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“ There has never been a time more appropriate for us
as educators to tackle food waste. ”
- the messages are clear

“ If food waste was a country, it

would be the world’s third-
largest generator of emissions.

- United Nation Food and Agriculture
The U.N.’s World Food Programme, spearheaded way
back in 1961 won the 2020 Nobel Peace Prize.

#WorldFoodDay 2020: Reducing 25% Of

Global Food Waste Will Eliminate Hunger
& Starvation.

Across the globe, food loss and waste

account for four times more greenhouse
gas emissions than aviation.

The annual value of food waste globally is

$1 trillion and it weighs 1.3 billion tonnes.
President Xi Jinping has made food waste his next target describing
Food Waste as the new enemy of the state, he describes the amount
wasted as shocking and distressing.
“As part of our commitment to contributing to the
UN Sustainable Development Goals, it is
important that we make a dedicated effort to
reduce food waste in the dining halls. This would
also develop healthy and sustainable eating
habits amongst our students”.
Involve the children, their parents and the staff.
Offer versus serve – engage the children, don’t simply load up their plate, are the portions
served what should be served?
Be really clear on your refill policy – when can you go back for seconds and what do you
Conduct a Food Waste Audit – get your data.
Survey the dishes you serve – what is most popular and what is least – this is where the
waste is likely to be.
Introduce President Xi’s Clean Plate Challenge.

Publish your data – how many kg of waste food per day?

Set reduction targets and rewards, set challenges to the students.

Train the chefs, the managers and the ayis.

Distressing Data that needs action

A report in 2015 by the China Academy

Science and partners found that up to 18m
tonnes of food a year was wasted in large
cities – enough to feed 30-50m people.
Our food waste data was worrying; we introduced a standard size and
large portion to address the requests from some students for larger
portions and we implemented this when the school re-opened in May.
The results were shocking and we realized we needed to educate, re-
enforce our refill policy and act upon our food waste agenda.
There is more that schools can do

Teach every child about food and how it is

linked to health.

School has such an important part to play, we

provide the children in our care with at least
one meal a day for at least 180 day a year.

Set targets, make commitments, monitor and

celebrate success as you will succeed.

Food and nutrition classes, cooking

challenges and competitions.

Nominate Food Angels.

What next? My wish to you…………..

Help us educate our children about food, start

teaching children how to cook at home smartly,
healthily and with minimal waste.

They will make the difference we need.

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