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Abstract Process, 359 Lifecycle, 11

Abstraction Concepts, 73 Operational, 17
Horizontal Abstraction, 73 Organizational, 17
Vertical Abstraction, 75 Relations Between, 79
Activity Stakeholders, 15
Implementation, 79 Business Process Execution Language
Instance, 81, 83, 84 for Web Services, 358
Model, 81 Business Process Instance, 7
State Transition Diagram, 82, 124 Business Process Interactions, 291
Adhoc Process, 212 Business Process Management
Architecture Architecture, 118
Service Composition, 365 Architectures, 351
Workflow Management, 351 Definition, 5
ARIS Business Process Framework, 157 Flexibility, 109
Landscape, 63
Behavioural Interface, 269, 278 Methodology, 385
Compatibility, 271 Modelling Subdomains, 75
Branching Bisimulation, 280 Business Process Management System
Business Activity, 79 Definition, 6
Business Decision Modelling, 241 Business Process Methodology, 388
Auditing Requirements, 243 Business Process Model, 7
Motivation, 241 Business Process Model and Notation,
Operational Decision, 244 6, 88, 204
Strategic Decision, 244 Activities, 210
Business Function, 76, 79 Activity Markers, 211
Business Knowledge, 245 Adhoc Activities, 212
Business Process, 79 Adhoc Process, 212
Adhoc, 20 Artefacts, 207
Classification, 17 Boundary Events, 217, 218
Conceptual Model, 72 Business Process Diagrams, 206
Definition, 5 Business Rule Task, 213
Implemented, 17 Call Activities, 211
Landscape, 45 Call Activity, 211

© Springer-Verlag GmbH Germany, part of Springer Nature 2019 413

M. Weske, Business Process Management,
414 Index

Catching Events, 216 Business-to-Business Processes, 8, 46,

Categories of Elements, 207 259, 328
Characterization, 204
Choreographies, 295 Case Handling, 20, 374
Choreography Diagrams, 295 Data Dependencies, 378
Choreography Gateways, 300 Metamodel, 379
Choreography Modelling Confor- Collaborating Processes, 234
mance Class, 205 Coloured Petri Net, 154, 155
Choreography Tasks, 296 Composite Applications, 59
CollaboratingProcesses, 234 Conceptual Model
Compensation Task, 214 Activities, 81
Condition Expressions, 208, 224, 230 Case Handling, 379
Conformance Classes, 204 Organization, 101
Data Objects, 207, 228 Process Instances, 90
Enforceability, 299 Process Metamodel, 87
Event Types, 214 Process Models, 87
Event-based Gateway, 226 Condition Event Net, 150
Events, 214 Definition, 151
Gateways, 222, 223 Control Flow Patterns, 124
And Join, 127
Inclusive Gateway, 227
And Split, 126
Input Sets, 231
Arbitrary Cycles, 136
Instantiation, 232
Critical Control Flow Patterns, 333
Manual Task, 213
Deferred Choice, 142
Message Flow, 235, 236
Discriminator, 133, 333
Multiple Instances Activities, 212
Implicit Termination, 138
Multiple Instances Pools, 238
Milestone Pattern, 144
Normal Flow, 223
Multiple Instances Patterns, 138, 139,
Principles, 205
Process Execution Conformance Multiple Instances without Synchro-
Class, 205 nization, 336
Process Modelling Conformance Multiple Merge, 131
Class, 204 N-out-of-M Join, 135, 335
Process Orchestration, 204 Or Join, 129
Sequence Flow, 222 Or Split, 129
Service Interaction Patterns, 284 Run Time Patterns, 145
Service Task, 213 Sequence Pattern, 124
Subprocesses, 210 Sequential Execution without A
Task Types, 212, 213 Priori Runtime Knowledge, 144
Throwing Events, 216 Xor Join, 128
Transactions, 220, 221 Xor Split, 128
Uncontrolled Flow, 225 Customer Relationship Management, 29
User Task, 213
Business Process Modelling Data
Data Model, 75 Dependency, 310
Functional Model, 75 Integration, 27, 369
IT Landscape Model, 75 Modelling, 96
Organizational Model, 75 Object Lifecycle, 311
Process Model, 75 Database Management Systems, 25
Index 415

Decision Logic, 247 Process Instances, 202

Decision Maker, 247 Process Metamodel, 200
Decision Model and Notation Graphical User Interfaces, 26
Decision Logic, 247
Decision Table, 249 Human Interaction Workflow, 51
Literal Expression, 249
Multi-Hit Policy, 255 Information Hiding, 23
Overview, 244 Integration Challenges, 54
Single Hit Policy, 253 Interactions
Decision Owner, 247 Elementary, 291
Decision Requirements Diagrams, 245 Intraorganizational Business Process,
Decision Soundness, 342 18
Definition, 344
Key Performance Indicators, 394
Decision Table, 249
Knowledge Source, 245
Deferred Choice, 226
Knowledge Worker, 53
Enterprise Application Integration, 30 Lazy Soundness, 332
Hub-and-Spoke Architecture, 33 Definition, 337, 338
Message-Oriented Middleware, 33 Discriminator, 333
Point-to-Point Integration, 31 Multiple Instances without Synchro-
Service Composition, 362 nization, 336
Enterprise Applications, 26, 29 N-out-of-M Join, 335
Enterprise Architectures, 29 Let’s Dance, 291
Enterprise Modelling, 37 Advanced Control Flow, 294
Enterprise Resource Planning, 27 Inhibits Relationship, 293
Enterprise Service Bus, 61 Interactions, 291
Enterprise Services, 57 Relating Interactions, 292
Architecture, 60 Weak Precedes Relationship, 293
Drivers, 58 Livelock, 226
Enterprise Systems Architectures, 23 Logical Data Independence, 25
Entity Relationship Diagram, 97
Event Diagram, 84 Message Broker, 35
Event-Driven Process Chain, 157 Message Flow, 235, 236
Building Blocks, 159 Methodology, 385, 388
Conditions, 372 Design, 392
Connectors, 161 Key Performance Indicators, 394
Definition, 160 Measuring Processes, 396
Example, 162 Operation and Controlling, 398
Function Flow, 165 Overview, 388
Interaction Flow, 164 Platform Selection, 395
Or Join, 167 Process Implementation, 395
Syntax Rules, 161, 162 Process Landscape Design, 390
Translation to Petri Net, 323 Strategy and Organization, 390
Supplier-Consumer Relationship, 385
Free Choice Net, 321 Test and Deployment, 397
Functional Decomposition, 77, 80 Multiple Instances Patterns, 140, 142

Graph-Based Workflow Language, 198 Object Lifecycle, 310

Discussion, 203 Conformance, 312
416 Index

Definition, 310 Definition, 89

Object Lifecycle Conformance, 310 Process Orchestration, 8, 123
Ontology, 369 Workflow Control Flow Patterns, 124
Domain Ontology, 369 Process Properties, 307
Operating Systems, 24 Data Dependencies, 308
Organization Production Workflow, 20
Modelling, 100 Public-to-Private Approach, 279
Organizational Business Processes, Branching Bisimulation, 280
41–43 Transformation Operations, 280
Consistency Criterion, 280
Petri Net, 147
Coloured Petri Net, 155 Relaxed Soundness, 322
Definition, 149 Motivation, 322
Free Choice Net, 321 Roles
Marking, 149 Authorization, 104
Place Transition Net, 152 Case Handling, 104, 381
Reachability, 150, 317 Deferred Allocation, 103
Transition Firing, 150 Direct Allocation, 102
Physical Data Independence, 25 History-Based Allocation, 104
Place Transition Net, 152 Organizational Allocation, 105
Definition, 152 Role-Based Allocation, 103
Precedes Relationship, 293 Separation of Duties, 104
Process Choreographies
Example, 10 Separation of Concerns, 23
Behavioural Interface, 269 Service
Behavioural Interfaces, 278 Binding, 367
Behavioural Model, 267 Composition, 62, 365
Characterization, 259 Matchmaking, 367
Collaboration Scenario, 267 Service-Oriented Architecture
Compatibility, 270 Definition, 56
Consistency, 278 Service Interaction Patterns
Deadlock, 260 Characterization, 283
Design, 264, 265 Service-Oriented Architectures, 56
Development Phases, 263 Burbeck’s Definition, 56
Implementation, 265, 276 Composed Services, 108
Interaction Models, 262 Dynamic Binding, 366
Let’s Dance, 291 Repository, 118
Levels of Abstraction, 261 Roles, 57
Metamodel, 262 Service-Enablement, 362
Process Conversations, 262 Service-Enabling, 107
Terminology, 260 Static Binding, 366
Process Choreographies Enforceability, Siloed Applications, 30
299 Software Architectures, 351
Process Choreography, 9 Definition, 24
Process Instance, 85, 90 Interface Definition Languages, 106
Definition, 93 Soundness, 314
Process Instantiation, 232 Criteria Overview, 340
Process Interactions, 94 Definition, 316
Process Model, 85, 86 Lazy Soundness, 332, 337, 338
Index 417

Motivation, 314 Human Interaction Workflow, 51, 105

Relaxed Soundness, 322, 327 Multiple-application Workflow, 48
Sound Firing Sequence, 327 Run Time, 352
Structural, 313, 314 Single-application Workflow, 48
Theorem, 319 System Workflow, 50, 105
Weak Soundness, 328 Workflow Management, 47
Supplier-Consumer Relationship, 385 Challenges, 53
Supply Chain Management, 29 Systems Architectures, 353
System Workflow, 49, 62 Workflow Management System
Systems Architectures Definition, 48
Enterprise Application Integration, Workflow Module
362 Compatibility, 274
Service Composition, 358, 362 Composition, 272
Service-Oriented Architecture, 356 Definition, 272
Web Services, 356 Workflow Net, 167
WfMC Reference Architecture, 354 Characterization, 168
Control Flow, 169
Taylorism, 42 Definition, 169
Evaluation, 178
Value Chain, 37, 46, 76, 79
Exclusive Or, 172
Inbound Logistics, 40
Free Choice, 321
Marketing and Sales, 41
Process Instances, 177
Operations, 41
Syntactic Sugaring, 172
Outbound Logistics, 41
Triggers, 173, 175
Primary Functions, 40
Services, 41
Support Functions, 40 Yet Another Workflow Language, 180
Value System, 37, 79 Advanced Control Flow Patterns, 192
Cancellation, 182
Weak Soundness, 328 Characterization, 180
Web Services, 356 Composite Tasks, 191
Composition, 358 Discussion, 197
Service-Enablement, 362 Execution Semantics, 185
Web Services Description Language, Extended Condition Set, 189
357 Extended Flow Relation Set, 189
Work Item, 102 Multiple Instances, 182, 186
State Transition Diagram, 102 Multiple Instances Tasks, 195
Workflow Nested Processes, 191
Adhoc Workflow, 212 Notation, 183
Build Time, 352 State Transition Diagram, 185
Definition, 48 YAWL Net, 181
Embedded Workflow, 48 YAWL Specification, 182

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