve the problem.

The Description of Coercive Power in Novel The Runaway Jury novel by

John Grisham

Fitch snorted and shook his head slowly, and everyone waited for an
eruption. Instead, he slowly stroked his meticulously trimmed black and gray
goatee for a few seconds, looked at Carl, allowed the severity of the moment to
filter in, then said, "Youl'll work until midnight, then return at seven in the
morning. Same for Sunday."With that, he wheeled his pudgy body around and
left the room.

The door slammed. The air lightened considerably, then, in unision, the
lawyers and the jury consultants and Carl and everybody else glanced at their
watches. They had just been ordered to spend thirty-nine out of the next fifty-
three hours in this room, looking at enlarged photos of faces they'd already
seen, memorizing names and birthdates and vital status of almost two hundred
people. And there wasn't the slightest doubt anywhere in the room that they all
would do exactly what they's bee told. not the slightest. (Rankin Fitch,1996:9)

The quote above explains the lawyers, jury consultants, carl and others to work
for almost 17 hours in the work room and memorize all the data of prospective
jurors, memorize their faces, names and birth dates of almost two hundred
people. although inwardly complaining, but they still did according to the order
not even dared to argue because they had been paid dearly by the tobacco
company. Fitch uses coercive power to force workers to work outside their

Jankle took a long drink and stared at Fitch. Fitch, after all, was a well-paid
security thug, nothing remotely near the level of CEO of a major company.
Call him whatever you want-consultant agent contractor-fact was, he worked
for them. Sure he had some clout right now, like to swagger and bark because
he was pushing the buttons, but dammit he was just a glorified thug. These
thoughts Jankle kept to himself.
"Anything else?" Fitch demanded of Jankle, as if his initial inquiry were
thoughtless, as though if he had nothing productive to say then maybe he
should just keep his mouth shut. (Rankin Fitch,1996:16)

After they finish talking about the case, and Fitch has given all the possibilities
and efforts that will be done. the CEOs can only ask about important things
because Fitch doesn't like to be long-winded or even talk to drunk people like
Jankles. Although the position fitch is lower but he has a power that can make
the CEO submit to it. Coercive power is how Fitch can cover the mouths of his
superiors because he doesn't want to hear useless complaints.

The agents disapperared before they were caught and it was never learned
which side they worked for, though both made heated accusations. Cooler
heads laid heavy odds that it was the work of the tobacco boys. The jury
appeared to have a strong sympathy bent to it, and the defense was delightened
when the mistrial wasdeclared. Though there was no way to prove it, Nicholas
was certain Rankin Fitch was the phantom behind the payoffs. And he knew
Fitch would quickly go to work on his new set of friends. (Nicholas,1996:62)

Nicholas observed that almost everyone who was nominated as a jury suddenly
resigned without a clear reason, and he suspected that Fitch was behind all this
even though he had no proof but he had memorized all the plans arranged by
Fitch. with the power and money he gets from The Fund, he can do anything.
in this case the coercive power form was used by Fitch to get rid of potential
jurors who would not take sides and harm him. So the way to get success is to
offer money to relatives of the jury.

"Fitch, look. New wiring instructions. Put me on hold and go to your fax.
"Fitch looked at his private fax, which was transmitting.
"It's right here," he said. "Why new instruction?"
"Shut up, Fitch. Just do as I say, and do it immediately."
Fitch yanked the fax from his machine and skimmed the handwritten message.
The money was now headed to Panama. Banco Atlantico, in Panama city. She
had routing instructions and account numbers.
"You have twenty minutes, Fitch. the jury is eating lunch. If I don't have a
confirmation by twelve-thirty, then the deal is off and Nicholas changes
directions. He has a cellphone in his pocket, and he's waiting for me to call."
"Call back at twelve-thirty," Fitch said, hanging up. (Marlee,1996:500)
Marlee has taken control of this game from Fitch. He ordered Fitch a new
instruction on how to transfer money because he didn't want to take risks with
the cunning Fitch. Because Fitch felt that he needed Marlee in this trial, he
must obeyed without arguing. here Marlee uses a coercive power to force Fitch
to obey his orders.

Konrad and Pang were loitering in the hallway, waiting for instructions. They
knew something had gone terribly wrong. The lamp crashed with great force
against the door. Fitch screamed. The plywood walls rattled. Another object hit
and splintered; maybe it was a telephone. Fitch yelled something about"the
money!" and then the desk landed loudly against a wall.
They backed away, petrified and not wanting to be near the door when it
oponed. Bam! Bam! Bam! it sounded like a jackhammer. Fitch was punching
the plywood with his fists.
"Find the girl!" he screamed in anguish. Bam! Bam!"Find the girl!" (Rankin

Konrad and Pang kept settling in the hall, not daring to enter the room but not
daring to leave the office too, they just stopped listening to their boss throwing
things and shouting at the end to order them to find Marlee who had escaped
with her money. in this description, the coercive power utilized by Fitch
scolded his subordinates to vent his frustration.
The Description of Insentive Power Form in Entrok and The Runaway
Jury novels

Description of Insentive Power in Novel Entrok by Okky Madasari

The reward powers are based on human nature that tends to require
rewards when they have done something. the holder of power in this sphere
how the authorities deal with the citizens to comply with their requests by
means of rewards and how also the citizens who finally resigned to the rules. In
this sense there is a sense of reciprocity, mutual need and need.

Obrolan mereka terhenti saat ibu selesai menghitung uang.Tiga tumpuk uang
yang diikat dengan karet gelang kini sudah di atas meja.Orang yang dari tadi
berbicara paling banyak segera mengambil tumpukan uang itu.Menghitung,
lalu tertawa lebar.

―Begini kok dibilang seret to Yu, seret apanya?‖

―Seret ya seret, Ndan, Cuma setoran buat sampeyan aja yang nggak boleh
seret, iya to?”
―Lha ya iya. Ini kan buat keamanan sampeyan dan keamanan lingkungan. Iya,
to?Kalau bukan kami, siapa lagi yang ngatur!‖
Mereka semua tertawa bersama, termasuk ibu.―Ya sudah, Yu.Kami pamit dlu.
Semoga usahanya lancer, orang-orang banyak utang. (Tentara,1982:51)

Every two times in a week the soldiers came to Marni's house to collect the
security money and was promised that Marni's business would be safe by
following the rules. But Marni assumes that the money that is deposited is not
balance with what the soldiers do because they are simply asking for money
without doing anything. This description illustrates the form of insentive
power, as it illustrates an unbalanced reward deposit with Marni's income that
only collects coins from the debtor.

Tentara-tentara makin tak sabar. Mereka medatangi Pak Tikno tiap hari.Pak
Lurah dan Pak Camat juga turun tangan.Mereka ikut membujuk Pak Tino agar
mau melepaskan tanahnya. Mereka memberi iming-iming mengangkat Pak
Tikno jadi pesuruh di kantor kecamatan. Jadi pegawai kantoran akan jauh lebih
terhormat dibanding buruh tani.Toh, tanah yang diminta hanya sepetak.Tapi
Pak Tikno tak berubah pendirian. (Rahayu,1982:63)

In the above quotation, tells how the army controlled people like Pak Lurah
and Pak Camat to persuade Pak Tikno who insisted not to give the land as a
place of security posts.And reward Mr. Tikno for making him an office
employee, provided that he will surrender his inherited land. This form of
insentive power, how soldiers can earn compliance with the Lurah and Pak
camat by using their rank so that people should be obey to their orders. And the
form of insentive power as well as how soldiers can organize everything and
even make an farm worker to be an office employee.

―Mbakyu, sampeyan sudah berjualan disini. Kata komandan saya, sampeyan

harus bayar uang keamanan,‖kata laki-laki berseragam loreng itu. Dia datang
lagi bersama dua temannya.
―Uang keamanan buat apa, Pak?‖ Tanya Ibu tidak lagi dengan suara lantang
kemenyek khas pedagang, tapi suara pasrah ketakutan.
―Ya buat keamanan di sini.Kowe bisa enak dagang di sini karena kami
semua yang mengatur.Kami semua mengamankan.Kowe bisa dapat untung,
kami dapat apa?‖ tentara yang baru datang ikut-ikutan berbicara.

The uniformed men have been getting orders from the commander to ask for
compensation to marni. Because they are the ones who feel have arranged
marni merchandise so that the sale goes smoothly. Marni just surrender when
the remaining merchandise was taken by the soldiers for fear if she could not
sell again. This description explains the incentive power when the sale of marni
was forcibly taken by the army on the grounds that she did not want her
business disturbed. Although in fact she did not feel sincere.

―Hasyahh…tidak usah bertele-tele.Apa mau kalian?‖

―Mohon maaf, Ndan.Kami… anu… kami mau minta
keamanan.‖ Komandan Sumadi tertawa terbahak-bahak.Benar
begitu, Yu?‖
Ibu mengangguk lalu berkata, ―Iya, Ndan.Saya minta tolong, saya Cuma
Cuma mau cari makan. Jangan diganggu sama Pak RT dan orang-orang desa
Komandan Sumadi masih tertawa. Entah apa yang lucu dari kata-kata Ibu. Lalu
ia berkata, ―Beres. Silakan sampeyan terus cari rezeki.Tapi mulai
sekarang, setiap empat belas hari, sediakan jatah duit keamanan. Nanti aku
atau anak buahku yang ambil ke sana. Mengerti?‖
Bapak dan Ibu mengangguk tanda mengerti. Mereka meninggalkan kantor
tentara itu dengan plong. (Komandan Sumadi,1975:76)

Marni and her husband are threatened because citizens call marni as a
moneylender who makes difficult people finally ask for protection to pak
sumadi as commander who has the power to organize all citizens. So this is
done by Sumadi incentive pack so that all citizens will shut up and not call
Marni as loan shark. And after they pay the security money then Marni
business runs smoothly and even more successful.
Hmm… apa lagi kalau bukan itu. Tentara-tentara itu, apa pun yang mereka
lakukan, apa pun yang mereka katakan, intinya ya duit. Selama kita menuruti
permintaan mereka, memberikan berapa pun duit yang diminta, beres urusan
cari makan dan urusan dagang.Bertahun-tahun orang tidak berani lagi
mengganggu urusanku ya karena tentara-tentara itu sudah kusumpal pakai
duit. ―Sudahlah, Koh. Dituruti saja apa mau mereka. Yang penting kita aman,
selamat. Duit bisa dicari.Kita nggak akan melarat meskipun tiap minggu harus
njatah mereka.‖ (Marni,1982:111)

Koh Cahyadi was visited by the army because someone told that he went to a
temple considered a PKI because there was no state regulation. Because of he
was not captured directly by the army, they only gave warning and as a
guarantee of he should give some money from his money from the sell that he
got from his own hard work. Be it Koh Cahyadi, Marni and other traders must
be willing if half or more of their merchandise must be paid to the army for
security money.

The Description of Insentive Power in Novel The Runaway Jury by

John Grisham

The Fund was administered by Rankin Fitch, a man they collectively

despised but nonetheless listened to and even obeyed when necessary. And
they waited for him. They gathered when he said to gather. They dispersed and
returned at his command. They tolerated being at his beck and call as long as
he was winning. Fitch has directed eight trials without a loss. He'd also
engineered two mistrials, but ofcourse there was no proff of this. (Rankin

Tobacco companies are being sued by a widow who sues her husband for
smoking. the big company has four CEOs from different cigarette brands but
they still work together. They have a pool of funds called The Fund which is
regulated by Rankin Fitch, their people who can solve all the problems and
have won several congregations. and Rankin Fitch itself benefits from
luxurious amenities. insentive power in the description is reflected when Fitch
uses the power delegated by CEOs to handle court cases so that important
people such as consultants, lawyers and other workers comply with Fitch as
well as CEOs who need it automatically will do as they wish even though
Fitch's position lower than them.

"And it's a much better company than the one you're with now," Ben added, the
tag-team working to perfection. " we offer higher salaries, better benefits, stock
options, the works."
"Lonnie, Bend and I are ashamed to admit that our company does not have an
African-American in a management position. We along with our bosses, would
like fot this change, immidiately. We want it to change with you."
Lonnie studied their faces, and suppressed a thousand questions. In the span of
a minute , he'd gone from the brink of unemployement to the prospect of
advancement. I don't have a college degree. There's a limit to-"
"There are no limits," Ken said. "You have two years of junior college, and, if
necessary, you can finish your studies. Our company will cover the cost of
college." Lonnie had to smile, as much from relief as from good fortune. He
decide to proceed cautiously. He was dealing with strangers. "I'm listening," he
said. (Ben and Kent,1996:129)

Lonnie works as a self-employed worker and the supermarket owner has sold
shares to ken and ben who are rankin fitch's men. they are sent by rank fitch to
persuade lonnie to join them to support the tobacco company in return for
lonnie getting a scholarship to study and after that he will be appointed
manager of the supermarket. This form of insentive power was reflected when
Ken and Ben managed to persuade Lonnie to join them by using the power of
The Fund so that people who were squeezed would want to follow and
implement Fitch's wishes. thus Fitch's plan will run smoothly by only spending
a small amount of capital than the one the Fund earns.

"Yes. It's a simple deal, really, Fitch. You wire me a bunch of money, and I
promise to deliver you a verdict.
"I think we should wait until afer the verdict."

"You know I'm not that stupid."


Fitch knows the nine jurors are in control by Marlee and Nicholas, both of
them can do anything to other judges. therefore Fitch negotiates with Marlee so
that the jury's vote supports the victory for the tobacco company. and Marlee
agreed to it as long as Fitch could pay an expensive value of 10 million dollars
which is actually a small value compared to the profits that tobacco companies
make each year. the insentive power in the description was reflected when
Fitch and Marlee did a win-win solution where Marlee would get 10 million
dollars while Fitch won the trial and he would get even greater profits.

Fitch breathed a little easier and almost smiled. He said. "It's imperative
Nicholas talk to Millie tonight. Hoppy will go over in a couple of hours and tell
her all about it. Can Nicholas get to her quickly?"
"Fitch, Millie will vote the way he wants. Relax."
Fitch relaxed. He removed his elbows from the table and tried to smile again.
"Just out of curiousity, how many votes do we have right now?"
"Who are the other three?"
Herman, Rikki, and Lonnie." (Fitch,1996:477)

Fitch was relieved that he had been promised that he would get a verdict
victory, Marlee had convinced Fitch that Nicholas had tried to get attention and
the impression of being a reliable person in this trial Fitch felt victory was in
sight because it had been helped by Marlee, the person he had just met but
marlee is like a jackpot. This description explains the insentive power as a
reward, seen when Fitch rewards Marlee. And Marlee also replied with help
from Nicholas so that he could give Fitch a victory.

Prior to Friday, The Fund had a balance of six and a half million, certainly
more than enough to complete the trial. What was the additional eight million
for? And how much was in The Fund now?
Fitch explained that the defense had a sudden, unplanned expenditure of the
grandest proportion.
"Stop the games, Fitch," said Luther Vandemeer of Trellco. " Have you
managed to finally purchase a verdict?"
Fitch tried not to lie to these four. They were, after all, his employers. He never
told them the complete truth, and they didn't expect him to. But in response to a
direct questions, especially one of this magnitude, he felt compelled to make
some effort at honesty. "Something like that," he said. (Luther

CEOs were very surprised by the steps Fitch took in purchasing the verdict
even more so there was a huge additional cost to pay. they think Fitch is very
brave to take big risks because there is no guarantee that their verdict will be
won while they have already paid a high price for it. this explanation explains
that the insentive power of how Fitch is able to obtain CEO compliance by
using its capabilities that have many acquaintances of dirty people who are so
attractive to their impressions. So they unwittingly want to obey Fitch's orders
to achieve their goals.

The similarities and the differences of Entrok and The Runaway Jury novel

In this section, the writer wants to find out the similarities and the
differences in Entrok and The Runaway Jury novels. In a comparative literature
analysis, there must be some similarities and differences which found in two or
more novels, which usually comes from two or more different countries. In this
thesis, the writer wants to compare The Runaway Jury, an American novel, and
Entrok, an Indonesian novel.

The similarities of The Runaway Jury and Entrok novels

1. The Runaway Jury novel and entrok have a similar motif. Both of the
novels tell about people who do hegemony. Both john grisham from
TheRunaway Juryand Okky Mandasari from Entrok, people who take
power actions because of their position in order to achieve their
respective goals and benefits.

2. The Runaway Jury and Entrok novels also have a similaritiy on theme.
Both the two novels describe people who have the power to enable them
to control others whose position is lower than them. In The Runaway
Jury, lawyers and legal experts threaten and persuade the jury to get a
verdict in court. Meanwhile in entrok novel, the soldiers who carry out
the suppression and oppression of the people in daily life

3. The Runaway Jury and Entrok novels have a similaritiy on the point of
view. Both of the novels use the third person omniscient point of view. It
can be seen that both of the novels tell the story from the point of view of
the narrator.

4. Both of the protagonist characters in The Runaway Jury and entrok

novels have a character as a threatening third person who can take
advantage from the first antagonist character. In The Runaway Jury
novel, Marlee explained that threatening Fitch to take agreement in
winning the trial. While in the novel entrok explained Mr. RT as a person
who took advantage because of working with the soldiers.

5. The Runaway Jury and Entrok novels have a similarity on the plot. Both
of the novels are using linear plot.

6. The novel the Runaway Jury by John Grisham brings up the social issues
of human tampering and illegal activity involved . Human tampering by
the character in both novels is the crime of attempting to influence a
human through other means than the evidence presented , such as
conversations about the case outside, offering bribes, making threats or
asking acquaintances to interfere with a person who had a high position.

7. Both of the main characters in the novel The Runaway Jury and Entrok
have cruel and violent character. In The Runaway Jury novel, it was
described Fitch who was cunning, commanding and shouting and would
even do anything including hurting someone who was blocking him.
Meanwhile in Entrok novel, it was describes merciless soldiers, punish
citizens who do not comply with their regulations in the name of the

The differences of The Runaway Jury and Entrok novels

1. The protagonist character inThe Runaway Jury, Nicholas,he's a former

student majoring in law. He had a lover's/partner, named Marlee. they
work together to strike down big tobacco companies. Meanwhile in
Entrok novel, the protagonistcharacter is Marni.Marni is a woman who
has a desire to have a more advanced life. She is the only woman in the
village who wants to fight fate that women can have the freedom of life
like a man in the example of earning a living

2. The setting of The Runaway Jury novel was set in United States,
America. It was about in 1996. Meanwhile, Entrok novel was set in Jawa,
Indonesia. It was about in 2010.

3. The protagonist character in The Runaway Jury was experiencing a

strong preference for justice, Nicholas wants to defeat Fitch with his
intelligence. Meanwhile the main character of Entrok was not.

4. The protagonist character in The Runaway Jury was experiencing a

strong desire to defeat the enemy, meanwhile the main character of
Entrok was not.

5. The main character in Entrok was experiencing a strong preference for

creating a sense of family, meanwhile the main character of The
Runaway Jury was not.

6. In the end of the story, the protagonist character of The Runaway Jury
novel had succeed in defeating the enemy, taking revenge, and fighting
for justice. Tobacco companies went bankrupt because they lost the trial.
and the money is donated by Nicholas and Marlee to the anti-smoking
association. Mean while, in Entrok novel, the main character did not
succeed in fighting for justice even for her own family. her husband died,
her daughter went to prison because she was accused of being a PKI and
Marni herself suffered a collapse because various parties tried to extort
her wealth. Marni fell and surrendered to the situation.

Based on the analysis above, the writer found some findings which are
the results of the problems. The writer found description of coercive power and
insentive power, the function of coercive power and insentive power, the
meaning of coercive power and insentive power, and the similarities and the
differences found in both novels.
Based on the analysis of the first problem, the writer found some
description of coercive power and insentive power which portrayed in each
sentences of The Runaway Jury and Entrok novels. Both of the novels was
experiencing five description of coercive power and insentive power sentences.
In description of coercive power there is a sentences about compelling power.
people who have a higher position will certainly be more respected or also
feared by people who are inferior. Whereas in the description of insentive
power there is a sentences of power with reciprocity, with both parties
cooperating with a beneficial goal.
Based on the analysis of the second problem, the writer found some
function of coercive power and insentive power which portrayed in each
senctences of The Runaway Jury and Entrok novels. Both of the novels was
experiencing five function of coercive power and insentive power. In function
of coercive power there is a sentences about how the process is given by the
hegemony or the person in power in governing his subordinates, such as an
employer with servants, the authorities with civil society, the boss with
employees. Whereas in the function of insentive power there is a sentences
about the process is given by the hegemony or the person who has power or
also someone who can give something to others but with a reward that benefits
them such as the security forces who quote money illegally to the public. the
authorities who give promises will give the community a position if they give
their land.
Based on the analysis, there are meaning of coercive power and insentive
power which portrayed in each senctences of The Runaway Jury and Entrok
novels. Both of the novels was experiencing five meaning of coercive power
and insentive power. In the meaning of coercive power there is a sentence that
shows the meaning of the function carried out by the hegemony like Marlee
who threatened Fitch by dismantling his plan, so Fitch was forced to obey
Marlee's orders. the meaning contained in the sentence is fear. or also Marni
who scolded tonah for being incapable of cleaning the house, there was also
fear and submission because tonah was a servant who had to follow the orders
of his employer. Whereas in the meaning of insentive power there is a
sentences that shows the meaning of the function carried out by the hegemony
like in the meaning of insentive power there is a sentence that shows the
meaning of the function carried out by the hegemony such as Fitch who holds
the fund and handles the trial and the profit is Fitch can rule the tobacco
company boss as he wants, and Marni always billed as security money and the
benefits of selling are safe and not damaged by them.
And the last on the analysis of the similarities and the diffrences of The
Runaway Jury and Entrok novel, the writer indicates that there are some
similarities and diffrences of the elements of The Runaway Jury and Entrok
novels. The similarities found in the plot, main character, theme, point of view
and motif. Both of the novels have a linear plot. The main characters of The
Runaway Jury and Entrok novels are both man who do hegemony. The point of
view of The Runaway Jury and Entrok novels are the third person omniscient,
which means the narrator knows everything in the story. Both of The Runaway
Jury and Entrok novels have the same theme. Both novels tell about people
who have the power to enable them to control other whose position is lower
than them. Meanwhile, the differences found in the setting of both novels. The
setting of The Runaway Jury novel was in United States, America and the
setting of Entrok novel was in Jawa, Indonesia. The following tabel indicates
the similarities and the differences of the elements of The Runaway Jury and
Entrok novels.

No Elements The Runaway Jury Entrok

1 Plot Linear Linear
2 Setting of place United States, America Jawa, Indonesia
3 Character Rankin Fitch (Jury Sumadi (a commander)
4 Point of view Third person omniscient Third person omnicient
5 Theme The life of power, looking The life of power, looking
for freedom for freedom
6 Motif A person who do A person who do
hegemony, people who hegemony, people who take
take power actions because power actions because of
of their position in order to their position in order to
achieve their respective achieve their respective
goals and benefits goals and benefits
table 4.2 the similarities and differences of the elements of The Runaway
Jury and Entrok novels.

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