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Addiction to video games

Children have put aside the illusion of having a new bicycle and have been passed to the
screens which are a dangerous excess for health.

The electronic chip is already perfectly installed in the new generations and that makes
children have more capacity than adults to handle new technologies, and Television, the
Internet and video games are the causes that there is a great passion for small screens.


We all know that this type of entertainment generates major problems in children's health,
but if used with caution, we can also get benefits. The advantages are not what most stand
out in video games, but it is true that children can get to sharpen the deductive activity.

Faculties that are obtained are hand and eye coordination, logical reasoning and decision-
making ability. In addition, the child may also be able to work better in a team.


Addiction to virtual games causes children to discard other types of activities, such as
physical activity, which is low among the child population of today's society. There is little
physical activity in schools, let alone in homes. Now the children do not play in the parks
and they do not do more than two or three hours a week of exercise.

Sedentarism and obesity in childhood are one of the biggest problems facing children
addicted to video games.

In my opinion I think they can play but not to exceed because this can cause many diseases,
such as obesity or heart problems and in conclusion it is recommended to play only two or
three hours because this can also affect school performance and mental health. It is also
said that being a long time playing lose the interest of relating to other people.

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