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Podcast 43: September, 2014

School Lunch Nightmare

Dictated by: Ivan Vlasov, Alex, Gulnoza Karimova, Roberto Remigio, Mangesh Magar, Azin and Jack Chen.

Hello everybody! You're listening to Let's Master English and my name is Coach Shane.
Hello everybody. Thank you very much for listening to Let's Master English the podcast. This is
already number 43. Awesome! Thank you for tuning in. In this week's podcast we have so many
great things: of course we've got a news story, some facts, four questions from you, we'll talk
about our book club, this is the third week of our monthly book and we'll mention our sponsors.
Our sponsors are AUDIBLE and of course, DDM. So, it's gonna be a great show, hopefully, not
that long. Last week's show was almost an hour. So, tell me, please be truthful, is an hour too
long, is thirty 30 minutes too long, what's a good length for the show?. I try to keep it at 40
minutes, but last week we went long. I hope it was ok. Ok, enough chit-chat! Let's begin...

The kids of America want to slap Michelle Obama’s hand away from their school lunches.
The First Lady supports new federal laws that say if schools want extra funding, they must
follow strict food guidelines. No snacks over 200 calories, no Snickers or Tic Tacs, no
turkey sandwiches or pizza, no regular sodas, must take fruit and veggies at lunch… As
expected, the kids are not eating.

This is one of the big subjects, the big topics, the hot potato in America these days. The school
lunch program for children. Elementary school, middle school, high school children. And
Michelle Obama is very involved in this new program, where children are basically forced to eat
healthy food. If they want to eat, they must eat healthy food and of course the idea is good... of
course, we want our children to eat healthy food. But is it the government's responsibility? Hmm,
it's a very tricky and very tuff controversy. Let me read the story again a little bit slower.

The kids of America want to slap Michelle Obama’s hand away from their school lunches.
The First Lady supports new federal laws that say if schools want extra funding, they must
follow strict food guidelines. No snacks over 200 calories, no Snickers or Tic Tacs, no
turkey sandwiches or pizza, no regular sodas, must take fruit and veggies at lunch… As
expected, the kids are not eating.

OK, let's look at the first sentence again. The kids of America, children all around America,
want to slap, s-l-a-p Michelle Obama's hand away from their school lunches. So, who’s
Michelle Obama? Well, that is president Barack Obama's wife. She is the First Lady. And she is
very involved, she is very concerned with school lunches. She is worried that American children
are getting too fat, they're eating bad foods. That's a good thing and I'd completely agree with
her, I think in America we have a problem with children eating unhealthy foods and we should
do something. But... the sentence again: The kids of America want to slap, so to slap means to hit
something with your fingers or the palm of your open hand. That's the idea. So, what do they
want to slap? The kids of America want to slap Michelle Obama's hand. Why? The kids of
America want to slap Michelle Obama's hand away from their school lunches. So, basically,
when the kids go to school and they get their lunch at school, Michelle Obama's hand is in their
lunch taking away chocolate and adding potatoes, taking away pizza and adding soup, and the
kids don't like that! They want the chocolate, they want the pizza, they want the hamburgers, and
Michelle Obama says - "No, no, no you must have vegetables and you must have healthy foods.
No pizza". And the kids say - "No! Keep your hand away from my lunch!". That's the first

The second sentence: The First Lady supports new federal laws that say "if schools want
extra funding, they must follow strict food guidelines". So, Michelle Obama, the First Lady,
yep, the First Lady is the wife of the president. Of course, if the president is a woman, then we
could say the First Man, actually we say the First gentleman. Sorry, not the First Man. So, I
guess in Germany the First Man what is Markell’s husband and Brazil has a female president, I
don't know her name, I'm sorry, but I guess he would be the First Gentleman, ok? So, anyway,
the First Lady supports, she is behind, she supports what? A new law, a new federal law, and
actually I guess it's a couple laws. New federal laws. So, what are federal laws? F-e-d-e-r-a-l,
federal laws, l-a-w-s. Federal laws are laws that apply to all 50 U.S. states. So, in America we
have state laws and we have federal laws. So, state laws can be different in each state, but federal
laws are the same in every one of the fifty US states. So, the First Lady supports new federal
laws. And what do these federal laws say? What are these laws about? That say "if schools want
extra funding", if schools, public schools, if public schools want extra money, extra financial
support, they, the schools must follow strict food guidelines. If the schools want extra money, the
schools must follow these very precise dietary rules. What children can eat? How much they can
eat? You know, no candies, no cakes, it must be whole grain and soups, and whatever... Very
very careful, very very strict. So, if the school does not follow these strict food guidelines, these
very clear precise food rules, then the schools do not get extra money. And Michelle Obama, she
thinks that is a good idea.

Next sentence: What are some of these guidelines? Here it is: No snacks over 200 calories. So,
what's a snack? A snack is the food that you eat between breakfast and lunch, or between lunch
and dinner, your afternoon snack. Ice-cream, a cookie, maybe a candy bar, something like that.
Sometimes, some pop-corn and coca-cola, that would be a snack. For me, my snacks are... I
guess cake, but no snacks over 200 calories. That's almost impossible! That means the snacks
must be like vegetables or half an apple, or something like that. No Twinkies, no cupcakes, no
candy bars. Oh my god! No snacks over 200 calories. That's not cool for children. No Snickers.
So once again, Snickers is a candy bar. It's a chocolate candy bar. It's a product name. Maybe
you have Snickers in your country, S-n-i-c-k-e-r-s. Just do a Google image search. No Tic Tacs,
T-i-c T-a-c-s. This is also the name of a candy. And it's actually like a breath mint. Once again,
do a Google image search Tic Tacs, T-i-c T-a-c-s, it's two words. No Snickers or Tic Tacs at
school. No turkey sandwiches or pizza. Schools cannot give children turkey sandwiches. Now,
come on, turkey sandwiches that's sounds healthy? No! There's actually too much salt in a turkey
sandwiches. Isn’t that crazy. No pizza! Yeah, too much salt in pizza. So, can you imagine how
strict this diet is? Pizza, everybody enjoys pizza or a turkey sandwich. Well most people do, in
America, most Americans love pizza. Two, three, four slices, turkey sandwich, no problem. That
seems like Ok food. Yeah, pizza, maybe that's kind a fast food. But a turkey sandwich that's
sounds healthy? But no! According to the strict food guidelines no turkey sandwiches, can be
served to children, no pizza, can be served to children. No regular sodas. That's right, no regular
sodas, no Coca Cola, no Pepsi, no Mountain Dew. That sounds good, right? That sounds good.
But instead they're giving children the diet sodas, and children are buying the diet sodas. Oh my
goodness. Also children must take fruit and veggies at lunch. So when the children get their
lunch they must accept the fruit and vegetables. Now I think many children will eat the fruit. But
let's be honest, many children do not like veggies. Now, if your child, or you are a child and you
like vegetables that's great, keep going, but me, when I was young, the last thing I wanted to eat
were carrots and peas and spinach, that's terrible, don't make me eat that stuff. But these children
must take the fruit and the veggies. And do they eat it? No. They throw it away. It's a waste. It, it
really is a waste. So, that sentence again. These are the strict food guidelines, listen carefully. No
snacks over 200 calories, no Snickers or Tic Tacs, no turkey sandwiches or pizza, no
regular sodas, must take fruit and veggies at lunch…

For last sentence: As expected, the kids are not eating! As expected – just like you might
assume, just like you might think, just like you might guess the children, the kids are not eating
these government supported foods. It's pretty sad.

Now, when I was in school, I, the school lunch was good, I enjoyed it. I didn't eat everything
especially the vegetables, but I always ate the cake, and I always ate the meat, and usually the
potatoes. Yeah, I'm a typical American boy from the MiWest, meat and potatoes. But the
desserts, that was the fun stuff. That's would give the meal excitement. And many children think
that. You know, if they come from a, you know, an economically safe family, they eat their meal
and at the end of the meal they get dessert, they get a piece of cake, or ah, same pie, or a cookie,
or ah, something like that. Not no more, not no more, and many, many, many American public
schools the children are very upset. The idea is great, you know, making our children or trying to
have our children eat healthy foods. That's so important. I totally agree. But once again, when I
was in school we had a soda machine. And after school they sold snacks, potato chips, and cakes,
and all of those things. And we had to use our own money.

But to be honest, I don't think I ever bought it. Maybe once a month I would buy something. I
just wouldn't spend my money on the snacks. And I think the reason was my Mom and Dad. My
Mom and Dad told me, you know, they, for ever since I was a little child, the time you eat the
sweat foods is after you eat your meal. So after you eat your lunch, then enjoy a cookie. After
you eat your dinner, then enjoy cake. If you want a snack in the afternoon my Mom really did
give me fruit. Some sliced apples. Rarely did she give me ice cream, or a cookie. It was usually
something healthy. So, for me, and just for me, my parents were the key in keeping me healthy. I
enjoyed my meals.

Now this is a luxury, I think for many families, families who are economically safe. They can
afford to buy fruit. And let's be honest, fruit and vegetables are sometimes expensive. Did you
know in America you can eat a full meal for 3 dollars at Macdonald's. That's right, 3 dollars at
Macdonald's will give you a full meal and it's instant. So there's no work involved. Mom or Dad
can finish work go to Macdonald's buy a hamburger, a cheeseburger, a Coca Cola, a French fries
and a little chocolate thing to go for the children bring it home. The kids so happy, it's delicious.
Everybody loves Macdonald's. It's easy. And this is what many, many, many children who live in
poverty in America, that's what they eat. Lots of children are eating very unhealthy foods not just
at school, but at home.

Yeah, it’s a big dilemma. So, if children are eating delicious Macdonald’s at home, and then
they’ll go to school and they’re supposed to eat carrots and potatoes, what do you think is gonna
happen? The children aren’t going to want to eat that stuff. This is a big problem. Should the
government be involved? Well I think the government can make recommendations, but I don’t
really think they should be involved. Should the parents be involved? Yes, personally I think it’s
the parent’s responsibility. But that’s just me. Other people obviously have different thoughts.
This is a big story in America, American families with children in public school are dealing with
this. It is a problem. Kids are not eating the lunches. It tastes terrible. So, they lose their energy,
they lose their focus, they lose their concentration. They’re wasting food at schools. They come
home. They binge eat, they eat too much junk food after school. You know dinner is six o’clock,
seven o’clock at night. So when the kid comes home at three or four afternoon. They’re hungry.
And they’re not looking for vegetables. They are looking for snacks. And that ends up costing
parents even more money, and probably worse for the children’s health.

It’s a dilemma. Something needs to be done. I have none of the answers. But by making laws
like this, I don’t think that’s an answer to.
Ok, let’s look of those vocabulary words again:
● To slap to “hit” with the fingers and/or the palm of an open hand. To slap somebody… in
the back, you could slap somebody on the back, you could slap somebody in the face,
you could slap somebody’s hand. Ok? to slap.
● First Lady: this is a proper noun, so capital “F”, capital “L” First Lady. That’s the wife
of the President! And if the President is a woman First Gentleman.
● Federal laws: laws that apply to all 50 US states!
● Funding: f-u-n-d-i-n-g funding, money, money, money, money, financial support!
● To follow: And here we’re talking about laws or guidelines to follow, adhere to a-d-h-e-
r-e, adhere to.
● Strict: s-t-r-i-c-t well-defined, clearly stated
● Guidelines: g-u-i-d-e-l-i-n-e-s that’s one word guidelines, rules
● And finally: As expected as expected, just like you might assume, just like you might
think, just like you might guess.

Those are the words. It’s a big story. I am very curious if you have an opinion about the story.
What is it like in your country? Is this truly an American problem? Or is this a problem in your
country too? Let me know, I am very curious.
Let’s listen to the story two more times. The first time nice and smooth, the second time normal.
Are you ready? Here we go!

The kids of America want to slap Michelle Obama’s hand away from their school lunches.
The First Lady supports new federal laws that say if schools want extra funding, they must
follow strict food guidelines. No snacks over 200 calories, no Snickers or Tic Tacs, no
turkey sandwiches or pizza, no regular sodas, must take fruit and veggies at lunch… As
expected, the kids are not eating.

The kids of America want to slap Michelle Obama’s hand away from their school lunches.
The First Lady supports new federal laws that say if schools want extra funding, they must
follow strict food guidelines. No snacks over 200 calories, no Snickers or Tic Tacs, no
turkey sandwiches or pizza, no regular sodas, must take fruit and veggies at lunch… As
expected, the kids are not eating.
How are you doing everybody? This is Country Shane and I'm here to bring you the facts.
Children from poor families eat more junk food—that’s more grease, more sugar, more
salt and more processed foods. Those are the children who are “forced” to eat the school
meals. When a child is used to eating a cheeseburger, he’s not gonna want to eat raw
cucumber slices!
This has been Country Shane, bringing you the facts.

Yeah, I think Country Shane might be right. The last part was an opinion. I am just guessing. I
agree with Country Shane, if a child is used to eating a cheeseburger from Macdonald’s, and then
you say: “Would like to some cucumber slices?” Cucumber c-u-c-u-m-b-e-r. It’s a type of
vegetable, they do taste good, but compared to a cheeseburger, no, the children are gonna wanna
choose a cheeseburger. But the fact that Country Shane gave us is very sad, and very important.
And this in America. I don’t know if this is true in other countries. But children from poor
families eat more junk food. Isn’t that crazy? That’s more grease, more oils, more fats, deep fried
foods, fast foods, French fries. More sugar- yeap, more salt and more processed foods.

Processed foods means foods that are made in a factory. So, for example: if you make bread at
home. You take the flour, you add some milk, some salt, some yeast. You mix it up and then
cook it. Now, if you make that bread, how long can you leave the bread? How long can you have
the bread? Maybe after four or five days, the bread is too dry, it’s too hard. You can’t eat it
anymore. If there is moisture, if it’s humid, there will be mold on the bread. And you have to
throw it away. But if you go to the supermarket and buy supermarket bread, that bread will last
for two weeks, three weeks. You open it up, it’s still soft, it still smells good. Wow, magic bread!
No, that’s processed bread. Yes, and I don’t know may be processed bread is fine but I would
think that homemade bread is probably more healthy. And it’s not just bread. It’s also lots of
things, hot dogs, hmm…everything. Lots of different foods, processed foods, yeah. The opposite
of processed foods would be organic food. And isn’t crazy but organic food, at least in America,
is much more expensive than processed foods. That’s sad.

We had an E-cubed lesson couple days ago. We talked about FARM TO FORK. This is a new
trend in America, farm to fork, and the idea- a local farm, usually within 100 miles, they
produced all the vegetables, and you can go to the farm and buy the vegetables or they bring it
into the market. And people try to eat only foods that are from local farms. So, it goes right from
the farm directly to your folk. There is no processing. It’s very organic or close to organic and
very healthy. This is a trend in America. But let’s be honest- Do you think that poor people can
afford this? Or is this for the reach people? Yeah, it’s for people with extra money. So, it’s a real
tragedy- people who are… people who have lower incomes in America, they really stuck. The
cheap food is the unhealthy food, the junk food, that’s easy to buy. But that expensive, or that,
that good food, or organic food it’s more expensive. It’s pretty sad. Something needs to be done.
I do not have the solution. I can just see the problem, and it worries me. So anyway Country
Shane, thank you very much for the, the sad fact. And I…I kind of agree with your opinion.
Thanks a lot.

Hey how about that music? Kind of nice, huh? Yes, this is our book club music. Welcome to the
book club. This month we’re studying in the book “Don’t Sweat The Small Stuff, and It’s All
Small Stuff”. This is a great book. It’s an audio book. Of course the book is in print, you can
actually buy a book. But it’s also an audio book and that’s what I’m focusing on. I’m listening to
the audio book. And many of our Lets Master English listeners are also listening. I encourage
you to perhaps, if you like audio books, if you want to really work on your listening skills, to
improve your listening skills.

Get the audio books, join our audio book club. You can do it, you can get a free audio book right
now, if you go to , once again www.audibletrial a-u-d-i-b-l-e-t-r-i-a-l
.com/lme of course lme is Let's Master English and you go to that site and that'll take you to
audible, Audible is the Amazon company and they have over 150 000 audio books. It’s amazing!
Pretty much everything, so you can click on where it says "Get my free audio book" if you have
not signed up, you just go there, you put your email address, you make an account, if you don't
have an account, you just say I'm a new Amazon customer and you keep going.

And then once again, this month we are studying the book Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff—And
It’s All Small Stuff. It’s a great book and it's written by Richard Carlson. Now there are several
Don't Sweat The Small Stuff books, so be careful, this is Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff—And It’s
All Small Stuff by Richard Carlson and the length is 4 hours and 3 minutes. So what we're doing
is: every week we are listening to an hour, were practicing and this week, we’ve listened to the
third hour of the book. So this is a great book, it teaches you, or it tells you, things that you can
do, to basically live a happier life, some of the things that are useful, some of the things are, well
to me kind of silly, or not very practical for me, so let... let's go ahead and discuss. So this week
in the third hour of the book, there was again about 25 chapters; and I'm going to read the
chapter names and this might give you an idea, on some of the subjects, so:

● Chapter 52: (this was at the two hour point, starting exactly at two hours) Search for the
Grain of Truth in Other Opinions. And I like this, I like this chapter, it talks about how,
you know, different people have different opinions; they might be political opinions,
medical opinions, religious opinions, opinions about food and the government and school
launches, everybody has, you know, different opinions, and it's very easy to argue with
somebody, to disagree with somebody, and then we think they are the enemy. But this
chapter says search for the grain of truth in other opinions, even those somebody else's
opinion might be completely different than yours, somewhere in their opinion, there must
be something, that is true, and that you also believe in, so if you can find, that small bit of
truth, in somebody else's opinion, your relationships are going to be better, you’re gonna
be a nicer person, I liked that one chapter 52.
● Chapter 53: See the Glass as Already Broken (and Everything Else Too). This is a good
chapter too, this was based on Buddhist philosophy, everything is in change, everything
is in flux, it's important people sometimes forget, that the world will end, people will die,
things will change, nothing stays the same. I think it's an important chapter too.
● Chapter 54: Understand the Statement, “Wherever You Go, There You Are”. I really
liked this chapter too, not so much for me, I think for me, I'm pretty comfortable, with
who I am and where I am, I... I try not to have many expectations, you know, many
desires, I think the more desires you have the unhappier you will be, and that's what this
chapter talks about, you know, if you are a positive person and you go someplace else
you will probably bring your positive personality to that place; if you are a negative
person and you go to someplace else you will probably bring that negative quality to the
other place, so don't think that going someplace else or having something else will make
you happy, you have to look at yourself, I think that's important, very important.
● 55: Breathe Before You Speak. This is very good especially if you have children,
especially if you are married, in relationship listen to this chapter.
● 56: Be Grateful when You’re Feeling Good, and Graceful when You’re Feeling Bad.
People are sometimes happy really happy, people are sometimes depressed, angry, they're
sad, you know happy people are not always happy, so when you're happy, be happy, be
thankful and when you're not happy accept it and try to understand it, don't try to ignore
it, accept it, it's important, that's what is talking about in that chapter.
● Chapter 56, I'm sorry, Chapter 57: Become a Less Aggressive Driver. I love driving, but I
don't have a car, cars are too expensive for me right now, I really want one though... So
yeah this chapter didn't apply to me, but if you are a driver, I highly recommend you
listen to this chapter, I liked it.
● Chapter 58: Relax. It sounds simple but we don't relax enough, people just don't, and it's
a good chapter, listen to it, nothing too deep.
● Chapter 59: Adopt a Child Through the Mail. Sounds like a crazy chapter, uhm yeah, this
is not my style, I don't think, I love helping people, but personally I don't need the, I
don't need to know the person's name, I just, when I want to help somebody, I simply
want to know that they are benefiting from my help, and they don't need to know it's me,
and I don't need to know exactly who is getting my help, so for me this was not very
important, but the idea is good and some people would probably love this idea, so I do
encourage to listen carefully to the chapter Adopt a Child Through the Mail, interesting
● Chapter 60: Turn Your Melodrama into a Mellow-Drama. I liked the pun p-u-n
melodrama m-e-l-o-d-r-a-m-a melodrama that's like the date time television, you know,
in other countries maybe nighttime television, where everything it's a tragedy and you
know relationships and whatever, typical tv tragedies. But the next one mellow drama m-
e-l-l-o-w d-r-a-m-a that means very relaxed, very quiet, is your life a melodrama don don
don - My mother is angry at me, oh my god, what am I gonna do, and then there is my
cousin, my cousin got a new job, so everybody is gonna be happy about my cousin bo bo
bo bo don don don, is it a melodrama? Or is your life a mellow drama? Mom's angry
again, oh boy! Well she'll be fine, she'll realize it's not important, oh my cousin got a job,
good for him, just relax! What is your life? Oh yes, I do know many people whose life
seems to be a melodrama, like on television, but I think of your life were a mellow drama
it will be much easier. I liked the chapter it was good.
● Chapter 61: Read Articles and Books with Entirely Different Points of View from Your
Own and Try to Learn Something. Yes, I need to do that, I tend to read books, read the
news, listen to podcasts that support my believes, but I probably should spent more time
listening to people who I disagree with, because maybe in their statements I can find a
grain of truth.
● 62, Chapter 62: Do One Thing at a Time. Yes, I am the worst at the multitasking. I
always say that but I think it’s true. I really need to focus on one thing; it’s difficult for
me to do several things at one time. Good Advice!.
● Chapter 63: Count to Ten. Very important chapter for many reasons especially if you are
parent or spouse checked it out.
● 64: Practice Being in the “Eye of the Storm”. No, not for me. I don't know for me my
personality I am an introvert. actually I like being myself, I don't need many people
around, I don't need lots of noise, lots of activity I am very happy being by myself in my
home with my cats. I like that, but some people I guess they feel unsatisfied. Well this
chapter, chapter 64 gives you advice on how you can maybe become more satisfied
checked it out.
● Chapter 65: Be Flexible with Changes in Your Plans. Yeah, this is important for many of
us including me learning to be flexible.
● Chapter 66: Think of What You Have Instead of What You Want. Yep, once again having
too many desires, having too many expectations, having too many hopes, having too
many dreams is not necessarily a good thing. You also need to be happy with what you
have. I hope all of you are happy. Sometimes we need to think about it.
● The next Chapter 67: Practice Ignoring Your Negative Thoughts. It’s interesting. For me.
I’m pretty positive. A little bit realistic sometimes, but generally very positive,
occasionally negative. But I would say 80% of the time positive, 15 % of the time
realistic, and 5% of the time negative. But what’s really interesting is there are people
who are the opposite. They’re just negative. They they’re worry about things; they’re
pessimistic; 85% of time negative or pessimistic, 15% of time realistic, 5% of time
optimistic or positive. But, what’s really interesting is there are people who are the
opposite. They’re just negative. They’re worry about things. They’re pessimistic. 85% of
the time negative or pessimistic. So, I am positive person. so, I really don’t have any
advice for a negative person because you know, if a positive person tells a negative
person be happy don’t worry the negative person gets more angry. So I don’t know. Is
this good advice? Maybe. If you are a negative person what you think about this chapter.
I would be curios as to know your opinion.
● Chapter 68: Be Willing to Learn from Friends and Family. So important! the older we
get the more confident we are that we know know everything. The more confident we
are that we are right. So it doesn’t matter, if you are 5 years younger, 10 years younger,
15 years younger, 30 years younger, shut up, you don’t know anything and sometimes
when you’re my age I am 46 and my mom is in her sixties and my mom say something to
me sometimes I think oh mom you don’t know it’s not a good thing. Be willing to learn
from friends and family. Good advice in that chapter. I hope that you check it out.
● Chapter 69: Be Happy Where You Are. This sound really difficult but it’s not. But the
thing is that like we learn in last month’s book you need to create your own culture. Last
month we studied Tuesdays with Morrie. And one of the most important lessons in that
book was (in my opinion) create your own culture. And if you can do that, I really think
you are can be happy where you are.
● Chapter 70: Remember that You Become What You Practice Most. That’s true. You guys
are studying English with me, so the more you practice your English pronunciation, your
English reading, intonation, listening skills, speaking, pronunciation, whatever the more
you practice the better you will become. But it also works with personality. So if you say
hi to somebody in a friendly way, and you practice that every day, people will think of
you as a friendly person, and you will also start to becomes that friendly person, of course
in your mind if you say -hi!; but inside you’re thinking I hate you, I don’t wanna talk to
you. Well, no, that’s not good maybe you need to start with something else but yeah
remember that you become what you practice most. Good chapter.
● Chapter 71: Quiet the Mind. Very important, yeah I loved the chapter, but I tell you in
my opinion if live in the city. This is not easy. Not easy at all, if you live in a country,
you are lucky, quiet the mind, check this chapter out. I need to do it more.
● Chapter 72: Take Up Yoga. I would love to start yoga, I would love to learn yoga. There
are many classes in my neighborhood, so perhaps I should attend one of those classes and
learn yoga. Yoga sounds pretty cool. Some people think yoga is a religious thing, is that
true? I don’t think so. Do you have any opinion? I am curious.
● Chapter 73: Make Service an Integral Part of Your Life. For me this is difficult, what is
this means: make service an integral part of your life. That means serving other people,
make that very important. Well I guess when it comes to teaching English, coaching
English, Helping people learn English. Yes I do a lot of service, I provide you know free
Lessons, this podcasts, many videos. I do a lot and that’s an important part of my life, but
it’s also my job, you know I give lot of free stuff, but I do, I have to make some money. I
have to pay the bills. I have to feed the cats. That’s definitely true. But if you listen to the
chapter, he’s really talking about the local community, serving the local community. And
that’s tough for me, something that hopefully in the future, I’ll be able to do more.
● Chapter 74: Do a Favor and Don’t Ask For, or Expect, One in Return. Yeah this is
important. This is important as human, to do something for somebody and that’s it. Don’t
expect them to do something for you. It’s is a good chapter. Check it out.
● Chapter 75: Think of Your Problems as Potential Teachers. I think this is a fantasy .If
you have a serious problem, that’s giving you lots of stress, it’s making you sad, it’s
making you angry, maybe it’s costing you money, are you able to say - Mmm this
problem is terrible for me but I will learn something? I don’t think most people can do
that, during a problem during a crisis, but if you could maybe the problem wouldn’t be as
bad. I’ll try it next time I have a serious problem; and the last chapter was 76, the last
chapter for this week.
● Chapter 76: Get Comfortable Not Knowing. I loved the name of chapter “Get
comfortable not knowing”. If you don’t understand what I am talking about then you
have to listen to the chapter; otherwise you need to get comfortable not knowing.
Okay, this was our 3rd week. So we have one more week with this book. And if you have the
book, Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff, and it’s All Small Stuff we will be listening and studying,
talking about the 3rd hour until the end. Once again this audio book is 4 hours and 3 minutes
long. So just start at hour 3 until the end of the book. We’ve got about 24 or more chapters. So,
listen to those chapters during the next week, if you have the print book you can start on chapter
77 and just read all the way through to the end of the book. It’s great stuff and I’ll be discussing
those chapters again next week in this podcast.

Now, we will have a brand new audio book in 2 weeks. So if you’re interested in joining the
book club you can get this audio book right now or whenever your membership allows you. The
next book is The Rosie Project. The Rosie r-o-s-i-e- project p-r-o-j-e-c-t. Now, this book is 7
hours long which means every week we will have to listen to about 90 minutes. About an hour
and a half. So, let me tell you how I listen to the audio books. Every morning I take a short walk,
yeah 30 minutes and in the evening I take another walk, about 45 minutes. Just before I go to bed
so as soon as get up, before I go to bed, during lunch times; these are the times I listen to the
audio book. And I listen to it again and again and again and. I need to talk about it in the podcast.
So it doesn’t take that much time. So even if we listen, if we have to listen to 90 minutes that’s
like 15 minutes a day, that’s not too much. And of course it’s difficult it’s an English audio book.
So if you can invest 30 minutes a day then you can listen to the book twice in a month. That’s
pretty cool. Some students like to have the print book and the audio book. Great combination!
You can do that too. And once again you can get a free audio book if you visit our sponsor which
is You sign up and they will give you a free audio book. So the
book we’re studying right now is: Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff and It’s All Small Stuff. But we
only have one more week the next book is The Rosie Project r-o-s-i-e project p-r-o-j-e-c-t. It’s 7
hours long. It’s a, it should be a funny book. This book was recommended by Bill Gates. So let’s
check that book out. Now, if you sign up, your first book your first month, is free. You get one
book for free. At the end of the month they will charge your credit card $14.95. But that is your
membership for the next month and you can choose another book. Now, The Rosie Project, that
book I think is $19.95 but you don’t have to pay that much, because you signed up with my
membership, you can get that book for just $14.95 so you actually will be saving money if you
actually listen to the audio books. Very convenient, I love it, I hope that you are interested and
that you join too. After The Rosie Project, the next book will probably be The Alchemist. I’m
excited about that book. I’ve heard lots of great things. So those are the next 2 books that we will
be studying and I hope that you are able to participate in listening and/or reading the books.

It's time for your question and my answers. Thank you so much everybody for all the
questions, I get so many. So, this week I picked Andrey. Now, Andrey has a very good question
about negative questions -"Can you tell us how to answer negative questions or negative
statements?" For example, if you say "Don't you hate her?". Don't you hate her? If you do
hate the person, do you say - Yes, I hate her. Or, - No I hate her. Ok, well, grammatically
you should say - Yes, I hate her. However and I've said this before, when it comes to negative
questions or negative statements, when you respond... If you just say yes or just say no, it can be
confusing for Americans. So, I always say "yes", "no", it doesn't matter. Use a full sentence. So,
once again. Don't you hate her? Yes, I hate her. That's perfect, but some Americans might even
say - No, I hate her! It's sounds crazy, but it is possible. Now, that's in a question. Don't you hate
her? If you agree, say - yes, even though it's negative, if you agree say yes, if you disagree say -
no. But once again, use a full sentence. Don't you hate her? Yes, I hate her. But the statements,
those can get confusing. So, we actually studied this statement in E-cubed number 517 and the
guy says - "You don't sound too excited". You don't sound too excited. And the response was -
"No, his place is a rats nest!". Should you say - No, his place is a rats nest or Yes, his place is a
rats nest? You don't sound too excited - you agree, so you should say - yes. Well, actually no, in
this situation it's not a question. You don't sound too excited! No, I'm not excited. Yes, I'm not
excited. Ohh, you know, some people might say that it is possible, but like I said, "Yes", "No",
don't worry too much about that. The sentence behind it is more important. You don't sound too
excited. No, his place is a rats nest. No, I'm not excited. That's the perfect answer. And I know
it's confusing. So, finally, "yes", "no", not so important. Your sentence behind that is much more
important. So Andrey, I hope that helps. And Andrey is actually a DDM VIP member, so
Andrey, in our VIP classes if you can find other examples - practice them with me, during the
live classes, OK? Thanks.

Next question is from Muhammad -"Could you explain the difference between have a rest
and take a rest?" Great question. Have a rest, take a rest, have a break, take a break - they're the
same Mohammed, absolutely the same. However, have a rest, have a break actually would be a
little bit more polite. Something you could say to a stranger or to somebody you don't know, a
customer, something like that. Take a rest, take a break, those are a little bit more colloquial, a
little bit more casual. So, with your friends, I recommend - let's take a break, let's take a rest, but
in a professional situation, I recommend - let's have a rest, let's have a break. That would be
sound much better. But the meaning? They're the same Mohammed.

Our next question comes from Nguyễn Hoàng Lan, I hope my pronunciation is okay. -Hello
Mr. Shane, well that’s okay, coach Shane, c-o-a-c-h can you teach me how to pronounce the
word film f-i-l-m. This is a difficult word for many, many many students so first of all let’s
concentrate on f-i-l-l. Now the pronunciation is fill fill, fill. Now, we have to understand there
are two ways to pronounce the L, there is the light L and the dark L. the light L the tongue
actually goes between the teeth, L, L, just like the TH, th, th, L, L, the tongue is in the same
position. The dark L happens inside the mouth. On the alveolar ridge, L, L, D, D, it’s actually the
same position as the D. but of course the air and the movement they’re different. So when you
say the word fill, it’s actually easier to use the light L. the tongue between the teeth, fill, fill.
Now after you master that pronunciation, do not move the tongue just close the lips. So listen,
film, don’t move the tongue, if you move the tongue this is what happens, filem filem, that’s
wrong. Don’t move the tongue, keep the tongue there, film, film. That’s the perfect sound for f-i-
l-m. Now of course when we’re speaking fast, I watched a film yesterday it’s really really really
fast, but in order that you make that perfect sound, you have to train yourself. So once again use
a light L fill, close the lips, film. Master that sound and then work on speed.
Thanks for the question.

And our final question comes from you’re the Choi and oh boy! It’s in Korean but I do speak
Korean so let me read it here: [reading in Korean language]. Yeah, ok that was Korean. Now, I
translate it. You have a channel called "Pronounce it right", but for one year you have not
updated it. Are you not going to manage that channel? Are you giving that channel up or if
you are gonna keep it, please update the channel. Yeah you’re right Choi. You’re the best
Choi. You’re right I need to update it. Yes I do want that channel to be more active, my goal
actually was to update one word a day. So maybe my goal is too much and that’s too stressful,
maybe I should think about one word a week. Would that be okay? Yeah that’s a good channel,
and you’re right. Thank you very much for reminding me about that channel. The channel,
everybody, it’s, and there I teach the pronunciation of
difficult words, difficult words to pronounce, and I give you an example sentence. So thank you
for that letter there, you’re the best Choi and I’ll get on that.
Thank you very much.

Thanks for the questions everybody!

Oooph! Another long podcast! I hope it’s okay. The book club is what is making the podcast
longer. Is that okay? Do you mind? Please let me know. I am curious. I don't want to bore you
guys too much. And thank you so much for listening.

The sponsor for podcast is DDM, Daily Dictation Members. We have the greatest online class in
the world. We have the greatest students. Most of our students are professionals. But we do have
some college students. There is even a couple high school students. There are many retired
people. Lots of the DDM students live in America, Canada, Australia, the UK. But of course,
most of the DDM students live in countries, like Brazil, and Russia, and Poland, and Korea, and
Japan, and China, all over the place. We're all over the world.

DDM is a fantastic class. Each lesson teaches you pronunciation, listening and speaking skills.
We talk about culture, expressions. It's lots of fun. Every class is different. There are different
levels of membership. We have DDM Lite which is 4 classes a month, DDM Open which is 8
classes a month. DDM Live which is also 8 classes a month plus you get live coaching sessions
with me. Find one that you like. I would love it if you join us in DDM. I promise you will learn
so much.

Each lesson takes about 30 minutes a day at least 30 minutes a day. So if you're really busy
person, DDM Lite is properly perfect for you. But if you're serious about mastering English, and
you have time to invest, DDM Open is excellent. If you can make the live hangouts with me,
they're on the weekends. They're on the weekends. Then DDM Live is perfect. So join. If you
want DDM Lite, go here:, l-i-t-e, it's d-d-m-l-i-t-e. If you're
interested in DDM Open, go here: ddmopen.blogspot b-l-o-g-s-p-o-t .com. and if you're
interested in DDM Live, go here: Each of those pages has more
information about the classes and how to join, membership buttons are all there. So you can join
if you have a credit card or western union, that's also possible. But, yeah, we’ve got students
prove it, people love it. And I want you guys to join me. This is the perfect time to join because
this week we're starting a new situation comedy. And it's always nice to start at the beginning.
That's it everybody. Thank you so much for listening to my podcast. And I'll see you next week.
Have a fantastic week and together let's master English.

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