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Project Title : Dipole Antenna

Submitted to : Engr Taimur khan

Submitted by : Mubbashir Abduallah

Department : Electrical

University ofScience & Technology Bannu

Dipole Antenna:
A dipole antenna is the simplest type of radio antenna, consisting of a conductive wire rod that is half
the length of the maximum wavelength the antenna is to generate. This wire rod is split in the middle,
and the two sections are separated by an insulator. Each rod is connected to a coaxial cable at the end
closest to the middle of the antenna.
Radio frequency voltages are applied to dipole antennas at the centre, between the two conductors.
They are used alone as antennas, especially in rabbit -ear television antennas and as the driven elements
in other types of antennas.

Dipole provides the best performance if it is more than a half-wavelength above the ground, surface of a
body of water or horizontal conducting medium such as sheet-metal roofing. The element should also
be a certain wavelength away from electrically conducting obstructions such as supporting towers,
utility wires and other antennas.
Dipole antennas are oriented vertically, horizontally or in slants. Polarization of electromagnetic fields
radiated by dipole-transmitting antennas correspond to element orientation. Radio frequency (RF)
current in dipole is at its maximum at the centres of the dipole and at its minimum at ends of the
element, and vice versa for RF voltages.
Dipole antennas were invented in 1886 by a German physicist named Heinrich Hertz. These antennas
are also referred to as a doublet and make up the main RF radiating and receiving element in different
sophisticated type of antennas. Dipole antennas are balanced in that they are bilaterally symmetrical,
parallel wire RF transmission lines.

There are three types of dipoles:

 Ideal half-wavelength dipole
 Folded dipole
 Hertzian dipole

Dipole antennas are used in many areas, both on their own and as part of more complicated antennas
where they can form the main radiating element.
The dipole construction will depend upon the frequency, and the way it will be used.
 HF wire dipole:
The dipole was widely used as a wire antenna at MF and HF where its
performance enabled signals to be transmitted and received on these frequencies. Even today
the wire dipole is frequently used for HF transmitting as in the case of amateur radio, etc.
Typically, the dipole was used as half wave dipole, but on some frequencies a 3^/2 version was
also convenient as it enabled the dipole to be used at the fundamental frequency as well as at
three times this frequency.

 Part of Yagi antenna:

The dipole antenna forms the driven element within a Yagi antenna. Often a folded dipole is
used because ‘parasitic’ element within the Yagi cause the dipole feed impedance fall. Using a
folded dipole typically ensures the impedance match is improved.
 As omnidirectional vertical dipole:
The dipole antenna is often used on its own as a vertically polarised antenna (in this case the
dipole itself vertical rather than more usual horizontal format) to provide omnidirectional
coverage. Often it may be used in this fashion for private mobile communications.

 Driven element within a parabolic reflector:

Parabolic reflector need some form of
driven element to radiate the antenna for the reflector to direct it in the required direction.
Although a variety of radiating antenna types can be used, one option is the dipole antenna.

The dipole antenna is a particularly important form of RF antenna is very widely used for radio
transmitting and receiving applications. The dipole is often used on its own as an RF antenna,
but it also forms the essential element in many other types of RF antenna. As such it is the
possibly the most important form of RF antenna.

Characteristics of Antenna:
 Antenna Radiation Pattern.
 Radiation Intensity.
 Directivity and Gain.
 Radiation Efficiency and Power Gain.
 Input Impedance.
 Effective Length.
 Bandwidth.
 Effective Aperture.
 Antenna Polarization.

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