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Importance of outdoor games is unparalleled.

With technology and social media whelming the life of children from a rather young
age, the innate motivation to simply go outside and play seems to be fading away
with time. We have seen how most children, even when given time to do
whichever activity they enjoy doing, would rather sit with a smartphone than
considering the option of outdoor play.
Outdoor play is one of the things that characterize childhood. Children need
opportunities to explore, experiment, manipulate, reconfigure, expand, influence,
change, marvel, discover, practice, dam up, push their limits, yell, sing, and
During outdoor play children can learn math, science, ecology, gardening,
ornithology, construction, farming, vocabulary, the seasons, the various times of
the day, and all about the local weather. Not only do children learn lots of basic
and fundamental information about how the world works in a very effective
Children have a great need for physical exercise and activity. It is needed to use
their whole body when they play outdoors, and such physical activities are
interesting and challenging. Outdoor play provides aerobic exercise and strength
training. Outdoor physical activity also strengthens the immune system and
improves vitamin D levels, which can provide protection from osteoporosis and
health conditions, such as heart disease and diabetes.

Studies have proved that children who are engaged in playing outdoors on a
regular basis tend to have a better vision compared to the ones who always remain
indoors. When playing outdoors, all the senses of a child are engaged in the
activity. Right from the feeling of the grass beneath the feet to the smell of the
flowers coming to them, everything helps to evoke their senses.

In the past, these outdoor games were much neglected. The guardians did not
encourage them. They wrongly thought that these games would divert the minds
of young learners from their studies. They also feared that the young boys might
fall into bad company and get spoiled. However, there has been a change in
attitude towards outdoor games. Parents and guardians have fully realized that
boys lose their physical and mental health without outdoor games.

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