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Corporate Cultures Preference scales


The focus here is to choose the best corporate culture based on the framework set ups. In the
company there are four distinct frameworks like clan culture, adhocracy culture, market culture
and hierarchy culture. As per the study from Egdar Schien, we see that there are three different
levels of the culture mainly artifacts, espoused values and assumptions. The focus here also lies
to understand how corporate culture fits most closely with respect to the personal values and
beliefs and also the assumptions that are made used. I choose to select the preference scale as
place where employees work together as teams, organization listens to the customers and
responds to their needs on request than maintaining a sense of order in the workplace by the
top management teams. I also would choose to get myself more skilled by continuously
searching the ways that can help to work more efficiently. I think self-growth is mandatory so I
would prefer to quickly adopt to the new work requirements whenever required. I prefer the
corporate culture where senior executives are highly respected in the organization. I prefer the
place where the innovation plays a key role as this helps to think beyond the scope and helps
the organization to grow as well along with the growth of the individuals in the company. I
would also prefer the place where organization supports during the personal problems like
advanced salary receiving during the problems / crisis states. (2020, Boris Grasberg, Jeremiah
Lee, Jesse Price)

Research and Analysis:

I prefer to work in an organization where the top executives make the decision and flow downs
are made to the team and the team works as per their opinions and feedbacks. The employees
caring for each other is also the preference scale where company would grow to the best by
adopting this corporate culture. Thus it is important to see the importance of matching job for
the preferable candidate as they would need less advices in terms of developing the culture as
they already choose / focus towards companies culture of what company expects from them in
terms of their personal scales on corporate cultures and their traits.

The focus study as per the set of the question are shows that relationship culture is best
preferred as compared to the other subscales like control cultures, performance culture or the
responsive culture. The relationship culture shows how well we live close with the organization
in terms of respecting the organization values and stay focused in development of individual’s
career along with the growth of the company equally.(2020, Yafang Tsai)


Here the relationship culture depicts the cultural values that nurtures the values and wellbeing.
It considers a two way open communication, fairness and high level of the team work in the
origination. This forms the key vital part in the life of the orgajnisation.the scores that are
interpreted here are high as 6, low scale 0 to 3 and medium scale as 4 to 5. The focus group of
relationship culture shows that the high score is 6 which means there is a strong preference for
the organization with relationship culture dimension and their definition in the study groups as
compared to the control culture group where the organization is run by top level executives
and senior executives in the company or performance culture where individual and
organization strives hard to gain effectiveness in the work and also being highly efficient in
terms of their growth and self-development along with the growth of the organization
effectively. (2020, Yaphank Tsai )Thus the organization culture plays a crucial role in
understanding the level of fitness in the organization and to see how well individual fits in the
organization. (2020, Boris Grasberg, Jeremiah Lee, Jesse Price )The individuals would posse’s
different personality traits and are the dimensions in case of the individual differences in terms
of their expressions, their thoughts and actions that they perform. In case of the personality
traits it makes the use of the big five personality scales and the use of the organization culture
by choosing the preference scales in the organization. The responsive culture is the second
highest than the relationship culture. Here the focus shows that the responsive of the
individuals in the organization plays a crucial role in terms of keeping in tune with the external
environment which includes being competitive and gaining the new opportunities to grow
individually as well as to grow with the team. I predicted that there was a compatibility with
regards to the relationship culture and equally likely with regards to the responsive culture in
the organization as there was a competitive look that aimed to stay highly competitive in the
market and look for the gain of new opportunities and new learning to improve the skills and
new technology to work with new projects in the organizations. I see there was an order and
control within the organization that aimed to stay healthy with the organization and also senior
executives showed concerned for individuals and their work to ensure team was working
together with strong bond and cohesiveness in the work culture.

Identifying the organizational identity, committing to the work collectively, stability towards the
social system and sense making devices plays a crucial role as they are the four key functions in
an organizational culture.

Question are Mapping

Below shows the corporate culture presence scale and scores for the individuals opting for
thaw questioners that are listed below with the highlighted blue as our responses that best
suits to work in an organization:

1a. Where employees work well together in teams. OR

1b. That produces highly respected products or services.

2a. Where top management maintains a sense of order in the workplace. OR

2b. Where the organization listens to customers and responds quickly to their needs.

3a. Where employees are treated fairly. OR

3b. Where employees continuously search for ways to work more efficiently.

4a. Where employees adapt quickly to new work requirements. OR

4b. Where corporate leaders work hard to keep employees happy.

5a. Where senior executives receive special benefits not available to other employees. OR

5b. Where employees are proud when the organization achieves its performance goals.

6a. Where employees who perform the best get paid the most. OR

6b. Where senior executives are respected.

7a. Where everyone gets their jobs done like clockwork. OR

7b. That is on top of new innovations in the industry.

8a. Where employees receive assistance to overcome any personal problems. OR

8b. Where employees abide by company rules.

9a. That is always experimenting with new ideas in the marketplace. OR

9b. That expects everyone to put in 110 percent for peak performance.

10a. That quickly benefits from market opportunities. OR

10b. Where employees are always kept informed of what is happening in the organization.
11a. That can quickly respond to competitive threats. OR

11b. Where most decisions are made by the top executives.

12a. Where management keeps everything under control. OR

12b. Where employees care for each other.

The corporate culture preference scale shows that the more totaled scores are towards the
relationship and responsive culture and thus shows how the team is working closer with the
organization and developing their individual skills in developing the organization.

Discussion and Conclusion

The subscale explains us about the statistics that these subscales are used by many of the
organizations, and thus these focusses on the usage of the four different organization cultural
values and their assets in the organization where they are working in, this also keeps focused
on the subscales that are inherent in the nature this means they are well bound in the
organization and are good and situation specific in nature (2020, Deborah H)

1. Control Culture: here the focus is on how cultural traits and values are used by the
senior executives in the organization that leads the organization well and they are
worked to focus on alignment and certain rule to follow and under controlled way.
Every individual in the organization works towards the common focus and they deliver
at right time and right place.

2. In the Performance Culture: Both the culture values of the individual and organizational
performance and focus on the effectiveness and efficiency in the productivity and the

3. In case of the Relationship Culture: There will be nurturing of the cultural values
nurturing and well-being. It also focusses on two way open communication among the
individuals, being fair in the work, team working, being focusses on the work and also
sharing their individual contribution for the growth of the team as well as individuals in
the team

4. Lastly on the Responsive Culture here the focus is on ensuring that the cultural values
has the ability to keep in working with the external environment thinking of being
competitive and gaining new opportunities and also learning new skills to work on the
new technologies and process improvements at all stages.


Boris Groysberg, Jeremiah Lee, Jesse Price, and J. Yo-Jud Cheng, 2020, The Leader’s Guide to Corporate
Culture,, accessed date [15 august

Yafang Tsai, 2020, Relationship between Organizational Culture, Leadership Behavior and Job
Satisfaction,, accessed
date [15 august 2021]
Deborah H, Organisational preference and their consequences, Chapter 33,
%20Preferences%20and%20Their%20Consequences.pdf, accessed date [ 15 august 2021]

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