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Date: September, 02 2021


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TITLE: The Psychological Impact of COVID-19 Outbreak on Frontline Nurses Working in the Philippine General Hospital
INTRO/LITERATURE: Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) is a disease caused by a novel coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) that arose in a
fish and poultry market in the Chinese city of Wuhan in 2019. The World Health Organization (WHO) described the outbreak as a pandemic
on March 11, 2020, as cases have been recognized in many nations around the world (Zu Zy et al., 2020). In which, as indicated by
Wordometer (2021), as of September 2, 2021, there have been 2,003,955 laboratory-confirmed affirmed COVID-19 cases in the Philippines
which incorporates 33,533 passing. Furthermore, CNN Philippines (2020) revealed that 1,245 healthcare workers have been infected with
COVID-19, with 27 deaths due to the infection. Wherein of those who passed away, 21 are physicians and 6 are nurses. Still, the pandemic
not only influence physical health but also psychological wellness (Brooks et al., 2020). During the pandemic, healthcare professionals
(HCPs) are at critical danger of adverse psychological health outcomes due to restricted clinical information about the infection, long
working hours, the hazard of disease, deficient arrangement of protective equipment, loneliness, fatigue, and isolation from families (Kang
et al., 2020). By this, as indicated by Almutairi et al. (2018) from the results of their study, an outbreak of Middle East Respiratory Syndrome
(MERS) showed that nurses developed depressive symptoms. Additionally, previous studies have shown that there is a more elevated level
of anxiety and depression among the nurses due to their long interaction with the patients and the nature of their work (Chiang and Chang,
2012). In which, as indicated by Brandford and Reed (2016), deprived emotional well-being among nurses may not only inclusively be
harming to them but also influence their routine and thusly, the quality of giving patient treatment and care. As it is apparent that the well-
being of the psychological state is critical to managing infectious illnesses (Xiang et al., 2016). Thus, assessing the mental effect of the
COVID-19 outbreak on nurses is significant for healthcare specialists to foster preventive procedures and efficient therapy modalities to
lighten its adverse result. Regardless of this reality, no investigation regarding this has been conducted in the study area. Hence, this study
is intended to assess the psychological impact of the COVID-19 outbreak among frontline nurses working in the Philippine General
Hospital. STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEM: The researchers aim to identify the impact of COVID-19 outbreak on the psychological health
of frontline nurses working in the Philippine General Hospital. Specifically, the research aims to give answers to the following questions: 1.
How does the COVID-19 outbreak influence the psychological health of frontline nurses? 2. How does the psychological distress of frontline
nurses was influenced by internal factors and external factors such as work environment, social support, coping strategy, and precautionary
measures? 3. How does supportive strategies help to improve the psychological health of frontline nurses involved in taking care of COVID-
19 patients? SIGNIFICANCE OF THE STUDY: The results of this study will help in determining the impact of the COVID-19 outbreak on the
psychological well-being of frontline nurses. In which, early recognition of mental misery and steady intercession could be taken by the
related variables to prevent more serious mental effects on frontline nurses. This will also aid the government in their development and
implementation of national programs for occupational health and safety, prevention of violence in the workplace, improvement of
psychological well-being, and protection from physical and biological hazards to take care of the mental health of healthcare professionals
during the pandemic. METHODOLOGY: Frontline nurses from Philippine General Hospital for COVID-19 patients were invited to complete
an online survey by convenience sampling, and the survey included six main sections: the General Health Questionnaire, the Simplified
Coping Style Scale, Perceived Social Support Scale the Impact of Event Scale-Revised, occupation, socio-demographic and work history.
Different strategic analysis was utilized to recognize the potential risk factors of psychological distress. In which, the study techniques were
compliant with the STROBE checklist.

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