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By:Gezahegn Tibebe

December 2020


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We ETELL TRADING PLC recognize that employees are the key for our success and
nothing is achieved without their engagement
Our most important assets are the people that work at Company. Their creativity,
drive, perseverance and loyalty have contributed to the successful development of
our Company and will shape the future of our business.

We make high demands on our Employees: we expect them to excel in their work, to
continuously develop new and better technologies, to work together in diverse
teams, to satisfy demanding customers, to meet tight deadlines, and to improve and
expand their own capabilities.

What we can offer in return is a chance to operate in a dynamic and enjoyable work
environment, to collaborate with highly-skilled and ambitious colleagues from all over
the world. In addition to on-the-job learning, we offer our Employees a range of
opportunities to develop their knowledge and competences that can help them
further advance their career.

We want our Employees to enjoy their work, to feel at home, and to be proud to work
for us. Most importantly, we want ETELL to be a place where it is safe to work.

This handbook serves to provide our Employees with information and guidance on all
relevant personnel matters of our Company. In addition to providing practical
information, it describes the company’s guidelines for behavior and conduct.

I hope you will feel at home in our Company and wish you a successful career with a
great amount of fun!



2 ETELL TRADING PLC December 2020

This Handbook is meant to inform all Employees of the procedures, policies and rules operated by
ETELL as their employer. Throughout this Handbook, all subsidiaries of ETELL will be referred to as
“ETELL TRADING PLC” or “Company”.

In this Handbook, all definitions and phrases relating to persons and written in the male form (he/his),
also apply to women.

ETELL will update this Handbook from time to time and will notify its Employees of any subsequent
changes or additions when they occur.

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1.1 Statement of good conduct

1.1.2 Introduction

ETELL conducts its business with integrity and with respect for all its stakeholders. Our first priority is to be a
successful business, which means investing in growth and balancing short-term and long-term interests. We care
about our customers, our Employees and shareholders, our business partners, and the world we live in.

This Code of Business Conduct is a reflection of our beliefs and values and we want it to have practical value in
our day-to-day business. Every Employee must follow the letter as well as the spirit of this Code. The most & proud
value we will have shall be to appreciate, greet, and respect each other & obedient.

1.1.3 Our Company values

_____________________________________________________________________________. Standard of Conduct

We conduct our operations with honesty, integrity, openness, and respect. Our Company and Employees are
required to comply with the laws and regulations of the countries. we operate in and adhere to the Company values
as described herein. Work conditions

We are committed to safe and healthy work conditions for all Employees. We are committed to a working
environment where there is mutual trust and respect and where everyone feels responsible for the performance and
reputation of our Company. We will recruit, employ and promote Employees solely on the basis of the qualifications
and abilities needed for the work to be performed. We are committed to develop and enhance each Employee’s
skills and capabilities.

We will maintain good communication with Employees through Company-based information and consultation
procedures. Equal Opportunities

We are committed to provide equal opportunities to all staff, contractors, agents of and applicants to the Company,
and to not discriminate on the basis of age, gender, race, disability, faith, beliefs or sexual orientation. ETELL aims to
ensure that its Employees are selected , trained , compensated , promoted or transferred solely on the basis of
abilities, qualifications and merit.

This can only be achieved with the support of all staff and it is the Employee’s responsibility to ensure that this equal
opportunities policy is observed and to fully understand that there is a moral and legal duty not to discriminate. Business Integrity, Customers and Competition

4 ETELL TRADING PLC December 2020

We are committed to provide our customers with excellent products and services of the highest quality level,
enabling them to accelerate their research programs and enhance their chances of success. We respect the
agreements with our customers and their confidential information. Any gifts or invitations to our customers or
potential customers are intended exclusively for promotional purposes or as part of regular relationship building and
maintaining activities – never as a bribe. We will conduct our business in accordance with the principles of fair
competition and all applicable regulations. Shareholders
We will conduct our operations in accordance with internationally accepted principles of corporate governance. We
will provide timely and reliable information on our activities, structure, financial situation and performance to all
shareholders on a regular basis. Community Involvement

We strive to be a trusted corporate citizen and, as an integral part of society, to fulfill our responsibilities to the
community in which we operate & we are committed for corporate –social responsibility, our company is known by its
philanthropy works. Insider information & trading

We are proud of the high internal ethical standard at ETELL and the fact that we can rely on our Employees to keep
all the information which we receive as part of our day-to-day business confidential, in compliance with our insider
information & trading policy. Conflicts of Interests

All our Employees are expected to avoid personal activities and financial interests which could conflict with their
responsibilities to the Company. Our Employees must not seek gain for themselves or others through misuse of their
position or from information received in the course of their work for ETEll. Warnings for employees who make
mistakes cannot longer than 4 weeks. This period may only be exceeded for good reasons. Compliance – Monitoring – Reporting

Compliance with these values is an essential element in our business success. The MT/ETELL’s Management
Team/ is responsible for implementing these values and ensuring that these values are applied throughout the

All Employees are responsible for the day-to-day application of these values. Any breach of the Code must be
reported to the MT, who will not criticize the Employee for loss of business resulting from adherence to these values
and other mandatory policies and instructions. The MT expects Employees to bring to their attention any breach or
suspected breach of these values and/or the Code. Provision has been made for Employees to be able to report any
breach of the Code in confidence and the Company will ensure that the reporting Employee will be not be
disadvantaged. Video Surveillance

In order to protect our Employees, Company property and our customers, the Company has video surveillance in
place. Video surveillance is not used to observe staff permanently, but is only used when there is evidence or serious
grounds for suspicion of wrongdoing and there are no other means to resolve the situation. Recorded material will be
retained for 1 year, Signs are posted to notify Employees and customers of the possible use of a video surveillance
system. Personal relationships at work

5 ETELL TRADING PLC December 2020

A personal relationship (of an intimate nature) with a colleague should be reported immediately to
the Employee's LM and HR. Personal relationships between colleagues may never have a
negative influence on their work quality. In addition, it is important to prevent personal
relationships negatively impacting the workplace atmosphere or colleague relations. When an
intimate relationship exists or develops between two employees of the same department or
between a superior and a subordinate, Real reserves the right to take the appropriate measures it
deems necessary to safeguard a workable situation.

2. Health & Safety Policy

ETEll Trading plc is involved in import ,export ,Advertisement & Promotion and other house hold care
equipment & products; and always strive to produce through safe and health way. Operational
employees are obliged to wear uniform and proper safety equipment’s.

2.1. Golden Safety Rules within ETELL

Working safely means much more than ‘just’ adhering to SOP’s Safety everything that we do. The Research &
Development nature of the work requires different safety.


1. We are responsible for our own safety and that of others

2. We give and accept feedback, we ask when in doubt

3. We learn from our mistakes and those of others

4. We take the time to work in a safe way

5. We make sure our work area is clean and tidy

6. We use our equipment properly

7. We help our customers use our equipment correctly and safely

8. We report every unsafe situation

All ETELL, Employees commit to these Golden Safety Rules. These rules remind us every single day
that we take safety very serious .We have implemented our Golden Safety Rules, we have
procedures, we have good safety systems in place, but we all know that it requires continuous
attention and awareness (behavior & culture) to make sure that we operate in a safe manner. We
take care of each other.

EtELL believes in a no-blame safety culture, where incident follow-up is done in a learn & growth
approach. However, gross negligence or intentionally breaking the rules will have consequences.

Explanations and rules can be found in our SOPs,

2.2. Quarterly safety themes

In ETELL we aim to enrich our knowledge and understanding and to change our behavior
accordingly. Therefore, we will immerse ourselves in a new safety theme every three (3) months.

2.3 Employees rules of Engagements

2.3.1 Dress Code

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At any point in time during the employment, each Employee represents the company. The appearance, conduct and
actions of the Employees as well as the impressions they make on business relations and other individuals with
whom they come into contact are important not only to the continuing development of the company’s business, but
also to their own advancement and job satisfaction.

A high standard of appearance and hygiene is expected of all Employees. Employees are expected to dress in
smart business attire and to take particular care of their appearance when they expect to meet customers or other
business partners. Employees must wear uniform y & safety clothes duringl working hour.

2.3.2 Discrimination, Harassment and Bullying

Everyone is responsible for ensuring a working environment free from discrimination, harassment and bullying. Discrimination
Discrimination is defined as conduct which, intentionally or unintentionally, causes detriment to the recipient and
which is based on their gender, marital status, race, color, age, nationality (including citizenship), national or ethnic
origin, disability, religion and/or sexual orientation. Harassment
Harassment is defined as conduct (physical, verbal or non-verbal) which is unwanted and personally offensive to the
recipient. If an Employee is found guilty of harassment, he will be held personally liable for such conduct and
disciplinary actions will be taken towards this Employee. In addition, where harassment constitutes a criminal
offence, it could render the harasser liable to prosecution under Ethiopian law.

The following are (non-exhaustive) examples of inappropriate conduct and unacceptable behavior which may be
regarded as harassment:

 unwanted physical contact in any way or form; physical threats; and/or insulting or abusive behavior or

 offensive language; derogatory or demeaning remarks based on gender, race, disability, religion or sexual
orientation; inappropriate or offensive jokes, comments, etc.; and repeated unwelcome invitations;

 non-verbal conduct of an offensive nature; pictures or pin-ups that display men or women as sexual objects,
as members of derogatory racial or religious stereotypes or that ridicule people as a result of their disability
or sexual orientation; abusive or offensive gestures or messages including those sent via e-mail or posted
on the Internet. Bullying
Bullying in the workplace causes an unhappy, distrustful and stressful atmosphere and often leads
to illness absence, increased staff turnover, and deteriorating morale and performance levels if not
dealt with promptly and fairly.

The following are (non-exhaustive) examples of inappropriate and unacceptable behavior at work that

 Shouting at a colleague; humiliating, public attacks on a colleague performance; criticizing a colleague in

front of others;

 Spreading malicious rumors and/or making malicious allegations which can be considered
attacks on another person’s character or standing;

 Publicly undervaluing a colleague’s contribution;

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 Withholding information with the intent to deliberately, adversely affect a colleague’ performance;

 Excluding colleagues by talking solely to third parties; isolating a colleague; and

encouraging others to ignore or isolate a colleague;

 Using abusive, threatening or insulting words or behavior.

Bullying does not include legitimate, justifiable and appropriately conducted c behavior or job performance. Complaint Procedure

Employees should take the following actions if they believe that another member of staff has
discriminated against them, harassed them or bullied them or if they have witnessed such behavior
towards another Employee:

 Make notes of the event or events that were experienced or witnessed. Speak to the person
responsible if this feels doable. It is important that the person knows that his behavior has
caused another person to feel harassed/discriminated against or bullied. Give feedback on
the effects of their behavior, the feelings they have caused, but do not make personal
comments about them. It is possible that they did not intend to cause offence and need to
have the effect of their behavior drawn to their attention. If this feels like it is too much to
ask, the LM, the Confidant or HR should be requested to help.

 If the problem cannot be solved, if the negative behavior persists or is too severe, the
incidents should be reported to HR. If HR is not able to solve it, HR shall install a complaints
committee (either internal or external) which will perform a discrete but thorough
investigation into the allegations and decide upon appropriate action. It would be helpful if
the report of the incident(s) was specific, describing the behavior including time, place and

 If an Employee feels that his LM is harassing him or another Employee, assistance from HR
and/or the Confidant should be sought. They will review the details of the incident and, if
necessary, carry out an investigation to determine whether disciplinary action is merited.

HR can determine to install a complaints committee (internal or involve a third party) to investigate the incident if
needed. The complaints committee will be sensitive to the feelings and needs of those involved and will be sure to
treat everyone concerned with respect during the course of the investigation.

All information surrounding the complaint will be handled professionally, in the strictest confidence, and will be
disclosed only to those who need to know for the purpose of investigation or taking disciplinary measures. Decisions on Complaints

Within 7 days of receipt of the complaints committee's report, the MT will decide on the measures to be taken with
respect to the specific individual case. Should the MT deviate from that advice, they will do so after consultation with
the complaints committee and they will state the grounds therefore in their written decision. A copy of the decision is
sent to those directly involved. Sanctions
Depending on the seriousness of the complaint(s), the MT may impose, amongst others the following sanctions on
the person against whom the justified complaint is addressed:

 a written reprimand;

 a suspension;

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 a fine;

 transfer;

 Dismissal (with immediate effect).

If the complaint is deemed to be unfounded, the MT will take the necessary measures to bring the situation in the
workplace back to normal. The complaints committee will be asked for their advice on how best to achieve this.

If a deliberately false complaint has been lodged, the MT will take appropriate steps to rehabilitate the person against
whom the complaint was directed. Appropriate measures will also be taken against the person who intentionally
submitted the false complaint. The complaints committee will be asked for advice on this. Confidentiality

All involved parties with the complaint and/or the investigation by the complaints committee must keep any data or
knowledge they receive strictly confidential. Whether or not this duty of confidentiality also applies to the complaints
committee's advice and/or the Company's final decision, is for the MT to decide. Confidant

Has appointed a Confidant for problems of Employees with which he needs help or wants to talk about. The
Confidant will act according to SOP problem occurs at work or in private that cannot be discussed with the
Employee’s LM and the Employee feels the need to discuss it, the Confidant is the designated person to talk to. The
Confidant will keep all discussions and received information strictly confidential and will try to advise the Employee
under the conditions described in the Confidant regulations. Examples of circumstances where Employees could
contact the Confidant include inappropriate behavior, sexual intimidation, aggression or violence, discrimination, and
unequal or unjust treatment.

2.4 Smoking, Alcohol & Drugs Policy

In line with its commitment to a safe work environment RRT does not allow its Employees to smoke, consume
alcohol or use narcotic drugs during work hours.

2.4.1 Smoking
ETELL’s premise is also prohibited and smoking is only allowed in the designated area. Please make sure not to
make a negative impression on our customers by smoking.

If an employee wishes to smoke, he should do so only during a break. Employees who wish to take a cigarette break
must first obtain permission from their LM, especially if such a break arises during a busy period. Employees must
ensure that they take their cigarette breaks at sensible intervals, that they do not happen too frequently, and that they
do not cause disruption to their or the work. Cigarette breaks are not considered a normal part of working hours.

2.4.2 Alcohol & Drugs Policy

Only during Company events (that are organized by the Company) are Employees allowed to consume alcoholic
beverages during work time. It is the responsibility of the Employee to ensure that such consumption is limited and
reasonable, that it does not influence the safe execution of tasks, and that it does not negatively affect the image and
reputation of the Company.


3.3.2. The employment contract

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Employees are recruited for indefinite period according to the demand of the task. All employees hired for indefinite
time will have forty five days of probationary period

3.3.2 Employment contract and Employee Handbook

Prior to commencement of the employment, the Company and Employee conclude an individual written employment
contract for either a fixed or indefinite period. All employment contracts and other documents are drafted in English.
Employees recruited for indefinite period are subjected to sixty (60) days of probation period.

All relevant documents relating to the employment contract should be known, approved and signed before the first
day of work.

A copy of the Handbook , offense & penalty ,SOP and other related documents will be handed to the Employee
along with the employment contract and the digital version of the Handbook will be available through intranet.

The company reserves the right to change the terms and conditions of this Handbook from time to time if this is
required by a change of law, for fiscal reasons, or because of important Company interests or developments.
Changes to and updates of the Handbook will be published and made available to all Employees by HR.

3.3.3. Administrative matters Certificate of conduct

Prior to or upon the commencement of the employment, Employees may be asked to present a certificate of good
conduct and free from crime acts. This document can be obtained from the Ethiopia Federal police Forensic
Department. Identification procedure

Therefore, every new Employee is requested to bring an original and valid document for identification to the office
(no copy). HR must be able to verify the authenticity of the identification and will make a copy for its records.

3.3.4. Employees General obligations

 To perform in person the work specified in the contract of employment.

 To follow instructions given by the employer based on the term of the contract and work rules

 To handle with due care all instruments and tools entrusted to him to work

 To report for work always in fit mental and physical conditions

 To give all proper aid when an accident occur an imminent danger threatens life or property in his
place of work without endangering his safety and health.

 To follow and take any exercise or training organized by the company.

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 To obey and observe the provision of this proclamation 1156/2011,the national criminal law,
commercial law, collective agreement ,work rules and directives issued in accordance with the

3.3.5. Acts that will terminate employment contract without notice

1. If the Employee has misrepresented his competence and/or assumed a false identity or
submitted false certificates or recommendations to the Employer or on account of
fraudulent or deceitful conduct in carrying out his duties; and

2. (a) if the Employee fails to observe written warnings or instructions of

the Employer;

(b) failure to observe work hours including repeated and unjustified

tardiness, sleeping during working hours, disorderly conduct,
showing negligence to duty and insubordination to supervisors and
for betraying confidential information to which the Employee has
access to by reason of his employment;

(c) Absence from work without good cause for a period of five days in six
month and eight times late attendance record in six month;

(d) Transporting unauthorized personnel and items on Employer's

vehicles for purposes other than Employer's operations;

(e) Non-observance of safety rules and precautions issued by the

Employer to safeguard the life, physical integrity, safety and health of
the employees of the organization.

3. If the Employee misuses, misappropriates or embezzles the Employer's

funds and/or property for self-enrichment or for the enrichment of third

4. Intoxication or for bringing any intoxicating beverages or drugs at the work

site or office or off-site during working hours.

11 ETELL TRADING PLC December 2020

5. Carrying arms or ammunition without approval at the work site or office.

6. If any Employee commits a physical attack or sexual harassment or

bullying on any of his supervisors or fellow employees, on any visitor or
guests of the Employer or for responsibility for brawls or quarrels generally
at work place.

7. Damage to equipment and/or property of the ETELL or third parties as a

result of negligence and misuse whether intentional or otherwise.

8. When the Employee is found to have a serious contagious disease which

endangers the health of those in his working environment.

9. If the worker's output is persistently and in a manifest manner below the

standards and qualities stipulated or determined by the Employer.

10. Conviction for an offence where such conviction renders him unsuitable for
the post which he holds.

11. Absence from work due to a sentence of imprisonment passed against him
for more than thirty (30) days.

12. Refusal to be medically examined whenever the law or Employer requires

employee to do so.

3.3.6 Termination of Contract with Notice

The employee after probation period should provide one month in advance notice to

3.3.7 Confidentiality statement

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In connection therewith call for the most stringent observance of obligations of loyalty and
confidentiality by Employees in carrying out their work and obligations for ETELL’s. its customers,
and its business partners. Therefore, Employees must, upon entering into their employment
contract, be bound and abide by the terms and conditions of the employment contract, including
the Assignment of Intellectual Property Rights as well as the Non-Disclosure Agreement
(collectively referred to as the “Confidentially Statements”).

These Confidentiality Statements apply to all personnel at all positions. In the case an Employee
refuses to sign the Confidentiality Statements, ETELL is authorized to revoke the offer of
employment or terminate the employment with immediate effect.

3.3.8 Employee Files and Records

ETELL will treat all personnel information as confidential and will make sure that all records are kept in a locked
cabinet at HR as well as in a safe digital environment, both inaccessible for unauthorized personnel.

These records are filed in each individual Employee`s name and are available upon request for the Employee to
look into. These files include all data, agreements, letters, reviews and other documents relating to the Employee`s

After termination of the employment contract, the files will be stored for a minimum of five years for access by
authorized personnel only or such period of time as required by applicable law.

3.3.9 Performance of the employment contract

The Employee shall carry out all work in a diligent and optimal manner and in doing so shall comply with all
applicable rules, regulations and instructions given by or on behalf of the Company. If business interest so requires,
the Company can temporarily and within reasonable limits, and after consultation with the Employee, determine that
the work be performed at a different workplace and / or have the Employee perform other work tasks than initially

ETELL will act as a good employer. This means the Company adheres to the principles of diligence, will treat the
staff without arbitrariness and undertakes to act in fair and reasonable compliance with the Company regulations
and codes of conduct as set out in the employment contract and this Handbook.

3.3.10 Job description: tasks and responsibilities

For every job, a job description is available. This job description indicates the tasks and responsibilities of the job
and the reporting lines.

3.3.11 Trial period

Every employment agreement for indefinite period subjected to sixty days(60) of a trial period or probation period.
The trial period is designed to create a short period of time for the Employee and the Company to ensure that both
parties have the opportunity to review if they can deliver upon the standards required. If there are any concerns or
specific support requirements to fulfill the job effectively during the trial period, this needs to be discussed by the
Employee and the LM and/or HR.

If the performance or conduct standards during the trial period are not satisfactorily met, the Employee will be
informed, and, depending on the circumstances, either the Employee or employer can terminate the contract without

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3.3.12 Contract extension
The Employee with an employment contract for a Temporary term will be informed about his contract extension
preferably Fifteen (15) days to the expiration of the contract termination date in writing.

3.3.13 Notice Period

For the termination of his/her employment contract the Employee has to observe a notice period of at least one (1)
month. Notice can be given up to the last day of the calendar month. The last day of work will be determined in
consultation with the LM and HR. Notice must be handed in writing to HR.

For the Company, the notice period depends on the years of employment, according to the labor proclamation:

 One (1) month, if the consecutive length of employment with the Company is less than one (1) years,

 Two (2) months, if the consecutive length of employment with the Company is at least one year (1) years but
less than nine (09) years,

 Three (3) months, if the consecutive length of employment with the Company is at greater than nine (09)
years but less than fifteen years.

2.3.13 Retirement
The employment at ETELL will automatically terminate on the day the Employee reaches the legal retirement age
which is 60 years. The Employee has to inform HR and the pension insurer at least 6 months before the
commencement of the pension.

2.3.13 Exit Interview

In case of termination of employment, HR may invite the Employee to participate in an exit interview. For the
Company as well as for the Employees, exit interviews provide a great deal of advantages and opportunities. The
purpose of the interview is to establish reasons for leaving, to help with knowledge transfer and role improvement, to
assist in recruiting a replacement, and to clear up outstanding issues of pay, vacation, etc.

2.3.14 Reference Document

Upon request, the company will present a reference letter to any leaving Employee, which will state the duration of
the employment, the position title, a brief account of the tasks and responsibilities and other relevant positive facts
regarding the Employee.

2.3.15 Termination

At the last day at the office, not necessarily the last day in service, the Employee must return all resources and
equipment that were handed to him during the term of his employment. The Employee is responsible for properly
returning the applicable properties.

3.4 Working Hours

a. General

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Because of the work nature of the company the Standard working hours are eight (8) hours per day, 48 hours per
week from Monday to Saturday were employees work for six day and the remaining day will be considered us Day
Off, The eight hours doesn’t include for the time spent for lunch or dinner.

Working hours at factory are flexible (subject to the working hours described in this section); however, Employees
are expected to adjust their working hours to the proper execution of their tasks and responsibilities. If certain
positions require specific working hours, this will be confirmed to the relevant Employees.

3.4.1 Overtime
As a general principle, compensation for overtime is deemed to be included in the salary of the employee. An
Employee may be required to work overtime in addition to the normal hours if requested to do so by an LM on
reasonable notice or it is necessary for the proper performance of the duties. Any Employee with serious and
justifiable objections of principle may be excluded by his LM from working Overtime. The compensation will be
calculated for every over time performed from

 6:00 am up to 8:00Pm (rate of1.5),for every hours of overtime done during 6:00am -8:00pm will be 1.5
times of the worked hours.

 8:00 Pm up to 6:00 am (1.75) for every hours of overtime done during 8:00Pm -6:00am will be 1.75 times of
the worked hours.

 Day off (2), for every hours of overtime or normal duty performed is twice normal working hour hours.

 Holiday (2.5)for every hours of overtime or normal duty performed by public holiday is two & half times that
of normal working hour.

3.5 Salary
3.5.1 General
The personal development of the Employee and the individual performance are registered in the

Salary system of the company each employee’s salary is determined in range accordance of the Company’s salary
scales as set out in used the on the salary performances assessment the individual Employee’s salary increase.

3.5.2. Reward and Salary level

Salary scale will be set after due market research of labor in order to sustain the growth and development of employees and the
salary is paid in five days of E.C.

3.5.3 Salary Scales

Salary ranges indicate the minimum and maximum salary that is paid for a position. The salaries as referred to in
these ranges are based on a full-time employment.

3.5.4 Salary Classification

At the start of the employment the gross monthly salary is established in accordance with the salary scale
corresponding to the position of the Employee. The Employee will be placed in a the appropriate salary scale
based on his knowledge and experience.

3.5.5 Individual Salary Increase

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The salary increase will be based on the annual performance assessment and the employee performance.
Rewards its employees by using a Merit Matrix (360 degree), which will be established annually by
MT(management Team).

3.5.6 Promotions

In case an Employee is promoted to a job which is classified in a higher job grade, the Employee is entitled to a
salary increase up to management discretion and up to decision of Gm

Promotions can be submitted following the annual performance review. The responsible LM will present the
recommendations of the promotion in writing, after consulting with HR, to the MT.

3.5.7 Deductions

The employee salary is subjected to payroll income tax, pension contribution (7%) and the company will contribute
(11%) pension contribution.

3.5.8 Final Settlement Payment

Except if parties agreed otherwise, the final settlement payment will be processed in the regular way as part of the
monthly payroll and will be paid into the Employee’s bank account If an Employee terminates the employment with
the company, any unpaid amount of working days, untaken annual leave will be settled together with in the final
salary payment.

3.5.9 Bonus

ETELL recognizes successful teamwork and individual contributions to our success with bonus remuneration.
Annually, an individual bonus can be granted based on the Company and Department performance.The
percentage of and amount of bonus can be approved by the BOD/MT/ in order to enhance employees performance
and achievements.

3.5.10 Holiday allowance

Other than the holiday payment of employees, the company can provide holiday allowance in kind or in cash

 Eastern

 Ethiopian New Year

 Ethiopian Christmas

 Eid Ul-Adha Mula

3.5.11 Moving allowance

Every employee move 25km away from the office will be paid per diem as follows

 Only Lunch-------------------------------300birr

 Full board -------------------------------800 birr

3.5.12 Absenteeism & late

Employees are not allowed to be absent or late without permission unless force majeure, employees are entitled to
fine according to the company code of conduct

3.5.13 Annual Leave

Employees successfully accomplished probation period shall be entitled to uninterrupted annual leave

(a). Sixteen (16) working days for the first one year of service

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(b). Sixteen (16) working days plus one working day for additional two year of service.

3.5.14 Family Leave

Employees shall be entitled to leave with pay for three working days when

(a).He concludes marriage

(b).His spouse or descendants or ascendants, brother, sister, aunt, relative by consanguinity or affinity dies

(c).A male employee shall be entitled to three consecutive days paternity leave with full pay

3.5.15 Sick Leave

Employees having completed his probation period ,is rendered incapable of work owing to sickness other than resulting from
employment injury, he shall be entitled to a sick leave & notify the company on the day .

3.5.16 Maternity Leave

A pregnant woman employee shall, up on the recommendation of a medical doctor ,be entitled to a leave with pay,30 days
preceding presumed days & 90 days after confinement.

3.5.18 Insurances
Employees must obey & perform their task as per the company safety & security rules;
Employees are insured for the sickness & injury arises from Work.

4. Training, Education and Development

Every employee will be given the opportunity to express his expectations with regards to his personal
development within ETELL has prepared a training program that helps the Employee to understand safety
requirements, new working procedures, change management, in order to cope up with the dynamic
environment. Even if the period of training is determined as demanded, 2 to 4 times per year the company
may provide training.

4.1 On the job training

The Employee must read all SOPs that are applicable to his job. When all training sections are signed off by
the Employee, the form can be submitted to the LM at the end of the year.

The LM is responsible for handing in the signed form with the final appraisal at HR for filing in the personnel

On behalf of Employer Employee

Name ____________________ Name________________________________

Signature __________________ Signature_____________________________

Date_______________________ Date _______________________________

17 ETELL TRADING PLC December 2020

18 ETELL TRADING PLC December 2020

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