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Wave s ocx:irr all armind ymi in the physical world. When you throw a
stone irrto a lake, water waves sprea.d out from the splash. When you etrum
the strings of a guitar, sound wave s carry the noise all armind ymi. When

wave s differ irr important ways but they all share the' basic propertie s of
wave motiori. F'or in stance, ymi can see water wave s arid surfers would may
tha.t they enjoy riding the waves. On the either hand, you don't see eoimd
wave S and EgFrt waves but you experience them irr other ways. Your ears can
deter I sound waves arid your skin can get burned by vtftraviole t wave s if you
stay under the sim for too long.

A wave is a periodic disturbance that move s away from a smirce arid

carrie s energy wiki it. F'or example, earthy uake wave s show us that tire
of energy carried by a wave can do work orr objects by exerting
forces tlmt move objects from their original position s. Have you personally
experie rice an earthquake 7 Flow did it feels Did you krrow tha.t you can
imderetand earthquake s by etiidyirrg waves 2

irr thi s module, yoti woukl he doing three activities tfrat would
demonstrate the properties of wave motion. After performing these attivitie s,

Grade 7Sci we: fears Material bond Part [

Acavity 1 will introduce you to differerr I types of waves distinguished
according to the direction of vibrations of particles witir respec t to the
direction irr which the wave S travel. Activity 2 will give you a background of
the terms arid quarititie s tised irr de scribirrg periodic wave s. Finally, Activity
3 will strengthen ymir itriderstaridirig of the propertie s
of wave s and how they propagate.

Try to wave at ymir seatmate arid observe the

motion of your hand. Do ymi maLe a side -to-side

1. De scribe your personal hand wave.

T'he repefifififive mofion that you do with youc

cuusrs save modon. V@hen you observe a

ave, the soumeisu]waysambroOon.

2. Tldnk oI a sM lance. How wold ymz gezzecate

water waves ozs the IaAe7

In this activity, ymi wilf observe and draw

different type s of wave s arid descritie how they
are produced. You wfil also desc:ribe the different

Time Allotzneat: 30 minutes

Grade 7Sci we: fears K’s Material d Part[

Acavity 1 will introduce you to differerr I types of waves distinguished
according to the direction of vibrations of particles witir respec t to the
direction irr which the wave S travel. Activity 2 will give you a background of
the terms arid quarititie s tised irr de scribirrg periodic wave s. Finally, Activity
3 will strengthen ymir itriderstaridirig of the propertie s
of wave s and how they propagate.

Try to wave at ymir seatmate arid observe the

motion of your hand. Do ymi maLe a side -to-side

1. De scribe your personal hand wave.

T'he repefifififive mofion that you do with youc

cuusrs save modon. V@hen you observe a

ave, the soumeisu]waysambroOon.

2. Tldnk oI a sM lance. How wold ymz gezzecate

water waves ozs the IaAe7

In this activity, ymi wilf observe and draw

different type s of wave s arid descritie how they
are produced. You wfil also desc:ribe the different

Time Allotzneat: 30 minutes

Grade 7Sci we: fears K’s Material d Part[

Met e rieln

c A rope (at leas t ave meters long)

A colored ribbon

filled with water

c A paper host

A. What are transverse wave s7

1. . Straighten the rope axid place it ahove a long table. Flold one end
of the rope arid vibrate it up arid down. Ymi wmild he able to
observe a pttlnc . Dra.w three sketche s of the rope showing the
motion of the pulse at three subsequent instance s (snapshots at
three different times). Draw ari arrow to represent the direction
of the pulse’s

Tim e 1

Tim e 2

Tim e 3

a. What is the smirce of the wave pulsed

b. He ecrihe the motion of ymir haxid a s you create the pvtfse .

c. De ecrihe the motion of the pulse with respect to the smirce.

Grade 7Sci we: fears K’s Material (secad Part [

Ymi wifl now tag a s peciEc paxt of the rope wtriJe making a
series of put see. A peTlotiK: were ca n he regarded a s a series
of put ee s. Orre pvilse follows another in regular succe ssion .

Tie one end of the rope on a rigid arid fixed object ]e.g heavy table,
door knob, etc). a colored ribbori ori one part of the rope. Ymi eriay use
adhesive tape to fix the ribbon. Make a wave by coritiniioii sly
vibrating the en d of the rope with qtiick up-arid-down movetrients
of ymrr hand. Dra.w the we9eforttt or the shape of the wave tha t

Ask a friezzd to vibm.te the rope while you observe the rrzotton r¥f
the co6red z-iLbozz. Remember that the colored ribbon serves as a
marker of a cho ecu segment of the rope.

a. Doe s the wave transport the colored ribbon from its original
position to the end of the rope 2

Grade 7 ké we: fearue K’s Material (second Part [

b. De scribe the vibratiori of the colored ribbon. Flow doe s it mom
as wave s pas s bye Doe s it move irr the came direction a s the

are lorigitiidirral wave s2

hon nect one end of a long table to a wall. Place coil spring ori top of
table. Attac h one end of the coil spring to the wall white you hold
the other end.

uze 3. foil apring on a jiât table unto one

end azracfzed0 a calf

Do not lift the coil spring. Ask a friend to vibrate the end of the coil
spring by doing a back-arid-forth motion parallel to the le ngth of
the spring. Observe the wave s along the coil spring. Draw how the
coil spring loohs Eke as ymi move it back-arid-forth.

2. Attach a colored ribbon on one part of the coil spring. Ymi rriay ii se
an adhe sive tape to fix the ribbori. Ask a friend to vibrate the coil
spring hach-arid-forth while ymi observe the motion of the colored
ribhon. Remember that the colored ribbon serve s as a rriarker of a
chosen segrrien t of the coil S pring.

a. Doe s the wave transport the colored ribbon from its origi rrel
position to the end of the rope 7

b'. De acribe the vibration of tire colored ribhon. i-low doe s it move
as wave s pas s bye

Grade 7Scé we: fears is Material (secad Part [ 21

C. fat are solace waws7

Pia.ce a hasiri filled witL water on top of a level ta.b1e. Wait imtit the
water hecomes stilt or motiorile s s. Create a have pulse by tapping
the surface of the water witii ymrr index Fmger arid observe the
direction of travel of tin wave pulse. Tap the surface of the water at
zz• law Intels tocreate wars. View the wars boat ab-
ove azzd dzaw the pattern What ymz see. Izz yer dmwizzg, mark the
source oF ltte disturbance.

2. Wait for the water to hecome still hefore ymi pla.ce your paper hoat
on the surface. Greate periodic wave s arid observe what happens to

a. Oo the wave s eet the paper host into motions What is required
to set an object iri to motion 7

b. lf ymi .exert more energy in creating periodic waves by tapping the

surface with greater strength, how does this affect the movement of
the paper hoat2

3. If ymi were somehow able to mark individual water molecules {you

used a colored ribbon to do 'this earlier} and follow them as wave s
pass by, you wouid find tlrat their path s are like tho se shown irr
the figure heiow.

Grade 7Sci we: fears K’s Material [second Part [

in As shown in the Agure, the passage of a wave across a surface
of a body of water irivolve s the motion of particles following a
pattern ahmit the ir original positions.

b. Doe s the wave tran spmt water molecules fmm the smile of
the vibratiori 2 Support ymrr ari ewer using the ehovm agure.

1. Wave s ca.n bn typified encordirig to the direchori of motion of the

vibrating particles with respect to tLe direction in which the wave s

in Wave s in a rnpe are called waves because the

individual segments of the rope vibm te to the
direction in which the wave s travel.

b. Whe n each portion of a coil spring is alternatively compressed

ari d extended, wave s are produced.

c. Waves on the stzrlace of a body of water ore a combination of

trarrsveree arid lorigitudirial waves. Each water molecule
moves irr a pnttem as the waves pass by.

2. How do we krrow that wave s ca.rry energy2

3. Wha t ha.ppe us wherr waves pa ss bye

Actirity 2. Anatomy of a Wave

How do you deacrib e wayes*

Ymi had the experience of coca.ting periodic waves in Activity I . In a

periodic wave, one pulse follows another in regular eucce s sion; a certain
waveform — the shape of individual wave s — is repeated at regtiiar intervals.

Most periodic wave s have aftttt old n waveforms as shown helow. The
highest porn I arid lowe st point of a wave are calLxi the eteat and the teottg2t
ee spechveiy. The efftp2lt de is the maximum displacement of a vibrating
particle ori either side of its normal posihori whe n the wave pas ee s.
Grade 7Scé we: fears K’s Material (secad Part }
Ob ctiwe

In tbia ac batty, you will idtritify the qiia.rihhes need irr desmibirrg
periodic waves.

‹ A ruler
• A basin filled with waier
A rope (at least EVe meters long)
A.colored ribbon
‹ A watch or digital timer


A. Flow can ymi measure the wawlerigth of a


1. The wnTWngt2t of a wave refers to the distance between any

eticces size identical parts of the wave. For irr stance, the distaxice
from one cre St to the next is equal to one fuit wavelength. lrr the
following illustration , this is given by the interval B to F’. Identify
the other intervals that repre seri I orie full wavelmgth.

Grade 7Sci we: few K’s Mata ial d Part[

2. Pierce a ba sin filled with water on top of a level table. Wait for the
water to become StifL Create a vibration by regularly tapping the
surface of the water with your irrdcx Anger. You ivouH be able to
see the subsequent crest of the water waves.

Oraw the water waves as ymi see the m from the top of the basin.
Label one wavelength in your drawing.

3. Increase the ra.te of the vibrations ymi c:reate by tapping the

eurFace of tire water ra.pidly. What ha.pperis to the wavelength of
the wave s2

Dra fhe water aves as you see than dom the

tqpofthe basin. Corn

B. How do ymi measure the frequency of a waved

The frequency of a eeries of periodic waves is the number of wave s

that pas s a particular point every one second. Just Eke what you
have done iri Activity 1, attnch a c6lored ribbon on a rope to serve
G +aJe 7 Scé we: fears is Material {second Part [
as o ta g. Pie one end of the cope rim a fixed object arid ask a frie nd
to create periridic waves by regularly vibrating the other end of the

2. You will cmzzt how mazzy times the colored ribbon reached the test
10 seconds. You will stazt cmzztlzzg azzce the ribbon reaches the
crest a secazzd Anne. It means UI azze wave has passed by the
ribban’s position. Aék as other And with a watch oz a di|gttaI timer
to alert yr to start co g and to stop cmzzlg zdtez 10 secands.
Record the results m Table 1.

3. tt is also useful to consider the period of a wave, which is the time

required for one complete wave to pas s a given pain t. The period of

F'rom the ideritified of tire observed periodic waves, the

period ca n he calculated. For example, if two wave s per second are pas
ring by, each wave has a period of 'A eecorids.

Table 1. F reqiiency and period of the wave

J Hz = 1 cycle/ secand.

4. U you the frequency of vibra.hon by jerking the en d of the

rope at a fa ster rate, what happe us to the wavelength 2

C. Flow do yr measwe the speed &6 wash

1. Using the rope with ribbon. C rate periodic waves arid estimate
wavelength. Count the number of wave s that pass by the
ribbori i n ten smorids. Compii te the frequency of the wave s. Record
the resuits irr Able 2.

Grade 7Scé we: fears K’s Material [secad Part [

2. The wave speed is the distance traveled by the wave per second.

From the ha.sic formula that appEe s to all periodic wave s', you ca.n
see that wave speed, frequency and wavelength are independent of
the wave’s aznpEtude.

a. Using the data from number I , calculate the wave speed of the
observed periodic wave s. Re cord the result in Table 2.

Table 2. Tke speed of a want

I. What is the eelatiori ship between wave speed, wavelength arid

2. Suppose you observed azz szzchozed to rise azzd IaIt ance evezy
4.0 secartds as a'aves whose tests are 25 meter9 spszt pas9 by it.

s What is the freqi›e ncy of the observed wave s2

b. the t is tfre epeed of tlre waves 2

Activit y 3. Mechanical ve. Electromagnetic Wavea

Obje ctive

In this activity, ymi wilt differentiate hntween mechanical wave s arid

electromagne tk wave s.

Time Allot m etst: 30 minii tes

Grade 7Scé we: fears is Material (second Part [

c Findirigs frocn Activity 1
Chart of the electromagnetic spectrum

A. What are mechanical wave s2

1. then ymi created waves ii sirrg a rope irr Activity 1 Part A, you wern
able to obmrve a moving pattern. In this case, the nedtom of wave

in In Activity 1 Part B, wh at is the medium of wavn propagations

b. In Activi ty 1 Part C, what is the mediinri of wave propagations

2. The wave s that you have created irr

Activity 1 all require a medium for
wave propagation. TFrey are called

a How cazz yr generate

mechartâal waves7

3. AC three kinds of waves

transverse, longitxidirial, arid sinfa.oe — axe sent out by ari
earthquake arid dari W detected many thou sands of kilometers away
if the quake is a major one.

in What do ymi thiriL is the source of earthquake wave s7

b. What is the medium of propagatiori of earthquake wave s 7

B. Whst aze electzomagrzetic waves '

En ergy fram the a uri ro che s th e earth thrmigh electromagaettc

woven. As opposed to mechanical waves, electromagrietic wave s
req cére no material medium for th+Mr passage. Thus, they can pass
thrmigh empty space. Eocate the electronic.gnetk spectral chart
in your classroom. A smaller image of the chaxt is showrr beiow.
Identify the commori name of each wave shown in the chart.

Grade 7Scé we! fears K’s Material [Secad Part [

2. 6.

2. Tke electromagnetic •pettenm shows the various types of

electroiringnehc waves, the range of their frecpiencies and
wavelength. The wave speed of all electromagrietic wave s is the
samn and eqiia.1 to the speed of light which is approximately equal
to 3 OO OOO OOO m/ s:


a. Ebcaml e the electromgnetzc spectWrn.

1. On scrihe the relations hip betwee n frequency and

wavelength of each electrornagrietic wave.

2. Draw wave s to re pre se nt electromagnetic wave.

Ymir illii stratiori s miist reprn sent the wavelength of a

have a very small wa.veIength corrzpazed to Che other

wars in thespectmzn.

Grade 7Scé we: fears K’s Material (second' Part [

b. The Sun is an important source of uhraviolet ]UV} waves,
Which is the md cause of sunburn. lotions are
tran eparerit to visibl.• Egh t but abeorb most UV Eght. The
higher a siiriscree n’s solar protection factor {S PF}, the greater
the percentage of UV light absoitred. Why are UV rays
harmful to the skiii corripared to visible lights

Compare the frequerr cy arrd energy.carried by UV wave s to

1. Mechanical waves lit Sound, water waves, earthqiialce waves, arid

wavesin a stretched string propagerte thrmigh a
while waves such as ra.dio
waves, visible light, arid gamma rays, do not require a rriafeiial

Rewfsa'Fsmea oml¥on
The activities tha t you have performed are aE ahout wave motion o r

from on'e place to ariotlier thus they can se t object's into mo hon.

Grade 7 Scé we! Learn K’s Material (Second Part [

Activity 1 inteodmed ymi to transverse waves, longitudinal waves, arid
eirrface wave s. You observed the motiori of a segment of the material
thrmigh which the wave travels.

1. Transverse waves occur when the individual particles or

segments of a medium side to side perpendicular to
the directiori in which the wave s txavel.

2. Lorigitiidirial wave s occur when the individvml particles of a medium

vibrate back arid forth in the directiori in whic h the

3. The motion of water mole‹nales on the surface of deep water in which

a wave is propagating is a combiriation of transverse and longimdirial
dispia.cerrien ts, with the re celt tlra t molecvtfe s at the surface move
in nearly cir‹nalar pa ths. Eac h mole‹nale is displaced

4. While transported by virtue of the moving pattern, it is

important to remember that there is not net tran sport of matter
irr wave motion. The particles vibrate ahmit a normal pos ition a nd
do not ii ndergo a net motion.

tn Actnity 2, you have encmintered the important term s and

quaritities ii red to de scrihe periodic wave s.

1. The cre st and trmigh refer to the higke ct po iri t arid lowe st po int of
a wave pattern, respectively.

2. The ampEtude of a wave is the rriaximiim displacement of a

particle of the medium on either side of its normal position when
the wave pa s ee s.

3. The freqve•ncy of periodic waves is the number of waves that pass

a particular point for eveey one second while the wavelength is
the distance etween adjace nt cue sts or trough s.

4. The period is the time required for orie complete wave to pa s s a

Grade 7Scé we: fears K’s Material [second Part [

5. The speed of the wave refers to the distance the wave travels per
unit lime. I t is related to the frequency of the wave arid
wavelength thrmigh the followirig equation:

Finally, Activity 3 prompted ymi to distirigvlieh between mechanical

arid electromagnetic wave s.

1. In mechanical waves, some physic:al medium is heing disturbed

for the wave to propagate. A wave traveling on a string would not
exist withmi t the etririg. Sound waves cmild not travel through air
if there were no air molecule s. With mechanical wave s, what we
interpret as a wave corresponds to the propagation of a
disturbance thrmigk a medium.

2. On the other hand, electromagnetic waves do not require a medium

to propagate; come example s of electroniagrietic wave s are
visible light, radio waves, television sigrials, arid x-rays.

Up i4eat. Light

In the next ymi wmild learri ahmi t visible Eght, the most
familiar form of electzmnagrietic wave s, sirrce it is the part of the
eiectromagrietic spectrum that the hinria.n eye can detect. Through come
irrtere stirrg activitie s, ymi wmild come across the characteristics of Eght,
how it is produced and how it propzrgate s. You wmikl need the concepts
learned from this modvtfe to frilly iinderstarr d arid appreciate the ocx:iirrence

Grade 7Scé we! fears K’s Material [secad Part [

Consider the diagram below to answer questions 1 arid 2.

1. The wavelength of the wave irr the diagram above is given hy letter

2. The amplitude of the wave in the diagram ahove iS given by letter

3. indicate the interval that represen fs a half wavelength.

a. A to E Ato B
b. B to F d. CtoE

4. A pulse sent down a long string eventually dies away arid disappears.

a. T'he end@r disappears with the wave.

b. The energy is rema zzs along tote JengLh6 be 9 g.
c. The ertmgy @ frsnsferzed fram tote wave to the en mezzt.
d. T'he pose does not ener@r.

5. Mechanical waves tran sport energy fz-om one place to another through
a. Alternately vibrating particles of the medium
b. Particle S traveling with the wave
c. Vibrating particles and traveling particles
d. None of the aboee

6. In a trariswree wave, the individual particles of the mediinn

c. move paralRl to the direction of traael

d. move perptridicvrlar to the direction of travel

Grade 7Sci we: fears K’s Material {second Part[

7. 'he higher The &e ezzcy of a was,

a. the inwer i ts speed c. the greater its amplitnade

b. the shorter its wavelength d. the longer its pnriod

8. DI The folto g pzogert •s oI a wave, the

others is its

a. ampEtvkfe c. wavelength
d. frequency

9. Wzrves In zr zdce are 3.00 za m lengtb azzd pass azz anchored boat I .25 e
apaxt. The speed of the w aves is
a. 0.25 za/s

c. 6.25 m/ s
d. impossible to firid from the iriformabon given

10. Energy from the sun reaches the eartli tlirnrigh

c. mccfianical waves
d. electromagrietic viaVes

Anatomy of an electromagnetic wave. Available at:

Klectromagrie he waves. Available at:

{3] Hewitt, P. ] 2006). Gnnceptii al Physic s I O* Rd. USA: Pearson Addison-

The anatomy of a wave. Available at.

The nature of a wave. Available at.

G +aJe 7 Sc ie nce! fearne K’s Material [second Part [


Do you stifl remember Sir ISaac Newton 2 What ahout Ch ristian

Hiiyge us P Did you meet them in ymir carrier grade st These people were the'
are to study ahmit light.

In this module, you will learn' a hm i t light. Ymi will' also fi nd on t

tha t then are different smirce s. iaf light arid that Eght exhibit s differeri t
chara.cteristics and properties. Fi nally, ymi will de sigri a simple activity to
te ct whether Eght travel s. in a straight ligh t or not.

Sir Isaac Newton bñiievéd tlrat ligh t he ha.ves like a particle white Christ-
ran Hiiygens hefieved th at ligh t h*•have s Eke a wave. A 3 * scie ntist,
Max Piari ck came up with what is new known as the Dual-Nature
i-Ie éxplaineif that fight can he a particle and can at so bn a wdve. To
complete our knowledge ahout the ria.ture of ligh t, lames Clark Maxwell
proposed the DC rnnprietic Theory of Ligh t..

White these scienL sts dig deep into 'the natiiée of light' arid how
Egh t are pin pagated, let us be more familiar with ordinary materials wé use as
coinmori smirce s ñf light. The Burt for example ié known as a naturoi sourct•
of Eght. .Sim is also considered a s a. himiriotis box ]as of i•ci capable o/
prod:ucin'g ita ou:n light . other smaece S are the lamps, bialbs, arid candle s.
These are the orfi/cic some:es.

fn you r earEer grades you harried abmit energy tran sforma'tiori.

Eriérgy tran sforniation is n'seded to convert or transform forms of Energy to
light or other forms. tn bvtfbs, electric potential is oo nvertéd to Egh t. In
lamps, Chemical e nergy is transformed to ligh t.

Grade 7 Sc+e we! fear K’s Material [secad Part [

ICuiniria.te the side “A" of the wedge by the lamp arid side W by the
ca.ndle. t n ge neral the lamp side will look brigh ter than the other.

Calcite thepower of the lamp reTatzve to the candle. {iB.g. If ba th side

of he zzx°d gx° Who z eel aquaI 'zI!urmnatian when zL ie abouL OOO cm from and
SO' czzz zzi 2, The cfistazzces ore as # to 1. But as lighL falfis off 'aa::orâing to
fi'e aq zza zé of fi'e âiatance.” ('2O,O)“” —— '40 OOO and (°fiOQ J6 to 1.).
Tbae tbe caadle-power o£tbe lamp la L6.

Wha t 'is the candle power of y.our se I u p2 brief ude your computations.J

Make o langis MancLi!a ac ampora

Lahel your fmigis kcinciiia as DL-

KL I , DL- KL2 axid so on.

2. Pour different variety of vege tahle oil in each of the po £

3. Use be izrzprovised photometer to detezmz e the bng itzzess 6 each &

the candle.

4. Rep&ce be cazzdte ymz used ie the Ist pazt with be tongis kondito

o. Com pie the cazzdJe pa we

of the Ian p with ze spec I to The dgzs k
d 'a Yr znay refer to & for The step @ step proces s oI de
tezzzdzzmg the cazzdle powe r u smg the pro ised photame te. Record yer
data a n the provided table.

Table 1. Brigh tne ss of Vegetable Oil Variety

Dunes Light s/ Script Vegetahie Oil Bri@tnese/Luizunoue
Kamila Varied Intenei/ (CandeT/
O L.• LV I C!anola O 0
O E- UK H Butter

G +aJe 7 Sc ie we! Izarne r’s Material [secad Part [

fri Activity 1, ymi wifl txy to observe transformation of chemica.1 energy
frorri chemical siibsta.rices such as oil to ligh t. Fccrther, you wit also gather
daia which chemical svlhstarice is he ct by relating it to the brigh trie ss of the
Eght produced. fn this activity, you will ii se the fonpzs knridiia or fnmporn a s
we cadl it in the Philippine s or the DC !i Eghts as it is known in other
cmirrtries like tridia .

activity l
Light sources: 2mnp£s fcnndifn or Inmpnro


In this activity, ymi should he able to.

1. mri struct a simple photometer,
2. determirie which chemical substance prodme the brigh test Eght; arid
3. irifer that brightness of light is dependent on the distance of the

a art electric glow lamp |SrnâII lamp is needed)

e cazzdle - weig izzg US parts
a wedge with slopizzg suzlaces {sWzp azzgle about 60° to 70“ rhat serve
as the pkotometer {made af wkite wood or paper)

» mziety uI vegetable ail {sbout 5)

e alumlzzm pie cozz ers or smalt cry pots
e coCtan a tzio g tax St eve
e set of boolcs or @pod What set as Pharm for Dâua!i ta

Proc edure
Part J .- Imp re cis e d Ph o In me te r

Azwange the
electric glow Pump, the can+‹he and the wedge as shorn ao the right. Magee


Grade 7Sci we: fearue K’s Material (secad Part [

tfliimiria te the side "A’ of the wedge by the lamp arid side 'Ti’ by the
cnndle. tn general the lamp side wifl look brigh ter than the other.

Mov.e the dodge nearer to the candle to a s pot at whit youas'an

obj rver, lookirig down on the Mo sir rfaces of the wedge ]from "C’) cannot
eee any cfiflerence he tween them in respec t of brigh trre ss.. They are then
o:fuallg illumina ted,- that is to may the candle ight falâng on W" ts equal in
iriti•nsit9 to 'the efmtric fayht /o£ir;q on "A. ")

Calcite thepower on the lamp relative to the cazzdle. \E. g. I/ botj!j side
.a/ W edge° who zz xscl aquaI Thu otiozz chin it' in about OOO mm/rozzz J, d
fi0 cm from 2, ffie dzsLances are as 4 Lo 1. BuL' as lzpfi:I falls off according to
ffie ñqzzar é of ffie fi2OO)* —— 40OO a U OP —— 2. or' J6 to .1.).
Tboa the caad3e-power o£tbe lazap Is 16.

What is the candle power of ymir set ups Include your computotiorrs.J

Make o longis karidfila or Jârnpara

uszzzg aluml inn pie cozz Gainers

Label your f‹zruyis kondiia as DC-

KL1, Dt•-KU a nd so o n.

2. Pour different variety of vege tahle oil in each of. the po t.

3. Use the improviéed photometer to detezmz e. the bzightzzess & each &
the candle.

Rcp&ce the candle ymz used izz The I st part.with The tongzs €aztdito

Gomptrte the ca ridge power of the lamp witli respec I to the kirqps
kmidiia. Ymi may eefer to step 4 for the step try step process of
determini rig the candle power using the improvised photometer. Record
your dnta on the provided table.

Table 1. Brigh trie s s of Vegetabin Oil Va rie ty

mn ughts/m9u vegoabn oa mint ms.8/ burnt was
I rite iisity {CandelaJ
mu•umi CandaDñ
ou•umx Bune*

?OTn Ult

Grade 7 Sure :e: learnt Hs Material loud Part

Q2. Which among the fangzs &rrdzfo or tomporo is the brig test '

Pa rt 5. Intensitz/ as £;istozzce frozzz tigj!jt source

i. PosiLton your brightest @zc/oti ight or Dngzs kondi/a 20 defies or about

50 cm &aaz the wedge. Coazpute The brightness of the @zc/ati Fig iL

2. Move The tangos Can la ac Didi light 10 cm c6ser hezz compete The

Repeat step 2 and each ti-e Candida or Dizc/o7i light 10

cm closer to the wedge. Compute the cazzespon g brightness azzct rer a cd
your data on the table below.

Distance fmrn tfifi°

Wed e an Cnnd%o


Q3. How wmild ymi reiate the brigktness or intensity of Eght with the
distance from the emarce2

Biigh trre ss of right depe rids o n the smirce arid the distance frmri the
smrrce. Brightne ss however, is qualitative and is dependent of the persori b
perception. Qimntitatively, brightness can he expressed as linninmi s

fact that one cazzdlc can appzo teTy zepzesent the ammzzzt 6 ms@le
radio tzon emitted by a candte be. I4owewr, this decades-ago assumptzazz
is macwrate. BE we stM used this cozzcept izz Activity 1 as we are mzted to
an improvised photometer. If you are ii sing a real photorrie ter on the other
h am d, fun:inour intensity ref er o to the amaunl o/ ñgfif poor emmiatirig /rom a
point sours:e ithin asolid ang • of one steradian.

Ftrrther, irr Ac hvity 1, varied chemical smi rce s produced diIFereri t light
Likewise, aifferent distances from the Egkt smirce provided varied

As mentioned earlier, Jerries Clark Maxwell discovered the

Electromagnetic Theory of Ligh t. He combined the concepts of light,
electricity and magnetism to come up with his theory forming
electrorriagrietic wave s. Since the ee are waves they also exhibit different

Grade 7 Scé we: fears K’s Material [secad Part }

characteristics of wave s each as wavelength, frz•quency arid wave speed which
you have studied irr the previous module. There are different forms of
electromagrietic wave s arranged according to frequency. This arrarigeme nt of
the electromagnetic waves is known as Elnctxmn agnetic spectrum. The
visible part of wh icfi is known as white Eght ter visible ligh t. The next achvity
wifl read you to explore the characteristicS of the electronic.gnehe spectrum.

Activity 2
My spectrum wheel

In this activity, ymi should he ahle to

1. construct a spectrum wheel arid

2. explo re the characterisrtics of Eght such as energy, frequency arid

M at e rims Need ed

Spectrum '\Vheel Pattern

+ Cardboard or i1lii Stratton hoard
c Bii tton fastener
+ GU or pas te

Pa rt 1.-' Spectrum WheeI

Gmt the two art Fzle s that niaLe up the wheel ori the next pages.
Gmt along the lirres diavm on the top wheel. The s mall window near the
center of the wheel shmild he completely cu t mi I arid removed.

Punch a whole irrto the ce nter of the two wheels together. You may use a button
fasterier to hold the two wheels Securely irr plnce, one on top of the other, but
they ehould he free to rotate relative to each other.

When you see a regiori of the PM spectrum show up irr the open window arid
the "W, F',E " that curresporid to tha t region showing up under the Oaps then
you krrow that you have done it right.

Grade 7Scé we: fears Material (secnd Part[

So urs:c.- Son or a Stote tfriiwrsit9 (http.-// s. t. so

Grade 7 Sc ie we: Izarue is Material [Secoud Part }

Port 2. C'/ioroctefistics of high t

Try out your Spectrum Wheel by positioning the inner most of the Baps on
EM S PECTR U M. This wilt st rniiltarr eoiisly po sitiori the other Baps to

Tmri the upper wheel arid observe the combinations.

Filt izz the tabs below with che carwespan g cambl atzazzs you hsve
obsezwed usmg yer SpecWm W ieét.

Tabie 1. Characteristics of Light

Viaibk Di t

Q1. i-low are arid wavelength reia.ted for a specific region of the

Q2. What can ymi observe with the values of the product of frequ e ncy and
wavelength irr the different spectral

Q3. i-low is EN ERGY related to F REQU ENCW

Now that we are familiar with the electrornagrietic spectrum and the
correspmiding energie s, freque ncies arid waveie ngth probahiy we ca n see
come application s of the se in everyday living UV rays are highly energetic
than other spectral mgion s on As left. This cmild he a possible reason why
we are not advised to stay under the marring. Prolong
use of mobile phones may can se ear infection. This rriay he due to a higher
energy emitted by microwaves used irr cellular phones than radio waves
commonly used irr other comminiica.tion devices. What abmit the visible
spectrums Do ymi wan t to krrow more abmi t this spectral region 2

Grade 7Sc ie we: fears K’s Material [second Part [

What are the frequencies and
energie s of the visible spe ctrumP This is
the visible Eght. Sir Isaac Newton need a
prism to show that Eght which we
ordinarily see as white consists of

phenomenon in which a prism separate s

white light into its component colors.
Activity 3 will provide you more
information admit vis ible ligfi t. fri thi's
activity, you wiC be able to detect
relationships between colors, energy,
frequency, wavelength arid intensity.

Oboe ctiven

In this activity, you should be able to

1. make a color spectrum wheel;

2. explore the c haracteristic s of color lights; and
3. observe bow primary colors combine to form other colors.

State ria1s N ee ded

c Color Spectrum Wheel Pattern Cardboard or ilhistration hoard

• white screen
• pia.stic Filters (green, blue and red)
3 pieces of high intensity flashlights
button fastener
gftie or paste

Grade 7Scle we: fears is Material (secad Part [


Pa rL 1. No! or Whe e I

Cut the two art file s thzrt make up the wheel on the next page s.

2. lii t along the lines dravm on the top wheel. Cut the 2 s ides a s shovi'n. The
small window near the ce n tnr of the wheel éhmild be completely mit out
and removed.

3. Pan ch a hole at the center of the two whmls. You may ii ed a biittori
fastener 'to sec ure the two wheel s together one on top of the other, but
tLey shmild he free to rotate relative to each other.

4. Wlnn yori see a region of tire spectrum a how up in the open

window arid the " W, F, E' that correspñrid to tlrat region showirig irp under
the flaps the n you krrow tlmt ymi have done it right.

G+ade 7 Scé we: fears K’s Material (Secad Part [

Grade 7 Scé we: Learne is Material [Secoud Part [
Port 2. th arocten s tzcs a{ Lz ght

I. Try out ymir Color Spectrum Wheel by positioning the inner most of tire
flaps on COLOR SPECTRUM. This will simultarreou sly position the

2. The upper wheét anrl obse the combs sofa s.

?. Fill in the table helow with the corresponding combination s you have
observed using your Spectrurri Wheel.

Table 1. Characteristics of Color Lights

4. You wM zzeed to convert the e ivalezzts of Regencies to Hz and The

c ivalezzt wavelengths to meters. Note that terzo (T) fis a pref@ for 1 O °
while zzarro ) is a peel e ivaJezzt to 1 O "

Q2. Wkic i color registers the lowest fzeguezzcyP longest wavelengths

Q3. Wkat do you observe with the wawlength amet fregency of the dlllerent

Q4. W hat did you observe with the prodst of wavelength and frequency for
each c'oio r2 W hat is the sigriificaxice of this valued

Q6. Clive a plan sible explariatio n as to why white ligh t separate into
differeri t colors.

1. Cover the leri s of the flashlight with blue plastic filter. Do the same with
the 2 other flashlights. The 2'* flashlight with green plasrtic filter and
the 3 with red plastic filter.

Grade 7Scé uce: fearue K’s Material [second Part [

'2. Ask 2 other groupenates to hold the 2 other iiashiight white you hold 'on
to the 3° orie. Shirie these Onshlights on the white ecree n arid note the
colors prpje cte d on the screen.

3. Let 2 color Eghts from the Hashlights overlap. Observe what color is
prodded arid fill iri the tabie below.

Table 2. Color that you.see

Color o] PfixsRc £ if ter Color tnat yozi see proJ e cteo on tow ac:reen
Gree n ’

Tahle 3. Color Mixing

Gâiot C'o rn&nabin

been * tune
line * Wn'
neO * w ree n
xen -F been * line

Diepera$on, a special kind 'cif refractiori, provided us color.lights. This

phenomenon is obeerve'd z'hen white Eght pas ses tlirmigh a tiin'ngular
prism. When white ligh t en ters a prism arid travels slower irr spec d than irr
vacinim, color ee paNtion is observed due to variation in the freqin ncies
(arid wave Ie ngtb) of .color lights. Remember thé concept of refractive irrdices
in the previous module 2 The variation s in frequencies (arid wavelength s) are
caused by the .differun t refractive indiée s of the va.ryirig color ligh t. Tims,
blue Eght with greater iekachve iridex refracts moré rind appears to bend
more. than red light. BiiI do you really' thinh that light wi0 W nd when
travelling in space 2 The la st ac tivity iri this module will teet ymar ability to
design ari experiment to test if ligh t tra.vols in a straigh t lirre or not.

Ac tivity 4
Light up straight !

Obj-act ive

tn thi s activity, you should he able to design ari e rime nt

given. several rriaterials to ehñw that Eght travi•ls irr a straight line.

Grade 7Sci we. fears K’s Material (Secnd Part [

Mat eri aIs feed e4

a 2 pieces oI czrzdbaa rct

c bright room
c ruler nr meter sticL

c any otject ]e.g. m‹xliu m s ize Jolm con’s face pcm'der hox)

Gen em I I nslruc tto ns

1. Givezz The rna Serials design a 5-6 step procedure to test UI light

2. Remember that you are by zrllowed to use the materMs spectlted z

3. Chech the rubric scorin g for your guide.

p reserJked.

/E rna ñmaabout3-4

groLip are 7%›ofrhc 5%›ofrhc

2S} ofrhc

uâlLrdinlhc pnrcdurc
ul4izrdi lhc pmcdu‹r

G +aJe 7 Sc ie we: fears K’s Material (second Part [

7. The drier theIreguezzcy of a was,

a. thetower its speed

b. the shorter its wavelength d. the lorigc r its period

8. Of the following properties of a wave, the one th at is indepmident of the

others is its

a. amplitude
c. wavelength
b. wave speed
d. frequency

9. Wave s in a I ake are o.OO m in length arid pa ss an anchored boat 1.25 s

apaxt. The speed of the waves is
a. 0.25 m/ s
c. 6. 25 m/ s
d. impossible to Lmd from the information given

10. Energy from the sun reache s the earth thrmigh

a. ultraviolet wave s
c. mechanical waves
b. infrared waves
d. electroixiagrietic waves

Re£eeeacea aad 'Beb T.it4ra

Anatomy of an electrmnagrietic wave. Available at.

Electromagnetic waves. Available at.

[3] i-lewitt, P. hon ceptiial Physics 10* Ed. USA: Pearson Addison-
We siey.

The anatomy of a wave. Ava.ilable at.

The zzature of a wave. AvsiTable at.

G +aJe 7 Scé we! learn K’s Material [secad Part [

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