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1. What were you thinking and feeling during the presentation?

Did this influence you,

how and why?

I was reflecting for most of the presentation. I didn’t really feel much except for an
open mind to everything everyone was sharing about themselves. This only
influenced me in the sense that I was thinking about how I may appear to others.

2. If you did not complete the personal and social identity wheel, please do so now. You
don't have to hand it in, but you do have to answer questions based on your
Gadsen.pdf (Links to an external site.) 
3. Based on your personal and social identity responses, reflect on and discuss the
o Remember when we took the value quiz early in the semester? How does
your identity help shape the values that you shared?

My identity, both personal and social help me keep and shape my personal
values. Because of how I identify, certain values must be implemented,
like being polite to everyone. When someone has a certain identity they
are forced to show that through the actions they commit and values they

o Please describe one experience that exemplifies how your identity and
values influenced how you acted, felt, or thought about that experience. 
The experience can be positive or negative.

There have been many experiences where ive felt uncomfortable in a

public setting for different reasons. One time, I was out and about with my
girlfriend and we were getting a lot of unwanted attention due to us being
a lesbian couple. I felt scared, and very uncomfortable because I know
how often hate crimes occur and it was this identity that put me in danger.

4. Describe your feeling of belonging here on campus so far. What do you think helps or
hinders that feeling of belonging?

Honestly, I haven’t really felt like I belong much here. I feel like I am the
minority in most places I go on campus and its hard to make friends. I feel like me
being black makes it harder to socialize because not everyone is forthcoming and
accepting towards people of color.

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