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[Verishchagin] Dmitriy Sergeyevich

“The confidence: The system of further energy-information

development, am 5th I step, 1- 1 stage”

Book Five. ASSURANCE (complete text)

Introduction. Touch to the the highest
Chapter 1. Freedom, success, effect and the maturity
Chapter 2. Experience, authority and the highest forces
Chapter e. Experience: navigation among the world currents
Chapter 4. Discovered and closed routes: understanding the phenomenon
Chapter 5. Discovered and closed routes: the methods of the determination
Chapter 6. Discovered and closed routes: the rule of the behavior
Chapter 7. Transition of the closed route into that discovered
Conclusion. Not only to see, but also to influence

General parting words!

Opening this book, you obtain chance to forever change your life, after entering to the new step of
evolution. To you will be opened the true reasons for health, disease, behavior and human fate.
You will become free from the influence of the great energetic parasites, that rule by remaining people
and that push them to suicidal behavior. You remember that you must not cause to the
[neprodvinuvshimsja] people of harm. Relate to them with the attention and help.
The things, unthinkable for the usual people, will be accessible for you. Do not spend your forces in vain
in pursuit of vain achievements. You have great objective - discovery new peace and the search for its
place in the Ger.
You will find the ability to heal, and this gift will arrive at each by its way. You will use it into the good.
Help unselfishly.
Your soul will pass the process of strengthening, and you will be able to conduct other people after
yourselves. Bring to them light and happiness, but not the dark and pain.
You will cease to depend on [karmy] and [karmicheskikh] diseases. Help to reach the same by other.
You will manage the true tool of a change in the peace - by faith. Let your faith bring good not only to
In order to pass entire way to the end, aid can be required you. Find it in the same " as you, travellers.
Recognize each other in the crowd. You learn the friend of friend. You remember each other.
After ascending the new step of development, you will be the part of new energy unity, unity of free
people. Lend support each other. You remember about each other and share with each other by energy,
because the price of freedom is great and sometimes not under force one.
You remember about us, who first entered the new peace. We focus new energy unity for you. Be turned
to us into the difficult minute, and we will arrive to the aid. Be turned to us per minute prosperity, and we
will be able to arrive to aid to millions of others. There is no death. We will answer also because of the
You will perceive connection with me, with this author. I await this. You request about the aid and help
Add to the light of new energy unity your rays.
Create new free humanity. You deserve this.

Touch to the the highest

I again greet you, the respected readers. We for long awaited this encounter— and here she took
place. We again together. Having however, studied four previous steps of system [DEIR], you
understand, that together we only if do not associate by means of the book. We continuously perceive the
energy support of each other, when this is necessary.

You consecutively and persistently follow the path of release, by means of mastery of new
possibilities— and many they attend courses on the practical mastery of system [DEIR]. You are worthy
respect and appreciation. You are slow, but you already very perceptibly change the fates of peace.

The sprouts of these changes already germinate first here, then there. Outwardly peace thus far
changes little. But on the thin plan of change there are, and completely real. They appeared because of
you. You grew these sprouts in to yourselves, inside the soul and the consciousness,— and they began to
be pulled upward, to be developed, to change peace around you. Thanks to you.

I thank you for those letters, which you to me send. I thank for your impatience in the expectation
of the new, fifth book.

Now the time of this book is alien. Situation for its appearance matured. Matured and you, my
readers and followers. You are ready to continue way? I know that they are ready. Then— forward! And
yes there will be with us god.

But that, who for the first time met with the system of further energy-information development
only on the pages of this book, I imperatively recommend to revert to the books by previous— “release”,
“formation”, “influence”, “maturity”. Without their reading, without the mastery of the procedures,
presented in them, to you it will be difficultly dismantled with the material of this book and you can
accidentally incorrectly use procedures— and this already fraught with troubles.

However, what this after the fifth step? I know, this question interests you. Indeed, it would seem,
everything which is possible, we already did. We left to the new evolutionary step. As the saying goes,
what pain? What to still dream?

And they nevertheless feel majority of us: this yet not all, yet not the end of way. Still something
does not be sufficient… And it can be, very important. Important in order to go further on the life
independently, freely, [raskovanno], is joyful, to go eternally, and not to be brought down from the way,
and not to search for the support of other people, and to be confident, happy and united with the peace,
when entire universe with the love is thrown open to you it towards and helps you, it is supported you, it
is glad at you it reveals before you all its roads, which so spread to you under the feet…

What to us it does not be sufficient? Understanding of laws does not be sufficient, known which
must be to the personality, which already overcame the barriers of the evolutionary development of man
and limitation of the physical body of a usual human.

The fifth step is wholly dedicated to questions of the cooperation of this personality with th peace
both the peace— of living and inanimate nature and the peace of the highest forces e surrounding us.

You will see, that between these peaces there is no separation. They are in reality united. Because
peace in all its manifestations is constantly subordinated to laws governing the higher order. But
therefore, speaking about “the inanimate nature”, we faster simply follow tradition, because this
expression is incorrect in the essence. There is no inanimate nature! Everything all around, including the
so-called inanimate objects, in reality lives, constantly changing, interacting with each other, being
included in the united, integral process of the life of the universe, where everything is regular, where
there are no chances. There are no chances— there are laws. Laws, on which it lives, it breathes, changes,
is included in different processes the entire surrounding us world. The unprepared man is not capable to
see these regularities— it it sees only disorderly and, as it seems, the senseless collection of chances. The
prepared man is capable not only to perceive simultaneously laws governing all vital processes of entire
living organism of the universe, but also to act on these processes. Any, each of us are capable to
influence the so-called chances and with the necessity to turn them to their benefit. We can even more—
we we can cause into the peace events desirable for us. We making this, without disrupting the laws of
the peace— of those objective laws, on which there is a universe. We will make this, having been
skillfully entered in these laws. We will make this into the good to peace, but not into the harm to him.

We can go around obstacles, after recognizing them even to the appearance, after reading
information from the future. For this we even should make this at the level of consciousness— this
information in the prepared man reads subconsciousness itself removes man from the obstacle, without
his volitional efforts. It knows subconsciousness, with what course we should move so that our way
would lead us to the purpose, lying among so not had time to arise obstacles. We can change the
probability of events around us.

You even now can this, although perhaps themselves even and you do not surmise about this. Still
barely, and you will know how to make this in practice. Of the understanding of these possibilities, in
particular, and consists the fifth step. Believe, for you this is simple, very simply. And then everything
will come out easily and joyfully.

But the fifth step, if we examine by its pillar, much wider. It includes the experience of interaction
with the world flows— output to interaction with the highest forces— with the god.

In this book much less than the attention is given to energy interactions, to the energy methods of
conversion itself. We encounter now considerably the thinner layers of our peace and ourselves— by the
highest layers of hyperfine information. Energy methods remained far below. The time of the mastery of
aerobatics is alien.

All this together composes the sufficiently large volume of information. Therefore we will share
the fifth step into two stages. And the book, which you hold now in the hands, is dedicated to the first
stage of the mastery of fifth step [DEIR].

But— about everything in the order. Nevertheless we with you sufficient- after all for long did not
meet on the pages of the book. But therefore for the entry into the fifth step will be required a certain
rocking, attitude for the continuation of work with the simultaneous fastening and the realization of that
passed in new development stage. But this new stage for you you already— arrived they were affirmed in
it in the time, which passed after the output of the fourth book. Specifically, for your fastening in this
stage was necessary this interruption.

But it is now alien time to recall everything and to again leave for the way. Thus, for the work. We
refresh in the memory theory.

Chapter 1.
Freedom, success, influence and the maturity

Prerequisites of the new stage of the evolution of the man

At present humanity approached the critical phase of its development. Peace is frankly
overpopulated. It is time to already acknowledg in this, by however antihuman someone seemed similar
conclusions. But fact remains fact.

The irreplaceable natural resources are destroyed. To nature is inflicted irreparable loss. The Earth
moans under the aggressive strong pressure of humanity. It seems, there is already not one wild corner of
nature, not [oskvernennogo] by the rough intrusion of that, who still recently called itself its owner. This
“owner” proved to be to the extreme unreasonable. He defiled and fouled holy of holies— its house, its
earth, without which it and itself cannot live.

Seem, somewhat, still barely— and the earth, regulations to suffer the rough step of that sowing
around itself mud and the ruin “of owner”, it will simply throw down it somewhere further, into the
nonexistence, and it will finally sigh freely…

Our with you task— proving to be in the number of those, who will be they will throw down, it is
discarded by the tormented Earth from its surface. And we already sufficiently much made in order to
avoid this sad lot. But the fact that very many be- after all are discarded, to doubt it does not be
necessary. And if you understood the sense of proceeding now in the entire world of catastrophes, then
already you surmise, that this process began.

This is inevitable. And it is regular. Humanity reached in its development the complete absurdity.
It began to literally [szhirat] itself. In fact, with what obstacles, difficulties, by barriers we are most
frequently encountered on our life? With those that they are created with nature itself or, for example, by
the interference of [inoplanetjan]? Certainly no. Basic everyday difficulties are connected only with the
barriers, created with quite human association.

Visualize that you decided to be based with the family somewhere on nature, after leaving from the
dusty city [nasovsem],— to build small house somewhere in the quiet likable village, to fix life so that
the food would be sufficient, and drink, and heat for the children and the close ones. Is possible this?
Theoretically— yes. Theoretically— there is nothing simpler and nothing it is more natural! To build to
themselves house— yes this task without ceremony managed generations and generations of our

But… In that everything and the matter, that in our time suddenly came out as cockroaches from
the slots, of these ten and hundreds small and vile “but”.

To build house? But the cost of the earth? But construction materials? But taxes? But where I will
work? And on what generally we will live?

And so ad infinitum. As a result you, after dreaming on the sofa about the house in the village,
remain to while away century in the disgusted city, in the fiscal panel high-rise.

Meanwhile even some one hundred with the small of years there were no ago similar problems and
in the mention. This, in general, illusion— that since then life became better, life became merrier and it is

generally freer and it is happier. This is the error, which to us from the childhood is persistent of
[vkonopachivali] into the brains the right through [ideologizirovannye] textbooks of history.

We will not concern global historical events— let us compare how veins simple man in Russia in
the middle [KH]I[KH] of century and as it it lives now. Let us make this objectively and impartially, after
rejecting the ideas, gotten from the textbooks of the [vykholoshchennoj] history.

We all remember that in 1861 in Russia serfdom was abolished, and we all became accustomed to
consider that this was the step toward the progress, toward the freedom, toward the new excellent life.

However, let us look how the fortress peasant, whom to customaryy pity, to assume as unhappy
poor slave, lived.

This “unhappy of slaves” had its own house and put on the earth. It lived as valuable man, it had a
family— as a rule, big enough. But for the house and the earth it paid to the nobleman of altogether only
one tenth part of harvest— by dessiatine. Furthermore, it was obligated to work in the lordly fields
(corvee) and one time per year complete offering to owner by products and money (quitrent).

To the wedding of its adult children entire village helped to build house for them. Wood for the
building was obtained in the adjacent scaffolding, and house was placed in the village. And no one, you
will notice, it occurred, that it is necessary to pay for the construction materials and for the earth.

The surpluses of the harvest, grown on his own land allotment, peasant could transport to the
market, there sell or change them for the necessary for it things. With a sufficient income level, obtained
thus, appeared the real prospect for ransom at liberty. In this case, in addition no one it occurred, that it
must return the part of means to the strange uncles in the form of tax.

And this is— the life of fortress peasant, which nevertheless cannot serve as ideal, since the
absence of freedom is a absence of freedom. Free strata of society, correspondingly, had more than rights
and possibilities. However, as we know, and fortress peasants very frequently by no means vomited at
liberty. Them was completely arranged life “under the wing” of nobleman. Yes even nobleman, as we
now know, was far from always fierce beast, as they depicted it in the instructive books of our childhood.
Most frequently this was completely normal man.

But now you will compare with the life of fortress peasant the life of contemporary man. Well as,
into whose benefit comparison? It does not want conversely, there, into this serfdom itself?

If we are dismantled, contemporary man in the essence is serf to the much larger degree. He is
forced to work not less than eight hours in the day. He is forced to return the completely decent part of
his earnings to state (the income tax plus payment into the Pension fund plus social insurance etcetera).
Moreover the part of means to state pays out even the employer, because of what the cost of his
production rises and prices on the market grow, and the real cost of wage becomes still less.

Dwelling in our time stands so many, that its price considerably exceeds the amount of earnings.
Therefore in the close apartment often huddle two-three family. (Where to us to the separate its own
house of unhappy fortress peasant!) But in the old age of men, although it entire life properly paid taxes,
it can design only for its own modest economy yes to the aid of the children, who from the last forces
also pull their strap.

Furthermore, changed the relationship of prices. Thus, for example, if in the past century in Russia
to the silver ruble it was possible to purchase products to entire family for the entire month— that now
for the appropriate sum you will acquire perhaps that 45— kilograms of meat. The prices rose less to the

industrial goods. This testifies about one additional terrible symptom— they run low food resources.
With the food the matter now is considerably worse than in our ancestors. They fed by the properly
useful food, healthy, natural, ecologically clean. We are forced to be smashed by chemistry, synthetics.

Do not think that is so lamentable the state of affairs only in Russia. So— in the entire world, with
the insignificant variations. Consider that in some countries the state not at all guarantees to man in the
old age even of this minimum pension, which they pay out to our old men! So that to us still to a certain
degree it transported.

Thus, to what side is differed present position from the fact that was up to 1861?

Do not think that is guilty the government, policy, the authority, which did not know how to create
for us the standard conditions of life. No, that is not the question, the only consequence, but not reason.
However, the reason for so uncomforting a state of affairs lies much more deeply.

It in the fact that [sotsium] grew to the deformed, [monstropodobnykh] forms and began to devour
its members— of series people. In the essence, to devour itself. These are the sign of degeneration, the
sign of the fact that the monster -[sotsium] eliminated itself.

But indeed once [sotsium] was born precisely for the good of people, for providing with them of
larger comfort and safety. People created market economy in order to be exchanged production products.
People built cities in order to ensure safety to themselves. [Sotsium] served man.

Now everything vice versa. Man serves [sotsiumu]. It turns out that man is born and lives in order
to work on the state, to serve in the army, to pay taxes… It is raw material for existence of [sotsiuma]. To
man to nowhere get to from entire this, to it it cannot be hide, been hidden from the society, which
assigns on it difficult burden. You remember pre-revolutionary position with the companies, where the
workers forced were to work, to pay penalties, to buy necessary in the shop, which contains the owner (at
an exorbitant price on account wage), and so on, from what his debt only grew. This was the dream of
manufacturer. But today? These dreams happened. [Sotsium] enslaved its terms. Man became simply
resource for existence of [sotsiuma]— and, as if in the concentration camp, soon all they will become to
appropriate numbers. Even if further process will continue in the same spirit, then man will become the
simply faceless and disenfranchised appendage of ugly social monster, sexless ant, cell of the gigantic
tumor, which corrodes the body of the Earth.

Fig. 1. Filling [sotsiumom] of the limited ecological niche

This process sooner or later must be ended. Because before us is worth selection— as before going
by individual evolution or to be the subordinates, dissolved in the appearing association, to the pain
resembling the associations of public insects. Indeed not in vain some biologists consider that in the case
with the anthill or the cluster we deal even not concerning the association, but concerning the united

But now we everything select: to be the part of tumor, which will any minute now us gorge, or to
be freed from the authority of monster and to begin to live independently.

It will survive in the previous quality it the one who made this selection of in favor individual
future, future, intended by creator. Specifically, in this the essence of the forthcoming evolutionary jump.
Will leave old, that became obsolete, patient, who parasitizes on the healthy. Will remain healthy,
renovated, bright.

But why I you this do tell? Indeed for you and for the set of other people, which study system
[DEIR], the bondage position of usual man— stage long ago passed.

The system of further energy-information development gives to us exactly the necessary chance,
deriving man to that face, after which the mechanisms, which constrain man, cease to act.

You already made this selection, my dear readers. You already accomplished a passage to the new
level. You already know that the way of passage to the new level lies in the fact that to be freed from the
subduing jacket, to cease to dance under the pipe of [sotsiuma] and to gratify him in order to destroy the
invisible bonds, which forged this freedom-loving and reasonable from— nature essence, on arms and
legs of man.

And now we are ready to go further, to the discovery of the new horizons, to the finding of the
authority above the circumstances and of contact with the influential circles. But first, as it is conducted
before the distant road, it is useful to throw view on the covered path.

Initial stages of system [DEIR]: from the freedom— to the maturity

The fact is that humanity is enslaved by the gigantic energy-information structures, which are been
the by-product of existence of people,— by energy-information parasites. These energy-information
parasites invisible control each term of human association. They, as [vedminy] the circles, which deeply
grow by mushroom spawn into the soil, penetrate by invisible energy feelers the consciousness of people.

Energy-information parasites— this that that still sometimes they call [egregorami]. Each
association of people, which lives by general ideas, creates [egregor]— energy-information structure with
the appropriate properties. The large group of people, thinking about one, compulsorily creates on the
energy plan energy-information parasitic structure. This structure nothing like and it— makes simply
there exists, feeding by human power engineering, pressing under itself newer and newer people,
growing and gathering force. And new people, which fell under under the influence of this structure (but
for this sufficient subconsiously to be implicated into the corresponding direction), acquire persuasions
and thoughts, characteristic for this [egregora], for those people, who originally it created. Thus narrower
[egregor] itself begins to govern people.

Fig. 2. The energy-information parasite, similar to the jellyfish, holds on guides of thousand and
thousands of people, obtaining from some— programs, from others— energy of the Earth using for
its purposes of all without the exception
to [st] [egregor] of communism. Specifically, people from there take forces, are often narrower
than old age, that hold meetings with the red flags and the portraits past and of present “leaders”.

There is [egregor] of war. It converts people into cannon fodder, using them for its purposes.

There is [egregor] of revolution. Its increase led to what, we know. We all have th splendid
example of appearance, bloom and loss of revolution in Russia e heart-felt on our own experience.
Perfectly well we know how enthusiasm 2GP 0N class struggle led to the innocent blood, to the mass
terror, and to the manifestations of people heroism… But in the final analysis all this good did not end
not for whom— including Bolsheviks themselves. However, somebody in the gain nevertheless
remained. Namely: energy-information parasite itself, that plenty drank the human blood is many years
successfully that “taxied” consciousness of millions of people.

And so on. Energy-information parasites set as the set of the most diverse ideas, “soaring in air”.
By the way, what splendid verbal revolution (about the ideas, which soar in air), isn't that true? Indeed it
completely reflects real state of affairs concerning the parasitic energy-information structures.

Because of the influence of these structures the people to seventy percent of the time of their life
expend not on themselves, not for achievement their true goals, but on something entirely by them in
reality unnecessary— simply they raise by their energy of the being grown energy-information parasites.
As a result these parasites bear to people only to mountain and suffering.

There are [egregory], more frequent helping to people,— for example, [egregory] of the
professional associations of people, which facilitate people to take place in the professional activity. Are
most well known religious [egregory], they protect the adherents of that corresponding to religion. But in
the process of its development to man it is desirable to leave from under the authority even of these
[egregorov] in order to go further, to the larger freedom. Are too [politizirovany] religions in our time.

We proved to be capable of building the protection, which interrupts the influence of energy-
information parasitic structures. We could master our own power engineering, after ceasing to share by it
with energetic monsters. Therefore we steel are stronger, it is calmer, it is more confident. We succeeded
in restoring control over its consciousness, after taking away authority above it in energy-information
parasites. Our environment is organized in such a way that it would not create for us the obstacles, but it
on the contrary, in every way possible helped us. We combined into the united structure soul,
consciousness and ether body, which gave to us access to the new energy sources, to intuitive data, to the
creative abilities.

All this derived us on new evolutionary development stage, whereas the majority of th people e
surrounding us remained in the previous stage.

And now we are ready to go further, to the new horizons. To the finding of authority above the
circumstances and the contact with the influential circles. We left to the new level of comprehension.

First of all we with you knew how to reach the freedom

This was the completely necessary stage of evolutionary development, because people in the
process of the development of civilization lost their freedom. Contemporary humanity is internally

The majorities of people do not understand, as they are restricted. They shout about their imaginary
freedom at each angle. They do not know that to realize the degree of this confinement is possible, having
been only freed properly.

Thus far man is restricted, he does not understand, that he is restricted.

But how for us it did nevertheless be possible to be freed and to realize the degree of the
confinement of remaining humanity? Very simply, it is natural and in this case it is unavoidable. Let us
comprehend the basic landmarks of process.

To the passage of first stage [DEIR] we very frequently met in our life idea, concept or object,
which for the inexplicable reasons seemed us by unusually interesting and intriguing. But is past time,
interest of [poostyl], and then and completely it disappeared. Even amaze after a certain time we and
themselves: and as this we could be occupied by a similar nonsense? The most interesting, that, as is then
explained, precisely, in the same time itself in the same object itself it was interested and the set of our
familiar. They, just as you, inexplicably ignited by interest in this object, and then so swiftly they grew
cold. You will recall at least the flashes of mass interest first in “[gerbalajfu]”, first to [aerobike], first to
the therapeutic starvation, then to the enthusiasm by diets… Yes it is small whether even more mass
“psychoses”, suddenly seizing consciousness large groups of people.

Here this and there is influence of energy-information parasites.

Specifically, this influence forced you to lose time, to spend money on the fact that to you are in no
way necessary, and to take away this time and these money from its own family and her own life.

And these are the even most [shchadjashchie] and inoffensive versions. But that, if the influence of
energy-information parasite does force unreasonable mother to send its son to the current war? Yes, war
will bring many money to the representatives of the authority of countries at war. War will bring much
food to energy-information parasite. But in unhappy mother it only will take away the son, whom already
no one and nothing will return.

Any reasonable man understands the danger, which is covered for us in existence of energy-
information parasites. System [DEIR] showed all the vulnerable place of these parasites. Their vulnerable
place in the fact that they are locked to [chakry] of man. If we know how precisely are connected to us
energy-information parasites, which means, we easily we can understand how to precisely open them.

After opening energy-information parasites from our [chakr], we excluded ourselves from that
energy cobweb, by which they braid million and millions of people. But after excluding itself from this
cobweb, we opened to ourselves conscious access to the singularly normal and most natural for the man
sources of energy— of energy of the Earth and energy of cosmos, which enter the human body by means
of the central energy fluxes, which pass in the energy structure of man along the spine.

In order to make this, we locked our [chakry], after creating the shielding shell around its body,
which reliably fences off us from the feelers of energy-information parasites. Thus we are steel free. Thus
we reached internal rest. Thus we left to the completely new ideology.

Fig. e. You are free from the actions from without because of the shell. Energy-information
parasites are not imperious above you. You are steel free. You will restore the health
this moment for us ceased to exist such terrible enemies, as [sglazy], spoiling and other energy-
information defeats. We simply overgrew them.

To lock energy shell was, of course, not so simply— for this it was necessary to develop in itself
the set of habits. Such as the sensation of field, the vision of aura, entry into the harmonizing, standard
state, the ability to perceive central flows and to govern them. To us was necessary not simple to present
to itself all this in the form some means, not simple to understand at the level of logic, namely to find in
its own sensations, to raise to the surface of consciousness the deep layer of sensation— so that this was
is actually complex.

We learned to all this. For you, those, who mastered the material of the previous four books, all
difficulties already behind. You are steel free and independent. You are steel by stronger and at the same
time more sensitive, more receptive than remaining people. But the passed confrontation courses

obtained at their disposal the special objects, which make it possible to obtain energy support, enormous
on the force. You were pulled out from the feelers of energy-information parasites and by this of steel to
differ from the overwhelming majority of people.

Thus, we entered to the new evolutionary stage, after conquering the most valuable in the light gift
— freedom.

And further before us was stretched new road. On this new road it was in prospect to learn to attain
in all very, without expecting support from the society (read: energy-information parasites). This stage is
in detail described in the book “formation”.

Upon transfer to this stage we again encountered difficulties. Indeed it turned out that to us, to
people, which became free, which left from under the indefatigable supervision of parasitic structures,
greatly and greatly does not be sufficient independence. Most usual independence, by which, as we
thought earlier, we completely learned even in the childhood.

But it was not there. We got rid of the invisible control of energy-information parasites, of their
feelers, connected to our [chakram], and their ideas as wires, connected to our brain. And here it turned
out that we do not know how to live without this, yes which to live— even is elementary to be moved
from the place to the place. The exactly as large part of the population of the former USSR was lost,
when disappeared “[nenavjazchivyj]” party control of all spheres of life,— so it was they were lost and
we, after being deprived of constant [nasheptyvanija] of parasites, that accompanied us from the

But indeed the result of the correctly executed first stage was at first splendid— sincere comfort,
emotional stability, absence of fear for the future. Body gathered energy, health was improved. But
against this excellent background suddenly something began to disturb any thinking man.

It proved to be, freedom— complex gift. Being in the outstanding sincere state, we for some reason
in no way could begin to move somewhere further. In fact, and what move- that, when and so it is good?
Can, and truth, it is not must?

No. “It is must, Fedya. It is must!” — as well-known film hero spoke. You do know that it does
occur with the people in the countries with the abundance and the complete prosperity? It is correct:
continuous addiction and suicide. What does occur with the countries, which are bathed in the natural
abundance? They so are not developed, remaining “Banana Republics”. Why? Yes because nature so all
gave, to worry it was, it would seem, and to nothing. It so it was well! And here is sad result.

You it does be desirable to become such poor “Banana Republic”, which, having the enormous
promising potential, so did remain anyone and anything? No? It means, it is necessary to be developed
further. It is must, even if no to this of such necessary for the majority people of stimuli as fear,
uncertainty tomorrow, need for protect. Entire this to us energy-information parasites no longer whisper.
It means, it was necessary to learn to be developed without their support by, being free, those not pushed
slightly by fear to the development, but selected the way of development [osoznanno], it is free and

If you attend courses, then you know that between first and second stages compulsorily must pass
three weeks— this necessary, to become accustomed to live in th peace e new for you. And in these three
weeks the thinking reader and student examined danger to perish from comfortable idleness— and
realized the need for move further, as if the Odyssy, which escaped from the country of people, in the
sweet bliss which delight in by eating lotus.

So you arrived at the need for the second step of further energy-information development.

In the second stage we reached control of ourselves— of the formation

The ways of mastery of this skill exactly are opened in the book “formation”— to the second book
of system [DEIR].

We with you hand to hand passed this stage. You will recall: it consisted of four stages.

Stage the first: we should it was necessary take possession of success and luck, which were before
supplied directly into our subconsciousness from the energy-information parasites. Naturally, when this
was profitable to energy-information parasite, but not to us. Then we accomplished some actions and
were made some decisions, being guided obscure to us by itself by subconsciousness pulses, because
precisely it first obtained signal from the energy-information parasites.

I will give as a example history from the life of my family. In this case this history is the very
visual illustration of this state of affairs.

In the times of our with the sister of the youth, when sister only passed into 9 1 class of secondary
school, with it began unexpectedly to be created something strange. However, this process is completely
characteristic for the young girls of transitional age. Before living, active, cheerful girl, it suddenly
became sad, it became taciturn and pensive and even it ceased to read the books— and indeed earlier it, it
occurred, you do not detach away from the book. For a while it was in this state how it very disturbed the
parents: already it did not happen of the child of what poor? Sister questions did not answer, only she
kept silent and looked into the floor.

But the sharp and, in addition inexplicable change suddenly occurred after a certain time in its
state. It is the beginning to actively study by Komsomol work school. Again it revived, it cheered up,
truth became confident in— itself, appeared in its voice some unpleasant categorical notes, and in the
step— some tank [bronenosnost]. But parents a little calmed down: this is nevertheless better than
incomprehensible origin black melancholy.

Meanwhile sister it is so deep which is called, it left the head in the Komsomol work, that because
of its stormy activity “it rose to the district level”. And after completion of school as on the beckoning of
a magic wand, it proved to be on one of the posts in the district committee of komsomol. Its gaiety is by
that time again past, yes even previous liveliness and directness more it was not— then it remained
stately step, terrible view and clearly growing megalomania.

We by entire family was puzzled: she never thought about a similar career.

But soon we with relief sighed: not it is past and several months, as sister it threw with this labor
the conquered place in the district committee. It again immediately cheered up after this, it revived, it
threw out the foolish mask of the strummed importance and she again became dear and natural, such as it
was earlier.

Past still several years. Sister found her present matter, after studying psychology. And now
already from a professional point of view as psychologist, it decided to be dismantled, however, that this
such with it was. Indeed this fact of its biography remained riddle even for it the very! The theme of its
studies in the student scientific society exactly were the motives of the behavior of man. Here it decided
to be dismantled at these motives based on its own example.

However, and which was explained? After using the newest procedure of psychoanalysis to itself,
sister with the surprise revealed that the reason, which pushed her to the stormy Komsomol activity,
became, in the first place, the envy to the Young com. league leader of school— the beautiful active girl,
who always was in the center of attention the, in the second place, [poluosoznannoe] desire to be pleased
to one young fellow of the class (at the level of consciousness it even it did not acknowledg to herself that
rel.un. pleases itself!) and, thirdly, it is simple boredom from the school routine, absolutely unacceptable
for this active nature as my sister.

But this— from the point of view of psychology. The present reasons of this behavior of sister, as
you understand, lie more deeply. But these reasons arose in subconsciousness, which was attacked by
energy-information parasites.

Energy-information parasites most frequently are activated at the moment, when we begin to
languish, let us be lost, let us want something other from the life, but approximately in third of cases they
themselves induce this state. Sister began to languish, itself without having realized the reasons for its
melancholy,— but energy-information parasite here as here, it presented to her for saucer the prepared
solution: go along the beaten path, nourish [egregor] of komsomol— there and to you will give authority,
and glories, and money… Here it lost god he knows how long its precious life to achieving of completely
unnecessary to it goal.

And it is here here necessary to note one interesting special feature: the fact is that to sister
unusually it conveyed on this false way. You indeed understand, that man from the street simply so they
did not release into the district committee of komsomol in those times. It fell there practically easily.
Why? Because the ideas, inculcated by it in the reason by energy-information parasite, passed processing
from the deepest subconsious layers to the upper, the conscious. And reason in the unity with the colossal
energy and information possibilities of subconsciousness brought sister by shortest and most effective
road along the way, advantageous to energy-information parasite, but completely alien to it the very.

We after first stage [DEIR] of steel by free— were deprived of control and of support from the side
of energy-information parasites. Now for us it is necessary itself to form their ideas and their ways of
further motion in its own consciousness. Then for us is necessary to inject these ideas in
subconsciousness— indeed otherwise it about them nothing it learns. In fact, from what such happiness?
Consciousness thinks by words and entirely a little by the means (you will recall that in the first 1.5-2
years of the life, when our psyche is formed, we words not at all know and we do not want to know), but
subconsciousness thinks by means, by sensations, by locomotor diagrams… Is earlier the parasite of
sears its sweet fraudulent words directly “to the ear” to subconsciousness. Now for us itself it is necessary
to whisper to subconsciousness the necessary already to us, but not to the parasite of thing.

Fig. 4. Man, who was freed from the influence of parasitic essence, is free and from th parasite e
programming influences
Then we should it was learn to check our purposes and ideas against the truth and to learn to inject
them not only in the consciousness, but also in its energy structure.

For us it was necessary to master the programs to the success and the luck, which restored unity
between consciousness and subconsciousness and allowed subconsciousness to continuously conduct us
by means of reaching to necessary only to us, true, freely selected target. Now, it is worthwhile for us to

only select purpose and to coordinate it with its deep essence, as we immediately begin, spending no
labor, to unnoticeably move increasingly nearer and it is nearer to the purpose.

These programs restored our own control over themselves approximately to one third. Further was
necessary the following stage.

Stage of the second: now we should it was necessary draw to the realization of our purposes of
other people, after mastering programs to the effectiveness of its own actions.

Earlier because on us always acted from without parasites, our ideas, thoughts and purposes were,
in principle, the same as in all other people. Everyone wants to enter into the institute— and we want.
Everyone wants to rest in the south— and we also. Everyone wants sheath, machine, dacha— it means,
and to us it is must. On the whole, the originality of thinking we were not characterized by. Now—
entirely another matter. Now our purposes of steel only by our. Now we are not examined to the opinion
of majority. Now we make only that the fact that it is necessary for us that we in reality want to make.
And to us are absolutely indifferent attempts at the social pressure. As the saying goes, dog [laet], and
caravan goes. In this case we are assured that our caravan moves in the right direction, that there not they
spoke all around. Because our purposes— these are the freely selected purposes of free consciousness.

And nevertheless in spite of all this we live thus far even in [sotsiume]. We can not depend on
[sotsiuma], but be entered in it we are forced, because it is very small the purposes, which it is possible to
reach in the solitude. Everything in our peace is the result of interaction of many. And we should interact
with others, and the skill to draw other people of for achievement its purposes— also special skill.

Earlier to us it did not be necessary to seize this skill. It is earlier, when we achieved the goals,
necessary for energy-information parasites, all social structures helped us in achieving of these goals.
Conditionally speaking, you came into the store in order to purchase some goods, and this goods in the
store in the surplus, and all salesmen are at once ready you to service— only take! Now you became
similar to man, to whom was necessary some single, as they speak now, exclusive goods, and it no longer
is necessary no one in the entire light. But it means, and they did not leave into its store, and salesmen
about it by hearing did not hear.

What does remain to make? Nothing, to as soon as put in the consciousness of suppliers and
salesmen idea about the fact that they simply should supply to store this goods in the sole copy and it is
simply necessary to sell it precisely to you.

Here precisely this for us it was necessary to make, after learning to extend its influence on those
surrounding. Those surrounding began compulsorily to be penetrated, to be charged by your ideas, even
without surmising, that they your, and not their own. As a result you made the good matter for these
people: indeed you partially freed them from the influence of energy-information parasites. Contributing
to you, people did not at least deal with feeding energy-information parasite.

Thus, we mastered programs to the effectiveness of actions, and people of steel to help us in
achieving of our goals. So we restored two thirds of control over our essence, after preserving in this case
freedom. Remained only one, last step.

Stage the third: now we should it was necessary take its confidence in itself for its control. This is,
perhaps, the most wilful feeling. In usual man it is controlled by pillar by energy-information parasites.

Meanwhile think about how much in the life depends precisely on confidence in itself. Yes it is
possible to say almost everything— depends without the exaggeration, if not generally everything.

You will recall your at least youth. You for sure learned in the school, and can, and in the technical
school or even in VUZ $$RTVUZ - Institute of Higher Education. Continuous examinations, tests,
agitation because of the estimations. But on what did depend the result of examination, you do
remember? Certainly, you remember: most frequently not from the level of your preparation, but from
that, is how confidently you were held at the examination. You know that the best estimations obtain
usually those, who know how with the confident and even insolent form to bear complete nonsense.
Instructor, as any usual man, hypnotizes this confidence, its subconsciousness reacts as follows: once
means such— confident, and truth knows everything. Although we- that with you we know that this is in
reality far from always thus. Even most frequently not thus.

And nevertheless confidence is— the guarantee of victory. During the examinations for us rarely it
here only was possible to create in itself this feeling on its order. You want to be confident— and it is not
obtained. So indeed? For the usual people— thus. First to them by itself comes confidence and it brings
victory, while that is suddenly incomprehensibly where disappears, leaving man in the complete

After the second step [DEIR] was mastered, you, of course, wonderfully understood that
everything depends from the confidence in itself. If it does not exist, then quite true desire, most talented
plan, most noble precious impulse without leaving a trace will disappear, then never and having been
carried out in our peace. How many miracles so did not occur only because their creators did not have
confidence in themselves!

Confidence in itself— a deep feeling. And precisely it is key to the integrity of our energy-
information essence. If we mastered it, then our subconsciousness it makes possible for us to let out to
the surface all our energy-information reserves. Specifically, because of the confidence we find force and

And you, my respected readers, reached this. You mastered programs to the confidence in
yourselves and thus completely restored control over yourselves.

From this point on, we found complete true freedom. We completely removed the influence of
energy-information parasites on our reason and at the same time successfully overcame all obstacles,
which arose in connection with the absence of control of us from without. Because we themselves, on our
own will, removed from the control of our consciousness of the feeler of energy-information monsters
itself, on their own will, took control for themselves.

Already in terms of this, my dear readers, we differ ourselves from the majority of people, which
populate our the Earth. We found free integrity. Besides force and freedom, obtained at first stage of
further energy-information development, we mastered even and by control— and this by itself reaching is
more serious than completion of school and institute, together!

But in the course of the second step before us the need for the permission of two additional
problems arose. Namely: the problem of [karmy] and problem of health.

And we began from the problem of [karmy] as one of the very vital problems of contemporary

Oh already this mysterious word “of [karma]”… Who does not only frighten us [im]. that only they
do not imply by this word. The only recommendations regarding its correction they do not give…

Immediately I will say: the majority of those, who today discuss about [karme], intentionally twist
by soul. Specifically, now I want to spill truth to this problem and to open finally to you eyes to the

authentic reasons for [karmy]. Earlier about this was speak prematurely— you yet were not finished.
Therefore even on the pages of the second book, dedicated to [karme], I spoke about this only in hints.
But now time is alien. It is time to clarify for itself, where the lie, and where the truth about [karme]. It
was before early, and it will be then late, since the incorrect understanding of [karmy] now to us can
greatly injure.

So here, is completely false judgment, that [karma] is supposedly punishment for some sins.
Erroneously also opinion about the fact that [karma] is the result of the acts of aggression of the
surrounding peace with respect to the man.

You can, if you want, learn truth, after reading the ultimate source of the study about [karme],
created for several millenia before our era, brilliant labor “[Makhabkharata]”. And then for you it is not
necessary to assume upon the faith of the fabrication of different interpreters of [karmy].

The in reality true reason for [karmy] is placed deeply inside the man himself. So the studies,
which were being carried out in THE USA, clearly showed that man, who suffers from the the
[karmicheskikh], i.e., repeating, events, completely independently selects his way, without understanding,
that it will lead it to the disappointment. There is no such concept as [karma] of family, and there cannot
be so that your [karma] it will make it necessary to suffer your close ones. But true reason is placed in the
subconsious, not controlled by man special features of his personality. In the very structure of man is
placed the program, according to which it accomplishes in no way those behavior, which are necessary to
it. But was reached to it this program from the man, whose soul now belongs to it. It accomplishes some
behavior, which are in no way necessary, to it, this leads to the appearance in it of a feeling of guilt.
These are the sole reason for [karmy] (see Fig shch A, b).

But as to learn not to accomplish behavior, which to you are not necessary? You already
wonderfully know about this: it is necessary simply to learn to check its actions on the truth. This you
already can. But there is one additional remarkable prompt, which makes possible for us to distinguish
true behavior from the unreal. Here is it: when we make that the fact that to us it is not necessary, we
always to one degree or another experience feeling of guilt. Sometimes it almost not known, sometimes
man itself attempts him to muffle. It is not necessary to make this. Always listen to itself: is there no
vague feeling of guilt? If there is— forego the act, which causes it.

Everything is very simple: do not act so as to experience feeling of guilt, and in the following life
you will not suffer from the [karmicheskikh] consequences.

But there is, unfortunately, one additional method, which you can create this program in your soul.
Feeling of guilt by itself bears the serious danger: the fact is that if we will experience it for any reason,
then it auto will be put off in the matrix of our soul of in the form separate program (see Fig shch c). It is
so that necessary maximally carefully to be turned with the people, which attempt to give birth to in our
soul feeling of guilt,— but not to fear them. To fear them— means to already yield [im]. A to yield by
them— it means, to leave to the direct method on the redoubling of its [karmy]. To us something to fear
them. We do not have internal bases for the feeling of guilt. We have confidence in itself and in its
behavior. It means, however they attempted to impose on us feeling of guilt, this in them hardly will
come out.

Fig. shch. a. incorrect way— act was primary and false, it contradicted desire and caused feeling of
guilt. Program remained in the soul. b. of the consequence of the program of feeling of guilt. Desire
was primary and true, but act took away to other side— and occurred misfortune. v. the suggested
renunciation from its true desires. Strange morals causes feeling of guilt for its true behavior. Program
remained in the soul.
Who attempts to inject in us feeling of guilt? People, which try to impose on us their moral
standards. Sin by this and different interpreters of [karmy]. They frequently attempt to inculcate their
morals in the readers in order to begin to manipulate by their consciousness. Even in the bible it is said
about the danger for the soul, who results from the the [velerechivykh] of [lzheuchitelej]. But all people,
which interpret [karmu], only and attempt, what to inject in the consciousness of the readers and listeners
feeling of guilt and to inculcate in them its artificial moral standards (about the manipulators of this kind
and how they they are dangerous for the free man is in detail described in the chapter “school” of the
following book).

But you will memorize: your standards of morals— this only your property, created by your soul
and god in it. Enter you in the manner that consider it necessary, and listen to no one. No one has a right
to judge you. You will recall the biblical truth: “You do not judge, yes you will be judged”. Understand
its deep sense: if you do not judge, that there is good and that there is evil for others, if you enter in the
manner that it orders heart, and you do not judge, and you do not experience feeling of guilt, then even
god will not judge you.

After the second step we completely were freed from th heritage of the previous life from those—
programs e carrying misfortunes, which were placed in the previous embodiment of soul. Those
especially effectively managed this, who passed residence training. We learned to translate our
[karmicheskie] problems to the language of subconsciousness and to hear this language, to understand it,
although there there are no words. We removed the true reason for [karmicheskikh] consequences in
ourselves, namely [predkarmicheskij] complex, and after the second step completely they were freed
from th track of the previous life e drawing misfortunes. This gives effect dozens of times larger than
independent finalizing.

We also worked with our health— as, as this generally possibly with the aid of the energy methods.
First we learned to remove a feeling of pain and thus normalized the woven reflexes, which participate in
the process of the inflammation, which provokes the development of functional diseases and further
progress of organic defeats. Then we learned to analyze the state of our body, following the peristalsis of
bowels, perceiving the kidneys and the liver, bronchial tree and the tissue of lungs, heart and ureters. We
mastered the splendid method of the collection of energy— energy post. And finally we mastered
programs on the health— by the energy matrices, which give the possibility to support body in the
healthy state and prevent the development of diseases.

And this was very correctly, because it is given to change only god the already appeared reality, we
can only direct the processes, which already go in the world. The least traumatic methods of aid to their
health— methods are energy. Energy-information methods can help us in the treatment of diseases, if
they are combined with the methods, which give the highest chance to the success, namely with the
methods of official medicine. They increase chance by the success of treatment several times!

Thus, at the second step we improved our health. After this, to us there remained only to be
introduced to some methods, which increase chances by achieving of its goals.

Yes, we steel by free and strong, yes, we learned to much— but nevertheless in [sotsiume] they
remained centers of resistance to our advance.

Output was one: to continue to weaken the influence of energy-information parasites on the
surrounding people in order to reach the highest effectiveness with the contact with them. We should it
was necessary reach with of some other, new level of mutual understanding, know how to transfer its
intentions and desires by other.

We were similar to the ancient essence, [praprapradeda] all of those walking along the earth, which
was selected from the sea to the land and revealed that the land was occupied with already dense numbers
of plants, let it be standing much lower on the evolutionary ladder, by but arrived earlier. It was necessary
to learn to actively improve living environment under itself.

To us is desperately necessary was necessary the third step [DEIR]— the influence

Of all steps this [DEIR], described in the third book— “influence”, is caused in many people the
greatest quantity of disputes and fears (and simultaneously it it gives to its mastered man the maximum of
social advantages over rest). I want in the root to suppress very reason for disputes, and therefore give a
little let us have a talk about the ethics of free man.

Yes, in the third book it is told about programming of others. On the [neslovesnom] action on their
consciousness and the thought, about the transfer of intentions and desires. And precisely this many are
frightened. Because in the different books they read, that this is detrimental, this it is not possible to make
and this worsens [karmu].

In fact, how to here not frighten! Is it possible to use thin energies for purposes of programming
other people, if it is everywhere written, which is cannot? The same indicates to worsen its [karmu]!

Correct answer similar: it is possible and even it is necessary. And here are bases, why I give this
answer. First, to us it would not be given such abilities, if this was disgusting to universe. But if we the
ability eat, then not to develop them indicates not to carry out their vital task. In the second place, this
action is achieved on us continuously, and free man must although something contradict against the
continuous aggression of [sotsiuma]. Thirdly, if we forewent our possible advantages, and they by us was
necessary, then we committed the crime over all, who to us roads,— before their relatives and close ones,
those, about anyone according to all laws of nature must worry. Fourthly, if we decided not to know
something, because someone said to us that allegedly this is bad, then this means that we presented the
part of our life to man, who determined our way instead of us.

Those, who passed residence training in our school, understand the difference between the
knowledge and their use. To know— does not mean to use its knowledge right and left, but this means to
store it in the memory to that moment, when knowledge is required for the act into the good. But now I
will a little explain my thoughts.

Let us look into the eyes to truth. You will recall Lenin, Gandhi, Disraeli, Hitler, Washington,
Stalin, Cicero. They that did not, in your opinion, program people? Specifically, they programmed. You
will recall the salesman of any overseas “panacea”, that foisted to you completely unnecessary goods.
But he, you do think, and it did not be going to program you? Yes it only this makes. Work in it is such!
You will recall any of your familiar, who constantly suggests to those surrounding of truth relative to the
fact that such is good, and which such is bad. Programming surrounds us! Moreover this often unkind

You will excuse, but enemy must be known into the person. And it is necessary to know how to
speak in its language. If all around us program, we must at least know, as this is done. We must know
how to recognize such attempts. We must know how to render safe them. But otherwise as we can
contribute to the motion of peace along the way of good, if there are in the world freaks and the
nonhumans, who do accomplish evil, and we we do not know how to recognize them and to render safe?

Of what does consist the task of man as any other living being? It lies in the fact that man most
fully realized its possibilities, after bringing the maximum of goods to itself, by its close one only to then
all rest. Only then it is possible to consider that the life succeeded. Man must everything learn, everything
[izvedat] and matters his determine, who it. To us is given the ability to burst open beyond the limits of
its own body, to achieve direct contact from one consciousness to the next! To forego this? Is much less
sad to forego the skill to speak!

The following reason is very simple. Our peace goes to the good, or, it is more accurate, it attempts
to go to it. But as it must be reached? Fact that each will be occupied by the matters of all, or fact that
each will be occupied by its matters? Certainly, by the alternate path, because the first way leads to the
creation of th anthill e senseless for the separately undertaken essence, where it guides it only the one
who stands above. Nature itself gave parents, husbands, children and friends to us. Who will worry about
them, if not we themselves? And by them in the life the better, the it is better to us. By our attempts to
seem “[prosvetlennee]” of those, who for mercenary purposes persuaded us to forego their advantages,
we betray the close ones, which depend on us. As correctly noted M. Bulgakov, ruins will not be, if it
does not allow each individually in its own dwelling. For example, many children perished from the
hunger in the Civil War, because their parents voluntarily returned the latter (or they did not hide vitally
necessary) to the fodder of the developing tumor of bolshevism. You remember about this.

And last reason. In the bible it is said: Do not " create to itself idol”. And this commandment must
be examined not only from the point of view of faith, but also from a human point of view. The idol—
this of men, which attempts to govern others with the aid of its morals and ethics. Not randomly any
[bogoprotivnaja] sect is assembled on the moral and ethical postulates, interpreted personally by the
founder of sect. The set of people, which prophesy, now surrounds us, as if the deputies of god on the
Earth, about that which is possible and what it is cannot that allegedly it spoils [karmu] and fate. And we,
with our new energy-information understanding of peace are capable of realizing entire danger, which is
covered in this, it would seem, disinterested desire to teach others to good and evil.

Fig. '. The teaching consciousness, infecting by its moral and ethical principles of others, auto is
multiplied in their brain, creating for itself the thousandfold reinforced favorable medium
Indeed man— this essence energy-information, but is not simple body. We— this predominantly
our consciousness, and are thus far live consciousness, they are living and we. But consciousness our acts
according to internal diagrams, first of all to diagrams moral and ethical, using th information e obtained
from the peace. Indeed we everything understand, that [podonok] and saint, having equal information
about any event, will bring itself completely differently. If we yielded to strange hypnosis and allowed
strange ethical principles into our consciousness, if we not themselves manufactured their, relying on our
vision of peace, then we lost ourselves. In our brain it flourishes, insolently using our information and
vitalities, as if lubricating and [sorjashchij] by its eggs worm, the cluster of strange ideas about the good
and the evil, the living cluster of strange consciousness. It belongs not to you, but to the strange
consciousness, which is multiplied thus. It devours your cerebral service lives and time of your life.

Therefore nowhere and in studies of united school [DEIR] you will hear never words about that
which such is good, but which such is bad. This would be dishonestly with respect to our listeners.
Indeed we all must freely make decisions, being guided only by its own experience and sensation of god
in the soul.

To know is necessary everything in the light, but to make or not to make— must decide your free
will, otherwise any evolution and any progress are impossible. We all must live so that each our act
would be dictated by our true essence, so as not to experience feeling of guilt. Increasingly other from the

Well it will be sufficient about this. You, my readers undoubtedly already solved for yourselves
this problem. To us is necessary only [popodrobnee] to describe about the third step of themes, who
began study [DEIR] from this book.

But to possibility it gives truly unusual, those earlier considered the property of ones.

Here, for example, one of the standard exercises of the third step of school [DEIR]. Experiment
carries out two men. One man sits in the table, on which tens of the most diverse objects. Another sits by
back to the table, not about which special thinking. Upon command of the first participant it must be
turned and take one of ten objects of any,— such as to it it will be wanted to take from table.

And here is the result: the first participant controls the selection of the second— that it takes from
the table precisely that object, which it mentally ordered to take the first (on the third day of occupations
in the courses in this experiment was, for example, achieved the result: 11 effective actions of 14
attempts. Objects there were 8, and is in general professionally working with this technology people
allow hardly two-three failures to hundreds of attempts).

Miracles? If so, then these are miracles, by which in our courses can be trained any man. Much
more important another— indeed for our readers there is nothing simpler how to overhear the thoughts of
other, to guess, what precisely object is ordered. This even is uninteresting. Here complexity in the fact
that man not “does overhear”, but simply takes object. The trained man can even “news” of that not
trained, prompting to him the solutions. But let us say directly, if the second step is passed successfully,
then this need appears sufficiently rarely, because it is worthwhile to use these habits, having only
encountered with the people, which are found under very rigid control of energy-information parasites.
But their altogether only of percentages five in our society.

Such examples with the passage of the third step set. But I will say more, revealing one additional
crucial point. In the process of mastery by the technicians of the third step the reasons of people are
revealed towards each other. And we begin to associate at new, earlier no one not accessible level. We
begin to feel each other. By the mastered third steps begin to exchange information directly from one
consciousness to the next, passing words.

In the course of instruction in the third step we studied the mechanism of thinking man. Those
visited courses remember the classical chain, which schematically reflects the mechanics of the process
of the thinking: heard— he understood— it outlined— it examined— elementary desire— starting push.
They mastered the numerous habits: they learned to temporarily intercept the controlled by energy-
information parasite man from the managers of feelers, freeing him, making to independent external
effects at least on the period, forcing its [osmyslenno] to be opened to new ideas and the information,
which comes from objective peace, but not from the energy-information parasites.

We revealed for ourselves how to focus our central ascending current in such a way as to have the
capability to invade with him the consciousness of another man, destroying, strengthening or impeding th
ideas e forming there those, including blown by energy-information parasites, and to retain him from the
rash step.

We learned to transfer and to absorb the starting push, which starts the processes of thinking and
acting the man.

We could learn “to hear” the intention of another man and to transfer to it our intention— precisely
intention, but not means, because means lie.

We learned how to feel the desire of another man how to transmit to it our desire.

It is shorter, we altogether only learned to freely transfer information from one consciousness to
the next, passing words, passing even thoughts.

We made this— and viewed all around. And they saw, which the social barriers, which stand on
the way of our evolution, more did not remain. We are actually free and even within the social framework
we can almost all.

Our fate by that time changed. Many found another, more suitable for itself work. Many
harmonized personal life. And it turned out that before us greater there are no obstacles.

Actually no— before us. But it is here inside us… Yes, now we should it was continue work on
conversion itself from within.

Therefore the fourth step was urgently required us.

At the fourth step we made by the new essence

You already understood, as was important this step. Indeed precisely on it we steel— neither are
more nor less— by completely new essence.

What problems we did encounter, because of which, strictly, and was required the fourth step,
presented in the fourth book— “maturity”? Those of the readers, who read all books and moreover,
visited courses, wonderfully this remember: at this time we proved to be before the barrier of the energy
organization of our body.

In our previous state we were incapable to correspond to those energy levels, which we steel to
reach. Body simply did not maintain this powerful power engineering! Its possibilities were so scant for
this stage, which was difficultly valuably be achieved in the creation, obtain access to intuitive data and
even support health. On the whole, we encountered the problem of our own limitedness. This problem
stands also before the remaining people, but they do not understand this. We grew before the
understanding. In that, who grew, who acknowledged in his own limitedness, there is chance it to
overcome and to go further.

And we send further. We understood the reasons for this limitedness. But reason consists in the
absence integrity in usual man. All it “component parts” are separated. There is a ether body, but it is
strongly connected with the physical body and it is in no way connected with the soul. The source of
creation— is a soul, but our consciousness does not realize it, and body does not perceive. There is
consciousness, but it torn from the soul and from the ether body depends only on the life of the physical
body, together with which it dies.

Fig. ". In man the set of bodies, but the soul is only one
C[oznanie], soul and ether body were not connected together. Therefore body was weak, the soul—
of unconscious, and consciousness— mortal. After death of men it forgot itself, in spite of the
immortality of soul. Soul roamed somewhere in the thin peaces in the unconscious state.

Uniting soul, ether body and consciousness, we become truly immortal. We become the creative,
inspired people with the splendid intuition and healthy, living, mobile body.

Fig. 8. Ether body, consciousness and the soul — only their combination is capable of giving the
We much took some pains themselves. But also they reached much.

We learned, what feeling is “I [esm]”. We learned to find it in ourselves. We already know, we

perceive that this such. We already know that to reveal it— does not mean “to represent in itself head the
ball” (similar I it heard from many fallen into the error people). Feeling “I [esm]”— this precisely
sensation, but not visual means. Sensation, which does not depend on the mechanisms of consciousness,
on his logic and descriptive perception. We mastered the habit of the displacement of this feeling over all
three spaces, accessible to the man: on the space of objective reality, on the space of subjective reality
and on the space of soul— to internal virtual space. We can be incorporated in by this feeling our creative
zone: how many people after this they began to sketch or with the ease to study foreign languages. We
can visit guests in the consciousness of other entirely essence— for example, cat or dog. We made our
consciousness equal to several ten consciousnesses, which exist simultaneously.

But the main thing— we forced our consciousness to reveal and to recognize our soul and to merge
with it together.

We split our feeling “I [esm]” to two components, after placing them at the entrance points of
central flows, in the energy flame, formed with our extreme [chakrami], By [sakhasraroj] and
[Muladkharoj]. This gave to us present access to the energy of central flows and made it possible to
muffle the disorderly “chatter” of thoughts, after including to the total power the voice of intuition.

And finally we completed confluence, after forcing our extreme [chakry] to be dissolved in the
ether tele-, which made us completely free, indeed now our ether body contains and consciousness, and
soul, and, besides in all, it does not depend on the body of physical!

This state is stable and is reliable. It gives energy, intuition and creation to us. It would seem, what
to still wish?

And nevertheless to us it remained still what to wish.

There is still something, that it was not by us in earnest examined. Yes, we completely were pulled
out from the networks, which enmeshed humanity. Us now frighten neither energy-information parasites
nor their own imperfection.

And now, when our look became clean and [nezatumanennym], we suddenly saw worlds.

We glanced at the sky without the distorting sight turbid glasses, put on to the eyes of the majority
of people. And they saw the majestic process of the internal life of the universe.

And we are here cost, lost, struck by unprecedented spectacle. We see the universe— the body of
peace. We feel the boundless mysterious power, which lives in this tele-,— the soul of peace. We are
ready to lengthen our hands to it— to the eternal and incomprehensible soul of peace.

By that, which we call god.

Touch to the highest… Is here for which necessary to us the fifth step [DEIR].

Chapter 2

Experience, authority and the highest forces

World flows

The true universe improbably is differed from the peace of energy-information parasites. I.e., from
that peace, in which we became accustomed to live from the childhood. Entire universe is found in the
constant motion. It living. In the literal sense living: allotted not only by force, but also by consciousness.
The processes of gigantic scales there constantly continue. We cannot see these processes with pillar, we
unable to realize them completely— we encounter only the echoes of these processes. We see: here wind
blows— while here it calmed down. Here appeared spots here they disappeared— in the sun. Here die
rejected necessary glasses— while here no. Here icicle fell from the roof to someone to the head— while
it here flew by. And all this by it seems to us simple chances.

But now- that we know that chances it does not occur. Chance is— the nothing else but
unrecognized regularity. Touch to the world flows gave to us the possibility to begin, at least partly, to
understand these regularities.

And after beginning to get to know them, we revealed that there are two forms “random”
confluences of circumstances. First form— this of the confluence of circumstances, organized by energy-
information parasites. Second form— of the confluence of circumstances, sanctioned by world flows.

Fig. 9. Humanity, wrapped by the haze of energy-information parasites, only negligible speck in the
ocean of the world flows, above which is located the god
How to distinguish one of another? About how precisely toss up to us different “baits” by energy-
information parasites, we more than once spoke. Necessary to energy-information parasite to send as
much as possible people to the war— it will make improbably attractive military service, it will begin to
lead into the military schools of the most yielding people, and people with the corresponding inclinations
— in the enterprises, where weapon is developed and is produced. In the life and those, etc the people,
which all will arrange, will be located, they will settle everything, will give them precisely there, where it
is necessary for energy-information parasite. And they indeed will be glad at this possibility: as, highly-
paid, prestigious work, only happy chance could give similar! These people do not think, as sternly to
them it is necessary to pay for this “chance”. Indeed they muffled in the soul vague feeling of guilt— and
send against themselves, acquiring to themselves heaviest [karmu].

And there are other so-called chances. You will go in the streetcar to the work or where - the like to
other matters. You be late. For you still is in prospect transplantation in the metro. And the suddenly in
front going streetcar descends rail. To you nothing it remains how to leave and to go on foot, cursing
everything in the light and thinking that to you now it will be for the delay. Finally you reached the
metro. And you see the set of fast and militia machines. It occurs, ten minutes ago there something did
happen— first explosion, then whether the emergency of escalator. There are victims, and it seems there
are several.

Now you no longer are scolded and do not lament to the delay. You thank that ill-fated streetcar,
which was proved to be in reality happy. It can be, it saved to you life. It could be and vice versa.

World flows thus affect us.

But how to distinguish this true aid of “the aid” of energy-information parasites? It is very simple:
when us " help” energy-information parasites, action is achieved through the people. They us campaign,
persuade to enter precisely so, but not otherwise. But we is vibrated, we doubt, we experience feeling of
guilt… And if we suppress in itself these sensations, then we become the victim of energy-information
parasite. If we hear well itself, our soul— easily we reject the unnecessary to us proposals or we, on the
contrary, assume them.

In the case with the world flows the circumstances are created not by other people, but as if by
themselves are added. If in these confluences of circumstances are begun to operate people, then they in
no way attempt to influence and to act on us, they simply behave as usual participants in the events.
World flows— this distribution of circumstances around us, the agreement of random events, then that in
no way it depends on people.

Thus, energy-information parasites in every way possible try to impose their will on us, influencing
us by method the only possible for them— through the people. Specifically, through the people they
manipulate by our consciousness. World flows are in no way such. They do not include people in the
mechanism of their action. Indeed usual people for them are too small and imperceptible. They simply do
not see them. And all the more they cannot begin to operate them into their plans.

Fig. 10. Usual man in the labyrinth of events— energy-information parasites direct his way, but the
walls of labyrinth are created with the world flows
The external processes of the universe do not tie to us their will. They simply create or do not
create possibility for the realization of our desires.

For example, young man wants to be married. Thoughtful aunts and other relatives and familiar
begin to woo to it one bride for another. But it please themselves neither that nor, etc nor the third… But
marry- that is must. And he finally selects that, which is not at least entirely contrary— from the number
of brides, led to the house by aunts. Circumstances are added so that after wedding for it it is necessary to
move to live to the young wife. But the there— present of [serpentarij]. Heap of relatives in one
apartment, and in all impossible natures. Mother-in-law each day arranges scandal, as if he wants to be
the death to light sons-in-law. But energy-information parasite plenty feeds by the appearing negative
energy and it literally drinks [krovushku] of unhappy young husband.

The confluence of circumstances is created artificially— by aunts and [njanjushkami]. Explicit sign
of the interference of energy-information parasite.

The different version of the same events. Young man proves to be not such weak and infantile. He
sends further than aunts and [njanjushek] with their hateful concern and with their ugly persons by brides.
He simply lives— and, after leaving once on the highway the suddenly broken machine, it meets its
future dear wife, with whom it lives for long and happy.

The confluence of circumstances was formed auto, only a timely breakdown in the automobile
pushed slightly to it. Explicit chance is— the manifestation of world flows.

But so that to make, if world flows do prevent our motion? First of all, it is necessary to know: this
means that we according to one or the other to reasons entered into the conflict with the world flows. Not
that so that this would be conflict… On the whole, we simply attempt to swim against the current.
Immediately I prevent: in this case will not help the procedures of the second step [DEIR]!

As you remember, the procedures of the second step are directed toward that in order by itself to
create the favorable confluences of circumstances in order by itself to program themselves to the success
and luck in order to include its purposes in its subconsciousness, which already auto will conduct us
there, where it is must, using all possibilities, which gives to us the surrounding peace.

But it sometimes occurs that as we ourselves not programmed to the success, however attempted to
direct our subconsciousness along the necessary way, but possibilities for the realization of purpose
nevertheless it does not appear. What did occur? Circumstances proved to be more strongly! And we are
forced to step back. To be beaten by forehead into the wall is useless, you this know. If they did not
operate the procedure of the second step— it means, on your way arose the world flows, in which you
cannot be entered. And this precisely they do not give to you to carry out your purposes. Your purposes
enter into the conflict with the world flows!

World flows everywhere and everywhere. They fill the entire our world. And for the people they
appear the in the form probabilistic events of the surrounding peace.

New step— the new needs

People do not know regularities, on which there are world flows, and therefore they devised the
probability theory. And grasp- after all, that there are regularities even in the very probability of
precipitation of various events!

But people evaluate only the external, defined by example consequences of the motion of the world
flows— of their kind echoes. Authentic regularities completely to understand to us is not given. Indeed
we know neither reasons nor consequences of the motion of world flows.

And nevertheless we can reveal sense in the events, which seem us random. Thanks to which this
does become possible? Because of the fact that entire universe— is living. It is allotted by consciousness.
World flows are also allotted by consciousness. Certainly, this consciousness is into trillions of times
more complex than the human. And nevertheless human consciousness, as particle, atom of world
consciousness, undoubtedly, has with this world consciousness much in common. They have general
nature! But it means, to eat points of contact. We can analyze chances and select our way among them.

Certainly, not each human consciousness can grow before this understanding. But the
consciousness of man of developed, man, who entered to the new evolutionary step, is prepared to come
into contact with laws governing the world flows. Our consciousness already reached development
necessary for this level. The consciousness of usual people can be likened to the obsolete radio receivers,
which assume only one low-frequency wave, even then with difficulty. As a result such people are
capable of being adjoined by their consciousness perhaps that with the problems of kitchen squabbles or
prices of the sausage. The consciousness of developed man is similar to the newest supersensitive
receiver, capable of being tuned to the set of the waves of the most different ranges, that knows how to
recover the thinnest, quite high-frequency signals. Therefore we with you are capable of suffice by our
consciousness to the level of world flows.

Fig. 11. Hierarchy of peace. The consciousness of world flows and man is located on the same level
— and therefore interaction is possible between them
And if we in this case even completely do not understand all laws of world flows, this is not
terrible. Indeed not all of us are familiar even with the internal device of television set, and in this case
everyone perfectly well knows, how to use [im]. for this it is simply necessary to memorize, on what
[knopochki] to press, but will operate in connection with this device for us unimportantly according to—
what precisely diagram. The main thing so that the television set would be included on the necessary
channel and would begin to show necessary picture. As already it there inside itself this reaches— the
matter, on the whole, not our. To us meaningful result.

Approximately the same principle lies also at the basis of our work with the world flows. Not to us
to judge finesses and components of the mechanisms of the highest processes. Our task in these processes
to be entered and to obtain result.

If we consider ourselves, we can understand that in reality we entire life only and make, that we
attempt to analyze external events, finding in them regularities. We see how the drop of rain falls from
the sky. This is— random for us event. But we can calculate, where she will fall. But this already—
predetermined event. That will indicate this drop for us, it is also easy to foresee. If we were gathered
during this day to the picnic— it means, pleasure from the out-of-town attack will be, most likely,
damaged. But it can, it is necessary and to completely forego it and to remain house.

But by universe was here for which required a drop in this drop, which to this drop led and which
of this arose consequences at the higher levels of existence— to us cannot be guessed already. But we
can understand how this event it will be reflected in us, in our terrestrial life. And previously to foresee,
in what way to us in connection with this to go. To take umbrella or not. To go to the picnic or to remain

Without knowing cause and effect “random” events, it is necessary to learn in them to be oriented.
It is must, if you want, to learn to swim with the flow or to foresee, when it is necessary to move against

We can know, to what will lead the events, proceeding around us. We can previously know, what
way for us is opened, but which is not, and to act respectively.

These are our first need after the fourth step [DEIR]— to learn to live in the large peace as sighted,
but not as unhappy blind man. We should master the first stage— to obtain experience.

The second need is still more interesting. This is the need to change the probability of events.

It does sound as fantasy? Still: everyone dreams from the childhood to create although once any
miracle, to change circumstances in the manner that us is must— as on the beckoning of a magic wand.

Certainly, this is impossible from the point of view of traditional views to the man. Miracles— of
fairy tale for the children, and only. But we- that with you we know that the fairy tales at the empty place
do not appear. They, as a rule, reflect that hidden, invisible by usual eye reality. For those, who know the
laws of peace, miracles, fantasy and fairy tale— this is simple one of the methods of the reflection of
reality. And of the fact that this reality is in reality real for you, you very soon will be convinced.

Not in vain in the bible it is said, that man is created on means and similarity of god. Man, who
grows to the perception of the highest, reveals god in himself. However, not randomly all religions assert
that god inside us! But to usual man of this not to understand. This can understand and perceive only the
one who it grew to the new evolutionary step it perceived its unity with the entire universe and with the

Man, who revealed the properties of the highest in himself, is introduced to the property of god—
to create, to be creator, to [sozidat] new around himself: new life, new circumstances, new “chances”.

And really, after obtaining this possibility, you will forego it? It is really more pleasant to be series
passive contemplator? But this is absolutely not characteristic of man. To be “slave God”— this not for
us. For us— to be [sotvortsom].

The ability to act on the surrounding peace is placed in each of us from the generation itself. But
since the surrounding people, and first of all those, who us educate in the childhood, consider that this is
impossible, these abilities in majority so do not wake up. Man himself does not believe that this is
possible, and when you do not believe, then, naturally, and cannot nothing make, as you know. In order
to revive this internal ability in itself, are necessary self-discipline, faith in itself and solid course on its
own increase and development. But indeed for this we with you already and passed four steps [DEIR]!

You already did everything which is necessary, for the manifestation of capabilities for miracles. It
is more accurate, to the fact that people call miracles. For us with you this will very soon become the
ordinary matter— by the working days of our life.

You sometimes did think about the fact that such is magic? What, are recalled the terrible histories
about the evil magicians, the sorcerers and the magicians? Or you did already overgrow these foolish
primitive ideas about the magics, characteristic of usual people? I hope that thus.

That for a period of centuries was called magic, in reality is means of action on the surrounding
peace. People since olden times developed magic rituals. They used other methods. But that such, in your
opinion, prayer, as not means to act on the surrounding peace? But there are even and others, also, by the
way, known since older days, although were called differently, means— for example, procedures of
visualization. When the future event programs with the aid of the specific procedure of men, clearly and
emotionally presenting it to itself in the manner that as if event already occurred. And with satisfaction of
some conditions this event without fail materializes.

But what stands one only earliest rite of [prizyvanija] of rain! And indeed made this and African
natives, and Russian peasants. And successfully they made. We recently spoke, that we still can

somehow predict the behavior of the drop of rain. But this is how about taking yes even to avoid a drop
in this drop? Miracle? But this miracle they since olden times knew how to accomplish the set of people
in the different ends of planet. And it remains “miracle” only because our official science everything in
no way wants to recognize the reality of such things, although they are obvious.

Well yes it is agreeable, about this somehow another time. But thus far let us return to the methods
of changing “random” confluences of circumstances. There is a set of such methods, set of them
successfully works. But, let us note, they work is only if is correctly selected “small key” to these
methods. Give to simple man the quite [rasprekrasnuju] technique of visualization, the best magic ritual
— and nothing it to make will be able. Why? Yes because for the successful work of these methods one
very important condition is necessary. Faith is necessary.

I will say immediately: into this concept I in no way pack religious sense. Vera, about which I
speak, this is the faith not in someone and not into something. This logically not determinable feeling—
is simple a feeling of faith. This a kind of a constant internal enthusiasm.

Vera— the very precision determination. A feeling of faith— is this precisely the spark, inserted in
the man by Most High. A feeling of faith— this is that which makes possible for man to create,
interfering in the motions of peace and introducing into it its, let small mite.

As we see, this idea about the faith has nothing in common with the religious dogmas.

Think, as the internal peace of man is rationally arranged. In us there is a set of feelings, qualities,
special features of nature. And they all are evolutionary [opravdanny]. For example, there is a feeling of
hunger. Completely naturally it pushes slightly man to the fight for the survival, and it means, to the
development of necessary for this of qual. who will obtain food, that will survive. But it will obtain food
the one who stronger, it is clever, it is more rapid, it is clever and so on. The improvement of form so

There is a feeling of love. But without this humanity it would not have the need for the
continuation of kind. But what its continue- that, if this is boring, uninterestingly does bring no
happiness? And only feeling of love gives the necessary stimulus for continuing the kind.

There is a feeling of fear. Natural reaction of organism to the danger. Organism in this state will
mobilize (if this is the pathologic fear, which it is sultry) and with the greatest effect it acts according to
circumstances. And so on.

All human feelings, if they do not pass the face of pathology, are evolutionarily advantageous and
contribute to survival.

But what place in this system does occupy a feeling of faith? It that does give? It is at first glance,
it not only is useless, but even it is detrimental. It can seem that it does not completely contribute to

And nevertheless a feeling of faith was preserved in the man for the course of the entire history of
his existence. In spite of entire apparent uselessness and even harmfulness of this feeling, men it carried
past it in itself from the primitive times to our days. Did not die off this feeling, as unnecessary atavism.

But why? You will look to the people, which piously believed in another man. But here this other
man betrayed, deceived, he proved to be by scoundrel or simply it fell ill and died. What did become with
the first, that believed? Tears, disappointment, depression, infarctions and also premature withdrawal. It

asks itself: how it was possible so piously to believe? Indeed not in vain simplest everyday wisdom says,
which to believe to others is dangerous!

To believed someone or to something, besides god, in our peace it is very easy to disappear. People
here fight for the survival and frequently makes this due to other, only and desiring to snatch out piece of
the mouth of neighbor. “Do not believe, not battle, do not request”— not randomly this firm law it is
accepted by criminal peace. Under the severe conditions of prisons and camps only this position makes it
possible to survive. It occurs, in our time without the observance of this rule it cannot be survived not
only in the prison, but also in the entire remaining world.

You will recall inscription on the American dollar: “We believe in the god”. Few people know, that
is there reproduced only the part of proverb, even then in the distorted form. But completely it sounds as
follows: “We believe only to god, other must pay”.

It does mean, for something it to us is very necessary, this feeling of faith?

Specifically, because of a feeling of the faith in its real significance of men it can call into being
those events, which are necessary for it. And we with you already can begin to learn to make this.
Specifically, to this they are dedicated fifth step technique.

I already feel, what in you now can arise a question. But “as so? Indeed if we each of signs taxi to
its side, no order will come out— will be continuous chaos!”

No, and again no!

Visualize this picture in the spirit “of the journeys of Gulliver”. Before you enormous mechanism,
is many times more than your own increase. It departs so far upward, that you do not see, where it there
ends and does end generally. But before yourselves you see the set of some gear wheels, screws,
incomprehensible for you the components, which always move, twist themselves, are moved… You do
not know the designation of this mechanism, you do not know the principles of its operation. But in the
process of your observations of the mechanism you note that all its components move not chaotically, but
in their motion there are the specific regularities. Here this gear wheel twists itself clockwise, while here
this— against the hour. Here this lath rocks with the greater amplitude of fluctuations, and this— with
smaller. Here this incomprehensible [detalka] jumps [vverkh]-[vniz], while here this— from right to left.
And so on.

You do not know, to whom for which this all is necessary. But after some observations to you
occurs the thought: and that, if we neatly are hooked on here this [shesterenochku]— and then it very
rapidly and easily raises me upward. But there, it is above, there is the regiment, where very tasty pastry
lie. And you achieve your plan and you plenty savor by pastry. But indeed earlier you only dreamed
about this, but they thought that this for the man is not realized.

In this case note: you broke not one [detalki] of this incomprehensible mechanism, you did not turn
not one gear wheel backwards— to this simply would be sufficient your physical forces. Yes mechanism
even did not note you. But you with its aid easily carried out your desire. Because they correctly grasped
direction of motion and successfully they were entered in it.

But already if you do not grasp this direction, if you will attempt to move by the mechanism in
spite of this direction— [penjajte] to itself: it will tighten between the gear wheels and will crush.

They did grasp analogy with the world flows? Thus and they: even they will not note us, until we
clearly follow their natural motion. But we will not be able to introduce chaos into their clearly fixed

Fig. 12. a. the motion of the world flows— of the value of many events merge, generating new. b. of
man, who splits the value of events, can use only necessary to itself component and continue its
way. It does not influence the total event and the motion of world flows— but it is worthwhile for it
to attempt to hold such values, as it falls into the inexorable gears of the mechanisms of the peace
We cannot change here this motion of mechanism— this reality, already appeared, which was
already carried out. But we can change the motion of the events, which only just are embedded, yet they
did not have time to be carried out. Here there is freedom of choice. Not necessary to break mechanism—
it already is such as exists. But with the aid of this mechanism it is possible to carry out different versions
of the yet not carried out events.

One additional example. Child is plotted to sleep. It it is desirable to take bear with itself in the bed
of plush. Parents permit it this. Indeed this event nothing, in the essence, not is capable of changing in the
life of family. But the next day child will throw bear into the armchair. But this that does change in the
life of family? Again nothing. They permit it and this. Child obtains from the given to it degree of
freedom the mass of the pleasure: indeed it they permit on their own will to manage its nearest future and
to decide as him to conduct— into [obnimku] with the bear or without it. And parents are contented:
child is calm, and to house nothing he threatens.

We can act only on the fact that yet did not appear in the world, and therefore by our action we as
“it was split” the value of the proceeding events, moreover their one half serves our purposes, but another
— compensates this. I.e., if we raised weight into 16 kilograms, then by the same number increased our
weight, and for the Earth, on which we was cost, nothing it changed. This mechanism is placed in very
nature of our peace and awaits that we would use it.

But can arise another situation: it passes a little time, child grows up, and now it he is desirable to
take in the bed th match e tightened in dad. But here this is already entirely another situation! If earlier
child did not encroach on the safety of house and family, then now he begins to contain real threat!
Parents to first time will say: this it is not possible to make. If this does not help— to second time slightly
they will spank. But even if this it will be little, will follow already serious punishment with the
deprivation of sweet, and can, and by immense flogging.

World flows with respect to the man approximately so behave. Use the existing reality to itself into
the good, but do not encroach on that in order it to change or to cause to it harm. You will thrust hand
into the gear wheels of the mechanism— of [penjaj] to itself.

Thus th living, reasonable, allotted by consciousness peace e surrounding us created the

[nadezhnejshie] rules “of safety engineering”. If man can cause harm to this peace, if man becomes
across the flow— of this man peace simply it will render harmless. Methods for this are different— up to
the physical destruction.

You understand now, as it is important to know the laws of this peace, to know this safety
engineering. After destroying them, you disadvantage to yourselves and even you subject yourselves to
fatal danger.

But for those, who knows these rules and fulfills them, peace makes possible to use their resources.
To use these resources, as you already understood, is possible for achievement desired and change in the

It is more accurate, we do not change future as much we as obtain the possibility with the aid of the
world flows to penetrate in those layers of time and space, where th version of future e desired for us is
placed. To change in the reality, as you surmise, anything is impossible. But it is possible to select.
Indeed in future any of us there are several versions. Which of them will fall out— it depends only on us.
Here there is no rigid deterministic nature.

Thus, very to select to itself future and its value— this is the second essential needs of each, who
lives in the large peace.

There is the third need. This is the need to throw view from its new level into the incomprehensible
height, where is located the shower of our peace, its consciousness. There, where god is located.

Even having left to the new step of evolution, we are nevertheless improbably distant from the
highest reasons for all phenomena and events of reality. For understanding of this highest reality we are
too small. It can be, after the passage of the fourth step you it does already seem that in comparison with
the remaining people you already very strongly did grow? If we compare itself with the remaining people
— that zh, possibly, you not too and they are distant from the truth. But here if we compare itself with the
highest forces… Here here we increasingly with you are simple the infusorian of [tufelki], i.e., the
simplest, most primitive essences. You remember about this. It can be, this will help you not to fall into
the pride.

But I repeat again: if we even cannot envelop with our reason process or phenomenon as a whole,
then this does not mean that we cannot efficiently interact with th part of phenomenon or process e
accessible to us. Indeed for this our reason it will be sufficient! Man is created reasonable precisely so
that, in contrast to the animals and the plants, he could at least partially be touched the incomprehensible.
We can interact with the incomprehensible, even without getting to know him to the end! But we are
allowed to this throne. We are selected. And it is possible to be proud of this. In this the sublimity of man
— it is allowed, it is selected, it is called to the contact with the Most High. We are called to this by quite
our nature! Sin not to use the fact that to us it is given as need for our development as standard, as the
talent, which without fail must be realized.

Thus, this solemn moment came. You are ready to carry out that, to what you are called simply on
the fact of your generation. You are ready to carry out that, for what you were born to the light, lived and
were developed.

But for this first let us try to understand at least the few about the highest force, which to us is

Let us think here about which: how does precisely appear the highest force in our terrestrial peace?
If we be revert ourselves to the bible and to the books on the theosophy, then from there it is possible to
learn that the highest force appears mainly fact that it accomplishes miracles.

But what is miracle? This is the nothing else but disturbance of the probability of events, which
occurred for some incomprehensible reasons. For example, according to all laws of physics the aircraft,
which fell from a high altitude, had to break. But it did not break. And all remained living. Miracle?

Hopeless sick man had to die— doctors they left to it not one chance. But he took yes and he
recovered. Also miracle.

But how many cases, when people inexplicably survived under the most improbable conditions—
after conducting many twenty-four hours in the icy water, either under the fragments of house without the
food and the drink, or in the solitude in the deaf scaffolding…

All this people call miracles. The highest force in reality precisely so works. God governs peace,
changing the rules of the probability theory!

It is necessary to be to the ready not to miss miracle. By chance, neither from that nor from this,
miracles are not accomplished, however, as nothing it is in the world accomplished randomly. Miracles
come to the worthy.

Therefore it is necessary although to a little approach understanding of the ways of the highest
force. This is necessary in order not to interfere in the natural course of events and not to attempt to
change it, when this not in our forces. This is necessary in order to be ready to those moments, when us
seizes the powerful wave allegedly of random events and agreements, originated to the life by the
influence of the highest force.

Fig. 13. Man, who strives forward in the labyrinth of world flows, can follow only the path,
[prednachertannomu] by the highest force. To see him— means to be made coparticipant

Briefly stated, this is necessary in order, from one side, not to fall into the gear wheels of universe
and not to be that pulverized by them, but from other side in order not to miss its happy chances.

To take any example from the great Russian literature. Brilliant writers— they to that and geniuses
in order to sensitively recover the regularities, which act in the world, and to show as precisely they
work. In remarkable our of Leo Nikolayevich, graph of Tolstoy, that not the history— are everything
about this. Karenin's Anna completed one incorrect step, was banal against the world regularities—
everything, life was banal literally under the slope, under the wheels of train. Natasha of Rostov produced
errors, but Most High her led from the misfortunes, and it obeyed, it did not begin to be beaten by head
about the wall and to be torn across the regularities, accepted happy chance in Pierre Bezukhov's face, did
not reject his his, in spite of apparent unattractiveness, did not begin to persist in the pride— and it
proved to be [voznagrazhdena] happy fate. Yes you will recall, in each book of any classicist you will
compulsorily see something similar.

When man goes against the will of the highest forces— it it goes also against itself, destroying
itself. When it is entered in the laws of the highest forces— it it falls on the happy vital wave, which
leads it to the most desired results. It is necessary to only grasp this wave, to feel it— and not to fall into
the pride, not to resist this wave, saying: “No, I myself know as to me to live, I do not want so”.

This is illusion. People are frequently blind as blind kittens. They run to the smell of meat, not
[vidja], which from this basin already gulps any trecephalous monster, which together with the meat will
at the same time swallow you, even without having noted this. They do not know that only Most High, if
you are entrusted to its will, it will lead you from this monster and will lead into the warm, clean angle
with the basin of tasty milk and the good mom by cat.

To the highest forces on top it is evidently more than to us. , where we see only the piece of house
to the second floor and the part of the street, which is adjacent to it, the highest forces already see that us
it awaits around the corner street and which on us falls from the roof.

To be touched the regularities, on which live the highest forces, after sufficing by its consciousness
to thin edges of the consciousness of the universe, to us exactly allow the procedures of fifth step [DEIR].

But not only to be entered in these regularities, to recover these procedures these happy waves will
help. For us one must solve one additional very important task.

The more or less thinking people are arranged so that they from the youth begin to reflect about the
sense of life. In this [sotsiume] frequently it is encountered with the smile, and questions about the sense
of life are for some reason called children's. Probably, it is thought that these are foolish questions.
Typically absurd estimation, so characteristic of our [sotsiumu]! Only that man can is in reality valuably
be carried out in the life, which not only into the youth, but also entire life does not leave meditations
about the sense of life. And only to this man this sense of life sooner or later is revealed. But these
questions here the one who are called children's and foolish, who brushes off from them and mocks
above those, who assign them, that, as a rule, finally is rolled up before the [poluzhivotnoj]-
[polurastitelnoj] life, and begins for it the pitiful vegetation, which makes with its nonentity, with the
unworthy even title of man.

So here, in the process of the understanding of fifth step [DEIR] will happen that, what you have
long ago dreamed, about which you, certainly, they reflected from the childhood,— to you will be
opened the sense of life. Sense of the life not only of your, but also entire humanity as a whole. You will
be able to understand your own vital task, only your personal, given precisely to you. You realize and the
task of man generally— for which it was appeared into the peace. You will be able to penetrate even in

this secret of secrets— to understand, where all reasonable essences generally go in the world. You learn
also about [Karme] of peace. You learn also about our own super problem.

I emphasize: this is accessible only for those, who honestly mastered all previous four steps,
anything having passed. And, of course, advantages have those, who confrontation were trained in the
courses. They are achieved such results, as it is difficult to reach singly, after limiting only to the reading
of the books.

To perceive and to understand the highest force of our peace— this is the third, last need of man,
who entered to the new evolutionary step.

To avoid incomprehension I again want to speak here about which. In this book there is no
ideology whatever. Here do not tie the stereotypes of behavior and opinion about that which is good, but
which is bad. Therefore, when I speak, that, interacting with the highest forces, it is necessary to know
their laws and to behave so, but not otherwise, I hope, you do not receive this as the attempt at the
limitation of your freedom, undertaken from my side.

Not for what limitation of your freedom I attempt. Selection as itself to conduct always remains
after you. Therefore I nothing tie to you, but only I want with the aid of the special procedures to help
you itself (I emphasize: by itself) to be dismantled at how it is necessary to behave as to act so that your
behavior would enter into contradiction neither with your personal vital task nor with the tasks of
humanity generally. So that you could act into the name of the progress— of your own and the entire
human civilization. And this is very important, because it will help you to carry out their freedom of
choice, in spite of appeared recently set of studies, theories, books, the so-called “teachers” and
“missionaries”, who the under the guise best intentions attempt to deprive man of the freedom of choice
of their own way. In this large danger for the entire world lies. Such “teachers” and “missionaries” stop
the process of the evolution of humanity as a whole. Indeed freedom of choice— this indispensable
condition of the valuable realization of man for its true course, this is the cornerstone of the way of man.

After carrying out this need, we further will be able to as soon as develop that which we already
have achieved. Since following this goes already another, one more, the subsequent step of evolution,
whose time still will arrive not soon. But also to develop obtained— this the immense task, which to us
will be sufficient not to one life. We must reach the happy development of all concealed abilities of man,
disclosure of all his reserve possibilities. We must become perfect in every respect, we must reveal new
feelings and capabilities for even the thinner sensations, which will allow us to travel on all even distant
limits of the surrounding us large peace in ourselves.

The long and happy development period of that evolutionary step, to which we already entered,
must change man and bring authentic bloom to the Earth and human civilization. This will be carried out,
very in many respects it depends on you. Make possible no one to bring down you from the way of
evolutionary development and progress!

This is the last need, which stands before us in the new stage of further energy-information
development. We should become sufficiently perfect in order to open in itself the new feelings, which
make it possible to exist in the distant limits of large peace and to be developed in them is naturally—
happy and it is infinite.

Our last need lies in the fact that to perceive and to understand the highest force of our peace.

Chapter e

Experience: navigation among the world flows

The map, on which there are no indicators

Thus, for us one must be oriented among the world flows in order not to sink, not to perish in them,
but on the contrary, swim up with the greatest comfort precisely there, where to us it is must.

It can be, you know that, after proving to be in the sea at the large depth, when to the coast still far,
most important, from one side,— not to be nervous and not to fuss, and with another— not to fall into the
apathy and the prostration. You will shake, disorderly flounder, swing by hands and you will be knocked
out— by feet from the forces and will sink. You will end to generally stir— also you will sink. However,
what then is necessary? To be quieted, to be weakened and to grasp the direction of the motion of wave,
the direction of flow. Quietly following flow, you will rescue.

Skill to perceive flow and to follow him— here the guarantee of the success and rescuing not only
in the sea usual, but also in the sea vital.

We can foresee the motions, achieved by a peace around us. We can subordinate our proper motion
to this world motion. And then we in turn obtain the possibility to influence the surrounding peace.

You already understood that the world flows in common have nothing with the energy-information
parasites. In contrast to the energy-information parasites world flows nothing to us tie. They only give us
the specific physical possibilities for the action in our peace— and our right by these possibilities to use.
But if already universal flows do not give us such possibilities— here already, you will excuse, nothing it
will help. The procedures of the second step, as it was already said, in this case were inactive. You lead
itself into the standard, be developed, evolve and remove your conflict with the world flows. Here
everything that it is possible to advise in this case.

But it is not always easy to determine, where energy-information parasites worked, but where we
deal concerning the consequences of conflict with the world flows.

For example, you businessman, the matter in you go like good. And it is suddenly revealed during
one excellent day that your business partner, on whom you laid large hopes, proved to be unfounded, in
connection with which you now also on the face of bankruptcy. How here to be, as to explain, in what the
matter? Indeed if this interference of energy-information parasite— there is nothing simpler: to pass first
two stages of school [DEIR], to cut off the influence of parasite and to use procedures on the success and
luck. Here situation is normalized.

But if this the result of conflict with the world flows— all is considerably more serious and it is
more complex. It means, it is necessary to substantially reexamine something in its behavior and to
change it in accordance with the laws of the peace, in which we live.

In order to be dismantled, from what kind by situation we deal, it is necessary to analyze the
reasons, in which business partner proved to be unfounded. If he simply deceived you, either he grew
cold to the collaboration or other people, which forced to conclude unfavorable transaction by word,
deceived— him, if the subjective reasons, connected with other people, led to this, then we deal, most
likely, with the action of energy-information parasite. But here if your partner proved to be unfounded,
because bank was burned, that was, in turn, connected with a drop in the actions on the exchange as a
result of the fact that in Krasnodar it was not borne grain because of the strong drought,— here are here
narrower than circumstance clearly objective, on the people not not depending. And this already
influence of the processes, proceeding at the level of world flows, i.e., the processes of external,

And one additional difference in the external large-scale processes— of world flows— from the
action of energy-information parasites lies in the fact that universal flows do not completely create
personally for you one or other probability or another of events. These probabilities exist constantly and
invariably. But everyone the fact is that for the different people they has different value. Falling into the
same situations, people behave they differently and receive these situations differently. That is good for
one, for another is bad, and vice versa.

It is possible to visualize the world flows in the form of the map of city, on which you are moved.
Temple is here in this city, here is restaurant, here is museum, here is bank, while here is prison. The map
of city does not completely ship you into the lock-up and does not make it necessary to go into the temple
or into the museum. That more city cannot change its structure so as to take yes even to drag prison to
you closer so that you directly immediately in it would prove to be. But you themselves can prove to be
on the street, which conducts into the temple, and can prove to be on the street, which conducts into the
prison. And you themselves can arrive either there or there. No one you for the hand dragged nor made it
necessary to make this. But you selected precisely that street, which they selected. And it brought you
there, where it brought.

Fig. 14. Here everything is somehow already very simple— but indeed and we with you can see
inscriptions on each turning of our fate
[ozhno] to say that in this city the set of houses, streets, stores, establishments, museums and so on
— and this all is united for all inhabitants of this city, these assigned conditions are identical for all. In
exactly the same manner world flows do not create personally for you some circumstances, they do not
bring to you the situation, where to you it will be either good or it is bad. The set of events in the world
occurs, and they are united for all. But some people road among these events leads to the success, and
others— to the defeat. Simply some knew how to use in the best way these events, they knew how to
select the best road, but others did not know how. It here and came out that one and the same
combination of events for the different people in the world has different value.

It is possible to give a simple example. Now many complain, that we live in the terrible time,
which is necessary to live in poverty, to suffer and to suffer deprivations and so on. And nevertheless
even in this “terrible” time there are people, which flourish, they be glad at life and do not live in poverty.
Moreover this completely not always swindlers, not those, who by craftiness and by fraud grow rich due
to others, no. These are normal people, which live by honest labor and in to harmony with its conscience.

And note, such completely satisfactory and lucky representatives of humanity exist in always and
in any situation, even most unfavorable. It means, the matter nevertheless not in the situation, not in the
situation in the country. Matter in by something other. But in what? Well for example, in the fact that
people, which scold all and entire and being complained about the life, they are disposed not to the
evolution, not to the progress, but for the destruction. They, themselves of that without knowing, select in
the life that “street”, which conducts them to the destruction,— indeed they and themselves are

destructive. But those, who are disposed to the evolution, to the self-development, to the progress even in
the heaviest times, select “the street”, which leads to prosperity and prosperity. They simply intuitively
are entered in the appropriate direction of world flows!

Similar become mastered [DEIR]. One young man learned even in the times of project. In his
youth they considered unlucky wretch, not fitted out to the life by muddler. The classmates above it
chuckled themselves, they indicated that with this nature in the life not to be opened. In fact, just they, as
them it seemed then, tried to take from the life entire— simply they snatched out pieces [pozhirnee] by
teeth and by the claws: they were caught for the advantageous acquaintances, they tried successfully to be
married, to snap off prestigious post. My student at this time gave self up to dreams, made fall in love, he
wrote verses, it delighted in by nature. It at this time, that itself without knowing, groped its way among
the world flows. Whereas its friends simply climbed right through, disregarding not of what ways and
finally bringing down themselves from the road. But then they this yet did not know. They thought that
they were right.

After completion of institute this man indeed proved to be in a certain vacuum. Friends made to
quarry, took everything from the life, and it sat on the modest wage, on the imperceptible post and he
continued to live in its internal peace. It obtained necessary knowledge for further motion. It, in general,
and itself moved in the necessary direction. Instruction helped it to find confidence, that rights it, but not
its friends, it helped to be oriented on “the map” of world flows.

Now life itself confirmed its rightness. Its friends lost all their posts, “advantageous” marriages be
made burning hot. Majorities of these people now frankly degrade, after remaining without the work and
without the money and being unable to leave to their own way, where there would be both work and
money. Our with you familiar became well-known writer. He deals with the dear matter, he is internally
free, he is materially provide ford and happy in the personal life. In this case he so did not learn “to be
arranged”, “to take from the life everything” by the methods, accepted in [sotsiume]. These methods are
not necessary, they— way in anywhere. It simply learned in the best way to be oriented among the world

Each man, who learned himself to be oriented among the world flows, can determine, which awaits
it personally in connection with this or by another confluence of circumstances, with one or other
situation or another or event. Let us assume it is possible to determine, what region of activity will be
promising precisely for you. Indeed in the light there is a set of regions of activity— their collection it is
united for all people. But here personal value— is different. On this “map” there are no indicators: go
there— it will be there well, but do not there walk— there badly. This indicator— is personal for each
man. But people about this do not know. They behave precisely in the manner that if indicators were
identical for all. In the example with my student given above his friends order itself in the manner that as
if there exists united for all indicator: go in bankers— there good, do not walk in writers— there badly.
My student did not go on this indicator— it went on his it proved to be rights. But his friends deceived
this invented by them (more accurate, imposed [sotsiumom]) universal indicator to the imaginary

If some region of activity is unpromising for you, this yet does not mean that it is unpromising for
all other people. It will without fail remain promising for others or in the future will become similar for
someone. This connected with the fact that of the consciousness of people at the level of our own needs
and concepts they do not coincide with each other. And each only itself can determine its personal way.

The totality of all events, situations, confluences of circumstances in the world at first glance can
seem by chaos. Especially as, as we said, on all these roads, which lead to other one or situations or
another and events, there are no general for all indicators. But they are chaos, only if we approach this
totality of events purely statistically: to note, how often you fell through into the pit, and they how often

went around by its side. I.e., peace is the collection of chaotic events only on the external plan. In the
space of our internal reality our consciousness is capable of exarticulating from allegedly the random
events clear regularities. We can see, according to what laws the value of one or other event or another
for us changes personally. Indeed event itself, fact itself, external reality itself, as you already understood,
do not change. But they different for the different people. If on the external plan there are no indicators,
then on the internal plan, it is subjective for each man, these indicators exist.

Exarticulating these its own indicators, these its own regularities, it is possible to completely
differently build its behavior, also, in the external peace. It is possible to maneuver among the
probabilities, as if these are the long ago plotted on map river sand-bars or, on the contrary, necessary to
us flows, river bed and road.

And we at any moment will be able to use this map.

One of my familiar learned so skillfully to manage this “the map” of its internal reality, which
easily predicts events. It does not simply intuitively perceive the forthcoming event— these intuitive
given they are derived in it to the level of consciousness they take shape into the thought and the words.
First it predicted only the events of its life. This greatly helped not only in the serious matters, but also in
the trifles. For example, it could say to the wife: “You know, tomorrow to us will come unexpectedly the
guests, such as relatives of some familiar, whom we to know do not know. They can break into the house
and arrange scandal. It is possible, of course, simply them to expel [vzashej]. But it is possible to
generally avoid situation. Give let us leave for the city. Had long ago been they been going to be missed”.
They left for the city, where time wonderfully was spent, and in the evening, after returning home, they
learned from the neighbors, that entire day near their threshold loitered some strange company of people
with the bags and the bags, which arrived to deal in something, they loudly were scolded and shouted,
that by it to nowhere stop. But they then left home.

Not so long ago I learned, that he began to foresee events in the life of other people, after learning
to be oriented even in their internal space. One our general familiar— yet not too experimental in the
matter foresight— it simply saved from death: he said that it is not necessary to fly during this day on this
aircraft (aircraft it broke). Other it helped to avoid bankruptcy: he said that it is not necessary to deal
concerning this bank (bank in the month it collapsed).

Conclusion: the forthcoming sequence of events it is possible to [vychlenjat] from apparent chaos
and disorder.

After being oriented on “the map of events”, after learning to [vychlenjat] there its ways, we can
depending on this competently build our behavior on the external plan.

Give let us learn this to make.

A little about order and chaos

The entire our world is nothing else but the combination of ordering and chance, order and chaos.
This connected with the fact that entire peace is subordinated to the action of two basic forces: creative
and destructive. Creation without the destruction is impossible. In order to build new house, it is
necessary to first destroy the old, become unnecessary buildings. Therefore, so that the peace would
exist, in it is necessary the unity of creative and destructive forces.

But our peace is arranged so that destructive processes in it very frequently they go by themselves,
without the interference from the side of man. But here creative processes require the specific efforts. If

we house do not overhaul, it will be destroyed itself. But so that it would not be destroyed, it is necessary
to support it, to make the efforts— to be occupied by creation.

In this one of the basic functions of the man: to order environment. By the way, to order necessary
and itself so that the processes of destruction would not take the top. And, mastering system [DEIR], we
with you deal none other than adjustment ourselves, by creation ourselves.

Entire our conscious activity in the material peace is reduced, in the essence, also to the process of
adjustment. For example, around us there is a set of things. All these things are not necessary to us in our
life simultaneously. We select of them necessary to us, ordering thus space around ourselves. This is
similar to as if we purchased the television set, which shows all programs simultaneously. But to look all
programs is immediately impossible, to sense from this any, and in the head continuous confusion after
this survey. And then we understand, that we should select some concrete program from this set.

Selecting things necessary for itself (not only in the material, but also in a broader sense), man
becomes the unique concentrator of ordering around himself. But according to the law conservation of
energy, as you know, if somewhere something it arrived, then elsewhere so many it diminished. Since the
general relationship of chaos and order in the world remains constant, if you concentrate order next to
yourselves, around you it becomes more than disorder.

For example, you decided to build house, i.e., to regulate your living space. For this for you it is
necessary to go into the forest and to borrow construction materials from the forest. I.e., it is necessary to
chop trees. In this case you can not know that in the scaffolding there is its own order— is there observed
the necessary ecological balance, a quantity of birds is such that the number of harmful insects would not
exceed the permissible boundaries, and so on. But you by your appearance in the scaffolding with the
saw and the axe introduce into this ordered system specific chaos. You chop the trees Beza any system,
without thinking about that, where your actions will go for the benefit to scaffolding, but where into the
harm. It as a result occurs that to birds remains less than possibilities the stria nest, their quantity
decreases because of this, the growth of harmful insects increases and in the scaffolding th order e existed
there is disrupted. Thus, after regulating space next to yourselves, you introduced certain chaos into the
more distant space.

It would whatever make men and on whatever scales it this not made, it always changes the
relationship of chaos and order around itself.

Here, for example, there is a certain layer of oil. Around this oil— continuous barren schist. And in
this already there is the determined order: here there is oil, while here it does not exist. But man here
arrived and he will extract oil to the surface. It destroyed the existed order, after creating at its place

But then from the part of the obtained oil it came out fuel-, and other part it was used for the
chemical industry. How much entire new and necessary for people was created because of this oil! That
earlier was oil, became heat for the people, became a enormous quantity of articles— by polyethylene
small packets, plastic components and dishes, petroleum resins and set of other necessary things.
Moreover because of this oil arose even things, which stand much higher on ordering level, than oil,—
for example, printed-circuit boards and microcircuit. This all created the specific ordering in the life of
people. So order again arose from chaos.

Yes, but entire burnt fuel- became the carbon dioxide, which Beza any order was scattered
throughout the world. But even in certain, completely short on the geological time scales everything,
which was produced with the aid of the oil, underwent the destruction, whose products evenly were
scattered along the earth and in its atmosphere. Order again became chaos.

But nevertheless not all disappeared without the remainder, which was created because of that oil.
For example, remained the books, remained the progressive achievements of technology and so on. I.e.,
th order e necessary for them will be introduced into the life of many people therefore of many decade.

Thus chaos overflows into the order, and order into chaos. This occurs constantly, each moment of
our existence.

In our material peace we depend on order. But is to what extent dull would be dull life, if in it there
would be no place for disorder, “[neprichesannosti]”, i.e., chance. Indeed as uninterestingly to live, when
everything in the life known previously! The majorities of people underestimate the role of chance. But
in vain.

To live without the chances, without the freedom of choice, without [lavirovanija] in the world of
probabilities— this indicate not to live, but news pitiful existence, always to pull one and the same strap,
without hoping for the variety. Is in fact, how differed routine noncreative work from authentic life?
Specifically, fact that entire it consists of the sequence of standard operations. You know that here this
nut must be covered, here this component sharpened, and here this wood screw fastened. At best you can
only diversify process, correcting that which is already made: only are better to sharpen component, more
correct forms it to make and so on. No happiness of creation, no “zigzags” and of nonstandard motions.
I.e., not life, but vegetation.

But sometimes it is more easily to be subdued to this complete predictability, than to know that the
annoying chance can spoil to you everything.

I recall, as the friend of my sister, scientific worker, it decided to be arranged to the work into the
prestigious institute. It began to operate for this all conceivable and unthinkable methods of achievement
of the objective. It developed stormy activity in the search for people, which can introduce it to the
distinguished scientist, the academician, recommendation from whom it will be sufficient for the entering
to any post. It became acquainted, it got in into the confidence, it required recommendation for the
acquaintance with the following man, is more close standing to the academician. Thus was built entire
chain from the set of people, each of which became for it unique step on the stairs, which leads to the

Finally about it they interceded word personally to coryphaeas. Coryphaeas became acquainted
with the scientific works of enterprising lady. And on the whole, after a certain meditation, it gave
agreement to intercede for it word, naturally, with the condition of preliminary personal acquaintance.

And here the day of cherished encounter is assigned. Lady was prepared for it previously,
thoroughly thinking over the components of toilet, hair-do and the expression of face. She even rehearsed
before the mirror, as she will behave and talk with the academician. It prepared all answers to all possible

And here is it, thoroughly dressed and combed, with the complete parade already stands at the door
of its apartment, ready to leave to academician. She wants to open door, but… On the horror! Door is not
opened! Apparently, wedged lock. Lady struggles above the lock of ten minutes, fifteen minutes, still
hoping for the success. Through half-hour it becomes clear that the efforts are useless. It rings into the
service of rescuing, into the police and even according to all numbers, such as only occur, requiring that
it they would urgently save! No one reacts. Finally it finds telephone some of the commercial service,
which helps with such situations. Service arrived in the hour, opened door, found the tattered woman in
the crumpled suit, who filled with tears.

Encounter was torn away. But lady was not of those, who so easily will step back. Having poorly
brought itself into order, it on the taxi dashed to the academician. Secretary met by its icy view, after
saying that the academician of ten minutes ago departed into the airport, from where he flies away on half
a year to the work to THE USA, and that it can more here not come, since academician does not suffer
optionality, he so entire hour waited it in his working office, instead of being house and be gathered to
quietly for the journey.

Pushy lady and after this did not lose hope. She decided at any cost to be opened to the
academician, when he returns.

But happened unforeseen. Academician did not return. After obtaining advantageous proposal
about the work, it remained in America for the more prolonged period and it does not be going to it
seems return to the these rapids.

Thus annoying chance demolished all hopes for successful career. Now this lady it is said works as
secretary in some to firm— accurately I do not know, our family lost her out of sight. But by science it is
not occupied— this accurately, and in other spheres also itself it did not find.

Annoying chance, trifle, stupidity grew to the dimensions of evil fate. It occurs and thus.

Complete predictability— it is bad, but complete unpredictability and collection of the continuous
chances Beza any hint the by an order— also completely unattractive thing. Many of us tested this on
themselves. When in the morning you are spilled even you do not know, how much today stands bread,
stopped already your plant either still it works, you will obtain wage or to already for it not hope. Not
randomly the Chinese have the winged expression, whose sense in the fact that no one you will wish to
live in the epoch of changes. The epoch of changes— this is the time, when old order has already been
destroyed, but new yet did not arise, and therefore continuous chaos all around reigns. And here it is
necessary to spend the mass of forces and the precious time of its life on that in order to attempt to
somehow foresee chances, to overcome the consequences of this unpredictability, but in usual man from
this, as a rule, anything it leaves.

Usual people do not can normally to feel themselves in the situation, when everything is not
predicted. Happiness, accordion, interest in the life are manifested when as a whole of event they go
along some regulated, stable river bed, and chances and unpredictability are observed in the trifles. Here,
for example, you accurately know that your plant tomorrow they will not shut, that the prices will not
grow, that you will obtain wage in time, and generally in the world everything is quiet, there will be
neither catastrophes nor wars. But therefore can as a whole perceive the state of stability. But in this case
you know that can meet with one girl, and you can with another. Can go in guests to the friend, while you
can in the cinema. And this introduces the necessary unpredictability and variety into your life.

But now the attention: that, about which we recently spoke, refers only to the life of usual people,
with the ordinary consciousness. They actually cannot live in the epoch of changes— from this in them
they occur infarctions. They cannot be oriented in the chances and go around undesirable events— they
they stumble against these chances they fall.

This occurs because they see, figuratively speaking, only that what do they have under the feet. But
under the feet they have chaos from the chances, and there is no map whatever, which makes it possible
to be oriented in these chances.

Man, who grew to the level of world flows, sees entirely different picture. When are lost
orientators in the ordinary life, when all around seems by chaos and with disorder, output only one— to

leave to the higher level and to see the there higher order, the manager peace and noticeable usual people
from below.

After leaving to this higher level, it is possible and even it is necessary to do so that all chances,
which occur with us in the life, not only would not impede, but they would on the contrary, push slightly
the course of events to th side e necessary for us.

Recently we spoke about how lives in the world chaos and order usual man. This man itself
possesses the unprepared, disordered consciousness. Therefore he cannot leave to the higher level and see
higher order in everything the volume that he considers chaos. This man cannot see system in the
collection of chances. He does not obtain access to understanding of this higher order, because,
figuratively speaking, he does not have key for this. There is no key, which would approach precisely this
lock of precisely this door. If it attempts to be dismantled at the sense of th chances e proceeding with it,
then it does not obtain correct answer. This is similar to the situation, when asking itself does not
understand, about which he asks, does not know how to assign specific questions, and therefore even is
obtained the noncorresponding answer. The clear example of this “dialog of deaf”: “[Petka],
instruments!” — “Fifty!” — “What of „fifty”?” — “A of what of „instruments”?”.

Attention! I now tell you about the core of the motions of our peace, about that its nature, which
can be with the benefit understood by the already prepared reason, for example by the reason, which
passed already all four previous steps [DEIR], because consciousness not prepared is too not ordered auto
and it will not be able to systematize chance.

However, what such, strictly speaking, chance in the perception of people of prepared, grown to
the level interactions with the world flows?

Everything is very simple. The fact that they call chaos, chaos is not in reality. That that they call
chaos, this is the in reality whimsical mixture of order and chance, which is also subordinated to the
specific laws.

However, but that then in reality chaos and however, that then in reality order? Give let us be
dismantled with these fundamental concepts. To be dismantled with this necessarily, because we- that
exactly, as all people, we live on the thin division between chaos and order. We live on the washed away
boundary between these two media. It is possible to say that we move in our life along the very thin path,
where to the right precipice, and to the left vertical cliff. It is possible to say differently: we as if seamen,
who cut chaos of waves and leaving after our vessel of the geometrically straight, regulated the wake

Let us begin from the determination of order. Order— this is the sequence of events, which yields
to description by the concrete mathematical formula, which does not allow uncertainty. For example, we
throw playing cube. We throw and throw it ad infinitum for long. And on it, how much we not threw its,
always fall out glasses in the specific sequence. For example, in similar: 1, 2, e, 4, shch, ', 1, 2, e, 4, shch,
'… And so ad infinitum. This is— order.

If sequence is somewhat another, for example, 1, 2, e, 1, 2, e, ', shch, 4, ', shch, 4, this also order,
but other. And if fall out 1, ', 2, shch, e, 4, 1, ', 2, shch, e, 4, then this is also order.

People constantly attempt to lead their peace precisely to this form. They want so that one specific
number would always follow another specific number, after it the third and so that it would interfere no
outside numbers, it did not appear the different versions. I.e., so that the specific action the predictable
consequence would always follow. For example, if we go into the store, we want to be confident, that we
will there purchase potatos. We want to accurately know that we will reach precisely this result and that it

will not be some different version: for example, it went into the store after the potato, but potatos
purchase I could not, but you they there fined instead of this. Or it went after the potato, and in the store it
struck you by current.

Order does not assume such unpredictable elements. Order consists only of predictably repetitive
elements. When we included iron, it was heated and we pressed this— linen order. When we included
iron, and he said: “Listen to last Proceedings”— this absence of order.

Now let us switch over to the determination of chaos. Chaos— these are opposition to order, i.e.,
absolute disorder. Let us assume we toss up coin and the tail- eagle falls out. We throw again and again.
In the case of order and further it would fall out tail- eagle. But disorder— this is order with an accuracy
to vice versa. It means, eagle- tail now will fall out.

However, but which in that case is obtained? It turns out that disorder is also predicted! Disorder—
this of also its kind order! Only in order to predict disorder, we must use somewhat different method of
reasonings. We must accurately know: if past time it was then, which means, following time it will be
accurately differently. For example, in the case with the order we accurately know that iron, how much it
not include, it will iron linen. In the case of disorder we must know: once it in past time ironed linen,
which means, in this time will sing the songs of (see Fig 15 A, b).

Thus, we see that, if in our peace complete order reigned, peace would be absolutely predictable.
And if in our peace complete disorder reigned, peace would be also absolutely predictable. In the first
case of men always it could know: once in this month to me gave pension, and also, therefore, in the
following they will give. In the second case of men it would discuss thus: once in this month gave
pension, which means, in the following they will not give. But once in the following they will not give,
which means, even in the month they will give.

You already understood that in our peace neither of complete order nor complete disorder it is
encountered never. It turns out that neither the nor another is assumed chances and it is absolutely
predicted. This the same, were as if people hundred per-cent poor and hundred per-cent good. And
everyone always knows, what from them to await and as themselves with them news. Good accurately
will not hundred per-cent cause evil and will make good. Hundred per-cent poor accurately nothing good
it will complete, but it will enter with you badly. It means, it is necessary to stand aside poor and to be
friends with good. Everything is simple and it is understandable. Thus, dealing with the absolute disorder,
it would be possible to be guided by logic “from the contrary” and continuously to succeed.

But in our peace in this sterile form there exists nothing. We indeed live in the very thin layer of
existence, where the faces of oppositions are encountered. And the mixing of chaos and order here occurs
on this face. And present chances and unpredictable things here here and begin. And here is this mixture
of disorder and elements of order, which people incorrectly call chaos, exactly and it yields to no
mathematical determination. Formula cannot be derived!

Fig. 15. and, b. of the molecule of gas are evenly distributed by the volume— this chaos. The
molecules of gas are assembled in one half of vessel— this ordering v. the complete mapping of our
peace— order it is interlaced with chaos

It is possible to say that people live in the world from the mixture of absolute disorder and
elements of order, located in the disorder in a disordered manner (see Fig 15 c).

It is complicated? Not a bit. All exactly very simply and resembles that the fact that we see now in
our country. Several times, for example, will pay off pension in time (order), following time— they will
detain to the unknown period (chaos), then then still several times again will detain to the same period
(another form of order), and then they will take and will pay in time (again the disturbance of the recently
steady order, i.e., chaos). Consequently, the life of man— this is the mixture of order and chance.

We already spoke to you, that chaos, destruction— this, in the essence, natural state of peace. If we
nothing make, not to make creative efforts, everything in the world gradually will be destroyed. We
spoke also, that man himself attempts to regulate his peace. He strives— yes this it does not always for it
succeed. Sometimes it succeeds, sometimes no. I.e., man are not the owner of these processes. He far
from always can create order of their own free will.

However, but from where then in our chaotically destructive peace nevertheless are taken the
elements of order? Their man of their own free will cannot introduce, yes even there were they long
before the appearance there would be no man, otherwise simply any evolution.

Here this and there is the most important, on what I want to focus your attention. This is the
understanding, which it is necessary to us for further orienting.

The fact is that the impregnations of order into chaos are caused by the motions of our infinitely
large animated peace. Order is introduced none other than the coordinated motions of living peace, by the
otherwise called world flows.

But why then these impregnations of order are located in chaos in a disordered manner? But this is
already caused by the infinite complexity of processes taking place in our peace.

Therefore the mixture of chaos and order is whimsical and uneven. For example, on the planet the
Earth is the zones, where predominates chaos and not so much order, and there are very many such
zones, it is possible to say that they occupy the large part of the earth's surface. But there are the so-called
“places force”, where the order predominates above chaos. Such places not too and much, and they are
located on the earth's surface completely unevenly, Beza any order. Place force— this place, where
natural power engineering of the Earth is especially strong and concentrated. Such places were since
ancient times read a little by shamans and sorcerers.

In the differences between the usual place and the place force on the level of order and chaos you
can be convinced themselves (if to you it, of course, has luck to find place force). For this will be
required playing cube, the knob and paper. Throw cube on one hundred times first in the usual place, then
in the place force. Write results. Then you will compare these results. Calculate, how often it fell out
there and there some specific elements of ordering. For example, how often fell out the sequence of
glasses 1, 2, e in the usual place and in the place force. You will be amazed, after seeing, that these
indices differ in the usual place and in the place force sometimes dozens of times! Moreover these results
are repeated. How much once you not carried out this experiment, relationship will be preserved.

Such sensation, that this order is supported some by reasonable force, isn't that true? So it there is.
In the usual, energetically weak place the influence of world flows noticeably less and order is not
supported by them. In the energetically strong place exactly are most explicit the manifestations of world
flows. The force, assigned to this place, and orders the sequence of th glasses e falling out on the cube.

In connection with this let us think again above the fact however, that such, strictly speaking, world
flows and why we call their reasonable force.

Yes because the world flows are nothing else but cognitive processes of the universe.

You indeed already wonderfully know that the thought is material, and themselves were repeatedly
convinced of this in practice, sending its thoughts to other people in the form of the energy flow and
information. But the thought of man— these are simply slender brooks in comparison with the thoughts
of the universe. Visualize, by what power and force possess these gigantic energy-information flows—
the results of the cognitive activity of the entire universe! It is dangerous to arise on the way of this flow.
It is mortally dangerous to attempt to swim in it against the current.

World flows— of the thought of the universe, the result of its internal life. The thoughts of the
universe move unceasingly. And any process, which passes there, at the higher levels, somewhat
differently is mapped into our material peace. The thoughts of the universe, naturally, influence our
terrestrial peace, they introduce into our peace of change. And these changes are introduced by means of
the events, as if random. But we can analyze th chances e proceeding around us. Because our
consciousness, with the entire noncomparability of its scale with the world flows, is nevertheless the tool
of the same nature!

But the elements of ordering, introduced into our peace by world flows, do not affect all events and
they, therefore, unavoidably encounter here the manifestations of chaos. Do not forget: we nevertheless
live on that face of existence, where chaos and order are encountered. The whimsical mixture of order
and disorder, which usual people observe in our peace hence and is obtained.

But, after rising to the new step, as this you already made, it is possible to be touched by
consciousness the world flows and to attempt to accept the rules of the games, which they create. And to
begin to live in accordance with this order. And then this order you will introduce also into your
terrestrial life. But it means, you will cease to depend on chaos and chances. In you their laws of life,
unknown for the usual people, will appear. They will not understand, as you find in the life that path,
which conducts you only from good to the even better. They do not know that this path is well visible
with the fact, who left to the level of world flows. Whereas all remained do not below see this path, but
see only stones, grooves and pits and bumps, against which they stumble.

Below— the mixture of chaos and order, called terrestrial life.

The above— distinguishable road, and, if we go on it, it is possible to regulate its terrestrial life,
after leaving to itself the part of terrestrial chances and unpredictability for the entertainment.

To only so it is possible reach th dream e unattainable for the majority, about which we already
spoke: so that the life as a whole would be the stable and rolled track, but so that there would be in it
small diverse and pleasant chances. Attempting into the forehead to act on material peace, changing this
its and improving, goal never you will achieve. How much neither earn money nor system of houses,
how much nor buy machines with the armored glass, how much nor hire bodyguards,— nevertheless you
nor from what is not insured. And only universal flows— the laws of the peace of chances— give
guarantee, if you are entered in them.

Besides these cognitive processes of the universe, in general, us do not concern, but simply they go
by their turn. But entire piece in the fact that people, which grew to this level, obtain right and possibility
“to overhear” the thoughts of the universe. And to use that overheard for the construction of its life.

But now let us recall that, about which we already spoke: they have a value not of event by
themselves, but the sense of event personally for you.

Our individual interaction with the world flows generates the specific fields of values. So that for
simplicity of understanding it is possible to consider that the world flows exactly think not by facts, not
by events, but with the values of events. I.e., in world flows you can “overhear” information not about the
events of the surrounding peace, but about the internal sense and the value of these events— sense and
the value personally for you, for your consciousness.

Any event, random at first glance, for the consciousness, i.e., subjective reality, has its value.
Moreover for each consciousness— its value. This is very important! If we consider ourselves, then value
— is this generally very subjective thing. I.e., any fact, any word, any object of external peace in
principle have a value only because there is whose- that consciousness, which receives and which
analyzes it.

For this very reason from any picture, from any book, from any event each will carry out
something its. All, who reads the books along the system [DEIR], find in them something their.
Therefore it is impossible to assume that all readers, who mastered this series of the books, will acquire
completely identical, being differed in no way knowledge. No, in each there will be its its personal,
personal knowledge. You, probably frequently did note, as different people they do teach to see in events
and facts of the surrounding life that which them does more greatly be desirable to see, first, what they do
more greatly await, i.e., that which does correspond to the processes, proceeding in their consciousness?
The fiance ceased to ring as a example, girl. Mother tells in it: “Yes you is not necessary to it”. Sister
speaks: “No, it in reality you loves, simply he wants jealousy in you to cause”. Friend speaks: “This it
doubts, it is not confident, it is necessary you to be married”. But it in reality occurs that it simply fell ill
and in hospital arrived. So to whom to believe, whom to listen to? To believe to itself and to listen to
itself. Because the sense of one and the same event is subjective for the different people.

This is absolutely understandable and it is simple. For example, to the young family arrives in
guests the mother of wife, it the mother-in-law of young husband. This good or is bad? Is objective—
neither the nor another. Is objective— this simply fact, and everything. But is here subjective the value of
this event completely differently for the young wife and for her husband…

In our life we deal, in the essence, not so much with the facts and the events, as with the fields of
the values of these facts and events. Being oriented only to the event, only to the fact, only to the
material, physical action, it cannot be been oriented in the world. If you are oriented only to action itself
and evaluate action itself without taking into account its value precisely for you precisely in this situation
— you constantly you make mistakes. For example, you decide: earn- kA I one hundred dollars! Indeed
to earn one hundred dollars— this is good. You earn them, and in the country they at this time abolish the
walking of dollar. And all your dollars are converted in nothing.

This occurred, because you were oriented toward fact itself, to action, and they did not take into the
attention of the field of his possible values.

But information about the fields of the values of the precisely this action precisely in the given
moment and precisely for you can be obtained, having been only connected to the world flows. After
obtaining this information, you will be able to foresee value and sense of action or event for you

Entire our navigation in the vital sea— this is navigation not between the facts and the events,
namely between the fields of the values of these facts and events.

And on that, how skillfully we is achieved this navigation, depends entire— success, prosperity,
viability, force or, on the contrary, vegetation and extinction.

Specifically, with the inability to achieve this navigation is connected the history of the crash of the
set of firms. Firm from the moment of discovery begins to collect revolutions, it leaves to th level e
accessible for it and some time exists stably. But concrete man with the concrete consciousness costs
after the activity of firm. Thus far he developed firm, until he left to stability level, everything was
noticeably, dispatch the matters excellently. But then suddenly in the world something elusively changed.
If the leader of enterprise by his consciousness can grasp this change and be entered in it— he and his
firm and further they will succeed. But that does indicate change in the world? But that that the old values
of events and facts were replaced to the new. Now if man of this did not note— misfortune. The values of
events already new, and he receives them as before. He begins to make errors. Firm loses its revolutions.
The attempts to save it are undertaken, but since they are undertaken within the framework old values, all
these actions they do not lead to the positive results. As a result firm perishes. But next they live and
flourish the set of analogous firms! Only because their masters could in time grasp a change in the values
of the events of the surrounding peace for themselves personally and for their firm.

This is analagous to as if in the country were changed laws, but man about this nothing knows. He
does not surmise, that according to new laws it is not possible to include the electricity after midnight—
for this is proposed now the year of prison. And entire night with the light continues to sit. And it occurs
after the lattice. No one is guilty: it was necessary to in time recover the new value of old fact. As the
saying goes, ignorance of laws does not free from the responsibility.

It is more complex with the laws of thin energy-information peace. They are not recorded in the
civil code. It is possible to only catch them “from air” with the aid of its own consciousness. At each fact,
phenomenon and event there is no label with the designation of sense. You want to learn this sense—
compare your desires with the motion of world flows, and you will understand that the senses of these
much and they can even change each moment.

Fig. 16. It cannot be opened it soaked the values of world flows by the inappropriate key of its
values. Lock cannot be changed— but it is possible to correct the key
By the way, precisely, for this reason earthlings cannot establish contact with other civilizations.
Indeed we are not lonely in the universe, this is obvious! But the values of one and the same facts for us
and for other peaces are completely different. Conditionally speaking, then that it indicates “good day”
for us, for them can be generally deprived of sense at best, and in the worse— indicate something
opposite according to the sense, for example: “we do not want you to know”.

To understand this is very simple. The Earth can as much as desired send friendly messages into
space, but other civilizations accept another signal: white noise, which goes from the Earth. This for them
true language and the real significance of our message, but completely not our polite [rassharkivanija],
which they simply do not note as something deprived of any sense.

When we see value and sense of events, then chances cease to be chances. Indeed each chance
makes some sense. By the way, in a example concerning development and crash of firms sometimes save
the matter can… novice. For example, the new chief colleague or new leader. Indeed its consciousness

yet not [zashoreno] with the old values of proceeding all around. It, in contrast to the old colleagues, by
its fresh view sees full values. As the example, when old colleague plans to prolong contract with the
previous partner, who was always reliable, new colleague can feel that now everything changed and to
previous reliability greater no. And thereby to save entire matter.

Specifically, this phenomenon bore saying “to novices it conveys”. It conveys by them both into
the maps and into the tape-measure. Specifically, because in the consciousness yet did not penetrate the
dies and stereotypes relative to that how themselves news in what situation. They behave spontaneously,
they are intuitively and oriented thus to the real significance of phenomena.

But then and they cease to be novices. And they also outgrow by the stereotypes of behavior. But,
where there are stereotypes, there there is no true sensation of the living and moving peace.

We all can always remain these “novices”, by which it always conveys,— to remain them, even
having what conveniently gigantic life experience.

And we all can place world flows for ourselves on the service— necessary only to know and to
understand, as we can achieve our navigation among pour on values.

[Polosatost] of the life: the method of the orienting

As you understood, order and chaos in our life were located unevenly. This is connected with th
nature of the interrelations of the people and Earth with the world flows e occurring today. Somewhere
are a place forces, and to the world flows be connected to there more easily (they are simply more
appeared) to, which means, more easily introduce into its life more than order. Somewhere were
assembled many developed highly organized people will, which means, here be more order in entire
proceeding, than in other places. But the yelling crowd of the low-organized people somewhere was
assembled. It means, there will there be little order and much chaos.

With this heterogeneous influence of world flows is connected this phenomenon, as [polosatost] of

Everyone knows that life as the vest: the bright strip follows dark. Moreover there are strips the
large scale (good year— poor year) as well as more [uzenkie] strips, which cover the short period of time,
period of fulfillment some task, one matter. Many students know that such strips can be changed even in
the limits of one examination session: if at the first examination it transported, on the second await
nothing good and so on. This connected with the fact that distribution of success in the sphere of values is
attempted to be constant.

In nature is everything— the order, chaos, and positive, and negative. In the man also everything is
attempted harmoniously to be combined. Therefore it is impossible to be hooked only on one good and to
sit in it, allowing to approach to itself anything poor. So it does not occur.

If to you largely it transported, then you in some sense owed to nature— they outbalanced blanket
to yourselves. It means, it is necessary to await that they can tighten already soon this blanket from you.
Because the surrounding terrestrial peace is approached the equilibrium of chaos and order. The most
important vital law, which says, so is manifested: it is necessary to pay for everything.

Someone perhaps will ask: what there can be [polosatost] at our new level of the development,
when according to the logic of things it does leave, that if we follow laws governing the world flows,
then we will move along the smooth rolled road of continuous happiness and prosperity? In the highest
sense so it will be. You will leave to the general line of your life, you realize the sense of life and your

vital task, and this road will conduct you according to the way of order and accordion. But in the
terrestrial life this way is passed nevertheless through the black and white fields of values. Task in not
being brought down into these fields from its general way and correcting by its their own forces. This
force in you it— there is precisely in this your general way, built with the aid of the world flows. And
precisely this force will help you to completely in a new way organize [polosatost] of life so that it would
be striped only on the form, but not in the essence.

[Polosatost] of terrestrial life— thing is inevitable. But, to our happiness, here there is one
craftiness. Essence in the fact that, since the value of events— the matter is subjective, the estimation of
events— the matter is also subjective. How we do determine that the life is striped? It is correct, only
according to its estimations! Each time, when we evaluate any event as unsuccessful, we shift our
“pendulum of values” into the negative region. Ourselves we shift, and no one this for us makes! Note,
not life this makes. This we tell the life: you to us now tossed up some filth. And then pendulum rocks to
other side— indeed life it is attempted to restore equilibrium. Then we tell the life: as everything is
successful, as everything is good! And life again attempts to restore equilibrium, pumping out pendulum
to the opposite side.

It means, it is possible in a certain kind to deceive life! How? Having simply redistributed its

After redistributing our estimations, we can learn to govern [polosatostju] life.

This first. But in the second place, concept “it is good” and “badly” more than they are conditional
and it is very subjective. I.e., we easily can themselves appoint, which for us now will indicate “badly”,
i.e., how we we will pay in our life for the success. This conditional “badly” in reality can be completely
not badly. Because this “badly” can become the currency, to which we pay for the comforts. Yes, for
everything it is necessary to pay, but here the currency, to which we pay, we select ourselves. However,
let us select the currency, which to us is convenient.

Easily redistributing estimations “good” and “badly” in the manner that to us must, we decrease for
ourselves significance and good, and poor events. But when reduction in this significance occurs in our
consciousness, then in our life we begin less to depend on [polosatosti]. I.e., we simply cease to be
subordinated to the continuances of the change of success by failures.

This is what gives to us the skill to govern [polosatostju] life.

But not only this. We when desired can go further— attaching too great significance either to
terrestrial success or terrestrial failure, we moreover can learn to attract to ourselves success somewhat
larger, but failure— to [pomelche]. For this it is necessary to do so that the success would be distributed
on the large and important for us things. But we will leave failures insignificant and unimportant. Thus
we will return tribute to terrestrial material nature, to terrestrial black and white peace, we will place
[galochku] in the word “badly”, and it to us will be counted and more it will not to us adhere, where not

Fig. 17. Life is striped as vest. If you on the dark strip, which means, soon begins bright. And they
are distributed randomly by (a), so that on bright strip falls the important, the unimportant. But it
is possible to make level its values with [polosatosti] (b), and all failures will fall into the
insignificant regions, and entire success— into the significant regions
How to master this skill? For the beginning we must learn to be oriented in our internal, virtual
space, where are located the structures of consciousness. Then in this internal space of consciousness it is
necessary to reveal regions “well” and “it is bad” and to learn to displace the center of its consciousness
in them. To make this not so is difficult: as you soon will be convinced, for the orienting in our internal
peace our consciousness uses a completely three-dimensional coordinate system!

You are ready? Then we begin!

Step 1. Detection of the virtual space of its consciousness

Sit down in the convenient pose, shut eyes. You will see before yourselves empty dark space. It is
possible to say that you proved to be in empty dark space. So it there is. You— in the virtual space of
your consciousness. You will perceive the volume of this space. In it as in the usual external terrestrial
space, three measurements. In it only there is no limiting horizon. If you try to imagine to yourselves any
picture, then she will appear somewhere in front, scarcely higher eye— as if on the screen. But besides
this screen there is even and the space of void.

Were concentrated as it does follow, they did perceive themselves inside the space
consciousnesses? Here it is good. But now you will recall any written in verse line. The first, such as will
arrive to the mind. Well for example, “sad time! Eyes to [ocharovane]…”. But now try to determine,
where precisely in the space, in which you now be situated, is placed this line. Do not search for it inside
itself, in your soul and tele-, do not search for it and somewhere in the skies. You will determine its
purely space coordinates in the virtual space, where you now are located. Where she? On top and to the
right, in the middle, to the left below or still somewhere? Very near from you or it is far?

But now you will recall the smell of lily of the valley. But it where is located in your internal
space? Do not be surprised, if after it it is necessary “to climb” entirely into another part of this internal
space. We continue to sort out recollections. Taste of lemon… They did recall sensation? Teeth are
absorbed into the yellow transparent piece, acid juice falls on language… But it where is located in your
virtual space? We search for, we determine coordinates.

But other now kind recollection. You will recall multiplication table. No, it is not necessary it to
repeat by heart, sufficient to recall that twice two four, either to present, as it appears (you remember—
on the covers of school writing-books multiplication table it was given completely), or its sensation from
the lessons of the arithmetic, when you taught table. But well and where multiplication table in your
virtual space? You will recall better anything more pleasant— juicy shashlik, dark-blue sea, bouquet of

You will see, which all this is placed in the different regions of your internal space. That this space
is truly limitless in its depth, once in it is placed so much in all. It contains everything that only there is in
your consciousness!

True, it is interesting? When we shut eyes, it is revealed that we is utilized for the orienting in our
own internal space the usual system of the space coordinates: it is above— below, it is more to the right
— more left, it is nearer— further. And I will immediately say to you that the arrangement of the
elements of our consciousness in this space remains stable, it does not change. I.e., in that place itself,
where you revealed one or other written in verse line or another, you will find it, also, following time,
and always, when only you want to find it. Therefore, revealing “the place of the residence” of the taste
of lemon, multiplication table and so on, know: specifically, at those points, where all this was
discovered by you, there it is located constantly!

In the same space they are located and the interesting us regions “good”— “it is bad”.

The step of 2[a]. the detection of interior “is good”

Before taking up strictly the fulfillment of this step, you should sit down at the table, take knob,
paper and compose the list of recollections pleasant for itself. Without considering for long, write that
which to you the first will be recalled. For example: trip at sea in the past year, as we played in hide-and-
seek in the childhood, tasty pastry, eaten yesterday, and so on. Writing, immediately recall sensations
from these pleasant events— as to you it was actually well at that moment. The significance of events is
not important— this they can be and serious vital successes, and different pleasant trifles, the main thing
so that there would be the sensation of happiness and heat. Write down 56— such events, more— it is not

After composing list, sit down in the convenient pose, be weakened, shut eyes and alternately find
all these events in your internal space. After making this, you will reveal that although the space
coordinates in these events are different, in them there is something general, namely: in them the point of
intersection is a point of contact or, is shorter, some general for them all region. Reveal its this— region
one way or another it includes the zone of each of the recalled pleasant events.

Here this region is the not known by us region “good”.

You will memorize, where it is located. Again we check, we did memorize its location. We attach
our memorization and it is discovered eye.

Thus, you revealed that all good recollections have one general for them all region. They all
include region “well”. Now this region is found by you. It still will be necessary by us.

Step 2b. The detection of interior “is bad”

Now task will be less pleasant than previous. Recently you composed the list of pleasant events.
Now you must make the same with the unpleasant events. It is not compulsory so that these they would
be some already very sorrowful events,— to sufficiently recall about the troubles “average gravity”: in
the student years it fell through at the examination, in the childhood the mom spanked, yesterday chief
called names.

Now again shut eyes and exactly as you this made “good”, reveal the region, where all unpleasant
events intersect. This— region “is bad”. They verified, they were affirmed in their sensation, that you
now accurately know the location of this region. Eyes opened.

You revealed region “badly”. She still will be required us.


Thus, you revealed that all recollections, both poor and good, live in the space of our consciousness
not where it fell not haphazardly. They are regulated, attached to one defined place as respectable
townspeople to the place of registration. There is no [bomzhej] among them! They clearly know their
place. Be glad to this order inside itself: the arrangement of recollections in our virtual space is strictly
individual and constantly. But now to us it will remain to only use open domains in order to be switched
into the mode of controlled [polosatosti].

Is based this method on the following principle. It is worthwhile for us to only designate some
period of our life as “good”, then immediately will go the small wave of circumstances, so also being
tried to move us in “it is bad”. If we will resist this wave, she will increase, until he finally moves us in
“badly”. But it is worthwhile for us only to cease to be caught after “good” and it is honest to say to itself
which here now became “badly”, as circumstances by themselves will begin to be shifted in “well”—
first small wave, and then by avalanche.

But from what to begin to learn to govern natural [polosatostju]? Yes from what it is convenient. It
is possible to begin although directly now. As you evaluate that which in you now, at the given moment,
occurs: good or it is bad? Possibly, you evaluate this in no way— simply usual neutral state. Here it is
noticeable. In the literal sense— you will estimate this state as remarkable, after appropriating to it title
“good”. How this to make, if nothing special as if and it does occur? It is very simple: it is possible to
take out to the surface of consciousness any insignificant, but pleasant trifles, to fan them as air ball, on
the whole, to make of the fly of elephant— and to begin to delight in. For example: ah as to me now heat-
and comfortably to sit in this armchair. Or: what beautiful flower grew on the window-sill. It is possible
to be trained in isolation and blowing of such and similar to them trifles. Try to be held in the state
“good” for the beginning of approximately three-four hours. Thus you will include your consciousness in
the regime of the use of a heterogeneity pour on the values of the surrounding peace you will create for
yourselves controlled [polosatost]. Themselves you understand, which in earnest, sincerely, to make this
is not the fact that complicated, but, perhaps, also it is impossible.

Therefore we must resort to another method. And first for you it is necessary to recall about the
fact that this feeling “I [esm]” and as to find him in itself. To the most attentive and most persistent
readers to resemble about this, of course, not must— they, undoubtedly, mastered well this important
element of system, and they, naturally, possess significant practice in its use. But also them it will not
prevent from reverting again to the fourth book— “maturity” in order to refresh in the memory and in the
sensations, that indicates a feeling “I [esm]”. But if there is some lack of understanding of this theme, all
the more it is necessary to again turn to it independently, or to arrive to be occupied to the policies of
school [DEIR].

Step of 2[v]. the start in the regime of controlled [polosatosti]

Sit down conveniently, shut eyes. A certain dead time you look into the darkness, as if looking
intently far. Thus you will quiet your sight, you will be able to weaken eyelids and to end the random
movement of pupils.

Now conduct the reduction of my consciousness to the upper point “I [esm]” (you will recall that
we made at the fourth step [DEIR]— it it is located in the entrance point of the downflow!).

Strengthen the ascending current (this already entirely the basics, with this we dealt in the
beginning to first stage, to resemble, as this is done, I hope, no one not must). Now you will recall, where
in you is located the recently obtained zone “good”. In time to inhalations begin to shift point “I [esm]”
into the region “good”. As soon as you will succeed in reaching by this point of region “well”, your
consciousness will be immediately pierced as by sun rays, by glad feelings and by pleasant sensations.

Several instants delight in by this state, and then, without losing concentration on it, slowly open
eyes. The light, which you in this case see and seemingly admit into yourselves, attaches the confluence
of point “I [esm]” with the region “good”.

Rest minutes 1015— and you will repeat this step again first. In all to you it is necessary to repeat
it, as a minimum, once 1015— with th intervals for the elongation of 56 hours e convenient for— you.

Through several days you will repeat entire procedure again. Even through several days again
return to it. In all it is necessary to repeat this step until in your life the real results of this work begin to
be manifested.

What this they must be for the results?

With the retention of excellent and iridescent internal state in your external life for some time will
set in seemingly certain “vacuum”. Life will cease to allow to possibility for happiness and merriment.
Do not be frightened and you are held: in this there is nothing terrible, this is the guarantee of future
happy changes. Furthermore, with the internal glad state you will understand that certain external
“[neprukha]”— nothing the significant nonsense. Well you will think, the bananas of cheap it was not
reached or kefir in the refrigerator was spilled. Or friends earlier called first in the cinema, then to the
disk library, and now everyone he disappeared somewhere as one. These are still trifles of life! Always
such troubles were!

Not [bespokojtes], all this we make precisely so that you always have only such troubles, and not
to the gram more.

This result begins in all within the different periods— in someone earlier, in someone later. In any
event, if this effect is already noticeable,— know: you should urgently designate by its word “badly”.

As soon as you will note this period of your life by sign “badly”— the course of events here it will
begin to approach to break in two the best. Moreover to the best it will break in two no longer in the
trifles, but in th regions e actually important for you.

Fig. 18. Our interior “it is good” as magnet, it attracts events with the value “badly”. But it is

worthwhile to change it on “badly” with the same events— and they will swim out to the surface, as
if ejected, event with the value “it is good”

But in this case you be ready for the fact that in the trifles the insufficient luck will be preserved.
Therefore you will solve for itself immediately: are ready you to endow by trifles for this reason, it would
conveying in the large? I think, at your level of development you without the doubts will answer “yes”.
Trifles are already so insignificant at this level that simply they are not noted, and it is not completely
important, it conveys in them or not. Then in the large it will convey! Game costs [svech].

It is desirable in this case not to experience fate once more— for example, not to play in the casino
and not to frolic by different lotteries. Why to you to this nonsense to draw off the part of its precious
success? Let a little more it it remain for the large and the important.

You remember the known saying: “It does not convey in the maps— it will transport in the love”?
The same principle here acts. In the essence, each man makes this selection: is selected either luck in the
trifles or in the large. You want so that it would convey in the trifles,— the maps, endlessly drink beer
with the friends, on the whole, you strive for “the elements of beautiful life”. Then do not design for
success in the large. You want success in the large, for example in the love,— well you refuse to
yourselves in the pleasure of card game or in other such insignificant and doubtful small pleasures.

However, you, as people developed, already, probably very do not peck to the fishing rod of small,
doubtful entertainments. And— it is not necessary well to once more suffer. This for the usual people is
necessary conscious failure of such trifles, so as to attract large. For you already your nature itself
forewent them, therefore to you and it does not convey in the trifles. Then success in the large will not
fail to appear to you in guests very soon.

The students get accustomed very rapidly to this state. In developed man the need for the luck in
the trifles actually disappears. They are not pulverized to this. They live by large events and large
landmarks of fate. Change even women, which earlier than the life did not think of without the chatter
with the girl friends on the telephone, infinite [kofepitij] with the associates from the work, empty
swaying on the stores and scrutinization of counters… One of our students, which was recently precisely
such, now he says: “I do feel, as into the life did enter some deep sense and entire life did become very
valuable, very significant, infinitely interesting and saturated— as I it could it pulverize on the trifles? I
was born anew. In me began the second life”. This woman as early as 1987 was unbalanced and
insignificant senior laboratory assistant, and now he is occupied by the most interesting direction in the
science, conducts division, it drives for the boundary to the symposia, it teaches in the most prestigious
educational institutions of the West.

However, have in the form: when to you it begins to convey, not compulsorily this will be
extended on others. Your luck can use you, and only you! We already spoke, that the sense of one and the
same events for all people is different. It can be, you will find the authentic matter of your life, which
they searched for many years, and you will be from this immeasurably happy, and those surrounding will
say: “I that after the stupidities it is occupied”— or anything in this kind. You already know that the
opinion of those surrounding means nothing. I understand, that this of pure water [zanudstvo], but
nevertheless again I resemble: it is necessary to be oriented not to this opinion, but at the value of this
event precisely for you, personally for you. If in you everything it sings inside— it means, you do
everything correctly.

Thus, if to you suddenly it ceased to convey in the trifles, you can make the conclusion that bright
strip soon will begin (or even already it began). This means, time itself to study the fact that it is
important for you. When black strip yet did not end, it was utilized it as starting point so that it from the
black strip would become runway and so that the bright strip could remove injustice and render to you

completely within the squandered dark period, after collapsing in your portion as much as possible of
happiness and success.

And here now, when you were switched into the mode of controlled [polosatosti], time itself to
recall about the need for being entered in the world flows. On the need for recovering the right direction
for itself among them. To us this is necessary, if we want to live our life is maximally to effectively and
reach in it the apex of goods for ourselves and for others, if we want to become the in every respect
successful people, i.e., to run the maximum program of our life with the greatest possible success.

Having the fact is that even learned to distribute success to the most important aspects of our life,
we yet do not obtain the complete guarantee of success. People frequently, without knowing the laws of
world flows, attempt to make that which is impossible at the given moment for them. In this case, even
having distributed to these imaginarily important sides the maximum of success, we are sooner or later
exerted before the closed barrier. Occurred this because in this case we encountered the closed way in our

And here now for us one must learn about the very crucial point— about that, about which does not
know the majority of people and therefore suffers failures, crash, it encounters it is with the fact that
called “uncomplicated life”. Life in them is not added not because so the course of events is already
fatally predetermined and fate is so wrong. Entirely no. Peace is arranged so that each life it can be
formed ideally, each man can realize by the best and [naipolnejshim] means. But so that this would occur,
it is necessary to know laws and to know how to use them. And that is all! I.e., it depends on man
himself, will be formed its life or not, but completely not from some there evil fate or interference of
some there forces.

It would be desirable to emphasize that this depends not on the simple confluence of circumstances
— no, this depends also on us themselves— in that part, in which we are capable of analyzing the
surrounding peace, in that part pour on the values, which we involuntarily assign ourselves.

But all ways for us are divided into those opened and closed.

Chapter 4

Open and closed ways: understanding the phenomenon

Skill to go around the tree

Thus, all ways are divided for us into those opened and closed. I will say immediately: the open
way is not completely continuous white strip in our life. The open way— this correct alternation of black
and white strips, is more accurate, the specific zone, which passes through these strips in such a way that
the maximum of success in the important and significant for us matters is fallen precisely to the white
strips, and for the blacks remains that, in general, not too for us is important. Man, who was correctly
switched into the mode of controlled [polosatosti], easily follows along the open way, without meeting
any obstacles and in th regions e important for himself reaping only fruits of that leaning to him

But the fact is that not all purposes and desires in our life, which us seem important and meant, are
found on the open ways. All you know this according to our own experience. You will recall, how many
begun in you and important for you matters were not carried out for the completely incomprehensible at
first glance reasons. And indeed you struggled above this matter sufficiently for long, and at some
moments to you it seemed which all any minute now will come out… But— no. “Not fate”,— we speak
in such cases.

Then other matters were obtained as if by themselves, as if on the beckoning of a magic wand,—
and this was also for you completely not explained. “As if someone me conducted and directed, and it
showed, where to step in order to arrive as a result at the success, and conducted to me people, but I
myself for this absolutely nothing made”,— as one of my students said.

There was indeed such, also, in your life, truth? And already then you surmised, that there are in the
world some highest regularities, incomprehensible for us, but which perceptibly influence our life.

The fortunately, trained man practically always can previously distinguish, will be direction of
motion for it favorable or not. But by this information can use any the more or less sober-minded
reasonable man. Visualize the tree, which stands directly before you at a distance five meters. If you are
the clever and sober-minded man, then easily you will consider, that if you will move clearly along the
straight line, which connects you with the tree, then through several seconds you will be rested in it by
forehead. Since you this result can forecast previously, you will not begin to check him on our own
experience. You will not begin to be assigned by the question: “A which will be, if I do now go directly
to this tree? Well- kA, I will try…” You so previously know that will be. But therefore you will quietly
go around tree.

But here if before the tree proves to be man, in which with the intellect and the mental acuity not all
in the order, he also, in principle, of course, can surmise about the results of his advance directly for the
tree. But, too without entrusting to himself, he will decide to verify its nevertheless guesses. Frequently
in this case he discusses approximately thus: “A suddenly it will manage? But suddenly me will succeed
in rushing by through the tree? Or to even somehow this obstacle manage?” On the whole, it calculates at
random in spite of the obvious state of affairs. As a result— spark from the eyes and lump on the

But now think, as frequently people behave in the life similarly to this comrade, who decided to
attack tree. Man is arranged to the new work— and he knows previously that anything good to it this will
bring. But it calms, or more precisely, deceives itself: “A suddenly it will manage?” It does not bypass.
As a result— still the same lumps and release. Businessman feels the lack of promise of new contract, but
is designed everything for the same perhaps: “A suddenly it will transport? Large money lean”. As a
result— moral and material losses, from which it still for long cannot be set right.

Such cases set. Intuition, if she entirely does not sleep, one way or another suggests, the open or
closed way before us. But if there is no intuition— they prompt the circumstances of life. But people
rarely focus attention on these signs, because they do not know, as the law of the open and closed ways

So that it is easy at the conscious level, but not only at the level of guesses and intuition, to
recognize in its life the open and closed ways, let us be dismantled logically how they appear— the ways,
which be favorable to us, and the ways, on which for us it is necessary difficultly. But to make this will
help us th understanding of [polosatosti] of life e already available to us.

The open way is— zone in [polosatosti]

What such, strictly speaking, the open way? This is the way, which lies accurately at the course of
world flows, and we should only fall into this river bed so that it auto would bring us to the purpose. You
will recall analogy with the incomprehensible mechanism, where the set of gear wheels and, if we are
hitched to one of them, is possible easily to reach the shelf with pastry. Thus and here. Coincided your
values with the direction of the motion of the values of world flows— deign to obtain that, what you

Open ways in our universe set. It is possible to say that their— majority. Must be sufficient these
open ways with the reserve moreover so that each— man must feel himself on his open way completely
freely to all people, because, besides it, there there is no one.

To each man is made possible to use the open ways. But in the reality people not so frequently find
this their niche. They do not see their open ways, they do not know how to take care them and sooner or
later they are encountered the closed way, which leads them to the failure.

Man does not exist separately from by the universe. Man are— the part of the universe. Visualize:
the information field of the universe is divided, as if to the cells, to different information regions. For
example, there are the regions, which correspond for one or other kind or another of activity. These cells,
of course, abstraction, but truth that that the map of their distribution is unique and unique for the
concrete man. If you want so that the distribution of these cells for you would change, for you it is
necessary to change the sphere of their values— of the significance for you of separate facts.

So that each such cell— of its kind the safe, closed with trick lock. To this safe the access cannot
obtain any desiring. In order to open this safe, is necessary the key, which will approach precisely this
lock. And here such key exactly is the specific man. Specifically, concrete man with his individuality,
with his special features of energy-information structure, with his unique soul can become that small key,
which will open precisely this cell of safe— and event will by this method bear for it positive value! And
if man clearly reveals th cell e precisely suitable for himself, then he will leave to his open way and
everything in it will come out easily. But here if it climbs with its key to open cell inappropriate for itself,
then only key (i.e., itself) [iskorezhit] even it will break, and door then will not be opened, it will expect
its key.

Output to the open way thus occurs. The open way is characterized by the fact that it is easily
forecast. And if we correctly are fitted to the natural course of events, then let us easily and in practice
effortlessly achieve goal.

If put-out itself to the use of controlled [polosatosti] of men, being found on the open way, within
the framework this way is occupied by advertisement and according to all forecasts this advertisement it
must increase the revolution of firm— it means, then it will be. If this man on the open way plants on the
vegetable-garden potato and it plans to obtain large harvest, then this potato under no circumstances will
attack neither Colorado beetle nor mealy rot, but even if and it will attack, then not it [poportit] harvest,
since easily it will be possible to manage with it to the surprise.

Or another example. The set of young girls from the childhood they dream to become the stars of
stage. And is done for this everything which is only possible. But from this set of the desired result they
reach one. However, to rest there remains only to look and to envy: “Well why it, but not I? That in it
good— neither voice nor appearance! I is better, I is more worthy— but I in the hall, and it on the scene”.
Offenses to the fate grow, are extended rumors about fabulous sums of money and connections, without
which allegedly anywhere you will not be opened.

Meanwhile it frequently occurs that this lucky girl fell on the scene Beza any money and
connections— it helped that which is called happy chance… In reality it simply correctly found its cell,
its open way. Here and occurred that for the majority so remained miracle and something completely
improbable. Whereas for it this miracle was achieved easily and simply, Beza any efforts. It wanted to
become the star of show business or even did not dream— and result easily was carried out. Simply for it
this way proved to be open.

But others was mistaken, expending forces on th way e closed for itself. They are here and struck
entire life by forehead against the tree itself, which so simple to go around and to leave to its open and
happy road.

On what this does depend? Only from laws governing the higher order, from our skill or inability
them to follow. If not our motion did not interact with laws governing the higher order, each man could
easily reach all that, what he wants at the given moment his left heel. Would keep balance in this case
peace— unknown, most likely, no, indeed the desires of the left heels of a enormous quantity of people
simply would tear it on the part. Visualize, one man wanted to turn rivers backwards— and here it turned.
Another wanted to dry ocean— was dried. The third wanted to, on the contrary, flood entire planet by
water— it flooded. The fourth wanted to destroy forests— it destroyed. Well and so on. As a result
complete chaos and the end of universe.

Fortunately, highest regularities conduct peace by their way. Only because of these highest
regularities, in all likelihood, our peace thus far kept balance. Then “collapse” and depart from the life
people, which attempt to defy these regularities. Peace is simply stronger and infinitely more complex,
and therefore such people unavoidably become conquered, they depart from the scene of life.

And only on the open way we can make that that we want, without the damage for ourselves and for
the peace, and on the contrary, to the universal benefit and to its own prosperity. On the open way we
meet th distribution of [polosatosti] e already customary for us, when against the background the
absences of luck in the trifles us nothing prevents from attain success in the large and important things.

For example, in the past year on television set one of our “asterisks” of show business said, that in
the youth it simply adored order in everything— and this order it it always accompanied. It never
anywhere was late, it everywhere came in time. In the house in it everything was decomposed on its
shelves, and not one speck nowhere there it was evident. It wonderfully prepared, and never nothing it
scorched in it, it salted too much nothing— on the whole, everything was ideal. In this case it already
then was the completely talented beginning singer, but here prospects to make a career, it would seem,
there was any.

But the very well-known and successful composer to it once focused attention. And its beginnings,
which is called, “to untwist”. Which here began in it before the measured off life! Pirogs began to scorch,
the scattered things were dragged along now on the entire [nepribrannoj] apartment, it began everywhere
to be late, since transport, as to spite, began eternally to be brought down from its graph— it was
worthwhile for it to approach the stoppage. On the whole, in the trifles send failures and failures. But it
very soon became well-known artiste, after making a simply breath-taking career! So that, in spite of
failure in the trifles, this period of its life in any way it was not possible to name dark strip.

The open way is— this direction, where the law of [polosatosti] is disrupted in no way, where
[polosatost] correctly is distributed in the significant and insignificant spheres of life. The open way—
this is the way, occupied with anyone and in no way, except you. And you can freely be developed in this
direction in the manner that you want,— your development by anyone and by anything is unconfined.

Fig. 19. Nothing prevents motion along the open way— all simply and it is miraculous

But now let us recall about the technicians of the second step [DEIR], presented in the book
“formation”. You do remember? This of program to the success, to the luck, to the confidence in itself, to
the effectiveness of its own actions. So here: now alien time to say to you that these of technology are
intended only for the open ways, and means, it is only effective on the open ways!

I hope, you correctly determined with the aid of the intuition your open ways. Indeed life itself
pushes slightly each man precisely to the open ways! But therefore the open ways simple- after all by
themselves spread before each man. Simply select and go! But the individual separately rested people
nevertheless teach to shut eyes to the open ways, themselves so calling for the journey, and to be held to
the latter for the already initiated way, for free that it for them gradually is shut. But here here narrower
than the procedure of the second step they do not help. have such cases, also, you? Did not help the
procedures of the second step? Now, when you steel are more competent, think: did not get in you
inadvertently to the closed way, already inaccessible for you, because you do estimate events on it
inadequately to its natural development? So not better whether to leave from there and to look free rails
and green semaphores? Or (I do run in forward) to convert this way into that opened?

In the second book was given a example about how it is possible to become chief, using programs
to the effectiveness of actions. Some of the readers, apparently, perceived this example too literally. They
solved, that, following this method, anybody can become the chief of any organization, even if thus far it
was itself that not on there is by a series worker, stars from the skies being sufficient. One of such readers
even sent to me the angered letter. He wrote that, following my councils, it attempted to become the chief
of the entire subdivision of her own enterprise, when earlier he was there simply worker. The more it
used programs to the effectiveness of actions, the more strongly its association tore away. Send
pronunciations, calls “to the carpet” to the authorities. Man thought, that everything is correct that the
energy-information parasite so resists. He forgot, that in the case of the correct application of programs to
the effectiveness of actions the parasite simply ceases to note the overgrown its level man— this man it
becomes as transparent, invisible for [sotsiuma]. It did not the very same begin to govern situation
independently, after accepting to itself the function of energy-information parasite. Simply they
discharged as a result my unlucky reader from the enterprise. In connection with which it was angry.

I nothing answered this letter, after judging, that the life itself will be dismantled with the man, who
does not want to set his brain in normal operation and to begin finally to think. But this history ended
much better than I assumed. Through half a year to me alien one additional letter from the same reader. It
apologized itself for its previous letter and at this time… it thanked me. It occurs, after release from the
previous work it from something to make began to be occupied by the independent matter. It came out
entirely well. Decided to be enlarged— everything it came out. Now this is the completely successful

Thus system [DEIR] as a result helped man to leave from the closed way, where, naturally, did not
act programs on the effectiveness of actions, and to leave to the open way, where it achieved success
without the special efforts. System [DEIR] helped man to leave to the accurate way even with the fact
that man himself strove entirely for another result!

The thus, open way— this the disrupted in no way correct zone in [polosatosti], where from us for
the greatest success it is necessary to only ensure the correct zoning of success and failure, i.e., the
distribution of negative in the trivial regions, but positive— in the significant regions. As a result we
easily obtain that that we want.

One of the readers of the second book told in its letter history about how by it exactly very easily it
was possible to become [nachalnitsej] of the division, where it worked,— indeed it has long ago has
thoughts about the reorganization of this division, which, as she felt, will lead firm to prosperity. By it
did not be sufficient for achievement the purpose only of certain self-discipline and knowledge of the
methods of achieving this goal. After obtaining at its disposal methods, it achieved goal, since it was
originally on the open way. It converted division, collected new colleagues— firm it began to work in the
very promising trend, it obtained large material benefit. Moreover all this occurred easily, as if by itself,
without the special efforts and it is already accurately without the overvoltage. The open way is the open
way. Green light daN— remains only easily to roll along the smooth and flat rails. By this method it does
not appear unforeseen obstacles, the unexpected interfere witing the matter circumstances, and
achievement of the objective depends only on us themselves.

The closed way is— failure in [polosatosti]

Entirely another matter is— the closed way. The closed way always very actively resists our motion
on it.

The closed way— thing is very insidious. If it was simply dark strip in our life— this would be it
doesn't matter. You see dark strip, you understand that nothing good it will bring— and you easily go
around by its side. And that is all.

But the closed way— this is dark strip. The closed way is slier and more insidious. It as if entices
man by the illusion of the light attainability of purpose. It seems those opened by way. But then, when
success, it would seem, already in two steps,— to take yes even to begin to move before the man the iron
folds of the impenetrable doors, to take yes even to lower barrier forever. Here is this the closed way—
complex thing.

But it is not necessary to see in this some punishment, either whose- that evil will or the intrigues of
the highest forces. The highest forces are not at all capable not of what intrigues— this first. And in the
second place, man for them the too trivial value so that someone would specially advance before it some
barriers. No barriers special for you personally no one advance there will be— and do not hope, we all
not such important personas. But we themselves will be buried into this barrier, if we will persist in the
advance on the closed way. To build this barrier is not necessary for us. We themselves it will find.

You will recall analogy with the cell- safes of the information field, to which each of us can become
key. In order to open the specific cell, it is necessary to possess the specific, corresponding to it
properties. If we these properties do not have or there are some excess properties, which do not be
suitable for this cell, we cell will not open and forced will be go further in search of only our cell. It is
possible to draw a parallel with that control, which each passenger passes to airport. If in your pocket
hammer, you do not traverse the tourniquet. In this case it cannot be said that they built this tourniquet
specially for you in order to punish you in order not to let pass you to th voyage e necessary to you. No,
no one thought you to punish. Simply your properties at the given moment are such, that you cannot
traverse the tourniquet. But here if in your pocket, for example, brick, then you without ceremony pass

magnetic control. And, in addition this will not indicate whose- that of encouragement or reward for you
— simply your qualities they proved to be those corresponding to the passage through this tourniquet.

In each of us is some purposes, desire, some sum of the knowledge, such as qualities of nature,
some habits and skills, talents and abilities, such as [karmicheskie] characteristics, finally. But main—
this of value, by which we allot the facts of our life— those, which refer to th way e outlined by us. All
this together and creates that very configuration “of key”, which makes it possible either it does not make
it possible to open one or other lock or another. If girl with excellent data could not become variety singer
— not necessary to think that this her god punished or fate deceived. No, simply its personal “key” it did
not approach that door, because it approaches entirely another.

When we find our door, that door, which corresponds to us at the given instant, we always obtain
into the reward success. And those make mistakes, who continue to be beaten into the not corresponding
to itself doors only because they outwardly appear more spectacular and it is more attractive. This only
outwardly. For you after it only night and blackness. Do not confuse your doors and strangers. Do not
climb with the hammers through the magnetic control. Do not dive into the river with the stone, attached
to the foot. And will not have to anger god and fate, lamenting to the fact that you allegedly they
punished, deceived… There are no punishments whatever. All negative events on our way we create

We themselves, moving along th way e selected by us, want to give to th events e forthcoming by
this method values necessary precisely for us. And we do not frequently see that by world flows are
determined entirely other values of these events, just as man with the hammer in the pocket can, for
example, to want to traverse control and not to know that the metallic object in the pocket makes this
impossible. As a result resistance of medium increases, and finally our advance becomes impossible.
Motion stops.

For example, you decided to go into leave, after judging with th logic e characteristic of man, that
leave— this is always good. You, themselves of that without knowing, in addition are oriented toward the
event, and not at its value. Meanwhile the logic of world flows is such, that precisely now, at the given
moment, the value “good” is inherent for you not to leave, but to work. Specifically, now, by the way, are
opened enormous possibilities for the successful work with reaching of the most serious and promising
results. Is opened way in the sphere of work— this way itself it calls in and it invites you to enter to it,
promising real success. But you persist in the fact that leave— this is good, and you decide work to put
off. In this case you strive for the most favorable values of all those events and facts, which are connected
with leave. I.e., you want so that the hotel would be good so that the weather would be solar, water in the
sea warm, and girl— friendly. But world flows did not provide for you now this confluence of
circumstances. Your way into leave lies out of their river bed. As a result in the hotel cockroaches creep,
weather spoils during the day of your arrival, but the cold and being stormy sea in no way contributes to
bathing. However, by others this, as it seems, it in no way interfere withs— other men on leave, but not
to you.

Returning from leave with the most terrible impressions, you reveal that in this time they missed the
mass of the possibilities, which were opened before you from the work. But also this train already left.
Way was shut. Motion stopped.

But this does not mean that precisely at this moment leave will not pass successfully for someone
other. As in the case with the tourniquet, it is not so that some way would be closed for all and
immediately. Those are not for this very reason right, who discuss as follows: “I why this he did make a
career, but not I? Than I is worse?” Anything not worse. But by something, can, and it is better. It is
simple the way, opened for one man, it is closed for another. It is closed, let us note, for its good. So that

it would change the mind and would begin to search for the open way, where the maximum of happiness
awaits it.

Not rights and the one who it discusses: “I why this someone can steal and in this case flourish,
whereas I live honestly and I live in poverty?” Yes, for someone and dishonest way it can become
openly. All ways are equal, and their human estimation plays no role. Man thus realizes his [karmu], is
carried out one of the [karmicheskikh] tasks of humanity and even entire universe, although we with our
terrestrial logic always cannot determine, in what the sense of this task. However, will not envy to this
man— indeed it is taken to itself the negative of those surrounding, possibly, in order to free from this
negative of other people, us with you. Its soul will, possibly, stretch on herself the load of fault, and we
will be at this time free and happy precisely because they did not steal, but they lived honestly.

Any way can prove to be for some people open, and for others closed. As you understood, this is
connected not with the properties of way itself, but with the properties of man, who moves along one or
other way or another, with the fact, how these a properties correspond to this way.

In this case, as a rule, there is the so that closed way it is converted into that opened, and opened—
in that closed, if the properties of man change. The properties of man, for example, can change so that
man it ceases to correspond to advance on the way, and way is shut. Specifically, with this are connected
the numerous cases of the crash of the career of people, this whose career very successfully began and it
was originally undoubtedly open.

How precisely must change the properties of man, so that the open way before it would be shut? To
transfer is possible for long; therefore let us pause only at one very extended version. For example, the
man first successfully moves along the way, and makes this easily, as if [igrajuchi]. By this method come
success, glory, material abundance. But the it is further, the more the men falls into the psychological and
energy dependence on the material goods, on the success, and on other advantages of its way. It begins to
be fixed no longer on the advance on the way, but on achieving of these goals. It fears to lose that the fact
that it acquired. But when appears fear, disappears the [bylaja] freedom and the ease, with which the man
followed the path originally. Losing freedom and ease, it loses two very important qualities, because of
which, strictly, this way became for it open. Simply the significance of this way for the man made is too
great. Losing the necessary qualities, it loses that “key”, by which the way was opened. As a result way is
shut precisely when man in the light it most of all values the goods, given by this method, and it fears to
lose them.

First, on what we strongly depend, that greatly we want to have,— then we, as a rule, do not obtain.
Because the greater the significance of events, the more probable that that it will enter the conflict with
the values of world flows (indeed we we cannot know with the accuracy, not so whether? They to us even
are incomprehensible). Indeed unobtrusive does not lead to the conflict. Specifically, in regard to this it is
possible to recall the known proverb: “To butting cow the god of horns does not give”.

But so that to make, if we did encounter in our life the closed way? To first of all understand that
this is— the closed way. But here this exactly is not always simply. Since, as we already said, the closed
way was insidious, it is not completely continuous black strip, it very frequently encourages man by the
illusion of the attainability of purpose.

Fig. 20. The closed way is insidious— and the longer on it you go, the greater the probability of the

When we encounter continuous black strip, we immediately understand, that the matter will not
burn out. For this it is not necessary to be to those thinly feeling [intuitom]. In the case with the black
strip this is absolutely obvious even for the most primitive, roughest and near essence. For example, if us
life always does not release into some region, we simply throw with this to be occupied.

Another matter is the closed way, which is not continuous black strip. For this very reason we suffer
on the closed ways and we in vain spend precious time. The closed way— this, is faster, the gray strip,
which first brightens, then it turns black. And in this case even brighter strips can sometimes correspond
to the significant moments. But black section here always falls on the key moments of this way. For this
very reason the purposes, which lie on the closed way, are frequently, it would seem, already they are
close to the realization, but everything collapses at the key moment.

Therefore for such ways is characteristic prolonged infighting, minutes of [obnadezhennosti] and
minute of desperation and in the final analysis— failure.

One feeding hopes director— of men very talented and energetic— during the year struggled above
the creation of his own theater. The purpose was the best— to gather actors, who sit without the work and
without the money, give to them and that, etc, yes even culture true begin to bear into the masses. It
would seem, in this holy matter all highest forces, together, must begin to help. Yes even director himself
was full of enthusiasm and purposefulness. “This,— he spoke,— the main matter of my life. If I
something cost— I I will carry out this. If no— that living does not be worth”. As we see, rates were very
and completely high.

And first everything was added seemingly to the surprise simply. Accomodation easily was found,
sponsor easily was located. Sponsor even isolated already some money, to which it was possible to begin
the repair of accomodation. Director began to gather the association, beginnings to already even rehearse
the first play of his theater. Was how much the faith in its creation, how much happiness, how much
enthusiasm! But the economic crisis here happened in the country. Sponsor proved to be insolvent and he
forewent its obligations before the theater. Repair stopped, actors who scattered where to the earnings.
The begun to shine, it would seem, in front success turned away.

Time is past, the urban enterprises of steel slowly to be set right from the crisis— and director
rushed to the searches of new sponsor. And found it. Success in the significant region again gave hope
for success. To the sponsor money they gave the part of wage to actors, again they approached the
rehearsals, they continued repair. Everything again [vosprjali] by spirit. And here it is explained, that the
management of enterprise- sponsor is mixed in the large financial machinations. Thus far law court yes
the matter— there was no money, naturally. Then the management of enterprise was replaced, and new
administration refused to sponsor theater.

Again the crash of hopes, again everything in the apathy and the trance. After some time began to
appear the new ray of hope— the municipal administration it decided to support theater and under the

known name of director it isolated some small money. It would seem, somewhat— it is possible to open
theater, to let out the first play, and further already to earn by itself… Dream seemed never as close to the

And here happened unforeseen. In the municipal administration the leader of committee, which
corresponds for control of urban property, was replaced. He decided to conduct the revision of entire
property of city. And it revealed that the building was transmitted to theater with some there disturbances.
Most likely, serious disturbances was not— simple to the building [pozarilsja] to someone [pobogache],
than theater, and new chief could not miss in connection with this and his benefit. Building they took
away in the theater. In this case, naturally, no one thought about compensating of at least expenditures for

Director did not transfer this impact. It no longer did not have forces sequential time to begin
everything first. It simply washed down, although thus far it extremely rarely frolicked by alcohol.
Everything went to the poorest end, and in its principle it could no longer be in the living. Saved system
[DEIR]. Poorly for its wife it was possible to derive it from the hard drinking, to and then study with it
system according to the individual program. They finally returned it to the normal state. It encountered
the most typical closed way, on which always so there is— the hope first it looms, first it goes out,
success first appears on the way, then disappears, and when, it would seem, purpose it is close, it is
brought impact on most important, key region. As a result— complete failure, and all remain in the
broken trough after a enormous quantity of spent forces and time.

—But why this way did prove to be for me closed? — [vosklitsal] director. — What, in me talent is
small? It is sufficient to three in me talent! Perseverance, energy it is small? In bulk! Purpose was
unworthy, that whether? Yes will devise let someone [podostojnee]!

When it a little was quieted, we were dismantled nevertheless, in what the matter. Yes, and talent
exists, and purpose true was— for this very reason success periodically it appeared at the horizon and
purpose seemed close to the realization. But subsequently was revealed that “hammer itself in the
pocket”— of the qualities of director himself, which prevented this “key” ideally from approaching “the
lock”. It too much attached values to the financial side of a question, and, naturally, its solutions (but they
they must raise theater) were not adequate situation. In what finally to itself acknowledged. And it was
quieted, after understanding that reason in the Ger. he only understood that not so everything is hopeless:
it is possible to change itself— and to undertake one additional attempt, already with the new values,
which more correspond to the selected way.

So this is what it occurs on the closed way. Here, as on the open way, are regions meant and regions
trivial. Here, just as on the open way, failures are fallen to the insignificant regions, and success more
greatly falls out to the significant regions. I.e., the rule of [polosatosti], it would seem, is not disrupted.

But all the fact is that on the closed way significant region also seemingly is divided into two
components— the simply significant regions and regions key, without which the purpose cannot be
achieved. And if in the significant regions even somehow it conveys, then in the key failure is provide

Fig. 21. Interpretation of the closed way on the fields of values. In the nonsense the bad luck, in the
important all is simply excellent… But in the key— the deaf wall

For simplicity let us explain based on the most accessible example. Is created the new enterprise of
trade— store. Significant regions for its owner— the obtaining of initial capital for plant management,
the selection of personnel for the work, the purchase of goods, the organization of advertisement. Key
region is— sale of goods and obtaining money from the buyer. Strictly, for this is organized enterprise.
Let us assume in the significant regions of owner accompanies success— in it there are money, it easily
buys goods, leases better in the city accomodation, it shapes it on the last word of technology and the cry
of mode, it finds the most attractive salesgirls and organizes quite [zazyvnuju] advertisement. But here
store solemnly and with the pump is opened— and buyer- that it does not go! It is empty in the store. The
different version: a large quantity of goods for the imposing sum is given to the wholesaler, who did not
in time introduce money. The owner of store proved to be before face of bankruptcy and debts. In the
significant regions it conveyed, in the key— it did not transport. It this is what means the closed way.

So it occurs because the internal luggage of man— of his knowledge, quality, property, i.e., that
information, which it contains, in the future events unavoidably must meet the values of world flows.
And if they do not coincide… That zh! You on the closed way. Thus, in the case with the director his
internal information luggage required that its new theater would glorify and would bring many money to
it (director himself this his internal attitude practically not realizing). But it nevertheless (let us note that
key it was precisely this)— created from zero theaters, which entirely compulsorily does not bring a
enormous quantity of money. This example is very simple, and to me is entirely simple to reveal the true
reason for the appearance of conflict— yes it entirely on the surface: man simply dealt with achieving not
that goal, which he implied! It is natural that the proclaimed purpose “was covered”. Since th values of
events e desired for the director did not correspond to the values of events in the course of world flows,
the way of creating the theater proved to be closed. But since other qualities of director clearly were
located to the creation of theater, something for it nevertheless succeeded. But this is still more terrible
than if immediately nothing it were possible. On the closed way, when purpose first seems close one,
then again is moved away, man suffers much more than from the explicit impossibility to achieve goal.

The thus, closed way— these are the failure in [polosatosti], which displaces the positive fields of
values to the events of average significance, and the negative fields of values is distributed distribute
between the insignificant regions and the regions super-significant, key.

And for us, as we already said, it is very important to learn to determine, to explain previously, what
way lies before us— opened or closed. And the reliable methods of determining the closed and— open
ways will help us in this of test- system.

Chapter shch

Open and closed ways: the methods of the determination

Basic principle of operation and condition of using the test- systems

Now we approach one of the at first glance mysterious regions themselves— to the region, which
can be into some of degree carried to the foresight of future. The only methods of the prediction of future
it is not for this purpose invented! And map container, and coffee sediment, and the casting of shoe for
the gates— all this by centuries goes into the matter concerning other one or success or another.

But if we clean attack of mysticism from technology, then all these methods are not too ridiculous.
In reality at the basis of any guess-work clear and clear natural regularities and special features of the
activity of human brain lie. Numerous [gadalshchiki] and predictors simply tangle people by their
mystical approach— as the saying goes, “powder the brains”. In the true, [nepriukrashennom] and
[nezatumanennom] form the methods of prediction can use either the predictors of the very high class
(such now in the world in practice it did not remain), or people, which were being trained to the scientific
use of data of methods. Contemporary science can explain entire this “mysticism” from the completely
materialist positions, and there are no miracles and secrets here. Of what you themselves soon will be
convinced— indeed you and themselves you will on the complete right use these methods as people,
which were being specially trained to scientific approach to this matter.

Certainly, by guess-work on the maps and the coffee sediment we with you be occupied will not be.
We will use the more precise and simpler, repeatedly more checked by practice test- systems. As the test-
system, which you will use, befits any so-called generator of random numbers. Do not be frightened
complex name— behind it it hides itself, for example, the most usual playing cube, on faces of which is
substituted a quantity of glasses from one to six, either simple coin or other such simple adaptations. The
main thing so that this adaptation would give the possibility to obtain some numerical value of the list of
values— for example, in the case with the cube some one of the numbers from one to six.

But and since it is possible to reveal, what way will lie before us— opened or closed, if we do place
before ourselves one or other purpose or another? The majorities of people reveal this only on our own
skin, acting according to the principle: “First let us get involved in into the matter, and there let us look”.
But “skin” indeed not iron, it from such experiments obtains tears, spoils and ages earlier than the time.
So why to subject to such its and itself tests, which to to nothing good do not bring? Not better whether to
predict result previously?

We should know precisely previously, and to us to the aid will arrive understanding the fact that the
processes of world flows are processes deeply synchronized and, correspondingly, the field of values in
any process (even in the test- system), if they are arranged relative to purpose, they will correspond to
distribution pour on values in the very process of achieving this goal.

The principle of obtaining this result with the aid of the test- system is such. Setting for itself some
purpose, we mentally correlate the desired for us value of any event on the assumed way with other one

or event or another, which the test- system will give out. I.e., we compare th value with the objective
value of event e desired for us— and start the test- system: do coincide these values? Test- system in our
hands issues random result, but its conditional value reflects the direction, assigned by world flows. Thus
we learn, will be entered th value in the world flows e desired for us or it will enter with them in the
contradiction. Further analysis of the agreements of our questions and events, issued by test- system, will
help us to determine, the open or closed way lies before us.

It is possible to use this analogy: the value of one or other event or another for us forms by itself the
plane of values. If somewhere in the future on this plane lies its something distorting (as stone on the
rubber fabric), then we, even without having approached the future, can reveal the distortion of the plane
of values on the minimum, even random events, allotted by us by the same value.

Fig. 22. The sagging of the plane of values under the gravity of outstanding event is distinguished
long before its offensive

Let us note that itself test- system, as such, gives the answer to us. I.e., not cube answers us— cube
it only reflects the nature of the appearing contact between our demand and objectively existing reality. If
we pose question apropos, not having for us value,— answer it will not be. Answer gives precisely the
comparison of values. There is no value— there is no answer. Indeed, as you already know, the universe
speaks in the language of values, but not in the language of events.

In connection with this is recalled old fable about the man, who met on the market strange old
woman and in this case here understood that it met with its death. Let us note: it attached value to this
encounter! In this case it noted that the old woman to it somehow puzzledly looked, as if she astonished,
after seeing it. Man terribly got a fright, began to think, where to him to hide from death, and as a result
rolled into another city, for example to Samara. And is here there it and [nastigla] death. And it had time
before emitting spirit, to ask in it: “A of what this you at me so strangely looked then on the market?”
And death said that greatly it astonished, after seeing it so far from Samara. Indeed she knew that it must
overtake this man precisely in Samara! But there, on the market, it searched for someone entirely

Thus the value, given to event, but completely not event itself determines sometimes the fate of
man. Indeed it do not attach value to encounter on the market— anywhere it did not leave and would thus
prolong to itself life. There is no value— there is no result.

So and in our with you case: there is no for us value of event— there is no answer about its
possibility. I.e., uselessly to inquire about that, will happen one or other event or another. It is necessary
to inquire only about that, will correspond the sense of events to th sense e desired for us.

And one additional important for understanding of the principle of the work of test- systems
moment. Let us assume we inquire test- system not against some super-significant in our life regions, but
about by something, which is perhaps important for us, but it is in no way important at the level of world
flows. Well, for example, we want to obtain a good harvest of potato and ask, how this is actual. The
question asserts itself: but the really information field of the universe does condescend to such trifles?

The matter here in reality not in that, someone condescends or not. No one, of course, condescends
to us, simply answer even to such, it would seem, trifling questions is located in the information fields.
On the open way there are the fact is that, in other words, main directions of motion, basic processes of
advance on the way, and processes secondary, them associating. If you managed to adhere to main
direction, then entire associated processes will be developed in the positive key. Figuratively speaking, if
you correctly move relative to the main direction of your life and you correctly realize your basic purpose
in it, being occupied by the correctly selected matter, then the processes, connected with conducting of
leave, with the cultivation of harvest and so on, will be adjusted slightly for main direction and also

But it is and since correct to use a test- system? Physical action itself, which it is necessary in this
case to produce, as you already understood, it will be maximally simple: you will either toss up coin or
throw cube, or use some other adaptations, about which it will be said separately. To confuse by
imaginary simplicity of these adaptations is not must— indeed, as you already know, not test- system,
gives answer, very structure of the universe gives answer. But test- system— these are only indicator,
only the unique signal light, which fixes the obtained answer.

In order to learn to obtain answer with the aid of the test- system, it is necessary to observe several
conditions. I emphasize that satisfaction of these conditions requires the strictest internal discipline, and
the accuracy of th results e obtained by you directly depends on the accuracy of your reason.

First condition: the correct formulation of the question

Once are the matter not in th cube itself e on itself and not in the coin, but in us themselves and
universe— it means, it is necessary to learn to, first of all, correctly raise the question.

As you already understood, with the posing of the question it is necessary to inquire not about the
fact of future event, but about the value. For example, do not befit formulations of the type: “Will sign
Ivanov my paper?” With this posing of the question we is oriented only to very fact of signature and
completely we do not take into the calculation the possible values of this fact. Indeed it can so happen,
that Ivanov will sign your paper, but this unexpectedly will lead to th unpredictable consequences e
undesirable for you. For example, you thought that the paper you will help to move on the service, and
instead of this your paper forced authorities to focus separately close attention on you, to you they began
to cavil on the trifles and as a result lowered in the post. Furthermore, in a question it is necessary to
avoid particle and particle not, i.e., placed already in your question of negation. It is best to ask anything
in this case: “Ivanov will help me?” This question is directly addressed into the sphere of values, which
exactly is important for us, but not into the sphere of facts.

Second condition: the skill to correctly present the question

This one is correct— to formulate a question. Entirely another— is correct to direct it into the
information spheres, after establishing the connection between their question, between the field of the
values of the events, which us interest, and between test- system itself.

And here us again will be required the internal discipline, which we already acquired, mastering the
second and fourth steps [DEIR]. You already know how to visualize and to clearly visualize different
means and to retain them in your consciousness sufficiently long time. Here and now let us recall and let
us use these habits.

To you is necessary to maximally clearly present to itself the event or that man, about whom,
strictly, you pose question. If you pose the question about Ivanov, whose aid is necessary, to you,— here
and present to itself this Ivanov himself as possible more vividly and it is clear. After this, transfer your

attention to the basic working tool of your test- system— for example, this is playing cube. Now you
should mentally put Ivanov's means on this cube. To to such an extent pour off their with each other so
that the cube in your hands to some period would identify with Ivanov. Ivanov can bring himself by
favorable for you means, and he can— unfavorable. In exactly the same manner cube can now bring
itself differently— it can throw out even glasses (let us assume this it corresponds to favorable behavior),
and it can— odd (that, for example, it will indicate unfavorable behavior). You will identify the behavior
of cube with the behavior of man and, throwing cube, try to see before itself not cube, but man together
with the possible versions of his behavior. You completely seriously must be ready to accept the result,
which fell on the cube as the real result of comrade Ivanov's, behavior.

Only when you will be clear and clear to present to yourselves Ivanov and to identify his behavior
with the behavior of cube— only then you will include cube in the analyzed plane of values. To the
question, assigned drily and logically, without the descriptive idea, accurate response you will not obtain.

Third condition: the timely starting of the test- system

After you clearly formulated a question, they descriptively visualized the interesting you object and
identified it with the cube, immediately start test- system.

In no case it is not possible to pose its question, and those more to change it after test- system is
already neglected, i.e., when cube is already released from the hands this cannot because as soon as we
let out cube from the palm, we deal, in the essence, already concerning the existing in the world concrete
answer, which does not consider our new question. I.e., answer is already appeared into the peace— and,
you will agree, it is somehow foolish to see tree and to tell itself: if here there is a tree, then, which
means, everything will be good. This not only is foolish, but also incorrectly, since this behavior for the
generation of correct answer must change th events e already appeared into the peace, but make this only
highest force can, but in no way not man. Indeed when we start test- system, we pass from the
information region, connected with our question, into the information region, where, strictly, is located
concrete answer. I.e., we begin to deal already concerning the answer.

But when already there is a answer, it is foolish and it is inexpedient to change the question, to
which already there is a answer appeared in the world, not so whether?

Fourth condition: the skill correctly to relate to the obtained results

The question, to which you already obtained the clear, specific and unequivocal answer, cannot be
posed again. Indeed you already obtained answer, i.e., was obtained the certain field of values, which
already exists in your consciousness. But existing in your consciousness, it unavoidably acts and on very
value of a question, which also exists in your consciousness— influences so that changes this value.
Accordingly, posing question for the second time, you will already pose somewhat another question,
altered by the obtained answer, as. Accordingly, the fields of the values of answer to this question will be
already others. And as you then will be dismantled, on what, strictly, a question you now do obtain
answer? Initial cleanliness your question it no longer— preserved it was altered by the obtained answer.
But answer to a initial question nevertheless interests you.

Conditionally speaking, you pose the question about that, Ivanov will help you or not. You obtain
answer, that Ivanov unconditionally will help. But you decide to again pose the same question, without a
moment's hesitation about the fact that in the transfer into the Russian language your question now
sounds approximately thus: “Me will help Ivanov, who me will unconditionally help?” It is clear that to
this question it cannot be true answer. The answer, which you will obtain in this case, already hardly can
be will be interpreted unambiguously.

Another matter, if you did not from the very first obtain the clear and specific answer. Let us
assume you tossed up coin, expecting, eagle will fall out or tail, and coin took and arose to the edge. In
this case a test- system to permissibly use again, having again posed the same question.

To permissibly use a test- system on one and the same occasion several times and when you pose
the same question each time with the new nuances or you pose the questions, which relate to the different
aspects of one phenomenon. For example, you ask, Ivanov will help you either not, and, after obtaining,
for example, positive answer, you ask, it will help you soon or not, then you ask, it will help you singly
or with the participation of the association and so on. But this work requires strictest discipline and in the
absence this discipline does not always guarantee the accuracy of answers. What does indicate in this
case strictest discipline? This indicates the ability in the process of posing of the question for the
elongation of this entire complex and continuous operation to preserve complete [otstranennost] from the
results, which reaches to the indifference to these results. Indeed if you will be interested in one or other
result or another at the moment of the work of test- system, then you by already your interest act on result
and it ceases to be objective. Therefore this version of work is accessible only for “the excellent workers”
of all previous four steps [DEIR].

Therefore in the initial stages of this work we will not come running to the [danomu] method. But
we will use only most reliable method, with the correct posing of the question not allowing incorrect
interpretations. I.e., we must define, as are distributed values “success/failure” in the regions of
insignificant events, events of those meant and events of key. And each interesting us question we will
assign only one time.

Methods of navigation and test- system

Thus, you already understood that to the aid of test- system we will come running in order to
determine, with that opened or with the closed way we encountered.

Someone can say: but it is really not enough for this to use its own intuition, its own habits of the
foresight of future, obtained at the previous steps [DEIR],— already us- that, that passed all these steps,
this will not compose large labor, why even some test- systems? All correctly, sometimes it is possible to
use its own intuition— if the matter goes about the open way, result you will obtain, most likely,
accurate. But here if you encounter the closed way, then is very great the probability that even the most
developed intuition will not recognize this way and will complete error, after giving to you unwanted
response. Everyone the fact is that in the case, when we deal concerning the closed way, in our
consciousness there is desirable for us values of future events and facts, which do not coincide with the
objective values of these events and facts, the assigned world flows. But our intuition in this case for the
true takes precisely our own, subjectively desired values and it absolutely ignores values objective. The
matter is aggravated by our desire to achieve goal, i.e., by desire so that the way would prove to be open.

All this brings down us from the tuning. It brings down us and that which passes the closed way
partially through the bright strips, and positive signal from these bright strips (about the fact that partially
we we will nevertheless reach success) we recover more easily even clearer, often accepting it as signal
about the openness of entire way.

And only test- system will give to us truly objective answer, in no way not depending on our
imagination, from our desire it to subconsiously falsify or to modify.

I do hope that I you did convince of the need to use test- systems and always not to entrust
exclusively intuition? Then we approach strictly the acquaintance with the test- systems. You will only
focus attention: to approach the mastery of the subsequent steps of system [DEIR] possible only after you
carried out the previous steps. Naturally, after you mastered all previous four steps— otherwise in you

insufficient internal self-discipline and there is no necessary level of consciousness for the reliable work
with the test- systems. And certainly, only after you carried out the steps, presented already in this, fifth
book, i.e., steps in the start yourselves in the regime of controlled [polosatosti]. If you this did not make,
all results, given by test- system, there will have for you no sense.

Step e. Test- system for the analysis of the degree of the openness of the way

All test- systems it is possible to divide into two groups— this of system binary and system many-

Binary system— this is the system, which can give only two versions of the answer: “yes” or “no”.
Many-valued system gives the larger number of versions of answers. For example, it regarding can
assume several versions of negative answers and one positive. Or the versions of answers there is no type
“yes”— “not entirely yes”— “rather”— “no”. I.e., many-valued systems, if one may put it that way, are
considerably more sensitive than binary, since they recover and transfer the nuances of answer,
inaccessible for the binary system. At the same time many-valued, and binary systems are sufficiently
impartial and objective.

Examples of the test- systems of both one and another variety will be here given.

Binary system is— the toothpick

We take the clean sheet of paper and draw on it the vertical feature, which divides sheet in two. We
determine the values: the right side of sheet— “yes”, left side there is no sheet— “”. In our imagination
we combine the fields of values “yes” with the right side, there is no field of values “”— with the left
side. We embed this separation into our consciousness. Then we take toothpick and, holding it for the tip
itself by two fingers, we retain it vertically directly above the feature on the sheet of paper, so that the
second tip “would look” directly at the feature. We clearly formulate a question, we mentally combine
the means of the object with the toothpick interesting, we after which let out it from it is finger. Where
did fall toothpick— to the right or to the left side of sheet? Accordingly you obtained answer “yes” or

Binary system is— the match

We take into the hands the [nezazhzhennuju] match. Then we formulate a question and we mentally
combine the means of object with the match. We determine the values: match is slanted to the right—
“yes”, to the left— “no”. We ignite match and look, to what side it is inclined in proportion to

Binary system is— the coin

Completely classical version: tossing ejection of coin with [zagadyvaniem], that will fall out— the
eagle or tail. Here even it is not previously necessary installation to give, where “yes”, but where “no”,
this by centuries the kept balance tradition: eagle— “yes”, tail— “no”.

Many-valued system— the playing cubes

Playing cubes, as you know, these are the cubes, on faces of which are knocked out the glasses from
one to six. This system it is good to use, for example, when we want to learn, how much chances to
obtain positive result. We arbitrarily determine that face of cube, which will indicate “yes”. In this case
regarding, if we are concentrated on the positive answer, i.e., on the well-defined number, then system
can show either the positive answer or not determined.

And here here we for the first time can see the merit of many-valued system, because it will interest
us, how often it was necessary to throw cube in order to attain positive answer. We further calculate the
percentage, which corresponds to our chances to the success.

Many-valued system— several coins

This system is analogous to cubes. We are concentrated on the positive answer— for example, us
interests the specific quantity “of eagles”— and we obtain information, how often for us it was necessary
to throw coins in order to attain positive value. This quantity “of eagles” must fall out in one thrust.

Many-valued system— the random events

Very interesting and original version of test- system. Are necessary neither cubes nor coins, any
other adaptations. It is utilized for obtaining the answer on a question the diverse random events of our
life. For example, we go along the street (or we look into the window) and conjecture: who will be
encountered to us (it will appear because of the turning, it will pass past the house), man or woman? If
man— these are positive answer, anybody another— is negative, woman— is negative (or vice versa,
your installations they depend only on your desire). And furthermore us it will interest, how many tests of
test- system it was necessary to conduct in order to obtain positive answer.

This system can be used, also, as the binary, when we pose, for example, question, there is someone
after the turning or not.

Step of 3[a]. the internal formulation of a question and the starting of the test- system

You already know the general rules: that that a question must be formulated in the positive key,
without the use of particles not and. I.e., we pose the question in the form of [poluutverzhdenija], for
example: “Money pay off?” Or even in the form assertion, accompanied by the versions of the values:
“Money pay off. Yes? No?”

You already know that the fact that test- system should be started in the action only if a question is
already formulated, and not earlier, otherwise result will prove to be unpredictable, since we, after
neglecting test- system, will in any event already encounter some by the appeared into the peace chain of
events, which is placed in the assumed zone of answer.

But first most main— this is correct, with the accuracy, with the necessary concentration to pose
question itself. And here us will be required entire our experience, entire our internal discipline,
manufactured by occupations by system [DEIR].

For this shut eyes and reveal in itself in internal space (as you already made during the detection of
regions “good” and badly”) object itself, about which you intend to pose question. For example, if a
question concerns money, reveal, where in your internal space the zone, which corresponds for the
money, is found. If a question concerns luck at the examination, reveal, where the zone, which
corresponds for the examinations. Or where the zone, which corresponds to that region, in which you
must help comrade Ivanov. And so on. You will appear in your internal space all components, which
correspond to your question, i.e., [uvidte] Ivanov, inclined above your paper, or in the case with the
examination of the examiner, before whom you sit with the ticket in the hands, and so on. I.e., you should
maximally satiate by [konkretikoj] your internal picture.

Then you must completely identify this picture with the test- system. Is more accurate, even not so
much entire picture completely, as key and acting object of this picture, on which, strictly, and depends
the answer “yes” or “no”, i.e., with Ivanov, with the examiner, with the fact, who to you pays money, or

with another significant element, if resolution of your question does not depend on people (for example,
with the aircraft, on which you you be going to fly you want to learn, as much in you chances to fly so
far), and so on. This is very important— to precisely completely identify the object, utilized in your test-
system— cube, coin, toothpick— with the acting object of the interesting you region. Because if already
you assigned the purpose to explain, how precisely Ivanov will contribute to achieving by you goal, then
cube, coin or toothpick in your hands must indicate precisely Ivanov, and not simply inanimate senseless

You as to the period animate and revive this object, allotting by his features and properties of
completely concrete face. It is best anything this to make, having simply placed in its internal space the
acting object of test- system in the same region, where the acting object is located (or the significant
element, if resolution of your question it does not depend on people). After putting these two components
to each other in your internal space, attempt seemingly to pour off them together, as if to blind into one
snowball, to mix into the uniform mass, where the features of cube and Ivanov, toothpick and aircraft,
match and examiner merge and so on.

As soon as you this made, immediately start test- system in the action, i.e., throw coin either cube or
ignite match, or begin to follow, who the first will appear because of the turning.

With the work with the binary system simply register indications and when desired you pass to the
following question. With the work with the many-valued system register a quantity of attempts before
obtaining of the first positive answer, then when desired can compute a quantity of positive answers from
the arbitrary number of attempts.

Further approach the interpretation of the obtained results.

Step of 3[b]. the interpretation of the indications of the binary test- systems

To binary systems as rougher, it is insufficient more sensitive to different finesses and nuance,
better to pose the simple questions, which require single-valued answer— “yes” or “no”— and not
allowing nuances. If question itself assumes nuances and intermediate between “yes” and “no” the
answers— by binary system better not to use.

With the work with the binary test- system it is better to alternate questions from the insignificant
region with questions from the significant region. It is best anything this to make thus: first to assign from
three to five questions from the insignificant region (it will be a good weather either not, it will arrive in
time streetcar or not), then so many questions from the significant and key regions (it will help Ivanov
either there is no, they will be money or not).

Then we calculate results, i.e., the number of positive and negative answers in the significant and
insignificant regions. There is whether the region, in which is revealed the overwhelming majority of
positive answers? For example, you assigned on three questions from the insignificant and from that
meant of spheres, and it turned out that in the insignificant sphere not of one positive answer of three or
only one of three, and in that meant— three positive answers of three or, as a minimum, two of three.

How it is possible to interpret this result? You, of course, easily this will understand, indeed you
already know that the predominance of failures in the insignificant spheres and the concentration of
successes in the significant and key spheres mean that before you the open way.

But if we see that the preponderance of failures is fallen to the significant sphere— it means, you
seriously make mistakes, hoping for this way. It lies wholly at the black strip. These are even not closed
way— is this the simply black for you way, where the purpose is originally unattainable for you, but

therefore something is there simple to make to you. If we resort to the hyperbola, then drunkard- loader
would obtain precisely this result, if he would decide to test test- system for the object of that, it will
become the soloist of ballet or not. Rejecting from this way, you not at all suffer, because this is
obviously not your way, and in principle not to one sober-minded and mentally normal man it will come
to mind to attempt to go along this way.

Fig. 23. a. the success of [rapredelena] in the significant region. Way is opened.
b. success lies at the region of insignificant. Black strip.
v. neither the nor [sjo]. Potentially closed way

But here if we they encountered with the approximately equal (being differed less than to third)
indications both in that meant and in the insignificant regions, then this indicates one of two: either you
were not switched into the mode of controlled [polosatosti] (i.e., they shoddily carried out the second step
of fifth step [DEIR]), or you you deal concerning the being be beyonden to zoned [polosatosti] closed
way. But it means in order to estimate the degree of the closed nature of this way, it is necessary to resort
already to the aid of many-valued test- system.

But first nevertheless as it follows be trained in obtaining of answers from the binary test- systems.
Attain ease both in the formulation of questions and in the interpretation of answers. In this case have in
the form that the binary systems are not, of course, so precise as many-valued, and therefore you do not
hurry to receive the answers of binary test- systems as guide to action. Relate also to these answers partly
as to the game as to one of the versions of the possible course of events, but try not to admit these
answers too deeply into your consciousness, and do not receive them too seriously for this.

For example, you pose with the aid of the binary test- system the question about that, loves you
some man or not, you obtain too single-valued a answer, which for sure only very approximately reflects
reality and does not allow nuances (although in the life always is present the nuances, and sometimes
precisely into them everyone and the matter, binary system simply it does not have a tool for mapping of
these nuances). Answer black and white without the nuances can give birth to the same black and white
behavior with respect to the man, about whom you posed question. Let us say, you obtain answer “it does
not love” and in this case nothing you learn about existence of a certain nuance, namely: it does not love,
but is ready to fall in love with the condition for a certain change in your relation to it let us assume if
you you will become soft and it is better. But you, anything knowing about this “but”, but after mastering
only that the fact that answer negative, not only you do not become soft and it is better, but on the
contrary, you begin to offend, to be angered and to behave aggressively. And you thus leave to itself no
chances to th course of events e positive for you, although this chance was originally.

But therefore you do not relate too unambiguously and seriously to the indications of binary test-
systems, know that in the life in reality there are many more probable versions of events, than
demonstrates to us match or toothpick, and very frequently these versions depend on you.

There are these things: you today in the poor mood pose the question about that, you will leave
marry or not. You obtain answer “no”. And you do not know that this must be understood thus: if you
will fall into despondency and it is eternally to be in this poor mood, then you will not leave marry. But

here if you posed this question in the merry mood, then would be obtained answer “yes”. Test- system
gives answer taking into account state of affairs precisely at the given instant, taking into account all
information indices, which relate to the given moment, including relating to your internal state. Your
state can change in ten minutes— and then answer can prove to be other, since together with your state
will change the probability of events. So that binary system— thing is sufficiently capricious in the use.

The values, which we obtain with the aid of the binary test- system, are too powerful in order not to
have a effect on our behavior. But therefore use indications of binary test- systems perhaps that for the
preparation for the action, but not as guide to action. Binary test- system— these are of its kind
reconnaissance, the preliminary analysis of situation.

Step of 3[v]. the interpretation of the indications of the many-valued test- systems

With the use of many-valued test- systems it is best to assign on three questions alternately of three
regions: first three questions from the region of insignificant events, then three questions from the region
of the significant events and three additional questions from the region of key events. Examples of the
questions: “There will be a good weather or not, when I tomorrow go to buy goods?” (insignificant
region). “I will stock up goods at a good price or not?” (significant region). “I realize this goods with the
benefit for itself or not?” (key region).

Is evaluated a quantity of attempts, after which is obtained the first positive answer. For example,
you use a cube and, posing questions from the insignificant sphere, they gave installation, that
precipitation of cube upward by face with four points will indicate answer “yes” to a question, it will be
tomorrow good weather or not. This answer fell out from the third attempt. Accordingly, a quantity of
failures in this sphere composes two chances from three, i.e., about seventy percent.

The percent expression of success and failure on all three regions of insignificant,— meant and key
further is compared.

And the following versions here can arise.

First version. Failure in the insignificant region is considerably more than failure in the significant
and key regions (latter either practically coincide or they differ not more than by twenty percent). If we,
after accumulating the percent relationship of failure in the significant region with the percent
relationship of failure in the key region and the obtained sum after dividing into two (after obtaining thus
arithmetic mean), let us see, that this result, as a minimum, doubly lower than quantity of failure in the
insignificant regions,— we unambiguously deal openly.

Second version. Failure in the insignificant region it is considerable (minimum doubly) less than
arithmetic mean of failures in the significant and key regions, in this case the failures in the significant
and key regions are distributed approximately equally, differing not more than by twenty percent. This
means before you black way, it for you is unreal, and therefore will fall by itself without the special
damage for you.

Third version. Failures equally are distributed between the insignificant, significant and key regions.
This it indicates: either you were not switched into the mode of controlled [polosatosti] or incorrectly
were posed the questions, or the purpose, which you want to reach, but respectively also the theme, on
which questions were assigned, it is in reality absolutely for you insignificant, practically indifferent. It is
here necessary to think: and why generally you do strive for target, which for you is insignificant, which
to you is indifferent and it is not clearly necessary? To in time return to the procedures of the second step
[DEIR] and to begin to check your purpose against the truth.

Fourth version. The greatest quantity of failures was concentrated in the insignificant region and the
key region (their quantity is approximately equal in these regions, it differs not more than by twenty
percent). In the significant region— the smallest quantity of failures (less than doubly in comparison with
arithmetic mean of failures in the insignificant and key regions). Answer: this is the closed way.

Fig. 24.
a. failure in the trifles— the open way.
b. failure in entire important. Black strip.
v. in all equally. Or is uninteresting a question,
or is not advanced [polosatost].
g. failure in the trifles and key. Way is reliably closed

All the remaining versions— these are only different degrees of the gradation of the open and
closed ways. With the aid of the many-valued test- system, after determining a percent quantity of
successes and failures in one or other field or another, we can determine the degree of the closed nature
of way. Do not be troubled to approach the work with the test- systems creatively. Pose additional
questions for explaining the nuances of one either other answer or another, i.e., is closed for you way
finally and it is irrevocable, or there are versions.

After determining the degree of the closed nature of way, you will be able in connection with this to
solve, it is worthwhile for you to attempt to convert this way into that opened or to leave hope once and
for all. As we already spoke, there are the situations, when the closed way can be converted into that

But before we should learn to competently build its behavior in accordance with that result, which
we obtained, i.e., to learn adequately to news ourselves on those opened and on the closed ways. We on
the nearest pages will have a talk on the rules of this behavior.

But thus far verify the test- systems presented in action. Try to analyze some direction, which for
you is now interesting, for example. Do not be swung back immediately to the super-significant events—
limit to the events of average significance. For example, analyze, for you it will be possible to complete
some large purchase and to obtain from this purchase that result, which you await, in the best form. You
will see, that in all directions, which you analyze, probabilities in the significant and insignificant spheres
strongly differ.

But now try to analyze that way, which you already visited or you are located now. Only take for
the analysis those events, which were relatively recently— indeed the sphere of the values of old events
your consciousness already it could overestimate. You will see, that the test- system will confirm to you
the already occurred distribution of events on your way. For example, you very well by these in summer
rested. Pose the questions: “I rested well. Yes? No? Sea is warm. Yes? No?” You will see, that the test-
system will reflect everything in that form, in which it was in reality. Certainly, this will occur only when
you correctly they were switched into the mode of controlled [polosatosti].

There was the interesting case with one of our listeners. After reaching this place of the mastery of
system, it decided to analyze that way, on which it was located at the given instant— moreover it was
confident, that this way opened, so all was added easily and smoothly. This was way to the new
prestigious post, in which it they already in practice affirmed, and literally was for tomorrow assigned its
solemn entrance into this post. Test- system confirmed all had place successes of on the way to this post.
But when the matter reached the chief problem: “Tomorrow I do enter into the new post?”, test- system
answered “no”. It was it began to doubt in the system, decided everything to reject from the head, indeed
designation did not already, it would seem, be subject to doubt, but something did not give to it rest. And
it with the aid of the test- system decided to explain nuances— why it was obtained negative answer. It
began to again pose questions. “Failure is connected with my level of qualification?” No. “Failure is
connected with the fact that tomorrow it will be replaced the management of organization?” No. “Failure
is connected with intrigues and intrigues of ill-wishers?” Yes. Here is it! The desired danger is

And for here our listener it was necessary to actively work by head. It recalled that recently around
it and indeed was heard some unpleasant whispering, and the silence of some associates was clearly
suspicious and somewhere even threatening. It recalled the randomly heard in [kurilke] scrap of the
conversation, to which it then did not turn attention. With its appearance those spoken sharply became
silent, but it had time to understand that they spoke about it and they it seems discussed some event of
three year remoteness— its some failure or failure… This is what! Three trouble ago of it happened. It
failed important task. And it was actually in this guilty. Experience did not be sufficient, insufficiently
critically it approached the matter… There was sin, anywhere you will not disappear.

To the following morning it first arrived to the work and caught the director of organization literally
in the doors. It honestly described to director about that its error and about the fact that in failure of that
work it was guilty precisely. He said that, having after the arms so sad a experience, probably of
[nedostoin] to occupy new major position. At this moment it was actually ready to forego it.

But director only smiled. And he said: “That I in you actually value, Ivan,— so this your honesty
and decency. Now, when you truthful and directly described about this case, I even more greatly
ascertained that he did not be mistaken in you, that precisely you, and no one other, were worthy to
occupy this post. Here if about this to me would describe not you, but someone of your associates— I
would think… Maybe, and it would find to you replacement. But once so— iditol and do not forget:
today in one in the afternoon in my office your solemn inauguration”.

When it left from the office of director, then saw in the receiving the group of its ill-wishers, who,
certainly, arrived in order to report to director about his past errors. It outdistanced them literally for five
minutes. And, naturally, intrigants left the office without anything. Director said to them: “In what the
matter, comrades? We have long ago discussed this question with Ivan Ivanovich, and i to it do not have
claims. But I will not here suffer intrigues in my association. If I again note similar, possibly, for you by
all it is necessary to think about another work”.

Thus test- system saved man career and allowed to preserve good name and good reputation.

Thus, you learned to use test- systems. Now you can obtain information about the forthcoming
events necessary to you. I hope, you already understood, to what extent these new knowledge and new
obtained information was important for you. Indeed, as is known, who [preduprezhden]— that is armed.
You now [preduprezhdeny], moreover [preduprezhdeny] with the aid of the methods checked, which
according to the degree of reliability considerably exceed usual instincts, intuition and presentiments.
You are armed by knowledge. You are armed by the skills of their application. You are armed by deep
internal discipline. This it means, you can obtain clear and precise answer relative to the forthcoming
events— considerably more correct answer than those washed away vague answers, which usual man

obtains with the aid of its undeveloped instincts of in the form some indeterminate sensations. You
manage the tool of other entirely level— of level, worthy man of new evolutionary step. But therefore
accept the most sincere congratulations: today you obtained the information, which can change entire
your life!

However, sometimes so it may happen that man, even being [preduprezhdennym], does not
nevertheless turn attention to these warnings. And, behaving is so rash, it falls into any wrangle. The fact
is that little simple to have necessary information— it is necessary to still know how it to correctly use.
And having only learned to correctly use it, we will be able to avoid the set of the traps, which our its
own consciousness so frequently advances on our way. After avoiding these traps, we will be able to use
the obtained information according to the designation— and it means, to succeed.

In order to learn correctly to use the obtained information, it is necessary to master the rules of
behavior on the open and closed ways.

Chapter '

Open and closed ways: the rule of the behavior

Internal critic

Thus, man, unfortunately, always does not listen to the obtained council, he be even three times
correct. And by fault to that that part of our reason, which can be named internal critic.

What such is internal critic? This is certain mixture from the scraps of logic, pieces of memory and
flow of emotions. Very unstable, it is necessary to say that this mixture— is something like mud flow or
underground quicksand. So varies this internal critic from the side to the side, so he aims to turn entirely
into another river bed direction of our motion.

You, certainly, encountered in your life repeatedly internal critic. You will recall, as this occurs:
important and singularly valid solution here is, it would seem, accepted. At that moment when you made
this decision, you were assured in its correctness by one hundred percent. But some time is passed, and
incomprehensible doubts from somewhere float. “A suddenly this solution is not the most correct?” —
internal critic asks echidna, indeed he anything can accept simply so, without the criticism. He is simply
created in order everything to doubt. To doubt is sometimes usefully, no one argues, but here when the
discussion deals with the singularly correct solutions, doubts, besides harm, bring nothing. They only
provoke you to the gigantic and absolutely senseless expenditure of forces and energy. They harass you,
and as a result you nevertheless come to the fact that the initial solution was singularly correct.

Internal critic creates his kind wave, ripples on the surface of our reason, whereas the deep parts of
reason nevertheless continue to be in the calmness and the steadiness. I.e., in the depth of our reason we
accurately know, what solution is correct, and what incorrect. But internal critic, raising wave on the
surface of reason, can deprive us access to information, placed in the depth of reason. Simply to confuse.

One of my old familiar prior to the beginning of instruction was so subjected to the action of
internal critic, that even practically it could not accept in its life not one more or less decision of major
importance. Because of this it missed all happy chances in its life. After finding interesting work, it was
ready to be arranged there, but internal critic here was included and it began to whisper: “This is the best
work, you will find better”. Thus far it doubted, employers found another aspirant, and it remained in the
broken trough. After meeting the dear man, it has already been assembled to leave for it marry, but
internal critic and here beginnings it to torment: “Where you hurry, you will find fiance and rather
better”. Two years are past in the internal torments and the fluctuations, it played for all this time with the

wedding. Finally its fiance, regulations all this to suffer, was married another. Already then she
understood, as much it lost— indeed was actually its work, and this there was actually its man, about
which to it prompted the intuition, when it without the doubts and the fluctuations originally made
decision about being arranged to the work in order to leave marry. The first solution was correct! Internal
critic was included already then. Note: the first thought, the first solution, the first impression are, as a
rule, correct, and only then you brings down to sense your internal critic, as if by rust corroding your

After passing small instruction, lady knew how to manage this problem— now it easily and rapidly
makes decisions in th regions e significant for itself, without giving will to internal critic. True, as so
often is the case, its problems moved into another layer: from the sphere of the significant events into the
sphere of insignificant events. It is easy, rapidly, without the doubts and the fluctuations assuming
singularly correct and valid solutions in the sphere of profession and personal life, it, for example, are
experienced serious difficulties with the visit of the stores of the self-service, where it is necessary to
independently select products. It, let us say, can stand hour, in container with the apples, sort out all
apples, at each after glancing critically, and to leave, so anything having selected. But into whole- that
student proved to be capable, and I hope, that work on itself, which she now carries out, it will help it to
manage also this, in general not such significant problem.

And since you understood, internal critic— these are the not too controlled for us parts of our
reason, which bring down, they try to modify the fields of values in th direction e interesting us. Only we
left to th direction e accurate for us, as are included the [nepodkontrolnye] emotions, which force logic
and memory to begin to erect some another direction of our assumed motion, in reality to us in no way
necessary. The fields of values, altered by internal critic, can bring us in no way there, where to us it is
necessary, and to bring down even from the open way.

However, what to make to us with the internal critic, from whom so much harm?

We must learn to remove the influence of these of those changed pour on values and thus level
internal critic. Indeed, as we know, deep reason by the action of internal critic is not affected. Deep
reason preserves the correct and true fields of values. It means, to us it is necessary simply “to dive” into
the depths of its reason and to take out the from there full values of situations, facts, events, which the
internal critic could not change.

After being armed with this knowledge, let us examine now the rules of behavior on the open way.

Rules of behavior on the open way

We with you already know that such is the open way. The open way— this is the way, which
coincides in the fields of values with the tendencies of world flows. It means, it does not undergo
opposition from the side of world flows and it, correspondingly, makes possible for us to in general
without difficulty achieve goal. Furthermore, this way yields to correct zoning in the regime of controlled
[polosatosti], i.e., bright strips are fallen to the significant events, dark— to the insignificant.

Strictly, you already greatly much know about how news yourselves on the open way and as this
way to pass. Indeed precisely for the open ways be suitable all procedures, included in the second step
[DEIR]! So that for you in this practically there are no riddles whatever. The correctly used programs of
the second step— of program to the development of the truth of desire, to the effectiveness of actions, to
the success and the luck, on the confidence in themselves— are already capable of removing possible
obstacles from the side of some structures of our consciousness and force our subconsciousness, armed
by the habits of action in the energy-information medium, to move us with each step increasingly nearer
and it is nearer to the purpose. For those, who insufficiently clearly mastered the procedures of the

second step (if there are such among the readers), very and it is very desirable before further mastering
the material, connected with the advance on the open way, again turn to the second book— “formation”
and again passing all its steps, or passing confrontation courses.

But if on the open way you meet with man, controlled by energy-information parasites, and it
attempts to counteract (but such it occurs even on the open ways) you, then here they will help the third
step technique. Indeed you already all this know, you can everything, the habits of overcoming similar
obstacles are already placed in you and it is repeatedly tested in practice. You, of course, know, as this is
done, and can cut off from the action of the parasite of that finding in it in the captivity, and therefore th
man e interfere witing you, can reprogram this man, after bringing thus benefit to it, and to itself. You all
this can. But if a little they forgot, as this is done, or you doubt themselves— you will be reverted again
to Book Three— “influence”, and the necessary complex of knowledge and habits, placed in you at the
third step, again will revive, it will refresh in your memory, in consciousness and subconsciousness, and
you will see, that the obstacles of other in the form people, controlled by energy-information parasites,
for you practically there does not exist.

Thus, you see that for you, that passed serious preparation, that left to the new level of development,
entire it is sufficiently easy and it is simple, and advance on the open way, in principle, will present no
problems, if already you this open way with the aid of the procedures, presented already in this, fifth
book, revealed and were affirmed on the Ger. it remained to entirely a little— learn to manage the
internal critic, if already it entirely [razbujstvuetsja].

Therefore, generalizing that state aboved, let us derive three rules, which we should carry out in
order to successfully move along the open way.

Rule is number one: for the greatest success of advance on the open way it follows to use the
programs of the second step— to the success, the luck, the effectiveness of actions and the confidence in

Rule is number two: and on the open way it is necessary to be for the ready to reveal man, by
means of whom you resist energy-information parasites, and to neutralize their action, using the third step

Rule is number three: we always must provide that our consciousness could obtain the new
bouquet of incorrect values from the side of internal critic, and this can bring down us from the right
direction of motion to target. This influence must be removed.

Specifically, toward the elimination of the action of internal critic is directed the fourth step of this
step [DEIR].

Step 4. The correction of the execution of the stages of the open way with the restoration of
true pour on the values

You already understood that internal critic— this the surface part of our consciousness and at the
same time is more active than deep parts. Specifically, its exorbitant activity leads to the fact that begins
to seem us that to enter to us must in no way in the manner that we intended originally. They solved, that
let us make so, and internal critic, being disturbed and raging, requires: no, make such!

It means, in order to neutralize internal critic, we should “dive” deeper into the stable, deep layers
of our reason and take out the from there deep, full values of its behavior, facts, events and purposes.
How? It is very simple: we should only provoke reason to give out to us their deep content— indeed
otherwise for us so will remain accessible only its surface layers.

It is possible to conduct this analogy: you look at the screen of computer and you see the there
beautiful moving headpiece. Men be inexperting or, for example, child can think that here this and there
is a basic purpose of computer— to show such beautiful colored living pictures. But man competent
knows that it is necessary to only harvest button— and headpiece will disappear and it will be possible to
obtain access to a enormous quantity of the most important information, which is stored in the computer.

In exactly the same manner our reason very frequently brings down us to sense by the beautiful
mobile pictures, after which it hides truth. But to provoke our reason to remove these pictures and to
open true information is not more complex than to harvest button on the computer. Only in the case with
the reason the role of this button will perform already familiar to us coin.

Let us begin from not the quite key event in our life. Let us assume you for a long time accumulated
money in order to purchase sheath. Moreover, when yet there was no money and you only dreamed about
the sheath, you accurately knew, what precisely sheath you wanted. She simply stood in you before the
eyes. But here necessary sum is assembled. And here there you encounter flour of the selection: and it
can be, to me better to purchase any other sheath? But can, not sheath, but coat? But can, generally
furniture set? On the whole, internal critic, stupefied by the value of the assembled sum of money, began
to bustle, he began to worry and forced you also to survive, to suffer by thoughts about that, is how
effectively you will spend with this labor the accumulated money.

I propose the simple method of output from this situation. Take several coins. Designate in the mind
all possible versions of the investment of the money: sheath, to coat, furniture, tourist trip, to return into
the debt to neighbor. Solidly and irrevocably you will solve for itself (this is very important so that at the
given moment your solution would be precisely solid and irrevocable): to what version will fall out the
greatest number of eagles— that I and I will select. I.e., at this moment you must rigidly place your
behavior in the dependence on the behavior of coin.

Then begin to throw coins for each version separately. It was let us assume explained that the
greatest quantity of eagles fell out to the version “to return into the debt to neighbor”. Here it is excellent.
Selection is made for you. But that this? Your reason is agitated, it literally does boil and does protest
against this version? It does prompt to you that neighbor it will spend on drink these money, debt to you
will not return, but you again will remain without the sheath?

Everything is correct! Specifically, this we attained! Can shout “hurray”: for you it was possible to
deceive your reason, to activate it and to provoke its deep part to leave to the surface! Reason incited to
revolt against the absurd version, prompted by coin, this forced it to be activated, to earn, to leave to the
surface and to restore true goals, after rejecting to the side entire tinsel, entire “noodles”, weighed out to
you to the ears by internal critic. Now you can as one should shake by head, say: “It is must, what
delirium climbed to me into the head”. And quietly to go to buy the desired sheath.

The same method can be used on any occasion in your life, when internal critic attempts to tangle
you and to confuse. Throw coin— your deep reason it is on guard and, you be assured, it will state loud
protest against any unreal version of your behavior. In the head here it will explain, and you clearly
realize, that precisely you should select. Method works well in those meant, in the insignificant, and in
the key regions of life.

Rules of behavior on the closed way

You already know as to recognize, th way e open before you or closed. Using test- systems, you can
define, as precisely will be distributed success and failure on the insignificant, significant and key
regions. The success, which falls out to the significant regions with the distribution of failure between the
insignificant and key regions, exactly will mean that before you the insidious and dangerous closed way.

It is insidious and dangerous it because constantly it beckons and encourages by the moments of success
in the significant regions. This flashing first here, then there success forces man to be laid out again and
again, to make rate increasingly above and it is above, to return all forces, but insidious closed way
betrays it at the most critical and most important moment, when everything collapses, it would seem, for
the instant to the triumph.

But it is not necessary to despair, even if you encountered the closed way. As you already
understood, the closed ways are the different— with the different degree closed nature. The degree of the
closed nature you can determine, in addition with the aid of the test- system, after revealing, are there in
you at least minimum chances to the success in the key regions. If such chances exist— it is possible to
try to break in two circumstances and to convert the closed way into that opened.

As you already understood from entire aforesaid in this book about the closed ways, the closed way
was closed not at all because it such poor and closed by itself. No, it is closed precisely for you, and is
connected this not with the qualities of way itself, but with your personal qualities. Way through the
tourniquet in the airport is not completely closed for all, but it will be closed for you, if you have in the
pocket hammer.

So here, depending on your qualities, properties and special features there are the closed ways,
which cannot become those opened, but there are the closed ways, which with a change in some
conditions can become open. If you with the aid of the test- system reveal that the key regions give to you
the hundred per-cent probability of failure— most likely, this closed way cannot be converted into that
opened. But if there is at least ten-percent chance to the success in the key regions— it is possible to
think about the possibility of transforming this way into that opened.

For example so that the way through the tourniquet from that closed would become that opened, it
is necessary simply to take out hammer from the pocket. To change its qualities thus completely in your
forces. But here if so that the way in [fotomodeli] would become from that closed with that opened, for
you it is necessary two times to increase their increase and three times to decrease the waist— here here, I
fear, that there are no chances to convert this way into that opened. It is necessary to forego it once and
for all.

But the most frequently closed way— this is not that way, for which are fitted out none of your the
qual. way, for which is fitted out none of our qualities,— this is already faster black way, than closed. To
the black way, as we already said, normal people do not enter, understanding, that this is thoughtless. But
here to that closed they enter, because some data for the motion along this way in them nevertheless there

Girl simply so will not want to become singer— it means, in it, at least, is a rumor some [golosok].
And if way for it is nevertheless closed— it means, it is necessary to look, what in it are other qualities,
which prevent advance on the way. This can be and excessive dependence on the selected way— this
obstacle it is easy to manage with the aid of the procedures, which will be here given. This can be and
much larger talent into some of another region. But here here it is already better not to persist in the
advance on the closed way, but to go along that way, where more serious talent realizes.

You will recall a example with the cell- safes of the information field, which each opens with its
key. It is always better to find its cell, which your key will approach without the problems how to
disfigure and to alter its key, driving on it under the stranger, already occupied with someone the cell,
where you will not be only, unique and unique, but you will become one of many. In your region you will
be carried out so vividly and powerfully as no one.

If you nevertheless revealed that you have the necessary qualities for the advance in this, and only
in this direction, which proved to be for you the closed way, and if we in your forces change something
by this method— it means, the rules of advance on the closed way will help you, to which you soon will
be introduced.

When you learn to convert the closed ways into those opened, you will reveal that in you practically
it did not remain problems in the life. Furthermore, in the future you will be able to easily decrease for
yourselves probability of appearance in your life of the closed ways.

I.e., to in practice in all cases your life you will learn to use world flows to yourselves into the good.
It will seem surrounding that all circumstances always enhance you, no matter by what you neither would
be occupied and whatever purposes before yourselves nor were placed. In reality circumstance here, in
general, and not with what— this will be pillar by your own merit, indeed, knowing the laws of world
flows, you will leave to the completely new level of our own effectiveness, you will be able to practically
always follow along the way of success, prosperity and happiness.

But first we must as one should be dismantled at how news ourselves on the closed way in order not
to give to him to bring too great a harm to you. In connection with this one additional small reservation.

Many times in your life you encountered failures. But far from always reason was in the closed
nature of way. For example, to the events of personal plan the concept of the open and closed ways must
be used with the large caution. Many people begin to at first discuss approximately thus: “In me it was
not formed personal life— it means, world flows this prevent, therefore, this for me the closed way!”
This is the erroneous line of reasoning. World flows cannot prevent personal happiness! Please mastered
this as should be. In exactly the same manner it cannot be the closed ways in the solution of family
problems— for example, in the adjusting of relations with the children. Personal happiness, normal
relations with the children— this that, on that the man nature, blesses. These are natural, regular natural
processes, which nothing prevents. But therefore with the appearance of the problems of this type search
for reason not in the world flows, not in the closed nature of way, but in itself and only in itself. And then
use the procedures of the second and third step. They will help you to effectively move along these ways,
which in no way can be closed.

The procedures of the second and third step will allow you to go along the captivating way of fight
for their personal happiness. Only this there will not be fight in the usual human understanding: people
frequently think that to fight— this means to be engaged by teeth and feet in the object of its desire and to
attain the benevolence of this object by any ways, up to the physical violence and the suppression of will
by the methods of [privorotov] and by other witchcraft means. No, this “fight”— way blind. True fight
for the personal happiness— this bringing itself to the internal self-discipline, this training of its
consciousness and subconsciousness, this elimination of chaos from the reason and the soul, this is the
ability to program for itself necessary events and to derive itself on the necessary road, to the necessary
man. Here is this fight— this faster not the fight, but the most fascinating creative creative process, when
you create and you [sozidaete] the most splendid work of skill— yourselves and your life. Here this fight
brings to us high enjoyment, and the obtained as a result personal happiness the more complete and is
more powerful the more the efforts inserted in its reaching.

But let us return to the closed ways. As you already understood, they do not refer to the sphere of
personal life. But where then they can to us be encountered?

The closed ways are directly connected with those spheres of the life, where the man attempts to
create something in this peace, to attain something. This of the sphere of creation, business, work,
invention, career, improvement of way of life, financial guarantee of a family, trips and passages,

acquisition of property. It is here in these spheres, if we encountered impossibility to make something in
the manner that us it is desirable, it is possible to suspect the presence of the closed way.

On the closed way the situation occurs so that all circumstances they work against us. Occurs this,
as you already understood, from the fact that our qualities, properties create inside our consciousness
such fields of the values of th events e interesting us, which do not coincide with the values, determined
by world flows. If we again return ourselves to by order already been bored with to us to a example with
the hammer and the tourniquet, then, conditionally speaking, man with the hammer in the pocket bears in
his consciousness the following false value: “Hammer in the pocket helps to traverse the tourniquet”.
Whereas the objective value of hammer in the pocket is directly opposite: “Hammer in the pocket does
not make it possible to traverse the tourniquet”.

The as a rule, closed way appears gradually, when man outgrows by his understanding of reality,
and peace slowly changes, and the sphere of values, manufactured by man, ceases to coincide with the
reality. I.e., simply speaking, if man became accustomed from all feet to rush to one and the same
aperture of cashbox and it no longer notes that the peace around it slowly changes… Aperture millimeter
after the millimeter is shifted sideways— and here it comes the moment, when this man already storms
by forehead deaf wall! Previous route to the cashbox (that very luggage of values, which already
available in man) interfere withs result! If on the spot this man there was novice, then it would easily find

Here such false values in our consciousness prevent us from being entered in the world flows,
where the full values of the same facts and events are placed.

When we move along the closed way, being guided by our false values, the resistance of
circumstances on our way with each our step all grows and grows. This is similar to first as if we started
everything and started stiff spring, disregarding of the fact that it is already mounted to the support and
no longer wants to be started. But we persist. As a result spring bursts itself and, uncontrolled untwisting,
are inflicted significant damages on the surrounding space and, first of all, on us by itself.

And we themselves to volume by fault— indeed if the field of values in our consciousness were
different, then way would not be closed. And it was not necessary to turn the resisting spring— it itself
smoothly and softly untwisted and bore us there, where to us it is must.

Here is a example for— the larger clarity. Candidate to deputy fights for the deputy armchair. In his
consciousness the false field of the values is placed: “Scolding authorities, you will obtain the greatest
number of electorate”. This simply does not correspond to the tendencies of its constituency.

If its intrinsic fields of values corresponded to the objective fields of values and it would follow
them, rendering real aid to voters,— the spring of this action, smoothly untwisting, would lead it into the
deputy armchair. But it acts in accordance with its internal false installation and scolds authorities at each
angle, without noting that the resistance of medium is strengthened, that the internal dissatisfaction of
voters grows, but it continues by force to twist this resisting spring, and it finally explodes, rejecting it
very far from the attracting deputy armchair.

How to convert the closed way into that opened? First of all one must take into account, that you
already some time moved along this closed way, without knowing that it closed, but therefore the spring
of circumstances is already thoroughly twisted. It means, it is first necessary to care about weakening of
the stress of this spring and not allowing it to break, or, if the matter visited already far, at least, to
include the insurance, which will not allow spring, if it breaks, to apply critical damages. After
conducting these preliminary precautionary measures, it is possible to take up already strictly the
transformation of the closed way into that opened.

In connection with this the rules of behavior on the closed way and the transformations of this way
into that opened are subdivided into three stages. The first stage is— the retention of events from the
runaway. The second stage is— insurance in the case of failure. And the third, basic stage— a change in
your subjective pour on the values, because of which, strictly, the way became closed.

In order to consecutively move along this way, it is necessary to observe six rules.

Rule is number one: the correctness

Very frequently people turn themselves with the surrounding peace sufficiently careless. And this
completely descends from the hands on the open way. Indeed there everything is easy and it is simple:
they concluded the agreement about the repair of apartment— in time it was alien the brigade, which it is
rapid and qualitatively in the best form everything repaired. All in the order, all are contented. But as can
be otherwise— indeed this, it would seem, it stands to reason!

But on the closed way everything entirely not thus. Us catch the complexities and troubles them in
no way you, where await on the closed way and where they, in general, must not appear. Specifically, on
the closed ways famous Murphy's law, which says, acts: “If any trouble can happen, it occurs”.

Therefore, if already you proved to be on the closed way and you want with the honor to
disentangle from this situation, law for you one: vigilance, vigilance and again vigilance. It is not
possible to allow either in what or the least risk, or the least inaccuracy and inaccuracy. Consider, on the
closed way for you nothing it will descend from the hands in the manner that it descended on the open

On the closed way, if you carried out work under the oral promise, that the money to you pay then,
which means,— money to you they will not pay. If, on the contrary, you paid to someone for some work
by a advance— work for you they will not make. Therefore on the closed way believe for the word no
one and nothing! Require the conclusion of a treaty, papers with the signatures and the presses also of
other guarantees. Although and this does not always save on the closed way. But try to at least do
everything for your rescuing, and therefore think over each trifle. Furthermore, all stages, all moments of
the closed way you must control personally. Let us assume important for you paper do not transfer to the
official through the secretary— find the possibility to entrust it personally, but it is still better to attain so
that they would sign it with you.

Conclusion: on the closed way it cannot be designed for the luck, for the favorable confluence of
circumstances, on the chance. Therefore everything must be clearly and definitely. Require guarantees
from each man, on whom although something depends. You assign encounter, insist on obtaining of
receipt, that man will appear to the encounter accurately in time and accurately into the place indicated.
Take shape all money matters strictly documentary. Do not believe no one for the word— require
documentary confirmation. Strive also that to all your questions the clear and specific answers would
give to you. When they tell you: “Possibly, tomorrow I your question will solve”— do not be satisfied by
this answer. Refine: “Which does mean “possibly””? I want to know accurately, my question will be
decided tomorrow or not— and it is desirable so that you would give to me the written guarantee of this.
But you will not give written guarantee— then solve problem today, directly now, and I will not leave
from your office, until you this make ". On the whole, for you it is necessary to the period to become
terrible pedant, [zanudoj] and even somewhere litigious person. To you this not is characteristic? That to
do, it is necessary thus far to be subdued to this role, once already you [ugorazdilo] to prove to be on the
closed way.

You can say: not better whether to forego this way immediately, than so to suffer? If can refuse—
refuse. But sometimes circumstance are added so that you already they got involved in into the closed

way and they already understood that they made this in vain, but back there is no road, it is necessary to
somehow lead that begun to the mind.

One my friend, for example, after remaining unemployed, solved, instead of searching for of work,
study repair in the apartment. It thought that now- that, on the leisure, it will do everything in the best
way. But it was not there, everything went by somersault. It paid to the brigade of house-painters— and
no longer he saw neither money nor house-painters. It was calculated with the master on the pasting of
wall-papers— master it stuck their so that next day they all they fell off, and money, naturally, no one
returned. Furthermore, in the house they began to occur and other troubles— first canalization was
clogged, first telephone was broken, then household devices began from the system to leave.

My friend all this brought to the [poluistericheskogo] state— and it, certainly, he understood that
the way of repairing the apartment at the given moment was closed, and was opened the way of the
search for work, and thus far it will not be determined with the main direction of its life, no repairs be
glued there will be. Understand- that he this understood, but in the house already reigned complete
[kavardak], and it was necessary to poorly bring everything into order. Here and it was necessary to use
the first rule of movement along the closed way: to find reliable brigade, to officially conclude contract,
to spend, of course, large sum, than it calculated. But that to do, if already you go along the closed way,
you be ready to victims. As a result it disentangled from this situation because of the fact that it acted
accurately, clearly, at every turn required receipts and no one it entrusted simply so, without the
documents. But when it disentangled, to the rarity it easily found new interesting work.

Rule is number two: the limitation of the scales

And since you already understood, on the closed way it is not possible to allow either the least
errors, errors, or minimum risk. All the more it is cannot for the solution of the problems of the closed
way to place on the map that the fact that you on no account can allow yourselves to lose.

For example, the closed way brought your firm to the complete crash, and you, desiring to save the
matter, decide to place apartment. This it is not possible to make in no case! The closed way is voracious,
it will draw in itself and your apartment— and you it will without fail lose! This is practically
unavoidable. But the crash of firm you nevertheless will not succeed in avoiding thus.

Why so it does occur? Because for the closed way are characteristic the false fields of values, and
everything that you pull to the closed way, also it is pulled in the field of false values. For example, the
apartment is necessary to you in order to live in it, to have a roof overhead, to create for you by heat- and
cosiness. These are the full value of your apartment, the value, which lies at the course of world flows.
When you embed apartment for the rescuing of firm, you give to it false value, namely: “Apartment is
necessary for the rescuing of firm”. This false value here comes into conflict with the full value, which
coincides with the tendencies of world flows. And the more you persist in the use of a apartment not
according to the designation, the more strongly turns the spring, which finally, after breaking, will take
away from you and apartment, and firm, and money.

In exactly the same manner for the rescuing of situation on the closed way it is not possible to use
the money, undertaken into the debt. You will not be able to return them, but the risk of failure from this
only will increase.

The conclusion hence emerges: it is not possible to pull any means, which refer to the open way (be
it money, apartment or another man), for the rescuing of the matter on the closed way. You remember
that it is not possible to take away hay away from the milch cow in order to feed scabby sheep! Your
open ways— your milch cow. And if you will take away piece from it, this will lead only to the fact that
also the open way will be shut— the cow it will die. If you draw in the closed ways of the means of the

open ways, you thus change their values for the false, and it means, you draw trouble, also, to those ways,
that they were earlier those opened!

For example, you work in some establishment and in this case still deal with commerce. Work in
the establishment— the open way, and there in you everything is normal. But it here occurs that your
occupations with commerce— the closed way, and there begin trouble. You, let us say, owed large sum.
But on your basic work let us assume you have a access to the money, which are paid out to the
association as the wage. You decide to temporarily borrow the part of these money in order to return
debt. It is necessary whether to speak how all this will end? Naturally, you will not be able to return fiscal
money in time— and it is good, if management understands and will cover you. But if your authorities is
very stern and principally— here, also, to the criminal case not far.

Indeed, after borrowing money in the open way and after transferring them to that closed, you here
change their full value for the false: from the money to the wage you convert them into the money to the
liquidation of your personal debt. By world flows this course of events is not provided— naturally, you
will be rested into the wall, and it will be impossible to realize your plans for you.

All this speaks, that, being found on the closed way, it is necessary to reduce to the minimum the
scales of its activity, i.e., to employ only the means, which are encountered on your closed way, without
encroaching on that in order to extend its activity to its or strange open ways.

By the way, for the same reason forego the aid by the means of your open ways to man, if you see
that it on the closed way. For example, you work in the prestigious organization. This is the open way for
you. Your best friend wants to work in the same organization. But you see that this is the closed way for
it. Nevertheless it requests so that you would intercede for it the word before the authorities. I.e., it
actually provokes you, using a openness of your way, that gives to you the direct access into the office of
chief, where with other access is closed, to the attempt “to force open” the barrier of the strange closed
way. Know: this it is not possible to make. Your open way assumes only one full value of your visit of
the office of the chief: you can do this in the interests of work or in your personal interests. But in no way
not in the interests of other people, which stand on the closed ways. After arriving into the office of chief
with the decoy, you will here bring on yourselves troubles, and it is possible even that your open way will
be shut.

Do not kill your success by your hands! But do not kill the success of another man, constraining
him to help you by the means of his open way, if you themselves on that closed.

Conclusion: on the closed way it is necessary to observe extreme caution. If in some stage your
closed way began to require from you the rates, which exceed the limits of the fact that you can allow
yourselves to lose,— it is better to forego generally this way, until it is late, or to make a pause, to take to
yourselves respite finally for the period somewhere to be hidden, to disappear. You remember: it is not
possible to tie the event of the open way to the events of the closed way, if you do not want to shut the
open way.

Rule is number three: the insurance

As you already know, to make our way closed can this simple thing, as too great significance,
which we begin to give to achieving our goals and to performance of desires. They know everything, as
this occurs: you begin some matter like [igrajuchi], and everything goes easily and simply. But the it is
further, the nearer we to the success, the more we thirst this success, the more strongly “let us be
recycled” on the positive result, and it as a result occurs that this result for us is now vitally important, we
will not be able simply to live, if we do not reach that desired. “[Zatsiklivajas]”, we lose freedom, ease,

state of game, we begin too seriously to relate to itself and to the fact that we make, give the unjustified
importance to our activity— and here there way is shut, and we lose everything.

It means in order to insure itself against failure on the closed way, it is necessary to attempt to
reduce for itself the value of that purpose and result, which we attempt to reach. This can be made,
having previously foregone full weight of success— after bringing unique victim.

For example, you earn money on the closed way, in this case understanding, that way closed and
that the probability to lose money for you is much higher than to earn. The matter can bring benefit—
and it can bring losses. But no longer you can to forego this undertaking. What to make as to secure
itself? First, as far as possible previously mentally forego the idea to earn. You will convince itself not to
hope for the benefit! Let this be even a certain self-deception, but try to behave in the manner that as if
you and you do not design for these money. Thus you will lower for yourselves the significance of your
purpose, but after becoming in effect equal to zero, this significance more it will not be raised to the
exorbitant values and arise on the way of world flows.

In the second place, previously prepare the sum of money, which you will be must in the case of
failure, if instead of the benefit you incurred losses. Let these money serenely lie somewhere on the shelf
— and you will know that these money, in the essence, no longer belong to you, you already from them
refused. This will be your unique victim— this victim, by your voluntary abandonment of the money you
decrease the significance of money for yourselves, and it means, you decrease your dependence on the
money success of enterprise. This significantly decreases the probability of failure of the matter!

In the different versions similar measures for reduction in the significance of your purposes can be
used and in other spheres. For example, you want to prepare on the work new project— so prepare two
projects, one let it lies at the table, and the second present to authorities. Failure will be not so terrible,
because there is the fallback position. You sell apartment— insure transaction, then you will not so
depend on the success of measure, you will not fear, that you they will deceive, i.e., you will not give to
this matter the excessively overstated value, which in no way corresponds to its true (from the point of
view of world flows) value.

Insurance— this, in the essence, and there is that which reduces for you the value of the negative
consequences of any events. But it means, reduces the value also of events themselves, which makes
possible for these events more easily to slip past the world flows, after remaining unnoticed. You
remember: scale to events we give themselves, overstating or understating their value! Consciously
reducing the scale of event, we prevent its growth to such level, where it already embarks obstacle on the
path of world flows. It means, reducing the scale of event, we more easily it it is achieved— indeed it in
this reduced form no one it interfere withs.

Conclusion: on the closed way we always must provide for the worst version of the course of
events, previously be subdued to it and be to it thus ready, such removing our dependence on the positive
result and value for ourselves of this result.

Rule is number four: dosing the efforts

This rule is also connected with the significance for us of the events, which belong to the closed
way. As you already understood, the higher this significance, the stronger the opposition of medium and
the higher the probability of failure. Accordingly, the more the time of your life you devote to actions on
the closed way, that grows for you the significance of these actions and the greater the probability of

Hence follows the rule, according to which in no case it is not possible to expend all its efforts,
entire its activity, entire its time for overcoming of the circumstances of the closed way. In this occurs the
significance of events it grows to the limit, and, correspondingly, the opposition of world flows grows.

Therefore it is very important to know how at the critical moment to wave to entire by the hand, to
spit, to throw, to say: “It disappear all by [propadom]!” — and to study something other. Thus you
sharply decrease the significance of events, they depart from the interference with the world flows, and
after a certain time situation can simply be permitted by itself. If you as follows you [pokopaetes] in your
memory, you will for sure recall several cases, when approximately so everything occurred. You several
years struggle above some by task, but nothing it comes into the head, and as soon as you reject to find
the solution, this solution itself auto floats up in the head. You for years await, that someone to you will
make the desired gift, but your expectation they are useless, and, only when hope is already lost— gift to
you they here bring. You for long dream to obtain increase on the service, and when, after despairing it to
obtain, you are subdued to its lot you think: “To spit! I will be secretary”— as to you they here propose
the post of the head of chancery.

One of that training to system, in the past general foreman, told history about how he struggled
above the execution of the plan, yet without knowing that this work for it— the closed way. It applied the
mass of efforts, but first components in time did not come, then its colleagues erroneously prepared
documents— on the whole, troubles fell one after another. Having poorly solved the part of questions, he
suddenly understood that the problems of their shop no longer can decide— and unexpectedly for itself
took leave among the winter, after leaving shop to the deputy. Later he indicated that itself did not
understand, as it could make this and why it nevertheless this made— indeed, in the essence, it left the
association at the critical moment, although he was always very executive.

In its absence the shop unexpectedly arose because of the undersupplies of raw material, which
indicated catastrophe for entire plant. Deputy obtained infarction. But our chief understood that he do not
take in time leave, this he would lie now at the resuscitation of the cardiological department of urban

Intuition forced then man to enter in spite of its own principles, to ignore a feeling of responsibility,
to as a result pay by the career (from the plant it soon left, which, however, as then was explained, it was
correct), but to save health, and who knows, can, and life. After leaving into leave, it simply sharply
decreased for itself the significance of this shop, plant, plan and so on. And correctly it made. If all
people knew how at least from time to time then to act— more than would be now veterans, it is more
than healthy valuable people and it is less than invalids and feeble.

You thus, value time, do not expend it without the remainder on the achievement of the objective on
the closed way— leave anything, also, for itself. Furthermore, time us still will be required for the work
on the transformation of the closed ways into those opened. But therefore especially you value time—
this only irreplaceable resource of man! Not randomly they indicate that the time— of money, indeed for
all happiness of life we pay with the coin of time. So that economize time- money! Do not expend it on th
purposes e unnecessary to you. Do not expend in vain on the closed ways.

Conclusion: actions on the closed way must occupy not more than half of entire our time, dedicated
to impulse actions. Remaining time is better to be occupied by the matters, which relate to the open way.
And, as you already know, in this case do not mix up the event of these two ways. As the saying goes,
flies let will be separate, and cutlet separately.

Rule is number five: to think by the stages

Any method, achieving of any goal usually are divided off into several stages. And this can bring to
us numerous advantages. And this is, in addition connected with the possibility of reduction in the value
of entire purpose. Let us assume achievement of the objective for us is excessively important and it is
meant. It is so meant that its reaching becomes impossible. It is wonderful: we will not be swung back
immediately to entire purpose. We will be more modestly, let us be swung back first only to its one stage
— of entirely small, entirely insignificant.

After breaking achievement of the objective to ten stages, we ten thus decrease the significance of
entire work on its reaching. But this, correspondingly, in so many once decreases the probability of
failure. We make rate not to entire purpose immediately, but only to one stage. If this stage is not carried
out— nothing terrible it will occur, we simply will neglect the different version of this stage. And
gradually step by step let us arrive at the purpose, which originally seemed unfeasible.

Visualize that you do not know how to float, but you bring to the enormous [pjatidesjatimetrovomu]
pond with a depth of four meters and speak: dive. Naturally, you fall into panic, you are thrown suddenly
further from the pond and are convinced, that to learn to float for you this is unreal. Purpose is
unattainable, and in this, it would seem, there are no doubts.

But they here you bring to the small children's pond -[ljagushatniku], where the water you from the
force on the belt, and they tell: simply visit there. It is not necessary to dive, not necessary to float— visit
and all. But here this already to you completely on the forces. They then you tell: and now try to be held
on surface water— here in small particles, you will not sink. It did come out? Now can try to pass there
deeper into— the 25-meter pond, but the bottom nevertheless can be reached. It is not terrible? But now
we will learn to float properly. After learning to float in not the largest pond, you no longer will be afraid
to enter also into the large deep pond, which at first thus terrified you and it seemed by unattainable

So that break achievement of the objective on the closed way to the stages— and the purpose,
which was being seemed unattainable, will be achieved. But in this case try so that each stage would be
self-sufficient, i.e., its result already by itself must bring to you benefit, but not losses, not damage. In the
case with the pond, even if you further [ljagushatnika] will not move, already in the fulfillment of this
stage there is plus: you ceased to fear water, i.e., they acquired new quality, but they did not lose that that
already they had.

In the case with the repair of apartment, which ventured my friend on the closed way, he began to
leave from this situation thus: it first forewent the idea of the repair of apartment generally, after solving,
which will limit to the repairing of the broken telephone. I.e., it placed for itself the easily accessible
purpose, after foregoing to the period the purpose of global. Because, after glancing at that time at the
state of its apartment, it was possible simply to lower hands, to fall into the apathy and to come to the
conclusion what here never to not direct order. Eyes to the state of apartment as a whole the very same
were shut and it studied achieving small and, it would seem, insignificant goals. And so, it is step by step,
without being swung back immediately for reaching of scale result, without the nervous expenditures it
quietly and peacefully completed repair.

In this case it thus arranged in stages the sequence of actions so that each stage would not depend on
other and by itself brought result. For example, to it they proposed during one day and to whiten ceilings,
and to [pokleit] wall-papers. The very same, having correctly judged, that the closed way bears any
unexpected contingencies, it forewent this undertaking. Indeed wall-papers cannot be glued, until it is
whitened ceiling— it means, it is necessary that the house-painters would arrive earlier so that
[oklejshchiki] of wall-papers would wait until, when this work is finished, or they arrived more lately…
No, this is too complicated for our service, it is clear that someone yes will not be precise and entire work
can be torn away. First will arrive [oklejshchiki], they will begin to await house-painters, they will not

wait for and will leave, house-painters then will arrive, they will ask, where [oklejshchiki], will say that
begin they will not be without them, or still anything they will devise. This [riskovanno]— too judged my
friend, and he did not begin to be swung back immediately to much, after deciding during the separate
day to whiten ceilings, but into the the separate— to [pokleit] wall-papers. Yes, time it left more, yes
even money also, but each stage brought result, but not disappointment.

Very well moreover, it will be, if you care about the insurance not only of entire result as a whole,
but also each stage individually. I.e., in the case of the nonfulfillment of stage previously prepare the
fallback position. You today cannot go into the pond— prepare as the fallback position the bath, where
you will overcome your hydrophobia. My friend, who overhauled apartment, [obzvonil] of preliminarily
all its familiar, who in the case of the failure to appear of the brigade of house-painters or [oklejshchikov]
were ready to appear on the first call and to help with the repair.

Conclusion: the closed way must be broken into several intermediate stages, and each stage must
bring positive, useful by itself result. Furthermore, for each stage must be provided separate insurance.

Rule is number six: the possibility of the retreat

On the closed way for you it is necessary to learn to be internally extremely flexible, mobile and
mobile. Indeed at any moment can happen so that for you it is necessary unexpectedly to roll up activity
and to fall back to the deliberate positions or to completely reconstruct entire activity on the completely
new principles. Man “rested”, such, for which the principle above in all, simply will fall through on the
closed way, will ruin himself, and the matter. So that flexibility and again flexibility! These are not only
the ability to forego at any moment its purposes and ideas, but also the ability to be reconstructed to other
purposes and other methods of their reaching.

For this, first of all, it is necessary to prepare previously the ways of retreat— siding tracks. This, in
the essence, also one of the versions of the insurance, which is been the third rule, but there insurance
provided for the different version of the same matter— spare ways they indicate entirely another matter,
which you will be able to study in the case of failure.

Very frequently people erect themselves siding tracks purely instinctively, when they feel, that the
matter, by which they are occupied, is shut (more accurate, it is shut their way in this matter).
Specifically, so act businessmen, recording “just in case” several firms— one to themselves, one to the
wife, one to the son. The dip in one direction makes it possible to relatively painlessly throw on another.

But the cases, when people, armed by the knowledge of system [DEIR], [osoznanno] use it in
practice in particular, of course, more greatly interest— us, [osoznanno] creates to themselves siding
tracks, after proving to be before that fact that the matter, by which they are occupied, for the check is the
closed way.

Fig. 25. Reduction in the risk on the closed ways. A example is approximate, but into one accurate:
nerves, alas, to expend it is necessary everywhere

For example, Aleksey [S]. successfully dealt with scientific work. Way was originally open. But the
moment, when even without the application of a test- system it became clear, arrived: success began to be
concentrated in the significant regions, and from the key to depart. Thus, its studies were financed well in
the process of work, it was possible to reach the desired results, and everything, it would seem, went
well, but when work was brought to completion, it occurred that it no longer was necessary to customers.
For the eventual result no one paid money, and work itself lay down by dead weight under the cloth.

In this case our listener from the work no one expelled and money paid to it, but the money of these
hardly was sufficient to that in order to bring together ends with the ends, yes even moral satisfaction this
work brought increasingly less and it is less. It was clear that the way was shut inevitable. We will not
now go into details, why precisely this occurred. But it was clear that this closed way can be converted
into that opened no longer.

It was necessary to search for the fallback positions. It explained with the aid of the test- system of
men that the real success in a matter of collaboration with the certain scientific popular periodical awaits
it. It began to write scientific popular articles, without departing from the basic work. This gave some
money, and the possibility to realize its creative abilities. Its articles noted, and soon it was invited to the
regional television as that leading of scientific popular transfer. Approximately during the year it
conducted such “dual”, and even “triple” life, working simultaneously and in the institute, and in the
periodical, and on the television. Meanwhile in the institute of the matter send entirely badly. When it
became clear that to await there already something, our student easily and painlessly passed to new
[stezju] (on which already, however, had long ago been it located), and now it becomes in its city the
sufficiently well-known popularizer of science. Clearly, of course, that these are the not main matter of
life, main direction, but those very siding tracks for it, which very in time saved it. But now it gradually
passes also to most basic its open way— to the main direction of self-realization in the life, namely to the
new directions in the science, connected with energy-information interactions. But its institute, by the
way, soon after its withdrawal finally was pulled down,— and it is possible to say that it actually no
longer there exists.
Conclusion: if we proved to be on the closed way, then it is must, putting aside not minute, to
prepare alternate positions in order not to prove to be in the crisis, if the closed way does not succeed in
Thus, we transferred six rules of behavior on the closed way— of six rules, which make it possible with
the smallest losses to disentangle from the closed way, if already we in it got involved in. But, as you
already understood, cases occur, and them several, when the closed way can be converted into that
opened, and depends this only on us.

If we do learn correctly to reveal with the aid of the test- systems, where us does await the open
way, and where closed, if for us it were possible with the honor to disentangle of all closed ways in our
life, if we do succeed in converting into all open those closed ways, which do yield to such
transformation, which will come out? It is correct: in our life simply it will not remain the closed ways!

And most important, that you will not have no need to enter to the closed ways. Why? They to you
greater will be not necessary. You indeed will always see before yourselves the most favorable ways. But
if you do see before yourselves flat, smooth, wide and straight route, why to loop along the dirty country
road with the grooves and the potholes? People occur in these grooves and potholes simply because they
do not see other, more hopeful prospects. You now easily such prospects can reveal. You do represent,
how much this will give to you advantages? How much this will save to you vitalities, health, energy,
time, finally? But therefore— boldly forward, to the new possibilities, to the success, to prosperity, to
happiness! You deserved this.

Thus, we approached the very crucial point— to the habits of the transformation of the closed ways
into those opened. Be concentrated. You be attentive during reading of the following chapter and
especially— during the study following step. It promises to you very serious changes in your life.

 Chapter "

Transformation of the closed way into that opened

Principles of the method

You already, of course, understood, were such very reasons for appearance and existence of the
closed way. We with you more than once about this spoke: these reasons lie at the sphere of the values,
by which we allot events by this method. And if these values in by something contradict world flows—
way it is shut. Our noncorresponding values become the unique sticks, which we, themselves of that
without knowing, thrust into the wheels of world flows. But since world flows are considerably stronger
us, they even do not note on their way of these interferences, but here we fly away from these wheels
very by far, being rejected by them we, as a result of which obtain strong damages both sincere, and
physical. This occurs, I repeat, not because the world flows want to resist us or to somehow us punish.
They simply go by their road and as strong stormy river, will baste on their way all interferences, even
without noting this. Therefore it is not necessary to arise on the way of stormy rivers!

But as we by our false values can embark on the path of world flows? A little we already spoke
about this, now let us dismantle in greater detail.

Each value, by which we allot one or other event or another, fact, object, situation, has two types of
the characteristics: quantitative and qualitative. Qualitative characteristics are subdivided into the positive
and the negative. For example: “To me is necessary this apartment, in order to live in it”— this positive
qualitative characteristic, indeed in it is reflected the designation, which we give to object, the content

(quality) of object, and its need for us (positive estimation). Or: “I became unemployed, and it means,
poor”— this is the negative qualitative characteristic, when to the fact of unemployment, which is by
itself neutral (but for someone, this perhaps good), man itself gives the quality of misery, allotting by his
negative estimation and negative content.

However, quantitative characteristic— this that, how positive or how negative we consider for
ourselves object, fact, event. I.e., all that is bad for us, can be badly to the different degree: it is slightly
bad, not very well, it is bad, very badly, it is terrible or catastrophically. The same also with the
estimation good— it varies from simply well to super-importantly. For example: “To me is so necessary
this apartment, in order to live in it, that if it it will not be, I will die”. This is— the clearly overstated
positive estimation, when man derives his apartment to the super-significant levels— such, that life itself
in comparison with this apartment proves to be less it is meant. The different version: “To me is
necessary this apartment, because I in it live, but this not most important, because everywhere life, and in
reality not so it is important, where to live”.

As you think, in what man it is more than chances to lose the apartment: in that, which did convert
it into the super-value and was engaged in it from all forces, fearing to lose, to such an extent, that even
its own life does value below, or in that, who assigns to apartment in his life th place e fitting to it and
does not raise into the rank of super-values? It is correct: certainly, the first man will lose apartment
faster. Why? Yes because it extolled it to the level of world flows and it embarked obstacle on their path.

At the level of world flows indeed is important not object itself, but the value, which we to it give,
i.e., importantly our relation to it. There, at the level of world flows— energy-information level,— the
importantly not material filling of object, but his energy-information filling. But energy-information
filling we create ourselves by our thoughts, by emotions, by our relation, by that value, which we give to
object. And if we give the unsuitably overstated value to object, we thus erect the gigantic energy-
information construction of this value, which reaches the level of world flows.

But here if the quantitative side of our estimation is insignificant, then for the world flows this
object is imperceptible, indeed it does not exceed terrestrial level and simply it does not obtain to the
level of world flows. Which, on the whole, and is correct— apartment and other things are necessary to
us precisely for our terrestrial life, to the world flows all this has no relation, these are the absolutely alien
things for them, which will be basted by them from the way. Attaching excessively great significance to
things and events of our terrestrial life, we, themselves of that without knowing, thus constantly we
attempt to suggest to world flows, that this is very important also for them. World flows with this posing
of the question do not, naturally, agree and reject all that which is important for us and that we want to
make important and for them.

Fig. 26. The higher the value, the more probable failure. “To butting cow the god of horns does not

e forget, which all in the universe is interconnected! Man and world flows are tightly connected,
and especially man, who entered to the new evolutionary step. As a result of this close connection all that
that you consider it valuable for yourselves, you attempt to make valuable and for the world flows. But
they do not agree with this. As a result universal flows occur by their turn, and here you suffer complete

But if we decrease value, events themselves and things from this in no way they change, they
remain the same! We should change events themselves— necessary to only change relation, i.e., produce
some changes in its own brain. And that is all. And then th sequence of events e necessary to us by itself
will take the shape of a result necessary to us.

We to you already spoke about by what methods it is possible to reduce the value of various facts
and events in order to more easily overcome the closed ways. This and insurance, and advance readiness
everything to lose, and the preparation of siding tracks. But now we will have a talk about how with the
aid of a change in the value of various events or things to convert the closed ways into those opened.
Indeed ways are shut, as you already mastered, precisely, because of the unbecoming values, which we
want to assign thereby or other events or another, achievements, things.

How for transforming the closed way into that opened it is best to reduce the values of events and
objects by this method? It is best anything for this purpose to resort to the method “second foot”.

Step of 5[a]. the transformation of the closed way into that opened: “second foot”

“Second foot”— this is, in the essence, nothing else but another direction of activity. But in this
case it it is necessary for us not as the insurance and not as the siding track, but only as its kind of the
counterweight, which will help to remove the overstated significance of our basic activity, by that same,
which lies on the closed way, which we is converted in that opened.

For example, you actually deal with your matter, you are found on the main way of your
development and self-realization, but the way, which was originally open, it began to be shut. Why it did
begin to be shut? It can be, you should pass by the new level of development and, correspondingly,
change the kind of activity? No you they are assured that this not so, indeed you as yet far from
completely realized by this method. It means, it is necessary to think, in what there can be the reasons for
the fact that the way began to be shut. Most likely, they precisely in the fact that you began too to depend
on this way, to give excessively high value to it and are terrible to fear to lose that, what you already
reached. After changing this state of affairs, you will succeed in again opening way. Whatever auto-
suggestion, not attempts to convince itself benefit here be of. Is of benefit only real redistribution, its kind
the dilution of significance via its propagation to something even— to “second foot”.

“Second foot” is of two forms.

Form the first. This is withdrawal into the complete opposition.

Visualize competition in the boxing, where each spectator can make a rate to one or other boxer or
another and win or to lose some sum of money. For example, start rates one to five, i.e., if boxer wins,
you will obtain sum, five times greater than they placed, and if it loses, you will lose that the fact that
they placed. So here, you can enter very cunningly. You can place one ruble on this boxer and one
additional ruble— against it. Thus, if it loses, you will return your ruble. But if it wins, you will obtain
five rubles! Thus, you nothing lose and too strongly you do not depend on the outcome of duel, and you
do not expend your nerves in vain in the process of battle on the ring, indeed you know that you will in
any event nothing lose.

The same can be applied to any form of activity. Let us take for a example such absurd at first
glance case, which nevertheless occurred in actuality. Young teacher worked in the school, in the initial
classes. It loved work its, and this matter was clearly it, way originally was open. But troubles gradually
began. It felt that it began to get tired, to work by it uninterestingly, routine was fussy about food, even
hint to the creation disappeared, following this changed the attitude of the children, whom steel on its
lessons with inattentive and those stirred, then changed the relation of administration, which began to
make with it observations. Plus low wage, plus the female association— all this contributed to
depression, at the same time increased fear, that it they will discharge, that it will remain generally
without the work and without the money, it began to be caught for this work, it began to fall into panic,
and the more it fell, the fact, it seemed, nearer was the probability of release.

One of my students prompted possible output to it. And girl was decided to the desperate and, in
general, the risky step. After recalling about the obtained once choreographic preparation, it, without
being dismissed from the school, was arranged to the work… by the dancer of night cabaret.

They did not there know that she teacher, and in the school did not know that it dances. To dance it
was necessary not each night; therefore physically this it too did not harass. Then life acquired
unprecedented sharpness and fullness! Girl revived, she cheered up, into the class it arrived flying as on
the wings, lessons were filled up with creation, happiness, game. The money appeared in it, it ceased to
depend on scant teacher wage and received now this work as the method of self expression, relating to it
more easily and at the same time achieving great successes. Children, teachers, administration, parents—
all now to it literally prayed. They would know, in what the secret of this magic change! But they, of
course, did not know and they could not learn— this it was terrible secret. And this certain riskiness of its
position only of [vzbadrivala] its, adding adrenaline into the blood.

Withdrawal in opposite direction gives to us happiness, creation, gives to us the new life, unusually
attractive, saturated and valuable. Certainly, it is not compulsory so already to walk on the face of risk as
our heroine. It is possible to select version more simply. If we speak about the scientific establishments,

then this can be the combination of career increase in one division with the simultaneous collection of
glasses in the competing division. It no matter how seems improbable at first glance, but if you only
knew, how many our domestic scientific workers they live thus such!

On the whole, are here possible the versions. Which is called, create, invent, try. Most important—
do not be recycled to some role in your life. Know: man— essence is multifaceted. Try itself in the
different regions, desirably completely opposite. You will open anew yourselves, those your faces, about
which you did not suspect, you will open for yourselves new possibilities and new life.

Form the second. This is withdrawal into another plane of life.

If in the previous version we examined withdrawal as to the alternate path, i.e., into another activity,
then here we will speak about the withdrawal as in another measurement, into another plane.

For example, you everything arranges in your basic form of activity, and you simply do not have
time not to earn glasses in the parallel division, not to dance in the night cabaret. But fatigue makes
smooth, results are reduced, i.e., appear the signs, which hint at the fact that the way can be shut. Lower
the significance of your activity by the redistribution of this significance to another plane of life— for
example, bring stormy official novel. It is very convenient: and strongly it does not distract from the
matter, and simultaneously thoughts no longer only on the work will be recycled, i.e., the significance of
work somewhat is reduced, due to what the results, correspondingly, are improved.

Helps in such cases the fact that are called by the hobby. Like and to sense from this senseless at
first glance occupation no, and money it does not bring— and here to [podi] zh you, is decreased the
significance of basic work and more than money respectively helps to there reach large results and to
earn. People indeed not randomly invented hobby— they are subconsiously they occupied by this
precisely for reduction in the significance of basic activity! The now contemporary science about energy-
information interactions can logically explain that the fact that people earlier only perceived at the level
of subconsciousness.

What this will hobby— solve to you. Someone will study summer-resort section, someone by the
collectivization of stamps or by choral singing. On the whole, search for your versions, approach this
question creatively— and you will succeed.

Have in the form: this is not completely psychotherapeutic method, as many think! This withdrawal
into another plane of life— this is not the means of the damping of nerves and bringing into the standard
of psyche. No! Your psyche here absolutely not with what. Simply when you decrease the significance of
events by the closed way by means of the withdrawal into another plane, the closed way begins to be
opened by itself and everything which is connected with it, is adjusted precisely by itself, but completely
not because you strengthened nerves and psyche.

For the success of method is necessary only one condition (and with this it can be connected its
deficiency for some people): big enough emotional reserves are necessary. Man is hardly capable to start
novels or to sing that in fact, exhausted nervously and emotionally in the polecat. The closed way
frequently wastes emotional forces. But if you clearly carry out th rules of behavior on the closed way e
given higher than, then you already manage the secret of the retention of emotional reserves even in the
most complex circumstances. Yes, the rule of behavior on the closed way— this nothing else but the
method to in the best way preserve its emotions, nerves, psyche on the closed way. So that you, dear
readers, can not fear emotional exhaustion. You have all necessary reserves for fulfilling the fifth step of
fifth step [DEIR].

The in addition to given versions it is very useful to carry out the following step.

Step of 5[b]. the transformation of the closed way into that opened: the success of other

As you already mastered well, the closed way is shut because the significance of events for you
disputes with the significance of the same events for the world flows. For example, your further
prosperity depends on that, you will obtain money. Obtaining money this is super-important— for you.

On your closed way of failure they, as a rule, appear precisely in those spheres, which are extremely
important for you. You themselves can this even not realize. For example, you can not realize, that you
give to money excessively great significance, but if in you everything gets along, but here obtaining
money always is torn away, which means, this precisely then.

And from this situation there is sufficiently simple output. If you thus far cannot change relation
inside yourselves— try simply to remove from yourselves responsibility for that super-significant for you
sphere, in which you suffer failures, and to shift these responsibilities to another man, for whom this
sphere then is not super-significant as for you. Transmit to it the part of your authorities— and let it make
that which in you is not obtained.

For example, you have its firm, and for you succeeds everything, except contact with the buyers.
And you obtain goods, and you follow the image, and this is how reaches the matter obtaining of money,
so everything is torn away. Well you will self-eliminate from this region. Find man, whom has with the
money normal relations. Make by your its deputy. Let it conduct all matters, connected with the
calculations with the buyers.

Once nature you does not release into the sphere, extremely bulging by your consciousness, and do
not oppose to nature, leave themselves of this sphere, voluntarily, transmit to its other, luckier and less
[zatsiklennomu] on this sphere. But there, you look, after this voluntary withdrawal and your relations
with this region are normalized, all values will arise in their, fitting to them places.

The same method is applicable and in private life. Well let us assume in no way succeeds in you
repair, because excessively you value the beauty of your apartment and greatly you fear something to
there spoil, literally you shake above each trifle. You will self-eliminate. Return repair to the ransom to
relatives or specialists. Say to itself: “You be that it will be”— leave somewhere further, where you
generally will forget about this repair. Let make it the one who not so [zatsiklen] on this beauty and
accuracy. Rarely can control process (so that they would already in no way heap what it does not follow),
but too do not interfere. You know: those, you charged this repair to whom, in this sense are luckier you,
and it means, in any event everything will come out better in them!

Here, strictly, and everything. Repair is provide ford to you, obtaining money is also provide ford—
indeed for these other people, which you drew to yourselves into the help, the significance of the same
events not such, as for you, and they in contrast to you in this matter are located on the open way. Means,
their success, which in this case is your success, it will not fail to soon gladden you. If you in this case
have still and “second foot”— then completely everything is excellent. The matters will go never as!
Main thing— to know laws, to know, when as itself to bring and what to make. You are now armed by
these knowledge, which will not allow you to disappear in any vital collisions.

And nevertheless that, about which we to you recently spoke,— this of its type “of support” and
“the crutches”, which make possible for you to rise to the feet and to be selected with some means from
the closed way to that opened. But along the open way it cannot be eternally been moved on the crutches!
Sooner or later it is necessary to reject them and to go to its feet— directly and it is confident, without
resorting to to supports to the alternate paths, to “second feet” and success of other people. It is necessary
to adjust normal interrelations openly, once already we succeeded in making the closed way that opened.

In this us will help the following step.

Step of 5[v]. the transformation of the closed way into that opened: to enter anew

After passing the previous steps, you, themselves perhaps about that without surmising, they
already prepared yourselves boldly, confidently and independently to go along the way, which again
became for you open. Indeed you saved emotional reserves with the aid of the observance of the rules of
behavior on the closed way. You decreased dependence on this way with the aid of “second foot”. You
knew how to straighten the aircraft, which was being heeled to the earth, because of the success of other.
And most important— because of the attraction of this other man you removed the significance for
yourselves of the key and basic moments of your way, which to you usually and spoiled everything. You
simply self-eliminated from these regions and they thus decreased for yourselves their significance. This
speaks, that now you can again boldly take reins into your hands and anew take up the motion along the
way, without fearing, that it again will be shut.

Can make this with that man, who helped you by his success, while you can also without it— with
its aid you acquired necessary experience, necessary revolutions, with its aid you removed your
dependence on the key regions, it, in turn, obtained experience from you. And now and you, and it are
ready for the independent way, more not to depend on each other.

Begin first. Pass again all stages of your way. You will include in your experience the direction, in
which worked th man e drawn by you. Grow, finish all its achievements. Result will not slow down to be
said— indeed in you now is for this all.
 Well here we passed all steps of the first stage of fifth step [DEIR]. We passed one additional very
important stage of our development and formation. We understand the laws of the peace— of its highest
layers and the laws of behavior in this peace. What can be more excellently, it is more majestic, it is more
captivating? What can be more necessarily for you now— for the people, which left to the new
evolutionary level? To live in to harmony with the world flows— this means to live in to harmony with
the entire world, and with the highest peace, and with the peace by human, this means to live in to
harmony with itself and continuously to succeed. People their lack of development and absence of
knowledge prevents from succeeding only. But people, as a rule, and do not want to be developed, does
not want to obtain knowledge. As I am glad, that you are— happy exception! As I am glad, that you send
by means of evolutionary development and acquisition of knowledge! Be glad and you for itself. The
majority of people in contrast to you even does not surmise, what is present life is. You— know. But
therefore can with the complete right carry itself to the number of few properly happy people in this

You during reading of this book, of course, already verified on yourselves methods presented here
— they mastered the entrance into the regime of [polosatosti], and the detection of the open and closed
ways, and control of the correctness of advance on the open way, and the methods of the correction of the
closed ways… You already felt, as much can give these methods to you. Further you will learn to use
them to the perfection, and you will obtain still large results. A enormous quantity of people already they
could solve their problems with the aid of these technician, so that they are repeatedly checked in

I will not transfer— examples much. Many people could correctly select profession with the aid of
these methods— they they act better than any psychological tests on the professional orientation. Many
businessmen could fix and save their business. To say nothing of that, how many students of our courses
they avoided the unnecessary fuss— of unnecessary encounters, trips, acquisitions— and how much on
their way proved to be necessary encounters, necessary trips, necessary acquisitions…

And you also will be able at any moment of your life to help yourselves, you will be able to help
both your native and close one to be scrambled out from all possible wrangles and to reach success.

Very powerful methods are given at your disposal in this book.

But this yet not all.

The mastery even of more powerful and even more advanced methods awaits in front of you.


Not only to see, but also to influence

I from the soul congratulate you! You learned the new, which can completely change your life, after
making it possible to attain practically in all, which will only by you be necessary. Your reason and your
force will allow you by all one hundred percent to use the existing possibilities of this peace. What now?

We have a experience of navigation among the world flows. We have the knowledge and the force,
necessary for the success of this navigation. It is now necessary entirely a little time, several weeks so
that the new knowledge solidly would enter into your picture of universe. After a lapse of this period you
will begin easy and simply to maneuver among the rapids of probabilistic events, attaining in the life
precisely of the fact that it is necessary for you and your native. This is already more than the perceptible
fruits of freedom, this— of advantage, which has in our peace practically no one.

There are the levels, higher than the level of world flows. There, strictly, and are placed the highest
reasons in all, which occurs in the world. There, strictly, and is created peace.

Even having force, knowledge and experience, but without knowing these highest reasons, we
remain powerless before them. We in no way can thus far act on peace— we can only be adapted to it.

We to you already spoke, that there is the reality, already appeared into the peace,— and we cannot
change it. But is the reality, which does not yet exist at the causal level also into the peace not not yet
been. And here we can change these reasons. But it means, we can change reality.

But for this it is necessary to have a access to these higher levels, where these highest reasons are

In the second stage of fifth step [DEIR] you learn, as this to make. You learn about the rules of
influence on the peace of the chances, which surround us, about how to select the key points of change
and when to begin this change. You learn about the difference between the rapid and slow thoughts and
as them to use for the action on the peace. You will understand that indicates a feeling of the faith in its
unclouded by mystical concepts value and as it is capable of clearing the space of distant events for you,
arranging decorations for your prosperity and prosperity of your close ones.

Fig. 27. Position and sense of the kidneys of events on the flights of future is given to predetermine
to us

These are the methods, which make it possible to change reality. The methods, which will derive
you for the face of any competition with other people. These methods will be presented in the second part
of this benefit— in the following [mrej] book. It must come into being in the first months of next year.
But, however, on the courses in Saint Petersburg and other cities immediately on the appearance of this
book will teach complete fifth step.

You also will learn to receive that which stands above our reality,— the highest force of our peace.
You will know how to interact with it. You will perceive the super problem of man in this stage of
development and you will be introduced to the virtual fields of the values of the universe. You will come
into contact with the fate of peace.

On this— in the following book. Before the meeting!

those, if you please, are more attentive! Each methodologist- instructor checked has a evidence of
instructor, given out in Saint Petersburg, in which is confirmed his qualification. Do not confuse with
simply the evidence, issued without the right of teaching. Evidence to listeners reveal compulsorily, and
they give right to the visit of the systematic occupations [DEIR] of the following step in any city and
access into any club [DEIR]. In the beginning 2000 they will be protected by holographic labels.
Occupations on first stage go not less than 4 days on e of hour, on them compulsorily reveal the objects,
which give access to the energy reserve [DEIR].

At present the list of the organizers OF [DEIR] is continuously supplemented— so that, if you met
with new man, simply you will refine his competence along telephone (812) 219-12-45 in the directing
agency of school in Saint Petersburg.

[DEIR] does not suffer charlatans!

You can on the same telephone obtain answer to th questions concerning the mastery of procedures
[DEIR] e interesting you or write to us with the address: St. Petersburg, 198103, [Lermontovskij] the rest,
44/46, a/I 123 (from the past book).

If you decide to pass the confrontation mastery of procedures— to you will be glad. School [DEIR]
at present— this is more than 50 cities, in each of which is organized the club [DEIR]. These are
systematic aid, practical aid, new acquaintances and is simply human heat-. These are additional seminars

and new knowledge. These are the exclusive procedures, which in any way cannot be mastered according
to the book. We will always help.

Forces to you and happiness!


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