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Traci Shaw -

Library Media Specialist

Alexandria Middle School

1. What strengths do you see technology has provided in the classroom for the student
personally in the past 3-5 years? Our students are now one to one and it has enabled
the teachers to implement technology in the classroom as well as outside the classroom.
Especially when a student is absent, teachers can now stay connected with the student
while they are out of school. *How do you see them using technology to stay
connected? They are using zoom meetings and google classroom to keep instruction
consistent while we are virtual.

2. What weaknesses do you see technology has provided in the classroom for the student
personally in the past 3-5 years? In some aspects, students have become more
dependent on technology. It seems to create an instant gratification attitude because
they have answers directly at their fingertips most of the time. Especially when
researching, students no longer have to dig to find answers or at least they don’t want to
dig. They want a quick answer for everything. *In some of my research, I am finding that
social media can play a large role in the need of “instant gratification.” Do you feel that
the use of technology at school is making the student more dependent on that need of
gratification? I am sure it could if it is used in that way. I feel that technology can be just
as addicting as other dangerous habits.

3. Do you think technology is a threat to education and/or the students? If so, how and
why? I see some systems replacing teachers with computer programs by allowing
programs to do the teaching rather than the teacher. I also see that teachers could allow
the programs to take the place of them teaching which in itself would be sad. I still
believe that technology can’t replace the one on one interaction of direction instruction.
*How do you feel about asynchronous learning? When a child/student learns with a
teacher instructing at different times and at different locations? This happens to work
great for me while I am working toward getting my masters degree. I can see where it
could work for some, but not for most at this age. There are too many variable in place
that would cause them to not successfully complete the course.

4. How has COVID impacted education /teaching? Do you believe that impact has caused
an advantage or disadvantage for our teachers and students? From a parent’s
perspective, I see more parent’s realizing that their children can learn from home by
taking online courses. As far as public education and how it has been impacted, it has
forced school systems to turn more to technology and place a device in the hands of
each student. This in itself has some advantages and disadvantages. I don’t believe
that a teacher can be replaced by technology. The interaction that a student has with the
teacher is of utmost importance in the learning process. Especially in the middle school
environment. These are challenging years for students and the guidance of a teacher is
very beneficial.

5. As a library media specialist, what would you like to see teachers and students use
more in the classroom with technology? I’m fortunate to work in a school where I feel the
majority of our teachers are willing to learn about technology and take on the challenges
that come with learning new things. I feel like our school is probably not the norm but it is
great to know that our students are being taught by people that strive to integrate new
programs to enhance learning.

6. As a parent with a child that recently graduated from college and one about to go off to
college, what do you think students need to to know more from technology integration in
the classrooms today? My first child, who is now in graduate school, did not have the
one-to- one computer experience while in high school. He had to basically teach himself
a lot when he got to college. The use of Blackboard and Canvas were new to him, and
college professors expect students to be familiar with the programs. My high school
senior has had the opportunity to take many dual enrollment classes, and I feel this has
enabled her to be more prepared for college. I feel like there are also the basic skills
that are not being taught. In society most people believe this generation is tech savvy
because they all have phones. The students are great with using their phones, but their
overall computer skills are weak. Adults actually have better skills because of those
great typing classes they took in high school.

7. What shortcomings do you see that technology provides for the student? Where is a
place a teacher uses technology (or maybe in a way) that would be better suited in
another application? Sometimes technology can create an easy way out for students. I
see it when I’m teaching research skills. Students nowadays have it so easy. In
Alabama we are fortunate to have the AVL and it is an amazing tool for research in K-12
schools as well as college but students don’t want to take the time to truly research.
They want a quick answer and short response in order to complete their work. I can
honestly say I have NO IDEA how to truly research and I am an adult/teacher!! My
research class this summer was tough. How can I help my science students in this area?
Start small. You do not have to begin researching journals and papers. We can work
together and build a small project to research.
8. What skills are teachers not equipping the students with to properly train the students to
use the technology effectively? (copyright, internet safety, etc.) More emphasis needs
to be placed on internet safety as well as copyright issues. Students have no fear when
it comes to copying and pasting information from the internet and using it as their own
work. This is something all teachers have trouble with when it comes to technology.
Copy-C and Copy-V The art of reading a passage, understanding the content and being
able to create a piece of work from that content is at the top of Bloom's Taxonomy. That
is why so many students copy v.

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