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The “greatest number” principle seems to say we want a world in which everyone is at least a little
happy. My self back then in the previous discussion their are the two sovereign masters the pleasure
and pain that define us humans what we do and what we get that either benifits my self or not. Like if
we want something that make us happy we get and do actions to that and we dont do actions if that
thing create pain or suffering to us an individual. The principle reflect two separate but conceptually
related aspects of the Enlightenment creed. First, happiness is each person’s moral goal. Second, people
and their lives are of equal worth. Utilitarianism says that the basic moral principle is that we ought to
do whatever promotes the greatest happiness of the greatest number. Mill equated happiness with
pleasure. My self and my view about what the principal of the greatest number, this is the way and part
of our being as an individual that pleasure makes our happiness but not only that if we consider that
principle pleasure also the way that give the majority of happiness to individuals not only in self but to
others also. In this principle also if the individual pleasure alone that not conseder the pleasure of others
is called immoral and that not we called pleasure accourding to the principle. For example in my
highschool life their are some individual that bully others because they got pleasure in what they doing
but in some one in the victim of that spicific actions it cause pain or suffering to them.the greatest
number principle point is the pleasure that acquire are not only for one person but in majority of people
in a certain are or in a certain group. I may self reponse to moral right in terms of principle of greatest
number if we go deeper and seek deeper i think it is not right to let go our moral right considering that
principle for example their are some pleasure that makes us happy but we dont need the majority or no
majority of individual want that pleasure like in a certain group i like reading poem but im the only one
like it may point is their are pleasure that unique to individual that create happiness because all
individual are have unique characteristics as a human and well being.

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