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Kaiya Hamilton

Essay 12


As an aspiring medical professional, the prevalent disparities faced by different

groups when receiving treatment are astronomical to me. I hope you’ll be able to

provide me with further information for my research.

As shown by both overall and specific mortality rates, nonwhite populations are

disproportionately affected in comparison to those of whites. When these disparities are

identified, it is vital to note why these instances occur in society. Some may believe that

this occurs because of biological differences in racial/ethnic background, but no

scientific evidence backs up this concept. The prevalence of socioeconomic disparities

and environmental racism are clear causes to these occurrences. Nonwhite

populations have been seen to have less healthy options to choose from in almost

every aspect of life. They are unable to walk around their neighborhoods without being

in fear, they don’t have access to healthy options that white, richer communities have a

surplus of, and drugs and alcohol are more prevalent. These are direct causes to the

response we dread, having such a large disparity between whites and different races.

As a result of the disparities faced, researchers have coined life course

perspectives to help grasp the concepts of higher black disability levels than that of

whites. Both explanations of the weathering hypothesis and cumulative

disadvantage support the ideas of black health declining as results of environmental

factors / stressors. The cumulative disadvantage perspective states that stressors

accumulate over a life span and can therefore effect health conditions. The weathering

perspective seems to be more rapid in pace, and is characterized by the occurrence of

constant stressors that will come to effect black people- harming them both physically

and mentally as time goes on. Life course perspectives help researchers grasp these

concepts immensely and with more understanding comes more action against a

continuation of this system.

The Hispanic paradox is the concept that as Hispanics immigrate into America

and assimilate with the culture, their health declines. This concept reminds me greatly of

a bullying scenario. The “foreign” group comes, attempting to fit in with the larger group,

and the larger group peer pressures them into drugs, alcohol, and essentially all

unhealthy behaviors they’ve never indulged in before. As a result, the foreigners joined

the group, but at the expense of their health and values that they held prior to their

arrival. I am honestly not sure what could be done in my position as a result of this

issue, as people are always going to want to acculturate with a new society. If the

environmental factors were improved for nonwhites, this occurrence would probably be

less prevalent, as well. As a health care provider though, I believe we can just treat all

patients with love and respect as human beings.

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