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MPA 214

Second Semester SY 2020-2021


MPA 1 Student Course Facilitator

Human Behavior in an Organizations / Final Examinations/ Kate Katherine H. Leccio / MPA 1

1. Give concrete student and worker activities and incidents that

exemplify each of the principle of human behavior.

Based on the topic presented about “Fundamentals of Human Behaviors” there are
Four Principles of Human behavior namely (1.) Behavior is largely a product of its
immediate environment. (2.)  Behavior is strengthened or weakened by its
consequences. (3.) Behavior ultimately responds better to positive than to negative
consequences and (4.) Whether a behavior has been punished or reinforced is known
only by the course of that behavior in the future.

First, behavior is largely a product of its immediate environment. In the

workplace, office employees spend most of their time in the office. They work 8
hours a day from Monday to Friday and others work from Monday to Saturday
depends on their companies or organizations schedules. Sometimes employees also
work overtime. Thus, these four sides of the building they are working on influence
their wellbeing and directly influence their work performance and productivity. It
can be the safety and security that the environments give them, the interaction with
their co-employee’s and immediate supervisors that surrounds them, the physical
comfort or discomfort and benefits and entertainment provided by the environment
or many other factors that can influences our behaviors. The more we are
comfortable and satisfied in our workplace the more productive and creative we
become. But if the environment gives us negativity and we feel discomfort and
unsatisfied it will affect our behaviors towards work and may lead to unproductivity.
For example, in a manufacturing company, in Group A, their safety gears, tools,
and materials are incomplete. They don’t even know if they are following the right
process because the delegations of responsibilities are not properly assigned and

Human Behavior in an Organizations / Final Examinations/ Kate Katherine H. Leccio / MPA 1
there is no co-ordination with their immediate supervisors. In line with this, there
are many materials, hours and money wasted, deadlines are not meet on time,
pressures, stress, dis-agreement and absenteeism between groups exists. While on
the other hand in Group B materials and tools, equipment’s and machineries are
provided and complete and given on time, the delegation and supervision were
properly implemented so their works are smooth, there is no delay and schedules are
meet. At the end of the day, they are satisfied with their jobs because their goal was
achieved. They were also happy and excited to work again the next day.

Second, behavior is strengthened or weakened by its consequences. It is

in our human nature that when we are praised when we do good things, we feel
happy and tried our best to work even better. And if we do bad things and when we
are being punished, we do our best not to do that things anymore. We learn from the
consequences of our own actions. For example, in my experienced way back year
2015 when I was working as a Financial Accountant in a Manufacturing Company,
since this is my first time working in a manufacturing company and my knowledge
and experience are not enough, I spend most of my time in the office from Monday
to Sunday to study and work hard and I am even working during lunch time just to
finished the job on time. The motivation that pushed me to work hard was the salary
they offered. I had an increase every three months and they even bought me a
personal computer on my birthday. The higher they offered the more I work hard
and I was granted a flexible time too. So, it motivates me to work even better and
maybe if our boss doesn’t recognize our effort anymore or we stop getting paid if we
love our job we may resigned in our job. In this scenario, you can see that you need
to recognize the effort, encourage and motivate human beings to worked well. It
maybe in a way of praising them, rewarding, show sympathy, give opportunity to
teach and lead and to develop themselves more in a healthy working environment.

Third, behavior ultimately responds better to positive than to negative

consequences.  Positive consequences are designed to encourage us to repeat good

Human Behavior in an Organizations / Final Examinations/ Kate Katherine H. Leccio / MPA 1
behaviors and be a role model while negative consequences are given in response to
a behavior you want to change. Most likely people tend to respond to a positive
encouragement and motivation than to a negative reinforcement. Examples of
positive consequences in the workplace are: (1). through verbal encouragements
like saying “You nailed it”, “You did an amazing job”, “Keep it up”, etc. (2). through
salary increase based on the results of their Performance Evaluation Review
(PAR). (3). Promotion (4) Rewards (Increase in Christmas Party budget, Mid-
year and annual bonuses, approval of requested office supplies like additional
computers, etc.)

In my previous workplaces, in the accounting department, when my accounting clerk

did a great job, I usually recommend them for an increase of their salary, promotion
or an approval for their transfer request or sometimes just to show them that I
appreciate their effort in doing their job well I approved their one week or two weeks’
vacation to visit their hometown or provinces. On the other hand, negative
consequences, is a means by which you can decrease the probability that a
behavior will occur in the future. It can also be an act of discipline for misbehaviors
or mis-conduct of an employee. For example, in attendance infraction, if you will
be incurred tardiness it will be deducted in your salary and if you will be incurred
three consecutive absenteeism per cut off you will be subject to disciplinary action. 1st
offense is reprimand, 2nd offense is suspension for 3 days to two weeks. 3rd offense is
dismissal. For non-compliance employees in a workplace, like failure to wear the
necessary personal protective equipment (PPE) while working, harassing other
employees or customers and failure to take directive and complete job duties and
other worksite responsibilities. The manager or supervisor talk to them and make
them understand why their behavior is considered disrespectful or noncompliant. It
was then coordinated to the HR department. By the approval of the management,
the HR implement necessary procedures towards the consequences of their actions if

Human Behavior in an Organizations / Final Examinations/ Kate Katherine H. Leccio / MPA 1
they fail to comply with the business’s rules and regulations. It could be, poor
evaluation, place them in probation or termination of their contract.

Fourth, whether a behavior has been punished or reinforced is known

only by the course of that behavior in the future. We have two methods of
reinforcement, the positive and negative reinforcement. In a positive
reinforcement, a supervisor praising her/his subordinates when they perform well
and submit their report on time. That is, a supervisor may praise an employee for
being on time consistently. This behavior-praise pattern may encourage the
subordinate to be on time in the future in the hope of receiving additional praise or
rewards. In negative reinforcement, you want to avoid an unpleasant outcome by
following desired behavior. For example, in order, for me not to be reprimanded for
being late always and I will go to work on time and as time goes by, I learned and
observed that engaging in correct behavior diminishes admonition from my
supervisor. So, I will continue to behave as desired. Another way for behavior
changes used my supervisors is punishment. Example, if you will consecutively
incurred tardiness it will be deducted from your salary. Very likely, the employee
would refrain from being tardy in the future in order to avoid such an undesirable

2. In what ways can the constituents help the leader in performing his
tasks. Give concrete examples.
Organizations, projects and goals succeed or fails partly depend on how well their
leaders lead, but partly also on how well their followers follow. Leadership and
followership are closely intertwined. Effective followers can shape productive
leadership behavior just as effective leaders develop employees into good
According to Chaleff there are five different dimensions of attitudes and
behaviors (Ibid, p. 87) on how organizations can equip the everyday workers with
the skills and mindsets required to be effective followers, and develop an even
stronger framework for followership. These are the ff:

Human Behavior in an Organizations / Final Examinations/ Kate Katherine H. Leccio / MPA 1
1. The courage to support the leader.

An effective follower understands the needs of the organization and actively

seeks to serve those needs. Just as leaders can serve others so can followers.
A follower can provide strength to the leader by supporting the leader and
by contributing to the organization in areas that complement the leader's

2. The courage to assume responsibility for common purpose.

Effective followers do not presume that a leader or an organization will

provide them with security, permission to act, or personal growth. Instead,
they initiate the opportunities through which they can achieve personal
fulfillment, exercise their potential, and provide the organization with the
fullest extent of their capabilities.

3. The courage to constructively challenge the leader's behaviors.

The effective followers don't sacrifice their personal integrity or the good of
the organization in order to maintain harmony. If a leader's actions and
decisions contradict the best interests of the organization, effective followers
take a stand.

4. The courage to participate in any transformation needed.

Effective followers view the struggle of change and transformation as a

mutual experience shared by all members of the organization. When an
organization undergoes a difficult transformation, effective followers
support the leader and the organization. They are not afraid to confront the
changes and work toward reshaping the organization.

5. And the courage to take a moral stand when warranted to prevent ethical

Sometimes organizational or personal changes create a situation in which a

follower must withdraw from a particular leader–follower relationship.
People might know they need new challenges, for example, even though it is
hard to leave a job where they have many friends and valued colleagues. If
followers are faced with a leader or an organization unwilling to make
necessary changes, it is time to take their support elsewhere.
I will take myself as an example of a helping my previous leader during its
challenging times. I cannot say that I am a good follower in all aspects, because in
myself I am not perfect and nobody was. As a financial accountant I must do my

Human Behavior in an Organizations / Final Examinations/ Kate Katherine H. Leccio / MPA 1
job well to provide accurate financial statements. My experiences are not enough
at that time so I study hard to familiarize all the process and procedures in
accounting. I learn how to use the new technology. I embraced many challenges
not just for my own growth and development but for the company as well. I take
my stand and decide based on the papers or report I submitted and suggests what
are the best things or alternatives we should do to overcome the problems
encountered. When the organization is growing more jobs need to be done, more
papers work needs to comply for difference sectors and organizations. There were
times, that I even suggest to hire a capable person who are more qualified than
me for the sake of the organization’s success. Because sacrificing oneself for
better results are worth it.

3. People are rational beings. If the alternatives are known, reasons

determine what people do “. Discuss this proposition in the light of
People are rational being because of our ability to reason. We are able to identify
between what is right or wrong and we can make choices based in our intellect.
As a rational being, we are able to take responsibility for our actions because we
know out of reason and not instinct. In an organization, they make choices
between alternatives. They follow a process based in their gathered information,
analyses and objectives where they can make choices that maximize benefits and
minimize any costs. For examples, (1). A company focus in producing units of E-
Trike (a three-wheeled electric vehicle) rather than producing of E-Jeepney
because of the ff. reasons: demand in the market of E-trikes is increasing, price of
batteries, engines and other major parts of E-jeepney increase and the company
don’t have the capacity to sustain the production and the profits in selling E-trike
is higher than the E-Jeep. (2). In purchasing various materials, you need to
consider the ff. its capacity, durability, cost, and your budget. Of course, when
purchasing materials between your suppliers, you will base your choices on this

Human Behavior in an Organizations / Final Examinations/ Kate Katherine H. Leccio / MPA 1
criterion because in rational decision making, people weigh their options and
make the choice they think will serve them best and the company.

4. How would you apply behavior modifications to each of the following

A. You want to minimize tardiness and absenteeism in your
Absenteeism and tardiness can have a significant impact on a company,
including lost productivity, increased overtime costs, and elevated stress
among the employees. To minimize and to prevent this from happening I
must review the company policies first with regards to absenteeism and
tardiness and check if it was properly implemented. These are the things I
need to check or consider:
1. Does the employees are well educated about the process on how to
informed their immediate supervisor or HR department about their leave
or absences? Do they know the consequences if they failed to do so? Make
sure during orientation and signing of their contract they
understand the rules and regulations.
2. I must check their reasons of absences and tardiness.

Possible reasons:

a. Illness or Injury – make sure to submit valid documentation as

proof of sick leave (usually the company required medical
certificate for 3 or more days sick leave). For Injury or
accident in the workplace, take care of the injured
personnel and take preventive measure that this won’t
happen again. If the problem is broken machine make
sure to replace it immediately and assigned personnel
in checking every tools and equipment before they start
working. Assist the injured employee in terms of

Human Behavior in an Organizations / Final Examinations/ Kate Katherine H. Leccio / MPA 1
financial or any assistant that a company can provide
to help the employee come back to work.
b. Environment- Sometimes employee’s slack off from their job
because they are uncomfortable and not satisfied in their
surroundings or the people they are working with. So, make
sure they are comfortable and the things they needed
are provided and they coordinate with their immediate
c. Disengagement- this arise if employee’s feel that the
management is not fair in treating their concerns. So, during
the scheduled monthly I will make sure that they have
freedom to express themselves so the problem will be
solved immediately and conflict will be avoided and
before the work start, I will give them 10 minutes
where they a raise their concerns.
d. Anxiety or stress- employee’s felt pressure when deadlines are
too tight or maybe this employee is working overtime so make
sure to make adjustment for their schedules and assigned a
reliever or a substitute to do their job so that production is still
smooth if somethings go wrong. Let the employee’s take a
leave for them to replenish themselves to and to
motivate themselves.
e. Personal problems – this is inevitable. If the problem is
financial, refer it to the accounting department to
provided them cash assistance and for any personal
matter provide counselling. For disagreement towards
their co-worker make sure to settle immediately
because it can affect in their performance and

Human Behavior in an Organizations / Final Examinations/ Kate Katherine H. Leccio / MPA 1
3. Make them motivated towards their work- Motivation is the reason why
we keep working and doing our job well. It is our driving force to commit
our time and ourselves to the company and helping it to achieve its goal.
So we must:
a. Praise them for their accomplishment
b. Give rewards or bonuses for no tardiness and absences incurred
c. Treat them fairly. No favoritism on giving their Performance
d. Entertainment or recreation. In this life, we must work to live
not living to work. We should set an example to our employees
to have a healthy balance life. Give them a break and organize a
team building to encourage collaboration and teamwork.
e. Celebrate. If there are things you need to celebrate. Share it with
your employee’s or team members. You can go out and eat
B. You want your supervisors to have initiative and assume
Companies prefer employees who are self-starters and who can work
independently with minimal direction from their supervisors. Taking initiative
demonstrates valuable skills by showing that you can manage different tasks on
your own and work with a variety of different people and departments. Mostly, the
people who are assigned to be a leader of a group, team or department possess this
qualification. They are ready to take initiative, assess and address the situation
before it will grow bigger. Supervisor already have this on themselves. The reason
that they hesitate to take actions to a certain problem and assume responsibilities
are, if they think that the risks are too high and it will cost their job and/ or their
teams job as well or it will have a great impact in an organization. So as a member, I
will show my support to my supervisor for whatever decision we may
agree. Make them fell that they are not alone to face such circumstance

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Human Behavior in an Organizations / Final Examinations/ Kate Katherine H. Leccio / MPA 1
and we are all in this together. To achieve and overcome this problem we
should, voice our ideas and offer suggestions, find opportunities for improvement,
be decisive to improve procedures and policies, discussed the pros and cons,
anticipate and prepare alternative to prevent problems.

C. You want your boss to give you a substantial increase in salary.

If you believe that you should be paid more for your work and you deserve an
increase in salary you can ask your boss for it. These are the questions you
must consider first:
1. Did I do my best and accomplish my task successfully? Check your recent
accomplishment. Have you just reached an impressive milestone and exceeded
their expectations? Did it take part for a company’s growth and success?
2. Does my qualification, years of experience, skills and ability are enough for me to
receive an increase?
3. Does the company are in the good condition to provide what I will ask for? Check
the financial health of the company. Is it growing? Is it profitable?

If your answer to all this question is “YES”. Then you may proceed to ask your boss
for salary increase.

You may also consider the ff. (1) the best time to ask, make sure your manager is
not under a lot of stress or has a lot of workload. (2) set a meeting, you can email
them and set an appointment for their free time. (3) prepare documentations
when needed for all your accomplishments, (4) gets salary trend, because they
may ask you how much raise are you asking for? You cannot just say any amount
without taking into consideration the salary trend and the city you belong for
because we have a salary rate we are following in the province or city (5) Prepare
what to say

Usually, the boss also asks documentations from the accounting like projected
expenses if we increase salary for employee’s who deserved it and for promoted

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employees. As well, as the employment history of the employee from HR department
together with their evaluation performance.

5. Managers should not engage in politics. Discuss.

The management must delegate responsibilities as per interests, specialization

and educational qualification of the individuals. Job mismatch leads to politics at
the workplace. Employees cannot get promoted Even if they are trying their best
because of unbiased treatment of the management to their employee’s. Politics in
an organization leads to a negative ambiance, decrease in productivity and
conflict at the workplace. Employees spend more time on how to get the attention
of their supervisors and back biting their fellow workers. Scenario, a newly
hired employee must work as a financial accountant and workback the 2 years
Financial Statement of the company. In order to do this, she must need help from
the Head Manager to gather the information, documentation and reports she
needs but that previous accountant is not helping her out willingly because she
believes that the management is taking sides at that time. The accountant directly
reporting to the managements/ CEO rather than to the head manager as per
advice. This thing happens leads to:

1. Decrease in overall productivity – It lowers the output of every individual in

the accounting, marketing and HR department because the other sides don’t
have a motivation to work and not cooperating anymore that leads to delayed
in the reportorial submission.
2. Affects concentration – you are distracted because of the atmosphere towards
your colleagues.
3. Spoil the Ambience because you don’t have a good relationship with your co-

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4. Changes the attitude of the employee’s – some serious employee’s will be lost
interest in their works. They won’t give their 100 percent capability to finished
the tasks.
5. Demotivated employees – they are not motivated to work anymore because
they are thinking the management are not interested to listen to them and
prove their worth anymore.
6. Increases stress- Since no co-ordination and communication with each other
because of conflict it will stress you out and you will be unproductive.
7. Wrong information- your subordinate may give wrong information because
they don’t want you to be in the limelight. So, the information you will provide
to your superior is not accurate because of the wrong information you get
from your subordinate.

6. It has been said that leaders are born, but they can also be made. Do
you agree? Discuss.
To answer this question, first let us define what is a leader? A leader should be
smart, skillful, risk taker and they need to be self-driven and self-motivated to the
highest level attainable.  Leader should have a leading mentality for leading their
team in the right direction. They need to be wise, courageous and an ability to
make right decisions but if they make wrong decisions, they are not afraid to
admit it. They must be humble, compassionate and with a strong commitment
towards their job and to the people and most importantly they need to be a very
proactive person.

Looking at the definition of a leader, they are someone who rules, or guides, or
inspires others. Some individuals are born with leadership qualities and some
learn to become great leaders (either born to a great position such as of
hereditary monarch or possessing natural talent). Those who say leaders are born
believe that people will simply know when someone is a leader. This comes down
to that charisma factor. There are too many leaders in our country nowadays that
was put to their position because of charisma factor. They have the

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Human Behavior in an Organizations / Final Examinations/ Kate Katherine H. Leccio / MPA 1
determination, confidence and a strong influence to their followers. But, along
the journey and life experience they develop their skills and knowledge to be a
great and effective leader. Like for example, our professional boxer and politician
Senator Emmanuel “Manny” D. Pacquiao, he maybe born with a talent as a boxer
but he practiced again and again to develop that skills as well as his self-discipline
hard work and perseverance.

Most of the successful leaders develop and enhance their skills through acquired
learning and experience. It means even a person with a leadership quality need to
hone their skills before reaching their full potential. So, for me, leaders are born
and they’re always made.

7. Discuss the benefit and costs of conflict. Do the benefits outweigh the
cost in general? Why do you think so?
Conflict occurs within the family, in our friendships and relationships, and in the
workplace. Conflict is nearly unavoidable, stresses people and emotionality drain
them, and is a financial burden on companies of all sizes. But at the same time, it
is also possible to have a peaceful working environment, by dealing with conflict
in a mature way. Conflict need not always be unhealthy and destructive. It can
also be productive. Here some benefits of conflict for almost any environment:
(1) It encourages healthy debate and argument. What conflicts do is
that they encourage debate and competition which is good for almost any
environment. Also, it improves team culture and allows people to learn
(2) Allow your team to work toward their goals. With more workplace
conflicts, you can expect your team to accomplish its goals in no time. This
happens mostly in the case of project-based goals. What happens, in this
case, is the team learns to deal with difficult situations and work in such a
way that all challenges can be sorted.
(3) It will bring a sense of commitment. Commitment facilitates
cooperation by making individuals willing to contribute to joint actions to

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which they wouldn’t be willing to contribute if they, and others, were not
committed to doing so. If the other team will say they will participate and
do their part to achieve the common goal the other team will commit too.
(4) Remove stress and anxiety and clarifies the doubt. Every
individual has its own ideas and opinions so the possibilities of conflict
always exist. Let the people involved in the conflict talk and expressed
themselves and when the conflict resolved it will bring calm environment
and both will collaborate and share their ideas. They will understand and
respect each other because of this purpose.
(5) Increase productivity. The advantages of conflict resolution are like,
people belonging to a particular workgroup will naturally learn how to
become more productive.
(6) Allow changes to happen and new ideas are created. If you make
the mistake of ignoring a problem like it doesn’t exist, things are never
going to change. But if you will face it you can come up with new ideas and
(7) Brings up difficult issues to surface. When you are discussing a
difficult situation with your clients and colleagues, it will somehow bring
out a negative reaction from a co-worker. This will allow difficult problems
to surface so that it can be solved. Through conflict your capacity and
strength to handle the situation will be tested and it develop organization
Conflict is a serious disagreement over needs or goals that are signified by a wide
range of behaviors such as: gossip, avoidance, verbal abuse, passive/aggressive
communication, and hostility. Conflict can be demonstrated by not returning
phone calls, filing complaints, grievances or lawsuits. At its extreme, conflict
involves physical violence. The most noticed HR related expense is legal fees paid
for conflict that escalates into the courtroom or an attorney's office. These fees
can be measured within the company's financial statements as operating

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Hidden cost of conflict. Research shows that if unhealthy conflict goes unresolved
for too long, team members are likely to leave the company or use valuable time
to search for alternatives. Now the cost of resolving team conflict can involve the
salaries of as many as four employees: the two who are in conflict, their manager,
and the HR manager. Unresolved conflict will lead to poor customer service,
delay in product delivery, poor communications and incompetent information,
temporary shutdown of operations, disruption to production, poor quality of
product/services, project failures and delays, lost opportunity to new projects,
tension and stress reduce motivation and focus, poor decision making,
absenteeism, people leave the organization, people fired, employee’s request to
move in different departments , theft, sabotage, violence and property damage
and lastly lawsuit and litigation.
As what I stated above, I may say that “benefits of conflict outweigh the cost”.
You may spend time, money, lost projects and opportunities and even
investments by managing and resolving conflict but it is all worth it. You can start
again and face new challenges with new ideas, techniques, strategies, strong mind
and team work. Being a leader, you should not walk away with problems but to
resolve it together with your team members/ employee’s. Don’t give up on them
because along the process you will gain their trust and respect. They will have the
motivation to improve the level of their productivity and creativity. They will
become a knowledgeable which will be your valuable assets in the organizations.

8. What worldwide events have occurred that have made the study and
understanding of culture relevant in management knowledge and

Understanding of culture relevant in management knowledge and process

because culture provides important social and economic benefits. With improved
learning and health, increased tolerance, and opportunities to come together with
others, culture enhances our quality of life and increases overall well-being for

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both individuals and communities. Cultural experiences are opportunities for
leisure, entertainment, learning, and sharing experiences with others. They are
what attracts us and why we participate. Participation in culture contributes to
healthy populations in several ways. Creativity and cultural engagement have
been shown to improve both mental and physical health. Culture helps build
social capital, the glue that holds communities together.
The worldwide issues that we are facing until today is the COVID 19. This started
last Dec. 31, 2019, when Chinese authorities alerted the World Health
Organization of pneumonia cases in Wuhan City, Hubei province, China, with an
unknown cause. What started as a mystery disease was first referred to as 2019-
nCoV and then named COVID-19.

These issues give a culture shock to every sectors worldwide. Along with the
tourism sector, cultural and creative sectors are among the most affective by the
current crisis, many jobs at risk. The venue-based sectors like restaurants,
cinema, museums, festivals etc. are the hardest hit by social distancing measures.
The abrupt drop in revenue puts their financial sustainability at risk and resulted
in reduced wage earnings and lay-offs. COVID 19 changes our culture as it in
effect changes the ways population around the world work, go to school, seek
entertainment, communicate, understand moral obligations to others, and
interact with every institution in society. Pandemic experiences changes on the
way we live now and values we hold. As a human being, we adopt to changes that
is happening around us, to live and survive.

These are the changes that we accept and embrace that change our culture:
1. New virtual worlds- The global pandemic—largely physical distancing—has
wedged a divide between people in society. Many are now migrating to digital
environments to fulfill the human need to connect with others. Millions of
people now engaged and participated in virtual gaming to build virtual
relationship and families. Instead of going to a cinema, shopping mall and

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schools we find ways to be entertain, educate and satisfy our needs and wants
through social medias, online shopping and online education. The virtual
world will undoubtedly reshape society. Its impact will be equal to the
invention of the internet and writing. For companies, this new unchartered
universe represents a commercial opportunity to maximize their revenue. At
the same time, new media platforms like TikTok, and YouTube have
democratized content creation. In this increasingly fragmented media
landscape, no single entity wields the power to control the narrative.
Therefore, companies need to rethink their partnership strategy. In the future
2. Digital Divide- The digital divide is the gap between those with internet
access and those without. Following the lengthy closure of schools, most
countries have adopted remote learning. But still, 1.6 billion children lack
access to the necessary technology according to UNICEF. Access to the
internet and personal computers will become the new battleground in
alleviating poverty. If governments, corporations and civil society don’t take
immediate action, most countries will be left with a huge digital skills gap that
will negatively impact business outcomes and standards of living for many
decades. Forward-thinking consumer-facing brands should consider setting
up their own education programs to serve their communities. Universal
access to digital tools, skills and Wi-Fi are prerequisites for the next era of
economic growth.
3. Brand Nations- Nowadays, a growing number of companies are jumping at
the chance to signal their social and environmental credentials. During the
pandemic, some household brands have stepped up to the occasion. Unilever
contributed €100 million through donations of soap, sanitizer, bleach and
food. Diageo donated 200 million liters of alcohol to make hand sanitizer.
And Heinz pledged to provide 12 million breakfasts to school children at risk
of going hungry. Given the global reach, vast resources and financial power of
multinational corporations. It’s easy to conceive a future where brands, not
governments drive social policy. However, relying on brands to act as nations

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can be dangerous. Firstly, it negates the responsibility of the government to its
citizens. Secondly, every corporation’s primary responsibility is to its
shareholders, not the public. In the future, we are likely to see hybrid
solutions between nations and corporations. Where brands cover government
deficiencies, but only when aligned with their marketing strategy and public
4. Human Brands- Conversely, humans are beginning to assume the role of
brands. Thanks to social media, creators are finding new ways to monetize
their audiences.  In the attention economy, building a community is the most
valuable marketing asset. The stage is set for creators to leverage their
communities to build their own brands. YouTube star Mr. Beast tapped into
his 50 million subscribers to open his own burger chain. The virtual
restaurant has now opened 300 locations, the same amount as Shake Shack,
but without any of the overheads etc. We are witnessing the rise of the creator
economy, where creators can directly make money from their own content.
With it, comes a newfound ability to cut out the middlemen—namely brands
and advertising agencies—out of the picture.
5. Creative renaissance- Wars and pandemics change the world and shift the
course of history. Despite the pending economic uncertainly, the pandemic
will birth a new generation of visionaries, artists and creative
entrepreneurs. For young people growing up during a global pandemic, the
future is a blank canvass to create new possibilities. An opportunity to address
some of the most important challenges facing humanity such as the climate
crisis, eradicating poverty and addressing racial inequality.

6. Changes in the world of work -The pandemic has accelerated

technological change at the workplace. More telework and less office time will
prevent women from having to choose between work and family and make
fathers more involved in household responsibilities. So, there is a possibility
that, essential workers such as health workers, cleaning staff, delivery drivers

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or retail employees, will have more bargaining power, and press harder for
better working conditions.
7. Societies are increasingly becoming globalized-Today’s world is
diverse and global. Technology has made interactions across cultures around
the world a very common experience. Social networking sites, blogs, and chat
rooms are letting people regularly interact across national borders. Many
industries currently have a significant amount of international collaboration,
and careers in many fields increasingly entail working with people from
different countries, both directly and indirectly. Recognizing our increasingly
globalized society, many industries and professional are emphasizing the
importance of cultural competence and related skills as essential in today’s
workplace. Numerous universities are incorporating cultural awareness and
development as part of the higher education experience and career
preparation by creating opportunities for students to participate in
international experiences.

9. Critique Dr. F. Lauda Lucanes contention that “there are no negative

Filipino values and there is no weakness in the Filipino character.

Here are some Filipino values cited from the study of “Filipino Traits and Values
for Social Supports”:
1. Pakikisama or Fellowship – According to Feliciano (1990) in “Positive
Filipino Values”, this is an essential Filipino trait. He believes that they live
and act together with coequals, and consider it only natural that the
consideration they show others will be reciprocated. So, people show a strong
tendency to help, share, and cooperate with those they are with.
2. Hiya (Shame) -Mendez & Jocano (1974) give the following concrete example
of Hiya in the Philippines. The implications of the term Hiya include cases
when a child is bashful, embarrassment one feels when a sudden visitor
comes and the house is not neatly cleaned or there is not a suitable meal ready

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to welcome the visitor (Kahiya hiya). One will feel an obligation to apologize,
or at least explain why the house is not neatly cleaned. In addition, people
who cannot repay an obligation or have not yet returned the favor are said to
feel Hiya.
3. Utang na Loob -The third trait taken up as a Filipino trait was Utang na loob,
which means inner debt of gratitude (Carson-Arenas 2004). This is the
tendency to feel grateful to a person who has extended a kindness to them.
4. Close Family Ties - Filipinos are said to value and take good care of their
family. Although there are times when family ties are so strong that they lead
to conflicts between other families, these conflicts also paradoxically
represent the closeness of Filipino family members. Dizon et al (2003) state
that it is very evident in the Philippines that close-knit families demonstrate
their deep love for each member, such as spouse, children, parents, siblings,
grandparents and other relatives.
5. Bahala na - In situations that become problematic, are unable to be resolved,
and oneends up in a tight corner, Filipinos will usually say, Bahala na(Avelino
& Sanchez, 1996). Bahala na, or come what may indicates the tendency of
Filipinos to resign oneself into the hands of destiny or fate. This come what
may will lead to Que sera, sera (What will, will be), and no matter what
happens, Filipinos believe that it is the work of fate. For me saying “bahala
na” is just an expression comes out in our mouth but in our inner
self we let our Lord God guide our way, because we Filipino believe
in God and we let him decide for our future. We take action but
God direct our path.
6. Amor propio - According to CarsonArenas (2004), Amor propio represents
the need of the Filipino to be treated as a person, not as an object. In other
words, it is the desire to be not a gear of an organization, but a person who
will move the organization. There is nothing wrong for self-worth and
self-respect. We are just standing with our principle. It will be
wrong if it will lead to conflict and you won’t compromise.

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7. Bayanihan - According to Andres (1989), Bayanihan is the Filipino value that
denotes camaraderie among the people in the community and helping one
another in time of need. A Filipino proverb that depicts this value is kung
sama-sama, kayang-kaya (if we are together, we can do it).
8. Hospitality-Filipino hospitality is a trait that refers to the warm welcome that
the Filipino gives to visitors who come to his or her home, especially strangers
and foreigners (Carson-Arenas 2004).
9. Ningas Cogon - Ningas Cogon indicates a tendency to be enthusiastic when
beginning something, but eventually losing that enthusiasm after a time. We
may lose motivation to finished what we started and we give up but
on the other side, we are looking for something that we have a
passion doing that will make us more creative.
10. Respect for the elderly - Palispis (1995) defines this Filipino trait as the
respect accorded to people such as in authority, and the elderly.
11. Submissiveness - According to Carson-Arenas (2004), submissiveness is a
characteristic of the Filipinos which shows his unwillingness to challenge
those in authority, his willingness to accept commands and criticisms from
others without question.
12. Manana or Procrastination - Filipinos have a strong tendency to procrastinate
and put off doing their work or studies. If there is something amusing, what
they will do is put aside what they have to do, even if it is of importance, and
become absorbed in the amusing event that is in front of them. This is called
the Manana habit. It is true that we need time to relax. You will not be
productive if you won’t let yourself rest for a while but if you will
leave your work and your just making excuses not to finish it I
guess it’s not a good attitude because it will become your habit if
you will do it again and again.
13. Fiesta Grande - Lavish festivals and celebrations are a part of the Filipino
culture. Even in times of crisis or economic delay, when it is time for fiesta
grande events Filipinos will become engrossed in celebrating in grand style

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and the gaiety of the festivals. Guests will be served extravagant feasts, and
special arrangements will be made. We have this attitude because we
want to impressed our guest but to the point that we are going to
borrow money from other people it won’t be good.

Filipinos are generally more easy going than other Asians. A survey conducted
by the Hong Kong-based Political and Economic Risk Constituency (PERC)
ranked Filipinos as "the easiest people in Asia to get along with.

Winston posted in his blog “1) Most people are nice and
good folks who are cheerful and open. It is easy to meet people and start
conversations. People are always willing to enjoy life and have a good time (2) It
is the most nonjudgmental and least racist country in Asia.


Other Filipino characters are honest, helpful, respectful, resourceful,

hardworking, passionate, cheerful and jack of all trades. Whatever challenges we
may face in life we do our best to move on, we always find way to survive. For
example, our OFW in many places around the world. OFW’s sacrifices their time
and chance to be with their families. They choose to work overseas to provide for
their loved ones regardless of the risks they will have to face in a foreign land.
Whatever work are given to us we accept it. We are known to be talented and
highly creative and has the ability to cope with difficulties. When we are faced
with a dire situation our automatic response is to find ways to get out of it.

In my point of view many characters and values of Filipinos are being admired by
many people and other countries around the world. These are the reason why
many investors are investing and outing up businesses here in our country
because we are very friendly and accept them with open arms. Most of the
caregivers they accept are OFW because we care and treat our employer like
family. On the other hand, having a pride and won’t admit you are wrong,
borrowing money to impressed other people, having a habit of “mamaya na” and

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saying “bahala na” and you are not doing anything to resolve the problem are all
negative traits that we must change. But take note, that these traits depend how
we Filipino handle the situation either in a positive or negative way.

10. How will managers harness and use-cultural values for more
better worker productivity?

Culture Management is the process of cultivating and scaling work culture inside an
organization. This includes keeping a pulse on the performance of the organization’s
culture while measuring the impact of the culture on morale and productivity.
Cultivating culture begins with the building blocks of behavior. The key to a
successful organization is a strong organizational culture combined with effective
strategy and structure. An ineffective culture leads to a disengaged workforce, poor
customer relations, high turnover, and lower profits, all of which can negatively
impact a business’s bottom line.

So, the managers harness and use cultural values for more better worker
productivity if it pays to invest in the team’s well-being. Encourage their employees
to stay physically and mentally healthy. Actively work on your company culture.
These things show your team that you care and have a direct impact on productivity.
Even before the pandemic, some of employees reported that they’re burned out at
their current job they feel high levels of stress at work. You can offer employee
wellness programs. Good programs give your employees the resources and
freedom to meet their personal health goals. If you offer a wellness program, you
have to be the top participant. Set the example. Prove to your employees that this
stuff matters.

An experienced, competent team member finishes work much more efficiently than
someone who’s still learning the job. Soft skills matter, too. Someone with great
organizational skills and a strong sense of responsibility to their team is more likely
to be productive. To be productive, your employees must be knowledgeable and you

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must make information accessible. Keeping information organized takes
continuous effort. At the same time, your team needs to keep up with changes in
your industry. You can conduct trainings and seminar to improve their skills and
learning experience.
Communication barriers. Inefficient workflows are a major drain. Your
employees can spend more time figuring out how to do their job than they actually
spend doing the job. Newly hired employees say that they don’t get access to the
tools and documents they need during onboarding.
Employee’s feel that their company’s document management process is
broken. write down processes, and keep your workflow documents up to date. You’ll
be able to spot inefficiencies in the way you handle projects and you’ll make it easier
for your team to do their jobs independently. You can also create channels for
feedback through web portals, you can build a system for employees to leave
feedback about their experiences.
Work environment. For some people, working from home was a
great productivity booster. They found that they could focus better and get more
done because they had more control over their environment. Conditions were more
comfortable and it was easier to limit interruptions.
Enable collaboration. Letting people to work together is one of the best ways to
enhance a workplace atmosphere. Many software platforms exist to help facilitate
collaborative environment, even across multiple offices.

11. The name of strategic planning game is to transfer strategy into

current decisions. Comment.

Planning process where the strategy including the vision, mission and values are
first identified, followed by setting objectives, crafting the strategic plan, then
executing the plan which as noted is often the most challenging, and ending with

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feedback process. Therefore, the strategy and strategic plan are clearly related yet
separate steps in an overall strategic management schema.

Transfer strategies are designed for business owners who have a current need
to transfer the ownership of their business. These strategies provide a means
to meet a business' capital transfer needs.

Strategic decisions are the decisions that are concerned with whole

environment in which the firm operates, the entire resources and the people who
form the company and the interface between the two.

Companies use strategy and the process of strategic planning to reach their
economic, social, and environmental goals. The aim of strategic planning is to
shape the company’s businesses and products so that they yield target profits.

Everybody talks about improved performance but not many organizations can
"walk the talk" and turn strategy into results but you do not move a strategy into
action without a Strategic Action Plan, continuously revised. If you do not know
what you are going to do next week to advance your strategy, chances are your
strategic plan is going nowhere. Your Strategic Action Plan outlines next steps
and who is responsible for taking them.

Here are primary considerations that must be taken into account when
determining how to mobilize a business for implementing its strategy:

1. Process. Processes are the primary vehicles for propelling strategy into
action. Though most businesses organize themselves around functions and
departments (R&D, operations, finance, sales and marketing), the products
and services their customers receive are produced by processes that require
coordination between these functional lines. These are often called value
delivery or core business processes. Like “new product development” and

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“order generation,” for example, these core processes strongly impact a
customer’s perceptions of the business.
2. Measurement. Visibility and improvement of business performance
requires the development of the measurement systems and data which
illustrate the linkage between process behavior and the business and
customer objectives for the business. Every strategic goal should be
accompanied by the quantification of that goal, and no goal should be
established without its associated measures. This includes outcome measures
to see how well a business is performing against its strategic goals, and also
the internal process measures that provide visibility to the causal factors that
either enable or disable the business from achieving its goals. When these
measures are lacking, it is impossible for a business to understand the cause-
and-effect relationship between the actions it takes and the goals it hopes to
3. Accountability. Agreeing on what the strategy of a business should be is the
responsibility of senior management. But implementing the strategy requires
a business to identify and engage the right people to make accountable for
process performance and to equip them with the appropriate reporting tools
and disciplines to responsibly evaluate and track the performance of
processes. To achieve its strategy, a business must create an organizational
culture which fosters alignment between the strategy itself and the work
performed within each department and function. This cannot be
accomplished simply by communicating the strategy – no matter how well-
chosen the words. A business must translate the strategy into process terms
and into specific process goals and outcomes. This makes the strategic plan
relevant to everyone in the business and gives each one a clear “line of sight”
to the strategy. And it promotes ownership of new business goals by helping
everyone understand how their work contributes to the overall objectives, and
what skills, knowledge and abilities they must bring to bear to make the
strategy succeed.

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Together with processes and measurements, accountability plays a key role in
implementing business strategy. By linking individual performance to process
improvements and outcomes, and by rigorously measuring outcomes against
established targets, businesses will have a much higher likelihood of
successfully translating strategy into action.

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