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Essay topic

Nowadays children spend more time playing computer games than doing
sports. Why is it happening? Does it have a positive or negative effect
on their development?

Physical activity plays an important role in the physical and psychological development of
children during the initial years of their life. However, urbanization and modernization have
replaced outdoor games with indoor games and thus increased the number of couch potatoes
among the current generation. In my view this is a negative development that affects the
physical and mental development of children.

Firstly, urbanization eliminated public playgrounds from cities and towns. Thanks to the
development of all those housing complexes and shopping centres the cities have become
more congested than ever leaving no room for little ones to enjoy outdoor games like cricket
or football. Since playing such sports in narrow streets cause disturbance to apartment
dwellers parents are forced to keep their children indoors.

The security of children has also become a cause for concern. Parents are becoming wary of
letting their children play outside. So, to keep them engaged indoors they equip their children
with video games, computers and smart phones. As a result, children are getting detached
from the benefits of playing outside. This, unfortunately, affects their physical and
intellectual development. Sitting in front of a computer or gaming console for long hours can
affect the eyesight of children and make them obese.

Studies have shown that physical activity helps the development of cognitive abilities like
decision-making and problem-solving. Sports and games also teach children crucial life skills
such as team spirit and the ability to take success and failure alike. When children do not
engage in sports, they are losing an opportunity to master these life lessons.

To conclude, video games might keep children engaged for hours on end, but they do not
help the overall development of children. So I strongly believe that spending too much time
on playing computer games can be very harmful for the upcoming generation.

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