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Wahyu Rahmayuda Kusuma Putra

Abstract :

Online games are games that use electronic media that presents various types of games of
various kinds. Games are now a daily necessity for children and adults to fill their spare time.
The purpose of this study is to analyze how to overcome so that young children have
traditional games instead of online games, to find out the reasons why young children choose
online games, and to find out why young children are not attracted to traditional games. The
benefits of this research for parents and the community are to assist in the process of
introducing local culture or traditional games to children and it is hoped that parents will be
more able to pay attention to the skills possessed by their children in carrying out daily
activities so that they are always honed and directed to be better good And as a reminder that
traditional games need to be preserved and passed on to the nation's successors so that they do
not fade or be erased by online games. The impact of playing online games is to damage the
current generation of the nation, lack manners towards others, and increase the high
emotional nature.

Keywords: online game, influence


At this time gadgets are relatively easy to obtain, so it is undeniable that both children and
adults now have gadgets. People's interest in gadgets is very diverse, both for business, studying,
looking for news, and online games.

In today's era, the problem regarding the world of culture and technology is why do young
children and teenagers prefer online games to traditional games? Are traditional games more
boring? Even though the more educational games are traditional games, why is that? Because
this game teaches us to mingle with people around us and practice good cooperation.

As Indonesian youth, they should be proud because they have a variety of traditional
cultural games, and it is natural for Indonesian youth to like, love, and preserve these traditional
cultural games. However, in reality, Indonesian teenagers prefer online games to traditional

Online games are games that use electronic media that presents various types of games of
various kinds. Games are now a daily necessity for children and adults to fill their spare time.
Sometimes online games very quickly affect users and cause forgetting of time or it can be said
with addiction. The causes of online games include lying, lack of socializing with friends of their
age, lack of communication with parents, etc.

In the problems and efforts that we are currently facing, how can we overcome them so that
young children prefer traditional games to online games? Why do young children in today's era
like online games? Why are young children in today's era not interested in traditional games?
From the main problems above, we will examine one by one of the three problems.

The purpose of this study is to analyze how to overcome so that young children have
traditional games instead of online games, to find out the reasons why young children choose
online games, and to find out why young children are not attracted to traditional games. The
benefits of this research for parents and the community are to assist in the process of introducing
local culture or traditional games to children and it is hoped that parents will be more able to pay
attention to the skills possessed by their children in carrying out daily activities so that they are
always honed and directed to be better good And as a reminder that traditional games need to be
preserved and passed on to the nation's successors so that they do not fade or be erased by online

From the description above, it can be concluded that online games or games have a very bad
impact on children if they are not supervised by parents, it is undeniable that online games also
have a positive side for their users. Based on the above background, the research objective to be
achieved is to describe the Impact of Online Game Addiction on the Social Personality of
Children in Andong Village, Need District, Purworejo Regency.


This research was conducted in one of the villages in Purworejo City, namely Andong
Village, Need District, Purworejo Regency. Evaluation of the type of research carried out in this
study, especially qualitative research using a phenomenological approach.

Then, for my data collection technique, I used the observation technique, namely I saw how
the conditions that occur in the environment, or what we can call social reality about children
who choose online games over traditional games, then after that, I conclude.

Furthermore, for data analysis, I focused more on questionnaires but did not rule out the
possibility to be able to develop further in analyzing and using observations and interviews.

Sub-Title Of Research Results (Optional)

From the results I have observed, today's children have changed drastically when compared
to the children of the past. Usually, children in the past often spent their time playing outside,
while today's children prefer to spend their time at home. This is a phenomenon of increasing
technology today that can change the mindset and patterns of human activities, both children and

From the results of direct interviews with children's parents, it is argued that with
technological advances today, children are starting to dare to argue and dare to lie, for example,
such as asking for money to buy books but these children do not buy books but to buy their game
needs. They also said that online games can also make children braver or rebel against their
parents, various ways have been done by parents so that their children are not addicted to online
games but the efforts made are in vain.

Walid Ibadil Umam, argues "Children are brought up in this harsh era where all high culture
and hedonistic lifestyles have positive and negative impacts on the one hand. The development
of young children can be influenced in several ways. One of them is games. This word sounds
familiar. in our ears. Some say that games can stimulate children's intelligence, but continuous
play among children can increase children's intelligence."

Then I researched children who were addicted to online games in Andong Village, need
sub-district, Purworejo district. They say that in 1 day can spend almost 10 hours per day. They
also say the reason they play games is for their enjoyment and looking for a challenge in the
game world. This has become their daily activity and in the school environment they also rarely
mingle with their friends. When they meet with friends who have the same frequency they will
talk about games.

It's a shame that from problems like this, traditional games have now been attacked by very
sophisticated advances in the era and it's a shame that today's children are less adaptable outside
the room.


Sub-Title Discussion (Optional)

In this section, a discussion of the results of the research above will be explained and will be
discussed one by one what are the things that are questioned in this study so that they can be
discussed more broadly in this section. Modern games, on the other hand, are defined as games
on computers that can also be connected to the Internet, namely games that are often played on
computers and other devices that are in contact with modern technology, such as online games,
and games centers. , and games. Will finish. It May be related to TV media via video, i.e.
PlayStation games or PlayStation rentals. The development of increasingly modern technology is
currently changing the choice of children's games from traditional games to modern games.
Reducing children's interactions with friends, increasingly limited playgrounds, high playing
costs, personal and aggressive qualities, poor learning quality, and poor physical and self-health
(Sihite, WH, 2017).

For parents, playing with children on mobile phones is said to be a form of introduction to
techniques for child development and to improve children's creativity and memory. However,
unbeknownst to parents, cell phones are one of the dangerous objects that can hinder the growth
and development of children. For children who should be able to interact with their peers but
only use them to stay at home. This can reduce any child's self-confidence, make them more
reserved, make it difficult to build relationships with peers, and hinder their creative
development outside the home. This is especially worrying because children interact more with
their cell phones than their peers and the people around them (Puspitasari).

Fitri, SFN, & Lestari, T (2021), said "Children tend to prefer access to online games rather
than classroom materials provided by the teacher. And most often this happens because children
feel bored when the material provided is only through lectures by the teacher. teachers. Children
get bored more quickly and eventually become fond of online games. As a result, the interest in
learning from the children themselves is reduced. Therefore, both prospective teachers and
teachers must be able to identify learning methods that can stimulate children's learning interest

Maybe many people don't know how interesting online games are so today's children are
not interested in traditional games. Whereas traditional games teach us about many things, both
in terms of togetherness, cohesiveness, and cooperation that are built in the game. Unfortunately,
a thousand darlings, traditional games are no longer considered attractive to children now
because traditional games only repeat an activity that has been done before. Maybe there are
other reasons for this problem, for example, today's children like modern games because the
games are complex and fun and often challenge them to play them (Ulya, L., Sucipto, S., &
Fathurohman, I, 2021: 112-119 ).

Conversion from traditional games to virtual games as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic in
Banjarmasin City. At the end of 2019, the world was hit by the COVID-19 virus pandemic.
Social distancing rules in the era of the pandemic limit people from interacting with each other.
This also affects the development of traditional games in society. Children usually play with
their friends, but the Covid-19 pandemic has lost their habits and culture (Widaty, C., & Apriati,
Y, 2021). Erytira, VA, & Kuryanto, MS (2022), said "The results of this study show that modern
games (smartphones) and traditional games cannot damage children's moral intelligence during
the Covid-19 pandemic".
So children prefer modern games, traditional games are getting less and less interesting and
more and more abandoned, children like to play modern games. Because it's more fun and more
fun to play.

Gambar 1. Game online


Over the years, the use of gadgets has increased drastically, and even the use of applications
such as games has also increased rapidly. Online game addiction is playing online games
excessively so that online games are the main focus and get good attention from others without
thinking about anything else that will be done (Nur, H., & Asdana, MF, 2020: 17-29).

Nurnainah, N (2020: 87-90), said "In today's era of globalization, many children, especially
teenagers, are starting to leave traditional games and prefer modern games. This is because
modern games are much more fun and enjoyable. One of the games of the era Today's modern
game is online games. Counseling on the impact of playing online games needs to be given to
teenagers to reduce the number of children playing online games in Indonesia".

The majority of game application users are children and teenagers. Akbar, A., & Ahmad,
MRS (2018), argues "Almost all games are addictive, some players can spend hours, and even
can be played all day. Also, some people spend all their time playing these games. ". The
possibility of excessive use of gadgets can change children's thinking patterns and can increase a
very high emotional sense that cannot be avoided. So from the above problem we can take a
solution to overcome the badness of online games, the first step that must be done is:

1. By needing supervision from parents. Sometimes the lack of supervision from the
child's parents will feel free and feel there are no obstacles to doing activities that might
be possible, for example playing games so that they don't remember the time.
2. By providing outdoor activities so that children can adopt outside the room so they are
not bored and then vent to online games, and provide insight into the outside world, and
don't forget to provide experiences about traditional games.
3. For parents to reduce the habit of playing biggest which causes children to follow the
habit. And provide support to children for outdoor activities.
4. Often holds environmental activities to foster a close sense of community and
participation in community activities.

Traditional games are not just games for the eyes but games that can train us our ability to
interact with other people, especially our friends, and train children's motor skills, children's
attitudes, and also children's skills.

Riyanto, S., & Pipo, BH (2021), said "Traditional games owned by the Indonesian people
bring great benefits for children's growth and development. However, these traditional games
have been abandoned and many children do not know the nature of traditional games. With this
phenomenon, all parties need to have the will and interest to re-educate, socialize, educate and
invite children and youth to love traditional games again".

Talking about the loss of traditional playing culture, children's traditional games are now
increasingly being replaced by modern games which are increasingly favored by children. The
village community also began to change the pattern of children's play. When the researchers
observed in the field, the children no longer played traditional games such as Benteng, Boyan,
and Patil Lele Ventic. Most of them play in internet cafes and PlayStation rental shops (Syafii,
N, 2013).

The way so that traditional games are not lost is through preservation in the world of
education or by holding competitions. Preservation of traditional games in education is that
teachers (especially sports teachers) can combine traditional games with other materials.

Figure 2. traditional games


The preservation of traditional games can be carried out on August 17 to coincide with
Indonesia's independence day. In celebration, we can give a lot of traditional games and we can
do the Olympics and give prizes to the winners. This can give children an interest in participating
in these activities to celebrate Indonesia's independence (Yunara, FA, 2022, May: 163-169).

Bakhri, S., Dyatmika, T., & Kamal, M. R. (2020), emphasized "Using communication
techniques as a complement to face-to-face learning has a very positive effect and makes it easier
for students and teachers to maximize the learning process". As for ways to preserve traditional
games, we can make competitions every big day and give attractive prizes to attract more
children. In this way, children can get out of the house to socialize and adapt compared to being
in the room to play online games that have a lot of negative things.


Based on the results of research analysis and interviews, it can be said that children prefer to
play online games over traditional games. In this study, which was conducted at the age of 9-13
years around the researcher's house, namely Andong Village, Need Subdistrict, Purworejo
Regency that playing online games can affect the development of children's social personalities,
such as children's rebellious behavior, child aggressiveness, child quarreling/fighting attitude,
attitude children's competition, the attitude of the actions of the child, the attitude of the child's
behavior, the child's selfish/selfish attitude and the child's sympathy. Children when playing
online games will focus on the game and not play in the surrounding environment.

How to overcome online game addiction Social Personality of children in Andong Village
is the role of parents in giving full trust to children, Establishing interpersonal communication so
that children can be open with parents, Providing special time to play online games, and teaching
children to be responsible for what they do as well as setting the consequences if the child does
not rule can be a way to overcome game addiction. However, this consequence does not mean
that he can give him physical punishment. Based on the results of research that can be conveyed
to parents so that they can continue to monitor their children in playing online games so that
there are no deviations. For students, they can maintain a good social personality and improve
achievement by using appropriate technology. Currently, teachers can create active and creative
learning methods by playing recreationally. As well as parental support to introduce
competitions in their area, for example, fishing competitions, leisurely bicycles, and other
competitions, can increase children's activity and creativity.

Akbar, A., & Ahmad, MRS (2018). Pengaruh Game Online Terhadap Motivasi Belajar Siswa di
Kelas X SMA Negeri 16 Makassar. Jurnal Sosialisasi: Jurnal Hasil Pemikiran, Penelitian dan
Pengembangan Keilmuan Sosiologi Pendidikan , 8-11.

Bakhri, S., Dyatmika, T., & Kamal, M. R. (2020). Pengaruh Kemampuan Menggunakan
Teknologi Komunikasi, Sosialisasi Media Pembelajaran Online, Dukungan Keluarga dan
Pengajar Terhadap Keaktifan Mahasiswa di Masa Pandemi Covid-19. Jurnal Mediakita: Jurnal
Komunikasi dan Penyiaran Islam, 4(1).

Erytira, VA, & Kuryanto, MS (2022). Pengaruh Permainan Modern dan Permainan Tradisional
Terhadap Kecerdasan Moralitas Anak Di Masa Pandemi Covid-19. ULIL ALBAB: Jurnal Ilmiah
Multidisiplin , 1 (5), 1123-1133.

Fitri, SFN, & Lestari, T. (2021). Pengaruh Kecanduan Bermain Game Online pada Minat Belajar
Anak Semasa Pembelajaran Daring. Jurnal Pendidikan Tambusai , 5 (1), 1530-1533.

Nur, H., & Asdana, MF (2020). Pergeseran Permainan Tradisional Di Kota Makassar. Tinjauan
Integrasi Phinisi , 3 (1), 17-29.

Nurnainah, N. (2020). Penyuluhan tentang Dampak Bermain Game Online. Jurnal Peduli
Masyarakat , 2 (2), 87-90.

Sawerigading , 1 (1), 22-32.



Riyanto, S., & Pipo, BH (2021). PkM: Menghidupkan Kembali Permainan Tradisional untuk
Mengurangi Intensitas Game Online Pada Anak-Anak di Desa Genilangit. TRIDARMA:
Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat (PkM) , 4 (1), 29-34.



Syafii, N. (2013). Lunturnya Budaya Permainan Tradisional Bagi Anak-Anak Pada Era Modern
Di Desa Sekaran Lamongan (Disertasi Doktor, UIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya).

Ulya, L., Sucipto, S., & Fathurohman, I. (2021). Analisis Kecanduan Game Online Terhadap
Kepribadian Sosial Anak. Jurnal Pendidikan FKIP UNMA , 7 (3), 1112-1119
Walid Ibadil Umam, WIU Pengaruh Game Online Terhadap Psikologi Anak. Universitas
Muhammadiyah Sidoarjo .

Widaty, C., & Apriati, Y. (2021). Pergeseran Permainan Tradisional Menjadi Permainan Virtual
Sebagai Dampak Pandemi Covid-19 Di Kota Banjarmasin.


SURABAYA. Dalam Seminar Patriot Mengabdi (Vol. 1, No. 01, hlm. 163-169).

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