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Management Style that Made an Impression

Chairs? There is not much that can be said about chairs, right? Some are comfortable, some
are not; some are easy, some are firm. Since that is just about the whole story on the subject, I
never thought I'd ever consider a column on chairs.

Then Bill died.

When I heard the news, I knew I eventually had to write something about the chairs.

I'd known Bill for years, admired his inquiring mind, his wit, his management style, and his
record of achievements, which was lengthy. He was a CEO with a considerable reputation for
his successes, yet every time I saw him over a period of many years, I never focused on his
accomplishments. My first thought was always of the chairs.

I guess you could rightly conclude those chairs made a big impression on me. There were two
of them in Bill's office, utilitarian metal armchairs, chairs with an upholstered seat and back,
the kind that are advertised in most office furniture catalogues. I have two of them in my own

Over a varied career, I've been in many offices, the offices of buyers and sellers, the offices
of top managers and middle managers, the officers of editors and publishers, the offices of
CEOs and human resource specialists. Usually the chairs for visitors are comfortable, but just
ordinary, and not very memorable.

There was that one legendary chair in the office of that famous Buffalo editor. It was
legendary because it was bolted to the floor, thus preventing any visitor from attempting to
move any closer to the editor. All discussions in his office were held at a prescribed and safe
distance. I sat in that chair once, when he invited me over and offered me a job, which I
eventually declined. But I did test the chair, attempting to edge in slightly when he was
distracted by a phone call, and if surely was fastened securely in position. The man wanted
nobody invading his space. He sat protected, barricaded behind his oversize desk.

Desks are not just for working upon and storing papers. They do perform that insulating
function. They separate the host from the visitor, forming a definite barrier, a barrier that
sends a message that says, "This is my room and I am in charge here."

It was difficult with Bill, and this is why I always associated him with those chairs.

He had the big desk. He had the comfortable leather swivel chair that accompanied the office
of the CEO. He called me one day and asked me to come and see him to discuss a problem
that he thought I could help him solve. I had known him, but I had never been to his office.

When I arrived, he arose from his chair, greeted me with a handshake, and politely directed
me to have a seat in one of the pair of chairs facing the desk and reserved for visitors. Then
he sat down in the other chair, leaving the status and the security of the big chair behind the
big desk.
This was nonverbal communication, behavior that I'd never seen before and I instantly
recognized what was transpiring. He was telling me to relax, that we were both on the same
level in his office, conferring to solve a problem.

That was a first for me. I'd always had to talk to the person behind a desk. No one had ever
before vacated that traditional position and joined me at midfield. It gave me a good feeling. I
said nothing to Bill about it that day, or ever, but I always remembered it and chalked it up to

I also went back to my own office and rearranged the furniture and modified my style. I had a
desk and a chair behind it, plus two chairs for visitors. I had always stayed behind the desk,
but I changed forever that day. It wasn't a big change, I suppose, but it was a significant one
that I remember planning and executing. Some people noticed, including the owner of the
company, whose office was down the hall, and who rarely strayed from behind his desk, one
of the biggest in the catalogue.

"How come you're always walking around and sitting over here?"he asked me one day.

I never told him. I was evasive. I figured if he had to ask, he would never understand.


1. What impression is being portrayed by the case writer?

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