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A crazy summer story

Explain in a few sentences an invented story about last summer. Follow

the instructions in brackets

One day ___________ (name 1) and ___________ (name 2)

decided to ___________ (verb) while they were on their summer
holidays. ___________ (name 1) grabbed a ___________ (noun) and
hit the road! ___________ (name 1) thought they should ___________
(verb) which ___________ (name 2) thought was very wild.. “It’s the
summer holidays! We have to ___________ (verb)!” ___________
(name 2) exclaimed. While on their journey ___________ (name 1) saw
a/an ___________ (animal) climbing a ___________ (noun) and that
scared ___________ (name 1). Later, it was time for a snack so
___________ (name 2) suggested they eat ___________ (type of food)
and ___________ (type of fruit) juice. Summertime is all about
___________ (adjective) experiences, and ___________ (name 1) and
___________ (name 2) wanted to make the most of it. After a quick
___________ (verb) in the ___________ (body of water), it was time to
___________ (verb). It had been another ___________ (adjective)
summer day!

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